FAMOUS ATHLETES As a Spring Tonic to Get '1 adViie ail Athletes about to go in training to try a bottle of Pe-ru-na." I. W. Glenister. dtuut uiemsior, Ouauinluu 34 m uu - Swim Thrujih the Micuigaa Whirlpool Rapids. PE-RU-NA Renovates, Regulates, Restores a System Depleted by Catarrh. John W. Gleniater, of Providence, R. I., champion long distance swimmer of America, has performed notable feats in this country and England. He has used Peruna as a tonic and gives his opinion of it in the following letter: New York. The Pervma Medicine Company, Columbus, Ohio: Gentlemen "This spring for the : : first time I have taken two bottles of : : Peruna, and, as it has done me a : ; great deal of good, I feel as if I : ought to say a good, word for its : worth. "During the springtime for the last : : few years, I have taken several kinds of ' ; spring tonics, and have never received : any benefit whatever. 1 lus year, i through the advice of a friend, I have : tried Peruna and it has given satisfac- : ; bon. "I advise aB athletes who are about : to eo in training to try a bottle, for it : : certainly gets the system in good 1 shape. Yours truly, I JOHN W. GLENISTER. Odd Animal Tjaws. When a dog was unlawfully killed in countries differing so widely as Ger many and Arabia the owner of the an imal used to be indemnified in the fol lowing manner: The dog was hung up by the tail, with the point of its muz zle touching the ground, and the man who had committed the offense was obliged to pour over It corn or flour until the carcass was completely hid . den by the heap. This heap then be came the property of the man who owned the dog. Ia Syria there was. a specially curi ous variation, for If it were a street dog that was killed the flour was made into bread and given to its fel lows. No doubt this arose from the value atttached in those old parts to street dogs as scavengers. By the old Welsh laws of Howel the damages for killing an animal belonging to another were assessed in the same odd manner-. Notes on the May Century. General attention is being called more ana more to wnat seems to be a widespread religious awakening. Now it ia Australia or Wales or New Zea land that is affected ; then amazing re ports come from Korea; next, perhaps, are extraordinary returns from Los An gelea, Atlanta or Pittsburg. These conditions will be discussed , by Henry E. Elliot in the May Century under the title of "Tlje World-wide Spiritual AwaKemng." Mistaken. Kindaeea. Jack Hello, old man! Awfully glad to see you. Here, take off that coat and put on this smoking jacket and make yourself comfortable. Dick Deuce take it! Do you mean to insin uate that I don't feci comfortable in a dress suit? OLD 8 ORES SilS Nothing is more offensive than an old sore lArAfiUiLrvwU that refuses to heal. Patiently, day after day, it is treated and nursed, every salve, powder, etc., that is heard of is tried, but does no good, until the very sight of it grows offensive to the sufferer and he becomes disgusted and mor bid. They are not only offensive,' but dangerous, because the same germ that produces cancerous ulcers is back of every old sore. The cause is in the blood and as long as it remains the sore will be Some years ago my blood became poisoned, and there and continue to grow e d ld me I would have running sores foe worse and more destructive Wl w"? S1-086 nP. result em.-4.11. ' iuve. would be fatal. Under this discouraging report I """"anas 01 left off Oia sores nave been cut out S. S. S. and even the bones scraped, Mt took only a short while for the medicine to en and yet they returned, is in- tirely cure up the sores, and I am not dead as the disputable evidence that the doctors intimated I would be, neither have the blood is diseased and respon- 601x9 ever broken out again. John W. Ftodis. aible for the sore or ulcer. kneeling; W. Va., May 28, 1903. ' Valuable time is lost in experimenting with external treatments, such as Salves, powders, washes, etc., because the germs and poisons in the blood must be removed before a cure can be effected. S. S. S. cleanses and puri fies the circulation so that it carries rich, new blood to the parts and the exhilarating tonic, aids the digestion and puts every part of the .body in jpood healthy condition. Book on the blood, with any medical advice wished, frithout charge. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CAm PE-RU-NA the System in Good Shape uu vjai .i.n .e e ATHLETES realize the importance of keeping in good bodily trim. The digestion must be good, the cir culation perfect, sleep regular and enough of it. If the -slightest catarrhal condition of lungs or stomach is allowed to re main, 'neither digestion nor sleep will be strength-sustaining. Those who lead very active lives, like athletes, with good muscular development, find the spring months especially tryii g. Athletes every where praise Peruna because they, of all men, appreciate the value of a tonic that dispels phys ical depression. The vocation of some men may allow them to endure the depressing feelings ir ddent to spring weather, but the athle e must never allow himself to get "under t weather. He must keep in the "pink of ceadl tion" all the time. In order to do this he must avail himself of a spring tonic upon which he can rely. Therefore Athletes are especially friend ly toward Peruna. Peruna never fails them. Man to Be Disease Proot It has already been suggested that the appendix should be removed from every infant as jl routine measure. But this is dearly insufficient, says the British Medical . Journal. The surgery of the future must include far more than this. The tonsils and ; turbinate bones of the nose must be cut out, because they may harbor germs. What Arbuthnot Lane calls the "human cesspool" (that is, the large intestine), must be removed along with a considerable part of the upper portion of the alimentary canal, be cause it won't be needed when we be gin to live on M. Berthelot's tabloids and pills. ' The , too readily decaying teeth will be pulled out in early life and the germ-propf store variety In serted. The failing human eye will be anticipated by spectacles in early youth. Deficient moral sense and de generacy will be treated by ventilation of the brain and removal of the offend ing areas. Thus protected against the perils of civilization, the man of the coming centuries will be. able in his journey throught life to defy the countless ene mies ..that seek to rob him of health sans "teeth, sans eyes,' sans taste, sans everything. Philadelphia Record. Somewhat Different. Fond memories of the long ago Come back with songs I used to sing; But when songs I send to publishers Come back well, that's another thing. As Explained. Husband I wonder why men's pock ets are so easy to get at, while women's are so difficult? Wife Oh, that's easily explained. A man has no business with a woman's pocket, but a woman has with a man's. That's the answer. their treatment and resorted to the use of Its effects were oronrDt and watifvintr. PAY GLOWING TRIBUTE TO core or nicer neaia permanently. S. S. S. not only removes the germs and poisftns, but strengthens the blood and builds up the entire system by stimulat ing the organs, increasing the appetite and giving enerSTV to the WeaV. vrasrod vnttirriHftTi Tt ia an A friend in need will keep you broke. Philadelphia Record. "Do you really believe that Job suf fered from boils?" "I really believe be did if he had 'em." Cleveland Plain Dealer. No man ought ever to write a love- letter without thinking constantly how it will sound when it is read out loud in court. Somervllle Journal. Ethel Are you sure be has never loved before? Edith Yes. He told me to go round to the jeweler's and pick out any ring I wanted. Judge. Singleton Do you dodge when your wife throws things at you? Wederly Certainly not. Do you suppose I'd take a chance of getting hit? Bobby How much footwear do you wear out in a month. Tommy? Tommy Two pairs of a shoes and a pair of. my mother's slippers. Chicago News. Physician -Your ailment lies in the larynx, thorax, and eplglott''. Holli gan Indade! - An' me a f their thinkin th' trouble was in me 'throat. Ram's Horn. . See that man? Well, sir. he landed in this eountry with bare feet and now he's got millions." "Gee whiz! he must be a regular centipede." Philadelphia Ledger. "Well," remarked Hercules cheerful ly, as he gazed up at Atlas, "you seem to be bearing up pretty well, even if the whole world is. dewa on you." Princeton Tiger. Languid Leary Dey tell me dat Esquimaux eat soap an' t'ink it's a luxury. Perambulating Pete Well, dat's w'ot it is. It ain't no necessity. Sis Hopkin's Book. Old Friend Is your part very ditfl- cult to play? Barnstormer Well, rathej! I'm living on one meal a day, and playing the role of a man with the gout. Detroit Free Press. , Dorothy Isn't It horrid? I've Just liscovered that my dolly is stuffed with sawdust! Dick Pooh! What of it? Lots of respectable