Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, June 23, 1905, Image 3

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i tv r r . I
IJDUU jnairw
i n t Aurtirn?
At any rate, you seem to be
getting rid of it on auction-sale
principles: "going, going,
g-o-n-eI'r Stop the auction
with Ayer'a Hair Vigor. It
checks falling hair, and always
restores color to gray hair. A
splendid dressing also. Sold
for over sixty years.
"Hj hair nan out sobadlv I nearly lMtK
all. I bad beard so much about Ayer'a Hair
Vigor I thought I would giro ft a trial. I did
to and It completely stopped the tailing, and
made my hair grow very rapidly." Maky H.
FlKLD, Northfleld, Mail.
by T. O. Ay Co., Itowtll,
manntaetnrera of
A Balanced Account.
"A fair exchange is no robbery." So
the text-books have taught via, and
now another instance, quoted by the
New York Tribune, arises to illustrate
the proverb anew.. An American, well
known for his wealth, receives innu
merable letters asking him to sub
scribe to charities, and often, when
the credentials of the project seem du
bious, he has to refuse.
Not long ago he had a letter from
London, signed by an unfamiliai
name. "Knowing as I do your gener
osity," the stranger wrote, "I have put
you down for a two-hundred-dollar sub
scription to our miners' widows' fund.
Christmas is approaching, and we pro
pose to give a fowl and a Christmas
pudding to each miner's widow, on
Christmas eve."
The millionaire replied: "Though I
know nothing of you or your fund, I
- respond gladly to the call you make
upon me. I, too, am Interested in a
charity, similar to . yours. It is an
American charity, and since it stands
in need of funds for a Christmas treat
I have not hesitated to put you down
for a subscription of two hundred dol
lars. Thus no money need pass be
tween us."
Foremost Parliamentarian Among the
Women of America, i
Some women reach high position In
official society by Virtue of their hus
bands' superior gifts and adroitness In
politics. They may grace the places
which they occupy and. make .their
homes favorite spots with the great
men of the land; but the fact remains
that it was the husbands who brought
them to elevated social station. Occa
sionally, however, there Is to be found
In official prominence a man in whose
upward progress ... the. wire has kept
step with him' contributing ability,
tact and even genius which has had a
marked Influence upon the career of
the husband. . Without her he might
have gained but mediocre distinction,
despite the possession of talent;. but by
their combined effort public favor and
eminence were attainable. What his
own merit "could not have accomplish'
ed he achieves by a fortunate domes
tic partnership." .
Charles Warren Fairbanks, Vice
President of the United States, does
not shine by the reflected light of his
gifted wife. He gained his place as
leader-of the bar of Indiana by virtue
of native genius, finished educatiou,
Industrious habits and a wealth of ac
cumulated learning. This was the lad
der by which he climbed to the United
States Senate and later to the Vice
Presidency, Had his domestic' rela
tions been different, however, there
might . have been such interference
with his progress that success would
j asp
Physicians Recomrriend Castor ia
" ASTORIA has .met with pronounced favor on the part of physicians, pharma
M ceutical societies and medical authorities. It is used by physicians with
results most gratifying. The extended use of Castoria is unquestionably the
result of three facts : The indisputable evidence that it is harmless:
Ueoad That it not only allays stomach pains and quiets the nerves, but assimi
lates the food : ni-lt is an agreeable and perfect substitute for Castor OH.
It is absolutely safe. It does nt)t contain any Opium, Morphine, or other narcotic
and does not stupefy. It is unlike .Soothing Syrups, Bateman's Drops? Godfrey's
uuruiaif uwj. Aiua.ia a guuu ueai ior a meciicai journal to say. uur duty, How
ever, is to expose danger and record the means , of advancing health. The day
for poisoning, innocent children through greed or ignorance ought to end. To
court?" "No: his lawyers did all that i rii.-'-' i. Oi i
for him. He simply paid the buis."- ,. " juiuwieuge, uasuuiitt as u, reineay wmcn produces composure ana neaitn, Dy
Yonkers Herald. I TPrrnlaTirifr ri QTratpm Tint, rnr otii-nofrririrp if o-nA
ivjjuiuimu "J"""" "v uB)uyiug u UOIU. VIU XGOUGIB CUO Cii.LiU.GU
the information.---aW 's Journal of Health. .
Friend Is the duke a K. G. B.? Fa
ther-in-law Dunno; I found him C
O. D. New York Mail,
She Look, dear! Papa's check will
pay for our wedding trip. The Dukcl
But what are we going to do after
ward? Life.
"She told me ah vfna nnmflrriwl I
and now I And that she is a divorcee." I
"Well, isn't a divorcee unmarried ?"
