Ij T!?e Special (orrespoDeDt J CHAPTER XXUI. And 86 it was Ki-Tsang wl,o had just attacked the Grand Trausasiatic on the plains of Gobi. The pirate of Yunnan had learned that a van containing go.u and pisecious stones of enormous value had formed part, of this train! And was there anything astonishing in that, considering that the newspapers, even those of Paris, had published the fact many days before? So Ki-Tsang had had time to prepare his attempt, and had lifted a portion of the rails, and would probably have succeeded in carrying off the treasure if Faruskiar had not brought him to his feet. That is why our hero had been so uneasy all the morning; if he had been looking out over the desert so persistently, it was because he had been warned of Ki-Tsang's plans by the last Mongol who had joined the train at Tchertchen! Under any circumstances, wo had now nothing to fear from Ki Tsang. The manager of the company had done justice on the bandit speedy justice, I admit. But we are in the midst of the deserts of Mongolia, where there are no juries as yet, which is a good thing for the Mongols. "Well," said I to the major, "I hope you have abandoned your suspicions with regard to my lord Faruskiar?" '"To a certain extent, Monsieur Bom barnac!" Only to a certain extent? Evi dently Major Noltitz is difficult to please. The major has the wounded brought Into the cars and does the best for them under the circumstances. Doctor Tio-King offers his services; but they seem to prefer the Russian army surgeon, and that I understand. As to those who have fallen, it is best for us to take them "on to the next station, and there render them the last services. The thieves had abandoned their dead. We covered them over with a little sandt and that is all we need say.' The place where we had been stopped was half way between Tcharkalyk and Tchertchen, the only two stations from which we could procure help. Unfortu nately, they were no longer in telegraphic communication, Ki-Tsang having knock ed down the posts at the same time as he lifted the rails. As the engine had run off the rails, the very first thing to do was evidently to get it on to them again ; then as there was a gap in the line, the simplest thing to do was to run back to Tchertchen, and wait there until the company's workmen have repaired the damage, which they could easily do in a couple of days. We set, to work without losing a mo ment. ' The passengers were only too glad to help Popof and the officials, who had at their disposal a few tools, iucludiug jacks, levers and hammers, and in three hours the engine and tender were again on the line. The most difficult business is over. With the engine behind we can proceed at slow speed to Tchertchen. But what lost time. What delays! And what re criminations from our German baron, what donner vetters and other German expletives! " Meanwhile, Faruskiar and ; Ghangir were often talking together in a whisper, and from these interviews arose a prop osition which none of us expected. "Guard," said , Faruskiar, addressing Popof,' "it is my opinion that we had much better run on to Tcharkalyk than go back; it would suit the passengers much better." . "Certainly, sir, it would be prefera ble," said Popof; "but the line is broken between here and Tcharkalyk, and we cannot get through." ' "Not at present, but we could get the cars through if we could temporarily repair the line." Excellent notion, at once approved of by Popof, the driver, the passengers, and particularly the baron. The plan was feasible, and- if there were a few rails useless we could bring to the front those already run over, and in this way get over the difficulty. "- It was nearly -3 o'clock when we began ,. work. The rails had been shifted for about a1 hundred yards. As Faruskiar remarked, it was not necessary for us to fix them- permanently. That would be the task of the workmen the com pany would send from Tcharkalyk when we reached that station, which is one of the most important on the line. At 7 o'clock thirty yards of the line had been repaired. The night was clos ing in. It was decided to wait until the morning. In half a day we could finish the work, and in the afternoon we could be off again. , - We were in great want of food and Bleep. After so rude a task, how rude the appetite! We met in the dining car without any distinction of classes. There was no scarcity of provisions, and a large breach was made in the reserves. Never mind. We can fill up again at Tcharkalyk. Catcrua is particularly cheery, talka tive, facetious, communicative, overflow ing. And then our actor had an idea. Why not resume the marriage ceremony, interrupted-by the attack on the train? "What marriage?" asked Ephrinell. "Yours, sir, yours," replied Caterna. "Have you forgotten it? That is rather too good!" The fact is, that Fulk Ephrinell, on the one part, and Horatia Bluett, on the-' yother