turn AuwiistMttm CLASSIFIED ADVJSBT 1 8EMENT8 : Fifteen words or less, 25 cts for three successive insertions, or 50 eta per month; ferall op to and including ten additional wor Js. cent a word for each insertion. . For all advertisementa over 25 words, 1 et per word for the first insertion, and ct per word for each additional inser tion. Nothing inserted for less than 25 cents. ' - ""'"'" " ' "' ' 1 Lodge, society and church notices, other than Btrictly news matter, will be charged for. FOR SALE FOR SALE OR RENT 7-BOOM house, barn and 12 lots in Wilkin's addition, known as the McCaugtland block. Ind. phone 7i3. 8. H. Moore, Corvallis, Oregon. 52-60 SPAN OF DRAFT HORSES. WEIGHT 3000, in good condition, and trne pul lers. Inquire of L. R. Ray, Philomath, Or. 5361 - FOR SALE 400 CORDS MAPLE AND ash wood, $3 and 3.60 per cord, de- livered latter part of AuguBt. Leave orders at Abbott's feed barn. Norwood Trading Co.. Bruce, Or. 42-68 CORD WOOD FOR 8ALF. CALL UP No 1 phone, P. A. Kline lite. P. A. KmnB. 42lf. "STORIES OF OLD OREGON," BY Q. A. Waggoner, will be found on sale at J. F. Allen's, Corvallis, Or. 41 tf. CAMERAS. KODAKS, KODAK Sup plies, a good dark room in the store, at Graham & Wells. 40tf PAINTS. OILS, VARNISHES, GLASS. Brushes, full stock of all painters' Sup plies, at Graham & Wells. : 40ti NEW TIRES PUT ON BABY: BUG gits and go-carts, at Dilley & Arnold's ALL LATE POPULAR SHEET MU sic Guitars, Mandolins, Violins, Ac- f cordeons, Harmonicas, Musical Goods. F coi rect pricee. Call and see them at Graham & Wells, Corvallis, Or. 40tf ATTORNEYS W.E.Yates. . ' tBert Yatee. YATES & YATES,; . Law, Abstraclitg and Insurance. Both Phones. Corvallis, Oregon. E. R. BRYSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Office in Post Office Building, Corval lis, Oregon. - - J7f. YATES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office First National Bank Buildipqt. Only set of abstracts in Bentoii County JOSEPH H. WILSON, ATTORNEY-at-Law. Notary, Titles, Conveyanc . ing. Practice in all State and Federal , Courts. Office io Burnett Building. , MEDICAL PURE FRESH DRUGS AND MEDI cines, some bought direct from the fac tory ; Perfumery, Rubber Goods, Combs, Brushes, r Stationery, Books, School Supplies, Druggists' Sundries, ' everj thing found in a first-class drug store, at Graham Wells, Corvallis, Oregon. . 40tf AUCTIONEER P A KLINE. LIVE STOCK AUCTION eer, Corvallis, Or. P." A. Kline Line, Phone No. lr P. O. addrfss. Box 11. Pays highest prices for all kinds of ". live stock. Twenty years' experience. Satisfaction guaranteed. ;; . WOODSAWING. NEW GASOLINE WQODSAW ALL orders given prompt attention;. short - notire crners solir-it''. word wcj L, as cheap as anybody. W. R. Ha-NSEll. Ind. phone 835. - - - - - 44tf. WOOD SAWING ALL CALLS promptly and satisfactorily attended. Living prices and good work. - Gaso lene engine. See W. E. Boddy, Ind. . phone 351. 37tt LAND AGENTS. WHEN IT COMES TO- BUYING laads. new-romera in this county will make no mist ate in consulting James .Lewis. Mr. .Lewis nas been la Benton for SO veare and not only Knows the county bin the entire valley.- - He has - been actively engaged in celling and baying live stock and real estate all ol this time and naturally bis judg ment is sound. He knows eoils a rid . values. His knowledge is worth money to anybody desiring correct and sincere information. - 25-77' 7.11. STONE, REAL ESTATE AND intelligence office After 42 years in Benton aud Linn counties, I feel justi 7 fisd in coming before the home-ssekers ' of Oregon, and feel that I am com petent to locate all such as wish to buy homes here, with judgment and competency. For 27 years I was a - bridge builder In Benton, Lane,. Folk, Yamhill and Linn counties. I have property in the above aamed counties . to sell, and am thoroughly conversant - ' with the same. ' I ask no exclusive 1 right of sale and unless property is Bold by me I ask no pay. Parties wishing to emnlov help or if looking - for a position, will find it a conven ience to pnone or can attneomce. . Kindness and courtesy extmded to all. Office. South Main street, Corvallis. " Oregon. Office phone! 378, res. phone 66. WAIMlcD WAITED 500 SUBSCRIBERS TO THE Gazette and Weekly Oregonian at $2:65 per year. DENTISTS E. H. TAYLOR, DENTIST. PAIN less extraction. In Zierolf building Opp. Post Office, Corvallis. Oregon. . 