Houston Post -
"Did he ever figure in the divorce
(Photo by CUnedlnat, Washington, D.
- Tbe Effect Waa Lasting.
Dentist That confounded tramp per
suaded me to give him laughing gaB and
extract four teeth. 7
Friend Well? ...
Dentist Well, when I toldhlm that
that would cost him four dollars he gave
me the merry ha-ha. Somerville Jour
nal. .
have been Impossible. The influence
of home affairs has been a stumbling
block to many a man; not because of
wifelv ImnmnHpfv hnr 1iiviiiigp nt n
timidity on her part, a shrinking from ihave tne reputation of being the worst
The Infant Terror.
Mrs. Bejenks (to a casual caller)
Why, how do you do It's such a pity
,you didn't come a little earlier; we've
just finished luncheon.
Tommy Bejenks (reproachfully) Oh,
ma, ain't we goin' to have any more?
I hadn't had half enough when the
doorbell rang an' you all jumped.
Cleveland Leader.
Pretty Girl Suffered From Nervousnest
' . and Pelvic Catarrh Found Quick
Rp lief in a Vp Tw-.
M M uniiviviriir " 1 1 rrr--nii
public observation, a tremulous disin
clination to be in the front rank. Un
der such restraint the husband has
been kept from the station which bis
merits deserved. Because he has a
wife who seconded his efforts, who
appreciated his gifts and the touch of
whose hand meant push and not pull,
Mr. Fairbanks has long, been a much
envied man. ' '
Cornelia Cole was the daughter of
Judge Philander Cole of Ohio, and
when young Fairbanks was a student
at the Wesleyan University " she ' waa
co-editor with htm 'of the college
paper. A mutual appreciation led to
marriage, which has been ' most
happy. Step by step the young lawyer
went upward; year after year the wife
grew In womanly sweetness. The five
children four boys and a girl who
blessed the home in Indianapolis re
ceived their full share of maternal
affection and attention. But the am
bition of the wife, the yearning for
mental growth and the desire for lead
ership were not drowned In the cares
- -v n r rx. .
WtKVUU5Wt55 Hit U
Miss Sadie Robinson, 4 Rand street,
Maiden, Mass., writes:
"reruna was recommended to me
about a year ago as an excellent remedy
for the troubles peculiar to our sex,
and as I found that all that was said of
this medicine waa true, I am pleased to
endorse it.
"I began to use about seven months
ago for weakness and nervousness, caused
from overwork and sleeplessness, . and
found that in a few days I began to grow
strong, my appetite increased and I beean
to sleep better, consequently my nervous
ness passed away and the weakness in the
pelvic organs soon disappdared anp I have
been well and strong ever since."
Address Dr. S. B. . Hart man, Presi
dent of the Hartman Sanitarium; Co
lumbus, O., for free medical advice
All correspondence strictly confidential
I iBaatCou
I 1 In ti
I Couch Brrnp. 'i'aatea Good. Di
In timfl. Sold br drnffirlsta.
She No, I . can never marry you.
AH our family is opposed to you. He
But if you are "not She I said
all our family. Ex.
one now do you like my new
coat? The Friend Do you want an
honest opinion? She Of course not.
Fllegende Blaetter.
Mr. Bjones How wonderfully Mrs.
Robinson carries : her age. . Mrs.
Bsmith (sweetly) Yes, considering
how much there is of it Ex.
"The equator," wrote an English
schoolboy In his examination paper,
"is a menagerie lion running 'round
the center of the earth." Ex.
"Yon don't agree then that 'seeing is
believing?" "Not much! I see some
people every day that I never could
believe." Philadelphia Ledger.
,: Ciemenune-'Arabella, would you
run after a man? Arabella Yes, I
would; if a man's worth having he is
worth running after. Brooklyn Life.
The Woman (looking at a hideous
specimen) Oh, what a dreadful crea
ture? The Man (with infinite relief)--,
Can you see' it, too? Harper's Week
Pompons Walter Have you order
ed, miss? Timid Little Girl (taking
her first meal at a restaurant) N-no,
sir; but I've requested. Chicago Trib
une. '
"Can a man marry comfortably on
five hundred dollars a year?" "Oh,
yes. But he can't stay married -com
fortably on any such' sum." Cleve
land Leader.
sum son Willie, they tell me you
boy in school. Willie Yes, father, and
I can tell you I didn't get it without
a struggle.- Life,
Grocer What is it, little girl? Little
Girl Mamma sent me for a lamp
chimney, and she says she hopes it
will be as strong as that last butter
you sent us. Pick-Me-Up.
