HelplHelp! I'm Falli, n9 Thus cried the hair. And a kind neighbor came to the res cue with a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor. The hair was saved! In gratitude, it grew long and heavy, and with all the deep, rich color of early life. Sold in all parts of the world for sixty years. " About on year wro I lost nearly all ef my lair following: an attack of mauler. I was advised by a fileud to use Ayer'a Hair Vtiror. I did to, and a a result I now bay a beautiful head of hair." Mas, W. J. Browx. Menom onea Fall.. Wla. A" by J. O. A jer Co.. IfOwsll. Also manuXaoturera ef SARSAPABLLA. xiers I . i.l.Jl;ai'iaUiai.M PILLS. CHEKBV PECTCSAL. 1 mil nn sa Mindinir His Own Business. Wallace Cumminsrs UBed to drive the old stage which ran between j Bridgton and Portland. One day Wal lace had as a passenger out of Port land a young city chap or dude, as Wallace called him. The scenery along the stage route was both beau tiful and diversified; the young man was much Interested, and as he sat on the box, or post of honor, beside Wallace literally plied him with ques tions as to what - mountain that was and what river this was. etc. The old driver, who detested this 6ort of interrogation, stood it as long as he could. Finally he blurted out: "Say, stranger, if you'll mind your business I'll mind mine." Thus snubbed, the young man re lapsed into silence. They had driven about ten miles farther when they came to a long hill, where the driver was obliged to apply the brake. As he shoved his foot to ward it he immediately' noticed that the mail bag, which always lay there, was gone. Evidently it had dropped Off along the road. Wallace stopped his horses; then, breaking the long silence, he said: "Say, stranger, did you see that mail bag slide off?" "Yes, I did; some ten miles back," calmly remarked the young man. "Well, why In thunder didn't you tell me?" gasped the astonished driver. The "dude" looked him squarely In the eye for a moment, and then ne drawled, Imitating Wallace's tone: "Say, driver, you mind your business and I'll mind mine." The rest of the journey was driven In cold silence. Boston Herald. - Infant mortality is reported to be greater in Prussia than in any other country except Russia. The deaths the first year are 6 to 7 per cent in Sweden, 15 in France and 23.6 in Prussia. - A VETERAN Of THE BLACK HAWK, MEXICAN AND THE CIVIL WARS. CAPT. W. W. JACKSON. Sufferings Were Protracted and Severe Tried Every Known Remedy With out Belief Serious Stomach Trouble Cured by Three Bottles of Perunal Capt. W. W. Jackson, 705 G St., N. . W., Washmgotn, D. C, writes: "T aft oiohro.fhiuiA oaflM nlit o vcif- I j eratf 'the Black Hawk, Mexican and the Civil wars. I am by profession physicaii,. but abandoned the same. "Some years ago I was seriously af fected with catarrh of the stomach. My sufferings were protracted and severe. I tried every known remedy without obtain- - ine relict. "In desperation I began the use of your Peruna. I began to realize immediate though gradual improvement. ' "After the use of three bottles every appearance of my -complaint was re- moved, and I have no hesitation in rec ommending it as an infallible remedy for that disorder." W. W. Jackson. Address Dr. 8. B. Hartman, Presi . dent of The Hartman Sanitarium, Co '.' lumbus, Ohio. L...4gA JL-a-A1! l.sTyJ I CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. I Bast Couch Syrup. Tastsa Good. Daa in time, eoia DrYiraggists. Jamie's Manliness. Jamie came into the house crying like a girl. Mother sighed, for her lit tle son was not showing the manly traits that should come with a boy s fifth birthday. ' What Is the matter, Jamie?" The boys is pickin' on me, mamma. They're always pickin on me, an makin' fun. Boo-hoo!" "There, there, son. You'll never be a man If you cry like that" "But, mamma dearie, that" s Just the matter of me. Everybody thinks I m a girl with these horrid old curls and dresses, too. The boys laugh at me and pull my hair and tell me to go play with the girls, an' they run away from me an' won't let me play with them. Boo-hoo! An' yestiddy when fthat lady called, she said: 'How de do. little girl,' an' she kissed me, an I wanted to Jes' slap her, an I hate her, an' I want to be a boy! ! Boo-hoo-hoo!" Mother sighed. Those beautiful golden curls had been her pride, and