9 Vol. XLII. Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon, Tuesday, June 20, 1905. NO. 51 EARLY EVENTS. Things Of Interest Bearing Pioneer Days in Oregon. on of Each June it is the custom with the pioneers of this state to hold a picnic or re-union at Browns ville, and these occasions are of more than ordinary interest. - At the picnic recently held W, E. Yates, of this city, J made the principal address, and through the courtesy of the gentleman we are permitted to print excerpts from the speech. The address was quite lengthy, but unusual ly good, and were it not for the fact that it was largely devoted to the particular locality in which the re-union was .held, and. the people of that section, it would be a pleasure to print it entire The following taken from the address will be found of general interest: . "As a matter of history and study, it is, indeed, pleasing to me to read the doings of the earliest pioneers and revel in the beautiful stories woven about the first occurrences in Oregon his tory. For instance, to know that the first marriage of whites in Oregon occurred in the year 1837 that the first party of settlers came from Peoria. 111.- in 1835; that in 1854 the first . bees were brought across the plains; that the first brass band was organiz ed in 1849; the first cattle arrived in 1835; tbe first cider was manu factured in 1854; the first circus held in 182; the first lodee of Masons was organized in 1848; the first white twins were born in 1857; the first law passed by the first legislature of Oregon, in the year 1854, was a liquor pro hibition law; , the first hanging t"was3of -an Indiaa x in" 18 1-3 ;r the J first physician came in.1814; the first school taught outside the mission was in Corvallis, the pres ent location of the Oregon Agri cultural College of Oregon; the first sermon preached in 1834 by Rev, Jason Lee; the first grist mill was built in 1834: the first convert in the same year; the first white to cross the Rockies and reach the Pacific Coast north of the Columbia, was Col. Alexan der McKenzie, the first women to cross the plains were Mrs, Whitman and Mrs. Spaulding, These, I say, and many other historic incidents, concurrent and subsequent, are quite interesting to us younger ones, as a matter of study, yet a detailed discussion ot such would be inappropriate at this time, You pioneers were a campany of home-seekers and home-builders. A great deal has been said and written about your usefulness to the United States government in securing it the Pacific North west territory by your settlement and occnpation ot Oregon at time when the. title of this coun - try was in doubt and dispute, yet I believe the purpose of your selves in coming to tbe Willam to vour minds was the security the homes you had instituted. "Neither were any of you home-seekers merely adventurous gold seekers. If any of you visit ed the mines, you went to get capital to improve your home. You reared your log cabin, you enclosed it with fence, you plant ed orchards, you dug the well, you , stored . the kitchen 7 with necessaries, provided cows for the butter and milk, then lett the care of. the primitive home to the care of the good wife and children while you became freighters of bacon and flour to Yerka, or other mining towns, or became a laborer in the mines themselves, with pick and shovel for the gold you hoped to expend in improving the conditions of that little home, where the good wife kept warm the hearthstone." -The above contains much that is worthy" of :' remembrance, and the entire address was of a nature to appeal directly to the hearts of Oregon's' early pioneers. WERE IN LEAD. Corvallis and Independence Set the Pace at Fair. Is No More. ette Valley was to find a place mate a Home tor yourselves, and having found the place, to build up a home and maintain it. 