m IM lit Published Tuesdays and Fridays by Gazette Publishing Company. The subscription price of the Gazette for several years has beea. and, remains, 2 per annum, or 5 per cent discount if paid in ailvam-e. x WE REST OUR CASE. Before the next issue of the Gazette the city election decid ing whether Corvallis shall be bonded or not in the sum of $75, 000 for the construction of a gravity water system will have been decided and have passed in to history. At all times the Ga zette has tried to be fair to those on both sides of this ques tion and such is the present pur pose: This is the greatest problem ever before the people of this municipality and requires the calmest judgment. Remember,, you who vote for bonding the city, that you are voting an obli gation on the people an obli gation that few of you will live to see dissolved. If it is a good thing the future generation will bless you as you deserve no doubt, but should it prove other than a blessing your sons will damn you j for the burden you have placed ; upon them. It is not pleasing i for a father to contemplate the j future curse of a son. j Will the plant as at present j proposed outlive the term of. bondage for the people? is a legitimate question.. It is not pleasing to look forward to pay ing for anything, say 10 or 20 years after it has ceased to be. Will it last ? Good men declare it will, while many of equal ex perience do not hesitate to assert that fir - pipe in our soil will not not endure the forty years the bonds run. Such being the state of affairs, it devolves upon you, Mr. Voter, to give the answer. What say you? A thought occurs that may., be worthy of consideration: Is it wise and proper for any man, any body of men, or the citizens as a whole, to advocate an en terprise that they would not en tertain individually? Nearly all.; will answer no to this question. Well, now, how many would con siderlthe installation of the Rock Creek gravity system a good in vestment had they sufficient means to undertake the matter? Consider these points seriously and vote as you should(were it your own private affair. Another idea occurs to this ef fect: The men composing-the water commission have capital enough among them to install this system and own it; if it is a good investment for the city why would it not be a good in ' vestment for them? If it is a good investment for them why do they not engage in it? To this no one would offer the least objection and it would eliminate a lot of wrangling about the eter nal perpetuity clause. It is ar gued that municipal ownership within itself is a doubtful quan tity. We each and all of us are hon est in our views we have a right to these views- It is in recog nition of this right that we are alio wed4 the privilege of the bal lot. In this matter it is a case of majority rule. We have faith in the people as judges and now rest our case. Kings Valley Schools. The first 8th grade graduation exercises ever held in Kings Val ley occurred lat Saturday even ing in the United Evangelical church. The church was so well filled even standing room was at a premium. Promptly &i S o'clock James R. Chambers j'ive the march for the dass, coii.- i.t of Jessie Bush,. Lizzie Dunn, Israel Eddy, Chester Chambers, William Winniford, Revilla Lundt, R. Caves, Laura Van Meter and Ina Whiting:. E-ch member of the class had1 a pait in the program. The ef forts of the members of the class were highly sboken of by all present. T. T. Vincent deliv ered an excellent address to the class. It was 611ed with good ad vice, and couched in 'eloquent j language. Supt. Dennun, in a few words, presented in the name i of the state of Oregon each mem ber with a diploma. During the exercises, James R. Chambers rendered a pleasing instrumental solo. Miss Mabel Ross sang a vocal solo and, be ing loudly encored, responded with another excellent selection. A trio also gave two fine se lections. After the regular exercise?, a social hour was spent, and re freshments were served. The decorations by the class added much toward increasing the interest and making the oc casion successful. Where He Stands. To the Editor of the Investigator, Sir: You ask me if. I am willing to Biaud sponsor for the articles that have baen appearing in the Corvallis Times. :oncernin the present water controver sy. Ia reply I besr to say, I would be lad to answer you personally or in the columns of your paper, but am unable to learn who its editors are and must, there fore, adopt the present means of teaching yon. In the first place, I have neither time nor inclination to investigate ptireonally anything that has appeared in the Times so that Iniixhl be able to vouch for the truthfulness of what appears in its col umus. In a general way, however, I do endorse what it has said about mountain water, but in this controversy theOor.a! lis Times is not an issue, and whether I or anyone else in thi3 community is will ing to stand sponsor for its utterances is not an argument either for or at-aimt mountain water. According to my judgment tthere are only two or three questions for the voters to decide and they are, 'Do we want mountain water and a better system?" "Are we willing to standXfor municipal ownership?" 