r READY FOR A FIGHT PEACE ENVOYS ARE NAMED. fflyama Has Man Army Com pletely Surrounded."- 1AY PROVE SEDAN FOR RUSSIA BOYCOTT BY CHINA President Roosevelt Takes Steps to Remove Its Canse Before Peace Negotiations Can Begin, Greatest Battle "of the War 'May tea Fought.. Japan Announces Three, and Names of Two Russians are Known. St. Petersburg, Jane 1$. There only remain fixing ot tne time 01 meeting hand the number of plenipotentiaries for the peace conference with Japan. Finding that Japan was not- disposed to accept Paris, which was Russia's first choice, or The Hague,, which President Roosevelt suggested, Russia readily consented to the selection of Washing ton. Japan, it is understood, also sig nified that she would name three exalt ed personages as plenipotentiaries, and I Accounts for Trouble Experienced by specinc lniormanon -uere iwinm w COOLIES HAY BUY CERTIFICATES MUST STAND TRIAL. London, June 17. The practical cer- Marquis ltd, Baron Komura, tne min isterof foreign affairs, and Marshal Yamagata, chief of the general staff, as plempotentames. It is regarded as certain that two ot Russia's representatives will be Baron Travelers and Others Entering -. the United States. Washington, June 15. President Roosevelt is manifesting a deep inter- Mitchell Gets Worst of First Decision -, in Land Fraud Case. Portland, June 14. -Senator Mitchell must stand trial upon the Krio's indict ment, charging him with having ac cepted fees while a senator of the Unit ed States for services rendered to Fred erick A. Kribs, by which timber land claims belonging to the latter were pasesd through the General Land office to patent. Judge De Haven yesterday morning in a few words overruled the demurrer of the defense and set the trial of Sen ator Mitchell for Tuesday,'- June 20, thus sweeping away every hope of the indicted man and his counsel - in the success of the dilatory tactics so long employed, and bringing them face to face with the necessity Of meeting the mass of the government's evidence in to the conviction that another battle will be fought in the interval. Accord ing to the Daily Telegraph's Tientsin 'correspondent, a . Japanese forward movement has already commenced, in cspite of the rainy season. xne xeiegmpu Russia's aggressive policy -ufunv.- e,- r 'the situation from a correspondent who is said to be in a good position to know "the actual facts. This correspondent mays that the principal Russian depot is at Gunshu Pass, whence many light railways are being constructed noith--ward to facilitate retreat. Lieutenant Washington, and M. Kelidoff, ambassa dor at Paris. The name of M. Witte (continues to be be mentioned, but there is no evidence that the emperor, will give him a brief to conduct ' negotia tions. Considering his well known in the Far East, the selection of M. Witte would be regarded as tantamount to an assurance that peace would be the outcomhe. The selection of Washington makes it certain that several weeks must elapse before the first meeting of the Monday by a delegation of members of the American Asiatic association con cerning the difficulties which hitherto have been experienced by Chinese mer chants, students, travelers and literary men in gaming admission to this coun try. The - complaints of the Chinese government about the alleged humilia tion to which members of those classes of Chinese are often subjected upon their arrival in the United States, to gether with the threats of the-commer- It was quickly over, though lor a moment there were those in the court room yesterday morning who .. lived more than twice the time indicated by the clock as the judge- paused in his discussion of the indictment . before rendering his final opinion and holding against the plea of the defense. "As to the form," said Judge De Haven, the indictment is justly open to criti cism; indeed, very severe criticism ciai gums ot uina to retaliate by boy- Bi0wly, "that- it substantially cotting American-made goods, , have Lharees the offense described in section i x v mj j .negotiators is possible. general ianievivco. uewnuereu. ujr mo p; w RnM,H. i M induce the belligerents in - the mean time to agree to an armistice, the fear strategy of the Japanese, is making repeated reconnaissances and throwing out innumerable scouts. Nevertheless, -at the present moment, the correspond' -ent says, all his army is completely -enveloped. . - " FRANCE SAVED FROM WAR. is general that the interim will witness another bloody battle in Manchuria. Russia, while she could not place her self in the position of directly request ing an armistice, might