Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, July 25, 1905, Image 1

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IVO. 61
Vol. XLH.
Corvallis, Benton County,' Oregon, Tuesday, Jjjly 25, 1903.
"mgm V i aw a jl
Sale of a Part of Grande Ronde
Indian Reservation.
By virtue of the authority con
ferred by an act of congress it is
ordered and directed that on and
after Tuesday, October, 3, 1905,
at 9 a. in., and until Tuesday,
October 10, 1905. at 11 a. m.,
sealed bids will be received at the
local land office at Portland, Ore
gon, for unsold lands comprising
a portion of the Grande Ronde
Indian reservation in this state.
. There are about 25,800 acres to
be sold by bids and the proceeds
to be paid to the various tribes of
this reservation in cash, per rata,
share and share alike.
The said sealed bids must be
prepared, filed, received, opened,
and acted on in accordance with
the following rules and regulations:
First. Each bid must be made
upon a form similar ' to that at
tached hereto, which shall be
furnished upon application to the
register and receiver at the Port
land, Oreg., land office, or the
Commissionerof the GeneralLand
Office, and must be signed by
the bidder, who shall be a citi
zen of the United States, and
who shall herein give his postof
fice address. '
Second. Each bid must be
sealed in a separate envelops,
which shall be addressed to the
'Register and Receiver, United
States Land Office, Portland,
Oreg.," and such said envelope
must bear an endorsement across
its face showing that it contains
a bid for the ceded lands of the
Grande Ronde Indian Reserva
tion, and must not bear any in
cation tot the amount of such
ibid or the description of the tract
bid for.
Third. Each bid must be ac
companied by a check, payable
to the Secretary of the Interior,
certified by a certain official of a
nation bank, for 20 per cent, of
the amount of such bid, which
check must be, by the bidder,
placed in an envelope containing
the bid before its sealing and de
( livery to the register and re
ceiver. I Fourth. No bid will be consid
ered that is received by such reg
ister and receiver before 9 o'clock
a. m.. on Tuesday, the 3d dav
of October, 1905, or after 11
o'clock a. m. on Tuesday, the 10th
day of October, 1905.
Fifth. Bids will be received for
the lands as they are arranged
on the attached schedule, the .ar
rangement snowing the lands in
tracts of full sections where pos
sible. " . This arrangement has
been varied only where the full
section in compact form is not
found, and in some cases it will
be noted that less than 640 acres
. may be bid for. No bid will be
considered describing the tract
bid for otherwise than as it ap
pears on the schedule, or which
undertakes to cover and describe
parts of several tracts.
Sixth. Each bidder may pre
sent bids for any number of tracts,
but with each bid must make and
transmit the deposit above re
quired. Seventh. No bids will be ac
cepted for said lands which shall
be at a less rate than $1.25 per
acre for the land embraced in
such bid.
Eighth. The bids will be open
ed by the register and receiver at
their said1 office in the presence
of such bidders who may care to
attend on Tuesday, the 10 day of
October, 1905, at 1 p. m., and
the register and receiver will en
dorse on each bid the name of
the bidder, the amount of the
bid, and the amount of the de
posit, immediately as the bids are
opened. .
Ninth. The register and re
ceiver will then transmit the sev
eral bids, with certified checks to
the Commissioner of the Gener
al Land Office, with their recom
dations for acceptance or nonac
ceptance, in each case, and the
Commissioner will in turn trans
mit ,the said bids to the Secretary
of the Interior with his recom
mendation in the premises.
Tenth. Notices of the awards
by the Secretary of the Interior
upon said sealed bids will be giv
en to each of. the bidders by the
Commissioner of the General Land
Office through the ordinary mail
to the address given in his bid.
The names of the successful bid
ders will also be given to the
press as a matter of news
A Letter Written to an Eastern
Friend by Observing Visitor.
The following letter was writ
ten by Mrs- M. D. Lowe, a recent
arrival in this city, to Mrs. C. R.
