Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, June 09, 1905, Image 1

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    Vol. XLH.
Corvallis, Benton County, r: Oregon," Frtday, June O, "1905.
IStO. 48
Many ' Matters of Unusual Im.
' portance Came Up. CI
At the meeting of the Benton
County ; Citizens' League last
Tuesday evening a goodly num
ber of members' were in attend
ance nearly fifty :in fact. The
meeting was called to order with
President B. W; Johnson in the
chair. ;. ;
There was much discussion of
various matters, but the most in-
vallis is without an adequate
water system for fire protection,
and the outlying additions to the
city, - - comprising considerable
portion thereof, are wholly with
out a supply of water for domestic
purposes or fire protection; and
"Whereas, The Citizens'
League believes that a gravity
system, as contemplated by the
Corvallis Water Bill, would be
of great material : benefit to the
citv ad its inhabitants in secur
ing reduced ' insurance rates, ' af
fording greater fire protection for
Exposition In Full Swing.
Benton Citizens -Should
.: v ? - Assistance. " 'V.
terest was aroused on matters property, ana renaering me city
oertainins' to water svstem for mre attractive to home-seekers,
the city and "Corvallis Day" at besides being of material bene
the fair. Reports of various com- fit to thehealth of the city; now,
mittees were read and contents! therefore, be it
noted and discussed. ' "Resolved, -That while the
When it came to the matter "of league does not approve of the
transportation to Portland on the present plan of perpetuating; the
Aav nf nnr m-Mt vrnrsinn ta the Water Committee, and favors
Fair, it was made clear that a rate an elective commission, it never-
of $2 per round-trip ticket to -go meiess oeueves mac sucn ; a
and return the same day, or $2.60 change will be made at the next
with lay-over concession of from session 01 tne legislature, ana
n tr cpvpn flans wnnlrl rwM tuai uic uicmiui; ukiuu iui
granted by the Southern Pacific,
provided, : that 1,000 ' tickets
could be sold on this occasion.
Let us stop right here and con
such a mountain system are such
that no objections to the organiza
tion,or other objections capable
of being removed by legislative
stand. m the way or a vigorous
Drosecution of the work of im
mediately installing such'
a sys-
W. A .
of this
sider the matter: It should be enactment, should be allowed to
-borne in mind that in all probabil
ity not one of us will ever again
see such an opportunity offered
to advertise this section as is' af
forded by the Exposition. To
allow such a . chance to pas&
when it comes but once in a life
timewithout profiting to the
fullest extent seems almost a
crime. Will our people rally and
give support in': the way of a
great and grand turnout on this
day, or will they remain at home
and gather moss? That is the
question. We believe they will
go to the extent of , more than
the T.000 necessary to secure the
$2 rate. ; ' :
number is including the college
students and faculty, and all
mends ana members 01 UAL- s
alumni. Of the latter there will
be many, as "Corvallis Day", is
June' 15, the day alter commence
ment at OAC This is the golden
At the home of . the
parents, Mr. . and Mrs.
Beal, some miles north
city occured a quiet wedding last
Wednesday evening when Miss
Winifred was united in wedlock
to Harry E. Jones, of McMinn
ville, Or. - J:," -v:'
The ' parlors were beautifully
decorated with ferns, pink and
white roses, and carnations: The
bride wore a dainty gown of white
voile over - silk and carried -,a
shower bouquet of white carna'
tions and smilax. - '. ":" '
Miss Grace Bodele played i the
wedding march. Miss Bessie
BriedvelL of Portland, was maid
of honor and . was attired in a
opportunity if vou exoect to aamty 8own 01 P"1 organdie
visit the Fair, won this occasion. and camed a bouquet of pink rose
During the meeting of the league
the following resolution was in
troduced and earned:
"Resolved, That it is the sense
of this meeting that the Benton
County Citizens' League guaran
tee to the Southern Pacific R. R
Co. the . sale of 000 tickets : to
Portland, Oregon, on the occa
sion ot ''Corvallis Day at the
' I95-
Pursuant to the above resolu
tion relative to "Corvallis Day,"
the following was introduced and
"inasinucn as June 15, 1905
has been designated and set apart
. as 'Corvallis Day' bv the man
buds. Mr. Elmer Cummins, of
McMinnville, was best man. The
ring ceremony was performed bv
Jjr.:--Jd. J. lhompson,- 01. inde
After the ceremony a dtlicious
luncheon was served. The new
ly married couple will make their
home in McMinnville. " Those
prese t were: Mr. and Mrs. P.
