C3J Bom, Sunday, June 4, to the wife of Carl Porter of tnia city, s boo. ' ; H .' ": Born, Saturday, June 3, in f this citv, to the wife of -A. T. Grugett, a 6 pound daughter. Reent J. D. Daly canoe up irom Portland 'ast week to attend mat ters of business at the college. Dr. James Witbycombe, Profs. I Cordley and Kent went to Mil waukee, Friday, for the purpose of conducting a farmers' institute. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Cate arrived in Corvallis, Thursday evening, from their home in Ridgefield, Wash., for a visit witb relatives and friends. Miss Belle Ranney, who has been teaching school at Olex, Eastern Oregon, for the "past year is expect ed to arrive at her home in this city within a week. ' D. C. Ecker, who a few months ago sold his farm near Inavale and purchased another in Linn county, to which place h moved, is again back in Benton. He sold his Linn county farm a few days ago and moved to Corvallis. - - Miss , Mamie Announces , that a number of -her - piano pupils--will give a recital in the M. E. church. South, this evening at 8 o clock, to which the general public is invited. Within a day or bo J. W.- Wil banks, Dick Smith and John Zeis expect to go into ' camp .in the vicinity of Shot Pouch, where they will fish. We are playing Dick as a prize-taker at angling. William Buchanan, who was in Roaeburg last week in attendance at the M. E. church, South, con ference nrriyed home Saturday. Victor Moses, who was a delpgate from here to the A rlKS CONCERT. Nearly Seventy People Sing Master-Pieces. ly and fears are1 entertained that she has an attack of appendicitis. wall We are indebted to a gentler man who was among those pres ent at the - concert last Friday evening for the very pleasing write-up and favorable mention of the affair as follows: The vocal concert given last Friday evening under the direc tion of Mr. Gerard Taillandier for the benefit of the Y. M. C. A. same conference building fund was an artistic sue- i i . . i . . i-i t cua noi get nome ur in ounaay. cess At a recent election of fctaff for ine large wort on tne pro- conducting the College Barometer gram was a cantata, "The Wreck tor the coming year J. L. Kingo ot the HesDerus." a musical set was chosen editor-in-chief and fcrlen ting to the words of Longfel woodman Dusiness manager, mere iows p0em 0f tnat name. Mr, Taillandier proved himself to be meeting Citizens Mrs. Mabel Laughlin, nee Cronise, arrived in Corvallis last Friday evening from La Grande, Or. ner present home. She will be here for a month, the guest of her father and brother and many friends, who extend a warm welcome. Tonight there will be a of the- Benton County League and it is urgently request ed tbat all members attend. It is quite likely that there will be a discussion of the water problem as it at present stands before tbe people. Hiram Flickenger, now of New port, passed several days last week with friends in this city. Years ago he run a harness shop on the corner where Moses Bros, are today doing business, was well liked and very sttccessful. He left yesterday for Philomath, where his wife was visiting, from which place they will proceed home. Last Friday Grant Elgin sold his baaery. ine purchasers were Keith Brown and Dell Alexander, and have already taken possession. Mr. Alexander has not yet given up his position at J. H. Harris' store, but we are informed that he will do sc in a short time. Just what Grant will do in future he has not yet divulged. A man by the name of Greene arrived in town from Dallas. He stated that he was going to Cor vallis and was promptly arrested. The authorities came from Salem today and escorted him to the asylum. West Side Enterprise. Since reading the above the idea with us has gained ground that this is a "squib" that has a double meaning and we demand an apology. The large 30-room hotel at Olson ville, on Yaquina Bay, is being thoroughly overhauled and refitted throughout. Mr. and Mrs. Fitz Maurice, lately from Eastern Ore gon, are tojjhave the management of this splendid hostelry. . Hollen berg & Cady, of this city, have the contractfor furnishing the hotel throughout. Everything is to be of high order and Brussels carpets cut quite a figure in the furnish ings. Johnson Porter has purchased the lot adioimng Hotel Corvallis, Mrs. Sam Wyatt formerly owned it and the price paid her by Mr: Por ter was $2,000. The lot is 50 foot front by 100 feet deep and is the finest site in the city that ' is not at present utilized on which to erect a good building. Should any person desire such a location for business Mr. Porter says that he stands ready