part, seemed to have forgotten that had it not been for the attack of Ki-Tsang and his band they would now have been united in the polite bonds of matrimony. - : . But we were all too tired. The Rev. Nathaniel v Morse was unequal to the task;, he would not have strength enough to support his blessing. The ceremony could be resumed on the day after to . morrow. Between Tcharkalyk and Lan Tcheou there was a run of nine-hundred kilometers, and that was quite long nougb for the Anglo-American couple to be linked together in. At daybreak next morning we are at work. The weather is superb. The day will be warm. Out in the Asian desert on the 24th of .May the temperature is uch that you can cook eggs if you only cover them with a little sand. Zeal was not wanting, and the pas sengers worked as hard as they had done the night before. The line was gradually completed. One by one the sleepers were replaced, the rails were laid end to end, and about 4 o'clock in the afternoon the gap was bridged. At once the engine beg.iu to advance slowly, the cars following, until they were over the temporary track and safe again. Now the road is clear to Tchar kalyk; what do I say? to Pekin. We resume our places. Popof gives the signal for departure as Caterna trolls out a chorus of victory. A thousand cheers reply to him. At 10 o'clock in the evening the train enters Tcharkalyk sta tion. , vWe are exactly thirty hours behind time. But is uot.thirty hours enough to make Baron Weissschnitzerdorfer lose the mail from Tien-tsin to Yokohama? CHAPTER XXIV. I, who wanted an incident, have had one to perfection. I am thankful enough not to have been one of the victims. I have emerged from the fray safe and sound. Our itinerary lay eastward toward Kara Nor, skirting the base of the Kan Chan mountains, behind which lies the region of Tsaidam. The railway dare not venture among the mountainous countries of the Kou-Kou-Nor, and we were on our way to the . great city of Lan Tcheou along the base of the hills. Gloomy though the country might be, there was no reason for the passengers to be so. This glorious sun, with its rays gilding the sands of the Gobi as far as we could see, announced a perfect holiday. .'From Lob-Nor to Kara Nor there are three hundred and fifty kilo meters to run, and between the lakes we will resume the interrupted marriage of Fulk Ephrinell and Horatia Bluett, if nothing occurs to again delay their happiness. The . dining car has .been again arranged for the ceremony, the witnesses are ready to resume their parts, and the happy pair cannot well be otherwise than of the same mind. The Rev. Nathaniel Morse, in announc ing that the marriage will take place at 9 o'clock, presents the compliments of Mr. Ephrinell and Miss Bluett. A little before 9 o'clock the bell of the tender begins to ring. Be assured it does not announce an accident. Its joyous tinkling calls us to the dining ear, and we march in procession toward the place of sacrifice. Ephrinell and Miss Bluett are alrealy seated at the little . table in front of the. worthy clergy man, and we take our places around him. On the platform are grouped the spectators anxious to lose nothing of the nuptial ceremony. - My Lord Faruskiar and Ghangir, who had been the object of a personal invi tation, had just arrived. The assembly respectfully rises to receive them. They will sign the deed of marriage. It is a Feat honor, and if it were my marriage should be proud to see the illustrious name of Faruskiar figure among the sig natures of the deed. . The ceremony begins, and this time the Rev. Nathaniel Morse was able to finish his speech, so regrettably interrupt ed on the former occasion. The young people rise, and the clergy man asks them if they are mutually agreed as to marriage. Before replying, Miss Bluett turns to Ephrinell, and says: "It is understood that Holmes-Holme will have twenty-five per "cent of the profits of our partnership." "Fifteen," said Ephrinell, "only fif teen." "That is not fair, for I agree to thirty per cent from Strong, Bulbul & Co." "Well, let us say twenty per cent. Miss Bluett." "Be it so, Mr. Ephrinell.' All is arranged. Tl .terests of the two houses have been safeguarded. The deed is then signed, first by them, then by the witnesses, then by Faruskiar, and the other signatures follow. At length the clergyman adds his name and flour ish, and then closes the series of for malities according to rule. "There they are, riveted for life," said the actor to me, with a little lift of his shoulder. ... - "For life like two bullfinches," said the actress, who had not forgotten that these birds are noted for fidelity. "In China," said Pan Chao, "it is not the bullfinch, but the. mandarin duck, that symbolizes fidelity in marriage." -. "Ducks or bullfinches, it is all one," said Caterna philosophically. The ceremony ia over. We compli ment the newly married pair. We