E. Dodele, Mr.' and Mrs. J. D.
Beal, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Beal ,
Mrs. J. N. Jones: Misses
Dodele, Bessie - Briedvell,
Dodele, Maud Buchananv
Dodele; Messrs. Elmer Cummins,
Paul Dodele, Cecil Dodele. -
. I wish to call the attention of
the people of Benton; county to
the importance of maintaining a
creditable exhibit of our products
at the Lewis and - Clark "Fair.
Thereis no longer doubt buiwhat
the Fair will be a success and
that thousands of people from the
Eastern states will visit it dur
ing the next few weeks. Many
of these will be homeseekers who
will select their location from
what they see at the Fair. The
county court has selected a booth
in a good location in the Agricul
tural building for the purpose of
displaying Benton, county ; pro
ducts, we have :. competent - men
in charge and we certainly
have a most energetic and compe
tent superintendent in Mr. French
but he can'fTdo it all. -Neither
can he accomplish what is desir
ed with the help oi his assistants
6r the , county court. ' What we
want Is thev help of every man,
woman and child in Benton coun
ty if possible. ' -T -
Wake up ! Now is -the time
for action ! It is to your inter
est to build up our county by
showing these people what we
have and in inducing them to
settle amo ng us.
borne of the counties are spend
ing thousands of dollars on their
exhibit, notably Coos - county,
which has erected a building of
its own at an1 estimated cost of
$20,000 ana it put $10,000 more
in its exhibit. , I do not feel the
need of any great expenditure of
money by us, but we now havt
our booth there and by the
operation ot tne people we can
keep it full of the products of our
county at a very small cost com
pared ttrwhat other counties are
spending. VYou have grains, fruits,
grasses, hops, and vegetables that
we want and must have to prop
erly represent our county and its
resources. , Roses by the basket
ful are going to waste every week
in Corvallis and we need them to
decorate our booth at the Fair.
Can you not bring something ?
Arrangements are made- for a
shipment of samples Friday of
each week. Therefore if vou
have anything for us communi
cate with- Mr. H. L- French or
myself, or leave it at my office in
Hotel Corvallis building not later
than 10 a. m. Fridavs. - -
" Virgil E. Watters,
County Judge.
The most auspicious ceremonies
ever . witnessed -i oh tne facinc
Coast accompanied 'the opening
of the Lewis and Clark" Exposi
tion June 1. Neaily 40,000 peo
ple were present. The program
was carried out without interrup
tion from the parade in the morn
ing to the firing of the Centennial
salute and the formal opening of
the Exposition. Never m the
histoiy of Portland was so repre
sentative and distinguished a body
assembled. Vice-Fresident Chas.
Warren Fairbanks was present as
a personal representative of Pres
ident Roosevelt, , Speaker Joseph
G. Cannon of the House of Repre
Sufferers Should
This. ..
Foley's Honey and Tar has cured
many cases of asthma that were con
sidered hopeless. Mi 8 Adolph Baesir g.
701 Third St, Davenport, Iowa, writes:
"A severe cold contracted-twelve years
age was neglected until it finally grew
into aethma. The beet medical ekill
Feel Impending Dom.
The feeling of impending, doom in the
minds of roanj victim of Blight's dis
ease and diabetes has been changed to
thankfulness by the benefit derived from
wkidk roiers juflney (Jure. It will
core incipient Bright's disease and dia-
oetesanfl even in worst rases gives com-
oviuiauio vuuiu ui kivo iuB luviv tuuu i wn ana reiier. ought disorders are
temporary relief. Foley's Honey and cured in a lejr days. "I bad diabetes in
Tar was recommended and oe fifty- the worst form," writes Marion Lee of
cent bottle entirely cared me of asthma J Dnnreath, Ind. "I tried eight physicians
which had been gr wing on me for I without relief. Only three bottles of
twelve years, and if I bad taken itat J Foley's Kidm-v Cure made me well
the start I would have len saved years man.'' For isale at Graham & Woiibam's
of suffering " Graham & Wortham I drug store .
keep it for sale. .- ' ... . ' - ' -
; A Bad Scare.
Some day yon ill get a bad Ecare,
when you feel a pain in your boels. and
fear appendicitis. Safety lies in lr.
King's New Life Pills, a sure cure, for
all bowels and stomach diseases, such as
sentatives and an important party ST
oi unuea oiates oenaiois auu ( drug store, on v 25c. Trv them
Members ot the House ot Repre
sentatives. '
Notice to Builders.
