CORVALLIS GAZETTE CORVALLIS. .OREGON NEWS OF THE WEEK WANT A LONG CONTRACT. Will In a Condensed Form for Busy Readers. Onr A Resume of the Less Important but Not Less Interesting Events of the Past Week. Portland is shipping cattle to Japan. King Oscar says he does not favor a forcible union with Norway. A severe wind storm has wiped out the town of Anawa, Wisconsin. All telegraph operators on the North era Pacific railway are ready to go on strike. - The Union passenger depot at Louis ville, Kentucky, has been burned. Loss, $350,000. A Boston man has been arrested in Kingston, Jamaica, for taking photo graphs of the fortifications "Witte says that while he favors peace with Japan, he will not agree to it at any terms that may be offered. Unusually heavy rainstorms are re ported in various parts of .Germany. Immense damage has been done to crops. The Chinese government is sending a number of its aristocrats to various countries to study foreign ways. It is regarded generally as a step in the right direction. Within nine days 98 infants under one year of age have died in Cleveland, Ohio. The health authorities are mak ing a close investigation into the sani tary conditions of the milk supply. The Japanese are driving the" Rus sians north. ' New York City has purchased a home for consumptives. Sweden will send an ultimatum to Norway and is ready for war. Japan is well pleased at the appoint ment of Witte as a peace envoy. Terrorists have attempted to take the life of the governor general of St. Pe tersburg. It is fully settled that Witte is to be one of the Russian peace enoys and will be given full powers During the past two years the United States government bas spent f 73,000, 000 more than it has taken in A move is said to have been started tn fnma t.h rzar to abdicate and that 1 ... . a 1 . M7 ' .1 ne win iurn me auairs oi uie govern ment into other hands to administer for his son and heir. An aged man living under tee name of Livingston has his home at Freeport, Illinois. He greatly resembes pictures of John D. Rockefeller's father and it is believed by many that he is. . The president has signed a proclama tion opening to homesteaders and town- site entry the Umtah reservation in ' Utah. The reservation contains 2,445, 000 acres, but lands reserved for mill. tary, forestry and other purposes will leave only 1,069,000 availabe for entry - The kaiser is trying to prevent Nor way from becoming a republic. The mutineers of the Russian battle ship Potemkin have all been shot or are in chains.. A party has been formed by promm- - ent Italians for the exploration of the upper Amazon river. Minister Witte has had a stormy in ierview with the czar and may refuse to act as a peace envoy. Major Langfitt, government engineer, with headquarters at Portland, is to be succeeded by Major Boessler. Indiana officer nave arrested 11 men believed to be a gang who have been systematically robbing freight cars of silk. Chief Forester Pinchot has ordered that forest supervisors must accept no fees for services performed, under pain of dismissal. - During a high wind, following a se vere rain and electric storm, the walls of a brick building in course of con- sturction at Winnipeg, Manitoba, fell, burying a nmuber of people, it is feared at least ten are dead. The battleship Oregon holds the troph for high scores in gunnery' among all battleships of the American navy ; The salaries of the Russian plenipo tentiaries nave been hxed at szuu per day each, besides an allowance of $7,- 500 for traveling and other expenses. The British navy is to be concentrat ed near home. Dynamite has been ; found ., in the czar's palace at Moscow. A great German naval demonstration isto be made off Sweden. - Sweden will oppose to the last the election of Prince Charles, of Denmark, - as king of Norway. Terrorists nave warned lrepofi, as sistant minister of the interior of Rus- . sia, that he will be killed The Citizen's bank of Yellow Springs, Ohio, bas closed, owing depositors be tween 125,000 and $30,000. . .emperor William Has held a con ference with King Oscar and a German- Swedish alliance was discussed. Only Terms on Which Japanese Work on Canal. Seattle, July 18. Japanese labor contractors will not agree to the Isth mian commission's programme oi ex perimenting with the labor of different countries. A recent dispatch from Washington says the commission has decided to secure 2,000 laborers of dif ferent nationalities under a 500-day contract, with the idea in view of re newing the contract for such laborers as were found satisfactory. The question of employing Japanese laborers on the isthmus was first taken up with the commission and Secretary Taft by the Oriental Trading company, of Seattle. This is the most important