as CO EVA TT M A H i v yi ii j Vol. XLII. Corvaixis, Benton County, Oregon, Friday, July 28, 1905. NO. SAD SUICIDE. Young CorvaHis Woman Takes Her Own Life Cause a Deep Mystery. The people of Corvallis were severely shocked Tuesday even- ine uoon the announcement of the suicide of one whose appar ently happy condition of life preclude the possibility of such an act. AH who know Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Lacy have been im pressed with the devotion mani fested each to the other; their situation was financially such as should have been entirely satis factory; they owned their home; Mr. Lacy had employment? Monday Mr. and Mrs. Lacy re turned from a pleasant visit with friends and relatives in Wash ington state, having also visited the Exposition and Mrs. Lstcy's parents in Polk county. Both are highly esteemed by their ac quaintances, and all their known surroundings were such as to justify the belief that the Lacy home was one of the happiest. So, with these facts in the mind of so many, there was extreme sur prise and profound sorrow when it became known that Mrs. Lacy 1 J -J l 1 1 4-1. lay ucau cti iici uuuic iuc ic suit of a gunshot wound inflict- ed, as seemed probable, by her own hand. Discovery ot the body was made by Mr. Lacy upon return ing home at the close of bust ness hours at the J. H. Harris store, fa which he has been an employe for many years. Mr. .uacv enterea tne Dact aoar ac companied by Chester Proebstel, who was to have supper with the r rt mi 11 i i iamuy. ine nusDana passed in to the dining room and from there saw his wife lying on the ' Via3 1 i, tllfkir claonmnr nqrtmaintc opening from the diaing room. . He approached his wife, lay his hand updn her, and simultaneous ly discovered an exusion of froth from the mouth and a narrow streak of blood passing from the right temple across her face. With a cry ot anguish Mr. La cy called to his friend and com manded him to hasten for a phy sician. Within five or six mm ntes Dr. Cathey arrived. "It is no use she is dead !" said the heart-broken husband to the doc tor as he entered the toot. And proved, upon a casual exam ination by the physician. Mrs. Lacy lay upon her back, her head turned well to the left and restiug upon the pillows. A tiny hole in the-right temple and a 22-calibre rifle lying by the bedside gave the first, and in fact only, evidence of how sue came to her death. The bullet Tiad entered the right temple and pass ed almost diagonally across to the opposite side where it was arrest ed by the heavier bone slightly below the left temple, lacerating the blood vessels of of the. brain in its course. The nature of "the wound caused speedy and exten sive discoloration of the face. Dr. Cathey suggested that Cor oner Wil kins be summoned and mat in tne meantime tne corpse and attending conditions be not disturbed. After a survey of the situation Coroner Wilkins remov ed the remains to his undertaking parlors and an once summoned jury and ordered an inquest, which began at 8 o'clock. The jury was composed of Wm. Crees, G. Seely, A. E. Wilkins, J. A. Strange Z. Davis, J. W. Crawford W. p. Lacy was the first wit- ness canea. ie stated, in an swer to interogatives ; by Dep. . Dis. Attorney Bryson, that he last saw his wife alive when he left his home just after having dinner at 12 o'clock Tuesday; at that time there was nothing unusual in her manner; she seemed cheer ful, was in her usual health; she was in no way" despondent; their relationship had always been very pleasant, as had ' that of herself and relatives; nothing had occur red on their recent vacation trip to mar her usual peace of mind. who was likely to have "a motive for cjtusing her death. Upon his departure for his place of busi ness Mr. Lacy had told his wife that she need not prepare a warm supper. He identified a 22-calibre rifle offered in evidence as being one he had kept in a closet open ing from the bedroom occupied by himself and wife. It was not kept loaded. Cartridges for -the gun were kept in the pantry. Mrs. Lacy had never- handled to his knowledge. The empty shell found in the gun corres ponded' with, the shells of cart ridges keptjby Mr. Lacy. Chester Proebstel, an instruct or at the college, testified that he had known Mr. and Mrs. Lacy a considerable time. He had just arranged to begin boarding with.them; had taken dinner with them on the fatal day; about 6 o'clock had gone to the Lacy home for supper, rang the front door bell, but receiving no re sponse, had started down town, When he had, gone a short dis tance he met Mr. Lacy and re turned, hnding the dead body 01 Mrs. Lacy as previously narrated. Mr. Proebstel had noticed noth ing: at dinner time to indicate despondency on the part of Mrs Lacy. Dr. Cathey gave evidence in accordance with facts already stated, and assisted the jury in the examination ot the body. " Charles" Harding, driver of .delivery wagon had delivered groceries at the Lacy home about 3 ' clock in the afternoon, and on going to the rear of the residense to leave the purchases, had seen, through a window, the form of a woman lying on a bed Other evidence, however, was to the effect that the groceries de livered by Mr. Hardirng had beet moved from where the delivery- man left them, and had been property put away. V Testimony of E. B. Horning, from where the groceries wer purchased, showed that wrappers of the goods had been removed placed in the kitchen stove, and partially burned. These facts tended to show that Mrs. Lacy had not fired the fatal shot when Mr. Harding saw the person (evi dently Mrs. Lacy) upon the bed A number of ladies