Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, July 18, 1905, Image 1

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    Vol. XX.II,
Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon, Tuesday, July 18, 1903.
XO. r :
The Thirteenth National Irriga
tion Congress in Portland
Aug. 21-4, 1905.
The official call for this great
congress has been sent out and it
is to be hoped that matters may
be arranged so that Benton may
have a respectable representation
present. This is really a matter
of great importance and in order
to give an idea of its magnitude
we quote a part of Chief Engin
eer Newell's letter to Torn Rich
ardson the latter is manager of
the Portland Commercial Club.
The letter in part is as follows:
"la connection with the call
for the Trans-Mississippi Com
mercial Congress, held here
August 16 to 19 inclusive, and
the National Irrigation Congress,
to be held here August 21-24,
1905, I desire to suggest that you
extend a cordial invitation to all
persons to visit the Irrigation Ex
hibit of the Reclamation Service.
This is located in the Forestry
and Irrigation Building, near the
main ' Government Building on
the Island. A special building
was erected for the joint occu
pancy of the Forestry Service
and the Reclamation Service,
and in this are placed models,
photographs and other exhibits,
showing not merely the intimate
relation of forestry and irriga
tion, but bringing out the magni
tude of the work undertaken by
the Government in both of these
lines. This is the first attempt
made by the Government to ex
hibit its operations under the Re
clamation Act of June 17, 1902.
In the three years which have
elapsed since the passage of this
act the Reclamation Service has
been organized, consisting of up
wards of 400 engineers, assistants
and experts in various lines; each
man carefully selected through
competative civil service exam
ination. At the same time sur
veys have been carried on in all
parts of the West, and the relaT
tive merits of various projects
compared. Construction has been
pusned iorwara on tne most im
portant of these projects and con
tracts involving the expenditure
of manv million dollars have
been entered into.
'There is now available in the
Reclamation Fund the sum of
nearly $30,000,000. Plans have
been made for the expenditure of
this amount in fourteen Western
States and three Territories. The
work is greatly scattered, each
project being usually hundreds
of miles from any other project,
hence great responsibility .has
been put upon the local engin
eers in charge. In the three
years which have elapsed the
great questions of policy have
been outlined and works have
been designed whose construction
will require at least ten years.
"On the Seventeenth of June,
the third anniversary of-the Re
clamation Act, occurred the for
mal opening of the first Govern
ment project constructed under
this law, the Truckee-Carson
Project, by which 250,000 acres
of desert will be brought under
ditch. It is expected that oh
each succeeding, anniversary of
the Act at least one large project
will be completed and lands open
ed to public settlement and cul
tivation. 1 'The undertakings alreadyout
lined, while not as expensive as
the Panama Canal, involves as
great, if not greater, questions
of engineering and business judg
ment. The law requires not
merely that irrigation works shall
be built, more than this, the
country reclaimed must be set
tled in small tracts and the cost
of the work ultimately returned
in ten annual installments. There
is probably no undertaking in
. the United States upon which
the future of the nation so much
. depends. The successful execu
tion of the Reclaimation Act
means not merely creating thou
sands of homes, but more than
this, it results in upbuilding great
home markets for manufactured
products and greatly increases
the value of all the transporta
tion and other industries of the
entire country.
"The exhibit arranged at Port
land is intended to bring out
some of the great features, and
at the same time show in detail
how the work is planned and ex
ecuted. One of the most nota
ble engineers of the Reclamation
Service, Mr. Edmund T. Perkins,
has been elected to supervise the
exhibit. At the time of the
holding of the Trans-Mississippi
Congress and the National Irri-
gational Congress in Portland,
he will, with various assistants,
give personal attention to ex
plaining to tne delegates tne ex
hibit and will be prepared to fur
nish additional facts as to the
Reclaimation Services and its
The official call for this meet
ing is as follows and explains all
about how many delegates the
various states, counties, cities and
societies are entitled to send as
The Thirteenth National Irri
gation Congress is hereby to be
called to meet in Portland. Ore
gon, August 2 1st to 24th, inclu
sive, 1905, convening in the
Auditorium, Lewis and Clark
Exposition Grounds.'
All who are interested in de
veloping the great natural resour
ces of the country, extending the
habitable area, and increasing
the products of the land, insur
ing greater stability and more
prosperous conditions, making oc
cupancy upon the land more at
tractive, tne extension or the in
ternal trade and commerce, and
the - dissemination of a wider
knowledge of the great economic
movement which has for its ulti
mate object the upbuilding of an
empire within the borders of a
great nation, are invited to attend
this Congress
The organization of the Con
gress is as follows:
, The permanent officers of the
Congress, including the Chair
man of the Sections. '.
