Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, June 02, 1905, Image 1

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    Vol. XLII.
Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon,,' Friday, Junk .2, 190S.
Ko. 1
An Interesting Account Kindly
Provided Us.
The Parents' Meeting and
Grange Rally in Alsea last Sat
urday brought together one of the
largest crowds assembled in our
neighboring valley for a long
time. The work consisted of dis
cussions of subjects in touch with
our schools and Grange. Supt.
Denman spoke upon the subject
"How to Get There." Dr. James
ment of Scotch Presbyterians,
who retain all their old country
habits," said a globe trotter the
other day, "Not long ago the
minister, while in the midst of
his sermon, noticed oneof the
parishioners peacefully sleeping.
The divine suspended his dis
course and addressed 'Wullie' in
a loud tone and then gave him
a severe rebuke.
"Wullie" was very angry and
after services were . concluded
went up to the pastor and made
an indignant speech, protesting
against the humiliation which
bad been put upon him. He con-
Louis and Clark Fair Visitors
May See 35 Shows for That
Small Amount.
Withycombe gave some interest
ing talk concerning Grange and Ljuded by saying
larm interests, tie empnasizea "Your ain wife was sleepin at
the importance of protecting the the same timt, I saw her before
son Dy ine annual ai&mouuon oi u went tosleep rhysel."
Darn composites, tne gam py lm- "The pastor tried to smooth
proving on roads. Recorder 1. the matter over; and told Wullie
T. Vincent gave a fine address on ;f he should ever see the castor's
"A Glympse at the World's Prog- wife sleenW in church thereafter
ress." His address was a masterly t0 raise hjs nan(j anj sne shonld
effort. Judging from the recep- receive the same correction which
tion given mm -when He began uaA iv. Iin0n WhIUp
nis address tne gooa people ot ai- ,The next. sunday, when the
sea have a warm spot in their ap,morl ua rParr,Pi flv,mit fnnrth.
hearts for him. Prof. Kent gave ly Wullie's hand went up.' .The
a practical talk: on dairying. Al- pastor looked over at the family
sea Grangers hiye desired for a pew and there sure enough, his
long uffic buggebuons on mia uc: spouse was wrapped in slumber,
partmentot tanning and tor which Mindful of his words, the preach
misvaneyis especially auapieu. er thusddressed the wife of his
Prot. Kent gave some excellent bosom : " '; -.'
"Susan! Susan! I dinna marry
ye for your fortune for ye had
none. Idmna marry ye for.your
beauty the whole congregation
can see that, and it ve hae nae
grace I've 'made a sair bargain."
At the M. E. church, South,
suggestions and gave our Grange
a treat. The meeting was truly
a Grange and school rallv. Each
one present displayed undivided
interest in the remarks of each
speaker. The entertaining features
consisted of some excellent recv
tations by Gladys and Maud Ry
r. -XT a t ! 1 1 nr t t.1
U ?Jt LJZ?! Sunday night, will be observed
- a.ry. Jz . ULU' iUuuy auu Children's Dav. A pro-ram of
Kalpn iuUlerton . music, recitations and a short
" ; " . talk bv' the pastor. All are
J- P.fa onl U- MgD-OIom' cortliallv invited
r u t inhi I I onn Mnrcpt? . ft-!
r 1 Ti. " a. 1
someune woik. uol uiag- Sunday is Children's Day at
ging when we say they can give the Congregational church and
any use organization in our coun- iQ tbe mornin there wiu be a
ly a ciose can lor aonors.
Little May Kimball .won the
hearts of all bv her sweet and
' innocent effort in the vocal duet
with her father,
as clear as a bell,
Prof. Kent gave an excellent
stereoptican entertainment in the
special sermon for- children. In
the evening at 7 130 ' exercises by
the children will begin. As usual
She has a voice ciassfor young men at 10, wor
ship and sermon at 11, and C E
meeting at 6:4.5. You are mvit-
evening, snowing college wors,
buildings, stock, and advantags
enjoyed by our college students.
The dinner was typical of the
hospitality of our Alsea homes.
The table ' was loaded with
every luxury our fair housewives
could prepare. The way in which
JJr. WitnycomDe, troi. Kent, i courting death more suddenly bat not
and Prof. T. T. Vincent indul?- more Burely than neglecting kidney dis-
ed showed the aualitv of the order8' Foley's Kidney Cure will curs a
U, SUOWCU mc u UdUiy W inc 0,iaht AienrAar in a fnw rl.vH ami its nnn
dinner. Our friendly postmaster tinned use will cure the mobt obstinate
"R W TnVmcnn haA a mi1p cases. It has cured many people of
... 1 1 j Brieht's disease and diabetes who were
a yard wide when he gazed thought to be incurable. If you have
upon the many good things. ; It kidney or bladder trouble, commence
required the undivided attention Ydvf 7i
. . .... fore it is too late... Graham & Vvortham
01 oupu uenman to acieua 10 nisi i,ave jt or
wants, anu guard against his lack
of caution. We are glad to -see
Lost. ,
On Madison Street, a college fwniety
in, bearing the initials, "F. S." Leave'
at this office and receive suitable reward
Smoking la a Powder Magazine
him back
and in the best of I
Mr. Callahan Retires;
- - Correspondents.