when they were gone her baby would be gone. But she could not have her baby and a manly boy, too, that was certain. Well, If t- must I must Now, Jamie, if you'll stop crying this very minute I'll have the curls cut off this afternoon." Sunbeams broke out all over Jamie's face and dried up the tears. "Oh, mamma! An' pants, too! Can I have pants?" . "We'll see." That night when papa came home there was a strange boy at the gate to meet him. A boy with a crop of yellow bristles, and trousers ' with pockets, and a face as Jolly as a har vest moon. "Hello, pop! See me. I'm a real boy now." Jamie's manly traits began to de velop rapidly. He stamped heavily when he came into the house and threw his hat at the hall rack instead of hanging it up as he bad been taught He grew a whistle and get chummy with the boys. Mother was startled one evening to see her baby of two weeks ago stand ing in front of the long mirror and thrusting his fists at his own likeness In a manner most ferocious, frowning meanwhile as if upon a hated foe. "Why, Jamie, what are you doing?" Her last fears for her son's manli ness vanished as he looked up . and stopped in the midst of a terrific up- percut and answered: "I'm jes' practisin', mamma. I got to lick a feller to-morrow. If s about a girl." The Wilfnl Kangaroo. The little Kangaroo (If. this story is quite true) Could not be made to bathe Mm in the river. He said he never yet ' Saw water quite so wet The mere suggestion made him shake and shiver! His mother said, "Absurd! , You're a ninny, on my word! -' What well-bred jungle creature would act so I The little Elephants Are glad to have the chance . Their bath is just a frolic, as you know. "The little Barbary Ape Does not try to escape When threatened with ' cold water and the soap; The Hippo-potamusses Don't mae such awful fusses, Nor the Jaguar, nor the little Antelope. "The mild, obedient Yak " " Would never answer back, Nor does the Rhino-cino-roarer-horie; And the baby Crocodile Why, the water makes him smile; And he takes his daily plunges as course." . St Nicholas. of Good Season. A little girl of five summers went out to a tea party, and during the evening her sash became untied. "Tie my sash, please," she said to her hostess. . "Can't you tie It yourself?" asked that lady. "Of course I can't" "Why not?" "Because I'm In front," said the child, surprised at her elder's stupid ity. . ' - The Wren's Funny Meat. The mother, wren, with her. saucy tall tilted at a saucy angle, loved to come around the lattices and porches of the house to make her home. A gray-haired gentleman sitting Quietly reading on his front porch one morning watched her with a mixture of amusement and affection till she flitted out of his view. Presently he felt the flutter of wings around his head, and then a pair of small feet rested there. It waa the wren- A most vigorous pulling and tugging at his hair betrayed the purpose of thu enterprising little bird. When she had secured what she could carry of Ihe soft white hair she flew away, return ing now and then for another supply. After the leaves had fallen and all was brown and bare, the nest was found, with its lining of white hair, swinging among the branches of some dead hop vines on the porch. An Interesting Experiment. A pretty and simple experiment Is to change the color of flowers. Immerse the flowers in ammonia, and you will be surprised to see walte lilies change to yellow; pink roses turn a lovely light green; dark red sweet peas as sume blue and rich purple tints. The change is so rapid as to suggest the presence of a magician. fcpinninir an Efra". Did you ever try to spin an egg? All you have to do is to boil the egg hard and twirl It in your fingers. Then try to spin It on Its side. In this you will fail, as the egg will stand and spin on its large end. THEIR YEARS ARE WASTED Extravagant Habits Hob Ball Players . of Benefit of Big; Salaries. The worst fault of the baseball busi ness is that it teaches young men- the habit of extravagance and high living, writes Jimmy Ryan, once one of the best. Naturally the players on each great team are lauded as heroes by their admirers; the newspapers are full of accounts of their doings; they meet Jiundreds of "good fellows", who want xnem to arm, smoxe or carouse wun them. They meet "sports" of wealth and