Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, June 23, 1905, Image 5

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Mayor A. J. Johnson was .in Al
bany on business Wednesday.
Geo. A. Waggoner arrived home
Wednesday from Portland, whew
he had paeeed the previous 'week.
-The IowanB picnic was held in
Avery's grove just south of town
yesterday and was well attended.
A splendid time was reported. , r
There will be" German preaching be a kiln of brick
Sunday at the Prebbytenan church
at 2:30 p. re., by Rev. Byerline, of
Albany. AH cordially invited.
Workmen have started at the
task of putting a concrete walk in
front cf ihe August Hodes grocery
and &. W. S. Pratt's jewelry store.
Mrs. F. L. Miller mud oo, Mux.
arrived hotn from th ErpoeitionJ
Prof. S. W. Holmes made a trip
to Portland, Tuesday, on matters
of business.
' Wednesday. June 21. .was the
longeet day in the year and it seem
ed as long as it was.
a. N. Miller
Last Monday - evenine . about
ioo citizens gathered at the court
house to hear the report ot En
Fair in Portland. Mr. Allen speaks
in highest praise of the Exposition
and declares it to be on a scale to
arouse the pride of every Oregonian
Presbyterian church Rev. M. 8
Bush pafetor. Bible School 10 a
m.; special Children's Day service
with rite of Infant Baptism It a.
m.:C. E. meeting 7 p. m. Even
ing service at 8, subject, "The Ino
mutable Law of Life."
o nrw A nrinw t.h nt wek. mftnn- jSt Completed a SUXVtJ of the
facturing tile. The r,rxl thinar will piuicu water route irom js.ock
creeic to tnis city, on tne proDa
11 - a. t - a ... 7 ' r
Pnrtiund saia system.
where they had been in attendance The meeting was called to or
at the Exposition.. ; der by B. W. Johnson, president
a w a vi?a,M T- ot the Citizen's League. Mr
turned home Wednesday from June- men reaa nis report ana
lion Citv. where he had SDent a few bad good attention while so do
John Allen and wire arnvea nome Mava oa his farm. ; - ing. Alter He concluded many
Wednesday from a wee at tne w , -mnr , frnm questions were asked him
C.ratra Will intV t. hnil1iniF nf ' According to Mr. Miller's re-
B T--1 1 . II. J
Mas Pauline Kline, iust west ol port is-ocs reeK snoma De rap
the school house. ped :within a couple of miles ot
m,0 w a wiia .rri tinmA 8 source, thus making the mam
last Tuesday from ssyeral days P1 "ne a "action more man io
scent with - Portland friends aud miles long-rthat is to the city
. - - . - - . M ' "!. : mi f t
visitinff the .Exposition, umits. mere is ngurea ,m ais-
r;oa nAinh;na TT00n.i .rrit, triDuuon within .tne city limits
home Tuesday from Oregon City, sm!thm2i? excess of 3 n"les
near which place Bhe recently clot- U1 F1!" ' x uc pcc oi tne yru-
The day after going into camp at BUUUes8IUA ru.. BUU" -Ti 5. x VT , y- r,
th TCTnoRitinn with the O AC cadets Travel to the bav has already lVc 1CVC1 S'vmg a. u &uui-
Lieut. Oninlan received a teleeram beeun to a limited extent. A.num- cient to carry water to this city
informing him that he was to be ber of families have already gone wltm
transferred from OAC to Berkeley, to the coast to spend a few days,
uam., wnere ne wouia nave cnarge Mrs. Mabel Lauehlin " who - has
of the aflairs miiitaire during the . ,.itint in thia c;tv, for some
coming echool year, - ; k . th home of her father.
Rev. Peatty will be a delegate H. H. XJronise, left Wednesday for hydraat equally distributed,
from ban Francisco to the xSenton her home in La Grande. -
.T m-pR Snencer and - wife
over from Alsea, Tueedav and re- to ls city every 24.. nours and
turned home yesterday. Mr. Snen- the pressure is supposed to be
cer drives a very fane span of mules, about 90 pounds per square inch.