3TAGE LINE. PHILOMATH AND ALSEA STAGE - Stage leaves Alsea 6:30 a. m. ; arrives t Pbilemath at 12 m; leaves Philo math 1 p.m., arrives at Alsea 6:30 p.m. All persons -wishing to go or return from Alsea and points .west can be accomodated at any time. Fare to Afoea $1.0 J Round trip same day $2.00. ' . - M.R RlCKAD PHYSICIANS 8. A. OATHEY, M. D., PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Rooms 14, Bank Build ing. Office Hourt : 10 to 12 a. m , 2 to 1p.m. Residence: cor. 5th and Ad ams Ste. Telephone at office and res idence. - Gorvallis, Oregon. 3. H. KEWTH, M. D., PHYSICIAN and Surgeon, Office anil Residence, on Main street, Philomath, Oregon. R. D. BURGESS. M. D. Office over Blackledge Furniture Store. Office hours: 10 to 12 and 3 to 5. BANKING. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Ol Corvallis, Oregon, does a general, con servative banking business. Ic giardt safely its customers' banking businep th rough the panics of the last t decades, which merits proper consider ation. It affords banking privileges a home and abroad, first-class, not ex celled by any institution in the Unite States. The members of the Board. o Directors were born and raised in Bph- ; ton County, except one, and that mem ber has esided in the county forty-fix years The business history of eart is as an open book before the people of the county. Loans to customers solicit ed, properly secured. 40tf MISCELL NY. LEWIS AND CLARK FAIR CAMPING grounds, overlooking city and Exposi tion. Address Park Co., 540 Jackson St., Portland. Or. . - 52-60 ELASTIC PULP PLASTER. NO SAND. NO LIME. Fire Proof! Water Proof WILL FALL OFF CRACK CRUMBLE NOT Just the Thing for Hop-Driers. Write for Catalogue. Pacific Pulp Plaster Co. PHONE MAIN 2362, 517-521, Chamber of . Commerce, PORTLAND, OREGON. R. M. WADE & CO., Agte.j Corvallis. Notice to Property Owners of Pro posed Street Improvement. ; Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Corvallis will by virtue of a resolution passed on the 12th day of June, 1905. imorove ftlie- following parts of the fol lowing-named streets, as follows, by placing as near the center as practicable a layer of gravel as follows, one cubic yard to each five Kt o-.olf 11-. i --. a v. spread six reet in width.- Aua that the cost of maong saia improvement lituiuuiug iue street souares shall be paid for by the property ad jacent to and benefitted by said improvement van xiuren street ironx we we uue 01 12th street westerly to the east side of county road leading past the West side of Wilklus Addition to the City of Corvallis. Harrison street from the west side of 4th street westerly to the east side of railroad track on 9th street. - Madison, street from west side ot tstn -street westerly to the east side of railroad track on 9th street. South street from the renter of 9th street or road known as the county read leading from orvallis to the roik county line wester ly to the east side of county road leading past the west side of Jobs Addition to the City of Corvallis. - . - ,- Oak street from the center of Jefferson street southerly to the north side of railroad track leading from Corvallis to Poilomath. Oak street from the south side of railroad track leading from Corvallis to Philomath southerly to the north side of county - road leading: from Corvallis to Philomath. to the owners ot tne property adjacent to and subject fo assessment for the improve ment of the above-named parts of the above named streets, you are required if you have any objection to the proposed improvements to file said objections in writing with the police judge witnin twenty aays irom tne zin aay of June. 1905, said date being the final publica tion of thi notice. Given under my hard and seal of the city of Corvallis this ICth day of June, 1905. E. P. GREFFOZ, ' Police Judge of the City of Corvallis. Pneumonia fellows La Qrtape but never follow the use of , FOLEY'S a, It atopi the Cough an heala thftlap. Ermato Pniumoai tad OD&imBttos f in Oneoa SV CUseBt ttttm "icy Baa umKMi mm, SPOILED THE GOOD EFFECT He Would Most Certainly Have Saved Her Life,' But Engine Went the Other Way. He had for days been trying to gain an encouraging : look from the disdainful damsel, and now at last "it seemed to the