Sealed bids will be received up" to 3
o'clock, Saturday, June 7, 1905,- for the
remodeling of the M. E. Church of Cor
vallis, Or.; in accordance with the plans
and specifications now at the office of
Ambler & Waters. Reserve the right to
reject any and all bids."
ViHGiii E. Wattebs,
48-49 - Chr. Bldg. Com.
Smoking In a Powder Magazine
Is courting death more suddenly but not
more surely than neglecting kidney dis
orders. Foley's Kidney Cure will cure a
slight disorder in a few days and its con
tinued use will cure the most obstinate
cases. It has cured many people of
Bright's disease and diabetes who were
thought to be incurable. If yon have
kidney or bladder trouble, commence
taking Foley's Kidney Cure today, be
fore is too late; Graham & Wortham
have it for sale.- .. - - -. .-
All past negotiations for parties to
write matter for publication in. the Ga
zette are hereby annulled. Those send
ing matter to this office, for publication
are hereby notified that no pay will be
given by this office for such matter un
less hereafter agreed upon and price
stated. The Gazette will gladly consider
all matter furnished without charge by
the contributor.- The name of the psrtv
contributing in all cases to "be signed to
the communication. - For all further ne
gotiations on this subject, address --
CoBVAtLis Gazette,
Corvallis, Or.
drug store, only 25c.
Steamer Oregona, leaves Cor
vallis, Mondays, Wednesdays
and Fridays, for Portland and all
way points at 6 a. m. For rates,
etc., call on
A. J. SHIRLEY, Agent.
Huge Ta fe
lt was a huge task, to undertake the
cure of such a bad case of kidnev dis
ease, as that of C. F. Collier, of Chero
kee,- Iowa, but Jtlectnc Bitters did it
He writes: "My kidneys were so far
gene, I could not tit on a chair without
a cushion; and suffered from dreadful
backache, headache. , an-1 depression.
In Electric .Bitters, however, I found a
cure, and by them was restored to per
fect health. I recommend this great
tonic medicine to all with weak kid
neys, liver or stomach. Guaranteed by
Allen Woodward, druggist;, puce 60c.
Cheap Sunday Rates Between
Portland and Willamette
: Valley Points.
Lewis and Clark Exposition.
During the Lewis and Clark Exposi-
tion ihe Southern Pacific Company will
sell round tiip ti.-keta to' Poitland, limit
thirty days, at one and one-third fair for
round trip. For parties of ten or more
traveling on one ticket, one fare for the
round trip. For organized parties of one
hundred or rao-e, individual tickets at
one fare for round trip. Stopovers of tea
daye will be given at Portland on all one
way- tickets reading through that .point
during tho exposition. Tickets must be
deposited with. Joint Agent at Portland
and charga of fifty cents will be made
for the ex ten tion of time. 41-45
- and
Heating !
Cornice, Roofii g, Guttering,
' and all kinds of Sheet Metal
F. A. Hencye
In connection with J. H.
Low round trip rates have been placed
n effect between Portland and Willam
ette Valley points, in either direction.
Tickets will be sold
and limited .to return on or before the
following Monday. -
Ratb to or From Cobvallis, $3.00.
Call on Southern Pacific Co'a Agents
tor particulars.
' Dying of Famine
A Forgery Charge.
From the East.
agers 01 tne lewis ana (Jlarfe
Fair, and . Last Sunday, A. E. Beckwith
. - "Whereas, It is understood and Miss Jennie Beckwith arrived
that the Mayor - of- the. City of in this city. - They are . brother
Corvallis is-to recommend this and sister of William Beckwith
day as a legal ; holiday to the and Mrst Fred Clark, of this citv,
citizens of Corvallis; and " and are making a hurried tour of
"Whereas, Steps are now be-1 the coast. Miss Beckwith has
ing taken to obtain special rates been cashier in the main office of
for transportation from Corvallis
to Portland, at a minimum rate,
all citizens from thi place who
wish to participate in the cele
bration of 'Corvallis Dav at
Portland; and .
w nereas, it is necessary in
order to obtain such transporta
tion facilities, that Benton Coun
ty insures to the ' railroad com
pany the purchase of qoo tickets,
including the OAC cadets; there
fore be it -
"Resolved, By the Benton
the Western - Union Telegraph
Co. in Minneapolis, Miun., for
manv years.
A. E. Beckwith is from Dodge
Center, about 60 miles from Mm
neapolis. He is a farmer by oc
cupation and speaks quite high-
ty 01 mat section 01 tne country,
Minneapolis and Chicago -. pro
vide good markets for all kinds
of produce.' Mr. Beckwith thinks
that diversified farming and dairy
ing pays best in his country.