labor contracting firm in . the Northwest. Vice President C. T. Takahashi said today that hib company would not agree to such a proposal. "There is no money in such a short contract, he continued. "If we could get a four- year or a five-year contract, . Japanese laborers could be supplied. As it is the laborers would have to be brought from Japan and returned to their homes after the work was completed. To collect 2,000 men, carry them to the isthmus and then return them to their homes' after a 500-day contract had been 'completed is not practicable Our proposal to supply Japanese labor has been before the commission and Washington officials for some time We haver not been notihed that an experimental contract might be made and I do not think we would accept a contract if offered one. The Oriental Trading company pro posed to provide its own foremen, choosing men accustomed to directing railroad and similar construction work OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST IN NEW TRIAL DENIED. BIG CROPS LINN COUNTY RAILROAD FOR WALLOWA. MINERS IN TERROR. Appeal to Government for Protection Against , Outlaws. - V Seattle, July 18. Miners operating on the creeKs near iairDanns, Alaska, have appealed to the United States government for protection from out laws who are terrorizing that district General Constance Williams, in com mand of the Department of the Colum bia, has been instructed by the War department to investigate, and if condi tions are as bad as the miners claim, troops will be ruBhed into the Tanana country. The telegraph lines into Fairbanks are down and General Wil liams' investigation is likely to be de layed for several days. In the mean time a large Alaska community is ter rorized, for the situation is even worse than that which existed at Skagway during the "Soapy Smith" days. Telegraphic advices from the North declare that hold-ups and the boldest of robberies are becoming so frequent that an attack on . some of the banks is feared by the miners. The mine owners are afraid to either bring their dust into town or keep it at their camps The outlaws are holding up strong pack trains and robberies at camps are so numerous that they have become ex pected. , The miners in the Tanana country have but a few weeks in. which to make their annual cleanup and the depreda tions of the outlaws threaten the year s business. The district about Fairbanks has had a remarkable winter and the cleanup would be the heaviest in the camp's history if the miners are able to work. Fear of losing everything by robbery is holding bacK the spring clean-up. Independence for Corea. Honolulu, July 18. Coreans here have raised a fund to eend Rev. P. T Yon, a Corean Methodist minister, to Washington to see President Roosevelt for the purpose of asking chat efforts be made by the United States in the forthcoming negotiations to bring about an agreement by which the Corean na tion will become independent within 20 years if it shows fitness for self- government. Rev. Mr. Yon wilr so licit the good offices of President Roose velt to ask Japan to grant' independ ence as the United States did Cuba. Hay, Wheat, Oats and Hops Giving Great Promise. , Albany The hay crop of Linn coun ty is greater this year than ever before, and thousands of tons of hay will be shipped away. In addition to the ex tra acreage is the yield. It is unusual ly good. Hay is selliing Tor -$4 and $5 loose, and $6 and $7 baled low prices even for the opening market. : Haying has been in progress for some time, and this week will see the crop cut and in the cock. Most of it will also be in the bam or stack ere the end of the week. - Never did wheat in Linn county look better. Binders will begin moving the yellow grain this week, much of it be ing now fully ripe and ready for cut ting. The aphis mentioned early in the summer during the rains have all disappeared, leaving no mark behind The output of the county will not be much larger than in the past, for the acreage is not much larger than, usual, but-the yield is the greatest in years Threshing will begin the last of July or the first of Aguust, on the fall sown gram. Three or four weeks later work will begin on the spring grain, which is looking fine where sowed early enough, but that sown late will ripen very close to the ground, making bind ing difficult. Oats are looking hne, and will be a fairly heavy crop. The acreage is not as large as in some years, but the yield is excellent. One of the bumper crops of the coun ty will be hops. There-is every indi cation of a full crop better than last year. No damage has been done by the lice, the hot weather coming in time to put an end to the ravaegs of the little pest. The few yards that were infested with lice have been sprayed, and the crop is not affceted in the least. If we have warm weather until picking seas on is over, the crop will be a full one. A prominent Albany hopgrower esti mates the output of Linn county at about 150,000 bales. Judge De Haven Denies Motion in Mitchell Case. Portland, July 16. "The motion in arrest of judgment will be denied. 