V I. i ' I'. ' ... CUSSlFlEQ AQYfcR TIStMESTS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS ! Fifteen vorda or leBB, 25 cts for three successive insertions, or 50 "cts per month; ferall up to and including ten additic sal words. cent a word for each , insertion. For all advertisements over 25 words, 1 ct wr word for the first insertion, and ct ier word for each additional inser tion. Nothing inserted for less than 25 'cents. Lodge, society and church notices, niher than strictlv news matter, will be charsed tor. (UUHE8T - CASH PRICE PAID FOB 11 kinds of Poultry also dressed Pork. .Smith cViBoulden, Corvallis, Oregon, oext to fAirrrB office. - WAiSTE O 500 SUBSCRIBERS TO THE GazbttB, and Veekly; Oregonian at $2.55', per year. FOR SALE "STORIES OF OLD OREGON," BY d. A. "Waeeoner. will be found on sola at J. F. Minn's. Corvftllis. Or. -. V 4ltf- THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF Corvallis, Oregon, does a general, con servative banking business. It guarded safely its customers' banking business through the panics of the last two decades, which merits proper consider ation. It affords banking privileges at home and abroad, first-class, not ex rpllpil "nv anv institution in the United States. The members of the Board of Directors were born and raised in Ben ton Countv. except one, and that mem ber has -esided in the county forty-six veai-a The business history of each is as an open book before the people of the county. Loans to customers solicit ed, properly secured. . 40tf CAMERAS. KODAKS, KODAK SUP plies, a good dark room in the store, at (irahamdc wens. " PAINTS. OILS, VARNISHES, GLASS, , Brushes, full stock of a u painters- oup . plies, at Graham & welts. wa ONE GOOD WORK MARE. GENTLE nototit aW. 1 900. For further par- tinnlan inouire of Thos. Bonlden or at Gazette office. 36tf wctw ttrf.H PITT ON BABY BUG gu-s and go-carts, at Dilley & Arnold's. at t. T.ATR POPULAR SHEET MU- sic Guitars, Mandolins, Violins, Ac nnwtonne Harmonicas. Musical Good? rmrppt nricps. Call and see them at Graham & Wells, Corvallis, Or, 40tf PURE FRES5 DRUGS AND MEDL itinAo coma imnohtdirpct from the fac torv:' Perfumery. Rubber Good?, - rwVio Rrnnhes. Stationery, Books KMii Rnnnlifis. Drueeists' Sundries, evervthioe found in a first-cltss drug otora'at. firaham & Wells, Corvallis, .. Oregon. SHORT ON PERUNA BUT LONG nn PmnpR. Italian Prunes. 50 lb. boxes, $1.50. Come quick. . . - F. L. Miller. FOR SALE TWELVE YOUNG SHORT- horn milch cows, bred irom am ifninii nn hnth sides : one shott-horn tmlf r one Jersey bull . registered Poland ' China hogs, male and female. Address . M S Wnodr.nck. Corvallis, Ore. 23tf WANTED DENTISTS E. H. TAYLOR. DENTIST. PAIN leas extraction. In Zieroif building Opp. Post Offiw. Corvallis. Oregon. oTAGE LINE. PHILOMATH AND ALSEA STAGE Stage leaves Alsea 6:30 a.m.; arrives t Plrilemnth at 12 m : leaves Philo math 1 p.m., arrives at Alsea 6:30 p. m. All persons wishing to go or return from Alsea and points west can be accomodated at any time. Fare to Alsea $1.00 Round trip same day $2.00, M. O. KICKARD. WOODSAWING. WOOD SAWING ALL CALLS nroraotlv and satisfactorily attended Livine nrices and good work. Gaso lene eneine. See W. E. Boddy, Ind, phone 351. ' 37tf PHOTOGRAPHS. FOR PHOTOGRAPHS. PORTRAITS, or views, photo's tinted in colors; oil paintings on hand for sale, or painted to order; all work guaranteed. Call on B. R. Thompson, artist.. MARBLE SHOPS. TELLS EXTENT OF UNlVERSg' It Za Believed That -Milky War la ' 200,000,000 Times 'garth's ' Distance from Sua. " To determine a single, position of any one star involves a great deal of computation, and if. we re flect that, in order to attack the problem in question in a satisfac tory way, we should have observa tions of a million of these bodies made at intervals of at least a fraction of a century, we see what an enormous task the astrono mers dealing with this nrnhl have before them, and how imper- rect must De any determination of the distance of the stars based on our motion through space, writes Simon Newcomb, in ' Harper's Magazine. So far as as