Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, July 04, 1905, Image 3

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    i m m PERSONAL
Miss Paulina Kline left Saturday
for a viit with her brother in Port
land. M. T. Stirr and family spem
Sunday witii relatives in the north
end of the a unty.
Mrs. Leslie Lilly and children ar
rived from R seburg Saturday, for
a visit with Corvallis relatives.
Mr. and Mre. Herbert Elliott of
Perrvdale. have arrived for a visit
with the Jatter's parents, Mr. a: d
Mr-. John Wyatt. '
Supt. Denncan and family went
to Alsea today, where the Supt. is to
deliver the Fourth of July ad-
dreps, and remain several days on
official business.
Rev. G. H. Feese and son, Har
old are to return today from a few
day's visit to Cottage Grove, where
Mrs. Feese has been the guest of
friends for the past ten days.
Will Feehter and his orchestra,
of Albany,-passed through Corva -
lis last Saturday enroutetothe bay
Will will run the Opera Hou?e
dances over there this summer.
O. J. Blackleilge, the well
known furniture dealer, is to leave
in about ten clays with his family
for a month's outing at Newport,
the Yachatts and other coast points.
The Ward school of Kings Vailev
closed a very successful term's work
last Friday with Miss Watters as
teacher. A fine program was rendered-and
ice cream was served to
all present
Fred Smith, well known in this
section, a brother-in-law of Cierk T
H. Crawford, of this eit', die! in
Portland Tuesday. The remains
were taken to Brownsville Thurs
day for interment.
Rev. P. A. Moses, of this city, oc
cupied' the pulpit of the Albany M.
E. church, South, last. Sunday morn
ing and evering. We imderstaiid
that hereafter he wiil occupy this
pulpit regularly twice a month.
Nortan Adams is soon to begin
the erection of a modern cottage on
his property in Job's addition. Part
of the lumber is now on the ground.
When completed the dwelling wiii
be one of the most sightly in that
part of town.
Homer Williams returned Satur
day from Portland, where, for sev
eral weeks, he has been at the Fair
grounds, putting into working order
the electrical exhibit that is presid
ed over by W. D. DeVarney, for
merly of Corvallis.
J. C. Lowe went to Portland Sat
urday, to meet his mother, Mrs.
Lowe, who has been visiting the ex
position. -They returned to CorvaK
lis yesterda3 where Mrs. Lowe will
spend some time viiiting her son.
The lady resides at EIReno, Oklahoma.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bil ings re
turned Saturday from a visit to the
Fair and are at the Herdert hinae
They leave in a day or two for Ash
land, Ore., where they are to reside
The good wishes of many Corvallis
friends occompany thein to their
new home.
Sundav evening the G. A. R. and
W. R. C, in response to an invita
tion of Pastor F. E. Jones, attend
ed a patriotic service in the Chris
tian church. Everything was of
a most pleasing character and the
music was unusually fine. The
pastor chose as his text, "We will
rejoice in Thy salvation, and in the
name 01 our uoa we will mi up
our banners.
Dow Walker, in a letter to Cor
vallis friends, states that when he
returns to OAC this autumn he wii
bring with him a student who tips
the beam at Joo pounds, a formei
football player who now has hon
ofs on Eastern gridirons and whr,
will help OAC next year in defeat
ing all comers. This will be good
news to local managers, who &re
ever on the elert for desirable ma
terial to add to OAC's all-star team
The funeral of the late Meilville
C. Lewis was held at the A. E.
Lewis home in this city a'; 2 o'clock
Thursday afternoon. The sermon
was by a minister from Ashland
who came for the purpose, being an
old-time pastor of a church in Iowa
to which deceased belonged. Rev.
Bush, of the local Presbyterian
church, also spoke brief I y, and the
Presbyterian choir sang several
hymns. The body was interred in
Crystal Lake cemetery.
The household efiects of Mr. and
Mrs. Gene Robinson were shipped
yesterday to North Dakota. Mr:
and Mrs. Robinson and , Miss
Blanche Rood are to follow about
the middle of this month, and
Tagain take up their residence in
Dakota, where Mr. Robinson owns
400 acres of as fine land as the sun
ever shone on. He has been em
ployed the past year on OAC farm.
Miss Rood has been a very active
church worker during her residence
in this city, and the entire family
is oae that Corvallis regrets to lose.
Miss Mabel Davis visited friends
in Albany Saturday.
County court will convene in
monthly session tomorrow.
This is the glorious Fourth. The
United States is 119 years old now.
Miss Essie Adams is again on
duty as sales lady in J. H. Harris'
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Franz, of
Hoskins transacted business in Cor
vallis Saturday.
After a month spent in Portland
Prof. E. R. Lake and family re
turned home Saturday.
B. F. Seely recently bought the
property of Mrs. George Brown
near the C. fe E. depot.