It was the intention : with the
-County Citizens' League that the brother and sister to take the
organization recommend to the train for the bay yesterday and
business men of Corvallis that stay a dav or two on the shores
?all stores and places of business I of the old Pacific. ..-After their
on that day be closed and that return here they will soon depart
Tune 15 be recognized and cele- for their Eastern homes, as their
brated as a holiday."
- The following resolution- relat
ed to matters pertaining to water
system for city and it was also
"Whereas, The City of Cor-
time is limited.
Take The Gazette, for all the
local news.
Some two weeks ago a man ar
rived in this city and registered
at Hotel Corvallis as W. A.
btone from New York.v Later it
became necessary for him to
change his boarding place and he
registered at the Occidntal hotel
He began prosecuting the life in
surance Business.
Last Tuesday evening Sheriff
Burnett received authority from
McMinnville to arrest one W. A
Stone on a " charge of forgery
Assisted by city officers Lane and
Osburn the sheriff went on the
still hunt, with - success. Mr.
Stone did not seem . greatlv sur
prised at his arrest. Sheriff M.
F. Coirigan, of - McMinnville.
was notified and came "up Wed
nesday and . took Mr. Stone to
McMinnville where the latter had
a hearing. - :
It "was claimed that Mr Stone
had forged the name ot one Mr.
McGinnis ta a note for something
like $75 or $80. Mr. Sone took
Attorney : W. S. McFadden, 01
this -city, with him as counsel.
The long and short of the story
is that Mr. Stone returned to Mr.
McGinnis money in the sum ot
a few dollars a mere bagatelle
and the matter was dismissed, as
there was absolutely no - case.
There was nothing criminal at
tached to Mr. Stone's part in the
transaction, jjudge McFadden
and Mr. btone arrived back in
Corvallis yesterday noon. -
Is, in its torments,- like dvinp of con
sumption. The progress of consump
tion, from the begmnfag to the very
end, is a long torture, both to victim
and to frionds. . "When I had consump
tion in its first staee," writes Wm
Myers, of Cearfoss. Mdv, "after tryinis
different t edicines and a go"d doctor in
vain. I at last took Dr King's New Dif
covery, - which qnicklv and qnitlv
cured jne." Prompt relief an 1 bine cure
for coughs, colds, sore tlir-at, bronchitis.
Positively cures pneumonia. Guaran
teed at Allen & Woodward's-- drug store,
pri-e&Oc and $1 a bottle. Trial Dottle
free...".-. ' .," -
Tor Infants and Children. - -
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the .
Signature of
Gazette Bell phone No 341.
Gazette Independent phone No
433. V
Pneumonta follows La Grlpp
but never follows tho use of
It stops the Cough and heali the lnafft,
Preventi Pnenmonia and Consomptloa.
- MB.O. Acan.-af IS1 Oigood B CUeac
wriUsi "Hi wif ha4 U rHppa ud It Uft ku
wltk 17 ted aoocb Iob whlab
out's Honr n Tab -ord x
Ii you are looking for some real goon
Bargains in Stock, Grain, Fruit and
Poultry Ranches, write tor our special
list, or ctne and see us. We will tt
pleasure iu giving you reliaole inloima
tiuu: aUo showing you uver the count.
in7a.iru if your watch snows any irregu
larity or gives other evidence that
something is wrong - with it, better
have it examined by a competent
watchmaker. You - won't find any
more ' skillful : or more experienced
anywhere than right here. We clean and repair all sorts of
watches thoroughly and quickly and guarantee all our work as
well as our prices to be right- If your wateh chain is beginning
to show signs of wear, or if you'd like a new chain for any rea
son, we are prepared to supply you with the best gold-filled one
made, at' -a moderate price. We carry the Simmons make, the
best known and most strongly guaranteed chains ever sold.
; - E. W. S. PRATT, Jeweler and Optician.
In order to reduce our stock and save moving, we will offer a reduction of 5 per
cent on all goods bought FOR CASH, commencing June 5th and continuing
until removal occurs, or about June 25th. Quite frequently a merchant offers
a reduction on a special line of goods, but it is not often that a discount is given
everytliing'yoti buy as will he the case in this Special Removal Sale.
This .does not. ai 1 1 y to "small purchases of less than $1.00.
Remember the da.;?, June 5th. ; ; ' , - t
Tho jouac-FurnicIicro.