IHE WLUS GAZETTE Published Tuesdays and Fridays by Gazette Publishing Company. The snhgc.riptlou price of the Gazettb tor several years has been, and remains, J per ananm, or 25 per cent discount if p.:il in advamre. THE NEXT CONSIDERATION. COZAD'S GREAT SHOW. Wonderful Aggregation of Dogs, ' Ponies, Monkeys and Goats to Exhibit Here Soon. That the bluff recently made bv Germany in the matter of tariffs will occupy a prominent place among the various items that will come before the next congress' goes without saying. Without we miss our guess the two all-absorbing topics will be Germany's attitude toward . the United states as regards a sched ule of export and import, duties and the matter of railway rate regulation. The cry that has been raised during the past for tariff revision has to some extent died out. That there may have been a few minor discrepancies in the sched ule under the Dingly tariff law, may not be denied. But in this connection it may be stated that these discrepancies relate mainly to localities, not the country as a whole. The talk, threat, or bluff of Germany to force us to upset our schedule has caused revisionists to loose ground, and the "stand patters" have the best of it at present. It is noticeable that in the schedule Germany, proposes to force upon us the articles nec essary to her own welfare are placed on tne iree list, while on products of her own growth or -manufactureshehas placedatariff -on it so high that this country, or any other, could not pay it. And this is the sort of recipro cal proposition that she is trying to club us into ratifying. Well, well!- It is patent on the face of it that those items on Germany's : free list that she has submitted to this country are products that her people must have. They are necessary for the maintenance of that people. On the other hand, there is not one thing that we purchase of Germany that is a matter of life and death with us. Moreover, if there should be certain items that were neces sities with us, things we have been depending upon Germany in the past to provide, and she should refuse "to do this in the future, we will do for ourselves, will manufacture these articles at home and,be the better for so doing. - Let our Teutonic cousins snaKe their tariff club until they are weary, but do not budge an inch is the way out - of the matter, We produce much that is vitally necessary to the Germany people, while not one thing does she send us that we cannot very well do without., '- , , Do not revise the tariff for any . people aside from our own is the policy to pursue. . We must look out for ourselves, our own peo ple. During, President Roose- velt's western trip, in the speeches , he made at various places, he made no allusions to tariff revis ion. And he had been charged with having a leaning in that di rection. But at present there seems, on account of Germany's recent at titude, great need for "standing pat" on the Dingley tariff law as it is, allowing "revision" to scream itself to death. Then, too, the matter of railway regu lation is of great importance of greatest importance. This is a matter that President Roqse veltdoes not loose sight of for an instant. But can he do any thing? ' Can he win in what he . has undertaken? If win he will have "started the Several years have now passed since a complete Dog and Pony Circus has exhibited in this state. Since the Norris and Rowe Shows have been turned into a large cir cus organization, we have had no entertainment of this kind, how ever, the pjcsent season will mark a change, for the field has been entered by Cozad's California Dog, Poney, Monkey and Goat Circus. The showwill be giveia on a large scale as the aggrega tion travels in , its own special train and carries immense water proof circus tents, reserved seats etc., and evervcare will be. taken ol the large number of ladies and children who are always in vested in an entertainment of this nature. A special feature is the arrangement by the manage ment to allow the little folks to ride the ponies free of charge af ter the exhibition is over. An entertainment devoted exclusive ly to canines, equines and simians has always proven extremely pop ular and a source of unlimited pleasure to all classes of amuse ment lovers and no better illus tration of what kindness, gentle ness, patience and love can ac complish with miniature brutes could be shown than in the way the does, ponies, monkeys, and goats of the Cozad show express their delight and appreciation of the fun they are enjoying when going through their stunts. There will be pony drills, May-pole dance by children on pretty pranc ing Shetlands, high jumping, hurdleracing, hippodrome contests of speed by the little ponies, in numerable tricks by well trained dogs and absurdly laughable an tics by grotesque monkeys. Pop ular prices will prevail during the engagement of Cozad's show here. , Tli RlGkMt MHta the WrM. The richest man in the world can aot have bis kidneys replaced nor lire with out them, bo it os mi iiBt not to neglect I these organs. It r oipv's Kidney (Jure is taken at the first sign of danger, the symptoms will disappear and your health will be restored, as it strengthens and builds np these organs as nothing else will. Oscar Bowman. Lebanon, Kv. writes: ''I have used Foley's Kidney Core and take great pleasure, in stating it cured me permanently of kidney diapasp. wh'n-h certainlv would have cost me inv life." For sale by Graham & Wortbara. Clubbing Price! Cleared for Action. When the body is cleared for notion, by Dr. King's New Life .Fills, you can tell it bv the bloom of health on the cheeks ; the brightness of the eyes ; the firmness of the flesh and muscles; the buovancv of the mind. Try tbem. At Alien & Woodward's drug store. 