All past negotiations for parties to
write matter for publication in the Ga
zette are hereby annulled. Those seed
ing matter to this oHioe for publi. ation
are hereby notified that no pay will be
The firm of Nolan & Callahan given by this office for such matter an
has been dissolved, Mr. Callahan less heteafter agreed upon and price
retiring- For tWO Years Or loneer staiea. xne vjazetie win giauiy wiiuiuor
o . In r. ' 1 . ..L. u
the latter has suffered- ill health au matMjr '" '"'
; nf K,ici-n the contributor. The name of the party
0 o . . I rnttn nn finer in
on the advice of his physician
For 26 years Messrs. . Nolan &
Callahan . were,- in business, to'
gether and Mr; Nolan says that
during all that time there never
was a parucie 01 iriction. oix-
, ' 1 1 r v 1 Ibi in its torments, like iying of con'
nan was a icik. wi iiit. iiuiau, sumption. Tbe proeress of eonsump
but for the ; last ten years has tion,: fronu.the beginnfng to the very
1 . XT1 t.l... eDQ. IS a jonit ,ioriurc, wu iu
vuecii it paiiuci. uiaii 1 friends. : When I bad co.sump
his son. Thomas, as a partner tinn in its firat ataiie." writes Wm,
and henceforth thev will continue Myers, of Ceartoss, Md., "after trying
I contributing in all cases to be Bigned to
the communication. For all further ne
gotiations on this subject, address
U0BVALLI8 uazetj-e,
, - Corvallis, Or.
Dytug ol Famine ,
Seven dollars will enable the
visitor to the Lewis and Clark
Exposition to see every conces
sion on the Trail, the amusement
thoroughfare of the Centennial.
At St. Louis it cost in the neigh
borhood of $30.00 to see the
"Piko" with its seventy shows
many of which were not worth
the price of admission. The Trail
oflers thirty-five of the finest at
tractions ever included in an ex
position. Fancy seeing thirty
five shows for seven dollars.
The most expensive conces
sion on the Trail is the Carnival
of Venice, a spectacular produc
tion designed by the VKing of
Ballet," Bolossy Kiralfy. The of sdraission to this attrac
tion is 50 Cents, and after ; seeing
the show the fee will be pro
nounced reasonable. Five hun
dred persons participate, on the
stage. The scene is laid in
Venice and bv means of some
very fine scenic offerings the illu
sion is faithfully carried out, even
to the camels of that Italian city.
The canals are of real water.
The carniyal of Venice is a terp
sichorean extravaganza of the
highest order.
Leaving the Carnival of Venice
the visitor meanders over to the
Homer Davenport Farm. Pay
ing twenty-five cents he enters
and beholds the foremost cartoon
ist of the world cotafottably seat
ed on a rustic bench before - 5
crudely built log house. Sur
rounding the illustrious penman
are Hundreds ot blooded fowls
several specimens of horses of
Arabian blood and a magnificent
Eambletonian. Davenport will
be found affable, urbano and dem
ocratic, and if the visitor is ot
tne rignt sort tne cartoonist may
offer him a modest sketch as a
Across the way from Daven
port's is the Klondike mining ex
hibit. This concession is . pre
eminent from' an educattona
standpoint and offers the visitor
truthful portrayal of mining
methods in vogue in the gold
fields of Alaska. : The buildings
that house the show are designed
inside in panoramo effect and a
full-sized placer mine is found in
operation. Clean-ups of real gold
worm $10,000 are made every
hour. The admission is 2 s cents,
Following the Trail the visitor
enters the Streets of Cairo, pay
ing a fee of fifteen cent. He
now in the midst ot all that is
Egyptian. Strangely garbed peo
pie are seen on all sides, now
diminutive donkey belabored by
a boy in flowing robe dashes past
or a monstrous camel loaded with
human freight labors through the
street. Ferocious looking . war
riors dance about in mock com
bat. The shrieking strains
curious Oriental instruments are
wafted from the theatre on the
soft Oregon ozone. For 25 centsj
tne visitor gains entrance 10 mis
foreign snow bouse and spends a
pleasant half-hour viewing . the
antics of a strange people. ,
keep off of mv grass "you Coxie-
ite?" Wherever cows or horses
re' staked they eat the tender
grass, leaving trie tougner Duncn
es and weeds, thereby giving to
the street a ragged appearance
for the remainder of the sea
son. Besides along the edge of
many sidewalks grow rank grass
and weeds, which when nature
bends over the walks, so that
adies, and men, too, get bedrag
gled when they are wet with dew
or rain. There are a few. who
will not permit their grass , in
front of their premises to be dis
turbed until large enough to be
mowed. They have the neatest
street front in the city .