Mrs. Downer and family now oc
cupy the residence on Third street
just vacated by M. P. Fruit.
Mrs. W. L. Patterson, nee Mil
Ired Linville, has arrived from En
ter City for a visit with relatives.
Collie Cathey, one of Corvallis'
promising young singers, is spend
ing his summer vacation at Gres-ham.
Miss E !na Gillette, the genial
book-keeper at R. M. Wade's hard
ware store, has been confined to her
home this wer-k with illness.
A half interest in the Walter
Tavlor dairv has- been purchased
by W. H. Miller, who is now serv-
ng a part of the route in Oorvalhs.
A marriage license was issued
Saturday by Cierk Moses to Arthur
longelaixi, or loJed, Lincoln coun
ty, and Miss Bessie Clark, of Phii-
Hiss Lottie Kil'gore arrived Sat
urday from San Francisco, for a
visit at the M. M. Davis home.
The vonng ladv is a niece ef Mrs
An infant child of Mr. and Mrs.
M. M .Waltz, of Relifountain, was
buried at that place at 11 a.m.,
Sunday, having died Friday night.
Lt was but live days old.
MifS Agnes Mewis arrived in this
citv last fcriuay irom west Point,
Neb. She is a sister. (,f Mrs. Otto
Herse and will visit in thi3 city for
a couple of months.
T. T. Vincent and Sup-. Benman
went to King3 Valley Saturday,
where tby particpated in the Sth
srade graduating exercises of the
Kings Vailev school.
George Cathey is iow employed
in a saw mill at fet Johns, having
gone there from the Fair when the
OAC cadets broke camp. He will
spend the summer at that place, be
ing in the employ of a cousin.
Judge Harris will hold an nrt-
jiurned term r f circuit court for
tnis county on the 6th of July.
There is nothing on the docket of
great importamce a few confirma
tions of sales 13 about the sizs of it.
Makes Statement. 5
Editor Gazette: The peo
ple of Corvallis will be called up
on within a few days to decide
whether we will drift along with
our present unsatisfactory water
system, for an indefinite time, or
whether we will make an effort
to improve the present water con
ditions in Corvallis.
Notwithstanding all has been,
or may be said, for or against the
water question, this is the issue
and this is the only question to be
discussed at the coming election.
There has been a very strong effort
upon the part of the opposition
to detract from and ignore the
very important question involved,
by resorting to all sorts of ques
tions and subterfuges and mis
statements, and discuss only mat
ters that are trivial, when com
pared to the main question at is
sue. They do not advise our
people to vote to sustain the pres
ent water system. Thi they
know would be resented, but they
hope to get them to vote against
any change by cntisizing and ob
jecting to everything proposed. ;
They now claim the proposed
water system cannot re built for
$75,000; also claim that it will
not be selt-sustaining, and object
to the kind of pipe suggested by
the engineer.
In answer to , these and other
objections of this nature I will
say the Water Committee is com
posed of ten well-known citizens
of Corvallis, whose interests are
identical or in common with their
neighbors and fellow citizens.
All are careful aud prudent men,
and those voting for bonding the
city, can rest assured, that this
committee will not undertake to
build a water system without
thoroughly investigating every
feature of it.
This committee will certainly
not start a plant until they are
satisfied they can construct a
good aud durable system for the
monev on hands. This commit
tee wiil not commence the water
system until they are sare-the
revenues from sales of water, at
reasonable rate to the consumers,
will pay expenses and interest,
and eventually pay off the bonds.
P. Avery.
their patronage, and generous sup
port, and the evidence of confidence
they have bestowed upon me. I
shall carry the pleasant remem
brance of these though the remain
ing years of life. D. C. Rose.
Clarence Whiteside and George
Cooper left Saturday for Portland
to attend the Fair. They will be
absent until after the Fourth.
Floyd Williams, of OAC, one of
the sprinters, spent Sunday in this
city. It is understood that he is to
enter the. races in Portland today.
Frtd Yantis, of Fossil, Or., wishes
it known that on July 15th he will
be here with a band of riding, driv
ing and work horses for sale. 55-8.
Mrs. S. N. Wilkins gave an after
noon tea last Wednesday which
proved to be a pleasant success.
About thirty ladies were entertain
ed. Mr. and Mrs. J. Fred Yates re
turned, Friday night, from Portland,
where Mr. Yates had been attend
ing the trial if Senator John H.
The Sunday excursion to New
port was liberally patronized, and j
the day is said to have been an ideal i
cne at the beach. Forty-five peo-j
pie went from Corvallis. "
During the exercises at the Good !
Roads Convention today, a quartet!
consisting of Messrs. Fulton, Herse, j
Allen and Johnson will sing. Prof, i
Taillandier will play a piano solo, j
Wa wish to extend thanks to the I
many kind friends and neighbors'
who assisted ana rememoered usia
in the. death and burial of ouri?
brother. A. E. Lewis and Family.
