Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, July 18, 1905, Image 2

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    MiM U ElTt
Published Tuesdays and Fridays by
Gazette Publishing Company.
The n8rijition pru of the trAZF.-rrE
lor bcvt.-aiy-H. ia iwen. and remains
$2 P'4' alli um.
pni(l in ii-iva
i5 per rent discount il
The Greffoz case still occupies
to some extent the Corvallis
mind. The committee at work
on the books find the sum at
present slightly in excess of
$2,000. They have been investi
gating and find that so far all
parties who have had sewers con
structed through thier property
have paid and hold receipts from
Mr. Greffoz, although not credit
ed with payment on his books.
What is bes; to do is not yet
ffphp.-mifipd. nor is there any in
dication that anything is going
to be done in the matter. On
the other hand what can be done?
Although subject to censure for
sticking OK on Mr. Greffoz's
books when they were in such a
muddle is but a. natural indul
gence for many of our citizens
under the circumstances, it do:s
not replace the missing money
nor point out what best to do in
future, so there is little to be
gained by talking of those sup
posed to expert the books.
Not a True Bill in the Case of
the Greens.
Since last February Fred Green
has been an inmate of the Ben
ton Ccunty bastile, while his
wife has been confined in the
Linn county stronghold, joint
ly charged with the murder of
E. G. Sarreett. Their case came
before the circuit court for Lin
coln county last week and they
have been acquitted. Their case
was handled by Attorneys W. S
MeFadden and J. F. Yates, of
this city. -
The supposed crime for which
they were held was surrounded
by peculiar circumstances, and
as these could furnish good mo
tives for the Greens to commit
the deed they were bound over
to await the action of the grand
jury. The setting of the tragedy
was at Lutgens, on the Alsea
Bay. Sharrett was Postmaster
there, and in connection with the
office conducted a small general
store. He boarded with the
Greens. One morning when Mr.
Sharrett failed to respond to the
morning call, as was his wont,
Mrs. Green went to his room and
found him lying in a pool of his
own blood, a Winchester rifle
near hint. This is the story told
by Mrs. Green. After the shoot
ing Sharret lived a week, and
finally on the day before he died,
willed all his property, amount
ing to a few thousand dollars, to
Mrs. Green.
Shortly after residents of the
Lutgens neighborhood remem
bered that Frank Lutgens, who
preceded Sharrett as postmas
ter at that place, had been mys
teriously killed just a year be
fore, and that the mystery sur
rounding his death was never
cleared up, began to suspect foul
play in connection with the Shar
rett death, and ugly rumors regarding-
the Greens were set
afloat. Later, when it was learn
ed that Mrs. Green had been the
beneficiary under the Sharret
will, it was pointed out that there
was a motive for the Greens to
commit the crime, and the ugly
finger of suspicion was pointed
at them. In the meantime Mrs.
Green had gone to Portland on a
vacation trip, and was reported
to have fled. Portland authori
ties were notified of the suspect
ed crime, and of the warrant is
sued for the G:::r.s, and soon lo
cated Mrs. Green.
It developed, during the investi
gation that Sharrett was in poor
health, and had been for a year
prior to the shooting; that he
Winchester in the position' in
which he was found, and that he
had often said that if his physic
al condition did not improve he
would take his life in the manner
in which it was taken. People
ioi uncom county are generally
satisfied with the finding of the
grand jury. While in the Linn
county jail Mrs. Green was a
model prisoner.
When cleared of. the charges
against them Mr. and Mrs. Green
and many friends held a sort, of
reunion that was memorable in
its way.
Irrigation Congress.
( oniiimed fr m Firt Page.
Executive Commiiirf nave de
cided to systewat ze the wo:k of
the next Congress nrco'dinu . to
Articles 3 ami 5cfour Constitu
tion; consequent! the woik of
the 13th Ongicss . has been di
vided into five sections.
Each section will he conduct
ed .by a Chaii in mi; who will be
recognized as au tmiiient author-
uy in nis line, wmcn insures a
thoroug;h exposition of the re
spective subjects through the pre
sentation of papers, addresses and
discussion by the most eminent
men interested in forestry, irri
gation, climatology and their
correlated subjects.
In the various sections, infor
mation will be dispensed regard
ing the increasing of production
by irrigation in the humid as well
as in the arid sections; forestry
problems in New England, and
along the Appalachian Chain, as
well as along the Rocky and
Sierra Mountains; engineering
applied to protect from the de
vastation by floods; drainage of
the submerged areas; directing
and conducting the water to its
most beneficial use; climatologv
with special reference to the ser
vice of the Weather Bureau
throughout the United States;
and colonization of new areas
developed through irrigation.
