CUSSIF1EB - AOVERlTStKlfllTS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS : Fifteen words or less, 25 cts for three successive insertions, or 50 eta per Nopth; terall op to and including ten additional worJs. i cent a word tor eacn insertion - '. F r nil advertisements over 25 words, 1 ct per w.r3 for the first insertion, and J -t per word for each additional inser tion. Nothing inserted for lees than 25 centa. Lodge, ..society and church notices, other than Blrictlv news matter, will .be charged 'or. . FOR SALE CHEAP ONE JERSEY COW,WOETH 50, will take $35 if sold within two "Weeks : one set beavv breeching work harness, corrmlete. take 125 : one anvil, drill and vise combined, $8; one solid niece linoleum 12x13 feet. 10. Reason for selling, coins; to Idaho. 0. H Barnell, 909 Jackson St., between 8 and 9. Corvallis. Oi. 44-46 ONE WOODSAW AND JACK,- $25; two good farm wagons, $25 two good ' covered hacks, $35 and $50 ; new bue- pvnndnew harness. 165. ' Every kind farm implements on hand. It don't matter what von ' want come to the Emnlovment Office and save money. H. M. Stone. 44-52 FOR SALE 400 CORDS MAPLE AND 1 . n 1 0 EA ...... nnrA At- livarad latter cart of August. Leave orders at Abbott's feed barn. Norwood Trading Co.. Brace. Or. 42-68 PORT) WOOD FOR 8ALF CALL UP No 1 phone, P. A. Kline line. P.A.Klinb 42rf. "STORIES OF OLD OREGON," BY t. A Urnnnnnn. Will Ko frill flfi All aaln l J. F. Allen's. Corvallis. Or. ' - ' 41 tf. CAMERAS. KODAKS. KODAK STJP- nlies. a eood dark room in the store, a' , Graham & Wells. . 40tf PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, GLAS8, Brushes, fuil stock of all painters' ?up plies, at Graham & Wei's. 40tt ONE GOOD WORK MARE. GENTLE vBoioVit ahnnf. 1 2Rfl. For further car- ticulars inquire ot Thos. Bonlden or at . Gazette office. - ' 36tf .NEW TIRES PUT ON BABY BUG gits and go-carts, at Dilley & Arnold's. WANXjDL V. -rf HWHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR all kinds of Poultry also dressed Pork. Smith Boulden, Corvallis, Oregon, oert to (amttb offloe. ' ' WASTE 0 500 SUBSCRIBERS TO THE Gazette and Weekly Oregbnian at $2.65 per year. . ;" ' BANKING. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF Corvallis, Oregon, does a general, con servative banking business. Id guarded safely its customers' banking bosiness through, the panics of the last two decades, which merits proper consider ation. It affords banking privileges at home and abroad, first-class, not ex celled bv anv institution in the United States. The members of the Board of Directors were born and raised in Ben ton County, except one, and that mem ber bae esided in the county forty-six vears. The business history of each is as an open book before the people of the connty. Loans to customers solicit ed, properly secured. 40tf . DENTISTS E. H. TAYLOR, less extraction. Opp. Post Offi.. DENTIST. PAIN In Zierolf building Uorvallia. Oregm." 6TAGE LINE. PHILOMATH AND ALSEA STAGE Stage leaves Alsea 6:30 a. m.; arrive t Pbilemath at 12 m ; leaves Philo math 1 p. m., arrives at Alsea 6:30 p. m. All persons wishing to go or return from Alsea and points -west can be accomodated at any time. Fare to Aliea $1.0 J Round trip same day $2.00. M. B. KICKABD. WOODSAWING. NEW GASOLINE WOODSAW ALL orders eiven prompt attention; short notice orders solicited. Good work, as cheaD as anybody. W. R. Hasselu Ind. phone 835. 44tf. WOOD SAWING ALL CALLS nromntlv and satisfactorily attended Living prices and good work. Gaso lene eneine. See W. E. Boddy, Ind, phone 351. ' ' K7tt Hortiulttirlat''WatrPrcUc .?- Forced Culture. . i , MARBLE SHOPS; WM. STAIGER A F. VANHOOSEN. Third door north of Hotel Corvallis. ' . ' -' ,C . 32tf ALL LATE POPULAR SHEET MU sic. Guitars, Mandolins, vionns, ac cordeons, Harmonicas, Musical Goods, coi rect prices. Call and see them At Graham & Wells, Corvallis, Or. . 