residing in Jthe vicinity of the Lacy hom were called as witnesses, and tes tified that Mrs. Lacy was not of morose or despondent disposition, that they knew, of no motive or cause which might prompt the act under investigation . Mrs. H. E. Hodes had gone upon an er rand to .the Lacy home at 5 o'clock, but was unable to pro cure a response ta a rine of the door bell. The verdict of the iurv was substantially that deceased had come to her death from the effect of a gunshot wound inflicted by her own hand. The maiden name of Mrs. La cy was Laura Collins. She was the daughter of Wm. Collins, a pioneer resident of. Polk county, the family . having been ne ar the line between-"Benton and Polk. She is a sister of Mrs. E, F.' Wiles. During several years the family of Mr. Collins resided in Corvallis and it was while they lived here that Laura became the wife of W. B. Lacy, seven years ago this month, since which time the young people made this city their home. Deceased was aged 32 years one possessed an un usual happy disposition,- and this trait of character, combined with many other admirable womanly qualities, . made her a. large cir cle of devoted friends, and her demise particularly under such circumstances as attended her death, caused profound sorrow throughout the city wherever she was known. Mr. Lacy has been an employe of the J. H. .Harris store during nine years past.- He is an estimable citizen and very much sincere 'sympathy is extend ed to. him.- No children , were born to them. - EXPOSITION ITEMS. Of Interest . to Benton County ; People by Special Correspondent. German Day was the great day ast week and the long and beau tiful procession the most interest ing feature. This parade was made through the public streets down town, so that when they arrived at the Fair ground every one was too tired to properly en joy a visit to the various build ings. .But the singing was superb, and anyone who has heard a German singing society can imagine now mucn more music they can furnish when they get a number of these clubs together and every man singing for all there is in him. The fire works in the evening is getting to be a very attractive feature. Wnile the ministerial pro fession are quarelling over the tongue lashing given them bv Bishop Tnorburn regarding sen sationalisrn in the pulpit, the Trail concessionaires are quietly working for an open Sunday, and judging from the friendly attitude of the State Commission they are likely to get it. X he matter is expected to be decided this week. Corvallis and Benton county people are very well informed re garding telephones, rural lines, etc., but tne best posted among them can learn many new and in teresting points by paying a visit to the B-R Electric and" Tele phone exhibit in the Machinery building. Here our old friend, W. D. DeVarney, holds sway with the most complete and vari ed assortment of electrical goods and appliances in the whole Fair. The most interesting part of. the apparatus to an uninitiated per son is the several switchboards. some for so .lines, and one ldr Suffrage of Women. 100; also smaller sizes down to 16 lines. An examination of these will give one a better idea can he could find out by reading or studying for a year. We were most particularly interested in some special Telephone attach ments, one for calling central without ringing any instrument on the line another that per mitted you to call any particular person on the line without letting even central know it and the last that is especially made to cut out the lubber necks, who usually butt in when you are talk ing to your best girl. The lasti is a special favorite with married in m whose office phones happen to b; on the same line with their resident phones. There is als a bewildering collection of batteries and bells, tools and attachments, fuses and fuse blocks, lightning arrestors and protestors, and a hundred and one smaller articles used in the business. ', No one should fail to see this exhibit. E. C. Keezel and C. F. Log- gan. ot rauoinatn, were at tne Fair last week and registered at the county booth. Thev spent a couplet of days in viewing the exhibits of the various buildings. Miss Isabella Gray, of Philo math, wjis also here during the week. We also noted some other Benton county citizens during tne weeK. Amongst tnem we saw Thomas and Mac Alexander, ot Hoskins. Dr. C.- H. Lee, of Corvallis, was up late in the week, and visited the agricultural display. Miss Leah Barclay, of Corvallis, was also a visitor. - We passed Zack Taylor on Sunday evening last, but he was'so deep ly interested. in the. three young ladies' he had in charge that we could not get his attention with out hitting him with a brick, and so we are unable to say how long he has been here or when he is going back. If he bteaks away later in the week we may possi bly get an interview. New York boasts an association opposed to the suffrage of women and numbers among its officers such women as Mrs. Lyman Ab bott, Mrs. Arthur M. Dodge, Mrs. E'.ihu Root, and many other notable women. We have just received from this association the following, with the request that we publish it: sThe executive committee has pleasure in sending you the fal lowing statement of woman suff rage defeats in the United States during the past six months. In California the senate voted 14 to 21 against submitting a constitutional amendment for wo man suffrage to popular vote. ' In Kansas the senate voted 29 to 60 against a bill giving women the right to vote for presidential electors. In Montana the lower house rejected a woman suffrage bill by a vote of 