Members of the United States
Seriate and House of Representa
Governors of States and Terri
tories. Embassadors, Ministers and
other representalives of foreign
nations and colonies.
Members of State and .Terri
torial Irrigation Commissions,
and State Commissioners of Ag
riculture and Horticulture.
Fifteen delegates to be appoint
ed by the Governor of each State
and Territory.
Ten delegates to be appointed
by the Mayor of each city of
more than 25,000 population.
Five delegates to be appointed
by the Mayor of each city of less
than 25,000 population.
Five delegates to be appointed
by the Chairman of the govern
ing boaid of each County. '
Two delegates, each duly ac
credited by the Chamber of Com
merce, Board of Trade, Commer
cial Club or other commercial
Two delegates, each duly ac
credited by any organized irriga
tion, agricultural or horticultur
al society.
Two delegates, each duly ac
credited by any regularly organ
ized Society of Engineers.
Two delegates, each duly ac
credited by any agricultural col
lege or college or university hav
ing a chair of hydraulic engineer
ing, forestry or other subject re
lating to the general purpose of
the congress.
It is respectfully suggested that
in the appointment of delegates,
persons should be selected who
are sincerely interested in and
purpose attending the Congress,
and that appointments be made
as early as possible.
The work of the congress has
been so greatly enlarged through
the increased interest in matters
pertaining to irrigation, that the
Concluded on Second Page.
Matters Resolved at the Good
Roads Convention.
Considerable discussion has oc
curred since the meeting of the
National Good Roads Associa
tion in this city on the Fourth of
July as to the import of the reso
lutions passed. In order that all
may know just what these resolu
tions are, we hereby submit them:
Be it resolved that we recom
mend that the Board of Regents
of the State Agricultural College
of Oregon, located at Corvallis,
shall take into consideration the
establishment of a thorough de
paitment of Engineering which
shall comprehend a special course
in educating the students how to
construct, scientifically, earth,
gravel, macadam and oiled roads.
We further recommend that the
next State Legislature shall make
a special appropriation to eq-up
the Agricultural College with
sufficient and necessary funds to
establish a complete engineering
department, that the branches of
road, culvert and bridge con
struction may be thoroughly and
successfully taught; be it further
Resolved, That .we commend
the attention of State, County
and City officials to the necessity
of utilizing the labor of all able
bodied, defective classes, who
are known as tramps and vagrants.
We believe all such unfortun
ates should not drift at will from
county to county and state to
state and live in idleness and
neggary- .We further believe
that municipal, county and slate
laws should be speedily enacted
(where such action has not already
been taken)to arrest this itiner
ant class under the vagrancy laws
and put them to wcrk upon the
public streets and roads. We
further recommend that the con
victs in the penitentiary should
be used in preparing material for
road building: and when it seems
feasible to the warden and Prison
Board the convicts shall be used
in constructing roads, thus re
moving the labor of con victs from
the least known competition with
free labor. Twelve southern
states and some northern states
have adopted this method of util
izing convict labor. We find
those states are building sub
stantial roads, economically and
to gicat advaritage. We espt cial
ly commend the cowrse of the
siates of California, Illinois,
North and South Carolina, Tex
as and other states, in using con
vict labor in preparing material
and placing it upon the public
Mr. Chairman, Ladies and
Gentlemen of the Benton County
Good Roads Convention: Your
committee on resolutions respect
fully submit the following: be it
Resolved, That the citizensof
Corvallis and community fully
appreciate the courtesy and hon
or conferred on them by the offi
cers of the National Good Roads
Association in the selection of
this city as the place for holding
a .National liooa Koaos Associa
tion convention and the able ef
forts of the officers of the asso
ciation in presenting the. cause of
good roads to our people; be it
further .