The Teachers' Summer Normal,
at Albany, promises to be very
large. It has proven iise'lf to be
the best Review School for teach' rs.
Term commences July 3-5 54-5.
John Fuakenburst, who is a Kan
sas man, was a fuest the last of the
week of his cousin, Prof. Holmes.
He Jtfi Saturday f jr Gresham ior a
visit with relatives, before depart
ing for his home in Kansas.
Workmen are engaged in repair- j3
ing the north room oi toe set ot
three just vacated by- Hoilenberg &'
Cady on Main s'.reet. New joist
jiud Dew floor wi;l be put in. and
the room fitted with shelving. v es.
completed, the plce will be occu
pied by D. D. Bermans grocery.
35th ; GRAND 35fh
As this week marks the Thirty-fifth year that
I have been in business in Corvallis, I wish
first to thank my patrons and friends for the
liberal patronage they have extended me, and
to announce that, as has been my custom. I am
going to hold an Anniversary Sale for just one
week, but this year I am going to offer you
prices that will eclipse any previously made
on the same lines of goods.
1,900 yards Torshon Lace and insertion, all widths and select
patterns, while it lasts, 5c per yard.
Thompson's Glove Fitting and W. B. Corsets to fit all forms.
$1.50, $1.25, and $1.00 grades are going at 75c.
50e values reduced to 36c.
Sailor Hats, this line we are going to discontinue.
50c values 21c 25c values 19c
arns, all colors, 5c per yard.
Ladies' Purses and Hand Bags, black, brown, white and. tan,
leather and velvet.
Regular $1.50, reduced to $1.15.
Ladies' Auto, Yacht, Golf, and
$1.50 caps, now $1.05.
1.25 " " 95c
50c caps, now 33c.
" .75.
" ,43.
Sauey Susan caps, all
11.00 caios, now 78c
75c ' " 56c
I want to close out my entire line of Summer Saitinrs ail x ;'i
goods, comprising Voiles, Scotch Oxfords, Mercerized Taffetas,
Spot Mohairs and Crepes, Luster Linens and Homespun Suit
ings, n the season's latest shades, at the' following prices:
40c goods reduced to 31c.
30c " " H' 22c.
20c " " " 15c.
12ic " " " 10c.
35c goods reduced to 27c.
Outing Pants,
34.00 to S3. 20.
" 19c
" 12ic.
" .Sc.
reduced from
Additional Local.
A Sane Celebration Held in
vallis Today.
Jldce Watters returned Friday
from a visit to his wife who is in
Good Samaritan hospital, Portland.
Mrs. Waters' is rapidly gaming
health, . a fact that will be learned
with pleasure by many friends in
Dave Rosebrooks, the great con-
netist, vjsited his old home at Tole
do, Lincoln county, during he lat
ter part of last week. After a stay
of only a day he departed for' San
ta Catalina, where he is to be cor
net soloist during ihe summer.
Henry Price is again salesman in
the R M. Wade hardware store, in
this city, having been otherwise em
ployed for the past two months.
He began work Saturday. Ed Smith,
a former clerk, fysss resigned, duties
on his father's farm demanding his
presence there.
Clerk Moses was kept busy Sat
urday afternoon issuing hunter's
license. Seven were taken out Sat
urday by the following persons. C.
G. Felger, R. J. Jones, O. J. Black
ledge, Chester Huffman, Walter
Pugh, Tnomas Callahan, and Ben
Newton. To date, 54 licenses have
been issued to Benton sportsmen.
A reception was given the W. R.
C. and G. A. R. Saturday evening
bv Mrs. S. L. Kline, who has been
elected a delegate to the W. R. C.
at Denver. Mis. Kline served ice
cream, and the occasion was one of
the pleasantefat of the season. Tne
affair took place in the I. O. O. F.
hall. 1
The Abe Lock prpperty in the
northern part of town, was sold
Saturday according to report. The
purchaser was Allie McLaughlin,
of near Independence, and the price
paid, $3,600. The property comprises
a three or four acre tract and a neat
dwelling. Possession will not be
given, it is Btated, until autumn.
The. real estate firm of Ambler
& Waters is soon to seek mere com
modious quarters. The room for
drummer's accammodations, in Ho
tel. Corvallis, will be occupied by
them and the apartment va
cated by them will be occupied by
a barber shop, to be operated, it is
stated, by Chester Taylor and Ninez
Francisco. '
See BI: ckledse for furniturp, 1c.
' " 26
Mrs. G. G. Newton and daugh
ter, Mies Cora, leave Thursday for
a week's visit to the Fair.
Black'edge, leading wall
Ralph Pruett spent Sunday and
Monday with friends in Salem.