'lne incidental enect was that through your early settle ment of the Oregon country the United Mates government was enabled to secure title to it by treaty, June 15, 1 846 ; yet you pioneers, crossed the plains not for this purpose. All you did was with, the principal object,' of establishing a home for your selves and your families.' You established schools, tney were but an accessory, you founded religious institutions, tney were but helps to the morals and society; you adopted a form . government, this was for the pur pose of protecting: your homes and property. "You, no doubt, were patriotic and in full sympathy with the government, at , Washington, and 'wished that it might be success ful in its diplomatic dealings with Great Britain, in reference to Ore Son territory, still, uppermost in Saturday at 10 o'clock from the M. E. church occurred the funeral of the late Thomas Starns, who died at 4:20 Tnursday after noon. Revs. Noble, John Reeves, Belknap, Feese and Bush, of Cor vallis, took part m the services, at the church, the ' sermon being delivered bv Rev. J. I. Jones, o: Amity, an old. friend of the de ceased. ' There were many beau tiful floral offerings, and at Crys tal Lake cemetery, where inter ment took place, the newly made grave was literally hidden be eath the roses and vines placed j on it by loving hands. Thomas Starns was a native of Green county, Teni. , where ; he first saw the light of day on August 7,1825. At the time of his death he was aged 79 years, nine months and 22 days. He was married to Miss Susan :wis in Piatt county, Missouri, ' May 30, 1848. To. them eleven children were born, ot which eight survive. - Deceased resided alternately in Indiana, Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, New Mexico, California and different sections of Oregon. In 1876 he crossed the plains to Oregon by . mule team, residing for a time in Southern and later in Eastern Oregon. For seven years he re sided near Monroe, moving to Corvallis a year ago last April., Mr. Starns was licensed to preach in 1 07 1, and served lor six years as missionary at the " Klamath ndian agency, wueie he was highly esteemed by the red men. 'Grandfather" Starns as he was familiarly called by man'. was beloved by - an unusually arge circle "of friends" His life was above reproach, and an ex ample well worthy of emulation. The survivors are, the widow, and the following children: Mrs. Maggie Browning, Lane county; Mrs. M. T. Starr, Corvallis; J. D. Starns, Crook Co. ; John. Starns, Albany; Mrs. Emma Mac- nab, Rutus, Oregon; Mrs. Belle Cochran, Walla Walla, Wash; O. B. Starns, Thorp, Wash., and Mrs. William Deweese, Dixie, Wash. v : Feel Impending Doom. Tbe feeling of impending doom in the minds of many victims ot .bright s (lis se and diabetes has been changed to thankfulness bv tbe benefit derived from taking Foley's KidDey Care. It will care- incipient ungut s disease ana dia betes and even in worst cases gives com fort and relief. Slight disorders are cured in a few days. "I had diabetes in the worst form,'' writes Marion Lee of Dunreath, Ind- "I tried eight physicians without relief. Only - three bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure made me a well man.!' For sale at Graham & Wortham 'a drugstore. 1 A. Bad Scare. Some day you will get a bad scare, when you feel a pain in your bowels, and tear appendicitis. Baiety lies in nr. King's New Life Fills, a sure care, for all bowels and stomach diseases, such as headache, biliousness: costiveness, etc, Guaranteed at Allen & Woodward's drug stort, only 25c. " Try them. Barring an accident to one sec tion ot the. train of 26 coecheB bearing Corvallis and Indepen dence citizens to . Portland last Thursday, the day set aside for them at the Exposition, every thing passed off according to ar rangements previously made. By this mishap the' excursionists ar rived in Portland about an hour later than was originally planned. Our people speak most highly of everything in connection with the trip, from start to finish, and of the Fair itself. That our peo ple did grand is not to be doubt ed as tbe iollowmg account trom the Oregonian of Friday will show: - ' In the good-natured but never theless intense rivalry that has developed among the Oregon cities in sending the largest at tendance to the Exposition and -Portland, Corvallis and Indepen dence are far in the lead, as yes terday they established a record that will stand intact for many das. As nearly as could be es timated, more than 25 per cent of tje population of Corvallis and Independence, including men, women and children, was in at tendance at the Exposition yes terday.. It is stated that there were fully 2,500 people from Polk and Benton counties. - " On Wednesday Salem eclipsed all previous records of Oregon towns, furnishing 2000 visitors, about ' 10 j percent of the entire population, but it remained for Corvallis and Independence to come to the front with a percent age more than double that of the Capital City. At the Salem dav exercises several of the speakers told of the enthusiasm - that had been aroused, adding