Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, July 11, 1905, Image 1

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Vol. XLH.
Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon, Tuesday, July 11, 1905.
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Commander of Bon Homme Rich
ard History.
Nearly every school child has
read of the terrible conflict be
tween the Bon Homme Richard
under command of Captain John
Paul Jones of the American navy
(if one is entitled to speak of an
American navy at that time) and
the Sera phis of Great Britain.
This was one of the great naval
battles of the world. Now, after
many years, the body of . this
famous sympathizer of the Amer
ican colonies has been found and
is enroute to this country. An
exchange prints the following on
Jones, which is worthy of perusal:
According to modern psycholo
gists, the subliminal consciousness
of individuals has a perfect mem
ory. Nothing that has ever been
experienced is forgotten. Men
say mat tneir memories are
treacherous, that they play them
false, but every man has a mem
ory that has learned the art of
never forgetting, and under cer
tain conditions it may be placed
in evidence.
The same truth may be said to
t apply to nations. We find that
nations often forget their heroes.
And yet, sooner or later, the sub
consciousness of the nation will
whisper, as it were, its memory
of a hero into the people's ear.
One of these heroes, forgotten
by the American people, to whom
he was so loyal daring the dark,
gloomy days of the Revolution
ary War was John Paul Jones.
tie was not an .Americans out a
tocotcnman. iNor was Jones nis
family name. When he left
Scotland for Virginia his name
was John Paul, but he took the
Weisn name 01 Jones ior reasons
that were doubtless satisfactory to
him. The colonies at the out
break of the Revolution were
feeble, yet John Paul Jones freely
offered his services, though his
capture would have meant hang
ing for him. He held several
commands, but it was as com
mander of the Bon Homme Rich
ard that he won his most famous
victory. He was not content to
hug the American shore, but,
with his ship, and accompanied
by several other ships, he swept
the coasts of Ireland and Scot
land, inflicting much damage
upon British commerce. At last
two of the finest vessels of the'
British navy met him. Jones
threw himself upon the Serapis.
The contest was sadly unequal.
The Serapis was in fine condi
tion. The Bon Homme Richard
was a rotten old hulk. In a short
time the vessel began to sink,
The British fire threatened anni
hilation. Then the captain of
the Serapis roared out, "Have
you strucKr" to wnicn Jones re
plied, "I haven't begun to fight
yet." Nor had he. By an almost
superhuman effort, Tones man
aged to lash his and the British
ship together. Then came
sharp and decisive contest. The
Serapis surrendered, and none too
soon, for it was not long before
the Bon Homme Richard went to
the bottom of the sea.
Later Jones entered the French
navy, and it was in Paris that he
died. In Paris he was buried
Then he was forgotten. At school
the American boy read of his
bold exploits, but there were few
who knew that he died and was
buried in Paris. The patriotic
fervor of General Porter, our late
Ambassador to France, was stirr
ed, and he resolved to find the
bodv of the old hero. The search
was long and arduous. But
was found at last, identification
being made complete by French
savants, while the body is said
to be in a most remarkable state
of preservation.
Now all that was mortal of the
old hero is being brought to the
land for which he fought so
bravely, and with such signa
, success. The French acknow
ledge the justice of America'
claim to hold his sacred bones.
Yesterday France paid honor to
the heio. In a few days services
will be held on this side of the
water. And the charge that re
publics are ungrateful will not
seem quite so true of America as
it did some time back.
Driving Club Races.
Last Friday the Albany Driv
ing Club held a series of races.
There are quite a number of Cor
vallis and Benton county horse
lovers who are identified with the
club, and several entries were
made from here last Friday. The
Kiger horses were entered in sev
eral events. Jesse Brown and
Gene Tortora also entered horses.
The Herald furnishes the follow
ing summary of the events:
First event was the free-for-all,
in which appeared the favorite,
Ben Bolt, driven by his owner.
Dr. B. D. Wells; May Tilden,
owned by Mr McAlpin, and driv
en by Tohn Kirkland; and Path-
mark, the entry of Jesse Brown,
of Benton county, driven by A
bcott, ot balem. .Ben Uolt won
in straight heats, May Tildon,
second and Pathmark, third. Dr,
Wells drove his horse judiciously
and had speed to spare. Time
After the first heat for the free-for-all,
the driving horse race
Qerat Silver
ing 397
made irom El Paso county clay.