welcome it, if the suggestion came from the president. Delcasse' s Resignation Prevented -" Conflict with Germany. Paris. June 17. When M. Delcasse resigned the potrfolio of the foreign -office a few days ago, Germany and France were on the verge of war. M .Delcasse thought that Germany was "bluffing. ' Prime Minister Rouvier, re membering 1870, believed otherwise. -3ermany had been for some weeks strengthening her garrisons near the Trench frontier. France responded with a similar move. The kaiser, ig noring his own provocation, notified Trance that, if she did. not cease this military movement, Germany would consider it an unfriendly act. This, of course, was equivalent to an ultima' turn, and M. Rouvier sent a concilia tory reply. Within a few hours after M. Del casse's retirement, M. Rouvier made -certain representations to Russia which had far greater influence FOR CONFERENCE CITY. Choice by Russia and Japan is Nar rowed Down to Three. Washington, June. 15. Gradually the negotiations for peace in, the -. Far East are nearing a focus. Ine one point to which the energies of those di rectly concerned in them now are being directed is the choice of a place for holding the conference of the plenipo tentiaries of the belligerents It is known officially that three cities are under consideration by Russia and Japan. These cities, named in the order of the likelihood of their final se lection, are Washington, The Hague and Geneva. Thus far no decision has been reach' ed. Paris and London have been elim mated from the question. It is under stood that the Russian government- ob- aroused tne business men of this coun try to protest against what they have regarded as unreasonable discrimina tion in the enforcement of the1 Chinese exclusion laws. ' :r, In a letter to Secretary Me teal f, of the Department of Commerce and La bor, the president directs him to see tnat tne immigration officers exercise discretion in the ' enforcement of the exclusion . law,, to the end that the re lations of this government. with China may continue to be cordial. i." It is pointed out that- great' difficulty is experienced by the immigration offi cials in executing the law, because of the many bogus certificates which are presented by Chinese. It is a well understood fact that for a consideration a Chinese coolie may procure in China a certificate that he is a merchant or a traveler . or a.- member of the other ex empt classes. On its face the certifi cate entitles him to admission to the United States. So many frauds have been discovered in the matter of these certificates that the immigration offi' cials examine all of them most care fully. ' That fact , accounts for trouble experienced by genuine mer chants, travelers, etc. 1782 of the revised statutes." No more was needed. The govern ment .had won. The defendant had lost. The opening of what will be one of the most bitterly contested and in effect one of the most far-reaching cases ever 'tried before the courts of Oregon was in sight. WANTS ONE MORE VICTORY. upon jects to an Asiatic city, its preference -the czar's present course than even being tor some Jiuropean capital. Alter Mr. Roosevelt's letter. M. Delcasse objecting to the holding of the confer- harf done evervthins in hia nower to ence in Paris, the Japanese government support the Russian policy and uphold expressed a willingness to consider otn- -the alliance, and had refrained from er places which attorued adequate lacu Japanese Press Opposes Armistice, Confident Oyama Will Win. Tokio, June 14. lhe Japanese gov' ernment still maintains silence regard' irig peace negotiations. It is apparent ly awaiting action at and advices from Washington and St. Petersburg. The newspapers and public continue a spir ited discussion of the situation, devot ing themselves largely to a probable armistice and terms of peace The newspapers continue to be flatly opposed to an early armistice, which would deprive the army and . navy of the advantages within their grasp. It the M8 generally thought that. Field Marshal Oyama s plans are rapidly maturing. and that the next great drive will sweep General Linievitch back and car ry the Japanese army into Russian ter ritory. .