Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, June 20, 1905, Image 2

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    . 5.1
Published Tuesday and Friday py
Gazette Publishing Companv"
The subscription price of the Gazettb
lor several yean, hae beeu. and remain,. j
$2 per annum, or 25 per cent discount if I
paid in advam e. . j
. It seems that the time is ripe
for a little more protection for
the legitimate trademan. In
'many ways thing3 are rapidly
approaching a crisis as a result
of competition, which in reality
is not competition but a sort of
piracy among tradesmen.
THe doctor must take his de
gree and be -duly registered in
the state in which he essays to
practice before he is allowed by
law to hang out his shingle. Just
so with the dentist, the druggist,
and many others.down even to the
man who holds your nose and
shaves you. Yet there are many
businesses, most legitimate in
their way, that are at the . mercy
i of any person who may go at the
business. The fact that a man
may spend a life-time at a busi-
. ness, or trade, and be master of
it from "A to. 'izzard'" seems to
be of no consequence. That he
, may have a large capital invest
ed cuts no figure he has no pro
tection, and his trade and busi
ness are open to ruination by the
first "trade pirate" who cares to
; commit the act of trade prostitu
tion., According to our present
laws, any young fellow can spend
a few mqnths at a trade, take it
. into his head to start, go to work
at starvation prices, ruin himself
and others and lead the people to
Relieve that the ligitimate busi
ness man has been imposing on
them, in fact, robbing them for
: years.
- So long as thisjeondition of "free
for all and no responsibility to
the general public exists there is
not much inducement offered to
an apprentice to undertake the
mastery of any trade. Instead
of good, legitimate craftmen,
of responsibility, there is evi.-
dence of, Vblacksmithing" and
irresponsibility on every hand,
' This is a sad state of affairs and
is -worthy consideration . by
our statesmen. ,
Why is one business, or trade
more worthy of consideration and
protection than another? There
. are .professions unprotected by
any sort of legislation whatever
that are as deserving of great
. consideration as any of those at
' present on the favored list.
Because the United States gov
ernment does not see fit to en
courage the immigration of the
almond-eyed celestial from the
land of the dragon it seems that
China has about concluded ' to
boycott our products. From the
Chinese point of view this is all
very well, but it is bad for us, as
we have been anticipating great
things for the West as the
result, of an increased Oriental
trade. - "-
We had a right to discrimin
ate against a class so unfavorable
to our social life and conditions,
such as China afforded us. There
is no denying China's right to
trade witli whom she pleases.
But it makes a bad mess any way
you ; look at it from a Yankee
standpoint. To be compelled to
admit within our borders a horde
of rat-eating heathens would be
'an enormous price to pay for
China's patronage. Indeed, it
seems too dear at such a price,
. There is reason for the present
state of affairs, and those who
are wire-pulling in favor of . Ger
. many can give the key to the sit
uation. Little by little Germany"
has -been stealing- Chinese patron
age irom us. bne nas had a
grievance: against this .country
because of our tarLi laws and is
now at the dpuble game " of tak
ing a market from us and gain
ing one for herself at the same
stroke. . -' - . '
.Altogether this is certainly ai
vexing problem. Any way -one
lnrklra of f Via waf'f a-w 41aiia J
satisfactory Solution offered. .One
may be-pardoned under he cir:
cumstanceafor expressing the
Wish tVint" the P.Kitiabo "Vrm v in-
., j - ?1
as in San FranClSCO aCCOrd-
ing to population. - - ;
Water Committee.
In accordance with the provis
ions of the Corvallis Water Bill
said commission met last Friday
evening and' were called to .order
by Senator Avery. At this time
permanent organization ,was ef
fected. P. Avery was .elected
president; S. L. Kline, clerk or
secretary of 'the committee, and
E. Woodward, treasurer. All'
members of the wattr committee
not present, but
ferm a
were in attendance to
quorum. ''
Thursday, July 6, 11905, was
the date set for holding an elec
tion to determine whether the
citizens would vote ' bonds or no
Donas. rrcsident Avery was
elected a committee of 'one to see
that proper publication was given
the matter of electipn. '
We are informed that Engin
eer Lr. JNI. Miller has based his
estimate of coit on i and a frac
tion' miles ot piping within the
city limits ; 16 miles main pipe, from
Kock Creek to this citv:a reservoir
on Baldymountain of 250,000 gal
lons, sBaldy being about four
miles from this city; 40 hydrants
in various parts of the city'
against 9 at present, and a . pro
vision tor 40 more. .