estimate ya.il ue maae, ir seems to agree fairly well with the results' ob tained by the other methods. Speaking roughly, we have reason. from the data so far available, to believe that the stars of the Milkv TIT vv ay are situated at a distance be tween 100,000,000 and 200,000,000 nines ine aistance from the sun At instances less tnan this it seems likely that the stars are dis tributed through space with somr approach to uniformity. We mar state as a general conclusion, indi ated by several methods of mak mg tne estimate, that nearly all A.l J . v tne stars wnich we can see with our telescopes are contained with in a sphere not likely to be much more than 200,000,000 times the distance to the sun. the inquiring reader may here nsk another auestion. n that all the stars we see are con tained within the limit, may there not be any number of stars with "ut the limit which, a re invisihin mly because they are too far awav to be seen? - WM. STAIGER ' & F. VANHOOSEN Third door north of Hotel Corvallis, . ' . 32tf ATTORNEYS 3. F. YATES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office First National Bank Buildine. Only set of abstracts in Bentoii County BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS Breeding stock and thoroughbred eges for sale.- Choice hens $1 each. Se lected eggs $1 per 15. W. G. Emery, Barred Rock Specialist. W, E. YATES, THE LAWYER, . : . v ' Both Phones. CORVALLIS, OR. E. R. BRYSON ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office in Post Office Building, Coival lis, ; Oregon; ' JOSEPH H. WILSON. ATTORNEY. f.T.oar Nntnrv. Titles. ConveyanC' incr. Practice in all State and Federal Courts. Office in Burnett Building. HOTELS. OCCIDENTAL HOTEL, CORVALLIS, Oreeon. Good, clean cooking; clean beds, and rooms well ventilated ; first, class service ; splendid facilities to ac mmmnaata the rjublic. Across, the street from First National Bank. . 23tf PHYSICIANS B. A. OATHEY, M. D., PHYSICIAN andSnnreon. Kooms 14, Bank Uuiia ins.- Office Hoars : 10 to 12 a. m . 2 to An. m. Residence : cor. 5th and Ad' ams Sto. Telephone at office and res- . idenfw. uorva'iis. urern C H. KEWTH, M. D., PHYSICIAN and Surgeon, Office an ' Residence, on Main street, Philomath, Oregon. POULTRY. FOUNDRY. WE ARE HERE TO DO ALL KINDS of machine work on short notice and most reasonable prices; casting, repair ing, building and rebuilding engines and various machinery sundries." Frakkxin Iron Works Co. 41-50 AUCTIONEER P, A KLINE LIVE STOCK AUCTION- eer, Corvallis, Or. P. A: Kline Line, Phone No. 1. P. U. address. Box 11 Pays highest prices for all kinds of live stock., Twenty years experience. Satisfaction guaranteed. MISCELLANY. . Get your fohool hooks and school supplies at (jraham & Wells. Jufilg'lnR With Dynamite. Is no more dangerous than to neglect kidney disorders Foley's Kidney Cure corrects irregularities and has cured many severe cases after other treatment baB failed. It builds up the worn out tissues and restores health and vigor. "I was troubled with kidney complaint for about two years, writes A. xi. Davis, of Mt, ptrli'iii. -.I'wa. ; but two. bo;.IoS w Foley's Kidney Cure effected a perma nent cure." For sale by Graham & i- Wortham. ' , " - 9ottt 1 arlaabU OtWjmlt , Metropolis U 0ntoa4 In ' tba World, r . ' I The annual JTruit; crop of - thej United States has a value of 132, 000,000. The orchard fruits pro duced each year have a value of $84,000,000 ; small fruits, f25,000,-! 000; grapes, $14,000,000, and cit rus fruits, grown principally in California and Florida, $8549,000. The seven great fruit-growing states in the order of producing are California, New York, Penn sylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Illinois and Indiana. : Michigan has more peaeh trees than aiiy other state. Chicago's ceipts by water of Michigan fruits last year were very heavy, but this year they are still heav ier., Ihe recemts for two srjeci- fied days from St. Joseph, Mich., alone amounted to 300,000 pack ages, principally of peaches. ' Peaches also come by rail from nearly. every peach-producing state of the west