Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, May 09, 1905, Image 3

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- Many 'Albany visitors ; were J"
OorvftHis last Saturday to attend
the field meet. ; '-
" ' Burt4 Bryant, a former popular
O AC " student,' arrived Thursday
from Eastern Oregon. He is now
following the vocation of a druggist.
Attorney W. S. McFadden wm
in Albany.oo business last Satur
day. . v. . ..- .:iu-..J" ;
Frank' A, White returned ; home
recently ' from Brownsville," where
he. was engaged for a period ai
piano tuning. - . '
At the earnest request of many 1
Married' Abroad.
v Cupid has -enslaved - another
couple and there is scarcely a
doubt but A: ; W. Rose, of this
city, is the gentleman victim.
A dispatch, under date of May 3
appeared in 'the Oreeonian and
! A team belonging to the Herrori
boys, near Monroe, ran away last
Friday, demolishing the 1 wagon
and injuring themselves :n a barb
ed wire fence.
Regent J. D. Daly was up troro
Portland. Saturday. He came up
to audit the usual grist of bills at
OAC, and attend some other mat
ters of business.
Will Fechter, violinist of Albany,
was in town Saturday to arrange
for playing for the Junior hop. It
was previously given out, that this
engagement had been given to
Parsony, of Portland.
Miss Etta Carter, member cf the
class of '04, OAC,' arrived " in Cor
vallis last Fridav from Halsey for
a visit, with friends'. During the
coming -year she will . teach in the
Albany public schools.
Ri Ei1 Gibson' came up from
Portland,1 Saturday. It is not
known positively ' if he came up
especially for the field meet be
tween Columbia-University and
OACj hut he was "in attendance
just the same.
Miss TSffie Michael returned home
( from Portland, Saturday, for a
visit until' yesterday, ' when she
went back to the metropolis. .Miss
Michael is a stenographer for one of
the committees of the Lewis .and
Clark Fair commission.
s J. L. Underwood and wife arriv
ed home last week from a trip to
Los Angeles, Calif. Mr. Under
wood, while appreciating all that
the hand of man has dene for that
country ip the way of rendering it
beautiful, says that he perfers the
work of Nature as she has wrought
in the "Willamette Valley.
1 C. L. Proebstel, class '04, OAC,
f-returned last week from California,
where he has been pursuing' post
graduate work io metallurgy at
Stanford and Berkeley Universities
: one half the time at each institu
tioD. He is pleased to meet his
friends from Corvallis and get t
s little rest after year's hard work
About two miles of street have
already been graded in this cily
arid are in really fine shape. ' Now
; the proper thing to do is to . make
- an extra effort to have these streets
graveled at once. If they are al-
' lowed to go for a year or two the
' grade" will have been lost in
measure and a regrading will be
" Oi W. Hurd, the k leading capital
ist of Florence, Lane county, ar
rived in this city last Friday. It
.is understood that he was here to
arrange for a large consignment of
flour to be shipped him from the
.Corvallis . Flouring, Mills. Mr.
Gruggett, who . holds a position
; with S. L. Kline, was formerly in
the employ of Mr. Hurd.
, About eight hack loads of people
from OAC and town went down to
Wells, Friday evening, to atteiid a
dance given by the United Artisans.
''; A splendid time" is the ' verdict of
all who attended. A good supper
. was prepared for those present.
The attendance was unusually large,
98 tickets being sold. .Only kind
words are spoken of the affairr
Johnnie Erwin is having a lay
off at present and Sunday he went
'" over to Sodaviile, where he has a
sister with whom he will visit for a
couple of weeks. Mr. Erwin has
acted as deputy for Clerk Moses for
the pa6t two or thiee years, , but on
account of it being very quiet in
the office at present it is doubtful
if he returns. If business looks
up a trifle and Mr. Erwin finds
nothing to his liking in the mean
time, it is likely that he will return.
Max Milder had an adventure
last Saturday' forenoon hat might
haye ended far more seriously than
it did. Maxie has not yet , had
sufficient experience with horses to
make him a master hand with'tbem.
On this occasion he was driving a
lady out to his father's place west
of Corvallis and the hind wheel of
Maxie's buggy came in contact
with that of a wagon that he
met. The result was that a section
of the hind wheel of. the buggy
pulled out leaving it in the shape
of a half circle. The animal be
came frightened and started to run.