40tf FOUNDRY. FOR SALE TWELVE YOUNG SHORT horn milch cows, bred from milk strains on both sides; one short-horn bull ; one Jersey bull ; registered Poland China hogs, male and female. Address M. S. Woodcock, Corvallis, Ore.. 23tf WE ARE HERE TO DO ALL KINDS of machine work on short notice and most reasonable prices; casting, repair ing, building and rebuilding engines, and various machinery sundries. Franklin Iron Works Co. . , : . . . -. 41-50 MEDICAL. PURE FRESH DRUGS AND MEDI cines, some bought direct from the fac tory ; Perfumery, Rubber Goodp, Combs, Brushes, Stationery, Books, School Snoolies. Druggists' Sundries, ever thing found in a first-clflss drng store, at Graham & Wells. Corvallis, Oregon. 40tf-J ATTORNEYS W. E. Yates. Bert Yatep. YATES & YATES,; ; 5 i Law, Abstracting and Insurance Both Phones. ' " Corvallis, Oregon, E. R. BR YSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Office in Post Office Buildjng, Coival- as, Oregon. J. F. YATES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office First National Bank Bnildincr, Only. set of abstracts in Bentoi County JOSEPH H. WILSON?' ATTORNEY- at-Law. Notary, Titles, Conveyanc ing. Practice in all State and federal firtn-. , Office in Bnrnett Building. HOTELS. OCCIDENTAL HOTEL, CORVALLIS . Oregon. Good, clean cookiog; clean beds, and rooms well ventilated , first, class service : splendid facilities to ac commodate the public. Across the street from First National Bank. 23tf LAND AGENTS. AUCTIONEER A KLINE, LIVE STOCK AUCTION eer, Corvallis, Or. P. A; Klin Line, Phone No. 1. P. O. address. Box 11. Pavs highest prices for all kinds of live stock. Twenty years' experience, Satisfaction guaranteed. ' PHYSICIANS 8. A. OATHEY,' M. D., PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Rooms. 14, Bank Build up. Office Hours: 10 to 12 a, n , 2 to I p. m. Residence : cor. 5th and Ad ams Sts. Telephone at office and res idence. ' ' X;; Corvallis. Oregen. U a. XMS.WTH. M. U., ftllBUJIAJJl and Surgeon, Office ant Residence, on Main street, Philomath, Oregon, .; -. . MISCELLANY. Get your pchoaf books-and school supplies at Graharri & Wells. . Horticulturists create .almost at, will flowers of, varied colors by practicing .forced culture, artifi cial selection and hybridization, in this way obtaining a very .ex tended scale of colors, "says Cos mos. , Still,, in any case, the color of the flower, although it is pos sible to give birth to millions of varieties, j- can only be modified within certain limits. With ref erence to this fact the,, colors of flowers havfe been J divided , into two great categories, the xanthic series yellow, yellowish, green, orange red -andthe cyanic series, blue, indigo, violet. Never has a flower of the first series ; passed into, the second, nor has, the 're verse, taken place; never has a gardener, no matter how clever he may be, been able to obtain blue roses. ' ' '?Xv;r? -iZ '-i' ' The florists however,Ji obtain this color.' The method of the .flor ists is that classic one which" ha been long employed oh the case ol Hplets, f or '.exji'mplevmakiiig"then green with "ammdnia, white With vapors of sulphur jc acid, etc.- , In this case, howeverlt is the color: ing matt er. of the flower, itsell which is-mpdified,, although in the oroJuctioh- .pf -green ;. carnations ."hie;' method adapted is that of arti icially , introducing coloring mat er into the. tissues o-I the plant he" coloring matter then being in corpora ted into the petals, -y 5 " When the first green carnations ippeared in Paris the city was ;eized with astonishment, and nany persons willingly-paid as nuch as two francs apiece for the owers. ; The municipal 'authori ies instituted ah investigatior ad soon discovered how the flow--S were colored. It appeared lat a young girl accidentallj ored into the water of a vase anjtaining white carnations col ring matter with which she was ainting a rose leaf green. What .as her astonishment to see tht arnations ,lose their, white color jid assume a beautiful green tint . toiji this to the regular manufac ture of the flowers was only a step All plants,, however, do not lencv liemselves in an equal manner tc tese vagaries. The carnation jacinth, orange flower, gvl ower, iris, chrysanthemum and iimellia are the most easily col led, and in this respect it is amus . ng to experiment svith the man, pes that can be obtained. ."It is T - .