Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, July 21, 1905, Image 4

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    M mm
Published Tuesdays and Fridays by
Gazette Publishing Company.
Tlie sni'sciiptlon pnc of the Gazette
lor several y em has leeu. and remains.
$2 p-er niii)t:ir or 25 per cent discount if
paid in
"Don't kick a man when he's
down," is an old saying and if
humanity lived up to what this
homely old saw teaches the
world would be the better for it.
The trouble is we do not. We
are charitable while dealing with
our friends, or when it is policy
for us to be charitable. Charity
that springs from policy is damn
able. At present there is in this city
a case in point two cases, in
fact, that furnish a parallel for
the assertions of the above para
graph, n r. (jrenoz was-our
jjienu, cuiu iia.u. ueeii vcctto,
but it is nevertheless a fact that
he was guilty of appropriating to
his own use, while in office, money
-C - ,1 J T 1 1 I
that was not his. For this we
are very sorry; sorry that his
needs were so pressing' as to
tempt him to wrong doing; sorry,
indeed, that our friend should
have such dire trouble; doubly
grieved that one so universally
trusted 'should forfeit the con
fidence of all. That he is to be
pitied there are none to gainsay.
Beyond doubt his mental suffer
ing was great while wrestling
with the temptation. All the
pity he has received since his
sudden departure he has undoubt
edly earned many times over.
Much, in fact, the major part of
this pity is sincere, but one may
cot look long to find evidences of
pity for policy's sake.
We pride ourselves on being
a humane, a just people. Are
,-we always so? When policy
does not figure we are mayhap.
When policy enters into'the mat
ter justiee in its strictest form is
a matter of well, doubt. Take,
far example, the cases of E. P.
Greffoz and Jacob Blumberg
bear in mind that we are judging
neither, , as we are not their
ieeper, but are going to point
oct some inconsistencies and the
matter of charity from policy.
The ottense ot tne lormer was
far in excess of that of the lat
Yet, we hear (and it is all
right) pity for Mr. Greffoz, but
la certain quarters we find those
who pity Mr. Greffoz, hounding
Mr. Blumberg. Is this charity ?
Ls this justice in its fullest sense ?
Mr Blumberg may have done
wrong, pernaps ne did, but we
hear no one pitying him in his
offense. On the other hand, we
find some who profess pity for
Ur. Greffoz, after Mr. Blumberg
unrelentingly and drawing all
possible attention to his offense.
While we pity both in their of
fenses, we condone neither. Just-
' ice requires that all be treated
alike according to their offense,
and pity for policy's sake, fore
sworn.' ' '
Raeent disasters would indicate
that the submarine boat is
. doubtful quantity. They are haz
ardous to the crews and whether
. of any efficient service is still an
open question. There has always
been a desire to build - and em
ploy them and probably there al
ways will be this desire. There
will always be found men to man
them and take chances on drown
ing like a rat in a hole.
The submarine boat is almost
as. much a matter of speculation
as is trie airship, witnout your
wings are abnormally developed
it is wiser that you shun a voyage
in the latter. Just so with the
submarine when you are assur
ed that you possess both lungs
and. gills you can aaf ely give one
a trial. Only recently one of
these boats went down and Jde
spite heroic ettorts ; the crew
perished. "
Uz2z:, lit: r."-y
life, therS are those who persist
in the struggle towards perfec
tion regardless of the fact that
they may be monkeying with a j
As Reported Abroad.
In Tuesday's Telegram appears
a dispatch from this city bearing
on the Greffoz case. So far as
we are informed, the report to
the Telegram seems about cor
rect. It is as follows:
The auditing committee ' of
the City Concil has about com
pleted the work ot experMng the
books of Police Judge Greffoz,
who let Corvallis several weeks
ago and whoe prtsent where
abouts is unknovyi. The short
age so far ascertained will amount
to something ovt-r $2,000, and will
be made good bv his relatives.
All the deficit so far found has
been in collections made on "ew
er assessments vjuany of which
were withheld hv Jnd je GrefL.Z
and not turned ovi-r ,u the City
Treasurer. .
Owing to the peculiar condi
tions under which these assess
ments were levied and collected,
is doubtful if Mr. Greffoz's
bondsmen are liable for the short
age, or even it he is criminally
lable. For some years past it
has been the custom for the City
Council to pay the contractor for
the construction of the lateral
sewers, and men collect from tne
property-owners along the line of
the sewers a pro rata assesssment,
all of which is contrary to chart
er authority and consequently il-
egal. Mr. Greffoz had no au
thority to receive or .'receipt for
such money in his official ca
pacity and he does not deny hav
ing received it as a private citi
zen. He and his relatives stand
willing to make good the short
age so far as they are able, and it
is doubtful if any charges will be
preferred against him.
