IHL COBVAlllS GMETTL Published Tuesdays and Fridays by, : Gazette Publishing Company, t - ' The snl8i triptlou prio of the Gazette ears has been, and remains, lor r.rverl years $2 per an u 11 111, or paid ui aiva '. . 25 per cent discount Hi j7sr iat Bellamy. It is said that "Where there's a will there's a way." Since childhood the truth of this old saw has been drummed into - our ears until at times we half be lieved it to be true. Sometimes we have hoped it might be so, and again it has bsen our fer vent prayer that nothing might prove farther from the truth than this "dog-eared" saying. In Sunday's Oregonian appear ed a vapory editorial in which it was vaguely hinted that it might be the part of wisdom to have all the institutions of learning in the state removed to Portland. A portion of the article reads as follows: Suppose some experimental angel, with a broom big enough, were to. fly over Or egon and sweep together on one campus, in Portland, for example; the , State Uni versity, the Agricultural College, the four State Normal Schools, the State Medical School and the state law school! He would be a bold angel without expecta tion of future favors from the Legislature, but would he not be benificent? Think of the economies which would result to the taxpayers of the state, a sordid thought, of course, but 'an insistent one. One plant instead of many; one set of buildings; one outfit of libraries, labora tories, furniture and professors; one ar ray of buildings; one parcel of land; one administrative force; one board of re gents; one budget of incidentals. Is this intended seriously? If so, who is the genius that con ceived this wonderful (?) idea? And yet, on cecond thought, it is not surprising that such an idea should originate in a Portland cranium. It has not taken a close observer to note that in stead of fostering and encourag ing the development of various enterprises of the state outside of Portland, it has been a policy of many years' standing for the people of the metropolis to dis courage and kill country indus tries and institutions. ; ' -' So far as our college, OAC, is concerned, there -is not a parti cle of fear that the Oregonian's big broom angel will ever, sweep it to Portland. Our legislators are hot all fools. ; But the; spirit of the writer of the article refer red to is a selfish one. ; Either that, or he is ill-informed. It' is patent that he knows little of conditions here, or else has lost a sense of the fitness 'of things. ' No place in the state can there be found a more beautiful site for a college; there is no' loca tion more healthful, nor -is living cheaper anywhere in the state "of Oregon.. ;But this is not all. The various ; distractions of a large city are not conducive to study, and the nlajority of parents send, ing their -children to college do " so with the expectation that they will make the best of their ; op portunities while" there. In the larger cities there are too many - pitfalls for ensnaringjrouth, and parents are aware of this and guard against it Will our metropolitan editorial writer's dream come true? There is no danerer. The hundreds of thousands of dollars already in vested here are aguaranty against .it, even though other conditions were not so perfectly satisfac tory to the people of the state as they are. Black angels and pitch forks could not turn the trick. A Warning. We are in receipt'ot a letter from Miss Carrie A. Holbrook, secretary of the Portland Travel er's Aid Association. The fol- . lowing portiou of her4elter makes clear her moth r in nting: There, will be It -.ti m Portland, Oregon, form the first ot June to the fifteenth of October, the i Lewis and Clark Exposition, and it is the special endeavor of the the Portland Traveler's Aid As sociation"''' "affiliated with "the name of Exposition T. A.