they try to Imitate these "sports." They spend their money for rich clothes, wines, costly cigars and dia monds, and usually when they are sud denly confronted with a ten days' no tice of release the diamonds are about all that they have left to show for the earnings of years. The old-timers were more reckless in this regard than the new generation of ball players, but there are enough youngsters now wasting money. To me it is a sad commentary on the game to see the great stars of other days toiling as day laborers. The greatest pitcher of them all is digging ditches in Indianapolis; perhaps the greatest infielder the world has known is clerking in a -cigar store at $12 a week. I have jseen him spend $300 In one night I find them in cheap sa loons, on police forces, ' in city jobs. but few in any established business and still fewer accumulating wealth. They wasted their years ef time on the ball field and wasted the money that they earned. At the end of a baseball career the player is usually left stranded In the business world. He gains a false idea of his own Importance from the cheers of the crowd and the crowd forgets him almost as soon as he gets out of his uniform. He depends upon some of his powerful "friends" to get him a position when he gets through. The end usually 'comes with startling sud denness. The friends that he relied upon are not so friendly to a back number as to a brilliant player. He drifts to thejninors, drops out of sight, and seldom rises again. Couldn't Be Both. "During the taking of a religious census of the District of Columbia the past winter," relates a representative from Tennessee, "a couple of young ladies who were engaged In the work stopped at my heme on Capitol Hill, and when the bell rang it was an swered by the negro boy I brought from Tennessee with me. The ladles asked him: " 'Will you please tell me who lives here? " 'Yessum; Mistah Johnslng,' was the answer. . 'Is he a Christianr " 'No, ma'am. He's er congressman from Tennersee. " Doubts. Governor Douglas of Massachusetts tells this of the Southern darky: "There was a darky in southern Tennessee named Eph Friday, who died a short time ago. Eph was neither a member of a church nor of a lodge and thus had no one to deliver an address or a prayer at his burial. At last an old un'cle consented to say a few remarks for the departed soul. As the coffin was being lowered Into the grave the old uncle said to the as sembled mourners: " 'Eph Friday, we trusts you nab gone to de place whar we 'spects you ain't'" Philadelphia Ledger. i Showing; It to Him. Scout (from the city) Where la the beautiful view you advertise? , Farmer Takemin Why, e Jest walk over ter Pokeville an take th' stage to Hen Lake, an' tn' steamer ter Moose Landing, an' then climb up Skeeter mountain ter what they call "Lover's Leap" and tbar ye git th view, an' It's a dandy. Puck. Chicago Sequence, The Maid What is love? The Bachelor Love is the prelude to matrimony, The Maid And what Is matrimony? The Bachelor The prelude to ali mony. Any man who works around a mill can tell you what he weighs to-day and what he weighed yesterday. Men working around a mill do all their r loafing on the scales. : Plenty used to mean enough before trusts got to hogging things. Sax- -Your new auto Is sixteen horse power, Isn't it? Fox Umt Sixteen he balky horse power. Brooklyn Life. Diner I've been waiting half an hour for that chicken I ordered. Walt erYou have an uncommon amount of patience, sir. Judge. She la skin grafting a very late aiscovery? He No, It is only a new branch of a very old art; all grafting Is a skin profess. Detroit Free Press. Sometimes a man is desbised for twenty or thirty years because he is so stingy, and then envied all the rest of his life because he Is so rich. Som- errille Journal. ' "You haven't been marked the Ink-well. here long," re rvr 99 it,. new blotter. "How do you like your T?1. We l VertaInly abS0Tb" ing. Philadelphia Ledger. Husband You ought to know more than to order a pearl necklace when you know how I'm fixed! Wife Why, sonable, you have deprived that corn John, do you think I want everybody pany of its rights, of its property, and to know how you're fixed? Puck. the circuit court of the United States "Well, Doctors Brown and Smith are has jursyjiction under the Fourteenth srolntr