'The motion for a new trial will be denied. "Is the defendant in court?" Senator John H. Mitchell was not in Independent Capitalists -Will Build a Branch to Joseph. La Grande A corps of engineers are court when Judge De Haven pronounced at worn establishing a line lor a new railroad down Grand Ronde river to the mouth of the Wallowa river, thence up the Wallowa to - Wallowa valley. The right of way has been secured to the mouth of the Wallowa river. The new road will ' be independent of all other lines and is backed by New York capital. A construction company is ready to begin grading as soon as part of the line is established, and will be at work within the next 30 days, and it is stat ed the road will be completed to the Wallowa bridge this year and will be extended to Joseph next year. This activity has caused agents for the O. R. & N. to go to Elgin this week and busy themselves securing rights of way on all deeded land through which their final survey was established about five years ago. xne probable purpose of the new promoters is to get the right of way in the Grand Ronde and Wallowa canyons away from the O. K. &- N., which it is supposed has already expired or soon will expire by limitation. The outcome will likely be the forc ing of the O. R. & N. Co. to build on its proposed line, il it does not in some way renew its pre-emption of the surveys already made, it will, lose its rights, and this the O. R. & N. Co. is not expected to do. In any case, Wal lowa county has a better prospect for a railroad than ever before the words quoted from his decision in answer to the motions made last week by hi attorneys. Senator Mitchell was represented by Judge Bennett and ex-Senator Thurston, and while Judge De Haven did not say that he would have rendered judgment upon the senator, had he been in court, it is be lieved from the fact that he asked if the defendant was in court," that he would have done so. Senator Thurs ton, when Judge De Haven put his query, rose and stated that he wished further t me in which to draw up a bill of exceptions, and he was given until a week from Monday morning to present them. This means another ten days before Senator Mitchell will have judgment pronounced upon him. The senator's' counsel informed the court that by to morrow they would have their bill of exceptions ready and in the hands of United States District Attorney Heney, so that he might - in turn have his answer ready by the time that the case will again be taken up by the court. Judge De Haven seemed willing to grant the delay, and as there was no objection from Mr. Heney, His Honor set Monday, July 31, as the day for re ceiving the exceptions. claims innocence; Williamson Denies Entering Plot to Suborn Perjury. KNEW GESNER LOANED MONEY BIGGS TESTIFIES FOR DEFENSE, . Indians Go Into Law. Chemawa Among the 61 young men who were recently admitted to practice law before the Supreme court of Oregon were two Indians, graduates of the Chemawa Indian school. Both young men were successful, and give great promise of a creditable career. They were Oscar Norton, of California, who graduated in 1898, and George Bernier, of Oregon, of the class of 1900 Word has also reached here that Rich ard Graham, another California Indian, who was a student of Chemawa in 1897, has been admitted to practice law in the courts of Washington City. Mr Graham has been a government depart ment clerk for a number of years, and has attended and graduated from the Columbia law school. Frozen Wheat Short. The Dalles Through the High Ridge and Fifteen-Mile country, the section of Wasco county where grain was most seriously damaged by the freeze of Feb ruary, and where much reseeding w is necessary, crops arc looking fairly well. Some of the spring sown wheat is short and rather thin, but is of good color, and with favorable weather will make a comparatively good crop. Farmers in that section estimate that their spring grain will average 15 bushels to the acre. In that section the fall grain that was no frozen out will yield from 35 to 40 bushels to the "acre. Every where throughout the county fall grain is ripening rapidly, and heading has already begun. Ready to Start Cut-Off. Eugene C. 8. Freeland, construction engineer of the southern Jfacihc com pany, ia in Eugene with a force of men preparatory to the construction of the bridge across the Willamette river at Springfield, for the Henderson-Spring field cutoff branch