Many have, stake ropes a few
nches longer than the law allows.
Would it not be good for neat
ness for the city to make an Or
dinance forbidding the staking of
any animal within certain limits,
especially in the business parts
and along the most traveled
streets? They should require
every property owner to keep the
grass neatly ' mowed along - his
premises. This would give uni
formity in appearance, prevent
ragged pasturage, and keep clean
along the edges of the walks.
Beside it would prevent the litter
made by the animals themselves
from drawing swarms of flies,
ready t enter every door and
window in the vicinity. In said
prescribed limit those with ani
mals would be more than willing
to cut the grass, weeds and all,
and feed to their stock in their
barns. They would get more
grass and the people be less an
noyed with unpleasant odors and
ewer flies. , . M.
Sufferers Should
Feel Impending Doom.
The feeling of impending doom in the
minds of many victimn of Bright's dis
ease and diabetes has been changed to
thankfulness bv the benefit derived from
taking Foley's Kitnev ' Cure. It will
s cure incipient Bright's disease and dia
1 1. j ...
t'cicu mm even in worst rases gives com-
Eoley's Honey and Tar has cured
many cases of asthma that were con
sidered hopeless. Mis Adolph Buesicg,
701 Third St.. Davenport, Iowa, writes :
"A severe cold contracted twelve years
age was neglected until it finally arew
into asthma. Tbe best medical skill
available could not give me more than 1 fort and roliof sn.,v. a.a
temporary relief. Foley's Honey and cared in a lew davs. "I had diaberes in
Tar was Recommended and oxe fifty-, the worst form," writes Marion Leeof
cent bottle entirely cured me of asthma . Dunreath.Ind. "I tried eight phveiciana
which had been gr wing on me for without relief. Only three bottles of
twelve years, and if I had taken it atjFolev's Kidnev Cnf made' m n well
tbe start I would have bfen saved years . man." For sale at Graham & Worthani's
of suffering " Graham & Wortham j drug storf .
keep it for sale. '-!
K Bad Scare.
Some day you ill eet a had scare,
when yon feel a pain in yoor boelft. and
fear appendicitis. Safety lies in Dr.
King's New Life Pills, a sure cure, for
all bowels and stomach diseases, such as
headache, biliousness; rostiveness, e'c.
Guaranteed at Allen Woodwaid's
drug store, only 25c. Try them.
Steamer Oregona, leaves Cor
vallis, Mondays, Wednesdays
and Fridays, for Portland and all
way points at 6 a. m. For rates,
call on
A. J.
Huge Ta-ti.
It was a huge task, to undertake the
enre of such a bad case of kidnev dis
ease, as that of C. F. Collier, of Chero
kee, Iowa, but Electric Bitters did it.
He writes: "My kidneys were so far
gone, I could not tit on a chair without,
a cushion; and suffered from dreadful
backache, headache, ami depression
In Electric Bitters, however, 1 found a
cure, and by them was restored to per
fect health. I recommend this great
tonic medicine to all with weak kid
ne.vs, liver or stomach. Guaranteed by
Allen woodward, druggist; price 50c.
Lewis and Clark Exposition.
Durine the Lewis anil Clark Exposi
tion the Southern Parific Company will
sell round tiip tiikets.m Portland, limit
thirty dayp, at one and one-third fair for
round trip. For parties of ten or more
traveling on one ticket, one fare for tbe
round trip. For organized. parties of one
hundred or nice, individual, tickets at
one fare for round trip. Stopovers of ten
dayt will be given at Portland on all one
way tickets reading through that point
duri the exposition. Tickets must be
depc -ited with Joint Agent at Portland
and char-a of fifty cents will be made
for the extention of tiuje. . 41-45
Cornice, Roofing. Guttering,
and all kinds of Sheet Metal
F. A. Hencye
Eighth-Grade Graduation.
Cheap Sunday Rates Between
Portland and Willamette
Valley Points.
Corvallis public schools, under
Prof. Cummings, held their grad
uation exercises in tue Opera
House last Monday evening. The
attendance was good and every
one of the graduates participating
in the exercises acquitted them
selves creditably.