- Com-pittce-1 to ound anote of warn 9 girls and young 'women thtougboutc the United States coming to see the Exposition; with iius ijuw ji gelling r, wui t. . i vc tare daily in -receiot of numerons inquirjesfrom manv'o the R;r;s fr. r, . w.:-u .,c xxt 4 1 . T r. . and Marshal Field's in Chicago, looking to the securing of work here. Here in Prrtland the sup ply already exceeds the demand and unless the knowledge of this fact can. be spread broadcast throughout the United States the result will be far beyond our ca pabilities to handle. Most of the inquiries received advise us that the writer has saved money enough to reach here, but must have immediate employ ment upon htr arrival. Longing to see the sights of the Exposi-, tion reduced railroad fairs ani- the added assurance of employ ment lorm a farm irresistable at traction to the working girl iri the East, who wishes for this sort of vacation. In spite of repeat ed warnings, the conditions at St Louis last year was simply appal ling, and it is the imperitive thought of the Organization that sometmno- m the way ot a pre ventative be done. After Prizes. That our county to the west is after some benefit from the Ex position is evidenced by the fol lowing from the Oregonian: Lincoln countv is comine ; to the Exposition with a view of taking back all the prizes in sight for county competition. C. M. Brown, County Judge of Lincoln County, has arrived at the Ex position grounds to make fuU ar rangements for a complete dis play of the resources ot his sec tion. He states that the people of Lincoln County feel that they have the best part of the state and they intend to convince the rest of the world that their possi bilities are unequalled. "In our exhibit " said Judge Brown yesterday, 'we are going to bring timber, stone, minerals, fish and game, oysters and every thing that is profitaDle. When we have everything that is lying around loose up here we are going to take pictures of what we can't transport. "I'm sorry we can't bring our climate along with the rest.. .; Everyone then would want to flock to Lincoln county." 1 , The same spirit is shown by all county ; representatives who are now paying frequent visits to the. Exposition grounds, and the re sult will be close competition with each county putting itstbest foot forward. Plans - lor county booths and exhibits are being carefully concealed, as each con tains some new and novel idea to spring, and: by which it is hoped to land cash awards and honor able mention .-from the jury of awards. Twentv-four Oregon counties ? are participating and the Exposition boards of each are hard at work on the final -details of their work. ' -;: or Chief of -Police.: I hereby announce myself a candidate for Chief of Police of the city of -Corvallis,' subject to the decision of the voters at the coming city election. v t v v,. ' . V- Very res pectf ally, "y V; j. M. Howard, - For Chief of Police. 1 "desire to' state to" the eiiizens of this city that I am a candidate for the office of Chief of Police of the City of Corvallis, subject to the decision of the voters at the next municipal election. , .v W. G. Lank. ' For Police Judge. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the office of Police Judge sub. ject to the . decision of the, voters at the. election to be held on Monday, the" 15 day of May. ' Respectfully Yours, . ; i - E. P. Greffoz, For City Treasurer. I wish to announce myself as a candi date for the office of City Treasurer at the election to be held on Monday, the 15th day of Mav. Very Truly Yours, Wm.' McLagan. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed exeeutor with the will annexed of the estate of Khoda Taylor, deeeased. All per sons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same duly verified as by law required, to the undersigned at Corvallis, Ore goo,'Within six months from this date. . - - Waltfr K. TAtxor, T.xecuor, Dated this 5th day of May, 1905. tbs KicHest man iTtjt-wi The iehe tnn in lh w"brM tan not have bis kirWrs replaced nor Hv with out them, so it isimt ertirnt not to neglect these organs. If Foley's Kidney pare is taken r at the first sign :ol danger, the symptoms wil I disappear aiidyonr health will be restored, as it BtreDjrtheng and boilds np these organs as. nothing elsef win. uscar cowman, i.enanon, -ivy., writes: "I have used Foley's Kidney Cure and take great pleasure in statiDg ft" .'cured" 'me pfinuati'eitl"of vkidney dieas, whii-h -rtainly would have coat m .y lilt? " ' Fnr palp liv 0ruham-& WfirtJiHin. Cleared for Action. When ihe body is cleared for itctiou. by Dr.. Kind's New Life PilK yon can tell it by the bloom of health on the cheeks; the brightness of ttm eyes; the firmness of the flesh and muscles; the