line, which will be built immediately. The people of Eu gene herald the news of the beginning of the work on this line with great sat isfaction. They have looked for it long and earnestly. It means the making of Eugene a terminus for all trains on the Woodburn-Natron and Springfield- W endling branches, increasing the pop ulation of the city considerably by the addition of the trainmen and their fam ilies, and affording the people residing along the aforesaid branches a quicker and better means of reaching this city to do their trading. Platinum on Santiam. Lebanon George B. Whitcomb, who lives about 30 miles above Lebanon on the South Santiam river, reports hav ing discovered platinum in paying quantities. A quantity of black river sand was sent to the government assay office at Washington, D. C, and partly concentrated sand went $50 to the ton, while reconcentrated sand went as high as $175 to the ton. Mr. Whitcomb has sent other samples to the government assayer at the Lewis and Clark fair. He expects an expert in a few days who will make a thorough examination. Vigorously Denies Any Thought of Perpetrating Fraud. Portland, July lb. This coming week, unless some unforeseen accident should occur, will see the end of the Representative Williamson, Dr. Van Gesner and Marion R. Biggs trial Yesterday Marion Biggs, who is the United States land commissioner, took the stand in his own behalf, and when Judge De Haven adjourned court until Monday morning, he had passed through the hands of the district attorney. On the whole, he made a fair witness for himself, and the two defendants charg ed jointly with him in the alleged con spiracy. Under the skillful hands of Attorney Wilson, Biggs told a plausible story, but District Attorney Henev, during the couree of an extremely rigid cross examination, tangled the witnesss up several times. From the beginning of his testimony to the end, Biggs contended- that he was innocent of any wrongdoing, and he denied having any part in the alleg ed conspiracy of suborning entrymen to commit perjury. Cross Examination by District Attor ney Heney Brings Out This Fact from Witness. Portland, July 18. After the coun sel for the defense places several wit nesses on the stand this morning to show that the timber claim of Marion R. Biggs, one of the defendants in the trial of Representative Williamson and Di. Gesner, was valuable for timber, all of the evidence will have been laid before the jury. By refusing to permit the defense to place on the stand a long - list of witnesses to prove the good char- - acter of trie three defendants, Judge De Haven shortened the trial and for the - next few days the courtroom will be ringing with the voices of the attorneys making their argument to the jury. Yesterday morning Representative Williamson took the Btand in his own behalf and declared to the jury that ha was innocent of the charge of conspir ing to cause certain applicants for gov ernment timber land to commit perjury. He was inclined to be combative under - cross-examination but District Attorney Heney, apparently had no desire to press the witness to the point where he would lose his temper. During the di rect and redirect examination, - Repre eentative Williamson frequently turned. full upon the jury and delivered his evidence at various times directly -at the 12 men who will later pass judg ment upon him. Naturally his testi mony was the feature of the day, and while he made a good witness for him self, Mr. Heney nevertheless got ad missions from him that tended to show that he knew that Gesner was makine.- loans to entrymen. DIES AT BOISE. Off for ,the North Pole. New York, July 18. The Roosevelt, in which Captain Kobert K. feary hopes to reach the north pole, started on her long voyage today. Captain Peary and a party of guests were on board at the start, and remained with the' ship on her trip down the bay, but they left her at the narrows, returning to the city on a navy tug. Captain Peary started tonight by rail for 8yd ney, Cape - Breton, where he will join the ship. Captain King in Blackmar's Place Baltimore, July 18. By the death of General Blackmar, Captain John - R King, of this city, senior vice com mander in chief, becomes, under the laws of the G. A. R., acting commander-in-chief, and will continue such un til the next National' encampment Captain King is pension agent for Maryland, District of Columbia, Vir ginia and West Virginia, and has an office in Washington. Ripe Fruit Can- Be Carried. Sacramento, Cal., July 18. Harold Powell, of the United States Depart ment of Agriculture, says he has demonstrated . conclusively that ripe fruit, well refrigerated before shipment- will arrive sound under ordinary rail road refrigeration, even after being from 