return to our occupation. Ephrinell to his ac counts, Mrs. Ephrinell to her work. Noth ing is changed in tire train,' There are only two more married people. Faruskiar no longer disdains to mingle in our conversation. He is a charming man, well informed and witty, with whom I shall ..become better acquainted when we reach Pekin. While the train is running at full speed, we talk of one thing and another. . With regard to Kachgaria, which had been mentioned, Faruskiar gave us a few very interest ing details regarding the province, which had been so greatly troubled by insur rectionary movements. It was at this epoch that the . capital, holding out against Chinese covetousness, had not yet submitted to Russian domination. Many times numbers of Celestials had been massacred in the revolts of the Turkestan . chiefs, and the garrison had taken refuge in the fortress of Yanghi Hissar. Among these insurgent chiefs there was one, a certain Ouali-Khan-Toulla, who for a time had become --master of Kachgaria. He was a man of great intelligence, but of uncommon ferocity. And Faruskiar told us an anecdote, giv ing us an idea of these pitiless Orien tals. ... - "There was at Kachgar," he said, "an armorer of repute, who, wishing to secure the favors of , Ouali-Khan-Toulla, made a costly sword. Whea he had fin isued his work, he sent his son, a boy of ten, to present the sword, hoping to receive some recomDense from th rninl hand. He received it. The Khan ad uurea tne sword, and asked If the blade was of the first quality. ?YesP said the boy. Then approach!' said the Khan, and at one blow he smote off the head, which he sent back to the father with the price of the blade he had thus proved to be of excellent quality." The day passed without incident The train kept on at its moderate speed of forty kilometers an hour, an . areragi that would have been raised to eighty had they listened to Baron Weisssehnit lerdorfer. The truth is that the Chinese, driver had no notion of making up the time lost between Tchertchen and Tchar kalyk. - The country is changing as the railway runs south of the fortieth degree, so as to skirt the eastern base of the Nan Chan mountains. The desert gradually disappears, villages are not so few, the density of the population increases. In stead of sandy flats, we get verdant plains, and even rice fields, for the neigh boring mountains spread their abundant streams over these high regions of the Celestial Empire. We do not complain of this change after the dreariness of the Kara Koum and the solitudes of Gobi. Since we left the Caspian, deserts have succeeded deserts except when .crossing the Pamir. From here to Pekin pictur esque sites, mountain horizons, and deep valleys will not be wanting along the Grand Transasiatic. We shall enter China, the real China, that of folding screens and porcelain, in the territory of the vast province of Kin-Sou. - In three days we shall be at the end of our journey, and it is not I, a mere special correspondent, vowed -to perpetual movement, who will complain of its length. Good for Kinko, shut up in his box, and for pretty Zinca Klork, devoured by anxiety in her house in the Avenue Cha-Coua! We halt ,two hours at Sou-Tcheou. The first thing I do is to run to the tele graph office. The complaisant Pan Chao offers to be my interpreter. The clerk tells us that the posts are all up again, and that messages can be sent through to Europe. At once I favor the Twenti eth Century with the following telegram: "Sou-Tcheou, 25th May, 2:25 p. m. "Train attacked, between Tchertchen and Tcharkalyk, by the gang of the celebrated Ki-Tsang; travelers "repulsed the attack, and saved the Chinese treas ure; dead and wounded on both sides; chief killed by the heroic Mongol gran dee, Faruskiar, general manager of the company, whose name should be the ob ject of universal 'admiration." .' ' (To be continued.) ".- RELIG OUS REVIVAL NEAR? One of the World's Great Spiritual Movements Indicated. From England and from all parts of the United States come reports which would seem to "indicate the possibility of one of the great religious move ments which have, manifested them selves at various times during the last century. In many large cities, notably in some of the Western States, the re vival of religious Interest has led to the occasional suspension of business in order to facilitate attendance upon special meetings. For some time, and particularly dur ing the last twelve months, says the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, prophets have not been lacking who have predicted the revival wave, the advance Influence of which is Indi cated dally In the news dispatches, and the manifestations do not greatly sur prise other thinkers who, without -assuming the gift of prophecy, base their belief in a coming revival upon the precedents afforded by history. . . As a rule, with the usual exceptions