to build a structure suitable for any and all requirements. Last Thursday evening the Wood men of the World and the Circle met in joint session and, together with invited guests, enjoyed a few very social hours. A sort of bene fit was on the boards during the evening for the assistance of the uircie in the establishment ot a library. A farce, "No Cure, No Pay," was a source of great merri ment and there was some enjoyable music. KHresnments consisting of straw Derries, cream ana case were served. It is reported that the picnic at Kidder's grove Saturday was quite well attended and the day was most enjoyably spent by those were also many associate editors elected as well as an assistant manager. The suit cf John Senger and wife vs. John and JLuther warren tor the custody of a little girl, grand daughter of plaintiffs, came up for a hearing in Albany yesterday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Senger are residents of Corvallis and W. E. Yates is conducting their case, . Tbe senior class of O AC are at work on their annual senior play to be giyen in the Opera House, Tues day evening, June Id. comedy entitled ''An a master of the director's art and the large chorus of sixty voices, assisted by orchestra, responded with precision and accuracy The changing emotions of the cantata were rendered with dramatic fervor; the daintiness of the little daughter, the wildness of the storm, the tragedy of the wreck, and finally the peaceful calm, were vividly portrayed by means of rythmic effects, careful It is a farce shading, and melody in keeping Interrupted with the spirit of the words. i Honeymoon." Rehearsals are pro- The arrangement of the orchestra gressing steadily under the direc- on a raised platform at rear of tlOli Of Mrs. B. W. Joht)80n. ' rhnrne toqc an innovation in Cnr. , w .. " Be certain to attend the meeting vallis and aided the fine musical of the citizens league tonight, as a effect in general, discussion 01 what to do "Corvallis The snln narrs of the cantata Day'; at the Lewis and Clark Ex- were excellently rendered by position is a very important matter Mrs R xake fsoprano)i and mat is cerium oi aiscussion ana an r t u t.i -. V a persons with ideas are requested to be where their hands can be seen when they hold them up. Ed. Smith returned, Sunday, from several days spent in Port land, where he attended the open ing of the Exposition. He says that in the course of a couple of months it is going to be great. Even now the grounds and build ings remind one of Fairyland when electricity is turned on at night. A letter recently received by re latives in this city brought the in telligence that it was Miss Olive Thompson's intention to leave Boise, Idaho, for home yesterday. She will likely visit in Portland for a brief season before coming on to this city. Miss Thompson has been John Allen (bass). The beautiful triumphal march "With Sheathed Swords," by Costa, was given with martial like spirit and the grand "Halle lujah Chorus" from the Messiah was most impressive. Miss LUlu Spangler, ever favorite with Corvallis audiences, sang the solo, "Oh That We Two Were Maying" by Gounod, responding graciously to the en core heartily demanded of her by listeners. Mr. Otto F. L Herse, who possesses a tenor voice or rare quality, sang the "The King of the Winds," David, in a pleasing Blackledee, leading dealer. paper 30t- Mrsi M. A. Canon intended to go to Portland, yesterday. She will spend a week or longer in attend ance at the. Exposition. Foi Sale Good grocery store. good business, splendid stand. On account of health of family must sell by July 1st Great bargain for quick buyer. R. M. Turner, Cor vallis, Or... 44-49. A special rate will be granted bv the O. C. T. Co., on their boats from this city to Portland of $1.50 single. or $l.o round trip, beginning May 29 and ending October 15. These tickets are good for ten days. 45-7 Have Dr. Lowe cure your ear and eye ache with a pair of hw superior glasses. 46-47 Next Tuesday noon, June the 6, to.no ,n Thursdav Dr. Lowe, the well-known oculo-optician, will be at Hotel Cory al lis. Don't fail t j have him test your eyes for glasses. Consultation free. 46:47 Yesterday W. M. Castle and family, of Philomath, passed through Corvallis en route to Irrigon, Eastern Oregon, where they expect to make their home. Opticians come and go, but Dr. Lowe keeps coming and has for the past fifteen years. 