Miller, of El Reno, Okla, and a
copy found its way to us:
I have seen many things of in
terest on my trip to and through
the great West, that I deem
The. halance due on worthy of notice, but none that
1 -
all of the accepted
crediting thereon the
certified checks, will become due
and must be paid to the register
and receiver of the said local land
office within 30 days of the mail
ing of the notice by the Commis
sioner of the General Land Office,
as aforesaid, and if not so paid,
Kids after strikes me more iorcetully than
respective the, town of Corvallis from an ed
citizens, who
case be tried in
upon its merits
ucational and business standpoint
1 hrst noticed that tliere are no
saloons and yet people say its
"a dead town." Well, if it's
dead, I shall have to say I believe
in ghosts, spirits and haunts, for
it's the "liveliest corpse" I ever
or if a successful bidder shall fail saw
TOTtViJn calrl tliirt-v davs tn submit Every business that is honor-
nrof rf hie nirinchin tn thr able and legitimate is open and
said register, and receiver, the doing fine, since I've asked sever
amount deposited with such bid, al and they say there has been no
as heretofore provided, will be decline in tnings. rve neara u
forfeited to the United States, to saidlhat a hotel to do good must
bedispoiedof as other proceeds have a "bar." This is practical-
arisincr from said sale under ..said ly proved ialse by Motel Lorval
act. and the land will be there- us
after reoffered under such rules The traveling public know Cor
and regulations -as may be pre- vallis is a dry town and yet they
scribed bv the Secretarv of "the tell me that they left home and
Interior. - ' other places so that they might
Twelfth." The right is hereby miss Albany (a whiskey town)
reserved to reiect any or all of and get to Corvallis, as they had
said bids for said lands. so much better fare and service
Thirteenth. Upon the payment here. I'm sure the spacious din-
of the amount of their bids by mg room is full from any bus that
the purchasers, as hereinbefore meets tne lour trains daily
provided for, the register and re- IQ this dead prohibition town
ceiver will issue the ordinary cash I notice the streets are sprinkled
certificates and receipts, modified the water flows the lights burn,
by endorsements across the face the telegraphs and phones are op
thereof showing that same are is- erated, dry goods and groceries
sued for lands of Grande Ronde are bought and consumed, all
Indian Reservation under the act just the same. Many families
of April 28, 1904 (33 Stat, 569), have food and raiment plentiful-
which will be transmitted to this lY now. I he removal 01 saloons.
Office as a basis of patent. A also removed the wash woman
There are few who wash and
they tell me it is not from ueces
sity. I see no halt-dressed chil
dren on the streets,
Well, to the point I visited
the property, one block from the
hotel, bought by the local W. C
T. U. Some years ago they -own
eo a nouse on some lots, and re-
Prof. T. B. 'Horner, of this cently sold said house tor 5400.
cuy, wnoiecently returned from AUC. -ucu uuuSuk lwu
duplicate receipt will be given to
the purchaser by the receiver up
on the full payment.
Very Respectfully,
j. H. Fimple
Acting commissioner
On Oregon.
trial jury, then the latter might
well be banished from the dis
pensary of justice. It is not for
the Leader to say the proceedings
were illegal or irregular, but they
certainly were somewhat un
usual and by no means satis
factory to the maiority of our
desired that the
open court, and
It surely would
have cost no more possibly not
as much. When court conven
ed the State was ready to proceed
with the case, but no little delay
and consequent expense resulted
from the absence of witnesses for
the defense. Another point: If
the evidence was all on the side
of the defense, then the defense
had nothing to fear from a trial ;
in fact "a vindication of this
nature would have brought more
glory to the already more or less
illustrious attorneys for the v de
fense, and at the same time been
of more value to the defendants.
It the defense had a sure thing,
one can hardly understand why
an attorney for the defense did
not turn down the opportunity
to do regulation trial stunts be
hind the barred doors of the
grand jury room and thus give
the admiring populace a chance
to see how he did it. What a
lot of sweetness has been wasted
on the desert air!