ft oiwnts rmnr. irl RntrnT " i, the operation necessary?" "Why, yes; Brown has a note coming due, and Smith wants an automobile." Puck. Mistress (to applicant for cook's po sition) Why did you leave your last place? Applicant You are very in quisitive, marm. I didn't ax yer what for yer last cook left you. Pick-Me- up. , Miss Innlt You seemed bored at the theater last night, Mr. Knott Don't you like Shakespeare? Mr. Wyse Knott Oh,'" Shakespeare's all right I s'pose, but I wisht he'd turn out some thing new. Ex. "Albert, dear, while looking through some of your old clothes, I made such a lucky find that I ordered a new dress on the strength of it" "What was It dear?" "Half a dozen checks that had never been written on." Rastus (to druggist) Look hyah. misteh. Yo' all sole me some stuff to make Easteh aigs yestuddy. Drug gistWell? Rastus Well, I feed hit to dem hens, an' dey ain' lay no aigs dey lay down en' die. Mrs. Smith Had your daughter a pleasant voyage? Mrs. Newrich Yes, but they must have had an accident She wrote she landed on Terra Firrua, and I knew the boat was bound for Liverpool. New York Mail. Growell (in cheap restaurant) Here, waiter! Are these mutton or pork chops? Walter Can't you tell by the Then teste? Growell No. Waltei what difference does it make what they arO Illustrated Bits. Mamma I thought there was an ap ple on the sideboard and I was going to (It it to you, but I find it Isn't there! Freddy Well, will you give me something else, mummy, 'cos It wasn't a very good oneT--Punch. "One-half of the world's happiness is solved when a person Mearns to mind his own business." "Yes, but it's the other half that causes the most trou ble " "What's that?" "Getting other people to mind theirs." Detroit Free Press. Mrs. Gadabout People are saying you called on Mrs. Verdigris the other day and got a setback. Mrs. Upjohn What a wilful perversion of truth! I called on her, and got back a set of Dickens that I'd loaned her two years before. Mrs. Nuwad Here's the bread I started to make to-day. Is'nt it too annoying? Mr. "Nuwed Why, It isn't baked at all. Mrs. Nuwed I know it Isn't; that's just it I put plenty of baking powder In it, but It doesn't seem to have worked. La Montt Children are so much worse than they used to be. What do you attribute it to? La Moyne Improved ideas in building. La Montt What has that to do with it? La Moyne Much. Shingles are scarce. and you can't spank a boy with a tin roof. A Process Reversed: "You regard camDaisn calculations as a distinct branch of mathematics?" "Yes," an swered the erudite personage. "The method differs from all others. You start with the answer, and then work backward and evolve a problem to demonstrate it", Cold Mine 3,900 Feet Deep. The deepest gold mine In the world Is said to be at Bendigo, Australia. It Is called the New Chum mine,' and its main shaft is sunk to a depth of three- quarters of a mile. The most difficult problem of working a mine of such depth is how to keep the tunnels and general workings cool enough for the . . . miners to worn, xne temperature is 11 -l.An4. 1 AO rrfrma i of course, greatly enervating. To make spray 01 com water is iei uuwu iruui ahov and keDt continually Dlavinar on their bodies. They are naked from the waist upT '- - More Trouble. Patience-What is that the choir Is B!f,i, ,.. ',nii' n f ' ptricrh' thats Tbe Bat" tie song. . ' "Gracious! Is the choir going to have another fight? '-Yonkers States- matt- ' ' - - The young man who gets a good start in life doesn't always make a sat isfactory finish. ' A pretty girl can teach a man any thing but common sense. Railroad Rate Legislation. Testifying before the senate commit tee at Washington, Interstate Com merce Commissioner Prouty said in discussing the proposition to give that commission the power to regulate rail way rates) "I think the railways should make their own rates. I think they should allowed to develop their .own busi- ness. I have never advocated any law, and I am not now in favor of any law, which would put the rate making power into the hands of any commis sion or any court. While it may be necessarv to do that some time, while that is done in some states at the nres- ent time, while it is done in some countries, I am opposed to it. The railway rate is property. It is all the property that the