It is confidently predicted that
the coming session of the Nation
al Irrigation Congress will be
more highly instructive and en
tertaining than any Congress
which has preceded it.
. Every State in the Union is
vitally and directly interested in
the subjects to be discussed.
The Vice-President and mem
ber of the Executive Committee
for each State are urged to make
the provisions of the call as wide
ly known as possible, and insure
the largest possible delegation
from their respective States.
What Will Result?
Railroad men, says an exchange, are
watching developments now that it is
known the Corvallis & Eastern is wanted
by the Co-Operative Christian Federa
tionists, and the belief is general that
the long-talked-of connection with
Gould's Western Pacific will certainly be
brought about if A. B. Hammond can be
induced to part with this strip of road ex
tending from Detroit through Albany
and Corvallis to Yaquina bay. With the
C. & E. in its possession, and the Oregon
Military Wagon Road grant of thousands
of acres of choice land deeded to it, the
acquisition of the Booth-Kelly Lumber
Co.'s chain of mills would place the fed
eration in ownership of the strongest
combination of industries and property
in the state.
The immense belts of timber growing
on the military road grant, which is 12
miles wide, a major part as yet untouch
ed by the woodman's ax, would be of in
estimable value to the federation, as it
could cut all of the material to be used
m the construction of the towns planned
to be located on the strip acd have mil
lions of feet left for commercial purposes.
W ilh railroad facilities the i orpora
tion w ill be in a position to bid for a big
share of the lumber business on the
coast, especially in those districts reach
ed by rai'. A right of way for the road
into Portland from Albany or a point in
the vicinity of the present terminus at
Detroit is already assured. Several sur
veys have been made through the val
ley, other ' than those occupied by the
Southern Pacific, and all oneasy grades,
so building north would be simple. No
thought is being given to the question of
terminal ground here, for it is asserted
Portland stands ready to provide that so
soon as it is assured connection has been
made with a transcontinental Hue. iYhh
such a road entering Oregon from the
East the enormous amount of lumber al
ready routed that way over the Harri
nian lines would be doubled for the in
terloper, as not only would he mills of
the federation cut for the eastern mar
kets, but many mills in the territory
now forced to ship by the Southern Pa
cific would quickly avail themselves of
the splendid opportunity offered to ship
through other channels.
X:i' ?.;:ceil "n a'" 'ora t'es l!::;;
roan will fight the change of ovnernhip
in the Corvallis & Eastern. To have
that lre pass into other hands means i
that the projected exienfinn to Ontario
will not be built to connect the Oregon
Short Line and Southern Pacific.
Though a branch may traveise the mili
tary rnarl, the main line will strike flniith
wanl to meet Gould. Forming a shorter
road to the East the Gould connection
would sec u re a hnge share of both pas
senger and freight business, and thus
make inroads into the Ilamuian reven
ues wh cli might at last act as tl e sort
of lever for lower rates the Ore 'onians
have long sought. HarriroHn's contem
plated extension of the Columbia
Southern will not deter the federation
Irom pushing the O. A E. onward if
on'-e the. oivnPr hip is vested in that
unique body.
Take The Gazette for all the
local news.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Cheap Sunday Rates Between
Portland and Willamette
Valley Points.
Low round trip rates have been Dlaced
n effect between Portland and Willam
ette Valley points, in either direction,
Tickets will be sold
and limited to return on or before the
following Monday.
Rate to ob From CoEVAiiLis, $3.00.
Call on Southern Pacific Co's Agents
tor particulars.
Annually, to fill the new positions created bv
Railroad and Telegraph Companies. We want
TOUNG MEN and LADIES ot good habits, to
We furnish 75 per cent, of the Operators and
Station Agents in America. Our six schools are
tbe largest exclusive Telegraph Schools IN THE
WORLD, i-staoiished 20 years and eudorscd by
all leading Railway Officials.
We execute a J230 Bond to every student to
furuish him or her a position paying from &10
to 960 a month in states east of Vie Koeky Moun
tains, or from $75 to 910(1 a month in s-ates west
ot the Koceles, immadiatuy iipoa graduation.
Students can enter at any time. No vaca
tions. For full particulars regarding any of
uui wiiuuiv njucuiicub uivur OUM.C
at Cincinnati, u. Catalogue froe.
The Morse School of Telegraphy,
Cincinnati, Ohio. Buffalo, N. Y
Atlanta, Ga. LaCrosse, Wis
exarnana, i ex. aan r rancisco, Cal
e Fit Qlassas
To all Defects of Sight.
MATTHEWS, The Optician
Room 12, Bank Building.