that they &iucerelv hoped that the other Or egon towns would follow the ex- ampie; or tne capital ny. oa- lem sent a special train of 18 coaches to Portland, but it took 26 coaches to hold Corvallis and Independence. and Benton and Polk County visitors, and even then the seats were all- occupied. many of the excursionists being obliged to stand during theentiie trip. The regular trains were also crowded. The Salem visit or's who "T remained : over xwere, amazed at the turnout of Corval lis and Independence, but, they say the Exposition is still youug, and t:iat before it is over they will be to the front once more. The special train bearing the Benton and Polk County contin gents arrived in Portland yester day morning at 9:30 o'clock,- the excursionists alighting at the Fourth-street station. The train looked more like a high v float than a sting of railway coaches. as the cars were literally covered with banners and streamers of all colors, and descriptions, on which was printed paragraphs , telling ot the products, factories, popul a tion, public instisutions, educa tional advantages etc.,. of the Benton and Polk County cities. In fact, the banners were so varied and so numerous that there was nothing missing that would have added to the credit of either of the cities represented. t '' One of tbe banners was sever-1 al hundred feet in length,and it is said to be' the largest streamer ever in Portland. It required 55 cadets of the Oregon Agricultur al College to carry it. When the cadets were crossing the Bridge of Nations at ' the , Exposition grounds the streamer extended nearly a third of the length of the structure. The immense ban ner which was composed of red and white cloth adorned with y I low ribbons from the staffs wnicr supported it, enumerated th wonderful advantages of Corvt -lis. "Let it rain, Corvallis i dry;" "Crops .never, fail in Ben ton County ;" "Lowest ' tax rate in Oregon i' ' "-No potato or chinch bugfs, only grasshVppeis for fish bait." "Dollars glow on sheep in Benton County ;' 'and ' 'Every other family in Corvallis has a tele phone;" were several of the inscriptions on the mammoth streamer; ". The -parade was formed oh Fourth street, and headed by .370 cadets of ; tbe Oregon Agricul tural College, with their band of 38 pieces, the visitors .marched to the Exposition. The prom inent citizens and public officials of (the cities and counties partici pating rode it carriages, while hundreds of the men .walked. The wometi and children did not taite part in the parade. The column reached the Fair grounds at i6:45 o'clock, and immediate ly folio wine the exercises of the dajr were held in the Auditbrinm. Colonel Henry E. Dosch, director of exhibits, delivered the address of welcome on behalf of the Exposition management, wljile the responses were made by Miyor A. J. - Johnson tor Cor vallis and' Mayor W. A. Messner fori lndependence. Dr. J. Withy Combe also spoke in the interest of jPolk and Benton counties. A. F.iCampbell .spoke lor the State Normal School at Monmouth. All the speeches were brief but very interesting. Several of the oritors were applauded very - en thusiastically. The exercises were witnessed by one of the largest gatherings that has assembled in the auditorium. Music was fur nished by the Cadet and Admin istration Bands. Miss Lulu Spang ler, of Corvallis, rendered a vocal solo that was very enjoyable and well received by :the audience. Attorney J. F. . Yates was pre siding officer. " After the exercises the cadet corps iormed on the Lakeview Terrace overlooking Guild's Lake where a photograph was taken of it. ! The cadets also exec.uted several maneuvers. , The ex cursionists were then escoitedto the cadet encampment, east of the Northern Pacific tracks, where a 'luncheon was served. The cadets as they marched down the entwining paths of the ter race in regular formation, with 55 of the young men detailed to cairy the immense streamei, pre sented an extremely interesting scene, and were loudly cheered by the thousands of people who had witnessed the:r evolntion.. iLis generally admitted by the Army .officers that the Oregon Agricultural cadet corps is one ot the rbes-t-drilled military bodies in the West, and is said to com pare favorably with the corps of Eastern.,schools. Lieut Quintan, who is detailed from the United States Army to instruct the cadets says he is cofident that the Ore-? gori Agricultural College corps wilj carry'V ff the j honors of ' he competitive