Mr. Greffoz has alwavs been
considered a man of unquestion-
1 " . . 1 . m ... ,
ea integrity and tne report ot a
shortage in his accounts could
naraiy oe believed bv nis many
mends in this city. He is a man
of steady habits, a ieweler bv
trade, and a Corvallis bov born
and raised. His business affairs
have been in bad shape for some
time, and he has had consider
able difficulty in satisfying his
j 1 t ' , . 1
creditors, ana u is supposed mat
his shortage was used to , satisfy
his private debts. He has been
for some time a suffer from chron
ic nervous headache, and has for
mat reason been unfit to attend
to business of any kind.
One On James
Net long ago, James L- Lewis,
one of our . hustling real estate
dealers, attempted to sell a well
known gentleman 100 very fine
hens. When James is in earnest
he is eloquent. On this occasion
his enthusiasm over his hens
knew no bounds and he manful
ly asserted that the 100 hens :i
question could easily lav ten
dozens eggs a day.
The old gentleman did not buy
the hens on the spot, but went
home to think the matter over.
After pondering the question, the
old gentleman decided that 100
hens that could lay ten dozen, or
120 eggs, per day were no ordi
nary hens by any means.
He told his story to a certain
man among us who has the
chicken habit and the story final
tv came to Bob. Johnson's ears.
Now Bob poses as a friend of
James, so he went to Mr. Lewis
and suggested that he must have
made a mistake. James consid
ered but an instant, his face lore
a smile as he replied, ' ceitrnly
I made a mistake. I meant nine
dozen, of course."
. She. Tried Five Doctors.
Hre. Frances L. Sales, of Missouri Val
ley, la., writes: "I have been afflicted
with Kidney trouble five years; had se
vere pains in my back and a frequent de
sire to urinate. When riding I experi
enced much pain over the- region of the
kidneys. I tried five physicians without
benefit and then concluded to try Foley.s
Kidney Cure. . After taking three $1 bot
tles I was completely cured." Soldby
Graham & Wortham..
Notice is hereby giyen that parties in
debted to the undersigned are urgently
requested to settle their accounts at once
as I have disposed of my harness busi
nes3 to Mr. Grant Elgin! andjit is necs
sary that all sums due me be paid.
. 57tf
Died Saturday.
Word reached Corvallis a few
days ago of the death of Mrs.'
gejts at the' home ot her daugh
ter, Mrs. J. W. Howard, near
Prineville. Mrs. Howaid has
resided in this city during 1 he
past five years on account of the
advantages offered for schooling
the children, although each sum
mer they would return to their
Crook county borne.
On the first of this month Mr.
and Mrs. Howard followed their
usual custom and crossed the
mountains to Crook county. Mrs.
Sdis accompanied them. Short
ly afterward she was stricken
with p'eusisy, later, according to
report,b'ood poisimin; set in and
she expired lst Saturday. . Her
illness was brief, but she suffered,
Mrs. Seits was a widow and is
survived by two daughter, Mrs.
J. W. Howard and Mrs! Smith.
The home of . the latter is in
fnneviiie. tne deceased taay
made her norne with ht-r datitih-
t;rs, residing for a p:ricd with
each in turnv No news came to
this citv as to when or where in
terment was to be made. Mrs
Seits during her residence in this
city made many sincere friends
who wi 1 be grieved to hear of
her sudden death
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Annually, to fill the new positions created bv
Railroad and Telegraph Companies. We want
YOUNG MEN and LADIES of good habits, to
We furnish 75 fer eent. of the Operators and
Station Agents in America. Our six schools are
the largest exclusive Telegraph Schools IN THE
WORLD, r-stannsnea zu years and enaorscu 0'
all laauing Railway Officials.
We execute a $250 Bond to every student to
furnish him or her a position paying from $40
to 360 amonth in states east of t e Roeky Moun
tains, or from $75 to 8100 month in s ates west
of the Kockies, immtdiately upon graduation.
Students can enter at any time. No- vaca
tions. For full particulars regarding any of
our Schools write diTect to our executive oihee
at Cincinnati, O. Catalogue froe.
The' Morse School of Telegraphy,
Cincinnati, Ohio. Buffalo, N. Y
Atlanta, Ga. LaCrosse, Wis
1 exarxana, 1 ex. oan 1- rancisco, Lial
- 68-93 . .
We Fit Glasses
To all, Defects of Sight
MATTHEWS, The Optician
Room 12, Bank Building."