"I was troubled with stom
ach trouble. Thedford's Black
Draught did me mora good
in one week than all the doo
tor'a medicine I took in a
year." MBS. SARAH B.
SHIEFIEIJ, Ellettsville, Ind.
Thcdford 's Black Draught
quickly invigorates the ac
tion of the stomach and
cures even chronic cases "of
indigestion. If you will
take a small dose of Thed
ford's Black Draught occa
sionally you will keep your
stomach and liver in per
fect condition.
Mora sickness is caused by
constipation than by any
other disease. Thedford's
Black-Draught not only re
lieves constipation but cures
diarrhoea and dysentery and
keeps the bowels regular. '
AU druggists sell
25-cent packages.
"Thedford's Black
Draught is the best medi
cine to regulate the bowels
I have ever used." MRS.
A. M. GRANT, Sneada
Ferry, N. C.
m m
1 THEDFORD'5 ' 1
mi y-t . i -.
ine ijazette nas made a
special arrangement with
the publishersof a number
of the leading magazines
and newspapers of the Unit
ed States, whereby we are
offered cut rates on these
Now we could charge you the
full price for these and pre
serve the difference between
the regular price and their
special price to' us, as our
commission, but as the GA
ZETTE is a home paper for
home people, it will be sat
isfied by receiving you as a
new subscriber, or, if J you
are now a subscriber, then
by receiving your renewal
for a year in advance. This
special rate may not last
long, so take advantage" of it
NOW while the chance is
A Great
Woman's Home Companion
Frank Leslie's Monthly
Modern Priscilla and
Corvallis Gazette
AH five
one year
Interest the
Weekly Oregonian
San Francisco Examinr
. Corvalils Gazette
AH three
one year
Cosmopolitan Pfiagazlne
or Leslies, .
or McCall'p, .
Corvallis Gazette '
Any three
one'l year
- -: Address
G&sett Puis J Go
The partnership existing for
Has been dissolved, Mr. Callahan having withdrawn his
entire interest. The remaining partners,
Messrs, J. M.
Wish to Reduce
within the next 30 days and will
begin a Great Dissolution Sale,
commencing Saturday,
Great reductions in
accomplish this result. This will be a golden
opportunity to all economical buyers. Be
on hand to get your
in store for you.
Store will be closed
Friday to mark down
anywhere than right here. We clean and repair all, sorts of
watches thoroughly and quickly and guarantee all our work as
well as our prices to be right. If your watch chain is beginning
to show signs of wear, or if you'd like a new chain for any rea
son, we are prepared to supply you with the best gold-filled one
made, at a moderate price. We carry the Simmons make, the
best known and most strongly .guaranteed chains ever sold.
E. W. S. PRATT, Jeweler and Optician.
Caen Day and Night.
J. O. HAMMEL.lProp.
One otltheZFinest Eguined Hotels in"the Valley
Both, Phones.
D. C. H lest and.
Patronize Home Industry
Outside) Orders Solicited.
All Work Guaranteed.
Bring your Job .Work to the
Gazette Office.
The Original.
Eoley A Co., Chicago, originated Hon
ey and Tar a throat and luug remedy,
and on acoount of the great merit and
popularity of Foley's Honey and Tar
many imitations are offered for tbe genu
ine. Ask for Foley's Honey and Tar and
refuse any substitute offered as no other
preparation will give the same satisfac
tion. It is mildly laxitive. It contains
no opiates and is safest for children and
delicate persons. Sold by Graham &
Wortham?. ,.
many years and known as
Nolan Son,
Stock $10,000
prices will be made to
share of the Bargains
all day Thursday and
prices and arrange
your watch shows any irregu
larity or gives other evidence that
something is wrong with it, better
have it examined by a competent
watchmaker. You won't find any
more skillful or more experienced
Rooms Single or EnSuite
Bus Meets all Trains
Chas. B lakes Ice
li you are looking lor some real good
Bargains in Stock, Grain, Fruit and
Poultry Kanehea, write for our special
list, or ome and see us. We will take
pleasure in giving you reliaole iniorma-
The Diamond Cure.
The latest news from Paris, is, that
they have discovered a diamond cure
for consumption. If you fear consump
tion er pneumonia, it will, however, be
be best for you to take that great remedy
mentioned by W. T. McGee of Vanleer,
Tenn. "I had a cough for fourteen
years. Nothing helped me until I took
Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump
tion, Coughs and Colds, which gave in
stant relief, and effected a permanent
cure." Unequalled quick cure for Throat
and Lung Troubles. At Allen & Wood
ward's drug store ; price 50 cents and $ 1,
zu;; Trial bottle free.