railway has got The rest of its property is not good for anything unless it can charge a rate, JNow has always seemed to me that when a rate was fixed, if that rate was an unreasonable rate, it deprives the railroad company of its property pro 8honld property of a nil- wad; it is not necessary that you should eay that it shall not earn three per cent or four per cent. When you put in a rate that is inherently unrea- amenoment to restrain mat I have looked at these cases a great many times, and I can only come to the conclusion that a railroad com pany is entitled to charge a fair and reasonable rate, and if any order of a commission, if any statute of a state legislature takes away that rate., the Fourteenth amendment protects the railwav comnanv.' I sr J af GETTING OFF A -HIGH HORSE The Experience 'Which a College Grad uate Encountered. Any business man of long experi ence, college man though he be him self, will attest to the wrinkles that have to be taken out of the average college man at the first brush, says man in business. 1 had an experience with one of them a short time -ago, When I first talked with him he was willing to "accept" a position if it paid $100 a month, for instance! I turned him out In one minute and thirty seconds, asking that he call again about the middle of the next week. He came that is the charac- teristic of the college man, by the way. I jumped on him before he got his breath from the walk upstairs. I ask-' ed him If he knew about how much his first three mistakes in the place he wanted would cost the house? He didn't, of course. I asked him if he knew just how much more he might be worth to me or to another employer if he could assure me or them that there I woul(i be no mistake to cost anything. He thought he did, Then I came down to the brass tacks of the jvhole question: "How long," I said, "will It take for you to forget In the first place that yon belong to one of the oldest families in Virginia; how long to forget that you were the valedictorian of your .class; how long to lose recollection of your having proposed 'accepting' a position at $100 a month, and to make up your mid that if I allow you to fill a place here at $60 a month for the first year you wUl be a fortunate young man?" He was hurt An old friend of mine had been an old friend of the young man's father. He said he would call the next afternoon, and he came. "I am ready to go to work in the morning, he said, simply. He has been at work ever since, too, and if he keeps to the gait he is going I shall be stuck into" paying him $60 a week in stead of his present $60 a month.. Mothers will find Mrs. WlnsloWs 800 thin r Byrnp the best remedy to use for their children during tne teeming penoa. , Where Extremes Meet. Modiste What style of sleeve would you prefer. Mrs. DeStyle? Mrs. DeStvle I hardly know. What js ti,e correct thing this season too tight lor too loose? Piso's Cure & a remeay for coughs, colds and consumption. Try it. Price 25 cents, at druggists. Chip of the Old Block. Growells What makes the baby cry I when the nurse is trying to wash the dirt from his face? Mrs. Growells Oh, I suppose he takes after you, Growells Now what in the wfirld do yon mean by that, madam? Mrs. Growells He evidently wants the earth. SCROFULA The tainted blood of ancestors lays epting untold suffering; by transmitting to them, through the blood, that blighting disease, Scrofula; for in nearly every instance, the disease can be traced to some family blood trouble, or blood-kin marriage which is contrary . - 1 F j r 111 a! ' . . . . . n me taws ot nature, oweuuxg, I SXTAftV MTM CrtrWC ' aKerMCM Skin eruptions, white swell- fP - ue eyes ana we t eared she would lose her sight. Ol the natural Strength, and T was then that we decided to tn R s s TV.. vitality, are some of the ways medicine at once made a speedy and complete tk'3 miserable disease man- cure. She is now a young lady, and has never ifests itself. The , noison had a sirn of the disease to return. 