not greatly In evidence, all of the great manifestations of religious Interest in the nineteenth century were preceded by aggressive assaults upon some one or more of tha fundamental principles of what is broadly denominated evan gelism. In the earlier years f the century these attacks were based upon the writings and teachings of Paine, Voltaire and others. It was subse quently realized that these writers and thinkers, while they attempted to cut the underpinning of religious faith, af ford nothing tangible as a substitute. In simply denylnsr fnnrtn trines they were destructlonlsts, pure auu simple. It has never been consider ' prising, therefore, that the men, some or tnem of gigantic .Intellect, who dif fered from the iconoclasts, ranted to their standard and organized for de fense. This defense had the twofold effect of arousing public Interest In theological questions not only but of attracting the attention of people oth erwise conservative in religious mat ters. The result was such notuWo ro. vlvals as that which swept the coun try in tne time of Finney. Midway In the century and again Inst befn beginning of Its last quarter there were special manifestations of rens-tan n terest, in each case following more or less violent attacks upon cardinal doc trines of faith. "While it would not be strictly accur ate to say that these attacks allo types of the trend of thought In many quarters on doctrinal lines In the first four years of the twentieth century, it is wear to every nonprejudlced observ er that that there Is a certain tonipnxv to discredit authorities and . hoiwa which have been understood to under- lie the entire evangelical structure. So true is this that many who have hith erto aanered to certain doctrines now find themselves adrift on a sea which Is, to say the least, sufflcientlv tuous to produce an undercurrent- nt doubt In their minds. Many of these iconoclastic views, which Just now find such wide and rapid dissemlrm-Hnn no doubt at best founded upon specu lations which form as yet but hypothe ses; yet they are none the less iijmia- tling In their effect on the faith of manKinu. ; . . .. - It is not strange, then, that follow ing the precedents of the Dast should be a reaction and that this re action should still follow precedents in taking on the form of renewed relig ious activity. Easily Described. Ostend Paw, what Is a platform humorist? ' ' PawA platform humorist, my son. Is a chap who stands on the back plat form of a car and makes Jokes when a woman steps off backward? The more we study, the mora we dis cover our Ignorance Shelley, filllPP Stalls for a Dairy Stable. Here is a dairy stable fitted with stalls that are easily constructive, in expensive, comfortable and "-clean for the cows. It is described in the Jer sey Bulletin, as follows: A is of pure clay, tamped hard and sound. The cow's front feet stand ou this part, and when she lies down the bulk of her body rests on this part of the platform. B is a hardwood board, 16 inches wide and 1 inches thick, on which rests the cow's hind feet. The clayr and the board make a plat form 4 feet 6 inches at one end and 4 feet 2 inches -at the other. The outer edge of the board is nailed to the In ner edge of the gutter. The manure gutter (C) Is 16 inches wide and 5 Inches deep, with hard wood sides and -concrete bottom. The manger shown In the sketch Is wood, but should be of cement, and STALLS WITH STANCHION TIES. so arranged as to be flushed with wa ter to clean It thoroughly. . " For ordinary dairy cattle no fasten ing is so economical of room and feed a3 the swinging stanchion. For high priced cows I would like some other fastening that would be less restrain ing. . The bucket (D) is the patent water ing device. ' The advantages of this platform over wood and concrete are: 1st In cheapness; 2d, easy repair, and re newal when necessary; 3d, the comfort to the .-jCow especially to her knees causing no big knees; 4th, thejease by which it can be kept from getting foul. . Having examined the multitude 'of patent; stalls and devices for cows, and having tried several of them, I know of -none better even If the owner be a millionaire. Of course a moderate slant is given the platform, Including the board, and the clay is kept built up flush with the surface of the board. The body of the cow Including her udder when lying down, rests on the clay, which. when bedded lightly with the usual litter, makes an easy and clean rest ing place. " A Home-Made Smoke House A large cask or barrel may be nsed for smoking a small quantity of meat. To make this effective, a small pit should be dug, and a flat stone or a brick placed across it, upon which the edge of the cask will rest Half the pit Is beneath the barrel and half Is outside. The head and bottom may be removed, or a hole can -be cut in the bottom a little larger than the por tion of the pit beneath the cask. The head or cover Is removed while the nams are being nung upon cross sticks as shown In the Illustration. The cross sticks rest upon two cross bars made to pass through holes bored in the sides of the cask. The head Is then laid upon the cask and covered with moist sacks to confine the smoke. Live coals are put into the pit outside of the cask, and the Are is fed with damp A BARBEL SMOKE-HOUSE. , corn cobsv hardwood chips, or fine brush. . The pit is co.