. With one hind wheel suddenly
shaped as it was the occupants of
the buggy were " jumped up and
down like "Jacks in a box.": The
lady grabbed one- rein"" and Max
held to the other and. between them
they see-sawed the horse into a
ditch. About this time E. R. Bry
so n and Johnnie Wells chanced
along, on their way ; to town and
they assisted Max" and the horse
home, while the lady walked on
out to the place. . , 1 . :
friends Z. H. Davis has consented I giv credence to this belief. Mr.
t6 alio the neonle to vote on him t Rose -was known to be in St.
- . ... I T .. ., . .
for mayor of the City of Uorvalris 1 iouis, mo., ana raeaispaica was
at the election next Monday
Claud Starr, of Corvallis, has
located in this city where he has
engaged in the grocery business
with T. J. Anderson. He has
brought his family here Albany
At the communion services Sun
day at the Presbyterian church there
was the largest number of comi
municants everknown in the history
of the church and six members
were welcomed.
: H. W. Kaupisch returned, Satur
day from four or five days spent in
Lincoln county on business connect
ed with the creamery. Ho reports
things good with hini while there
and says that everything in Lincoln
seems prosperous.
Saturday evening Miss Loretto
Sheasgreen gave a drive : whist
party to a d zen or more friends
in honor of Miss Minnie Woldt,
who left for Portland, yesterday.
The young people had a splendid
time at whist and later w re in
vited to partake of delicious re
freshments. , : - ; ; :.
Last Saturday, Ambler & Watters
negotiated the sale of the John
Peterson place, near inavale, to Mr.
Tyler. The place consists of 53
acres and the price paid was $2,5UU.
Mr. Tyler fs recent arrival from the
Frazier river county, in. Washing
ton. He will take immediate
possession, , ".. . .... ' ;
This year something a trifle out
of the ordinary is scheduled for
OAC it is "Senior Day " and to
morrow is it. In the morning the
entire senior class are supposed to
go to the sylvan glades hereabouts
provided oy Nature, while m the
evening they will attend en masse
the Norris & Rowe circus.
sent out from that city. The
following is the dispatch:
William Rose, of Portland,
Or., and Miss Kate Meyers, of St
Louis, were married this after
noon at St Luke's church. The
marriage is the result ot a chance
meeting at the World's Fair last
summer, after a separation of 20
years. . " -
Mr. Rose and Miss Meyers
lived in Sparta, 111., and were
sweethearts 20 vears. ago. Mr,
Rose went to Oregon and became
a fruitraiser. A correspondence
was kept up with his Illinois
sweetheart for six years : and then
they lost all trace of each other,
When they met v at the Fair
last summer they renewed their
former attachment, with the re
suit that Mr. Rose arrived in St.
Louis a few days ago. He will
take his bride to his fruit ranch
near Portland in a few days. ' i;
wrtAdrfsBioncenui children
10 cents.,- ; v".":.- '
Boys' and fir la' Red School Hoose
choes, the kind that wear. - for
sale only by 8. L. Kline. v ; 3940
At the Men's' Club meeting next
Friday evening at the Congrega
tional church "Insects in Relation
to Public Health" will be the sub
ject of a leotnre by Prof. Cordley,
while rrof. rernot will discourse on
"Bacteria and Its Relation to -Pub
lic Health." All are welcome.
Some time back we wrote an ar-
tiole on S. H. Moore,s poultry
farm. At present Mr. Moore is
p ndering the question whether1 it
pays to have attention drawn to his
business. -The evening our article
appeared somebody broke into bis
henhouse and secured seven of h'e
$2 Barred Plymouth Rock pullets.
Last Saturday evening somebod v
broke -into Thos. Whitehom'e fruit
house and stole some beer. Tommy
states that he is not close about
such matters and if any person' is
"dry" enough to suffer for beet
they have but tosignfy their wans
and they shall receive. As it is, he
very , mucn desires tne Dottles re
"lATHEN your trousers be-1
' gin to follow in the wake!
of style, it's time to look;
around.': ' v ..
We have, the "Wernermade
Pantos" in many patterns, es-
Since setting up the above Mr.
and' Mrs.' Rose have arrived in
this city. They reached here
shortly before we went to press
yesterday. The Gazette is sin
cere in hoping the newly-wedded
couple abundant; happiness and
the best that life can provide.
Pell Through the Loft.
S. B.
Bane met with quite a
accident last ' Friday
J. C. Hammel has just added a reg
ister at his hotel that is certainly
a beauty. It pivots, as many others
do, and there is nothing new about
this, but the designs wrought in
pure sterling silver are most ex-1
quisite to gaze upon. Altogether it
represents considerable value and
"Mine HoBt" is justified in his
pride of possession. -5 -
Mrs.. G. Bareinger, who resides
about eight miles southwest of this
city, has supplied the county court
with an article for exhibition at the
Lewis and Clark Fair that we
wager will not be duplicated by ariy
county in Oregon or any other state
It is a piece of old-fashioned, home-,
made lye soap, made by herself and
busbar d 33 years ago. .