Of this there is no question . A reserveir sufficient - to
Prof. J. B. Horner, Geo.- B. 250,000 gallons is figured for lo-
Keady, R. L. Whitehead, Rev. E. cation on Baldy Butte. This
F. Green, O.: llerse went over to supposed to be constructed ol cou
Alsea, yesterday on a fishing ex-1 crete and at an elevation 24.0 feet
pedilioD, to remain a couple of days, above the city. This reservoir
A number of cade's unexpected- will be about 2 miles from Cor-
ly returned home a few day ago vallis,
1 a V a. - I J J il A i.1 '
ana tne report is aoroaa uuit.tupy Across guicnes and ravines
came back because they could not aloni? the route of the main line
stand the food furbished them dur- it & proposed to use steel - pipe.
ing tne encampment. but in the main wooden ninW of
. . . . . .. .. . - . . . 1 L 3
The morning sumect- at tne m.lirom o to 10 inches in diameter
E. church next Sabbath will be Ms reckoned in the estimate. The
"btandmg the leet, After 1 horough I sjze Df the pipe is to be governed
Self-ExaminatiOD." la the even-ju,,, c1 ( tll- ol -
; five hours. The city
mams are figured at 4 and
inches in size and are very exten
sively distributed throughout the
city, lnere is provision tor 40
it is estimated that 1,000.000
. 11 rMC f mnfa . . . . V. i- nr rtW
lama 1 yaiiuiu ui vv a lua y : caiiitu
County Sunday School Convention
to be held in the M. E. church of
this city, June 29-3C. We are in
formed that the " reverend gentle- is to conduct the various ser
vices in connection with the con
vention. During the past day or so the
two principal diay companies of
this city have consolidated. Hence
forth they are to be known as the
Corvaliis Transfer Co. The exact
reason for the combine is not known,
. but it is safe to assume that it was
thought to be to the interest of all
concerned to join their fortunes. ,
Miss Olive Thompson . was ex
' pected to arrive . home yesterday.
Her nieces, Misses Aloha and Vera
Thompson, of Seattle, joined her in
Portland and came up for a visit osii-jE-xaminaiiou. . xi ine even- b t-ne slope of the country alone' ;Vr;a-;a.wi n w the pipe is hid. : Mr. Mil
axiB. i.- a., luuuiuoju, uioui- - i j 1 1. (i:f fL ofm 1J K
1 r il jrjn r o I - . ... . ! iaalu kua1, J wulu UK-
ueio oi mouBuui iuu uav.sroi Kenort has it that while wheat is c : -
expected to arrive Sunday from the iookim, well Bprine oat8 are not UD ".-"1 . ir!
.lKi. iUirurk . . . r .. m . . Headworks on Kock Creek
1Q gome Sections On ine XbaSt Diae Clearuieaud grubbing
wr, , x -r I 1 i 1 J r . Steel nd woodpipe
TUeSaay, JameS 1j6W1S negOtiat- "etweou uoro uu ruruauu cut Gites, air.lve8 and orerttowa
.l t.h Pain nf thft S. K Rrnwn farm WOrmB Are in evidence and lUSt IS 5- ,n fng
- - - 1 1 nir IPAH Rnti (UKnm
Rfpaprwald domsr considerable damasre. - r ipe layinir
t . m t ? mi ' I - -. , I Haulinv of materials
Ol rort JLOWnsend, Wasn. ine Tlrarl Rnrnftt wVin wontlv 1. BxcavaUon and back flllinr
price was f 10,800. ?Mr. Stegerwald turned from- eight months passed iwvoiroo Bdv Butte
has given One f thr Long bOVS :a hn Sn,,thirn OrPmri . nhm ha w 1-8 nnle ol dist.aywem
lease Cf the place. -5-The farm riS.L.rinfTPrI in minino -rhtK5loH nnmc
f 500.00
1.380 0
950 50 J .
430 00
:. 1,8j7.82
- 1.900.00
17,025.00 -
said to be a good one and is located n!er,d id wmnles of corner ore at.rdd8 "nn',r,,'an?
between this
1,200.00 4.950.00
70,477. 7S
m va it tut
CUV urnii XBUomma. h nffim a fw rinvn ncrn - H a T . .. . , .. , -
Mr StWiTArww homrht it. on .noitn. . l-.i.:",! u-TfLl " h-ne "en, suomuted tne lOUOW
- w v. r- . ' - - v 1 1 11 im 1 irtr n hih iviihiii v iiriui-L. 1 .