- The good faith and ultimate inten Government Now Has Ample Evidence tI0nB ot aia, toward peace are openly Ar,i.t Paaf x.t ana generally questioned, xne japan " . I ma flmverniriAnt in . noflfliKlv RatiRfiad Chicago, June 10 following the au- w;th th imod faith and intentions of thoritative announcement from Washr Rnaiii hut. it hUmim WvmTt.hft mihlir ington 'yesterday that Attorney General doubtful. The Japanese public would TO INDICT MANY. pressing advice, peaceful or otherwise, -on the czar's government. M. Rouvier said to Russia, in effect, that the yitial interests of France re quired the czar to do something under the terms of the alliance for her pro- "tection against German aggression. It was imperative that Russia restore her military strength on her western frontier and be prepared to take an -active part in the campaign if France were attacked. ities, although it is assumed that Ja pan's preference would be for some Far Eastern city practically within the theater of war. Finally, however, the selection, seems to have narrowed down to the three, cities named. NEW MOVES TO END STRIKE. DODGE IMMIGRATION LAW. Inspectors Discover Men in London Who Post Undesirables. London, June 17. Marcus Braun -and Mr. Fischberg, the ; American in spectors who have been inspecting the - -emigration from Continental countries to the United States, having concluded "their labors in Austria, Hungary and Russian Poland, respectively, -are now looking up the conditions prevailing at -the embarking points of . the big At lantic haers. - Messrs .Braun and ischberg say -that the steamship companies have in augurated ; a very strict inspection of -emigrants,- but that -even in London persons claiming to be agents of the companies are publishing guaranties to secure the admission of any emigrant to the United States for a few pounds in addition to the fare. How the sub agents carry out this agreement is now , under investigation by the -inspectors Building Trades Withdraw Aid." ' i Chicago, June 17 Thousands of cir cular letters hive been sent out to arch itects, builders and labor union mem bers generally, containing information . that the Assoicated Building Trades of Chicago and Cook county have with- Hanrahan will Take a Hand Team' k sters's Offer Rejected. Chicago, June 16. While apparent ly there was no surface change in the strike today, a powerful agent for peace was at work. . Grand Master J. G Hanrahan,' of the Brotherhood of Loco motive Firemen, arrived in the city, and after a conference with Mayor Dunne, announced that he would use his good offices to settle the strike. Chairman John. V. Farwell, Jr., of the Employers association, declined to consider a tentative strike settlement proposition presented to him today by the state board of arbitration. The proposition was an offer that, if the employers would agree to use all honorable influence to have police and deputy sheriffs and . all armed guards withdrawn immediately, the strike would be declared off, even as to the express companies, and that orders to deliver anywhere would be obeyed by the teamsters. The offer had the ap proval of President Shea and the - na tional executive board of the teamsters. jury days Dis- Moody and. the local Federal authori ties in charge of the investigation into the methods of the beef trust had come to an agreement for further prosecution of the cases comes the positive state ment today from a semi-omcial source that, so far as the jury itself is con' crerned, sufficient evidence has been obtained to warrant the indictment of scores of packing house officials . v The number against whom indict ments will be returned, to quote the language of the . official making the statement, "will range anywhere from 35 to 70." - It is positively stated that the Can complete its . work in three after the return of United States trict Attorney Morrison from Washing ton and, as he has already left for Chi cago, it is now expected the indictments will be returned shortly. Unless present plans aro sidetracked in some way, the indictments to be re turned will run -against the official heads of 'the packing establishments The Federal authorities will not whether these officials have their head quarters in Chicago or not. Besidei the official heads of the corporations, it is asserted that several lawyers . repre senting the packing companies will be indicted for subornation oi penury Twelve or 15 indictments, it is asserted, will run against agents and representa tives of the packing companies, charg ing them with interference with wit nesses who were called." " ' welcome peace, but it demands terms consistent with victory and assuring permanent peace. , CAN CONVICT TRUST. Government Attorneys Will Ask Grand Jury to Indict. " " Chicago, June 14. Authoritative in formation has reached Chicago from Washington that - Attorney General Moody and the government attorneys who have been conducting the inquiry into the beef trust have reached