- , i!y necessary to prepare a color ng solution, then cut the stem ol lie. flower a-nd place it in the solu ion. ',The- :plant draws up the ya fr.nd little by .little : the coloring natter, is distributed throughput the- fijant's tissues. A commor "jll v flower placed in a solution ol llglit preen analine dye is cuiikl transformed, at the end of 2(1 min ntes te white parts being blue, the. yellows green and the reds vio t. Many other effects may bf produced in the same way. i ?Vi,'-:" '1,1 ' "' ;L" ' ; ' '." f A HALF-POUND OF SLEEP. CARVEPTDlAQiNQS AAD. MoTtB,.et Hoyeltlea Enmrtd on Preclous Stone--Pa:ria Jeweler "tA r loremost in 'Art. Diamonds can be engraved in a very artistic manner. This devel opment of the diamond-cutting art, brings into existence a new class of jewelry, for which a con-. siderable demand is expected, de clares the New York Herald. It was long, believed that the dia mond could not be engraved with safe, or satisfactory results. A few stones roughly engraved were found in India, and a diamond was exhibited !at the Paris exposition in 1878 on which a portrait of the king of Holland, was . scratched. But the work was imperfect and the. stones 'were rather depplished than engraved. , i Some of the finest specimens of engraving on diamonds are the work of M. Bordinet, a- Paris jew eler! One is., a ; scarf pin .repre senting -a yataghan,, of . which the blade is a slender diamond and the handle a ruby Another is a large, circular stone on which a pans"y withlits foliage is rengraved.;,. In another case the design; is a knife made with two diamonds.4 An elaborate' piece ot work is. a bicy cle pf which the wheels are two cir cular diamonds.. -The spokes are represented by lines' engraved on the diamonds., A small hole' is pierced at each axle. Another dia mond is carved like a fish. A hand some brooch is a scarabaeus, sur rounded by sapphires and bril liants., most remarKabie is a ring made of one diamond, the interior surface being polished and the ex terior , elaborately engraved Other examples are brooches, rep resenting flies, of which the wings are thin engraved diamonds, and two diamonds engraved with ar morial . bearings, the imperial arms of Russia being used in one instance on shirt and cuff buttons. Formerly it was only possible to produce the polish on flat surfaces, but M. Bordinet has been able to do this on concave portions, as on the body and tail of a fish and the interior of the ring. His tools produce not only straight lines, as in the wheel, the racquet and the flies' wings, but a free modeling. as in the pansy; the Russian arms and the scarabaeus. He has in vented these tools himself and in tends that his son alone shall have the use of them. They are exceed ingly delicate and difficult to handle. He.; has spent 35 years bringing them to perfection. It is comparatively .few years since it was possible to pierce holes in diamonds. , This feat made possi ble the placing of diamonds on a stHng, alternating with pearls. This work , now is done generally in diamond-catting establish ments." ? ". " ' '" " ' TKe Kind. Tpu Have Always "BongM, and which, lias beeai in use for ovet 30 years, nas borne the sisnatare at - and has been made under his ner- vZJt-$AS sonal supervision since its infancy. '. , All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-gxod'are but ' Experiments that trifle with, and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTpRIA Castprla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and .Soothing Syrups." It is Pleasant, It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverisbness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation, and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORlA AAT Bears the Signature of TKe M You W Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THC CIWT.UR COMMUIT. TT MURRAY STRICT. VtH CrTV. Corvallis Rates ) to Lewis and Clark Fair 1 1 lOver Southern Pacific Railroads. $3.50 Individual Tickets.' RATE One and one-third fare for the round trio. SALE DATES.. Dailv from Mav 29th to Oct. 15th. 1905. LIMIT. . ..... .Thirty ds. but not later than Oct. 31, 1905, IParties otiTen or More. For parties of ten or more from one point, (must travel together on one ticket both ways), party tickets will be sold as follows: RATE One fare for the round trip. SALE DATES . . Daily from May 29th to Oct. 15th, 1905. S2.60 LIMIT........ Ten days. S Organized Parties of 100 or More. For organized parties of one hundred or more ! moving on one day from one place, individual tickets v? ill be sold as follows: RATE.. .-. .. ..One fare for the round trip. SALE DATES. . Daily from May 29th to Oct. 15th, 1905- q2.60 LIMIT. Ten Days. ( Stopovers. No stopovers will be allowed on any of the above tickets: they must be used for continuous passage in each direction. For further information call on J. E. FARMER, W. E COM AN, - Agent, Corvallis. Gen'IPas. Agt., Portlgnd. NERVE OF YANKEE CAPTAIN Old Sw Dogs Frightened, by.. Amount t Sail Carried, But Skipper ets It Standi Y?HEN IT COMES TO BUYING laads. new-comers in thia county will . make ne mistabe in consulting Jamee Lewis. Mr. Lewis has been in Benton for 30 prp and not only Known the connty bnithe entire valley. Hp-, ha bpen actively engaged in celling and bnvint! live stock and real extnte nil ot thia . time and naturally his judg ment is sound. He knows soils and : values. His knowledge is worth money to anybody desiring correct and sincere information. . 25-77 H. M. STONE, REAL ESTATE AND Intelligence office Alter -42 years in Beaton aud Linn counties, I feel justi fied in coming before the home-saekers ' of Oregon, and feel that I am com - petent to locate all such as wish to buy homes here, with judgment and competency. For 27 years I was a bridge buCder in Benton, Lane. Folk, - Yamhill and Linn counties. - I have " nmDertv in the above aamed counties to. sell, and am thoroughly conversant with the same, r I - ask no exclusive right of sale and unless property is sold by me I ask no pay. Parties wishing to employ help or if looking for a rjoaition, will find it a conven ience to ' phone w call at the office; Kindness and courtesy extended to alL ' Offi-gdiitERMahiiBet'iOorVftllis. ELASTIC PULP 1 PLASTER. NO SAND. NO LIKE. Fife Proof Water Proof WILL NOT FALL OFF CRACK CRUMBLE Just the Thing for -.Hop-Dri ers. Write for Catalogue. Pacific Pulp Plaster Co. PHONE MAIN 2362 517-521, Chamber of Commerce, PORTLAND, OREGON. R. M. WADE CO., Agts., Corvallis To Bdee Weight a Tat Kan Curtails His Slumber Inrtsad of -s . Pood. ' ' ' Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, ad ministratrix of the estate of James M Wilkinson, deceased, has filed in the County Court of Benton County, State of .Oregon, her Final Account as such administratrix, and. that Monday, the 5th day of Jane, 1905, at the hour of two o'clock P. M . has 4een fixed liy saict. Court as a time for hearing-of objections to said report and the settlement thereof. Dated April 21, 1906. v i e "r -v Sarah A. Wilkinson. Administratrix of the Estate of .-: "I'll allow myself a half-pounu of sleep .r to night a-, full half onnd for Fin'doe tired," said a :( ian, according to the Louia- s illo ('ourier-JourAal. f . "A half-pound of sleep? What !o yoy mean by that?'V- ; "Well, !"