-ered with a flat stone by which the fire may be regu lated, and it is removed when neces sary to add more fuel. Montreal Star. Stacking Alfalfa. Throughout the western half of the United States alfalfa hay Is commonly stored In stacks In the field. Alfalfa stacks will not shed water as readily as stacks of grass hay. In the arid regions there is little danger from rains during the season, of storage, but In humid climates It Is necessary to store the hay in barns or else cover the stacks with large tarpaulins, or they may be topped with grass. Oth erwise the percentage of waste Is very large. In any case there is likely to be some waste, for which reason the stacks are made large, thus reducing the proportionate amount of waste. In the alfalfa regions of the west ' the stacks are as high as the hay can be handled easily and may be 200 feet or more in length. The size of the stack is then limited chiefly by the conve nience in bringing the hay from the surrounding field. Will Ten Build a Silo ? ' Ten years ago it would have' been omewhat risky to advise that a man with as few aa a dozen cows built a tUo, but aa builders hay learned mora uout the construction of a silo the cost has been materially rerinppd no. withstanding the Increase In the post ' of lumber. It is not within the pro-1 vmce or tnls department to give the names of silo builders, but they are easily obtainable from advertisements in various agricultural papers or by inquiry to the experiment station of your State. That the silo is one of the most eco nomical ways of preserving food for cows is well known and frequently one I can find a structure In the neighbor-' hood which he can copy with a few in-' structions if he is handy with tools, for they are not difficult to build. The silo does away with much of the disa greeable work of corn harvesting and furnishes a food for the cows as good as the green food In the shape of steamed clover that is so valuable for poultry. If 'you can find any farmer within reasonable distance of you who owns a silo It will pay to visit and talk with him. Sowed Corn for Forage. While the pasture -may be all that Is desired throughout the summer, there is always, danger of drought of con siderable severity, hence It pays to be prepared for it by having a forage crop of some kind. Possibly it may not be needed, though it will, not be lost, for it can be used to furnish va riety, which is always desirable. While a number of grains and grasses are used for this summer forage, nothing is more reliable than sowed corn, and by making repeated sowings at intervals one will have something to feed in the late summer and fall. While there are differences of opin ion as to whether field or sweet corn Is best for this purpose, both are good, although we think the sweet corn fur nishes the most desirable forage. Compromise the matter and test It for yourself by sowing both. Of course, if one has a strong field of alfalfa, this will come in handy to help out the pasture, but still the corn will not come amiss, and it is not an expensive crop to raise in this way, costing but the seed and the use of the soil. Simple Wagon Bed Hoist. A simple arrangement for removing the beds or ladders from a wagon may be made as shown In cut. To the Joist of loft attach two pulleys, c. Through each of these pass a -inch rope, one end of which Is connected with a stretcher made of two cross bars, d and e. The other end of each rope Is WAOOC BED HOIST. x passed around the windlass,, a, and fastened. When the' wagon is driven into the shed, the slings are slipped over the ends of the box and the wind lass revolved by means of a lever, b, drawing the box upward and out of the way. For ladders or racks of any sort In place of cross bar, e, attach a ring like f to the end of each rope, which can be fastened by hook to the frame. The windlass, a, should be about 6 Inches in diameter and pierced at a convenient height with four holes for the levers. B. M. Scully, in Farm and Home. Ponltry Notes. When alfalfa cannot be bad, give the chicks a chance at red clover. Give the hens and young chicks a chance for ' an occasional dust bath, which will drive away lice. Quarreling hens should be separated, as a hen that is worried will not do her best at laying. - .'