Utinn . . . r - - , 0 . - - ing as an estimate ol revenues
, , , . - . wuee.oi aoap tireeK, and derived from the system
"ri w aw-- -1.1, iTi . r urmr. 111 hum i:ilv.- w uii i isv ; ; run
' . J ' I . - . J I UVW IVaMtOl vuusuuraiB w ,iiw,
iu uiviflgu wiaugiuR uu uvoidto- Wfivfl gnmmoned to FortlanfL havfl i"1- w o per cen. on 6,w.w ?3,yw.uu
iug me uetaus 11 an agricultural been exensed from serv ce on the
automobile, in writing to friends in TTnWo-fitatoo rA orol l nrw I tet income to the city per annum $3,550.00
this City .recently referred to the I in nsiRn on thA rmlt nr innnmnm nf
labor Btnke in progress in that. city. Senator Mitchell in connection with
said that on one occasion he was the land fraud-cases.
nViliffprl in ftnrnr - a honir-ir-. lnn fif 1
"J -v., q,t zA.tni i. 41..
vu uuimoja tun auuiiDDiuii tu buc
Exposition at Portland will be" 25
cents instead of u cents as hereto- -. Alir-A WinUnrirf nrriv
fore. The gates are to be opened home yesterday from a week's visit
av uuuu kuu mo cjLuuib uuiiuiugs I jq Portland.
are to remain onen until fa o clock
in the afternoon. The amusement clackledge, leading wall paper
will not be dealer. - oUt
pattern material on his back about
the city in order to" secure afe de
livery and to eecape paying about
$10 for the transfer of an aimful of
material. . . . '. '
Additional Local.
See Blackledge for furniture, etc.
nBeop"Th" Faaoprr of God.t
Evtoing'ssmoes anion with th
EodeaTorers. Discussion and ser
mon, "Oar National Heritage.",
The Teachers' Summer Normal
at Albany, Oregon, will open for
enrollment on July 3rd, and full
work commence on July 5 Those
nterested should write at once to
I. E. Richardson. - 52
Attorney W. E. Yates was called
to Albany on business yesterday.
Dave Osburn accompanied by
his wife and daughter went to
'ortland, Wednesday, to visit the
Exposition.:; Dave '. will return '
within a ouple of day s . , : Dunn ir
his absence Dick Tom is on duty as
night omcer. ' .-.l
Tha White IKouso.
S. LlUIno.
Wednesday evening at . nine
clock Mr. Ralph Billines. of
Ashland, Oregon, and Miss Myr
tle Herbert were united in mar
riage, Kev. ti. jti. ieese, pastor
of the First Methodist church,.
officiating.;' Both of the contract
ing parties are popular graduates
of OAC. ' ' " v
Mr. Billing will ' take to Ash-
and with him one of the Corval-
is young ladies, who by her win
ning ways and charming charac
ter leaves a host of friends. ' She
has always been very active j.n
church circles and will be verv
much missed. Mr. ' Billings is
one of the substantial young men
of Jackson county.
They were the recipients of
beautiful presents, consisting of
silverware and cut glass. . A neat
check from Ashland reminded
them of the more oraCtical things
boldJ of Hfe. The groom's present to
the bride was a handsome gold
The following persons, consti
tuted the little vteidiag paity :
Rev. and Mrs. Feese, Mr. and
Mrs. Duke Hall. Mr. and Mrs.
Blake, Mr. and ; Mrs. Herbert;
Messrs. Ross . Baverly, Stanley
Herbert ; Misses Mamie and Stel
la Hall, Xeah and Gertrude Bar
clay, Addie Reader, Addie Hor-
ton, "Frances Belknap, . Violet,
Georgie and Bessie Herbert.
Many good wishes from many
friends go with them to their new
home. They leave todav for -a
visit to the Exposition and other
places. . . - - .
: special. ;
We offer our entire stock of Spring
and Summer Shirt Waists at crpar.-
, - njiuics. j. iiese waists
4408. are made up in
'-tflZilfrTrilt ? S. and comnrisp sioo -f Q9"f- aa
&?1P2I3 &i- ' - A "UU6U1CU11VU!, VClJf
Wj4mlfJt'l ' .T cTlOOI. OT. 1.-1. ..1.1. ... -
vtjjSi- i r ikm rs stM i i -"v-.. auu u.niu.v nil-, f if il . Wdu nor i
f V J tPI AA TTf-.Vi . - -
v.w vv aists ..,...... bpeciai $ .75
l& J J oyeuicu .yy
M' Jf 1.50 Waiste " "
175 Waists . Special 1.49
2,00 Waists ..Special 1.70
f l ;Y:."vii-,t rSt n rn ttt . i. . - " .- . -. -. .
