Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, May 26, 1905, Image 1

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Vol. XLH.
Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon, Friday, May 26, liK),"
NO. 11.
"I i
The First Citizen
on the Water
to Contribute
Editor Gazette: By the
wav of correction. lt me sav
fhat too many false conclusions
have been publicly expressed in
the paper circulating in Cor
vallis. It has been said that the
water company was obstructing
the smooth progress of the water
commission, or words to that
efftct. But I am in a position,
having been the attorney for that
company, to say this is absolute
ly wrong.
Asa matter of fact, the water
company, so far as I know, will
welcome any intelligent move
ment, whether municipal or pri
yate, to introduce a gravity sys
tem of mountain water in Cr
vallis, well knowing that its dis
tributing system in the city will
make it a matter of economy for
any water seller to own the pres
ent company's franchise and valu-
ble pipe system, r
There has been more or less
said about the inadequacy of our
pipes, but in a water system grid
ironing the town, there would be
very little of pur pipe but what
would work into the distributing
system and serve for many years.
Ana iron pipe costs money, you
f know. It is very easy for theoret
ical or impractical persons, to
make statements which the facts
might not justify in this matter.
but whenever the town is piped
as it ought to be, you will find
these same pipes here now, used
in the ss stem. I say that with-
open small creek supplies our
water. This is not the case with
a large river, where many dead
bodies might putrity without so
much as one microbe reaching
the water intake.
The smaller supply from sever
al springs, sealed up, and lead to
one main pire line, would insure
both putitv and gravity. Taking
other, older college towns for ex
ample, I do not foresee for' Cor
vallis a population beyond the
capacity of these springs, for
many years.
This letter is written without
the knowledge or connivance . of
the water company, Dr. Farra or
anyone else, and is the result of
my own personal observations,
and expresses my own views as a
citizen interested in the welfare
of my native town.
I notice a number of open
charges and covert insinuations
in papers circulating .in Corvallis
to the ehect that private opinions,
thus and so, have been expressed,
and that the make-up of the
water bill is open to criticism and
graft this, aHd graft that might
occur, and the mischief be to pay
I do not believe, nor do I think
that any other right srinded
citizen believes, that this water
commission bill was conceived or
promulgated with any other
design than to solve, if possible,
a situation which bad, become
accute in some ways, and to
enable the c:ty, if its inhabitants
so desire, to carry out their own
wishes in the matter of obtaining
a water supply. The manner of
suggesting the names of the com
out hesitation, for it is a matter of missioners, I can approve (being
economy, and i whoever under- a presbyterian where our presby
takes the matter is bound to con- ters relieve the laitv of much
Lsult economy, especially as all I vexations duty) ana small renec-
pnvate investors, except the Cor- on, indeed, is necessary to per
allis water company, have con- ceive the chaotic state of affairs
demned the long and expensive if lne persons drawing such a bill
pipe line from the mountains, as should call for voluuteer com
impractical, owing to the great missioners.. Then you might
cost and the small income. get graft in earnest;, (not that
No one, using his own money, there are any such known lo live
wants to furnish mountain water in this town). I do not believe
to Corvallis without profit. My there is a citizen in this town
personal judgment, whatever that wno would distinguish himself
amounts to. is that the owner of that wayi even ln the dark, and
a sixteen-mile pipeline irom the certainly there is no such named
mountains to Corvallis. will find on the water commission. . We
it an expensive luxury. A luxury must remember, sir, that con?
for two reasons, the first of which versations, however animated,
is that the Willamette water at toucning tne possiomty ot im-
Corvallis is as pure and healthful proper conduct, are. not to be
as any water. That is proved taken as imputing such conduct
every year in Corvallis, for the to any one. It would be a happy
reason that no case ot sickness condition could a law be framed
can be, traced to Corvallis Wil- which would exactly suit every
lamette water, and timtm- hae one.
k'b een and never will be. either. The perpetuity features of the
Thp Stat Knarrt nf tioalf-li hoc water commission bill, annear to
Ppprovedof Willamette water as nie to be only an excess of
healthful, at Corvallis. Will the caution ; a desire to insure con
Gazette or any one else venture servative business methods and
to say that this city is unhealthy management in this public mat
on account of the water furnish- ter.: It might have forwarded
ed bv the Corvallis water com-l"ie movement to nave Had some
pany, in the face of contrary facts public discussion on that poiut,
well known to the entire com- but it must, be remembered that
munity? . ' this bill was drawn within a very
A gravity system has its ad- limited time; its framers and ad
vantages, and I think every one visers had no time to call for
would like to see such a system public expressions"; and it is also
here. It might be within the to oe remembered that com
means of this community to ob-munity foresight has not yet
tain a supply through the entire proved to be as good as its back-
year, at an elevation of 180 feet, sight. And with my own per
of two hundred thousand gallons; sonal views on the net results of
and that is more than this town wis mountain water movement,
will need for a Ion? lime, from the state of wrapt adoration of
springs within five miles of town. I the mountain water fetish which
There are several springs that seems to have possessed the minds
high, within that distance, which ot many excellent and worthy
in dry season will furnish citizens, is a demonstration to
probably that amount of my vulgar mind that community
water, and for eight months ot foresight in this matter is obscur
the year a great deal more. The ed by other than reasonable con
water from these springs is siderations.
