Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, May 19, 1905, Image 1

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Vol. XLII.
Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon, Friday, May 9, 1905.
NO. M25
Cartoonist Returns to Oregon to
Show His Birds and Beasts
at the Exposition.
After demonstrating to the sat
isfaction of all concerned that an
Oregon man raised on an Oregon
farm can succeed in almost any
thing he tackles out in the big
world, Homer Davenport is com
ing to Portland again. Every
body who reads newspapers knows
Homer Davenport His cartoons
have amused and interested and
possibly influenced us all. His
cartoons of men have made them
famous, " or , infamous in some
cases, and some of his drawings
on questions of national import
have had a direct influence. on
their settlement or: adjustment
But while he is the world's great
est cartoonist todav, only a trifle
more than eighteen years ago he
was a farmer boy at Silverton,
Or., where he secured his first
art education by drawing pictures
on the stable door.
Strange as it may seem, Mr
Davenport has had time during
rnese eignteen eventlul years
since he has been struggling for
fame to make the greatest colleo
tion of birds and domesticated
animals in America. It was the
early influence of the farm, no
doubt, that gave him his passion
fof birds and animals. He has
searched the four quarters of the
globe for his collection, and now
that he is coming back he is
bringing his birds and animals
with him.
Mr. Davenport and his pets are
to be . at the Exposition. When
he - learned that Oregon was to
give a great World's Fair he at
once volunteered his services, and
the, result is that he has several
acres at the Exposition grounds
where a reproduction of a typical
Oregon ranch is being made.
Here , he will show to all who
come his truly remarkable collec
tion, which has cost him- his
, spare time during ten years and
spare change to the extent of
$82,000. Included in his fine
collection are thirty-six varieties
of : pheasants, every country of
the world being fittingly repre
' sented. Then there are water
fowls, storks, crane, jungle-fowls
and wild turkeys, pigeons,- fancy
poultry, quails, tragopans, Angora
goats, Arabian horses and so on
through a long list.
. Mr. Davenport will win un
ending gratitude by attorning an
opportunity 01 seeing genuine
Arabian horses, which are a rarity
in America. The Sultan of Tur
. key, be it known, refuses to al
low any of these precious steeds
to leave their native country, but
at the time of the World's Fair
at Chicago he permitted a band
of his best beasts to be sent as an
exhibit in charge of Imperia
representation: These same rep
resentatives- got embroiled in
heavy debts at Chicago and the
horses were auctioned off to pay
the debts. Mr. Davenport bid
high and managed to get five of
the best horses which he is now
bringing to Portland with him
for the delectation of his old Ore
gon friends and neighbors and all
Exposition visitors.
Up to this time his collection
has been kept at the famous Ho
mer Davenport farm at Morris
Plains, N. J. At that place the
. animals have been visited by the
country's greatest men as Homer
Davenport's guests. His depart
ure for Portland last week was
the occasion for a big barbecue,
at which many of the best known
writers, editors, actors and poll
tions were present
Further interest in the bring'
. mg oi the famous collection
the Lewis and Clark Fxposition
is added by the fact that a num
ber of important tests and a series
of investigations into the habits
and peculiarities of the birds are
to be made by . Portland scient
ists and ornithologists. These
investigations will begin shortly
after the opening of the Expos
until its close October 15. Work
on the Davenport farm is now
nearly completed, having been
planned and pushed ahead by Mr.
Davenport's boyhood friend, G.
L. Baker, who has been highly
successful as a theatrical mana
ger 9 d who is helping the car
tocoi in this period of recrea
tion and visit among old familiar
scenes. ' Like all other portions
of the great Exposition, the farm
will be complete in everv detail
when the gates of the Exposition
are thrown open to the world the
first dav of next month.
Another on Horace. '
Most Enjoyable Entertainment
Given by Them Monday v
Editor Gazette: In your
last issue you spoke of the' diffi
culty in reading the hand writing
of Horace Greely. I had the
honor of receiving from him an
autograph letter accompaned with
his likeness, in the early seven
ties. This letter I still have. It
is hard to read, and would have
been impossible tor me, had not
Mrs. Moses been so familiar with
my hieroglyphic penmanship. In
mentioning this letter on one oc
casion, this incident was told to
me : , j
A farmer in Ohio received a'
letter which he could not read.
It was so much like the writing
of the president ot a railroad near
him that he concluded it was a
tree pass on said road. . It was
presented to the conductor with
this explanation ; who passed him
to and fro, free of charge, , for
about a year. .The president pf said
road and said farmer happened to
be on the same train one day, and
this general pass , was mentioned
to the president who had no ree
lection of such permission.