hnovancy of the mind. Try them. At Allen & Woodward's drug store, 25 cents. We Fit Glasses PROPERLY, ACCURATELY, and SCIENTIFICALLY To all Defects of Sight. MATTHEWS, The J i we!er Room 12, Bank Building. . M. A. G00DN0UGH MANUFACTURER'S AGENT FOR THE J NEEDHAM PIANOS am ORGANS CORVALUS50RE60N. If you want a first class instrument at the lowest price for which it can be sold, consult s. We never sell our pianos and organs below cost, but we do sell a great many for a slight mar gin above cost. And you pay the same that your neighbor does. Sam ples of our goods may be seen by call ing at the office and residence, Fourth street, 2nd door north of ceurt house. Citation. In the County Court of the State ot Oreirnn for the Coanty of Benton In. the matter of the estate"), William Kriens, deceased T Annie Carnetrte nd Carl Kriens, heirs at law of William Kriens. deceased. GREETING: IX THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, voa are hereby cited and required to aDDeat iu the CMuty Court of the State of Oregon for the coun ty of Braton at the Court Room thereof at Cor- allis, Oregon, in the Coanty of Benton on Tues day the 6th day of June A. IX 19US, at 16 o'eloek in the forenoon of said day then and there to show cause if any exist why an order of sale should not oe maae as prayed lor in the petition of w.. E Yates administrator of said estate of William Kriens, deceased, of the following described real property to-wit: The north half of the-tract of land described as follows: .Beginning at the S. E. earner of . I.. C. of C. P. Blair- Claim No. 57. Sections 2o,2e,35 and 36 T. 12 & K. 6 West, Will. Mer. taeuce run xtorth chains to the N. k: corner of said claim, thence West aloug North bound ary line of said claim 1S.60 c-haius, thence South 43.00 chains to Southern boundary of said claim, thence East 18.60 chains to piacetof beginning, containing 40.00 acres. All of the above described property being iu Beuton County, Oregon. You are further notified that this citation is served upon you audi each of ynu bv publica tion thereof in the "Corvallis Gazette news paper for four -weeks under and order made bv ihe Hon. Virgil E. watters, judge of the said court oearibg date April Hth, 1905. Witness, the Hon. Virgil E. Watters, Judge of the County Court ot the State of Oregon for the County of Benton, with the seal o the said county affixed this 14th day of April, A. D. 19U5. Attest: Victor P. Moses, . Clerk. 332 iriSIOESTIO! ' "I was troubled with stom ach trouble. Thedford'sBlact . Draught did" me more good in one weet than all the doc tor's medicine I took in a year." MBS. SARAH B. SHIBFIELD, EUettsviUe, Ind. Thedf ord's Black Draught quickly invigorates the ac tion of the stomach and cures even chronic cases of : indigestion. If you will -take a.' small dose of ThedV ford's Black Draught occa sionally you will keep your stomach and liver in per fect condition. - - kTHEDFQRPS " BLA(l-DRAU(iHT More sickness is caused by constipation than by any other disease. Thedford's Black-Draught not only re lieves constipation but cures diarrhoea and dysentery and keeps the bowels regular. All druggists sell 26-cent packages. "Thedford's Black Draught is the best medi cine to regulate the bowels I have-ever used." MRS. A. M.' GRANT, Sneads Ferry, N. C. Great i The Gazette has made a special arrangement with the publishers of aj number of the leading 'magazines and newspapers of the Unit ed States, whereby we are offered ' cut rates on these publications. Now we could charge you the full price for these and re serve the difference between the regular price and their special price to us, as Jbur: commission, but as thelGA zette is a home paper for home people, it will be sat isfied by receiving you as a new subscriber, or, if you are now a subscriber, then by receiving your renewal for a year in advance. This special rate may not last long, so take advantage of it NOW while the chance lis yours. Warning. You caeaot have good health unless your kidneys are sound, for the kidneys filter the blood of impurities which other wise act as irritating poisons and break down the delicate organs of the body and rause serious trouble. If yon have kid ney or bladder trouble and do not use Foley's Kidney Cure, yow will have only yourself