'From a business stand point is it, wise to bond the city for $75, 000 for the installation of a water plant?'' Outside the edito'8 of the Investigator, who seem to think Willamette river wa ter good enough, I think the community would be practically unanimous in vot ing "yes" to the first question. On the matter of municipal ownership there can ba honest differences of opinion Personally, I have heretofore been op posed to the proposition, but within the past few months have become convinced of the wisdom of the present plan, acd further that only by such a pla i would we be able to get mountain water. Fur thermore I realize that in matters of this kind there is a community of interests and our individual ideas must necesarily be merged into some general plan in order tD get results at all. In other words we must give and take and not quibble over minor details if we expect to get together oa matters that concern the public good. The fact that practically all of the busi ness men of Corvallis and a majority of the largest tax payers of the city favor the bond issue ought to satisfy any rea sonable peraoj, that, from a business point of view, the investment of $75 000 in a water plant is a good one, and par ticularly as the maprity of these men have carefully investigated the subject The hijh business standing and integ rity of the men who compose the "Water Committee" should guarantee that it is no "wild cat" scheme.. . To my mind the foregoing are the only questions at issue. The personnel of the " Water Committee,'' wood pipe, the Dal las water and sewerage system, the Times, personalities, Engineer Miller, and Mrs. Purdy's cow, are not proper matters to be injected into this contro versy. To my mind to vote against this propo sition is to vote against the advancement, improveme-t and betterment of Corvalr lia ; to vote for bonds is to vote for muni cipal improvement, 'increased property values, and to show to the world that we are a live, progressive people. We want, to show that moss-bacKism is dead and that Corvallis is not suffering from dry rot. B. W. Johnson. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought . Bears the Signature of Plumbing , . and Heating ! Cornice. Roofing, Guttering, and all kinds of fc-heet Metal Work. ...... F. A. Hencye In connection -with J. - H. SIMPSON'S HARDWARE STORE. 7 wn.L. ruui VUIMOUIirilVtS mm Fresh Air Is the Cure for Awful Afflic tion Instance "Where Conten tion Is Proved. Climate, while it mav be an aiil in some cases, has much less influ ence on tuDercuiosis, excent in th later stages, than is generally sup- puseu. r r-esn air is the thing. Even the tenement dweller has a chance. A New York physician who does charity work on the East Side was talking with a friend at his club about some of his patients, relates Samuel Hopkins Adams in McClure's. "I've got half a dozen of the most pitiful cases down there you ever heard of," he said. "They're good, honest, fine fellows; handy work men, five of them with families to support; and they've all got to elk-, I suppose, of consumption." "Hopeless cases?" asked his friend. "Hopeless, because they've got factory jobs and tenement rooms and can't get good air to breathe. If I could get them outdoor em ployment I think they'd all pull through. But they can't leave their families to go to the coun try." "I beg your pardon," said a man sitting near by; "but do I under stand that out-of-door work in the city would help them?" "I'll guarantee it'll save four of the sis, anyway," replied the doc tor, eagerly. "I suppose," said the stranger, "that ticket- chopping on the "ele vated would be pretty exposed work for a consumptive? Xo Well, if you wish to try the experi ment, send your men to this ad dress." He handed a card to the doctor. The six men became ticket-choppers. Five of the men are well to day. .