Some wondei fully beautiful and
durable marble and onvx ia used
in the 'pillars which flank the en
trances to Colorado's sretion in
was called, with W. H. Hogan's
Rosemond, Cooper Turner's
Major, Neis & Schlosser's Holir
del, and Dick Kiger' s Dick K.
scoring. Some friendly discus
sion appeared regarding the eligi
bility of Dick K., but as he had
been regularly entered the judges
had no option but to order all
of the horses to start, which was
done. In the first heat, Holm
del carried Dick K. to a break at
the hair, and came in a winner
by two lengths. Mr. Schlosser
driving like a young . Geers and
making a most popular finish
Rosemond was second, Major
third and Dick K. fourth; time,
2:44 3-5-
Next oa the program was the
free-for-all half mile dash entries
Master, a Eugene horse; Kitty
Condon, Max O'Reily, and Fan
nie. The race belonged to Mas
ter from the start; time 51 sec.
The second heat of the free-for-
all, was in the same order as the
first heat, Ben Bolt winning
time, 2:25.
The road race was then con
tinued, the Kiger colt taking this
heat and the next. Major was
withdrawn by permission of the
judges on account of lameness.
and Holmdel and Rosemond each
had a turn at second honors.
The funny number was the
mule race, a mile dash with four
entries; Rhodes winning the race,
Spud Morgan coming in across
lots at a leisurely gait
In the race for the Albany driv
ing cup won last year Dy u. u.
Wood worth's Lassie, and to be
retained under the rule requiring
it to be won twice in succession
by a club member, but two con
testants appeared in the field, Ben
Bolt and May Tilden, driven by
their respective owners. In the
first heat Ben Bolt easily led up
to the quarter pole, then gave
way to the mare who jogged in,
in 2:34 1-4. The judges were
dissatisfied with the race, consid
ering that the racer was not driv
en to win, and after some discus
sion declared the race no contest
and off. The cup will be con
tested for probably at a later
A quarter mile dash, special,
between John Kiger and Tortora,
of Corvallis, ended the program;
time, 26 1-2. .
Manv from Independence, Cor
vallis and other - neighboring
towns were in attendance. Sev
eral of the leading business
houses closed to allow their em
ployees to witness the races, and
it was by common consent
great success.
The biggest nugget in the
world, one which contains nintty
per cent, silver and weighs 397
pounds, is the striking feature ot
Colorado's mineral display in the
Mines and Metallurgy building
at the Lewis and Clark Fair.
The silver contained in the nug
get, if counted, would make 6,
640 silver dollars. It was taken
from the famous Mollie Gibson
mines at Aspen, Pitkin county;
This mine has produced silver
and gold worth $14,000,000 and
another $1,000,000 worth in
Several ores which contain ra
dium are displayed by Colorado.
The mineral cornotite, which
contains one three-thousandth of
one per cent, of this most valu
able mineral, is the richest of
these. Cornotite is a yellowish
substance, somewhat resembling
fine sand, and is valuable for
staining Uohemian glass. It is
worth $1500 a ton. A radiograph,
showing the silhouette of a frog.
was made from a small dish of
cornotite. Pitchblende, a black,
solid rock, which also is used for
staining glass is shown. Pitch-
blend contains one seven-thou
sandth of one per .cent, radium.
Colorado has an unusual inter
esting display of valuable gems
native to the state, and is espe
cially strong in its showing of
beryl, which looks like diamonds.
Blue, rose-colored, and yellowish
sapphires are also exhibited and
the jewel case contains specimens
of amethysts, topazes, tourina-
lenes and several other gems.
Zinc ores from the largest
zinc producer in the west, the
mines at Leadville, are exhibit
ed. irom the .ueadvilie mines
500 tons of ore is takea daily.
The ore is worth $40 a ton, and
contains forty per cent. zinc.