and south, and the turnover of apples in South Water street increases rom year to year. Illinois leads all tne western states in apples,' with an annual product of 9,200,000 bush els, Michigan coming " next with 8,951,000 bushels, and Indiana third with 8,620,000 bushels. " : The. apple crop of the country, which in 1900 was 175,397,000 bushels, has increased with the ex tension of orchards in the. west Both in perishable and other fruits, Chicago is the greatest fruit market in the world. DOG DEFIES FIRE AND WATER Canine Left to Guard master's-Apartment Sticks to Post Although, Flames Rage About Him. AMERICAN SWINE INDUSTRY The Hog Eas Proved an Important factor ui the Wealth Production ' of the United States. s 1 mm The Kind Ton Have Always Bought, and which, has been. in use for ovei 30 years, nas borne the' signature ' of and has been made under his per sonal supervision 6ince its infancy Allow no one to deceive yon in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with1 and endanger the health of . Infants and Children Experience against -Experiment What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing1 Syrups. It is Pleasant. 16 . contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cores Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tha Stomach and Bowels, giving: healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The. Mother's Friend. ' CENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of LAND. AGENTS. WHEN TT -COMES TO BUYING laads, new-comers in this county will make no mistake in consulting James Lewis. Mr. Lewis has been in Benton for 30 vears and not only Knows the - county but the entire valley. He has been- actively engaged in selling and i bnvins live stock and real estate all ot this - time and naturally- hia judg ment is sound. He knows soils and values. His knowledge is worth money to anybody desiiing correct and sincere information. 25-77 H. M. STONE, REAL ESTATE AND Intelligence office After 42 yoars in BeBton and Linn counties, I feel iusti tied in coming before the home-saekers of Oregon, and feel that I am com petent to locate all such as wish to buy homes here,, witb judgment, and competency. For 27. years I was a bridge bolder in Benton, Lane. Polk. Yamhill and Linn counties. I have DroDertv in the above aamed counties to sell, and am thoroughly conversant witb the same. I ; ask tio exclusive right of sale and unless property is Bold bv me I ask no pay. Parties wishing to employ help or if looking for a position, will find it' a conven ience- to phone . or call at the office. Kindness and courtesy extinded to al, - Office. South . Main street. . Corvallis Oregon. Office phone 378, res. phone Notice is hereby triven that the undersigned, ad ministratrix of the estate of James M. Wilkinson, deceased, hits filed in the County Court of Benton Comity, State of Oregon, her Final Account as such administratrix, and that Monday, the 6th day of June, 1905, at tne hour ot two o ciock f. ai. nas been fixed liy said Court as a time for hearing of objections to said report and the settlement thereof. Dated April zi, lvuo. saran A- wiiKinson. . ' ' Administratrix of the Estate of James M. Wilkinson, deceased. Take The Gazette for all the tbe local news v Notice. of Final Settlement. The swine industry of the Unit ?d States is a feature of resource : Chat flsures hijrh in the acrie::l ural wealth of our country, says he JNebraska Farmer. To ' the iog,. more than any" other influ ence, are we indebted for the fine y improved forms and beautiful ;ties that have, as "by magic, piead out over the vast area'of " gricultural lands from Ohio in he east to the Missouri valley in he west. The civilizing inHuenc )f the co,rn crop has-changed tin nillions of acres of wild prai-" , , -r.ds .to the fertile cu'liva i". elds, 'ich with the clovers, prns -5 and improved crops' of, mod( gVicultuie. Without the hog . tiii treat-" district of agrieuitui ;: a'nds. Iving in the center of wha s kuowri as tlie corn belt, couiJ lever have attained its pre nt distinction of wealth, arrl a.