the de cision that they have sufficient evidence to secure conviction, that the proseeu tion will be pushed vigorously and that indictments will be asked of the grand jury. Now that the agreement has been reached, the grand jury will com plete its .work within a week and re turn a number of indictments. - When the beef trust inquiry was (re sumed by the grand jury today, two cattlemen from Iowa were on hand give their aid to the assistant district attorney. They told of the good re sults of the 24-hour law, which has just gone into effect. The stockmen are Barney Devine, Jr., of Livermore la., and F. T. Arnold, of Arnold, la These men, the former rated a million aire, own the largest cattle ranches the state, located in Humboldt county. GREAT THEBES RAILROAD BRIDGE. mmmmmm AVsj.xxS.;?':ik-.iS The new railroad bridge over the Mississippi River at Thebes. HL. is not longer nor more picturesque than other railway bridges across the Mto slsslppl, but It Is one of the most important It was-phmned and constructed, not by the managers of one railway, but of several, and was located not with one railway In mind, but with the trade of two great sections In mind. The structure recently .completed is one of the fifteen great railway bridges crossing the Mississippi, and Is probably the most substantial struc ture ever thrown across the great river. The fact that the approaches are of concrete contributes greatly to the servlceableness of the bridge. The experi ence of the last ten years has shown that concrete stands against floods better than stone or any other material, and In this particular and In the character of the structural work the bridge at Thebes represents-the best results of modern experience and engineering skill. The bridge was placed where the engineers directed and the railways in terested are to come to it. It was built to accommodate a great freight traffic. and In this particular has advantages over bridges built at an earlier date. It opens a new line of direct communication between Chicago and the South west by way of southern Illinois, .and is to stand for all time holding open the doors to a growing trade with the Southwest, AT ELLI8 ISLAND. Grotesque Immigrant and Cnanga Made by Xear'a Beaidence. Ellis Island that gateway to New York through which this year will enter about a million refugees from the Ignorance, despotism, poverty and hopelessness of the old world is one of the most interesting places in the metropolis. There the student of hu manity is never In want of an en grossing subject. There he may see in the raw" the peasantry of sunny Italy, of Ice-bound Finland, of Lithu ania, of Poland, of all the many lands of Europe and western Asia the Jew, the Catholic, the Mohammedan, the Protestant, the adherent of the Greek Church each attired in the grotesque and semi-barbaric garb of his native village and speaking a rude dialect which the educated from even his own land can scarcely comprehend. Heavy, stolid faces product of cen turies of toil, poverty and ignorance confront him, but he will detect little of viciousness. These ox-like men and women are not criminals. Only rare-' ' s ' v lit eager friends who come to welcome . them. If the Americanized friend is a woman, especially if she be a young woman, one may depend upon it that her unsophisticated countrywoman has got to be amazingly "prinked up" be fore they set oft together. Not infre quently a "lady friend" gifted with forethought will have brought with her an entire hew wardrobe all a la mode -for the newcomer, and it is a common occurrence to see one of these ambitious kinswomen literally forcing her dazed peasant .friend to lay aside her picturesque klrtle and bodice, her gay headdress, her long pendant ear ring beloved treasures and don in their stead, in such privacy as can be secured in the door ways of the long exit corridors, cheap and tawdry black skirts and a white shirt waist and a picture hat laden with flowers and feathers. In a few months the peasant girl becomes habituated to wearing cor sets about her strong young waist, and she blushes to think of the sight she must have been when she landed, with a bundle on her bacs, and when she in turn goes to meet some one of her friends it is difficult to realize how radical has been the transformation. CONTRAST AT ELLIS ISLAND. Linievitch Takes Some Outposts. St. Petersburg, June 16. In a dis patch to the emperor, dated June 13, General Linievitch says the Russians, after a fight June 11, occupied the vil lages of Syfong-Toy, Chuipou and Russian Cruiser' Must Go To Sea. Saigon, Cochin-China, June 