I here are only two mines in
the United States where crystal
ized wire gold is lound. These
are a mines in Summit county,
Colorado, and the Brewer mines
ia South Carolina. - A whole
case is devoted to the crystalized
wire gold from Summit county.
The case contains between $7,000
and $8,000 worth ot" precious
People who have hid the im-
pre-Mon mat anthracite coal is
found only in Pennsylvania are
disillusioned bv the exhibit of
coal which- Colorado has made at
the Lewis and Clark Fair. Au
thracite coal which contains qo 8
per cent, carbon and very little
ash, is shown, and the statement
is made that the coal is being
taken from the ground at the rate
of 120 carloads a day each carload
being of from twenty to thirty tons.
A great -part of the coal, however,
is of the bituminous variety,
which contains frm fifty to fitty
four per cent, carbon. That
shown at the Fair was mined in
Gunnison county. Coke, which
contains ninety percent, carbon
is also shown.
There is also on exhibition
some very fine pottery which was
the mines building. Colorado
has made in the Mines and Metal
lurgy building at the Lewis and
Oark Fair, one of the most in
teresting displays shown by any
state, and the showing entitles
the silver state to a. ranking place
among the mineral p'oducmg
From Fort Simpson.
Last Saturday, F. P. Sheas
green arrived home fiom a trip to
Fort Simpson, way north n the
British Columbia coast.f He is
much pleased with the prospects
up there. It is proposed to make
Fort Simpson the western ter
minus of a transcontinental road
through Canada. Beyond doubt
this will be done and then thing's
in that section will move lively.
Mr. Sheasgreen and Neil New
house each own property up
there and in all probabi'ity have
a good investment. Mr. Sheas-
green noted some prettv good bus
iness openings of various char
acter while there. At present
the chief industries are fishing,
lumbering and mining. Back
from Fort Simpson a short dis
tance there is some splendid farm
ing land. Mr. Sheasgreen's vis
it was simply one ot investigation.
The Original.
Foley A Co., Chicaao, originated Hon
ey and Tar a tbrnat and lung remedy,
and onacoount of the great merit and
popularity of Foley's Honey and Tar
many imitations are offered for tbe genu
ine. Ask for Foley's Honey aud Tar and
refuse any tubstitute offered as no other
preparation will give the same satisfac
tion. It is mildly laxitive. It contains
no opiates and ia safest for children and
delicate persons. Sold by Graham &
The Diamond Cure.
The latest news from Paris, is, that
they have discovered a diamond cure
for consumption. If you fear consump
tion or pneumonia, it will, however, be
he best for yon to take that great remedy
mentioned by W. T. McGee, of Vanleer,
Tenn. ''I had a cough for tourteen
ears. Nothing helped me until I took
Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump
tion, Ooniihs and Colds, which gave in
stant relief, and efiVcted a permanent
cure.'' Unequalled quick cure for Throat
and Lung Troubles. At Allen & Wood
ward's drug store: price 50 cents and $1,
guaranteed. Trial bottle free.
Cheap Sunday Rates Between
Portland and Willamette
Valley Points.
Low round trip rates have been placed
n effect between Portland and Willam
ette Valley points, in either direction.
Tickets will be sold;
and limited to return on or before the
following Monday.
Rati to or From Corvallis, $3.00.
Call on Southern Paiflc Co's Agents
for particulars.
She Tried Five Doctors.
Mrs. Frances L. Pales, of Missouri Val
ley, Ia., writes: -I have been afflicted
with nidney trouble five years ; had se
vere pains in my back and a frequentde
sire to urinate. When riiing I experi
enced much pain over tli region of the
kidneys I tried five physicians without
benefit and then concluded to try Foley, a
Kidney Cure. After taking three $1 bot
tles I was completely cured.'' Sold by
Graham & Wortham,
Ii you are looking for some real good
BargHins in Stock. Grain. Fruit and
Poultry Ranches, write for our special
list, or ome and see us. We will take
pleasure in giving you reliaole informa-
uon; axso snowing yon over tbe county
Letters remaining uncalled for in Cor
vallis postoffice, week ending July , 1905.
Miss Mag-iie Browning, Mrs. Ak-iud
Bryan, Miss Jennie Bonos, V t. Collins,
Mrs. Clarenes Gould, B. A. Hoskins, V.