-iness rjit:ition. - As a f.tc r in wealth production the-ho-: s j.:stly entitled to the distinct ion f " JX pioiit-er" cmonj; o-r ineat ; " r- '- --.- "-:als. TIig Aracri- an hog has fastened his hold so irmly, not only upon our o n peo olcr but upon those; of almost very country on the .globe that the industry of swine raising is of its increase of production as the "ncrease of population demanding ork production. W LEAVES LEGACY TO HORSE St. Iiouis Physician WUls f 8,000 to Equine Which , Had Served Him 23 Years. The bulldog's tenacity of grip is proverbial, but he also possesses a . grip of quite another sort, one which enables him to stick .to his orders in spite of the most untoward circumstan ces. The Atlanta Constitution ?ives an exaniple of a dog's faith fulness. Stub's" master had gone away for the night and had left the dog to 'guard his apart ments.' In the evening the house caught 5re, and before the fire engine ar rived the blaze had gained firm hold and little could be saved. Some of the men discovered the iog and tried to coax or drive him from the room, but Stub iield his post. His would-be rescuers did all they could to.tole him out, but le would not budge. Warning growls showed that he would use his teeth if the men resorted to force, and finally, in their efforts to save the dog, the firemen turned two streams of water on him. Even this did not dislodge him. The dog's master was found and notified of the fire. When he reached his home the roof had fall ?n in tnd the building was a mass if flames. - He gave one clear whistle, and Stub, who had defied Ire and water and all human in Jucements, bounded out of house and the next . instant licking the hand which caressed lim. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. ; - . ' THE OEIfTJIUn COHMNV. TT MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK CJTV. ' '- ' . ' " .- - - Corvallis Rates to Lewis and Clark Fair Over. Southern Pacific Railroads. $3.50 $2.60 Individual Tickets. RATE .... One and one-third fare for the round trip. SALE DATES.. Dailv from Mav 29th to Oct. 15th. 1905. LIMIT. ..... . .Thirty ds'. but not later than Oct. 31, 1905. Parties ot.Ten or More. For parties of ten or more from one point, (must travel together on one ticket both ways), party tickets will be sold as .follows: RATE .... One fare for the round trip. ) SALE DATES. . Daily from May 29th to Oct. 15th, 1905. LIMIT...' Ten days. V Organized Parties of 100 or More.' For organized parties of one hundred or more moving on one day from one place, individuaHickets will be sold as follows: RATE........ One fare for the round trip. SALE DATES. . Daily from May 29th to Oct. 15th, 1905- tfbZ.OU LIMIT. . . . . . . .Ten Davs. ( Stopovers. No stopovers will be allowed on any of the above tickets: they must be used for continuous passage in each direction. For further information call on J . E . FA R M E R , W. E. COMAN, Agent, Corvallis. Gen'IPas. Agt., Fcrtlgrid. ' tne was Notice. Notice is'bereby (riven hat under anil by virtue ot a warrant and order of sale issued by th1? Police Judge' ol ih- Sty of Corvallis, Oregon, and bear ing tne corporate eai 01 saia. vitv 01. vm-vihii, hmrinir daw the 4th dav of ADril. 1905. Upon a lien which was duly entered in the docket of City liens of said City-of Corvallis on thi 24th dav of Septem ber, -19W4, upon tne property nereinareer aescnoeu under .nd in cnmnliance -witb. Ordinance No. 147. passed by tne tttmmon council oi saia city ot CorvalHsi Oregon, in favor of said City and against Gilbert Smith, the owner of tbe real- propertv hereinafter described, which warrant was issued upon an order of the City Council of Corvallis, Oregon, duly made at a regular meeting thereof, which lien is for the sum of $45 18 together" with interest thereon .at the rate of etgnt per cent, per annum from the 24th day of September, 1904, until paid, besides the costs cf such sale, by which said warrant I am ordered and required to sell in the manner prescribed by law as upon real property tor sale under execution, the following described real property tc-wi - Lot Numbsr Five (5) Block