They were brought together by
he conductor, the letter was
presented, and with much diffi
culty the president discovered
that it was not his writing and
that the name below was -Hor
ace Greely," and the contents
was a reminder that the farmer
was three dollars in arrears on
his subscription to the . Tribune.
lireat men usually write a poor
hand and it is accounted for in
this way : Their mental opera
tions are much more rapid . than
the movements of their hands;
nected with his "devilship" on
this paper. He recalled the fact
that Corvallis at one time was
known as Marysville. In this
connection he cracked a good
joke on Albany, his home town.
He said that many years ago a
certain element residing in . Al
bany concluded that the name of
"Albany" was too plain for a
place giving promise of such a
great future not only was the
name plain, he said, , but, it was
not euphonious enough. There
fore it must be changed. ;
Some party got, hold of an
Vinrp thm lean atentirm tr tht Indian word that was not only
hand motions" and movements, peauumi or souna, dui easy
nrifp an almnct illeoihlf rianrl pronunciation, and tniS W3S
but not from the above cause. I
earned Under the old regime, five
and twenty years ago, when the
teacher was almost a Tyro in his
art made pens of goose quills
and "sot", the copy.
P. A. Moses.
Last Monday evening the order
of Lions held an open session st
which were many invited guests.
About 20 Albany members of the
order came over to attend this
meeting. ' During the early part
of the meeting the regular routine
work of the order was carried out
behind closed doors. This was
concluded shortly before 9 o'clock
and the hall' was . then, thrown
open to invited guests. ,
. . A really creditable and enter
taining program of a literary and
musical nature was given and all
present were delighted with the
rendition . of. the , various num
bers. After the program,, those
present formed in t line and
marched ' to the banquet hall,
where . tempting , refreshments
awaited them. ; . -
Here was conversation in a
free and informal wav during the
refreshment hour, enlivened by
much jokiug. S. N. Wilkin.,
master of ceremonies, at the con
clusion or tne banquet called on
Dr. Hill, of Albany, who was
among those present, for some
remarks. The gentleman re
sponded briefly, but in a very
interesting manner.
It appears that , in his early
manhood Dr. Hill at one time
made Corvallis his home. More
than this,- some forty years ago
he worked for William Carter on
the Corvallis Gazette, Mr. Carter
at that time being proprietor ot
the paper. He related a num
ber of interesting incidents con-
through a four-inch pipe from a!
depth of 1 70 feet, and the watei
is as pure as crystal It is thought
that 1,500 to 1,800 gallon per
hour may be secured- by increas
ing the stroke of the pump.
La-t Wednesday only a 9-inch
pump stroke was used and 1,000
gallons, an hour was secured.
The pump was run continuously
all day until 9:30 in the , evening
and the water supply proved in
exhaustible. This is certainly good news for
those inetrested in the college, as
one pump will provide, the insti
tution with as much or more wa
ter than they have ever had It
is probable that " additional pipes
will be sunk and they will . have
water in such -quantities that they
cari afford to ' waste some. Pro
fessors : Hay ward and '' Phillips
have a right to Jeel proud of their
achievement -r
Lewis and Clark Exposition.
During the Lewis and Clark Exposi
tion the Souths Pacific Company will
sell round trip tickets to Portland, limit
thirty daye, at one and one-third fair for
round trip. For parties of ten or more
traveling on one ticket, one fare for the
round trip. For organized parties of one
hundred or more, individual tickets at
one fare for round trip. Stopovers of ten
days will be given at Portland on all one
way tickets reading through that point
during the exposition. Tickets must be
deposited with Joint Agent at Portland
and charge of fifty cents will be made
for the extention of time. . . 41-45
Storioa of Harrow Escapes of Osar
from Unseen Dangers Soldier
Bepents of Deed.
The Steel Bridget
The following from the Albany
Herald will be of interest to the
residents of Northern Benton:
The last of the piling for the
Benton county end of the ap
proach to the steel, bridge was
driven vesterday afternoon and
the big hammer was taken down.
This completes the work of the
pile-driving crew at the bridge,
and the most difficult part of the
work of repairing the steel bridge
having , now been accomplished
the rest will be comparatively
easy, rne iorce ot 'men word
ing under the direction of Coun
ty Commissioner T. J. Butler
will lay the flooring of. the ap
proach, putting down new floor
for the entire distance from the
main span to the end of the new
approach. '
The Benton countv road super
visor will now be . notified that
the new roads to be made at the
end ot the new approach should
be put in at once, tor as soon as
that is done the old twin ap
proaches will be removed by the
county court - of Linn county.
