Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, May 23, 1905, Image 2

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Published Tuesday .and Friday by
. Gazbtte Pcb,ishisg Company.
The subscription price of the Gazettb
for several years has been, and remains,
$2 per nnnum, or 5 per cent discount if
paid in advance.
The evil born of corporations
live after them. Corporations
and corporation methods are the
acme of selfishness, of , greed, of
tyranny. A combination of great
capitalists against any man of
modest means spells "ruination"
for the latter in any busines in
which he may engage. Leading
republicans recognize this and
are becoming each day more ac
tive in their efforts to guard
against the corportion evil.
Through the efforts of Presi
dent Roosevelt . the methods of
numerous trusts and combines
are being looked into pretty close
ly. The Beef Trust has had a
period of squirming and the pres
ident's idea of railway regula
tion already has a firm hold on
4-U J J 4.1 -'i- J?
me minus u tiie um$vci,y oj. our
people. There seems some hope
of better things in the future.
If one turns to history almost
anything can be proved. To
some it" will seem that the world
is getting better, while to others
we will, by comparison with the
methods of bur forefathers, ap
pear to be hovering over the
brink of hell. ; To the individual
"'tis thinking makes it so."
Muoh ' depends on the way you
look at the matter.
ed a prohibition oratorical contest
where there were some five or
six orators in competition. Some
were optimistic and spoke in
glowing terms of the work ac--complished
by those opposed to
the drink habit, while others saw
only the darker side of the ques
- tion. To the latter there was no
help, no power to save; affairs of
government, from hearthstone to
national capitol, were sliding uv
to all the hideousness of perdi
tion. Think of it! AH in one even
ing, the same subject, too. And
yet, these people were all united
for a certain cause all firm ad
vocates of their principles. Much
depends on the point in view.
Those who are at present bewail
ing the sad condition of affairs
should take courage and hope
from the fact that the country
still possesses, honest leaders.
The examples set by such men
as Roosevelt and La Follette are
-bearing fruit each day. The good
they do will live after them. The
people will demand that those
who ' follow in the footsteps of
these men shall be of high prin
ciples, of honor unquestioned.
Tnis must not Become a gov
ernment of corporations, by the
corporations and for the corpor
ations. " The people must stand
by such' men as Roosevelt and in
this way encourage other men to
emulate their example:
Germany is now giving serious
consideration to the matter of
settling a certain annual allow
ance on the crown prince when
he enters upon the blissful
seas of matrimony. The reason
for all this consideration is that
the young man may uphold his
princely dignity.
It will be of interest to note
what the reichstag will finally
conclude the young fellow's
princely dignity is worth to Ger
many. One reason urged as a
. reason for the reichstag to act is
' that although the crown prince's
daddy enjoys an income of $4,
500,000, he, finds himself too
dignity; of .the -progeny-', which
, . nature handed him. I'Tis dis
, tressing to be so poor ! ,
I Mr. and Mre. Oscar Healy ar
"i ' rived from Portland, Friday even-
Jr fcr z eh&t visit.
Miss E. V, Taylor.
: After an i illness of some
ciflot-atda A,-rn; miLl
siderable tfuration.X Miss Eliza-,
beta V.s Taylor departed this lue j
atj ner home on Fourth - street
just north of the J. W.v Wilbanks
residence, last Saturday. She was
aged 71 years and 7 months. The
funeral services were held at - the
residence ,at 11 a. m. yesterday
and were' conducted by Rev.
Green. - Interment was made in
Odd Fellows' cemetery.
Mis sTaylor was born in Colum
bus, Miss.,- and came to Corval
lis in 1869. , She resided here
continuously -ever since her ai
rival nearly 40 years years ago.
She made many friends and was
lovingly known as "Aunt Tess"
by her numerous: acquaintances.
Deceased was the younger sis
ter of B. T. Taylor, and Mrs. T.
P. Worley ; both of the latter an
several years deseased. Miss Tay
lor came to Corvallis in company
with Mr. and Mrs. Worley from
Mississippi.- Dr. E. H. Taylor
and James' C. Taylor, both of this
city, are nephews of the deceased
"Aunt less" is gone
no more, ana ner ae
mise marks the passing of a gen
tlewoman, another of our most
respected citizens.
O. A. C. Water Problem.
After three days of steady
pumping on the recently drilled
wells at OAC the flow of water
greatly decreased. Just what the
reason was for the falling off of
the flow is a matter of conjecture.
It is thought most prcbable that
the pipe became clogged with
sediment and with this idea in
view those in charge of the work
out there will again put the drills
down with a view to cleaning
away the obstruction.