Largest line of matting in coun
ty at Blackledges. 30tf
Miss Ella Smith left yesterday
to spend a week at the Fair.
Watch for the special clearance
sales on Summer Goods at Mose
Bros. 53t
Mrs. Susan Starns left Saturday
for a . visit with relatives at Bell
fountain. The W.C. T. U. will meet at
the home of Mrs. Wm. Crees next
Thursday at 3 p. m .
Joseph McCune has arrived from
The Dalles and is the guest of Cor
vallis relatives and friends. "
O. J. Blackledge, wife and daugh
ter, spent Satuidiy and Sunday
with relatives at Bellfouutain.
Mrs. Oia Reed Hemmen way ar
rived, Monday trom Grants Jrass,
and is a guest at the Linville home.
Rev. and Mrs. M. S. Bu3h have
taken rooms for the summer at
Captain Crawford's resideLce. They
moved baturday.
Mrs. S. A. Hemphil is to leave
this week for Newport, where she
will occupy her cottage through the
summer mouth, ' -
T. T. Vincent is to deliver the ad
dress today at the celebration at
Summit. His subject is, "Our Na
tional Heritage.'
. Miss Mary Winn, cf Portland,
is spending a f&w weeks in our city
as tbe guest ot her sister, Mrs. t
A. Hencye.
Mr. and Mis. G. W. Fuller were
in Turner, Sunday, in attendance
at the convention of the Christian
church, being held there.
Miss Robena Smith, an OAC
Btudent of former days, leaves Wed
nesday for Salem, where she will
attend the summer school.
On retiring from business, after
being actively engaged iu it here
for twenty-one years, I wish to ex
press to my friends, and to the pub.
lie generally, my appreciation of
Corvallis is to have novel ob-
servance of the Foytith ' of July. !
As outlined it will likely prove,
the sauest celebration ever held I
n this city. There are two , es-1
pecial features promised today, '
one deing tne .National Lrood;
Roads Convention and the other!
the trap shooting 1 by the Cor-j
vallis Gim Club and their - nests. ;
Both will prove interesting. 1
The convention is of greatest!
lmoortance. We have been ;
handed the following for publica-'
tion: "The official Good Roaas
Association, the Oregon Agri
cultural College, the Countv
Court and Road officials of Ben
ton county, the Honorable Mayor
and city officials of Corvallis, the
Benton County Citizens League,
the Civic Improvement Club,
the railways and all other import
ant interests cordially invite you
to attend the National Good
Roads Convention to be held in
the Firemen's Hall, Corvallis,
Oregon, July 4, 1905.
"Organization for good roads is
the chief object of this conven
tion. The National -Good Roads
Association recently held a con
vention in conjunction with the
Lewis and Clark Centennial Ex
position. The Good Roads special
train carrying officers 01 tne
National Good Roads Association,
leading engineers, lecturers and
road experts will stop one day in
Corvallis and hold three meetings,
one at 10 a. m. : one at 2 p. m.,
and another at 8 p. m., today.
"Will you attend? Bring your
friends and help organize your
community. Everybody wants
good roads. This is the greatest
industrial movement of the age
and is vital to the welfare of your
home and your business interests.
"Come and bring your friends.
Ladies cordially invited. . This
for good roads."
James Withycombe,
John Allen.
M. S. Woodcock,
B. F. Irvine,
P. Avery. '
' Invitation Committee.
50 pairs of Men's Trousers and
$4,50 ?o $3.60.
3-50 " 2.65.
$2.50 to SI 95.
Boy's Buster Brown, Norfolk and Middy Suits, size 3 to 8 yeai
Regular $3.50, special $2.95.
" 3.C0, " 2.55.
2.50. " 2.15.
2.00; " 1.65.
- " 1.50, " 1.29.
BaM Mason Fruit Jars, pints 60c
i a ti
quarts --73c
.. h3!f-saS Si .OO
21 pcunas choice Rice $1.00
G cans Sardines 55c
, Extra Standard Tomatoes, per can 10c
efoz - $1.00
Corn, per csn , 10c
' Arm and Hammer c? Schillings Soda,
4- packages for 25c
Western Dry Granulated Sugar, sack S5.70
Fruit Sugar, per sack $5.70
QismrssJiis, Qrej
& - '
Is Judged by the Hat he Wears.
. .
j naz?
We cany a larger stock of Hats
than some exclusive hat stores.
If you don't believe it we'll show
you the goods.
F. L. Ml
BSakes tBdasys aod E Sadler Right
Lumber for Sale.
Fir Lumber, dressed or rough. Complete house bills delivered if so desired.
It will pay you to investigate the prices. :". Mills two miles west of Independent
school house. Bell phone 4x2. OTIS SKIPTON.
B, F. . No. X, CorvaJLlis, Oxegon.