10 to 15 days on the way. Packing Plant is Destroyed. Columbus, O., July 18. The plant of the Columbus Packing company on the South Side, was destroyed by fire today, .ixms, fiso.uuu. The fire is believed to have been of incendiary origin. ' Bohemia Men Want Smelter. Bohemia At an important meeting of the Bohemia Mineowners' association this week steps were taken to interest some smeltermen in .Bohemia camp. One mining man stated that in case in terested parties put up a smelter, he woould sign a contract to deliver SO tons of ore per day. With this amount of bre from one. man, it is considered an assured fact that a smelter would pay if once put in operation. Men who are now doing nothing with their prop erties would proceed to active develop ment. Mr. Krebs at Dallas. Dallas Growers report the Krebs hop pool meeting in Dallas a success in every respect. All those present are said to have signed up, and the scheme in this vicinity seems to be progressing, while news comes from other hop local lties in this county indicating that Polk county will be quite generally in the pool . Evidently the'project is giv ing speculators considerable concern. It is reported that Salern speculators' were here the day of the meeting. PORTLAND MARKETS. Clerk Robinson Suspended Pendleton Charles M. Robinson, clerk of the Umatilla Indian reserva tion, has been suspended from office by Major J. J. McKoin, United States agent in charge of the reservation, pending an investigation of the affairs of Robinson's office. This action on the part of the agent is understood to be a result of the investigation of - the affairs of the reservation, by R. G. Val entine, private secretary' to Indian Commissioner Leupp. . Albany Summer Normal. Albany A summer normal school for the benefit of public school teachers is being conducted in Albany this sum i mer by County School Superintendent W. L. Jackson, City School Superin tendent Hayes and I.E. Richardson. A large number of the teachers in the public schools of Linn county are at tending this summer school, where in- 15c per pound. Wheat Club, 8283c per bushel: bluestem, 8990c; valley, 85c. Barley, Feed, $21.5022 per ton; rolled, $2324. Oats No 1 white, feed, $29 per ton; gray, 129. Hay Timothy, $1416 per ton; clover, $1112. Fruits Apples, new, . $1.501.85 per box; apricots, $1.15 per crate; peaches, 8090c per crate; plums, 85c $lfper .crate'f Loganberries, $1.25 per crate; blackberries, 10c per pound; cherries, 712c per pound; currants, 8c per pound ; prunes, 85c$l; rasp berries, $1.251. 50 per crate. Vegetables Beans, l4c per pound; cabbage, llc -per pound ; cauli flower, 75 90c per dozen; celery, 90c per dozen; corn, 2027Jc per dozen; cucumbers, 40 75c per dozen; lettuce, neaa, iu.c per dozen; parsley, zoc per dozen; peas, 25c per pound; toma toes, $1.253 per crate; turnips, $1.25 1.40 per sack; carrots, $JL.251.50 per sack; beets, $11. 25 per sack. Potatoes Oregon, new, 75c$l per sack. . Bujter Fancy creamery, 17)21 Jc per pound. Egga Oregon ranch, 2122c per dozen. " - Poultry Average old hens,- 12 13c; mixed chickens, 1212c; old roosters, 910c; young roosters, 11 12c; turkeys, live, 1819; geese, live, I78c; ducks, old, 13c ; ducks, young, Commander-in-Chief of G. A. R. Was : Touring Northwest. Boise, Idaho, July 16. General W W. Blackmar, commander-in-chief of the Grand Army of. the Republic, died at 5 o'clock this evening of intestinal nephritis. His wife was with him during his illness. The body will be embalmed and taken to the home of the family in Boston. The general arrived here on the 10th on a tour, during which he intended to visit Grand Army posts throughout the Northwest. He was ill when he arriv ed and gradually failed. The serious ness of his condition was kept from the public at the request of his wife. General Blackmar was born July 25 1841, at .Bristol, Pa. He enlisted in the Fifteenth Pennsylvania cavalry and subsequently joined the First West Virginia. He served with distinction throughout the war and at Five Forks was promoted on the field by General Custer to the rank of captain. Through the three administrations of Governors Long, Talbott and Rice he was judge advocate general of Massachusetts. At the last National encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic he -was elected commander-in-chief. struction in practical pedagogy is given- State Land in Klamath. Salem State Land Agent Oswald West has returned from a' trip to Swan Lake, Klamath county, where he in spected a large tract of land believed to be swamp in character, 'and therefore the property of the .state. - He found 5,000 acres to which he believes the state is entitled to a patent, and he will take steps immediately to perfect title. Hops Choice 1904, 1619c per pound. ; -,'' Wool