people eat break fast food. Chicago News. The Woman George, this is the an niversary of the day on which I prom ised to be yours have you forgotten It? The Brute No, my dear, I couldn't. But I've forgiven itCleveland Lead er.. . '. Customer1 Say, what kind of a crazy novel is this, anyway? It begins with the last chapter and ends with the first Bookseller Oh, that edition Is Intended, for ladies only. Chicago News. Mifkins Wasn't Benedict's death rather sudden and unexpected? Bif klns Well, it was sudden, but not nec essarily unexpected. His wife had just graduated from a cooking, school. Chi cago News. Mrs. Crawford This lovely Easter hat cost me only $65. Don't you think I look pretty In iff Crawford I'll bet that 98-cent lamp-shade you bought the other day would be just as becoming to you.- Judge. - Merchant Do you think you know enough to assist me in the office? Smart Boy Know enough! Why, the last boss I had was compelled to let me go because I knew 'more than he did. Chicago News. ; Finnegan Oh, yis, Oi can under stand bow thim astronomers can cal kilate th' distance av a stharr, its weight, dinsity and color and all thot but th' thing thot gets me is, how th divvle do they know its name? Puck. Aunt Nancy Don't say she dropped the locket in her bosom ; that isn't mod est; say she dropped it in her neck. Lucy I see; and instead of saying that the man unbosom himself, I must say he unnecked himself. Boston Trans script. . : Mrs. Spenders I wonder what will be the popular styles in bonnets next summer? Mr. Spenders My dear, wo men's bonnets will be divided into two styles, as usual the style you don't like and the style I can't afford. Royal Magazine. . - "Don't be so lazy. There's plenty of room at the - top, and you're clever enough to get there." "But," replied the lazy genius, "think how clever it is of me to find a place at the bottom, where there isn't, bo much room." Philadelphia Ledger. "I think," said the prison visitor, "it would be helpful to you if you would take some good motto and try to live up to it." "Yes," said the convict; "now, I'd like to select, for instance, 'We are here to-day and gone to-morrow.'" Philadelphia Press. -. Your daughter's music is . improv- Ins." said the, professor, "but when she runs the scales I have to watch her pretty closely." "Just like her father,' said Mrs. Nuritch. "He made his money in the grocery business." Philadelphia Public Ledger. Cottager Do you ever l'arn folks ter paint picters like that there, sir? Artist -Oh yes; sometimes. Why do you ask? Cottagers-Well, sir, this 'ere boy o' mine aint fit for nuthin'., 'jjJ be that there delicate 'e can't do no 'ard work; an' not bein' quite right in 'is 'eadi thought as 'ow this 'ere 'ud be a nice, light occupation for e. Punch.- "No," said the impecunious one. "you can't believe all that you see in the newspapers." "Are you prepared to specify?" the other man nsked. "I am. I saw a statement in the linancial columns that money vas easy, but when I tried. to negotiate a Joan I found that the reverse ivas true." "You misunderstood the paragraph. It did not "say that people were 'easy." Judge. ' - Jtrgley:lmnAlM Nervous? Then your blood must be in a very -bad condition. You certainly know what to take, then take it Ayer's Sarsa parilla. If you doubt,, then consult your doctor. We know what he will say about this grand old family medicine. Sold for over 60 years. This Is th flrtt question yonr doctor would ask: "Are your bowsls regular?" He knows tbat daily action of the bowels la absolutely essential to recovery. Keep your liTer active and your bowels regular by takiua laxative doses ef Ayer's rills. Made by 3. C. Ayer Co., IjOweU. Also manuiaeturere or 7 HAIR VIGOR. ners AGUE CURE. CHERRY PECTORAL. Another Point of View. Hyker As Shakspeare says: "Jesters do often prove prophets." Pyker Yes, and he might have truth fully added that prophets often prove jesters especially political and weather prophets. Moth em will flad Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Byrop the beat remedy to use for their ekildrea during the teething period. Key to tbe Situation. The sheriff was standing vn the corner with a large brass key in his hand. "What's that big key for?" asked the Inquisitive person. "That," answered the sheriff, "is the key to a clock factory. The proprietor let the business run down and I've got to wind it up. See?" Effects of Prosperity. In the six years of tbe country's greatest prosperity, from 1897 to 