1 transmitted through the s- 5th St, Salina, Kan. Mas. R. Berkxy. blood pog and Weakens that health-sustaining fluid and in place of its outribve qualities fills the circulation with scrofulous matter and tubercular deposits, often resulting in consumption. A disease which has been in the family blood for generations, perhaps, or at least since the birth of the suf- v- ferer, requires constitutional treatment S. S. S. is the remedy best fitted for this. It cleanses tha iwV iv blood of all scrofulous and tuberculous poisons. j C"iy C- J C" J Bea it rich and pure and under the tonic effects " of this erreat proves, the symptoms all pass away, there is a sure return to health, the dis ease is cured permanently while posterity is protected. Book on the blood end any advice wished, furnished by our physicians, without charge. TUE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. ATLANTA. GAs MALLEABLE IRON STUMP PULLERS Kan test, lightest and strongest Stump Pallet on the market, lit Horse power on toe sweep with two bones. Write lor descriptive catalog and prices. 1 REIERSON MACHINERY CO. Foot ol Morrison Street Portland, Oregon BAD DEBTS COLLECTED EVEKYwrlHuVSB UttM Wi MERCHANT! WTfCnVt AS5M ftoutro 6itKf mri&um aoc SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH SOW NSHI XWT U't UJ KILLS lle and all erroln that Infest horses cattle, poul try, etc Lousy hens will not lay; nor chicks grow. LICE! live upon the blood which should go to sustain life vitality. PRUSSIAN LICE POWDER kills the lice, thus it SAVES FEED as extra rations must be given on account of Termin. 25o and 50o dealers. By mail 40c A Ibo PRUSSIAN ItCMCOY OO. ST. PAUL. MINN. 68 page Hand Book Free PORTLAND SEED CO., Portland. Or- Voaat Ag-onta. IF YOU WE CAN CURS YOU The Lewis Phono-Metric Institute and School fnv Stammerers of Detroit, Michigan. Established eleven years. Have cured thousands. Gold Medal awarded world's Fair, St. Loui s, iai)4. Recommended by chvslo lans. educators, clergymen, and pradnates every where. This Institution has a Western Branch at Portland with a very large class of pupils in attendance men and women, pirleand boys allagec. ten wrLay. Many have peen curea in taree weets, uuc nve to six weeKs is trie time usually required. Will close in Portland on October 14th. Will accept pupils until September 1st. A POSITIVE, ABSOLUTE CTjRE GUAKANTEEB. Write at once for particulars and terms. If you mention this paper and send 6 cents in stamps, to cover postage, 1 will send you our cloth bound. 00 page book. -I he Origin and Treatment of Stammering," free of charge. Address "WTT.T.TATVr T. TFWTa Western Representative Associate Principal ' 8. W. Cor. 18th and Raleigh Streets PORTLAND, OREGON Note No pupils accepted at Portland after Sept. 1st. Iowa Improved SEPARATOR LOW CAN Wai,, High Skims Cold or Warm Milk g0 Qent stream ITS THE BEST EVER SEND FOR CATALOGUE MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAYER CO. PORTLAND, OREGON SEATTLE SPOKANE BOISE THE DR. C. GEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO. Formerly located at 253 "Alder Bt. for the past 5 yea -a - HAVE MOVED To the Large Brick Building at the 8. E. Corner of First and Morrison btieets. En trance No. 162 First Street. Successful Home Treatment DR. C. GEE WO 1b known throughont the United blaies, and is called the (ireat Chi nese Doctor on account of his wonderful cures, witi out the aid of a knife, without using poisons or drugs of any kind. He treats any and all diseases with powerful Oriental Roots, Herbs, Buds, bark and Vegetables that are unknown to medical science in this country, and through the use of these harmless remedies, lie guar antees to cure catarrh, Asthma, Lung '1 rouble. Rheumatism, IvervousnesM, Stom ach, Liver, Kidney,- Female weakness and All Chronic Diseases. Call or write, end' sing 4 2 c. stamps for mailing Book and Circular. Address The C Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co. No. First St.. S. C. Cor. Morrison Pleise mention this paper. Portland, Oregon. P. N. U. No. 29-1 905 f BEN writing to advertisers plea I mention tnis paper. I Sewing on buttons is not a wifely duty, in Japan there are no buttons. PITQ Permanently Cored. So flts or nervousness II IO afterfirstday'su&eofBr.Kline'stireatNervo Restorer. Send for Free iJ trial bottle and treatise. Sr. K. H. Kline, Ltd., 931 Arch St.. Philadelphia, Pa. A guest at a recont golden wedding in Dantzic, Germany, was the wife's moth er, aged 91. . A Disease We Inherit upon the shoulders of innocent off- uiceraung gianas 01 ine nect, catarrn, . appeared on the head of my little blood medicine the rreneral heaTtri im.