15. The Russian auxiliary cruiser Kuban an chored off Cape St. James here this morning, and the governor ordered her to depart immediately and dispatched Chakhedzi. A Japanese company evac- if awn their moral and financial support uated the mines and retired southward, from the teamsters. The circulars. which are issued officially by the build ing trades, charge that the members of the Safe and Machinery Movers' and I Riggeis' union has . been - performing work rightfully belonging to the trades affiliated with the building trades. Gould Must Pay His Architect. .. New York, June 17. A verdict ; for Abner J. Haydel, an architect, to re cover $24,183 form Howard Gould for Chakhedzi. The same day another de- a French warship to enforce the neu- tachment approached the mines near trality of these waters. Twenty-eight of the colliers which supplied the Rus sian fleet with coal, have left Saigon, and 30 more of them are preparing to sail. The British steamer Carlisle, which is understood to have on board war munitions intended for the Rus sians, is detained where it was reinforced-by a battalion of Japanese with quick-firing . guns, The Japanese detachment on the Man darin road retired to a position south of Minhuagay. Death Penalty Suggested. Honolulu,. June 16 Considerable at tention has been attracted by a Chinese poster, which has appeared in Hilo's Asiatic quarter. It says that the Chin ese government proposes to retaliate for -West Point Graduates 114 Men. . West Point, N. Y. June 14. The graduation exercises of the first class, 114 in number, were held- today under a covering of canvass in front of the library. An exceedingly large crowd was in attendance. ' Among the officers present were Lieutenant General Miles, retired, and Lieutenant General Chaf fee. ' The address of the graduating class was delivered by Franklin Mur phy, of New York, president of the board of visitors, and was followed by an address by General Chaffee, and by the delivery of diplomas. , Colombia's Envoy of Friendship. Washington, June 15. John Barrett, United States minister "to Colombia, today presented to tie president Enri que Cortez, ex-minister of , foreign af fairs of the south American republic. services in drawing plans for the Gould the American exclusion . policy, and i Senor Cortez has been appointed confi- astle at Port Washington. L.: I., - was that the government at Pekin will issue dential agent of the Colombian govern-1 pay checks range in face value from $80 Standard Loses S lOO.OOO. Chicago, June 14. A dispatch to the Tribune from Van Buren, Ind., says: That merchants in., this vicinity have been fleeced out of $100,000 by bogus checks on the Standard Oil May payroll has developed on the arrival here of Assistant Treasurer F. S. Davis from New York to investigate. The forged awarded by a jury in the New York an order against the purchase of Amer- state Supreme court at Mineola, - L. I. lean goods, with a death penalty for This amount represents about 2 per vioation of the order, and will -proceed cent of the original contract" price of to have Americans fumigated . at the $937,000, which it was estimated the port of entry and charged $5 per head. tiould castle, would cost. Haydel had sued for $60,000. Russian Cruiser on Rampage. London, June 17. The Singapore correspondent of the Daily Mail says that the Russian cruiser Rion left June 14 for Odessa, and that great uneasi ness is felt for the safety of British shipping. , Will Fight in Spite of Mud. London, June 16. The Japanese correspondent of the Daily Telegraph at 1 Moji, Japan, says: "The rainy season has started in Manchuria, - and the mud in the roads is knee deep, but Japan intends to inflict a final and this will not interfere with military crushing blow upon the Russian army operations, glad tidings of Which- may in Manchuria before considering . any be expected within a few days." t proposition for peace. ment in this city and will .use his ef forts to re-establish the cordial - rela tions between 'the two countries. Senor Cortez is also to try to establish friend ly relations with Panama. ; Final Blow Before Peace, Pekin. June' 15. In Germany and other circles here,' the prospects of peace between Japan anq liussia are considered remote. It is supposed that to $1,000, and are duplicate numbers of the genuine checks, by which - fact the frauds were discovered. - Panama will Coin Silver. ' - Panama, June' 14. The government of Panama, in accordance with the de sires of the canal commission and the local bankers, has decided to coin 1, 000,000 silver pesos.