artesian, and even more pure than i To assure my readers that this
that from Rock Creek, which for is a purely personal statement,
a number of miles is subiect to and not in any way to be
All will remember Major C. B. Hardin of the
20 Inf. y who was commandant at OAC previous to
his change to the Philippines less than a year ago.
Since going to the Islands he has carried on enter
taining correspondence with John Allen, of this
city. Mr. Allen recently received a letter from the
major, who at present is stationed on the Island of
Malahi, in charge of the government prison. Ac
companing the letter was a picture of the prisons.
These prisons, contrary to what we would expect,
are ordinary thatched huts, and are surrounded
by barbed wire fences. It is necessary .to guard
them night and day. The prisoners under charge
of Major Hardin are half natives and half .white
men. Just before writing Mr. Allen the prison
ers had an entertainment among themselves, and
the major has sent the following prison-inspired
verse that was recited on this occosion in far-away
Once there was two Deutscherboys, Louie and Mike,
They wanted to see how the boys in blue "hike,",.
So they went to a recruiting office and held up their hands,
And they shipped them away from their own native land,
Out to the Philiprunes'wild Goo-Goos to fight,
And the shovels and picks, "Ach Gott," were a fright !
And the day they first landed they seen such a sight
'Twas a picture no artist can paint.
II. '
You seldom see "Bobtails" act on the stage
Just now in "Malahi" it seems all the rage;
We've studied for weeks in our ''barbed-wire cage,
Learned all this foolishness page after page;
You see us loose now, in sporty fine cloths,
' But when the show's over to the "stockade" we goes,
And the look on our faces as slam the gate goes
Is a picture no artist can paint.
Picture Jack's rock scow down in the bay,
Picture the crew as they work day by day,
Picture the sentry with a great-big gun,
Ready to shoot you the minute you run,
Picture yourself with a bullet in your head,
" Picture yourself on the ground nearly dead,
Now that is a picture to make you feel faint
That's a picture no artist can paint.
Now we've done about enough for tonight,
For we've done our very best to treat you right;
. Now this jingle may notrhyme.forourpoet's doingtime,
On an Island called "Malahi," far away.
Goodbye, Dolly, we must leave you;
How would you like to come with us, .
To the place where we are stationed, '
Every morning lots of "rocks" to bust?
When we get back to "Fisco,"
. Five dollars from our "Uncle" we will get,
And we'll go to a saloon,
And with beer our thirsts we'll wet.
Composed and sung by Merrill and Smith, Dutch Comedians.
DOG and P
Corvallis, Mond. , May 29
Grand Street Parade at Noon.
Performances Afternoon and Eveniug.
Prices: - Children 15 Cents, Adults 25 Cents.
wis and Clark Exposition.
Durinp theLewis and Clark Exposi
tion the SoHthern Pacific Company will
sell round trip tickets to Portland, limit
thirty days, at one and one-third fair for
round trip. For parties of ten or more
traveling on one ticket, one fare for the
round trip. For organized parties of one
hundred or more, individual tickets at
one fare for round tiip. Stopovers of ten
dayo will b2 given at Portland on all one
way tvskeis rea!irt(r through that point
duri ; ipo exposition. Tickets must be
dec 'A.ii -sshb Joint Asrent at Portland
and char...! of fifty cents will be made
for the extention of ti:jje. 41-45
You cannot have good health unless
your kidneys are sound, for the kidneys
filter the blood of impurities wVdch other
wise act as irritating poisons and break
down the delicate organs of the body and
cause serious trouble. If yon have kid
ney or bladder trouble and do not use
Foley's Kidney Cure, you will have only
yourself to blame f f results, ha it posi
tively cnres all forms of kidney and blad
der diseases. For ta e by Grauaui &
A Creeping Death.
Blood poison creeps up towards tne
heart, causing death. J. E. Stearns,
Belle Plaine, Minn., writes that a friend
dreadfully injured his hand, which
swelled up like blood poisoning. - Buck
len's Arnica Salve drew, out the poison,
healed the wound, and saved his life.
Best in the world for burns and sores.
25c at Allen & Woodward's drug store.
, Terrific Race With Death.