- The sixth is holding his own and a little more. Cured, of Eriglii'a Disease. Mr.. Robert O. Bnrke, Elnora, N. Y.. writes: '"Before I started to ush VoIpv's Kidney Cmp had to ir"t up from twelve to twentv times a ninlir. nnr) w-o -x bloated up ith dropsy and my evesitrht was so impaired I could scarcely see one of my faniiiy acres the room. .1 had given up iiope of living when a fiit-nd recomm-n Vd Foley' Ki-iri'-v Ctm One 50 cent bottle worked uoide-s a-. d before I had taken the third butt!-- t.iif I'.ropsv had go-c. as well ax all r.ir Kvinouinis of BriyhL's disease." Sold by Graliam & uortiiam. A Surprise Party. I ... r . j. Uj iut., to your stoimch and liver, bv taking a meuuuue wmcn win relieve tneir pain and discomfort, viz: Dr. King's New Life Pills Thev arp a most wonderful rem edy, affording sure rplief and rure for head-Airlm. !-7.zinesB and rnn-tijmiiou ; 25c at A i!en W-n-h m - e Fit OSasses PROPERLY,. ACCURATELY, and SCIENTIFICALLY To a!! Defects of Sight. MATTHEWS, The Optician Room 12, Bank Euiiding. Stock and p.ultry have few troubles which are not bowel and liver irregularities. Black Draught Stock and Poultry Medi cine is a bowel and liver remedy for stock. It puts the organs of digestion in a perfect condition. Prominent American breeders and farmers keep their herds and flocks healthy by rivinw them an occa sional (lose ot Black-Draught Stock and Poultry Medicine in their foocL Any .stock raiser may buy a 25-cent half-pound air-tight can of this medicine from hi3 dealer and keep his stock in vigorous health for weeks. Dealers gener ally keep B hick-Draught Stock and Poultry Medicine. If yours does not, send 25 cents for a sample can to the manufacturers, The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chat tanooga, Term. 1 i Eoohbllb, Ga., Jan. 30, 1902. Black-Mnmght Stock and Poultry Medicine ia the best I ever tried. Our stock was looking bad when yon sent me the medicine and now -they are getting so fine. They are looking 20 per cent, better. t S.P.BEOCKIWGTOS. STOCK wl POULTRY I iMEDICINEg Clubbing Price! The Gazette hasfmade a special "arrangement with the publishers a number of the leading magazines and newspapers of the Unit ed States, whereby weTare offered cutT rates on these publications. Now we could charg-e you the full price for these and ' re serve the differenceTbetween the regular price and their special price to us, as ."our commission, but as the Ga Z2TT3 is a home paper for home people, it will be sat isfied by receiving you as a nsw subscriber, or, if j you are now a subscriber, ' then ' b receiving your renewal for a year in advance. This special, rate may notj last bng, so take advantage of it NOW while the chance lis yours. A" Great tin SSSSSJB if f er: ' Woman's Hcma'Ccnipanion FranJT LesSis'sKflonthfy' Isrn FrisciUa and: Csrvaliis Gazetfs:il AH ifsvQ " : ill Interest the Wsskly Oregonfan ;San Francisco Examine CcrvalSis Gazette Ail three Otis yea 55 noi GssispsSitan ftfegazlne or Leslies, Housekeeper or McCall'p, - Corvallis Gazette Any tisree , QQ one year - - Address &xtie Puis.' Go Gorvzffis, Ore An Easy Shoe for Women with Tender Feet MADE ON A PERFECT-FITTING LAST. People who stand or walk much ofthe time appre ciate this shoe. Welts and turns. Price, $3-50. 4 Gffca Day sad Kshl.ZJRoom&lSiagZ9 on EnSutteT' a E B 6 Cszs osZths SZasstlJEaxSa&dl Ho tats In tha t. T I Boih-Phcaosm REAL ESTATE, LOANS- INSURANCE VSBGIU E. WATTERS, CORVALLIS HARNESS FACTORY. J. E. WINEGAR, Proprietor. Harness, - Saddles, - Bridles, - . Robes, Dusters, Whips, Etc. Everything found in any shop is in our Fact:ry at prices to suit all purses. FIX: LINE of HAMMOCKS, All kinds of repair work done on up-to-the-hour style and prices. Satisfaction guaranteed. Opposite Mil ler's store, Corvallis, Or. Ind. Phone No. 128. Job Printing When you pay out good money for printing, be sure and get good print ing for the money I Good Work costs you no more than the bad. ring your Job Work to the Gazette Office. THE noe A Fine Australian Felt Insole That keeps the feet from burn ing. The felt forms a cushion That Prevenis the Jar on sensitive nerves of the feet. - 8 as Rlaots aUSTragas. & Biirgnius in Stock, Grain, Fruit ana I'oultiy Ranches, write for our speciul list, or c 'me aud see us. We "Will take pleasure in givinjr you relianie iufoima tion: also sliowiug you over the county WATTERS, HENRY AMBLER. Philohiiu if) ifS9 1 I Do not send out printed mat ter to your customers that is a disgrace to your business a disgrace to'your town and a disgrace to the printer vrho puts it out. Good printing is correct in spelling correct in gram marcorrect in punctuation on good stock printed with good ink and some thing that it is a pleasure to look at.