38 to 30. - ' In Missouri the house commit tee 011 constitutional amendments reported against a proposition to extend the saffrage to women. In Wisconsin a bill introduced in the legislature providing for the municipal suffrage for woman was defeated in the assembly by a vote of 34 to 43. In Illinois the house was over whelmingly opposed to a woman suffrage measure,, and later a bill was introduced for the total and complete disfranchisement of wo man, who, having the privilege to vote for school trustees have in ten years allowed their interst to dwindlefrom a voteof 24,000 to an insignificent 1,000. In Wheeling, West Virginia, the popular vote cast for munici pal suffrage to woman stood 2,401 in .favor, and 4,001 against the proposition. : .. - - ' In Washington, D. C, neither the senate nor the house gave hearings to any petition for wo man suffrage. This was unusual, for it is the first time in several years that such an omission has occurred. ' In Massachusetts three woman suffrage bills were adversely re ported, and a unanimous report against the proposition to strike the word "malt" from the quali fication of voters was accepted without protest bv the lower- house. , In Maiue the committee to con sider a woman suffrage amend ment gave tne "usual leave to withdiaw." In Connecticut a hill admitiug women to the right of suffia in municipal elections was killed in the house by , a vote of 29 to 1 12. . ' In New York the senate com mittees on cities voted 1 to ir against giving woman taxpayers ! in the cities of the 3 degree the right to vote on questions of ap propriations, and later the sen ate voted 11 to 26 against a reso lution to discuss the matter. The activity of a few women who so earnestly advocate woman suffrage is in no sense diminished by the successive failures, their zeal blinding them to the fact that the determined and intelli gent opposition to any extension of the suffrage to women is not confined to one locality, . but ex tends throughout the length and breadth of our country. Be tit Her Double. ' "I knew no one, for four weeks, when I was sick with typhoid and kidney trouble," writes Mrs. Annie Hunter, of Pittsburg, Pa., "an-l when I got better, although I had one of the best doctors I could get, I was bent double, and had to rest my hands on my kr.ees when I walked. Prom this terrible affliction I was rescued by Electric Bitters, which restored my health and strength, and now I can walk as straight as evtr. They are simply wonderful." Guaranteed to cure stomach, liver and kidney disorder?; at Allen & Woodward's drug store; price 50e. - Notice. , Notice is hereby -given that parties in debted to the undersigned are urgently requested to settle their accounts at once asl h-ive disp eed of my harness, busi ness, to Mr. Grant Elsin'and it is necs sary that all 8H1118 due me be paid. J. E. Winegar "... 57if 5000 TELEGRAPHERS wmMjmm NEEDED Annually, to fill the new positions created by Rnilroad and Telefrraph Companies. We want YOUNS MEN and LADIES of good habits, to LEARN TELEGRAPHY AND R. R. ACCOUNTING fiaa . We furnish 75 rer cent, of the Operators and Station Agents inp America. Our six schools are the ti-jgest exc-lusive Telegraph Schools IN THE WORLD. Established 20 yeai s and endorsed by all leading Railway Officials. We execute a J230 Bond to every Btudent to furnish him or her a position paying from 840 to $60 a month in states east of the Roeky Moun tains, or from ?75 to 100 a month in s'ates west of the Rockies, hnnwiiately upon graduation. Students can enter at any time. No vaca tions. For full particulars regarding any of our Schooln write direct to our executive office at Cincinnati, O. Catalogue froe. The Morse School of Telegraphy, Cincinnati, Ohio. Buffalo, N. Y. Atlanta, Ga. LaCrcsse, Wis. Texarkana.Tex. San Francisco, Cal. 58-98 Doctors said He would sot live. Peter Fry, Woodruff, Pa., writes: "Af ter doctorint? two years with the best physicians in VV aiDesburg, and still pet ting worse, the doctors advised me if 1 had any business to attend to I had bet ter attend to it at once, as I cou'd not p ssibly liveatiother month as there was no cure for. me. Foley's Kidney Cure was recommended to me by a friend, and I immediately sent my son to the store for it and after taking three bottles I be gan to tret better and continned to im prove until I was entirely well." Sold by Graham & Wortham. ' sses Fit G PROPERLY, " ACCURATELY, and SCIENTIFICALLY To aSi Defects cf Sight. MATTHEWS, The Optician Room 12, Bank Building. Job Printing. When you pay out good money for printing, be sure and get good print- ing for the money L Po not send out printed mat ter to your customers that is a disgrace to your business a disgrace to'your town and a disgrace to the printer vrho puts it out. 5 Good Work costs you nox more than the bad: Good printing is correct in spelling correct in gram marcorrect in punctuation on good . stock printed with good ink and some thing that it is a pleasure to., look at. i70 KE" MIRE UN OUR NEW STORE. New were conveyed yesterday morning to a cemetery near the old family homestead: She -was a member of the Presbyterian church of this city, ana tev. IVL. fc. isusn, pas tor of the chnrch here, conduct Everything in first-class order. Come and see us. room, new fixtures, new goods, but same old prices. . We still have a very nice line of Go-Carts, at very reasona ble prices. If you are going c amping, come and see us. Hammocks, Tents, Cots, Camp Stoves, etc., always on hand. M (WUUO The Hougc-F urniGhcra. The witness knew of no person The remains - of Mrs. Lacy ed the funeral ceremonies.