te- blame f r results, as it posi tively cures all forms of kidney and blad der diseases.. - For sale-.by Graham & Worthank Plumbing and Heating ! Cornice, Hoofing, Guttering. and all kinds of Sheet MetaU Work. F. A. Heucye In connection with J. H. SIMPSON'S HARDWARE STORE. Notice For Publication. United Staies Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon.. Corvallis, Oregon, May 3rd, 1905. Notice is hereby given; that in compliance -with th provisions of the act of-Congress of June 3, 1 87a, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to aU. the Pubtic Land States by act of August 4, i8o2t. i -: - EUSENE. BCGBBT, of Monmouth, county-of Polk, State of Otegon,', has this day filed in, this, office his. sworn, state ment No. 6584, for the-purchase of the E. of S. W. i Sr W of s. fc. i of Seetion No. 18 in Township No. 13 Sonth, ' Range No. & West, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable- for its timberor stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before JBegis. ter at Oregon City, Oregon on Wednesday, the 19th day of July, 1905. . ... , He names as witnesses: Charles H. Ne-xuan, Wil. la.rd Church, Philip H. Johnson,- Ernest R. Allen, all of Monmoth, Oregon. Any and all perse-tw claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 19th day of July, 190&. .ALulUOK-b. DRESSEB, ' ' - - Register. Terriiic Race WitH Death. "Death was fast approaching,'' writes Ralph F. Fernandez, oF Tampa, Fla., describing his fearful race with death, "as a result of liver trouble and heart disease, which hd robbed me of sleep and of ali interest in life. I had tried many different doctors and several med icines, Imt cot no. benefit,, until I began to use Electric Bitters. So wonderful was their effect that in three days I felt litte a new man, and today I am -ured of all my troubles." Guaranteed at Allen & Woodward's drug store; price 50c.' Pneumonia follows La Orlppo but never follows the use of FOLEY'S 1JtI, It stops the Cough and heals th longs. Prevents Pneumonia and CongcmptSon, . lbuQ. TACBKK,'e( 151 Osgood Stn Chleag vrlUai "U wif had U erippe and it tett ha with s- VWTT aA aoach w h turn .U Clubbing G UR BUSINESS is to seU xfcfees. tWe buy dothingto sett 'again. ' It is i thing we know. We imghtoffet tome advfce about ciothes,' but . advice, as you know, is ""a commodity peddled, by your , law-1 " ' " yeri 'and' given away by your mother-in-law but Impossible to" dispose of yourself," so we will not attempt advice. v When you come to us for your clothes, we consider it our obli gation to see that you receive the best We believe we have that sort this Spring. . - CROUSE & BRANDEGEE- clothing is advised by good merchants in almost every city in America. j Qwaafi tati&Bmomznumym. ' Prices from' $10 to $2 Repairing and Job Work of any kind promptly and - correctly done. Gtasses Fitted at prices that are reasonable and eyes tested free of all charge. PRATT, the JEVJLLLR HARNESS FACTORY J. E. WINEGAR, PROPRIETOR. Harness, - Saddles, - Bridles, Robes, Dus ers, Whips, Etc. Everything found in any shop is in our Factory at . . prices to suit all parses. ... FINELINE of HAMMOCKS. All kinds of repair work done on up-to-the-hour style andp rices. Satisfaction guaranteed. Opposite Mil ler's store, Corvallis, Or. Ind. Phone, No. 128. Jofo Printing; When you pay out good money fop printing, be sure and get good print ing for the money I Good Work costs you no more than the bad. Bring you obiWork to the Gazette Office. We have spent much tune thB Spring in posting ourselves on this question, and we are co fident we are better prepared to dease our customers than here- tofore. The ' accompanying illustra tion is a drawing from life from our CROUSE & BRANDEGEE V ; Outing Suits. You will notice the ' distinctive cut and style given ' these suits. Materials are in fancy . Scotches, Tweeds and -Worsteds in Over-plaids of self ; colorings r and tonings, entirely new this i ..season. Do not send out printed mat ter to your customers that -is a disgrace to your business a disgrace to your town and a disgrace to the printer who puts it out. 8 Good . printing is correct in spelling correct in gram marcorrect in punctuation on good stock printed with good ink and some : thing that it is'aTpleasure to lobkjatr