"Death was fast approaching," writes
Ralph F., Fernandez, of Tampa, Fla.,
describing his fearful race with death.
as a result of liver trouble and heart
disease, which had robbed me of sleep
and of all interest in life. I had tried
many dineient doctors and several med
icines, hnt got no benefit, until I hegan
to use JUectne Bitters. So' wonderful
was their effect that in three days I felt
life a new man, and today I am cured of
all my troubles." Guaranteed at Allen
& v oodward a drug store; price 50c.
Jugg ing With Dynamite.
Is no more dangerous than to neglect
kidnttr disorders. Foley's Kidnev Care
corrects irregularities and lias cured many
severe cae after other treatment has
failed. It builds up the worn out tissues
and restores health and vigor. "I was
troubled with kidnev complaint for about
two years," writes A. H. Davis, of Mu
Sterling. Iowa. but two bottles of
Foley'H Kidney Cure effected a perma
nent cure." For sale by Graham &
: t
Cheap Sunday Rates Between
Portland and Willamette
Valley Points.
Low rM)nd trip raleo hve been nlaiir
n effWt between Portland and Willan.-
et'e ailfv pomtH, in either direction
Ticket w ill be sold
and Inuite-t to return 011 or tit-tore th
ftVfVM?tv M'TldrtX
Kvra id ok Kom iVkv $3.00.
Gallon S'iitFerii Pa-'irii-- Co' Atceute
for particulars.
Saved by Dynamite.
Sometimes a flaming city is saved by ,
dynamiting a space that the fire can't
cross. Sometimes a cough bangs on so
long you feel as if nothing but dynamite
would cure it. Z. T. Gray, of Calhoun,
Ga., writes: "My wife had a very aggra
vated cough, which kept ber awake
nights. Two physicians could not help
her; so she toon Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption, Ccnghs and
Colda, which eased her cough, gave her
sleep, and finall' jjirjd her." t5tric;ly
scientific cure for bioachitis and La
Grippe. At Allt "1 Woodwai ' ??3C
store, price 50c ai : ;. 1 ; guarantt J , T:ial
bottle free.
.I..H 1 11 1
Heating !
Cornice, Roofing, Guttering,
and all kinds of Sheet Metal
Work. '
F. A. Hencye
In connection with J. H.
GAZETTE--Ii.depende.nt phone No
4:i3. .-. .
Pneumonia follow La Grippe
but never follows the uee of
and Tar
It ttopi the Cough and heali the lungfc
FrevenU Pneumonia and Conicmptton.
ItvO. Tasaaa, at 1ST Osgood 8k, Chlaatai
wrltaai -"Mj wife had U crtpp and it lift kM
wltk ry tad aaocb a tar ron vfalat
ataB Ham aarad
If von are looting for some real good
Bargains in Stock, Grain, Fruit and
Poultry Ranches, write for our special
list, or c 'me and see ns. We will take
pleasure in giving you reliaole informa
tion; also showing yon over the county
contamination of-dead animals, ted to the water company, or
decaying trees, foliage, etc., be- Dr. Farra, its principal owner, I
fore reaching an intake sixteen will say that I have .severed all
or eighteen miles from Corvallis; professional relations with both
and you mast remember that in be and the company,
a small mountain stream, the in- J., H. Wilson.
take will catch everv particle of , - :
contamination. That is to say, Artistic Dressmaking.
One dead CaiCaSS in Rock Creek ! Ladies wishing artistic dressmaking at
will in due time reach the rsonable prices, should call on Mrs, L,
stomachs of about two thousand 8L' Jji8 fc
people, wucn xtocs, or any oiaenphoneNo. 264. 40tf
Steamer Oregona, leaves Cor
vallis, Mondays, Wednesdays
and Fridays, for Portland and all
way points at 6 a. m v For rates,
attrib- etc, call on -
A. J. SHIRLEY, Agent.
Do Not be Imposed Upon
Foley & Co., Chicago, orininated
Honey and Tar ae a throat aDd iuhh
remedy, and on account ef the great merit
and popularity of Foley's Honey anl
Tar many imitations are offered for the
gen uine. Ask lor t oley s Money and Tar
and refuse any substitute offered as 1.0
other preparation will Rive the came satis
faction. It is mildly laxative. . It con
tains no opiates and is safest for children
and delicate persons. For sale by Gra
ham & Wortham. ,
Next week. ",' During the long vacation, yeu will want something for recreation and
amusement.- - Nothing is better than a fine Croquet Set. ; We have a large line of them.
' They are four, six and eight-ball sets. Prices are from 90 cents to $2.00. .
Hammocks I
We have a very swell line of these goods. All styles and prices. Children's Ham
mocks, Fancy Hammocks, ar,c Canvas Hammocks. . . '
New line of Carpets, Matti: s and Rugs. Tents and Camp Goods always on hand.