! Mamma Here's the man for that
clock to be repaired. Get it for him.
Tommy Where is It? Mamma Up
stairs, of course. 'Tommy Oh! I
thought It had run down. Ex.
Wigwag-r-Why do you- insist upon
carrying your , shirt home from the
laundry . instead of having it sent ?
Harduppe So that folks will know
that I have two. Philadelphia Rec
ord.. .
"Bliggins puts a great deal 'of
thought into his work." "Yes,'-' said
the sarcastic person ; "he works ten
ANetablePreparationfor As
similating the food and Reg ula
ting the S tomachs and Bowels of
Promotes DigesHon.Checrful
ness and Rest.Contains neither
Opfum.Morphine nor Mineral.
Not Narcotic.
ADetfect Remedy For Constipa
tion, Sour Stotnach.Diarrhoea.
Worms .Convulsions Jevensh
ttess and LOSS OF SLEEP.
facsimile Signature of
BsJ K!i. i"aV
Utters from Prominent Physicians Addressed to Mes H. Fkfcfccr..
Dj- B. Balstead Seott, of Chicago. Ills., Baya : "I have prescribed your Ca.torla
often for Infanta during my practice, and find it very satisfactory."
Dr. WHllaia Belmont, of Cleveland, Ohio, says: "Tonr Caatorla standi first In
Its elaaa. In my thirty years ot practice 1 can say 1 never have found anything that
ao nlied the plaea." . . i- ...
" " D'- 3. H. Taft. of Brooklyn, N. T.J says : "I have used your Castoria and found
It an excellent remedy in my household and private practice for many years. The '
formula ia excellent
. - -. -
t)r. Wra. t. Bossermaa, of Baffalo, N. Y., says: "I am pleased to apeak a, good
word for yeur Castoria. I think ao highly of it that I not only recommend it to
others, but have used It in my own family.1' ,
Dr. B. J. Hamleu. of Detroit, Mich., says: ""I prescribe your Castoria ex
tensively, as I have never found anything to equal It for children's troubles. I ana
aware that there are imitations in the field, but I always see that my patients get
Dr. Wm. I. MeCann, of Omaha, Neb., says : "As the father of thirteen children
I certainly know something about your great medicine, and aside from my own
family experience I have in my yeara of practice found Castoria a popular and
efficient remedy in almost every home."
Dr. J. R. Clausen, of Philadelphia, Pa says : "The name that your Castoria
made for 'itself in the tena of thousands of homes blessed hr the nren of
children, acarcely needs to be supplemented by the endorsement of the medical
fesslon, but I, for one, most heartily endorse it and believe it an excellent remedy.'
Dr. Chaaning H. Cook, of St. Louis, Mo., says : "I have used your Castoria for
As a laxative, i consider it tbe peer of anything that I ever p re-
several years past in my own family and have always found it thoroughly efficient
and never objected to by children, which is a great consideration in view of the fact
that most medicines of this character are obnoxious and therefore difficult of ad
Dr. B. H. Ward, of Kansas City, Mo., says : "Physicians generally do not pre
scribe proprietary preparations, but in the case of Castoria my experience, like that
f many other physicians, has taught me to make an exception. I prescribe your
Castoria in my practice because I have found It to be a thoroughly reliable remedy
for children', complaints.- Any physician who has raised a family,-as I have, will
Join mo in heartiest recommendation of Castoria."
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use Fop Over SO Years
'N ' " '"". - -
, tmi csHvaua eoMMMV.-rr huiuvt, mw vena arrV. : - '
THt LESSON OF 1812,"
Meed of a Fleet Powerful Enougn
Prevent Coaat Blockade.
In reading a criticism in to-day's
Times of "Historian Roosevelt's" re
marks concerning tbe soldiers of 1812
It struck me that you might well have
taken exception also to his comments
on the naval situation in that war,
says' a writer in the New York Times.
His protest against our unfortunate
minutes-and then thinks about it for custom of. teaching inaccurate his
an hour and a quarter." Washington torv and his nlea to have us both ac-
Katie Tell me; Edith, what did you
of motherhood. She took part in club wnen narley proposed Miiaith
life. She watched politics. She studied I Me 7 Oh, there was no occasion for
parliamentary law. and when sha . me t0 say anything. Charley had said
flnallv came to ie nrPHirtenov nt .vu all . that was , necessary. Boston
of the foremost societies of women in I Transcript. . v .
the world the Daughters of tha Church-worker Would you assist
American Revolution so splendid was us, good ir, to send- a missionary to
her equipment that sHe was "at once the cannibals? Mr.-Gotrox Not much'
hailed as a queen among women. For I'm a vegetarian but I'll assist you
several years she was at the head of to send them some easily digested ce-
thls organization.