- This step is cal culated to relieve the demand for silver caused . by . the activity of the canal works and increased business, and will T-iTQxTont a tit? minot.ainr r-ri oi a wtiifTi an 1 excess of gold might produce. . ly among the tens of thousands of in comers Is there one lacking the simple virtues of the peasant, and the excep tion may be detected as easily as may a wolf In a crowded sheepfold. Of the 812,000 men, women and chil dren whom the ships brought to Ellis Island last year less than one In a hundred were rejected, and.. only the smallest sprinkling because of a crimi nal record. Those who: were sent back were refused admission because they were in ill health, were likely to become paupers or were contract la borers. The metamorphosis which a, year's residence in the United States causes in these uncouth immigrants is some thing astonishing, particularly if the newcomer is a woman and has spent the year In, the metropolis. When the Immigrant lands at Ellis Island he or she Is an outlandish-looking .ob ject, outlandish as was ever no, stage clown". ' Invariably he has a bundle, iand his wife has a bundle a bundle done up in anything from the size of a pocket handkerchief to a large ta blecloth. If the bundle is a small one it is carried in the hand or slung across a stick over the shoulder; if it Is a large bundle the woman' ties it. across her back, leaving her hand free to balance, perhaps, a small paper trunk on her head with one hand, and with the other to drag a load of precious and archaic pots and pans to which she has clung like grim death since the eventful day -when she left her hovel far behind. ' The children, or such of them as are' not babes at the breast, follow in line, each bearing his own little momen to of old world house keepinga tea kettle, a pot, a wooden spoon, -v .' : .v : -ZZ :, They see nothing to be ashamed of in all this on the contrary, they are Inordinately proud of this public pa rade of their worldly possessions, and it is hard for them to understand the shame and mortification which their gaucherie ' causes their ' uving l and A Discouraging Ontlook. The weekly New York paper which chronicled gay doings not only in that frivolous metropolis but in England and other foreign ports as well, afford ed Mrs. Emmons keen enjoyment, and . gave her many an excuse for righteous wrath. This fact had been fully ap preciated by her son, who sent her a year's subscription. "Listen to this, Blje Emmons," sh commanded one night, the paper trem bling in her hands. "It's the account of a grand reception in London, and this is what It. says: 'The Honorable Winifred Cowles was in black velvet, studded with . jewels, the low-cut bodice and sleeve' straps being 'en crusted - - with v sparkling gems. . The Honorable Frances Itathbone wore deep blue velvet with garnitures of rich lace. - "Now you mark what I say," said Mrs. Emmons. "If our young fellows that go over to England get to wearing such clothes, as .this paper , describes, what going to become of our coun try? A fellow: that'll submit himself to be rigged up In any such way as that Isn't likely to know how to handle a gun in time o war or a hoe In time o pea eel" " ' , . Hs Wasn't s Legislator. A traveling man who "makes" Kan- - sas City frequently was dining in the cafe of one of the large hotels when he thought he'd play a trick on his waiter. "See that man at the next table. George?" he saldi ' The waiter nodded assent. "That's Dr. Alonzo Tubbs, the Missouri Legis lator, who is trying to stop all tipping." ' The waiter grew Interested at once. "Well, ain't dat too bad," he said. "Ah's been waltin' on him,, too. "Well, you won't get any tip there," said the trav eling man. "Ah suttlngly treated him. right," replied the waiter. - "A few minutes later the man at the other table left and the waiter return ed to the traveling man. "Well," said the drummer, "what did I tell your. ".'Xcuse me, sah, but ah thinks you tole me er fabrication," said the waiter. grinning. "Dat man ain't a legislatah he's a gentleman." The man had given him a quarter. Wants to Get Even. - Church If a man Is going to ba struck by au automobile, whafa the difference whether the machine is go ing ten miles an hour or fifty? Gotham A good deal of difference. How is a man who Is knocked down going to tell a chauffeur - what hs thinks of him if he's going at fifty miles an hour? Yonkers Statesman. When there Is a woman caller in the ' evening, and her host takes her home, it seems to the hostess that it takes her husband twice as long to get back, as it should.- - -