1903, average prices of breadstuSs advanced 5 per cent, meats 23.1 per cent, dairy and garden products 50.1 percent., and clothing 24.1. All these were products of the farmer and stockman, who profited more than any other "lass of the community by these advances. The nv'ner benefitted 42.1 per cent, by tbat advance in the average price of metals. Ttie only decrease in the average prices of commodities in that period was in railway freight rates, which decreased from .798 per ton-mile in 1897, to .763 in 1903, a loss of 4.4 per cent. The report of the Interstate Commerce com mission shows that the average increase in the pay of railroad employes in that period was a trifle above 8.5 per cent. A liire-Saver. He kissed her hand and then her lips; bhe bade him go away. Said he: "I live from hand to mouth. So don't be angry, pray." Oh, well," she'sa -, "if that's the case, it'll let yon I've to-day." For fortv rear's Plso's Cure for Con sumption has cured coughs and colds. At druggists. Price 25 cents. At Short Range. "It must be awful," said the type writer boarder, with the $1.98 pompa dour, "to be deceived by a false mar riage." "Well, I don't suppose it's any worse than beinc dMvivpH riv a roal nna " rejoined tbe landlady. And her husband continued to give a correct imitation of a man trying to read a newspaper. itilliiltliiiininiiimmitutiiinm'i!imuniniiint;HinI'iiiinr.miV .AVfcgetable Preparalionfor As similating the Food antffiegula Ung theStomaclis andBowels of Promotes Digestion-CheerFuI-ness andRest.Contains neither Opium,Morplune nor. Mineral Hot Narcotic. " 3ape afOUXk-SAMUELPtrClOR jflx.Savut JtxittUSJlt jbiitt Sttft jjifertossfefisSt ' Mukrynm. nmnr. A perfect Remedy forConstipa fion. Sour Stonvach.Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Fevenslv ness and Loss of Sleep. Fac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. PUT NAM i.uior more vooas Dmnter and rosier colors . vnwu 1 A ri EXACT COPY 09 WRAREER. BaaaeCA-AaZAAafeJLaJsHfcAsBwAaSga CUBES SJHlftf ALL ILSE SSII- Beet Cougb Syrup. Tastes Good. Das la time. Bold or draralsta. Good Advice. , Sylvia I'm invited to the TJpperton's ball next week, but I really can't decide what to wear. What would you adVise? Phyllis Well, dear, if I had your com plexion I'd wear the thickest veil I could find. riTA Permanently Cured. Ko fits or nervousness ll 10 after firstday'suseofDr.Kline'stireatKerve Restorer. Send for Free 2 trial bottle and treatise; Dr. B, H. Kline, Ltd., 931 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. Edible Snails. Daughter The paper says that edible snails are advertised in English restau rants. . , ' , Old Lady Land sakes! Who'd ever 'a' thought that edible snails were fit to eat You Can Get Allen's Foot-Ease FREE. Write Allen a Olmsted, Le Boy.N. T., for a free sample of Allen's Foot-Ease. It cures sweating, hot swollen, aching feet. It makes new or tight shoes easy. A certain cure for corns, ingrowlngrjaUs and bunions. All drug gists sell it. 25c Don't accept anyasubstitute. Out of the Ordinary. Miffles What do you think of Knox em as a pugilist? Biff son I don't believe he's the real thing. Miffles Why not? Biffsoa Because, he says he Isn't go ing to try to elevate the stage. ' QftEGONfflliODpUMFJEff TESTED AND TRUE GUARANTEED NOWI is tbe time to USE IT. He Had No More to Say. Growella Onr new neighbor must be a happy woman. Mrs. Growells Why do yon think so? Growells She goes about the house singing all day long. Mrs. Growells Oh, that's easily ex plained. She's a widow. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury as mercury vDl surely destroy the sensd of j smell and completely derange the whole sys- ; tent wuen entering it tnrougb. the mucous i surfaces. Such articles s.ould never be used! ex ep ton prescriptions froji reputable pLy- ; siiaru, as the damag j they will do is ten f . -id to t ,e good you can possioly deriveirom item. ; Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. ; Cheney & t o., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, i the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is tacen internally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testi monials free. - Sold by Druggists, priee 75e. per. bottle. Hall's Family rills are the best. - Two Exceptions. "They say that all tne world loves a lover," said the rejected suitor as he i ate bis dinner from the t mantelpiece, j Dut there ' are generally two excep tions to the rule, the girl you want to be your wife and the man yon want to be yonr father-in-faw." Princeton , Tiger. s Swollen Veins, Sprains, Strains and Weak Joints Believed and Cm-ed with onr Silk Elastic Stockings. Perfect Fit Guaranteed. Ffne Stont Bilk Bilk Wristlets f.75 (1.00 Anklets. 