young man that his chance the chance of a rlifetime1 had arrived. -She had been tripping over the "common in front of him, but "in crossing the railway line she ap peared to have gother foot fixed in the points, for she stood and screamed lustily. The - young man dashed like lightning to her assistance, for only a few hundred yards away the headlight of an engine glowed through the dusk. "Courage!" he cried. "Don't struggle, Miss Bellairs Aramin ta; I will save you." And he whipped out his penknife. . "Oh, don't!" she exclaimed. "I must," he insisted; "it is the only way." , She .tried to protest, but grasp ing her .waist with one protecting arm he stooped" and cut" the shoe lace. Then, wrenching Jier foot from the shoe, he threw her f ren ziedly on the bank. With the ef fort he lost his balance, but not his presence of mind, for' with. a spring like that of a fish he hurled himself from the metals to the side of the rails. - He arose, panting and breath less, to find the young lady an grily trying to brush the mud from her gown. "You hateful man!" she ex claimed. - For a moment he was stupefied. : "Why what I beg your par- hdon," he stammered. : "You've spoiled my best dress," she said, viciously; "you've cut my foot and ruffled my hair. I'm in a dreadful state. And I kept trying to tell you that the engine was going the other way!" He looked up the line mechan ically.. Yes, it was true. The en-; gine was nearly out of sight. " , "I detest a man who hasn't an y ense," she said,' as she climbed the bank and limped away, while i;he young man, a blighted and de pairing object, turned to muse on ha perversity of women and the futility of everything." - ON ABSENCE OF THE NOSE Without This Organ Life Would Not Be Worth living One Form of Punishment. As the learned physician has ob served, "the nose is a very becom-" "ng part of the face;" and its value r this respect is never fully ap reciatrd until it is lost. Sncli r lepiivation, however it may have en brought about, entails flu iulTercr extreme misery. The ab ;enee of a nose is so utterly ofcvi- ious that it must be: seen bt 'very onev and the effect on th? jalient may be much greater than night have ben anticipated. 'T1k jatient consequently shuns so?i .'ty and every appearance in pub .ic, and often is oppressed with 'x jelf-loathing and " abasement almost amounting to the blackest icciuent or through gangrene "rom cold, and Maisonneuve ha; lescribed-a case in which the or ?an was congenitally absent; but mdoubtedly the absence of a nose s in many cases to be attributed to a less reputable cause, and it '.s not improbable thai 1 his pop ular ascription of the origin of the sion is, in part at least, the ex planation of the very great men ;al effect of the loss of a nose. . In some parts of the world, es pecially Italy and India, it has cen CHstomary to employ femov ' of the nose as a form of pcnisli--t--nt, soiuptinies judicial, but C. Ily as a mode of carrying out KiVateV revenge. Especially ia some districts of India is itconsid ?red a suitable form of punish ment lor a husband to to inflict on wife whose conduct he does not '.pprove. Among the Romans this penalty was not at all rarely in flicted, both by law and private animosity. Inasmuch as the .evil was especially prevalent in cer tain countries, it would not be un reasonable to expect that meth ods of treatment should first arise there, and so it proved; for coun tries "Tvhich were preeminent in possessing numbers of suitable subjects for operation were" the first in which operations were de vised and practiced for the relief of the deformity FIND CAUSE FOR DISEASE. Sleeping; Sickness, It Is Said, Can Be Attributed to the "Try panosomiasis." An important and valuable dis covery -relative to , the deadly sleeping sickness has been made by the Liverpool School of Tropi cal Medicine, says the Scientific American. : The cause of this dis ease, according to the results of elaborate diagnoses that have been made, is attributable to "try panosomiasis," i. e., the presence in the blood,' and in the fluids of the brain and , spinal cord, of some form of the microscopic parasite known as "trypanosoma,". which is propagated by -the tsetse fly in South Africa. From the close ob servations that have been made upon ; the; afflicted patients, the