The above is from the Lincoln
County Leader. The tone is not
reassuring and the article seems
to contain a fling at the attorneys
for the defense, two of wftm are
residents of this city, " W. S. Mc
Fadden and T. F. Yates. If our
surmise be true that the Leader
desired to smite them and yet
lacked the courage to call their
names, we will state in beiialt ci
these gentlemen that while we
do not claim sainthood for them
we consider them honorable in
in . their attempts to free their
clients.. Surely it could not be
a personal matter to the Leader
that the Greens be convicted?
Beat Her Double.
"I knew do one, lor four weeks, when
I waa eick with typhoid and kidney
trouble." writes, Mrs. Annie Hunter, of
Pittsburg, Pa., "an-1 when I got better,
although I had one of the best doctors I
could get, I was bent double, and had to
rest my hands on my knees when I
walked. From this terrible affliction I
was rescued by Electric Bitters, which
restored my health and strength, and
now I can walk as straight as ever. They
are simply wonderful." Guaranteed to
cure stomach, liver arid kidney disorders;
at Allen & Woodward's drug store; price
Notice is hereby giyen that parties in
debted to the undersigned are urgently
requested to settle their accounts at once
as I h ve diap sed of mv harness busi
ness to Mr. Grant Elgin' and it is necs
eary that all sums due me be paid.
J.' E. Winkgak.
Annually, to till the new positions created by
RHilroad and TeletrrnTih Companies. We want
YOUNt MEN and LADIES of good habits, to
We furnish 75 rer cent, of ths Operators and
Station Agents in America. Our six schools are
the lrgest exclusive Telegraph Schools n THE
WORLD. Established 20 years and endorsed by
all leading Railway Officials.
We execute a $230 Bond to every student to
furnish him or her a position paying from $40
to $80 a mouth in states east of t"eRoeky Moun
tains, or from ?7o to 810f a month in s'ates west
of the Rockies, immetiiattJy upsn eradualin.
- Students can enter atnnytinie. No vaca
tions. For full particulars regarding any of
our School wiile direct to our executive office
at Cincinnati, O. Catalogue froe.
The Morse School of Telegraphy,
Cincinnati, Ohio. Buffalo, N. Y.
Atlanta, Ga. LaCrosse, Wis.
Texarkana,Tex. San Francisco, Cal.
Doctors said He would not live.
Peter Fry, Woodruff, Pa., writes: "Af
ter doctorinsr two years with the best
physicians in W ainesburg, and still get
ting worse, the doctors advised me if 1
had anv business to attend to I had bet
ter attpnd to it at once, as I could not
p ssibly livpanother month as there was
no cure for me. Foley's Kidney Cure
waa recommended to me by a friend, and
I immediately sent my son to the store)
tor it and alter taking three bottles I be
gan to get belter and continued to im
prove until I was entirely well." Sold by
Graham & Wortham.
I eno . eo n iis&H .
we hi masses
She Tried. Five Doctors.
Mrs. Frances L Sale3, of Missouri Val
ley. la, writes: " I have been afflicted
with Kidney trouble five years ; had se
vere riains in my back and a frequent de
sire to urinate. Wben riding I experi
enced much pain over the region of the
kidneys. I tried five physicians without
benefit and then concluded to try Foley.s
Kidney Cure. After taking three $1 bot
tles I was completely crtred." Sold by
Graham & Wortham
'ail Defects of Sight.
sere? i&t&n
Rcgri 12, Bsnk Euiidlrtg,
Job7 Prill ting.
Regardless of Complexion.