25 cents. We Fit Glasses The Gazette has made a special arrangement with the publishers of a number of the leading magazines ani newspapers the Unit ed States, whereby we are offered cut .rates Ton these pibli nations. SPRQPERLY, ACCURATELY, and SCIENTIFICALLY To all Defects of Sight. Now we could charge you the full price for these and re serve the difference between Room 12, Bank Building. A Large Drove. MATTHEWS, The Optician the fr price rand their special price p;o us, as ;our commission, but as the JGa zette is a home paper for home people, it will be sat isfied by receiving: you as a new subscriber, or, if you are now a subscriber, then by receiving your renewal for a year in advance. This special rate may not last long, so take advantage of it NOW .while the chance is yours. A heard of about 900 head of and 2-year old cattle left this city, Tuesday, for North Yakima, Wash. Milt Barnett and Sam Ferguson gathered the herd to gether for "Pleas" Bounds, a well-known stock buyer. Messrs. Barnett and Ferguson started gathering in the vicinity ot Monroe and Junction City and came to this city with about - 600 head last Monday. A gentleman by the name of Cogswell reached here the same evening with about 200 head that had been gathered in lyinn countv. Will'ain liel- latly also brought quite a number here at the same time that had been gathered to the west of Cor His. . All wld-' about 900 left here Tuesday morning to be driven on the West Side to Portland. It was calcu'ated that about 100 head could be gathered between Corvallis and Portland making altogether 1,000 head. At Port land Mr. Bounds is to meet the party and on his acceptance the stock will be turned over to him. From Portland the animals are fo be shipped by rail to North Yakima. CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You: Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of . f N M. A. GOODNOUGH i MANUFACTURER'S AGENT FOR THE: !NEEDHAM""" PIANOS ORGANS CORVALLIS, OREGON. If you want a first class instrument at the lowest price for which it can be sold, consult ms. We never sell our pianos and organs below cost, but we do sell a great many for a slight mar gin above- cost. An0V You VY the same that your neighbor does. Sam ples of our goods may be seen by call ing at the office and residence, Fourth street, 2nd door north of ceurt house. Citation. In the County Court of the State of Oregon tor the County ot Bentoa In the matter ol the estate) . William Kriens,- deceased J Tn Annie Carneete and Carl Kriens. heirs at law of William Kriens. deceased. GRBErpwi IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OKfcJLiON, you are hereby cited and required to appeal in tl-e couuty fjourt 01 tne scate 01 uregun xur iue cuuu tv of Benton. at the Court Boom thereof at Co.- allie, Oregon, in the County of Benton on Tues day the Sth day o June A. D. 1905, at 16 o'clock in the f nrennom of said dav then and there to show cause if any exist why au order of sale should not oe suae as. prayea lor m bua ircbuuK'u ui w Yates administrator of said estate of William Kriens, deceased, of the following described real property to-wit: ine uof in. nan oj tne iraut ui utuu uraunueu as follows: Beginning at the S. . corner of D. Li. u. of C. P. Blair. Claim No. 57. Sections 25.26.35. and 36 T. 12 S. R.6 West. WS1. J4er, mence mn norm 43 cnains to tae pi. jl. vomer of said claim, thence West alone North bound ary line of said claim 18.60 chains, thence outn 43.UU csauia to Douiiurn oounoary 01 said claim, thence East 18.60 chains to nlace o beginning, containing 40.00 acres. An of the above described property being in Benton County. Oregon. You are further-notified that this citation is served upon you and each of you by publica tion thereof in the "Corvallis Gazette" news paper for four weeks under and order made bv tne rion. virgii r.. waiters, juage ox 'tne saia court bearing date April 14th, laud. Witness, the Hon. Virgil B W utters, Judge of the Countv Court ot the Stac- of ureeou for the County of Benton, with, the seal of the said county affixed thisi4tu day ot April, A. 1). 1905. Attest: Victor P. Moses, Clerk. 33-42 A Great Woman's Offer: Woman's Home Companion Frank:' Leslies Monthly Modern Prlseilia and Corvallis Gazette All five ons year $3 G5 Will Interest the - Notice. . Notice is hereby given lhat under and by virtue of a warrant and order of sale Issued by the Police Judge of the City of Corvallis, (.Oregon, and bear ing the corporate seal of said City of Corvallis, bearing date tne n day oz April, iu:, upon a uen which was duly entered in trie docket of City liens of said City ot Corvallis on tin 24th dav of Septem ber. 1904, upon the property hereinafter described under and in compliance with Ordinance No. 147, passed by the Common Council of said City of Corvallis, Oregon, in favor of said City and against Gilbert Smith, ' the owner of the -real property hereinafter described, which warrant was issued upon an order of the City Council of Corvallis, Oregon, duly made at a regular meeting thereof, which lien is for the sum of S45 18 together with interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent, per annum from the 24th day of September, 1904, until paid, besides the costs of such sale, by which said i warrant i am ordered and required to sell in the manner prescribed by law as upon real property for hf rlflf"? nof sale udrexeuutiorj, the following described reil ins WTO uvv nroDerty to-wit: - "t,-J- J it. ' T-Afc Wnirirwr Viva tK ftWIr tfnmlier tnY AM Town of Marvsville (now -Citv of Corvallis! Oresron: "Also ball rolling" will have set an j?""". S-,B..