A mass meeting for ; citizens
was called tor last night at the
court house, at which time Mr,
Miller was detailed to Undertake
to explain the water question and
his estimates. It is understood
that according to his figures the
system can be installed on the
lines above-mentioned for some
thing less than "the $75,000 the
people are; allowed to bond the
city for under the provisions of
the water bill. ' ' 1
Webster's Unabridged. ;
A few days ago a gentleman
had' an. occasion to borrow, Dr..
Cathey's'dictiocary. On the fly
leaf he noted that the dictionary,'
unabridged, was a gift and that
it had been given the doctor in
1875 30 years ago. , He made
inquiry and learned that at - that
time ' the doctor, then a very
voung manw was a member of the
choir of St. David's Parish, East
Portland. The- doctor, was then
attending the high- school and
had no idea that he would ever,
be able to study medicine, ' He
was just recoveringfrom a severe
spell of sickness and a . fellow
student called on him. '
To this fellow -student Dr.
Cathey gave $5 with the request
that he get a dictionary for him,
the doctor. A few days later he
received a copy ot weosters'
Unabridged Dictionary and his
$5 was'returned at the same time.
The book was -the gift' of three
young friends, Messrs. Williams,1
josepni, ana McCall all youpg
students at that time; and not one
studying, medicine.
btrange as it may seem 'every
one of them took up the study of
medicine and took their degress,
Drs.: Williams and Tosephi each
became well known through their
connection with the state asvlum
for the insane in .Salem. ' So it
was tha't Dri Cathey came by his
unabridged, b"t bpw strange is
life! That all four of these young
friends should later bec6me . well
known and successful physicians
is something very
the ordinary.
much , out of
Mark Fullerton. euoreme
judge of the State of Washington,4
who is serving his eecoud, term in
that capacity, on the 14 inst. 8f cur
ed the degree e.f L. L. D. from
WashiDgtou AsticuUural College.
At the recent btateeltctionin Wash
ington Judge Fullerton was re
elected on the republican ' ticket
without any opponent in the field,
which speaks well for his popular
ity in his Btate. He' is au Oregon
boy and is the s n of C P. FulleT-.
ton, of this city. "
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
So Secret About It. ',:.,.
nicer, fever r, sore even, hoife, etc..
nu.niug ni no fnecuva iu Diifiieni
Arnica Salve. -"It di In't take ton it 4 o
cure a bad sore I bad.5 and it U all, O. K.
for core eyea," writes D. L. Gregory,
of Hope. Texas. '25c at Allen -.Wood
ward's drag store, r; " " -;-.
Smoking In Powder Magazine
Is courtine death more suddenly but not
more tl'iiin tiPeleetinjs kidnpy dis
orders. FuIcv'm ICidney direwill nire a
nliulit. diunltr in a lew (la s and it .mn
tiittic! use will nire the .inott misunnte
rase. It lias cured' many people of
Bright.' disease aod diabetes who were
thought to he incurable. . If yon have
kidney or bladder- trouble, commence
taking Foley's Kidney Cure today, be
fore it is too lae. Graham & Wortham
have it for sale. ,
Dying of Famine
Is, in its tormentM, iike dving of con
sumption. , Tim vioareca f consnnip
tion, . fr .111 mi hpginj-.fnif o the. vrv
emt, i'h m idiiij tortnre, hold to vi. iim
aid to fri-iidu ,;' " hen I had iwuismn 'i
Uon in ii tirst staKf," i wrtt h. Win -Mytrf,
1 C-ar U sa Aid , atter tryinii
different i.ediciues andayoxl doctor .in
vain, I at last took Dr.. Kind's New Dis
covery, which quickly and quietly
cured me." Prompt relief and sure cure
for couehs, colds, sore threat, bronchitis.
Positively cures pneumonia. (Guaran
teed at Allen & Woodward's drutt store,
price 50c and $1 a bottle. Trial bottle
free. " . - ,
Closing Out.
For want of room we will close
out at , cost all J Trunks Tele
scopes, Small Rugs andFArt
Squares. We want' the' public
to know 'that thisl sale is Bona
Fide, as we need the' room'for a
Ladies' Cloak and SuitTDepart
ment. , ,
" ' ' 48-54
We Fit Glasses
To all Defects of Sight.