While Mr. Fairbanks will acknowl
edge the helpful influence of .his wife
upon "his political fortunes, Mrs. Fair
banks will cheerfully accord to him
the credit of training her in parlia
mentary science.
Miss Myrtle B. Parke; a Noted Evan.
Sreliut of the West.
Miss -Myrtle B. Parke, who has been
called to the pastorate of the Christian
Church at Ramsey, III., is noted as an
evangelist, and Is a
student of Eureka
College, where she
fitted herself , for
the ministry. She
formerly occupied
the pulpit to which
again she has been
called, but resigned
in order to enter
college. Miss
Paifke's home Is at
Staunton, 111. - She
is but 18 years of
age, and is thought
mtbtle b. pabke by her instructors
and church associates to have before
her a successful future.
His Testimony.
Agent Did my- patent medicine do
you any good?
Customer I should say so! I got
bo strong on It that I actually had
the nerve to tell the landlord that
the roof leaked! Detroit Free Press.
Inevitable Result.
"He sever took a dishonest dollar
to bis life."
"Is he as poor as all that," Illi
nois State JournaL
When it comes to paying back a
visit there are mighty few womei on
the dead beat Ust.
real! Puck.
"Haven't you any ambition to work
as your father did at your age?" "Cer
tainly not," "answered the gilded
youth; "if I were to work what would
have been the use of father's working?
Washington Star.
"We can't have everything in this
life," said the philosopher. "No," an
swered Dustin Stax; "the ideal but
Impossible combination is a million
aire menu with a deck-hand appetite.
Washington Star, . ;
"I reckon Bill must have been cut
out for one ' o' thesa geniuses that
writes for the magazines," said" the
old Georgia farmer, "because he can't
make cash enough to have his hair
cut. and would ruther watch a star
than dig a well!" Atlanta Constitu
Suppose," said he, feeling his way,
"your father should ask me what my
expectations - are in er this direc
tion.: What shall I say?" "Speak the
truth," replied the sweet "'girl; '."tell
him you don't know." Philadelphia
Ledger. '
"Ah," said oiacastie; "so
you're reading Mrs. Binkleton's new
story? Don't you think her style is
almost too idiomatic ?" "I hadn't no
ticed it," replied her hostess, "but t
wouldn't be surprised if it was. You
know it runs in their family. She
had a niece that was only half-witted."
Chicago Record-Herald. -:
"Jabez," growled old man Hardfyst,
"what In tarnation are you. carryln
thet thermometer outdoors an' back
so often fer?" "Jest want to see the
difference In the temperature, pa," ex-plained-Jabez.
"Well, you let it alone.
Keep the mercury runnin' up an' down
in thet tube an first thing we know
the thermometer '11 be wore out, an1
there'll be 25 cents throwed away."
Judge. . .
knowledge past humiliations and draw
profitable lessons from, them is most
commendable. In the same speech,
however, the President is reported to
have said that "we won on uie-sea"
in 1812 because, of our previous prepa
ration for naval war. , - .
Is not that an example of exactly
what we are warned against? It is
true, that in duels between light-armed
ships viz.,- frigates our navy cover
ed itself with glory, but these com
bats, had little effect beyond showing
that our navy had no superior where
forces were equal. 1 The really decisive
feature , of the naval war . was that
England, by reason of the lack of
fighting units L e., "ships -f . he
line" in our navy, was able to block
ade our coast, to "bottle up" practical
ly all the ships' of our Small navy, to
bring our commerce to a standstill and
to direct as she pleased raids along
our seacoast, such as1 that on Wash
ington. - .
The only naval victories that had
decisive results were, those on Lakes
Erie and Champlain, where the fleets
on each side were improvised. On the
sea, where the real naval strength was
tested, we were overwhelmed no less
than on the land, though the . afore
said preparations did prevent the dis
graceful features of the land warfare.
which were due mainly to our lack of
regular troops. The truly, important
lesson to be drawn from the naval
war is the necessity of a powerful fleet
of fighting ships, which can prevent
the command of our seacoast by an
enemy. ,.: ;' " -;
The speech of the President is in re
freshing contrast to the spread-eagle
oratory habitual to our Congressmen
but he does not avoid the pitfalls
against which, he .warns us and fails
to draw from the war of 1812 what is
perhaps its most salutary lesson. -
- XtOng and Short of It.
It was 2 a. m. when he tried to steal
softly up the stairs. '
But his wife was awake. ,
"When you went out-after supper,"
she said, reproachfully, "you said, you
wouldn't be gone long."