symptoms and the danger bear some relation to the greater or less abundance of the parasites, and develop seriously when they have entered the cerebro-spinal fluid. The parasite may be present in the blood of deeply-seated or gans, when they, are not to be found in that which is drawn from a skin puncture, and their frequent temporary; disappearances from this surface bloOd renders it diffi cult sometimes to be certain of their presence in the system. The expedition organized by the school also discovered : a blood-sucking larva, which thrives in many parts of the Congo. During the daytime this larva conceals itself in the cracks of the native floors, and only attacks its victims during the night. When dug up they -are found to be full of bright red blood, .thereby-testifying to the severity of their attack during the previous night. It is the larva of the Glossina fly which is apparent ly harmless in the" imago state. This discovery is of great value, and systematic measures to com bat Its injurious nature will at once be inaugurated. - LIONESS ATTACKS TRAINER Subtlety of an Expert Trainer's Judg merit of His Beasts Shown -. by Incident." ' : When the Tiger Princess was going to give up one of her old per formers because he Was getting sulky and peevish, Sterrett looked over the troupe and said: " ; "That one is all right, but the one over in the corner will bear watching." ' ; ' . ' , "Why, the man acts like a fool," said the princess. "That's Zulka. She's the beBt actor I've got?' . -Sterrett laughed. "Train an un derstudy," he advised. "I'll gfrv Zulka three weeks to retire from the stage. She's going bad." Zulka was a beautiful young lioness; one of the best trick beasts I've ever known and one of the very few that seemed to have a genuine affection for the Jtrainer. says McClure's Magazine. As i rule the felines don't exhibit the softer emotions. They feel for men either' indifference or dis taste. But this lioness used to show signs of pleasure when her mistress entered the cage, and I've seen her put her muzzle up agains t the bars to fawn on the' queen. two weeKs arter sterrett s advice, to which we paid little heed (that was when I knew lees about him than I subsequently laarned), I saw the lioness caressing the wom an at the close of the performance. As the Tiger Princess entered the cage the next day there was a snarl and a scream and she was down. Zulka had her. " Fortun ately some of us were near. We beat the animals off of course, some of the other beasts had to pitch in, seeing their tyrant down and got the woman out with no worse injury than a broken arm and a badly clawed back. Qnar Chatham Island. One of the queerest corners of the earth is Chatham island, off the coast of Ecuador. This -siand lies 600 miles west of Guayaquil, and the equator runs directly through it. Capt. Reinman, who was sent to the Galapagos group of islands to inquire into the proper ground ing of a deep-sea cable stopped at Chatham island,5 and says it abounds in : cats, . every one of which is black. These animals live in the crevices of the lava foundation near the coast, and sub sist by catching fish and crabs in stead of rats and mice. Other an imals i found on the island are horses, cattle, does, coats and chickenSj all of which are perfectly wuu. . .. . . .. . c I i 1 1 n r T i - I ilia li.ntiinmiiituiiiLiiii-iniiimn.iiniuiiiiiiiniitui AVegetablePfeparationfbr As similating theFoodandBegula ling the S toinachs andBowels of Promotes DigeslionCheerfur ness and Rest Contains neilher Opium,Morphine nor Mineral. aotKarcotic. yaw afoujrsAMun.pnxwR Aperfecl Remedy for Constipa Ron, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions JcvErish ness and Loss OF SlEEP. Fax Simile Signature of NEW YORK mw m- J p Q PTf (HI ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF MAILS. l MAIL ARRIVES. 8:30 a. m. Mail arrives by stage for Portland and all points . North and East, also 'for jfr7 Californiaand points on S.P. 10 a. m. From Monroe by stage. 