MATTHEWS, The Optician
' Room 12, Bank Building..
.- ' and ' - '
... Cornice, Roofing, Guttering,
and all kinds of Sheet Mettl
Work. .
F. A. Hencye
In connection with J. H.
STORE. . .
- "IflndThedford'sBlact-Dranght
a good medicine for liver disease.
. It cured my foii after he bad spent
J100 with doctors.- It is all the med
icine I take." MRS. CAROLINE
. MARTIN, Parkereburg,.W. Va.
. , If your liver does not act reg
ularly go to your druggist .and
secure a package of Tbedford's
Black-Draught and take a dose
tonight - This great family
medicine frees the constipated
.bowels, stirs up the torpid liver
...and causes a healthy secretion'
" of bile.
Thedford'g Black - Draught
will cleanse the bowels of 1m-
"purities and strengthen the kid- ":,
nevs.- a torpm iwer invites t
- colds, biliousness, chills and '
fever and all manner of sick
ness and contagion. Weak kid- '
. neys result in Bright 's disease
which claims a& many victims ?
as consumption. A 25-cent '
- package of Thedford's Black- ;
. Draught should always be kept '
" in the house. . ,
"I nsed' Thedford'g Black
' Draught for liver and kidney com
I plaints and fonnd nothing to excel
blehead, IU. .
UH U 71
i -
The Gazette has made a
special arrangement with
the publishers a number
of the . leading magazines
and newspapers of the Unit
ed States, whereby we are
offered cut rates on these
Now we could charge you the
full price for these fand"re
serve the difference between
the regular price and their
special price to us, as Jour
commission, but as Jthe Ga
zette is -a home paper for
home people, it will J be sat
isfied by' receiving you as a
new subscriber, or, if; you
ae now a subscriber, then
by receiving your renewal
for a year in advance. This
special' rate may ' nbtl last
long, so take advantage of -it
NOW: while . the chancers
A Great
Woman's Home Companion
FranJc Leslie's Monthly
Modern Priscilla and
Corvallis Gazette
AH five
one year
Interest the
Men: ;
' ' ' . '. ' -
v V Weekly Oregonian .
San Francisco Examiner
: Corvallis Gazette
All three
one year
Cosmopolitan Magazine
' . or Leslies,- .
. or McCall'F, '
; Corvallis Gazette '
Any' three i
one year
Gazette Pub. Co
Corvallis, Ore.
opmom as w at &
are made in rough or smooth
over-patterns,, not too pronounced in colorings, full of
clothing smartness and style, carefully tailored, lined with
correctly-matched materials, genteel in design, cut the
new shape and all correct for Spring and Summer, Nine-teen-five.
Prices just what you would expect $10 to $30.
We think you will agree with us that we have
used clothes-sense in our selections of these noted makers'
high-quality clothes.
J. E. WIN EG A R, Proprietor.
Harness, - Saddles, - Bridles,
Robes, Dusters, Whips, Etc.
Everything found in any shop is in our Factory at
prices to suit all purses.
, All kinds of repair work done on up-to-the-hour style
' and prices. Satisfaction guaranteed. Opposite MU- v
ler's store, Corvallis, Or. Ind. Phone No. 128.
Job Printing
When ypu pay out
good money for
printing, be sure
and get good print
ing for the money I
Good Work costs
you no more than
the bad.
Bring your Job Work to the
Gazette Office. '
'E do not see how
iany well-dressed
man can think
of wearing a year ago .
sack 6uit again this year.
Everybody will see the
difference at a glance.
Sack suits this year,
arfr so different. You will
buy, one of our
Crouse & Brandegce
Normandie suits, that is
one sure thing, as soon,
as you see them. They
faced materials, in indistinct
If yon are looking for some real good 1
Bargains in Stock. Grain. Fruit and
Poultry Ranches, write for our special
list, or enme and see ns. We will take
pleasure in giving you reliaole Informa
tion: also showing you over the county
Do not send out printed mat
ter to your customers that is
a disgrace to your business
a disgrace to "your town and
a disgrace to the printer who
puts it out. '
Good printing is correct in
spelling correct in gram
marcorrect in punctuation
on good stock printed
with good ink and some
thing that it is a pleasure to
look at. '.
IS " 'iti.s