The Benton county authorities
have agreed to build the roads up
to the end of .the bridge 4 as soon
as they are needed. . When the
approach is finally finished which
will be in a short time, the bridge
will be in better condition than it
has been at any time since it was
adopted forthwith. Liter on the
discovery was made that' the
beautiful Indian name' they had
bestowed upon' their village
meant, in the jargon of the
natives; "a hole in the ground."
Presto change back to Albany,
and Albany it remained. The
doctor laughed when he told of
the matter.
Mr. Price, also a visitor irora
Albany, was called on and made
some appropriate remarks. He,
in turn, was followed by J. H.
Wilson, who gave something of
a history of the birth and death
of an early temperance move
ment that was held, regularly
many years ago in the same hall
that was the scene of Monday
night's festivities.
After this the meeting : broke
up ana an departed ior tneir
several homes. The visitors were
welcome, and especially those
who were pleased to drive over
from Albany. They were all
nice, social people to meet and
gave us assurance of a warm re
ception should occasion' ever find
any of us in Albany. The even
ing was a success in every way
"One day, at the czar's palace in
Petersburg,'; he said, " a gov
erness entered a certain room
with the imperial children. She
happened to notice tBat the clock
on the mantelpiece had" stopped.
Feeling a presentiment of im
pending ' danger " she knew not
what, she sent the children out of
the room. Then she went to the
clock to set it going. And inside
that timepiece what do you 'think
she found? An infernal: ma
chine!',' writes Gilson Wiliets, in
Leslie's Weekly. "On another oct
casion the czar,' on a certain Sun
day, was due to take his holy com
munion at a certain church in St.
Petersburg. His majesty arrived,
and after a lot of preliminary cere
mony presented himself at the al
tar. The officiating priest was
about to hand his majesty the com
munion cup, when suddenly a sol
dier one of the guards who al
ways stand at the communion ta
blesnatched the cup from the
priest's hand, saying: .'That's
for me!' and drained the cup. The
next moment the soldier lay prone
on the altar, dying in agony. Of
course the cup was poisoned, and
the assumption is that the 8Qlc"r
had aided the conspiracy, but, by
oY one of those strange impulses that
make men undo a dastardly deed
and spare the victim at the last
moment, that soldier saved the
'Little Father.'
"'. New '. Partnership. :
Bert Yates and W. E. ' Yates Jiave
formed a "partnership' under the firm
name oi Yates & 'Yates. " "They expect to
do ageneral insurance and abstract busi
ness. They represent good reliable in
surance companies - and will furnisb
accurate, neat and complete abstracts of
Benton county '"property at reasonable
prices. Call on or write to Yates &
Yates, Corvallis, Oregon. v
Juggling With Dynamite.
Is no more dangerous than to neglect
kidney disorders. Foley's Kidney Cure
corrects irregularities and has cured many
severe cases after other - treatment baa
failed. It builds up the worn out tissues
and restores health and vigor. "I was
troubled with kidney complaint for about
two years," writes A. H. Davis, of Mt.
Sterling, Iowa, "but two bottles of
Foley's Kidney Cure effected a perma
nent cure." For sale by Graham &
Wortham, -i . ;
Saved by Dynamite.
Some iiii e a flaming city is saved bv
dynamiting a space tbat "the lire can's
cross. Sometimes a congh bangs on so
long you feel as if nothing but dvnamite
would cure it. Z. T. Gray, of Calhoun,
Gal, writes : "My wife had a very aggra
vated congh, which kept ber aw'ake
nights. Two physicians could not help
her; so she too Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption, Ccughs and
Colds, which eased her congh, gave her
sleep, and n'nallv cured her." Strictly
scientific cure for bronchitis and Ia
Grippe. At Allen & Woodward's drug
store, prii-e 50u and $1 ; guaranteed. Trial
bottle free.
You cannot have good health unless
vonr kidneys are sound, for the kidneys
filter the blood of impurities which other
wise act as irritating poisons and break
down the delicate organs of the body and
cause serious trouble. If you have kid
ney or bladder trouble -and do not use
Foley's Kidney-Cure, you will have only
yourself to blame f r results as it. posi
tively enres al t forms of kidney and blad
der diseases. . For Ea!e by Graham &
Wortham. '
. and .
Cornice, Roofing, Guttering,
and all kinds of Sheet Metal
F. A. Hencye
Inr connection with J. H.
Steamer' Oregona, leaves Cor
vallis, Mondays,' V Wednesdays
and Fridays, for Portland and all
way points at 6 a. m. For rates.
call on
J. SHIRLEY, Agent.
A Creeping Death.