Number; (6), Old Town of Marysville (now City of Corvallis) Oregon: Also Lot N timber Six (6) Block Number Five (51 Old Town of Marysville (now City of Corvallis) Oregon, to satisfy the said lien, ana mat unuer ana oy virtue of said warrant ana order of sale issued as aforesaid to me directed, I Have levied upon the said real property, and will on the 31st day of May, 1906, at the hour of one o'clock p. m. of said da at the front door of the Court House in Corvallis, Oregon, offer for sale at public auction to tbe highest bidder for cash in hand the real property described herein, and all the interest, right, title and estate of the said Gilbert Smith' therein to satisfy the amount due on said lien, warrant and order of ale and all costs that have accrued .thereunder together with .the costs md charges of making such-sale. Dated this 2 day of May, 1906, ' - W. a Lain, - Ohlelot Policed Art City of CorrsOH, Or. A strange case of the affection a nan may have fo-r a dumb brute ;'ame to light at St. Louis when the will of Dr. JohnxGilwee was probated. The first clause of the nsuument provided for a trust fund oU '2.000. io Le Iield m the nam? oi a faithful old horse, Tony, J wlik-u iiiid served the physician continuously for nearly 2 years. The ciause in the will was as fol lows:. -"In case that my horse Tou wjijcli I have used for nearly 23 vt-ai-Si s urvh es me, I order that p.dpo oi ;my estate be placed m trust -'af six per cent, per annum, anVj" said interest used for his f odd, shelter, and care so long as he lives, and after his death the said (2,000 shall be divided among my legal heirs." . ' His Beular Price. They were playing checkers: J'Cro, wn that one,? said the law yer,' pushing a piece into the kingi row. - . ' - : 'That .will coat you 115," said the dentUt, absent-mindedly. JlOicago iTtDune. California Beal Estate. The value of real estate in Cali fornia is officially estimated to be I worth ?SS2,104,o39,. the .improve ments on real estate $316,208,123, he value of personal " property (239,623,282, the money and sol vent credits, (42,906,248, and the total value of property as re turned by auditors is (1,480,82-. 195, exclusive of the railroads which are assessed at (69,669,566 by the state board of equalization li von are looking (or some real good Bar?nins in t"Ck, Grain. Fruit and i'oultiv Kunclt. write for oor ppeoial list, or'c ute and see us. We will lakt pleai-urv in givinu you re.H.nle iulorma tiou ; alsy showiug yuu over the county . H0K3E SEEKER I AMBLER & WAITERS, I REAL ESTATE. LOANS INSURANCE ' WIRqiEWATrVlMcoRvau HENRY AMBLER. PHIIOIMIH. Good Health Hatter of length. . Husband (glancing over bill) Why is it you pay three times as much for-stockings as I do for nine? Wife Oh, that's all right. I wear my stockings three times as long as you do. Cincinnati Enquirer. Lewis and Clark Exposition. D'uinv tin arid CIrW Exj'nsi- 'tion il Siit'it''! PaciBc jCompany will sell round nip tickets to Portland; limit thirty days, at one arid ont-tliir'd fair for round trip. For paTtioj of ten or more traveling on one ticket, one fart for the round trip. . For organized parties of one hundred or more, individual tickets at one fare for round trip. Stopovers o( ten days will be given at Portland on all one . way tickets reading throui that point daring the exposition. .Tickets must be deposited with Joint Agent at Portland and charge of fifty cents will be mad e for the extention Of time. , 1 . . ;i4l.-4f GASETTE--Bell phnlie "No SHY: to the Children especially are fond of dainties,. and the housekeeper must look carefully to their food. . ' '; As good cake can be made only with good eggs, so also a cake that is health ful as well as dainty must be raised with a pure and perfect baking powder. Royal Baking Powder is indispensable in the preparation of the' highest quality of food. It imparts that peculiar light ness, sweetness and flavor noticed in the finest cake, biscuit, doughnuts, crusts, etc., and what is more important, renders the food wholesome and agreeable to young; and old. 1 BOY AW feAKWO 4)W0EH CO NEW YORK