115 a. m. From Philomath and points West on C. & E. 12 m. From Portland and all - points on the West Side. 1:30 p. m. From Albany and all points North on the S. P. Corvallis: Rates to Over Southern Individual Tickets. RATE One and one-third fare for the round trip. ' SALE DATES., Daily from May 29th to Oct. 15th,' 1905. LIMIT. . ... .r. Thirty ds. but not later than Oct. SI. 1905. : Parties ot Ten or More. ;: For parties of ten or more from one point, (must travel together on one ticket both ways), party tickets will be sold as follows: RATE. ...... .One fare for the round trip. ) . SALE DATES. .Daily from May 29th to Oct. 15th, 1905. $2.60 LIMIT ..Ten days. '7 . ... ) Organized Parties of 100 or More. For organized parties of one hundred ormoremoving on one day from one place, individual tickets will be sold as follows: RATE........ Onef are f or the round trip. " . SALE DATES. .Daily fromlMay 29th to Oct. 15th, 1S05 S2.60 LIMIT Ten Days. ( Stopovers. No stopovers will be allowed on any of the abovej tickets; they must be used for continuous passage in each direction. For further information call on - J. E. FARMER, W. E. COMAN, Agent, Corvallis. Gen'l Pas. Agt., Portland. Registration of Lard Title, In the Circuit Couruof tiie btatti oi Oregon U.T Beaton ccanty. In the matter of the Application of 8." S. Tram ara J. it. wn.iney. Appucauu and Plaintiffs, to register tha title to the North haK; the Sonthea&t quarter; and and the North half of the Southwest quar- - ter of Section 27; and the North half; the - Southeast quarter; and the East half of : ' the Southwest quarter of Section 33; all in Township 10 South. Ranee 7 West of the . Willamette Meridian in Benton County. T i Oregon; -- .' vs.'"':'-'' ' ' ' ' '-" J. A. Bottger, Sol. Kiur and The CoHst Land & live Stock Company, a corporation, Defendants. To all whom it may concern. Take notice: - That on the 27 day of June, A. D., 19o6, an ap-. plication was filed by said S. S. Train and J. B Whitney, in the Circuit Conrt of Benton Couuty, Oregon, for initial registration of the title of the land above described. " - -' Nowt unless you appear on or before the 29th day of July, A. D.,19oS, aud show cause why such ap plication shall not be granted, the same will be taken as confessed, and a decree will be entered ac cording to the prayer of the application, and you will be forever baired from oisputing the same. . seal ; - i ' Percy B. Kra.M-,is j VICTOR P. MOSES, ZZ. Applicant's Attorney; .... Ea ' Clerk. JTake The Gazette for all the local news.1. - m For Infants and Children. The Kind 'You Have Always Bought Bears Signature In Use For Over Thirty Years THI CCNTOUII UHPANT. NEW YORK OITT. MAIL DEPARTS. 6 a. m. For Albany and points East on the C. & E., and for - points North of Albany on the S. P. 1030 a. m. For Albany and all points North and South on the S.P. 12:30 p.m. ForJWestSide points, -Portland, and points North and. East, also for points West on the C. & E. - 2 p.m. For Monroe, Or. 635 p. m. For Portland, Cali fornia, and points North, East andJSouth. Lewis and Clark Fair Pacific Railroads. $3.5Q Registration of Land Title. the i t . m V M ' e E a9,W " --ear- teai li the Circuit Court of tbe State of Orecon tor - Ber.ton county. - - ... In the matter of the Application of E. H. . Howell and T. C. Howell, Applicants and Plaintiffs, to register the title to the east J half of the east half of section 6; the north half, and tbe southeast quarter of rection 15; the south ha'f, and the south half of the northwest quarter of section 17; the north- " r east quarter, and the east half of the north west quarter, and the northwest quarter of . . the northwest quarter of section 21; all in township lltsonth, raoge 7 west of the Wil lamette Meridian, in Benton county, Oregon. and containing 1317 acres, . . ' VSL VS. . " --- ' C M. Giddings, Defendant. JjBS! To all whom it mav concern, Take notice: ? That on the 14th day of June, A. D.. 1965, an ap plication was filed bv said E. M. Howell and T. C Howell, in the Circuit Court of Benton county. Ore- . gon, for initial registration of the Utle of the land; above described. ' ; Now unless yon appear on or before tne latn day of July, A. D.; 1905, and show cause wny sucn, . application shall not be granted, the same will oe taken as confessed, and a decree will be entered ac cording to the prayer ol the application, and you will be forever barred from disputing U "" Witness my hand and the seal of said Circuit Court of Benton county, Oregon, hereunto amxed -County Clerk andJBx-Omoo owk M.wloTiV. t Coart et the State Oregon for Benton county.f 3 b