;l Yt uuvvaiscs.... ...... special .iy
.j.UMV 3.00 Waists....... "".Snftp.ifll 9.99.
3.50 Waists.......... Sr,ecial 2.98
China Silk Waists; very stylish, $3-50, $4.00,' $4.50 and 5.00
values, . Reduced to 3 00, 3.50, 4.00 and 450
This Sale will Continue for One Week Only.
1 5f
1 M
it i
i i n -' i
i r
I - if J
II 1"
The White House,
Corvaliis, Ore.
Lumber for Sale.
Fir Lumbar, dressed or rough. Complete house bills delivered if so desired.
It will pay you to invsitigits th- prices.- Mills two mtle3 wast of Independ;nt
school house. Bell phone 4x2. . OTIS SKIPTON
; . .. ' v. ; ; . -; . ;-. - . R. F. D. No. 2, Corvaliis, Oregon.
Dm Om Hlamtand. .
Ohaa. Blakoaleo.
Patronize Homo Industry
Outmlda Ordar Sollcttad.
All Work OiMarantaad.
Largest line of 'matting in count
ly at Blackledges. - - 30tf
Louis H. ZeiB, born and raised
in tnis city, a brotner of Jolin Z-eie, features on the Trail
v was mmfl to Minn T?.na Tlnnhlp- ,.
check a short time ago at Redding, -;:..-' -7-J-'-::- C H. Barnell and family leave
Calif. The "bride recently arrived Williaais, one of OACs crack today for a vieiu at the Exposition,
in that vit.xr frnm T-onJviilo C,n sorinters. arrived from Portland. They expect to . spend the summer
Thn vi.nnor ftnnnln Vinvn taben ' nn Wednesda v. and went home vester- in beattle.
their residence at Kennett. Calif., day. A number cf other students
where Louis will conduct a branch came back with him. They speak
pstablishment inf thn Zbib Rrns. inn well Of things down there, but sav
fnntorv. Wa am nlfiasn to nr,tf thai they, had enoueh of it. The Mrs. Koeovsfcy ana cdiiaren are
" that Redding naners pneak verv encampment we understand was to here from Chicago visiting relatives.
riiVhlv cf hoth brinn nnn irrnnm: break uo yesterday and the cadetB Mrs. Rogovtky is a lister of Mrs.
. .. . t , - scatter throughout the state. ' C.,E. Hout of this city
Durine the summer season the - ; - - .
Wnfof ih f-bri-Bti.n rhnrob will Raymond Honkle. son of G. W. finest weacl obtainable any-
- eive a series of - short talks on Henkle of this city,s arrived last
- Pin.. . -r. . n . .. . I 3 f o t 1 n.i:r . 1 ri.
-uiDie iieroes ana Heroines" at iuuuy Hum ou o, .u. A.Wr Next Sunday is the regular day
cYcunig eCfviw... xeju..., ouuuajr ".7' , : J..I ".,r . K n at M . E. church, iSouth . Jfreach
morning me subject wm oe "nris- 7; '"ing morning and! evening by .the
tian Character." The evening sub- Independence thence to - Portland Sud (1Q m
J & "11 1 l ( 1 1 1 xl in J T r vrlQir. ina Holp aTrAnTKiK h. f J
of God." Sunday evenine. July 2. will seturn- to San Jose. Raymond Summer School Prof.v S.- W.
the sermon will be on the Fourth of U8 now in the drug business in San Holmes will begin a summer school
July, Bubject, "Our National Ban- Jose and is doingwell. ' for teachers June 26, and continue
ner." All the old soldiers are
. especially invited to attend this
Kl"w- uaU.UUM,iBWi. Or. Just before coming to this Mrs. Hi. A. Gillett and. niece,
- Merwin McMaines has just com- city she spent a few days at the Miss Ada McGraw, arrived in this
oleted a directory of this citv. The Exposition in Portland. ; It is city a few days ago f rem Oraw
work was done in this office and is likely that she will spend the great- f ordsyille for a yisit of some ten
- ceriainiy a creai. 10 iar. mcmaines, er part 01 ine summer nere. ner uays mm reiauvcu.