Eastern Oregon average best, 1921c; lower grades down to 15c, ac cording to shrinkage; valley, 2527c per pound; mohair, choice, 81c per pound, v ' - Beef Dressed bulls, - l2c pound; cows, 3)4c. Mutton Dressed, fancy, 5c pound; ordinary, 4c. Veal Dressed, 37c per pound. Pork Diessed 67Jc per pound per per Costly Dirt in New York. New York, July 17. From the ex empt tax list, as published today the City Record, some idea of the value of earth in that part of the globe cov ered by New York City may be gath ered. The total estimated value of real property which pays no taxes is more that $1,000,000,000, and it safe to eay that the real worth of the property ia more than $2,000,000,000 Adding to this more than $5,000,000 000 of real estate which was taxed, the actual value of the city is more than $7,000,000,000. Rain Ruins Indiana Wheat. Indianapolis, Ind., July 17. Reports to the News from all counties of Indi ana show that continuous rains have prevented almost entirely the threshing of wheat in this state so far. Two weeks ago Indianians apparently ' had the greatest yield of wheat in many years, but since harvest there has been rain practically all the time. Returns so far indicate a yield of 20 bushels to the acre. The Indiana corn crop will be tremendous. Canal Laborers Leaving. Panama, July 17. Owing to dila tory methods of paying laborers, a gen eral exodus of workmen is taking place among employes of the canal. Reports from Culebra indicate that, because they cannot get paid, laborers are quit ting in scores,- and have taken to the woods of bananas and other tropical fruit to ward off starvation. TO TAKE VLADIVOSTOK. Japanese Hope to Capture Fortress- " Before Envoys Reach America. Tokio, July 18. Judging from thet activity at present being displayed at the Navy department, it seems certain the investment of Vladivostok can be expected before the end of this week. All arrangements are known to haver- been completed, and it is reported, evi dently upon the best authority, that Admiral Togo's entire fleet will sail from Sasebo before nightfall. In addi tion, an army of invasion, which was landed from transports in Peter the- Great bay very recently, is already- moving to complete the investment by land. Since June 1, 50 ocean-going; foreign steamers have been placed un der the Japanese flag, laden with am munition and supplies, and will accom pany Togo's fleet. It is the hope of the Japanese gov ernment that Vladivostok will be taken before the peace envoyB land on United States soil. With this object in view, nothing is to be left undone to make the campaign, as planned, brief anctt eminently successful. HEAT IS KILLING. Temperature in Metropolis of United States Causes Prostrations. New York, July 18. After a -respite- of one day, the hot wave that swept over New York last week, causing scores of deaths and hundreds of cases of pros trations, returned today with renewed intensity, the temperature being by far the highest of the season. The highest point reached was at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, when the weather bureau thermometer touched 95 degrees. In the streets, however,, the heat was much greater, some ther mometers recording as high as 103. While the heat was intense, the air was stirred -by light breeze, and the general Suffering was somewhat miti gated By the absence of the excessive humidity that prevailed last week. It was largely owing to this that only two- cases of death directly, resulting from heat were reported. Nothing to Investigate. Caracas, July 18. Venezuelans were very much surprised on receiving the news that President Roosevelt had ap pointed Judge Calhoun a special com missioner to Venezuela to investigate the claims of America. The Constitu- ( tion, the government organ, says: "If the claims of Americans or others ex isted, they would have been already heard before competent authorities. It may be the president requires infor mation regarding the case of the New York & Bermudez Ashpalt company,, which is still pending." " Rapid Transit for London, London, July 18. A bulky bluebook. tonight contains the report of the royat commission on locomotive transport in London. The advisory board of engin eers recommends the construction of two main avenues through London, 140 feet wide and between four arjd five miles long, carrying four lines of tram ways on the surface and four lines of railways below the Surface. It is esti mated that the cost of construction wilL be 12,000,000. Assistant Engineer of Canal. . San Antonio, Tex., July 18 Jackson Smith, formerly passenger agent of the National railroad of Mexico, has been appointed assistant to Chief Engineer S'cvens, of the Panama canal, accord ing to a telegram received here tonight.