They teel very certain of the
supply -of water there and calcu
late to drive another well, argu
ing that they can pump on first
one and then the ether a day or
two each and with the assistance
of the old well have all the wa
ter desired. The matter is to be
thoroughly investigated now that
it has been taken up. The weather
during the past day or two has
been so wet that pumping out in
the open was an impossibility as
the belts on the engine persisted.
in stretching and slipping. .
Bridge Closed.
Our people had better make
certain of the condition of the
steel bridge at Albany before they
drive down there with the expec
tation of crossing. The follow
ing from Sunday's Herald will
explain why:
The steel bridge across the
Willamette, work on which has
been under way for some time,
will soon be completed. Tomor
row and Tuesday the bridge will
be closed owing to the fact that
the force now at work on the
structure will begin the work of
laying the stringers and flooring
of the Benton county approach
where the same runs from the
main span to tlietwin approaches
on the Benton county end. As
soon as this is done, which will
be in about two days the bridge
will be open to travel, and will
not again be' closed The new
approach will, be ready in a short
time and as soon as Benton coun
ty authorities open the new roads
leading to the end of the bridge
as contemplated, travel over the
new structure will commence.
The repairs of the bridge have
cost this county a neat sum, but
the woik was done in a thorough
manner and the indications are
that in a few years the saving n
repairs will make up for the cost
of time. The steel bridge and
its approaches are now in better
condition than ever in the history
of the structure. -
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Notice of Filial Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, ad
ministratrix of the estate of James M Wilkinson,
deceased, has filed in the County Court of Benton
County, State of Oregon, . her Final Account as
such administratrix, and that Monday, the 6th day
of Jane, 1905, at the hour of two o'clock P. M. has
been fixed hy said Court as a time for hearing of
objections to said report and the settlement thereof.
Dated April 21, 1905.
. - . - - Surah A. Wilkinson,"
Administratrix, of the-Kstate of
JL ii. Vi"iijfcillUiltu.Otll.
Tit Richest Man U th ;)
The ricbMt man in the , world -caa-not
hYe'M kidnieta repeM nor live wttbfc
outtnem, so it is im ortant not to regiect
the8e orBan8. n Folevs Kidney Care is
taken at the first siitn: of danger,-: the
symptoms will disappear and your health
will be restored, as it strengtHens and.
bnilds np these organs as nothing else:
will. Oscar Bowman, iJehanon, Ky.,
writes : "I bave used Foley's Kidney
Care and take great pleasure in stating
it cnred me permanently of kidney
dieasn. which rnrtainly would bave cost
me .ny lile." For' sale -by Graham &
Cleared for Action.
When the body is cleared for action,
by Dr. Kina's New Life Pills, ,yon can
tell it by the bloom of health on the
cheeks; the brightness of the eyes; the
firmness of the flesh and muscles; the
buovancy of the mind. Try them. At
Ailen & Woodward's drug store. 25 cents.
We Fit Glasses
To all Defects of Sight.
MATTHEWS, The Jsweler
RoomJ12, Bank Building.
If you want a first class instrument
at the lowest price for which it can be
Sold, consult ks. We never sell our
pianos and organs below cost, but we
do sell a great many for a-slight mar
gin above cost. Arid you pay the
same that your neighbor does. Sam
ples of our goods may be seen by call
ing at the office and residence. Fourth
street, 2nd door north of eeurt house.'
In the County Court of the State of Oregon for
the County of Ben ton
In the matter oi the estate
of t
William Kriens, deceased
To Annie Carneeie. and Carl Kriens. heirs at
law of William Kriens. deceased GREETING:
you are hereby cited and required to appeal iu the
County Court of the State of Oregon for the coun
ty of Benton at the Court Room thereof at Cor
vaius, Oregon, in tne county oi Beaton on lues
day the 6th day of June A..T. 190.1, at Id o'clock in
tne torenoon 01 saia aay men. aaiu were to snow
cause if any exist why ftii order of sale should not
be made as prayed for in the petition of W. R.
Yates administrator of said estate of William,
Kriens, deceased, of the following described real
property to-wit:
as fellows: Beginning at the S. . corner ofi
lae norm nan ox tse iirsiei, 01 ina aesunoeu
25.26. So and 36 T. 12 S-. K. & west, n ull. Mer
thence mn North 43 chains to, the N. E.' corner
of said claim, thenc West alone North bouud-
arv line of Raid claim lii.H) chains, tneuue
South 43.00 chains to Southern boundary of.
said claim, thence East chains to place-ot
Beginning, containing 4U.ut acres. Ail oi ine
above described property being iu Benton
County, Oregon.