drill which is being arranged with other agricultural colleges. The Cadet Band is one of the most excellent musical or ganizations in Ureoi", a 1 its members being skilled musicians Hi the altsraoon the ladies of Corvallis, Independence, Mon mouth and Airlie held a recep tion in the Oregon building and hundreds of the visitors at the Exposition were entertained. The Independence ladies brought along with them large quantities of cherries, which were distribut ed to all those who called at the building. . Mrs. J. S. Cooper was hostess for Independence, being assisted by the Mesdames W A Messner, O D Butler, W R Allen, J E Hubbard, E L Ketchnm. G. W. Conkev, E E Paddock, D B Tay lor, W H Walkerv S E Owen, W L Bice, G W Wilcox, L Damon, W W Percival, I M Simpson and Claire Staats, of Airlie, and the Misses Myra Kimberlaine, Katberine Jones, Florence Burton. Miss Maggie Butler was hostess for Monmouth and was assisted by Mrs. J M Powell, Mrs. J V Bntler, Mrs. C A Rice and Mrs. G M Booth-by.l Corvallis was represented by Mrs. B F Irvine as hostess, who was assisted by the Mesdames L F Wilson, M J Wells, F L MM ler, E R Bryson, G R Farra. . A J Johnson, Emery Allen. Mrs. McKellips, M M Davis, T Calla han, AlexRennie, D P Quinlan, and the Misses' Helen Holgate, Grace Gatch, Berlha Davis, Mary Nolan, Mabel Davis, Edna Allen, Louise Cooper, Julia Coop er, Lulu Spangler, Ison Webber, Cleo Johnson and Edna Irvine. Asthma Sufferers Should ' TWO. Knew Foley's Honey and Tar has cured manv cases of asthma thai were con - gide'Pd hopales8. Mas Adolph Btieeir.g, iOI Third St., Davenport, Iowa, writes : "A severe cold contracted twelve years age was neglected until, it finally crew into acthma. The beat medical skill available could not eiye me more than temporary relief. .Foley's Honey and Tar was recommended "and oe fifty rent bottle entirely cured me of asthma which had been eriwing on me for twelve years, and if I had lakpn it at the start I onld have tx-en saved years of suffering " Graham & Wortham keep it for sale. Correspondents. All past negotiations for partieB to writ matter for publication in the Ga zette are hereby annulled. Thoe send ing matter to this office for publi. ation are hereby notified that no pay will be given by this office for such matter un less hereafter agreed upon and price stated. The Gazette wi'l gladly consider all matter furnished wrtfiout charge by the contributor.' Tbe name of the party contributing in all caser to be signed to the communication. For all further ne gotiations on this subject, address Corvallis Gazette. XCoivallis, Or. Three Physician Treated Without Success., Him W. L. Yincy, Fadacah, Ky., writes: "I hada8eveie case nf Kidney disease and three of the best physicians in Kentucky treated me without success. I then took Foley's Kidney Cure. The' first bottle gave immediate relief, and three bottles cured me permanently. I gladly recommend this wonderful rem edy.",. For sale by Graham & Wortham. Summer School Monmouth S t at e N 6 r m al . . 11 11s 1 1 JUNE 26 TO AUG. 4. TUITION, - - $7.50 All Resources of State Normal School Available. Board and roim, $3.00 to $4 00 per week. Entire expense need not exceed $30 00. Faculty of eight. Address E D. RESSLER, Monmouth, Oregon. WJsDtfasIlD If your watch shows any irregu larity or : gives other evidence that something is wrong with it, better have it examined by a competent watchmaker. You won't- find any more skiiitui or more experienced anywhere than right here. We clean and repair all sorts of watches thoroughly and quickly and guarantee all our work as well as our prices to be right If your watch chain is beginning to show signs of wear, or, if you'd like a new chain for any rea son, we are prepared to supply you with the best gold-filled one made, at a moderate price. We carry the Simmons make, the best knowu and most strongly guaranteed chains ever sold. E. W. S. PRATT, Jeweler and Optician. GREAT REMOVAL SALE In order to reduce our stock and save moving, we will offer' a reduction of 5 per cent on all goods bought FOR CASH, commencing June 5th. and continuing until removal occurs, or about June 25th. Quite frequently a merchant offers a reduction on a special line of goods, but it is not often that a discount is given on everything you b i y as will he the case in this Special Removal- Sale. This does not apply to small purchases of less than $1.00.; . . V Remember, the date, June 5th. ' ; j - 1 The Houao-Furniahcra. i