Blood poison creeps np towards the
heart, causing death. J. E. : Stearns,
Belle Plaine, Minn., writes that a friend
dreadfully injured his band, wbi( b
swelled up like blood poisoning. Buck-leu'-
Arnica Halve drew out the' poison,
healed the wound, anil saved bis life.
Best in the world for bin ls and sores.
25c at AJIeni Woodward's drug store.
Cheap Sunday Rates .Between
Portland and. Willamette -Valley
Lowronhd trip rales have been placed ;
n. effect between Portland and Willam.
ette Valley points, . in. either direction.
Tickets will be sold . ' " ' "
and limited to return on or before the
following Monday. '
Rate to or From $3.00. :
' Call on Southern Pa--irii-, Co' Agents
for particulars. '
Notice to Creditors.
Letter' Line.
Letters for the fol owing named per
sons remained in Corvallis postotfice un
called for at close of week ending May
13.1905: : J
J L Ashbangh, Mis Lorana Crisman,
Miss Annie Davis, W Dixon, Robert
Danross, Mrs J A Hulbeit Mrs S Hart,
M S : Ho'mes, Miss Lei Hoi gate, O L
Holgate, .Mrs Edgar A Jonts, Miss Alice
McFarland, S E Moore, Walter McLeod,
Tom Mi-Daniel, Ike Rosenblatt, Chas
Sclinner, Roy Taylor. Frank Wilson.
B. W, Johnson, P M
Gaze tte Independent phone No
Question Solved.
A matter of serious consider
atioh in the past at OAC has been
the inadequate water supply. It
now seems that a happy solution
of this matter is at hand. . Dur
ing the. past. month or longer
Professors Clyde Phillips and v
C. Hay ward have been expen-
menting with tubular wells surk
two or three years ago and have
found water in apparent abund
They can now pump water at
Notice is hereby given that the undersipned has
btreu appointed executor with the will annexed of
the esute of fchuda Taylor, deeeaseJ. All per
sons having claim against laid tstate are hereby
required to present the same duly veritied as by.
law reqinretl, lo tne. unaereittnea at uorvaius, vrt-
tui, wittim tix uiohtng irom inn naie.
Waltkk K. Tvlor, Execu'.or
Unted this 5th day ot Way, !9i.
Terrific Race With Death.
"Death .was fast approaching' writes
Ralph F. Fernandez, if. Tampa, Fla..
describing his fearful race with death,,
"as a result of liver trouble and heart
disease, which had robbed me of sleep
and of all interest in life. L had tried
many different doctors and several med
icines, hut got no benefit, until I began
to use Electric Bitters. So wouderful
was their effect that in three days I felt
line a new man, and today I am cured of
all my troubles." Guaranteed at Allen
& Woodward's drnis store; price 50c.
Pneumonia follow La Grlppo
but never follows the use of
1 Itstopi the Congh indheaUtbtlnjn
Prevents Pneumonia and Conaomptloa,
a. a. TAOna, mt 151 Osgood 8X, Chios,
rlu. "K wife tad U sripp and it Uft k
with rr d oBk as hot ton wbiol
oun'o Mont aJTB Tab wina o
Hakes Kidneys and Bladder Riant
Artistic Dressmaking.
Ladies within); artistic dresf making at
rersonable prices, should call on Mrs. L.
Estes, of San Francisco, at the residence
of 'Gene Simpson, Corvallis. ' -Iudep. '
Phone Nv. 254. 40tf
.Do Not be Imposed Upon." ' ;.'
Foley & Co., Chicago, origiaatedt
Honey and Tar as a throat and luog
remedy, and on account of the great merit
and popularity of Fnley's Honey and.
Tar many imitations are offered for the
genuine. Ask for Foley's Honey and Tar.,
and refuse any substitute offered as. no
other preparation will give the same satis
faction. -It is mildly laxative. It con
tains no opiates and is safest for children
and delicate-persons. For sale by Gra
ham & Wortham. -
Next week. ' t)uring the long vacation you will want something for recreation and
amusement. Nothing is better than a fine Croquet Set..'. We have a large line of them.
They are four, six and eight-ball sets." Prices are from 90 cents to $2.00.
Hammocks I Hammocks I
We have a very swell lins of these goods. All styles and prices. Children's Ham
mocks, Fancy Hamirocks, and Canvas Hammocks. '
f New line of Carpets, ItU itings ar.J Rugs. - Tents and Camp Goods always on hand.
tion on June x and will continue
the rate of 1,000 gallons an hour