46 47 George Hodges, of Elk" City, passed through Corvallis yesterday en route to Portland. Largest line of matting in coun ty at Blackledges. , y. 30tf Dr. Cathey went to - Albany, yes terday on business. Finest bread obtainable any where at Small's. 46-54 Mrs. Grace E. Hall was stricken down lant Thursday with an attack of appendicitis. She is having the best of care and it is hoped that an operation will not be necessary. Suitings. Flaked and Checked Suit ing, Grey, Brown, Etc., 50c to 75c per yard. White Mohair, Silk, Flaked Cream Eolinne, White Jap Silk, and White Arnold Silk, White and Cream Organdie, suitable for graduating dresses, 20c to $1.25 per yard. Shepherd's Plaids, Brown, Blue and Black, at 75c per yd. Etamines Tan, Brown, Na vy, Red, Blue, Green, Black, at 50c. Linen Homespun Suiting Blue,; Brown and Grey, at 35c per yard. 4 . Children's Colored Parasols, 25c to $1.00. " ' ' SUMMER PARASOLS ' Plain Black, Green, and Blue, $1.00 to $3.50. t 1 1 . the pianist in a theatre in Boise for manner ana responaea to a vigor- 1 some vflarp ous cncoic. Quite an entertaining serial story has just runout in the Dial-Enter prise of Boscobel, Wis. Strange as it may seem it is nevertheless ' true tbat the hero of the story grew to manhood in this city and some thing of his ups and downs, fortunes and misfortunes, are known to all old . residents, Conditions, Here and There. FANCY SILK PARASOLS New Shades of Tan, Brown,' Blue, White, and Black, from $2.jO to $6.50. Telephone and Mailing Orders Promptly and Carefully Filled. &s La EZLMZIIE. The White House, Corvallis, Ore. D. 'C. Hlostsutd. Cha. Bin fro sloe. George - A. Waggoner arrived home, Tuesday evening, from a trip through Eastern ; Oregon in the interest of his book, "Stories " of Old Oregon." Mr. Waggon . .1 it - 1 a 1 title of the story is "Harold Low" er savs lraai every imng Dears ine and the author is C. H. Everett, of stamp of prosperity in ,that sec- this city. tion. On account of splendid There was a horse race on the croP indications the people are track south of town Sunday after- all optimistic in their views. Our noon and many went to the course fel'owtownsman personally ascer to witness the affair. It was a run- tained that the crop outlook Is ning race for a quarter-mile between the mare of 'Gene Tortora and an animal belonging to a Gypsy. The weather was horn Die wet and rainy and the track too eloppy for racing, but the horses went just the same The race was not bet on very hea vi ly, but the Tortora mare won. Henry L. French who has charge of Benton s exhibit at the Exposi tion is very desirous ot securing some fine samples of hops. He says that several 1 at ties -promised samples but so far they . have not been forthcoming. He also desires very flattering in that part of the state at present. He says that in all ways the country is advanc ing, and rapidly too. While in La Grande he visited with his daughter, Mrs. Frank Lilly, and says that all goes nice ly with both his daughter and Frank. The latter is now niana eer of a -large hardware estab hshment in tuat city at $150 per month which seems pretty good, Mr. Waggoner was in Port land Thursday on the opening Next Thursday at 8 p. m., in the college chapel, will occur the debate for the Gatcb Cup between the Utopian and Sorosis societies of OAC. All persons . who contemplate a visit to the Lewis and Clark Ex dosition Fhould address Mre. W. B. Bolton, 574 Fifth street, Port land Or. She can give you ac commodations at above address or at choice private residence near the Fair grounds. Cheapest rates in Portland, accommodations consid ered. Special rates for June at both places. 46 7 We are in r ceipt of the program for. the graduation recital to be given by Liouipe smith ulanviiie, a pupil of Gerard Taillandier, at tbe college chapel next Saturday. It is ;i fine, program by well-known masters. -Tbe orchestral part of the Hummel pianoforte concerto in A minor ; will ' be played . by Prof. Taillandier on a second piano. ' As Cal Thrasher, local agent fo? the Oregon Fire Relief Ass'n, is 10 leave about June 10 for Eastern Oregon and remain for six weeks, now is the time to have your in surance written. After his depart ure his son. Frank, will attend the business. Insurance in this com pany is half what it cocts in many others. . 