who did all the work unassisted husband recently left Grants Pass
and i designed the ; directory from to go to Jackson county, , where he
cover to cover, mere are iu4 pages has acceptea a situation as assayer
of v aluable and useful matter and Tor the Oregon; Bell mining com
neat advertisements of all our lead- pany. This company is installing
ing business firms throughout this a ten-stamp mill and will haye it
city and county. It will be a long in working order in the course of a
tim e before Corvaliis can boast an- month. If Ed likes it ; where he is
other directory so neat and com- at present located the probabilities
: plete as is this one. . It must be are that he will not return to
S33Q to bo appreciated. ' r: - - Grants PiS3 to rcsids.
.:i a. .... ka
We would be pleased to have the
ladies of Corvaliis call at the
Occidental Hotel and examine our
Kitchen . Cabinet. Globe Cabinet
Uo. - b'Z
Congregational church Rey. E.
P. Green pastor.-;- Sunday" school
10 a . m. : worship " and sermon at
11 a.m.; C. E. meeting 7 p.; m
evening eervico 8 p. m. Mornic
0. N. Stu.vt left, Monday, for Califor
nia. . . . . I
Paul Johnson and family spent Sunday
at Sulphur 8piings. ' ; ' ..
- Mre"S. F. LawrcDsou baa been on
the sick lit lately, but is some better at
present. ' . -
. Alfred Williamson aud wife, of A'
bany, were vuitinK relatives at Well,'
Sunday. .-
Lewis Wenti and Rub Jones started,
Monday, for Portland whjre tl ey ex ect i
to spend a few day at the Fair.
- Miss Paulirn Karsteina is visiting her
sister, Mrs. Stellmacber, i Portland,
and' while there will-take in the Fair.
Frank Dodele, cf Wells, is seen in this
part quite often ot late. Ha has a new
buggy, you know, and the girls say its a
hammer. -
Rev. Laaner, pastor of the Evangelic
al church of Albany, .preached at Oak
Grove, Sunday. -
The graduating exercises ol the s!hools
of the north end of the county will be
held at North Palestine-church June. 28.
John Harris, cf Wells, is borne again
much improved in health, but s not en
tirely rid of the rheumatism that i.lias
been givin ; him so much trouble of late.
Mru Ingall and diughler, Bernice,
who have been at the bedside of her
mother, MrP. Waldron, left for Baker
City, ; Saturday, adcompanied by her
mother who has recovered sufficiently to
make the trip. ;
Strawberries are getting to be a thitig
of the past. The crop was about two-
thirds of the average bat prices held up
well and the growers have done about as
well as they commonly do. '
. : Haying has been commenced quite
early there is already a good deal cut and
shocked and one caa hear the click of
the mower in all directioms. The hay
crop is good and if good weather contin
ues there Bhould not be an scarcity of
feed next winter.
Great June Sale
- i . - -. . -- - .-
A Bargain Opportunity that
Happens Only Once a Year.
On Wednesday, June 7th we place on sale Our Entire
Stock of Summer Wash Fabrics and Ladies' Waists.
Reduced to.
t .
We have just received
from the East a Sam
ple line of waists which
we are instructed to
Sell At Cost, ranging in
price from 40c to $6.
The sale includes all of our New Spring Goods, and
when we say, it is a bargain opportunity, we mean it.
So come in and see. You are welcome everybody is.
iNOmNDtNT Phone M8
Robinson & Stevenson
Real Estate, Loans and Insurance
Corvaliis, Ore.
Mo Secret About It.
It is no secret, , that for cuts, burns,'
ulcers, fever sores, sore eyes, boils, etc.,
nothing was so effective as Bucklen'B
Arnica Salve. "It didn't take long to
care a bad sore I had, and it is all O. .
for sore eyes," writes D. . L. Gregory,
of Hope, Texas. 25c at A Ilea Wood
ward's drag store. . i ......
Onan Day and Night
RoomslSinglo or EnSulto
Take The Gazette for all the
J. C. HALir.lEL, Prop.
OitB ofitha FlnBstlEtjulped Hotels In the Valley.
Both Phones. Bus Meets an Train s.(