"Well," he answered wearily, as he
rattled the keys In his pocket, "I came
back short, anyway."
1 Fastest, lightest and strongest Stamp .Puller
on the market, 119 Horse power on the sweep
with two horses. Write lor descriptive catalog
and prices. - .
Foot of Morrison Street . Portland. Oreroa
P. N. U.
No. 25-1905
EN writing to advertisers pleas I
mention this paper. I
Piso's Core Is a good couch .medicine.
It has cared coushs and colds for forty
years. At druggists, 25 cents.
when he
Dear Friends.
Nellie What did you . say
proposed last evening?
Bertha How do you know he pro
posed? - " j
Nellie You were so glad to see me, j
you know. You felt so good you wanted j
me to feel bad. Boston Transcript. ,
Unwilling to Arbitrate.
Husband The cook appears to be in
an ill humor. Whafs the matter? .
Wif e Oh, we had a few words this
morning. She threatened to leave be
cause we have so much company, and I
threatened to discharge her for the same
cause. - .
Private Car Lines.
The railroads seem very willing to
have the private car lines Drought
Mothers will find Mrs. willow's Soothing "der the jurisdiction of the Interstate
Byrup the beat remedy to use for their children Commerce commission. A railroad
during the teething period. -president is authority for the statement
Bonuow.'. SinKular Power that lines are paid mileage, without
Prof. Steeleye By simply holding a ! discrimination, and the question ot ex
bright object before a person's eyes for cessive charges is a matter for the ship
five minutes, I can hypnotize him, and pa: to settle with the car lines, so long
make him do anything I wish. as there is no law to govern their rates.
Bouttown That's nothing. By hold- Car mileage paying has been decided to
ing a bright object before a restaurant be as legal a3 the payment of rental lot
waiter's eyes for three-quarters of a see- property. v
uuu, i. van uiaKe mm uiy muve.
An Opinion Reserved.
"DO you believe in government own
ership?" "That depends," answered the trust
magnate, "on whether you mean that
the government ought to own us or
we ought to own the government."
Washington Star. ' " '
A Rough Road.
Farmer Wayback (starting home from
the station) Please, ma'am, do you
wear false teeth? .
Kair Boarder (for the summer) Sir?
Farmer Wayback Oh, I don't mean
to be cur'ous. Only this road is a leetle
rough, and ef your teeth ain't good and
fast you'd better put 'em in your pocket.
The disease that has done more
than any other to wreck, ruin and
humiliate life, is Contagious Blood Poison. Sorrow, shame and suffering go
hand in hand with this great enemy, and man has always hated and fought
it as he has no other disease. It is the most powerful of all poisons; no mat
ter how pure the blood may tz, when its virus enters, the entire circulation
becomes poisoned and its chain of horrible symptoms begin to show. Usu
ally the first sign is a small sore or nicer, not at all alarming in appearance,
but the blood is being saturated with the deadly poison, and soon the mouth
and throat begin to ulcerate, the hair and eyebrows drop out, a red eruption
breaks out on the body, copper-colored splotches and sores make theif
appearance and the poison even works down into the bones and attacks
the nerves.,. Not only: is the disease hereditary." beinc transmitted fmm
i parent to child, in the form of scrofula, weak eyes, soft bones, weak, puny
riTB Permanently Cored. No fltaor nervousness Constitutions, etc.. but is also SO hierhlv Contagious that manv A 1if hn
110 afterflrstday'suseofDr.Kllne'sGreatNerve been ruined hv a friendW
j j . vm, .wu uaiug Miw i.vsiJ-t UM.10 UA
one infected with the poison. To cure this blighting, deadly curse tho
blood must be purified, and nothing will do it so
quickly and surely as S. S. S. It goes down to tha
very bottom of the trouble, drives out every particla
of tie poison and makes the blood clean and strong.
It does not hide or cover uo anvthin?. but from tha
first begins to expel the poison and build up and strengthen the 'system.
S. S. S. is guaranteed purely vegetable.; We offer a, reward of $1,000 for
proof that it contains a particle of mineral of any kind. Book on the dis
ease, with instructions for home treatirient, and any advice desired, without
Restorer. Send for FreeS)2 trial bottleand treatise. H. Kline, Ltd., sal Arch St.. Philadelphia, Pa.
The best way te clean brass Is with
iwset oil applied with a soft rag. Only
In extreme necessity should any scouring
substance bs used, as this scratches. . In
ease of a scourer being needed, powdered
bath brick is excellent. - ...
A man suggests that a tittle lard or
vaseline be applied on a door or window
to the . part which rubs and prevents