"I was troubled with stom
ach trouble. Thedford's Black
Draught did me more good
in one week than all the doc
tor's medicine I took in a
year." MBS. SAEAH B.'
8HIEFIELD, Ellettsville, Ind.
quickly invigorates the ac
tion of the stomach and
cures even chronic cases of
indigestion. If you will
take a small dose of Thed
ford's Black Draught occa
sionally you will keep your
stomach and liver in per
fect condition.
Mora sicknessis caused by
constipation than by any
other disease. Thadford's
Black-Draught not only re
lieves constipation but cures
diarrhoea and dysentery and
keeps the bowels regular.
All druggists sell -25-cent
"Thed'ford's Black
Draught is. the test medi
cine' to regulate the bowels
I have ever used." MRS. '
A. M. GRANT, Sneads
Ferry, N. C.
mi t . 1 "
xne nas made a
special arrangement with
the publishersof a number
of the leading magazines
and newspapers of the Unit
ed States, whereby we are
offered cut rates on these
Now we could charge you the
full price for these andl're-
serve the difference between
the regular price and their
special price to us, as our
commission, but as the Ga
zette is a home paper for
home people, it will be sat
isfied by receiving you as a
new subscriber, or, if J you
are now a subscriber, then
by receiving your renewal
for a year in advance. This
special rate may not last
long, so take advantage of it
NOW while the chancers
yours. ,
A Great
Woman's Home Companion
Frank Leslie's Monthly
Modern Priscilla and
Corvallis Gazette
en year
Interest the
Weekly Oregonian
San Francisco Examiner
Corvallis Gazette
All three i
oise year.
Cosmopolitan Magazine
or Leslies, ' v
' Housekeeper
, "or McCall'p, 1
Corvallis Gazette
Any three 80
GnzettQ Put J Go
The partnership existing for
Has been dissolved, Mr. Callahan having withdrawn his
entire interest. The remaining partners,
Messrs. 3. M.
Wish to Reduce Stock $10,000
within the next 30 days and will
begin a Great Dissolution Sale,
commencing Saturday,
Great reductions in prices will be made to
accomplish this result. This will be a golden
opportunity to all economical buyers. Be
on hand to get your
in store for you.
Store will be closed
Friday to mark down
PfWCJi fh If yur watch shows any irregu-
Wi fStl ii (Lr UU larity or gives ' other evidence that
anywhere than right here. ' We clean and repair all sorts of
watches thoroughly and quickly and guarantee all our work as
well as pur prices to be right. If your watch chain is beginning
to show signs of wear, or if you'd like a new chain for any rea
son, we are prepared to supply you with the best gold-filled one
made, at a moderate price. We carry the Simmons make, the
best known and most strongly guaranteed chains ever sold.
E. W. S. PRATT, Jeweler and Optician.
2 Open Day and Night.
J. C. HAMMEL,fProp.
One ot the Finest Eauiaed Hotels in the Valley.)
Both Phcnes.
C. Hlestand.
Patronize Home Industry
Outside Orders Solicited. '
All Work Guaranteed.
Bring yo u r J o biWo rktO
Gazette Office.
The Original.
foley A Co., Chicaeo, originated Hon
ey atid Tar a throat and lung remedy,
and on atoount of the great merit and
popularity of Foley's Honey and Tar
many imitations are offered for the genu
ine. Ask for Foley's Honey and Tar and
refuse any substitute offered as no other
preparation will give the same satisfac
tion. It is mildly laxitive. It contains
no opiates and is safest for children and
delicate persons. Sold by Graham &
many years and known as .
Nolan Son,
share of the Bargains
all day Thursday and
prices and arrange
sometmng is wrong wnn n, metier
have it examined by , a competent
watchmaker. You won't find any
more skillful or more experienced
Rooms Single on EnSuite.
Bits Meets allTrainsm,
J iChas. Blakaaleo.
If vou are looking for some real good
Bargains in Stock, Grain. Fruit and
Poultry Ranches, write for our special
list, or came and see us. We will take
pleasure in giving you reliaole informa
tion: also sAowing you over the county
The Diamond Cure.
The" latest news from Paris, is, that
they have discovered a diamond cure
for consumption. If you fear consump
tion or pneumonia, it will, howeer, be
be best for you to take that great remedy
mentioned by W. T. McGee, of Vanleer,
Tenn. "j had a cough for fourteen
years. Nothing helped me until I took
Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump
tion, 3oughs and Colds, which gave in
stant relief, and effected a permanent
cure." Unequalled quick cure for Throat
and Lung Troubles. At Allen & Wood
ward's drug store: price 50 cents and $1,
guaranteed Trial bottle free.