!! explain. ! am taking, vou must- know,- the sleepcure for corpulence. To reduce my weight i. cm' curtailing mv sleep instead f in v 'ood. An old herb doctor u OsIikosh ad vied me to try the MiMMnciu-c, finu'i n:;v' Deen it. u t.ii.l on, for six months now. I have lost eight pounds in thai s im: j "What I do is to sleep only six ou i s u nilit instead of eight. It o. cry ha-rd at fu st to get tip at ve iiis: . of seven o'clock everv - . . .. ... ?: lyrnin-,.. but I got accustomed to : .ia gradually my weight went' cwn.v ' i ' , " - . "Hut just as sure as I go back pr a single night to my old al- iiriice'of eigl't, hours up ' my jwrhf jT;8 a a.ilf-pound. That at thf i :(, yo:i see, ot a quarter i a o an hour. " 1 I ."'..eep now, six hours a night, tid, though my health is perfect, Take The In parallel 57 degrees, in the dog-watch four to six p. m., wher the chief officer came on deck to re lieve the second officer, he swif tlj casf uis ev? 4oT rr-d tiie i.orizon lr te dl:oction of the wind, then a1 (he struggling canvas, and partic ularly at the main topgallant sail which threatened every minute tc blow away, says Frank J. Mather in Atlantic. As nautical etiouettc forbids the officer in charge to al ter canvas when the ptain on deck without his command oi consent, the chief officer, aftei hi hurried survey, said: "Capt Mather, that main topgallant sai is laboring very hard." . "It drawing well-r-let it stand. Mr Hirtlett." was the replv. - At sis 'jVlock, when the second officer turn relieved the first, he als srave a rapid glance about, anc said: "Capt. Mather, that mail topgallant sail is strugjr'i hard." "It holds a good full, lei it'stand, Mr. McFarland," was tht reply. Even the old sea dost among the crew begged the pettj officers to send them up to take ir. sail, while it was held safe to dc so. As the helmsman turned his wheel, every turn of a spoke woult. make the ship jump in the watei like, a frightened bird.'. Men wert stationed at every belaying' pin. holding halyards and clew lines by a single turn "under and over,r ready-to let go and qlew up, at signal. , We were making a recorc ir gence oi storm was anticipatea Later in the evening the captair could iot ielp asking if the crew. still thought that he had married the owner's daughter. , Capt Mather illustrated, then, as al ways, a quality of mind usually ex hibited by those who succeed it most any direction an extreme daring and extreme caution run ning parallel. - , Gazette Bell jhone N- 841. , Foley's KMney Cur makes ksaoey '.kighv Notice to Creditors. Not.ce is hereby jrieo that the undenusiir-d has been appointed executor with the wdl annexed of -the estite of Khoda laylor. deeeased. . All per mhis havins; . claims ajrainst said estate are hereby -required to present . thK vame dulr renfaed by law required, to- the umlrlunfl at. Corvallis, Ort gou within.six months from ihn date. .' i Walter K. Taylor, xecuior Dated this 5th day of Mar, M. - ... - A Creeping Death. lVoI pninn pp nrt toivards tno heart, cansinu' Ueatti. J. E. Stcnrus, Belle Plaine, Minn., -writes that a ftiend dreadfully iujured his band, which' 8pllpd up like blond poisoning. Buck-leu'- Arnica Salve drew out the poison,, healed the wound, and saved his life Best in. the world for burns and sores. 25c at Allen A Woouward'b drug store. : wir..t ia alowlv" npscertriinc. ..jxw, ,jt,t o'nuhencvej.asisUe-l Mrtage, and sail was to.bearriec h Jt- Mse td.dayll VfWVetf anW J lM lastnute, tte utmothd - Gazette for all theliiw 'mvVtf '.i? pfihfKou1 ship 'could: bear,' wnfle every Hi 1 . . ... Eaking Powder With Royal Baking Powder there is no mixing with; the hands, no sweat of the brow. Perfect cleanliness, greatest facility, sweet, clean, healthful food. Royal Baker and Pastry Cook Fpll instructions in the " book,-; for ;making: .all r tanas; ot bread, bispjii rJ ana caice, - with, 1 iRoyal Baking j;JPowdeV. h Otitis U to knf ' address OVAL BAKIN9 fOWOEIt 9t 1S WILUAM T-NEW VOpK. . , . .. .... , -r t. i -r i v.. J. ..vJ.-:- ,r ,:tv.;i;;:. ..'.ft. i .-t -