Harrisj Henry Ilerley, Gen. P. Lamher
son(5), Mrs. Alice A. Lowd, Mr. Virgil
Landinghani, W. I, Stalev. Miss P8ny
Sneelman. J. F. Tvh, D. E. Van-h", Miss
Maud Williams, S. J. Williams.
B.W. Johnson, P. M.
Open Day ana Night. Rooms Single ov EnSssite.
b a :
, One otlthe Finest Essuined Motets in the Valley.'
Eoth Pkcues. Bus Meets all Trains. JS
D. C. Hiesiand.
Oftas. Blakeslce.
Patronize Home Industry.
Cured of Brlght's Disease.
Mr. Robert O. Burke, Elnora, N. Y.
writes: '"Before I started to use Foley's
Kidney Cure 1 had to get up from twelve
to twenty times a night, and was all
bloated up with dropsy an.i my evesight
was so impaired I could scarcely see one
of my family acres? the room. I bad
given up nope 01 iivine wneu aniena
recommended Foley's Kidney Cure. One
50 cent bottle worked wonders and before
I had taken the third bottle the dropsy
had go.e, as well as all other Rymotoms
of Briaht's disease." Sold by Graham &
Outside Orders Solicited.
All Work Guaranteed.
Mrs. L. W. Oren and daughter,
Lillian, arrived from Portland, yes
terday, and are guests at the home
of Levi Oren. - They wiU visit rela
tives id this county for some weeks.
Notice is hereby given that parties in
debted to the unders-ianed are urgently
requested to settle tli-ir ace w at once
88 1 hive disposed of my harness iiusi
ness to Mr. Grant Eluin and it is necs
sary that all sums due me be paid.
J. E. Winegar.
.. 57tf
Summer School.
A Surprise Party.
.A pleasant surprise party may be given
to your sto ach and liver, by taking a
medicine which will relieve t,bir pain
and discomfort, viz: Dr. King' New Life
Pills Thev are a most wonderful rem
edy, affording sure rnlief ami , nrs for
hfadaclie. dizzinef-g and cMiti(.ation ;
25c at Allen & Woodward's d.iisr ntne.
Gazette Bell phonn No 341.
State Normal.
I 26 TO AliO. 4.
TUITION, - --$7.50
All Resources of Stats Normal School Available.
Board and room, $3.00 to $4.00 per week. Entire expense
need rot exceed $30.00. Facultv of eight. Address
Monmouth, Oregon.
Beat Her Double.
"I knew no one, for four weeks, when
I was siek with typhoid and kidney
trouble." writes Mrs. Annie Hunter, of,
Pittsburg, Pa., "and when I got better,!
although I had one of the best doctO's I
could get, L was bent double, and had to
rest my ... bands, fen niy knees when I
walked. rFromrtihis terrible affliction I
was rescued by Electric Bitters, . which
restored' my "health and strengthand
now I can walk as straight as ever. They
are simply wonderful." Guaranteed to
cure stomach, liver and kidney disorders;
at Allen & Woodward's drug store; price
50c. .... - .
' Doctors said He would not live.
Peter ErjrVV$dff. Pay writes,:. "Af
ter doctoring two years with t'e Best
physicians in vVainesburg. and still get
ting worse, the doctors advispd me if 1
had any business to attend to I had bet
ter attend to it at once,, as I eou;d not
possibly liveanother month as there was
no cure for me. Foley's Kidney Cure
was recommended to me by a friend, and
I immediately sent my son to the store
for it and after taking three bottles I !e
gan to get better and continued to im
prove until I was entirely well." Sold oj
Graham & Wortham.
Women and child in Corvallis, and for miles aricl miles
around, to come and see us in our new store the Lafferty
building on opposite side of the street. Our room is 50x100
feet, well liht ed and modern in every respect. We expect
to have it filled' with House Furnishing Goods and will en
deavour to. show- you the sarr.e courteous treatment that we
have in the Ask to see those new oak Bedroom Suits,
considering quality they are cheaper than any you ever bought.
The E$ou&&-FuBBiisherQ.
. m