Helen Raber was salutatorian
and Viola Gardner valedictorian,-
ana Dotn am niceiy. ne exer
cises consisted ot recitations,
declamations, vocal and piano
solos. Messrs. Floyd Rowland
and Fred Wann, of OAC. ren
dered a guitar duet. The invo
cation was given by Rev. Feese
and the. presentation ot diplom s
was made by T. T. Vincent.
Overlander's orchestra furnished
the music. -
There was profusion of flowers,
most beautiful, too. - Av the con
clusion of the exercises patents,
teachers and friends were on hand
to congratulate the young giadu
ates. The exerceses were in every
way a success and Prof. Cum
mings should be pleased with the
showing made by his class.
Low round trip rales have been Dlaceii
n effect between Portland and Willam
ette Valley points, in either direction.
Tickets will be sold .
and limited to return on or before the
following Monday. '
Rate to or. From Corvallis, $3.00.
Call on Southern Pacific Co's Agents
for particulars. .; . '
Gazette Independent phone No
In connection with J. H.
Pneumonia follows La Grlpp
but never follows the use of
and Tar
It stops the Cough and heals the tang
Prevents Pneumonia and ConsompUon.
Mx. a, Tiom, ef 167 Osgood Si., Cb!ea
writaai "Mj wife. bad U eripp and It latt hm
with ran ted otib hat tno bias
hufiHam &1a oaol.ulf."
If von are looking for some real gooo
BRrirHins In btdCk. rnin. Fruit and
Poultry Ranches, nrrite for our special
list, or c me and see us. We will take
? Measure in giving you reliaDle iniorma-.
iou: also snowing yon nver tbe county
Talks Street Improvement.
different medicines and a gol doctor in
vain. I at last took Dr.. King s Mew Uis-
coverv. which ouicklv and quietly
cured me." Prompt relief and sure cure
r 1 1 .J - nnn .UAa. H.n,hitia
. .. . r . . - I KIT i:i HI V 1 !M. UU1UB, OUIO 1.111 vjuv, ui vy-1 ....... .j .
and nopetnat Mr. vananan. alter PnBitivei cure8 pneumonia. Guaran-
a change, may speedily regain teed at Allen & Woodward's drua store,
the business under the title of
Nolan & Son. We desire all
- success to both father and son
his health.
Like Treatment.
price 50c
and, $1 a, bottle. Trial Dottle
Notice to Creditors.
VnboA 1. vornliv arivATi th&t tho undersigned has
twtan a.nnnints1 aiitor with the will annexed of
ino-ton tellS the following; Story estate ofRnoda Taylor, deceased; AH per
lllgivu j.ia ivuwni st.vijr I goog hiving claims against said estate are hereby
required to present tbe same duly vennea as Dy
law required, to the nnaersignea vorraius, ure-
A leading newspaper of Wash-
and localizes it in Oregon:
"Down in Oregon, I; won't Um,
r nuvnth from this date.
say just where, tfcere is a settle-) Dated thjb day of MaT,isx.
Ed. : Gazette: Who should
tie more interested in the cleanli
ness of our city than the proper
ty oner ? Who sheuld take more
interest in beautifying our streets
than the people,, who live upon
them? It is not. enough simply
to remove ,the old rubbish fri m
our streets; but also to prevent its
accumulation in the future. All
of us know how very luxuriant
ly vegetation grows in our streets,
even to the very road bed itself
and with the grass, rank, ugly,
and' noxibus wseds. .
An ordinance s ys no animal
shall be staked in front of any
premises but his own, without
the permission ot said owner.
Yet, who asks such permission or
who wants to say to his neighbor,
, Tor Infants and Children. '
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
If your watch shows any irregu
larity or gives other evidence that
?Lt-i u .:t-t ;t- t,n--
have it examined . by a competent f
watchmaker. You won't hnd any
more skillful or more experienced
anywhere than right here. We clean and repair all sorts of
watches thoroughly and quickly and guarantee all our work as
well as our prices to be right. If your watch chain is beginning
to show signs of wear, or if you'd like a new chain for any rea
son, we are prepared to supply you with the best gold-filled one
made, at a moderate price. , We carry the Simmons make, the
best knowu and most strongly guaranteed chains ever sold.
E. W. S. PRATT, Jeweler and Optician.
In order to reduce our stock and'save moving, we will offer a reduction of 5 per
cent on all goods bought FOR GASH, commencing. June 5th and continuing
until removal occurs, or about June 25th. Quite frequently a merchant offers
a reduction on a special line of goods, but it is not often that a discount is given
on everything you l-y as willhe the case in this Special Removal Sale.
This does not apply to small purchases of less than $1.00. .
Remember the date, June 5th.
The Houqc-F urniahGFG.