Resolved, Inat this conven
tion extend its hearty thanks to
the Commercial Club, the City
Council, the Ciic Club, the may
or and other citizens of the city
and county for ananging for and
carrying out' the details of this
convention; be it further
Resolved, That we heartily
thank the railway companies of
the west for the assistance they
have already given to the good
roads movement, and we real ze
and appreciate their disposition
toco-operate with us in the pro
motion of the cause of good r'ds
upon which we are now enter
ing; be it
Resolved, That the citizens of
Corvallis and Benton county rep
resented in this convention fuily
appreciate the value and import
ance of good roads to the moral,
educational and material progress
of our people; and realize that the
time is ripe for the general adop
tioT of a policy of construction of
hard roads throughout this coun
ty. We endorse the idea of good
reads and of the education of the
people to the importance of good
roads and to the construction of
such roads as rapidly as the
means of our people will permit;
be it further '
Resolved, That we believe
that any experimental work car
ried on in this state by practical
demonstration will be of primary
'and substantial value to the im
provement of the highways of
this state and ' will consequently
enhance the value of all our, prop
erty, rural and urban alike; be it
Resolved, That we recom
mend to the careful attention of
the city council of Corvallis, the
board of Supervisors of Btnton
county, and to the highway com
missioners, the suggestions made
in this convention as to the pur
chase and use of road machinery
in the construction of roads, and
the building of bridges and cul
verts of a more substantial type;
be it further . -
Resolved, That it is the sense
of this convention that the city of
Corvallis and Benton county
should be represented at the Na
tional Good Roads Convention to
be held in St.- Louis, Mo., the
third Wednesday of November
next, and to that end we recom
mend that the Benton County
Good Roads Association appoint
one delegate, and that the Com
mercial Club appoint one dele
gate, and that the expenses of
these delegates, so far as practi
cable, be borne by these various
organizations; be it further
Resolved, That the thanks i-f
this convention be extended to
the various speakers who have
addressed the convention.
Cured of Bright's Disease.
Mr. Robert O. Burke, Elnora, N. Y.,
writes: '"Before I started to use Foley's
Kidney Care I had to get up from twelve
to twenty; times a night, and was all
bloated up with dropsy and my .eyesight
was so impaired I could- scarcely see one
of my family acres? the room. I had
given tip hope of living when a friend
recommended Foley's Kidney Cure. One
50 cent bottle worked wonders and before
I had taken the third bottle the dropsy
had gone, as well as all other symptoms
of Bright's disease." Sold by Graham &
- Notice is hereby giyen that parties in
debted to the undersigned are urgently
requested to Fettle their accounts at rai
as I have disp sed of mv harness i-usi-ness
to Mr. Grant Elgin and it is necs
sary that all sums due me be paid.
J. E. Winegar. ..
A Surprise Party. .
A pleasant surprise party may begivp.i
to your stomach and liver, by taking a
medicine which will relieve their .pain
and discomfort, viz: Dr. King's New Life
Pills - Thev are a most wonderful rem
edy i affording sure relief and cure tor
headache, dizziness and contipaiinn ;
25c at Allen & Woodward's d. ng store,
Gazette Bell phone No 341.
FiVfirvthiner in first-class order. Come
. - o
room, new fixtures, new goods, but same old prices..
We still have a very nice line of Go-Carts, at very
ble prices.
If you are going
Tents, Cots, Camp
Job Printin
When you pay out
good money for
printing, be sure
and get good print
ing for the money I
Good Work costs
you no more than
the bad.
Doctors said He would not live.
Peter Fry, Woodruff, Pa., writes: "Af
ter do'storing two years with the best
physicians in wainesburg, and still, yet
ting worse, tht doctors- advised me if 1
had any btisinfss to attend to I had bet
ter attend to it t once, as I cou'd not
p ssibly livanother month as there was
no cure for me. Foley's Kidney Cure
was recommended to me by a friend, and
I immediately sent my son to the store
for it and after taking three bottles I be
gan to get' natter and continued to im
prove until I was entirely well." Sold by
Graham & Wortham.
A!l Resources of State Normal School Available.
Boaid and room, $3.00 to $4.00 per week. Entire expense
need cot exceed $30.00. Facultv of eight. . Address ,
Monmouth, Oregon.
camping, come and
etc., always on
Bo not send out printed mat
ter to your customers that is
a disgrace to your business
a disgrace to "your town and
a disgrace to the printer v: ho
puts it out.
Good printing is correct in
spelling correct in gram
marcorrect in punctuation
on good stock printed
with good ink and some
thing that it is a pleasure to
look at. ;
BeutHer Double.
"I knew no one, for four weeks, when
I was eiek with typhoid and kidney
trouble," writes Mrs. Annie Hunter, of
Pittsburg, Pa., "ami when I got better,
although I had one of the best doctor I
could get, I was bent double, and had to
rest my hands on mv knees when I
walked. From this terrible affliction I
was rescued by Electric Bitters, which
restored my health and strength, and
now I can walk as etraight as evtr. They
are simply'wonderful." Guaranteed to
cure stomach, liver and kidney disorders;
at Allen & Woodward's drug store; price
State Normal.
26 TO AIQ. 4.
TUITION, - - $7.50
and see
see us.