-." Poultry raising is now the fad in Florida,, where the Industry has long been neglected. ' An ugly rooster should be disposed of.' He is as dangerous in the flock as when" running at large. .; ' When killing fowls, let the blood drip into a pall of bran, as the mix ture makes a splendid food. Grit, oyster shells or a baked mix ture of salt and charcoal should al ways be available for the hens. It will soon be time to dispose of the old hens,' which should be done along in the summer when they quit faying. A poultry raiser gives the follow ing combination for morning feed for laying hens: .Mash of bran and dry cut alfalfa, equal parts, 5 per cent meat and blood meal, same amount of crushed charcoal, the whole season ed with salt. Gathered in the Garden. Keep the soil well stirred. Keep the weeds out of. the straw berry patch. - : ' Hoe the lima beans and train them on the poles if necessary. No plant so strenuously demands freedom from weeds as the onion. Don't cut asparagus much after the third week in June. - Clear out the weeds, stir the soil and apply commer cial fertilizer or manor, General Linevitch, who is said to have reported to St Petersburg that owing to the destruction of. the Rus sian fleet his troops practically are in, revolt, has been In command - of the forces in Manchu ria since March 15 last, when he suc ceeded Kuropatkln. General -Linevitch was born in 1838, and first saw mili tary service in the gen. linevitch. Caucasas from 1859 to 1864. Next he fought in the Turkish war, and was made a colonel in 1885 while battling with the Turkomans ia North Persia. In 1895 he was first sent to Manchuria, and in the Boxer outbreak in China In 1900 be partici pated in the march to Peking. When the war with Japan opened Linevitch was in command of the First Siberian Army Corps. Twice he has received the Cross of St. George for marked personal valor. Henry Clay Frlck, chairman of tha committee that made the report scor ing the lax business methods of omV cers of the Equit able Life Assur ance Society, is well known as a manufacturer and capitalist. He con- fi. trols the H. C. Frick Coke Com pany, the largest'- coke producing rt concern In the world; is chairman henby c. fbick. of the board of directors of the Car negie Steel Company, and in various financial enterprises takes a leading part Mr. Frick was born at Wist Overton, Pa., Dec. 19, 1849. He began life as a clerk, but after a few years embarked In the coke business. Dur- ing the strike at Homestead, Pa., In 1892, he was shot by a striker. George Von Lengerke Meyer, United States Ambassador , to Russia, who con ducted the correspondence between President Roose velt and the Czar, with the object of effecting arrange ments by which Russia and Japan might be brought within reach of peace negotiations, is a distinguished and wealthy citizen Of Massachusetts. He was appointed ambassador to Italy MINI8TEB VEYEB. in 1900 and a short time ago was trans ferred to the Russian capital. Ambas sador Meyer is 47 years old, and wai graduated from Harvard University in 1879. He has been a member of tha Boston Common Council and of tha Boston Board of Aldermen, and also has served in the State Legislature, having been Speaker of the Housa three terms. He is a director in vari ous corporations. John F. Stevens, chosen to be rail way expert of the Philippine Commis sion, has attained an enviable reputa tion as a civil en gineer and in rail way operation. His first engineering service of note was in connection with the City of Minne apolis. Later he lo cated the Sabine Pass and North western, served In the engineering de partments of the Denver and Rio JOHN F. STEVENS. Grande, St. Paul, Canadian. Pacific, Duluth, South Shore and Atlantic, and Spokane Falls and Northern, in 1889 he became chief engineer for the Great Northern and served In that capacity uutll he accepted the position of sec ond Vice President of the Rock Island System in charge of operation. Rev. Dr. Eric Norelius. who has been re-elected President' of the Swedish Lutheran Augustana Synod of Ameri ca, Is one of the pio neer church work ers in the West This is the third time he has been elected to the office, having been first chosen In 1874 and again in 189a Af ter graduating from the Capital Univer sity at Columbus, Ohio, he -was or dained in 1855, and DR. NORELIUS. seven years later founded at St Peter, Minn., the school which has developed Into Gustavus Adolphus College. In 1903 Dr. Norelius was made a knight of the Order of the North Star by the Swedish King. Maurice Maeterlinck, after witnessing a performance of "King Lear" recently, said: "It is safe to declare, after sur veying the literature of every period and of every country, that the tragedy of the old king constitutes the mightiest the vastest the most striking, the most in tense dramatic poem that has ever been written." John Kendriek Bangs, recently editor of Puck, li preparing an adaptation of "The Taming of the Shrew" for comia pera purposes. - S A at t! vvv .vn i jjiiiinu ijpiu ii hVnn, ',;,', 3 f - - i V s'