1.75 2.60 Knee Caps. 1.75 2.50 Iieggins 2.00 2.75 Garter Hose. 2.50 &50 Above Knee Hose,.. S.00 6.00 "We also manufacture a'l forma of Belts and Supporters. WOODARD, CLARKE & CO Portland, Oregon. "f" P. N. u. No. 18 190 WHEN writing- to advertisers please I mention tills paper. I For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears In Use For Over Thirty Years ths enmm ommny new vofttt omr. g"..-...wl. ( 7T i Bears the 3A FA DELESS DYES than anv othr riv Oiw iftr ttarlrn rrJn WIHWUVIIIC. SSISSOUrU OREOON v PORTLAND ST.V HELEN'S HALL " A GIRL'S SCHOOL OF THE HIGHEST CLASS corps of teachers, location, build in equipment ohe best. Bend tor cat alogue. . . k Term Opens September 1S.I904 NyjC- J SF3 .V. Hiv- ' ii Tested I Trus GUARANTEED Used and Sold Everywhere. Positive, Comparative, Superlative. "I have used one of your Fish Brand ' Slickers for five years, and now want a new one, also one for a friend. I would not be without one for twice the cost. They are just as far ahead of a common coat as a common one is ahead of nothing." (Nme on application.) HIGHEST mm WORLD'S FAIR. 1904. Be aura you dont get one of the com mon kind this Is the r"CLSJTTm) mark of excellence s A .I TniAco rn BOSTON. U.S. A. - t23tfgfj$y TOWER CANADIAN CO., Limited, TORONTO, CANADA. - 35 Makers of Wet Weather Clothing & Hats. Dr. C. Gee "o Wcrrierful Horns Tceatment This wonderful Chi nese doctor is called great because he cures people without opera tion that are given up to die. He cures with those wonderful Chi nese herbs, roots, buds, barks and vegetables that are entirely un known to medical sci ence in this country. Through the use of those harmless remedies this famous doctor knews the action of over K different remedies which be successfully uses In different diseases. He guarantees to cure catarrh, asthma, lung, throat, rheumatism, nervousness, stomach, liver, kid neys, etc. ; has hundreds of testimonials. Charges moderate. Call and see him. Patient out of the ciy write for blanks and circulars. Send stamp. CONSULTATION FflBE. Tha G. Gaa Wo Chinese Mefbine Go. x 25154-253 ALDER ST- PORTLAND, 0REG0H 49" Mention paper Pii xl.ffimrrta----'- " - To Convince You THAT THE CHATHAM Is the BEST INCUBATOR on the market, I will send you one, freight prepaid, and wait ior my pay until October 1, 1905. , It was given the highest awar.i at the Oregon State Fair, held at Salem last fall. Write fir onr Descriptive Catalogue of Incuba tors and Brooders and our time proposition. GEO. W. FOOTT, Dept 12 Portland, Oregon "W. I,. Dongrlns S3.50 shoes nre the cause of their excellent style, easy fit ting: and superior wearing- onalities. Kiwiresi sellers in tne world be They are Jnst as pood as those that cost from S5.0O to Tim .in 1 v .1 i f- S3.50 shoes cost more to mnlce, hold their shaoe better, vmr liinpw. mil rviice is ine W. L. -Donelas are of greater valne than any other '!..M.slioe on tle mnrkptto-duy. W. L. Douglas guarantees their value -by stamping: his name and price on the bottom or each shoe. Look for it. Take no substitute. XV. 1. Douglas 3.50 shoes are sofU through his own retail stores in the principal cities, and by shoe dealers everywhere. No matter where you live, W. i. Douglas shoes ar within your reach. "Tha Boat I Ever Wore." "I write to toy thot I have worn fr 8.J5 thoesfor the prut fine yrars, mid And them the best I erer viure." I2n. Frank T. pUy, SOS Boys wear W. L. Douglas $2.50 and $2.00 vshoes because they fit better, bold their shape and wear longer than other makes. , IT. A. Dayolat utet Corona Coliittm in htt . 3.50 shoe. Corona Colt n conceded to - be the finest patent leather produced. . Fast Color Eyelets will Dot wear brassy. Vf. IDmnrlss has the largest shoe mail order easiness in the world. Ho trouble to get a fit by mail. 26 cents extra prepays delivery. If you desire farther Information, write for jwwnuai uaiaiogue aj xprtng aiyie. . l DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass. .m. wool and cotton equally well and is . Write for free booklet how to dye. tTrfip-ni:-4 W. L. DOUGLAS HAKES A KB SELLS I, r 3jrap KOSE MES'S S3.SO SHOES THAN ANY t'i f 0 OTHEH MANUFACTURER IN THE WORLD, f $10,000 REWARD to salons wis fe' Jjr san disprors this statement.