46-7 CORVALLIS STEAM LAUNDRY. Patronize Home Industry. Out. Ida Ordor. Solicited. All Work Guarantead. CORVALLIS, OREGON. to secure about one dozen sacks of of the great Exposition and .at- fine grain in sacks that trill hold about a peck each. Parties having the same, which they are willing to contribute, will confer a favor by notifying Mr. French, who will be pleased to provide sacks for the same. Furthermore, it is requested present. There was a fine musical her fleece weighed 11 pounds, program, some good addresses and The 38 head produced in the aggre tended the addresses made by Vice-President Fairbanks, Can nbn, Williams, and others, and says they were all 01 a high or der. The parade was - an im mense affair and he was especial that fine early- cherries ie sent to ly pleased win the showing made the Exposition at the first possible by the cadets ot and says opportunity. Mr. French is of the that Lieut. QuinJan has a right opinion that Benton has the fa nest to be proud ot his boys. exnioiu or wooqs on tne grounus, ne The Fair itself, he avows, is also thinks our grains compare most creditable to ' Portland and fa nrtrn Vl r yiti t Vi trtAOn rvf v tt nfliai1 I ... ... i " J Ureeon. It will reflect elory on COUnty. UlipmtlnWKt Tfr is his nnin Last week J. M. Porter finished ion that it will pay its way so' far shearing his sheep; there were all as expenses are concerned, which lota 6 neaa 01 uotswoias. ine 1S as much as was ever honed for. n f rr 1 J 1 j 1 A neecea 01 regisiereu ewea weignea in the aggregate 211 pounds, or 17 and 7-12 pounds to the ewe. A 'registered ram's fleece weighed 23 T,1 i 1 - pouaag. ine poorest snowing made was by a toothless ewe and Additional Local. a splendid picnic dinner. There were all sorts of games in the after noon, including a game of base ball between teams from Dallas and Buena Vista. The score re sulted 4 to 2 in favor of Dallas. A baby show is supposed to have taken the cake. - The Buena Vista band was present and rendered fine music. gate 558 pounds of wool, lhis was sold to S. L. Kline at 28 cents per pound and brought Mr. Porter $156.24. The registered ewes1 fleeces were worth on an average of $4.90 each, while the fleece ot the registered ram brought $6.44. ' Can anybody in the state beat this? The average for the 38 head was 14 and 8-19 pounds per head. See Blackledee for furniture, etc, 26 Robt. Johnson and his uncle, James Johnson, returned Saturday from the coast, where they passed a few days very pleasantly. For Sale. D. C. Rose & Son offer all stock and fixtures con nected with the cigar factory for sale. Going out of business July 1st. Building for rent. . - ' 46-7 Last Saturday evening , Mrs. M S. Bush was ta&en ill quite sudden- Fifty years ago yesterday Rev, P. A. Moses, of this city, graduat ed from RanJolpbTMacon college, of Virginia, the oldest M. E. church,. South, college in the United States. There were ten in the class and he took second honors. Comparative ly few men who ever graduated from an institution of leirning are so hale and hearty fifty years after ward as Key. Modes is todav. F. L. MILLER'S Great June Sale A Bargain Opportunity that Happens Only Once a Year, On Wednesday, June 7th we place on sale Our Entire Stock of Summer Wash Fabrics and Ladies' Waists. WASH FABRICS. The Senior Play. The senior class of the OAC are at work practicing the annual senior play to be given in the Opera House( Tuesday evening, Jane is, 1905. It is a farce comedy entitled "An Interrupted Honey moon." The cast is as follows: Capt Chas Courtney;. FB Davis Major O'GaUigar .D W Proebstel Sargeant Tanner. ...... .-M C McAllister Hen Von Mosier iKarf Steiwer Mr. Hibbertson .TA Garro w Private Daugbtery. . .... . .Earl Binebart Harry (a policeman) Miss Angie Brightwell . . Mary Danneman Miss Romney . .............. Lena Tartar Mrs O'Galligtr. . ....... .Alice Wicklund Miss Sch wartz . . . . . Leon Weoer Miss Matilda Jones. ...... Maud Roberts Miss Clara Loveridge , Lura Flett Emma Mabel Keady 10c 121-2 15 20 25 35 50 Reduced to 1 1 8c ; to 11 15 19 271-2 371-2 NEW WAISTS. We have just received from the East a Sam ple line of waists which we are instructed to Sell At Cost, ranging in price from 40c to $6. The sale includes all of our New Spring Goods, and when we say it is a bargain -opportunity, we mean it. So come in and see. You are welcomeeverybody is! Miss Milicent Loveridge. Miss Perkins ....... Miss Stilts ........ Miss Heath.. . .. Miss Somerton .Edna Osbnrn ...Edna Smith Bess Yates .Nellie Skelton ..Hazel Raber Take The Gazette for all the local news- EidHTSElBIiEirCOSE Makes Kidneys sad Bladder fiiatt . G. A. ROBINSON . Independent Phonk 146 A. L. STEVENSON N DEPENDENT PHONE 201 Robinson & Stevenson Real Estate, Loans and Insurance ' A FULL LIST OF FARMS AND CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE OFFICE PHONE, INDEPEND'T 3TS Corvallis, Ore. 1 IV withi us. Open Day and Night. Rooms Single or EnSuno , .HOTEL GORVALUS..' J. C.lHAKir.7EL,lProp. One of.tha FJngstlEqulpaa Hotels In thoV alley. Bus Masts all Trains. , Both Phones We want the work you particular about. are