In order properly to give an idea
of what ha was doing B. R. Thomp
son recently had a piece of galvan
ized iron cut into the form of an
artist's palette. On one side of
this he painted a water scene; on
tne otner side was paintjd n simi
lar scene, with the exception that a
boat was supposed to be floating on
the placid waters. This was hung
up in front of his photograph gal
lery and last Friday evening was
stolen, borne rogue in this section
seems to be strangely drawn toward
County court is to hold an ad
journed term next Saturday and in
the mormnff will proceed to in
vestigate the condition of the Oak
Creek road ' a mile or two from
town. This is not the portion ! of
Oak Creek road between this city
and Philomath, but a piece of road
between Corvallis and the P. A.
Kline farm wett of here. In the
rainy season Oak Creek overflows
and runs along in the middle of the
road, cutting it out badly. The
soil is such that it is hard to do
anything in the way of road build
ing and it is proposed to change the
location 01 a certain section and
make some repairs "of a permanent
nature in otner places, xms is a
piece of road that has for mary
years given much trouble.
The county court very much de
sires to secure fine fleeces as samples '
of wool for the Benton county ex
hibit at the Lewis and CJ ark Fair
Thev desire samples of Maiino,
Cotswold ; and Downs wool and
samples selected will be " paid for.
It is further requested that those
who bring in' samples may have
them at the county courtroom ' by
2 o'clock next Saturday Kternoou,
An effort will be made to have Dr.
WUhycombe, Mack Porter arid
P. A. Kline to act as judges in the
selection of fleeces for exhibition
It does seem that as the county is
willing to pay for thes? samples,
and also ia consideration of the
purpose of the same,' that a num
ber of our wool " growers will ,be
patriotic enough to have a good
selection on hand next Saturday.'
morning on the farm he has rent
ed, west of town a mile or two.
He had occasion to climb into
the loft and had no sooner gained
the floor than he put a foot
through a hole. It is stated that
in the endeavor to extricate him
self from hole ia the floor No. 1
ne turned over in some manner
and fell bodily through hole No.
2. '
He was badly wrenched by the
fall to the lower floor. The
gentleman who is on F. L. Mil
er's place, which adjoins the one
rented by Mr. Bane, telephoned
Mr. Miller regarding the state of
affairs and the latter secured aS'
sistance, notified Mrs. Bane and
took her from her town home to
to the bedside of her husband
out on the farm.
Mr. Bane was quite severely
bruised and sprained by his fall,
but no serious injuries are report
ed, however badly the matter
might have been.
Last week John Cooper was up
from Portland on a horse-buying
cruise, wbue here be purchased a
very fine team of Mrs. George Por
ter, for which ' he ' gave $450.' ' H
also secured a team of horses from
M. Hnar p, who resides nee r
Granger, for which he paid $325:
x ne latter is pernaps bb tine r a
matohed team as was ever in this
part of the countrv. Last summer
they took a fine $100 Studebaker
wagon offered as a prize for the
best matched team at the Albany
horse show.
In answer to a complaint sworn
out by Deputy District Prosecuting
Attorney Ifi. K. Bryson charging
them with a violation of the local
option law, A. B . Newton and Al
Hageerty appeared in Justice Wil
liams' court at Philomath last Sat
urday, plead guilty to the charge
and paid a fine of $50 each. The
same complaint had been filed
against one Jas. McClain, but be
fore service could be made said Mc
Clain departed for tome point in
Idaho and it was impossible to
bring him before the court.
Wool Pool.
gNfr penally for best wear
all kinds of handsome patterns in trousers for
good serviceable wear that fit and wear out
their money's worth to the full. They are
made especially for us.- The best is the only
kind we buy. ' We offer them to you for much
less than you pay for the other kind.
t $2,00' up to $5.00.
In fact
Banner Brand Boys Clothing
' There's a great big difference in boys'
clothes, although ' they all look alike on the
counters- The difference is in the way they
fit, feel and wear. Just - consider , the' price
question when you want a boy's suit. We
have them in; hundreds 'of 'iat ;em&, all priced
low from $1.50 to $12.50 for all sizes of boys.
" We have some boys' suits on our Bargain
going very cheap.
Counter that are
The White House, I ) Corvallis, Ore
O. O. Hiootmnd.
Chaa. BaJree.
Patronize Home Industry.