You are further notified that this citation
served upon yon and each of you by publk; ac
tion thereof in the "Corvallis Gazette" news
naDer for four weeks under and order made by
the Hon. Virgil E. Witters, judge of the said
court bearing date April 14th, 1905.
Witness, the Hon. VirEil B. Watters,. Judge
6f the County Court oi th) State oi Oregon
for the County of Benton, with the seal oi the
said county affixed thisl4th day of Aprils A. D.
Attest: Victor P. Sloses,
33-12 . . -
"I dont think we oould keep
bouse without Thedford's Black
Draught. We hare used it in the
family for over two years with the
best of results. I have not bad
doctor in the house for that length
of time. It is a doctor ia itself and
always ready to make a person well
and hapoy." JAMBS Jack
sonville", IU.
Because this great medicine
relieves stomach rains, frees the
-constipated buvrtis and invigor
. . ates the torpM liver and weak
ened kidneys
lib Doctor!
, is necessary in the home where?
Thedford's Black-Draught is
kept. Families living in the
country, miles from any physi-f '
cian, have been kept in health :
for years with this medicine as
their only doctor. Thedford's
Black -Draught cures .bilious-
ness, dyspepsia, colds, chills and
fever, bad blood, headaches, i
- diarrhoea, constipation, colio
and almost every other ailment ft
because the stomach, bowels
liver and kidneys so nearly con-
trol the health. ' I
The Gazette has made a
special ' arrangement with
the publishers of a number
of the leading magazines
and newspaperslof the Unit
ed States, whereby we are
offered cut rates on these
Now we could charge you the
full price for these and re
serve the difference between
the regular price and their
special price to us, as our
commission, but as the Ga
zette is a home' paper 'for
home people, it will Sbe sat
isfied by receiving you as a
new subscriber, or, if you
are now a subscriber, then
by receiving your renewal
for a year in advance. This
special rate may not last
long, so take advantage of it
NOW while the chance is
yours. :-;
A Great
Woman's Home Companion
Frank" Leslie's Monthly
Modern Prlsditafatid
Corvallis Gazette
All five
one year
Interest the
Weekly Oregonlan
San Francisco Examiacr
Corvallis Gazette
All three
one year
Cosmopolitan Magazine
. or Leslies, ,'
' or McCall's, -
Corvallis Gazette
Any three
one year
Gazette Pub. Go
Ccrvsllss, On
TYE are frank to admit
W that of some clothing
' - there is little good to
be said. In some cases this
good may be the making; in
other cases,
the materi
als; others,
of the de
sign, style
and charac
ter effect
it may be, if
you are a
man there is
no garment
worth men
tioning to
you unless
it contains these combined
good qualities. " Our
Grouse & Brandegee
Nusac has them. It is all well
jSCiV JV JW rVaT m I IMl afffT-liy
POnraTn If yur watch shows any irregu-
jftJI fl VLmfUU laritv or gives other evidence that
anywhere than right here. We clean and repair all sorts of
watches thoroughly and . quickly and guarantee all our work as
well as our prices to be right. If your watch chain is beginning
to show signs of wear, or if you'd like a new chain for any rea
son, we are prepared to supply you with the best gold-filled one
made, at a moderate price. We carry the Simmons make, the
best known and most strongly guaranteed chains ever sold.
E. W. S. PRATT, Jeweler and Optician.
Harness, - Saddles, - Bridles,
Robes, Dusters, Whips, Etc.
Everything found in any shop is in our Factory at .
prices to suit all purses.
. All kinds of repair work done on up-to-the-hour style
and prices. Satisfaction guaranteed. Opposite Mil
: - ler's store, Corvallis, Or. Ind. Phone, No. 128.
J 6b Pr mtiiig
When you pay out
good , money for
printing, be sure
and get good print
ing for the money I
Good Work
you no more
the bad.
Bring your Job Work to the
Gazette Office.
enough to tell about what fig
inside of a srrri amounts
to, but that usually tells its
own story. Character which
results from clothing skill is
a thing a
suit must
have. We
believe in
facts an d
have gone
into ,t.h e
clothes sub
ject to satis
fy ourselves
and you
that we are
mean some
thing to every young man.
A well-dressed man demands
respect and denotes self
respect, both of which are
somecning is wronp; wnn 11, oener
have it examined by -a competent
watchmaker. You won't find any
more skillful or more experienced
Do not send out printed mat
ter to your customers that is
a disgraee to your husiness
a disgrace toyour town and
a disgrace to the printer who
puts it out. . -
Good printing is correct in
spellingcorrect , in gram
marcorrect uV punctuation
-n good stock printed
with good ink and some
' thing thatxit isTaJpleasure to