&, NTL .SIS' ffL01 to satisfy the said lien, and that under and by virtue of said warrant ana order of sale issued as aforesaid to me directed. I have levied upon the said real property, and will on the 31st day of May, 1905, at the hour of cne o'clock p. m. of said daj at the front door of the Court 'House in Corvallis, Oregon,- offer for sale at public auction to- the highest bidder for cash in hand the real property described herein, and all the interest, right, title aud estate of the Baid Gilbert Smith therein to satisfy the amount due on said lien, warrant and order of sale and all costs that have accrued thereunder together with the costs and charges of making such sale. ... , Dated this 2 day of May, 1905, ' ' W.'G. Lass, Chief of Police of the City of Corvallis, Or. HEALTH "I dont think we could Veep house without Thedford'g Black Draught. We have used it in tha family for over two years with the best ot results. I have not had a doctor in the house for that length ; of time. It is a doctor in itself and always ready to make a person well and bapoy." JAMES ttat.t Jack- eonville, IU. ' . Because this great medicine relieves stomach jxiins. frees tha constipated bowe.-s and invigor ates the torpid liver and weak ened kidneys - ' Weekly Oregonlan San Francisco , Examiner, Corvaflls Gazette j TyrE are frank to admit YV ttat 4 some clothing there is little good to bsaid. In some cases this good may be the making; in other cases, the materi als; others, of the de sign, style and charac ter effect given. Whatever it may be, if you are a progressive, man there is no garment worth men tioning to you unless it contains these combined good qualities. Our Crouse & Brandegee Nusac has them. It is all well tDPVHIGHT 1905 BY CROUSE & BRANDEGEE.UTlCA.ntWYORR. enough to tell about what the inside of a garment amounts to, but that usually tells its own story. Character which results from clothing skill is . . 4 M a tning a suit must have." We believe in tangible facts and have gone into the clothes sub ject to satis fy ourselves and you that we are right. Good clothes mean some thing to every young man. A well-dressed man demands respect and denotes self respect, both of which are important. WMslh If your watch shows any irregu larity or gives other evidence that somethino is wronsr with it. better have it examined by a competent TTTo4-rtT"inrtT7-zv Wvn ' txtym ' -finI omr 1 more skillful or more experienced anywhere than right here. We clean and repair all sorts of watches thoroughly and quickly and guarantee all our work as well as our prices to be right. If your watch chain is beginning to show signs of wear, or if you'd like a new chain for any rea son, we are prepared to supply you with the best gold-filled one made, at a moderate price. We carry the Simmons make, the best known and most strongly guaranteed chains ever sold. E. W. S. PRATT, Jeweler and Optician. All three one year $3. 53 example, and bound to have future. one, too, that is m influence in the The Baptist churuu will be clos ed on Sunday, but reopened June 4, beautifully renovated. All the usual services will be held. And ail 'Brclcoxed. i .0 P0CTR is necessary in the home where i Thedford's Black-Draught is kept. Families living in the country, miles from any physi- -cian, have been kept in health for vears with this medicine as their only doctor. Thedford'g Black -Draught cures bilious ness, dyspepsia, colds, chills and fever, bad blood, headaches, diarrhoea, constipation, colic and almost every other ailment because the stomach, bowels liver and kidneys bo nearlv oon .trol the health. ' ' THEDFORD'S LMK- Yet Another Offer: Cosmopolitan Magazine ' or Leslies, Housekeeper - B orHcCall's, Corvallis Gazette Any three one year 2. BO Addressm HARNESS FACTORY. J. E. WIIMEGAR, Proprietor. Harness, - Saddles, - Bridles, Robes, Dusters, Whips, Etc. Everything found in any shop is in our Factory at prices to suit all purses. FINE LINE of HAMMOCKS. All kinds of repair work done on up-to-the-hour style ' and prices. Satisfaction guaranteed. Opposite Mil ler's store, Corvallis, Or. Ind. Phone No. 128. Gazette Pub. Co GorvaSSis, Or em Job Printin When you pay out good money for printing, be sure and get good print ing for the money I Do not send out printed mat ter to your customers that is a disgrace to your business a disgrace to'your town and , a disgrace to theprintervrho t puts it out. , Good Work costs you no more than the bad. Good printing is correct im spelling correct in grass mar correct in punctuatioa on good stock printed with good ink and some thing that it is apleasure to look'at. your Job Work to the Gazette Office.