Outmda Option Solicited.
All Work Guaranteed.
Those wishing to pool their wool with
me can do so by reporting the number of
fleeces to me. I will handle your wool
ana sen to tne menest Didder and give
you what there lis in it. Sacks, fleece
and twine for sale by me at Kings
Valley. F.J. Chambers.
Additional Local.
See Bladkledge for furniture-, etc.
' J 26
The excursion on the East -side
last Sunday drew quite a nam ber
of people from this city. j :
Second grade fir lumber, almost
any dimension, for only $6.50 per
thousand feet, at Corvallis Saw
Mill. 10 If.
The 9-year-old child of some
people who are visiting at the home
of Lewis Hartley in this city, has
developed a serioubcase of diph
theria. .- ., i '. '. .- .. ; .
Call at the Benton County Lum
ber Yard foj prices on three grades
of flooring, rustic, and finishing
lumber. You will find the grade
and prices right. 26.
Mrs. W. P. Norton arrived home
yesterday from a : visit . with her
daughter . at Hood Kiver, where
she attended the wedding of her
son, Dolph.
Largest line of matting hT coun
ty at Blackledges. -; 30tf
'Ambler & Waiters sold, yester
day, the J. W . Berry house and
lot in Philomath to Rev. :V W. ' ' S.
Caldwelh iate of Spokane! "Wash.
The price paid was $625. i
iilacKledge, leading wall paper
dealer. SOtf
The OAC Glee Club will give its
second annual concert next Friday
evening at 8 o'clock, in the College
chapel. A splendid ; program has
been prepared and; lovers of music
' should not fall to1 attend ' this ' con-
i Tomorrow the Oregona will -be
here for the last time it is thougSt
foi- this spring. ...The . water is at
such a stage that she cannot make
the trip, although there is plenty of
freight in sight for her at each end
of the route. Our people had built
high hopes on what it was promis
ed the . United States dredger was
to. accomplish for us, but in this 1
they are to be disappointed, for al
though the Mathloma was suppos
ed, promised, in fact, to leave Port
land, May 4, for the. upper Wil
lamette and : begin work at once,
she has not arrived, and from
what we learn, there is no likeli
hood of her doing s6. It looks like
some powerful agency, was. againbt
a just cause in this, instance and
should this prove true something or
somebody will be aired later. j
A very pretty wedding was
solemnized Tuesday afternoon at
1 :30 o'clock at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. S. Copple, when their daughter
Cora was married to Dolph Norton,
Rev. W. A. Eikins of the Vallfy
Christian church officiating. Re
latives and a few friends were pres
ent. The wedding ' march was
played by Mrs. Eikins. After tV
ceremony a nice luncheon was serv
ed and the young people left 'on the
afternoon train for a visit to Port
land. -Mr. and Mrs. Norton are
well known in this city and their
many friends gathered at the depot
to shower them with rice and good
Wishes. . The presents : were many
and beautiful, many of them con
sisting of cutglass and silverware.
Mr. Norton is a member of the
firin of Smith &' Norton, and the
bride has been a teacher in the
public schools of this ciy for sever
al yeare.-Hood River Glacier. .
-' ; - -
11 -mmAcrmt
s Til en ew do ubie -
breasted model for
Spring? jpresents
talent in tailoring
that Custom Tailors
cannot afford. '
$ 15 &$ 16.50
Independent phone 148
Real Estate, Loans and Insurance
Cheap Sunday Rates Between
Portland and Willamette '
Valley Points.
Low round trip rates have been placed
n effect between Portland and Willam
ette Valley points, in either direction.
Tickets will be sold
and limited to return on or before the I
following Monday.
Rate to ok From Corvallis, $3.00.
Call on Southern Pacific Co'a Agents
tor particulars. .
Corvallis, Ore.
Steamer . Oregona,," leaves Cor
vallis, Mondays,-3 Wednesdays
and-Fridays, for Portland arid .all
way points at 6 a. m. For jates,
etc., call, on .--.r ' y
A. j: SHIRLEY, Agent.
ash Store
One door South of Farmers' Hotel, Corvallis.'
- Since rnoving into our New Location 'we have stocked - up
with a Full Line of Fresh Goods. Will keep a full line of fresh
Groceries, Vegetables, Fruits, Etc. "
Delivery system regular and reliable. Store open frorri 6:30
ja;mVto":8:Mp.;rhv'every;'day during the yyeekv ' Expenses are
lower than those of any other grocery firm iri , the city arid our
prices are fixed accordingly. , - Call and see or ringwup.Indepen-
dent Phone No. 453.