They then
a trio thronoh Rastern Orparin is and lots, very
quoted as follows in a Lincoln
county exchange:
-bastem Oregon is a vast
wealth-producing region, and as
might be expected the people are
either well-to-do - or wealthy
They are an active, busy people,
who are bringing the country to
the front, and they are thorough
ly loyal to western Oregon,
where they are frequent visitors,
In Sherman, Wasco and Uma
tilla counties I met many who had
sniffed the ocean breeze and en
joyed the scenery of Yaquina
Bay. They all seem to think
that they will come again and
bring others. It occurs to me.
therefore, that it is our diitv to
nonnainr vieiMncr fnonde ith th in both buildings. Are the W.
seaside and other attractions of C. T. U. doing anything? Cor
the state, so thev will visit everv vallis can surely . answer, lhe
locality and become acquainted Union here consists of 30 paying
with the resources. This mav anQ wonting members,
much out of re
pair. 1 touud six good, earnest
ladies canvassing the walls. The
work was under the management
of Mrs. Wm. Crees. One house
will be fitted up to rent and the
income will go, to supplying and
keeping up the other, which will
at. d rest room. It
has a large aud airy front room,
electric iights,v library, chairs,
lounge and toilet; double doors
open into a nice dining room,
from which are rooms fitted for
the woman who will get her rent
for the care of the house.
These good women had wood
cut in stove lengths and placed
in another room, sufficient to run
it all winter. Have citv water
No matter what your age, com
plexion, size or color of your
eyes, it you have any trouble
with your hair, see Jesse Spencer.
His hair invigorator invigorates
it starts hair growing, cleanses
the scalp and produces a state of
health that makes one proud to
possess a head, no matter what
trouble it may have caused in the
past. . - -
This is no dream, but a
fact a truth. A trial bottle
will convince the mot skt-ptical
that this is true. Satisfaction as
a result of this treatment is guar
anteed. This is a new vegetable
compound a recen' discovery
and is well worth tml if vou
have trouble of any nature. J)an
druff exteiminaled with a few
Gazette Bell phone No 341.
When you pay out
good money for
printing, be sure
and get good print
ing for the money!
Do not send out printed mat
ter to your customers that is
a dissTEee to your business
a disgrace to'your town and
a disgrace to the printer vrho
puts it out.
Good Work, costs
you no more than
the bad.
I Take The Gazette for all the
local news. ; . ' 1
Good printing is correct in
spelling correct in gram
marcorrect in punctuation
on good stock printed
with good ink and some
thing that it is a pleasure to
look at.
induce them to return soon, with
the steadfast resolution to become
citizens of Oregon. Evidently
this is an opportunity to do some
letter-writing for Oregon.- ;
Oregon seaside resorts cer
The Windup.
The July, term of circuit court
tor , Lincoln county came to a
close last Friday afternoon when
tainlv rauk with the finest in the the grand iury returned "not a
world. Every attraction belong- true bill" . in the case of the
in? to ocean and beach mav be State of Oregon vs. Frea Green
found here; and it is but patriotic and Minnie Green.
and proper to announce this fact
to friends visiting the Lewis and
Clark Fair, -so that when they
come so far they may see and en
joy more than their hearts could
have hoped. ,
"The enjoyable journeys
through our delightful valleys
will impress so many from dryer
localities with our green fields,
pretty meadows , and; garden
homes, where contentment reign?
absolute and supreme."
Gazette Independent phone No
The details of, this case are
well known to the readers of the
Leader, and a review would be a
waste of time and space. E. G.
Sharratt is still dead and those
who believe, or profess o believe
he committed suicide constitute
a very small minority. One of
the members of the grand jury
informs us that the evidence sup
ported the theory of murder, but
did not point to the perpetrators
of the crime in other words,
did not prove the euilt 4 of the
accused. If a grand jury can
legally usurp the functions 01 a
Everything in first-class order. , Come and see us. New
room, new fixtures, new goods, but same old prices.
We still have a very nice line of .Go-Carts, at very reasona
ble prices; ' " '
If you are going camping, come and see us. Hammocks,
Tents, Cots, Camp Stoves, etc., always on hand.
The Hougq-F urniahcra