P goUftd by a Spell CHAPTER XXIX. Montgomery was alone. He tried to think out his situation; he found it a difficult task. He wns utterly in Rod well's power. Once in the hands of the police, what would the story he could tell avail nsrainst the word- of a gentle man? While thus revolving in his mind his perilous position, he took out his pipe.. Searching in his waistcoat pocket for a match, he felt some smooth, hard substance. It was the locket that Mr. Porter had banded him, and which he had entirely forgotten. His thoughts were too grave ly engaged to give any heed to It now. But in taking it out of his pocket, the better to catch hold of a match that eluded his fingers, his gaze pll upon the back, upon which was engraved the Initials P. B. and E. M., joined togeth er by a true lovers' knot. A cry of as tonishment burst from his. lips; he took It to the window, minutely examined it, passed his hand across his eyes, as though doubting their evidence. Then, with trembling fingers, he tried for the spring. At last he found it. Upon one side was the miniature of a beautiful woman; upon the other, which had once contained another portrait, a lock of dark hair. - He sank into a chair, trembling as with an ague fit, and gazing wildly upon the miniature. But soon his face" soft ened, the tears gathered in his eyes, and bis chest heaved with deep sobs. He kissed the picture, and murmured words of passionate love over it. In trying for the spring, Mr. Porter had bent the case a little. As Montgomery pressed it to his lips the portrait fell out and dis closed, neatly fitted at the back, a scrap of paper. There was writing upon it; but the characters were so minute that he had great difficulty in deciphering them. At last he read these words: "The child upon whom this is found is Silas Morant son of Francis Morant, whose portrait this is, of The Willows, Herts." For some seconds, both strength , and consciousness deserted him. At first, his; thoughts came back broken and confua-' ed. This portrait of his wife in Mr. Porter's possession! How came it there a child of whose existence he was ig norant? Silas Morant Silas Carston and Madame Berne interested in him! Great heaven! this boy, then, whom he had given up to his bitterest enemies, whose lifelong misery he had sealed, whom he was on the brink of consigning to an awful death, was his own son! Back upon his soul like the blast of a trumpet rushed the parting words of Madame Berne that vengeance was "held by 8? higher power than that Of pnny man." For "the first time since his childhood days, this 'hardened man of sin knelt down, and trembling and appalled at what had been, what might have been. and what might be yet, prayed to heaven for pardon and for succor. What was to be done? If he could get clear of the honse, there would be no difficulty. But he had heard Rodwell lock the door behind him. Ah, the win dow! It was a French one, opening upon a garden; it was unfastened; he could see the back door before him. The next moment he was there. He could Hot open it "The door is locked, sir," said a voice behind him. AT rtii t irmyi a rv atartaA anil nnnn lnV- ing round saw a burly looking fellow, dressed like a groom, sitting under a tree. "Will you have the kindnef.3 to open it for me?" he said, in as uncon cerned a tone as he could assume. "Can't, sir," was the answer. "Mas ter has left me here with the key, to see that nobody passes oat -whatsom-erer." For a moment, Montgomery entertain ed the desperate idea of trying a tussle for the key, but the powerful build pf the fellow, and the thought of the noise it would create, quickly dispelled it. An other and more feasible plan crossed his brain. - , . "Would you like to earn a dollar, my man?"' he said. "I don't mean by let ting me out of that door, or by disobey ing your master's orders. Will you take a message for me to the telegraph office close by?" s The fellow considered for a moment. "Well, I wasn't told anything about mes sages, so I dare say I can get it done for you by somebody." - . It was an enormous hazard to trust to this man; but it was the only chance r left. There were writiug materials in the room he had just left. He hastened back, and npon a sheet of paper wrote addressed to "Jonathan Rodwell, Mor- ley s Hotel, the following words: "If you wish to see your granddaugh ter alive, lose not a moment in going to Manor Hquse, Essex, John Rod well's - bouse. As a double security, he would send another to Bow street station. The sec . "The young giri for whose discovery a reward has been offered is at Manor House, Essex. She is. in imminent dan ger lose not a moment." He sealed these up in separate envel opes, and went back to the man. A youth, looking like a stable lad, Was by bis side; this was to be the messenger, No person was in sight. The lad de parted npon his errand, and Montgom ery returned to his room. The next thing to be thought of was his own course of action, or rather, what answer he should give to Rodwell when he returned. He must feign to assent to . his diabolical proposition a difficult talk in the nreaent aeitation. of his mind. 1 bat the -only one. Bat would Rodwell implicitly trust. to bo sadden a conver sion? j , All this time he held the portrait of his wife in his hand, never taking his gas from off it And amidst all these racking doubts and fears of the present there rose up images of the past bright. beautiful, gloomy, and sad. Let us pho tograph some of these pictures, connect' - ping them by links that have, dropped tmt at hi, niAmiwrr anil snnimr ttiativ ab tails of which he is ignorant j He Is one-and-twenty, wild, and some what dissipated, but not vicious, just returned from college to his stately home. But a great change has come over that home since he saw it last. His noble, loving mother is dead. His father has returned to The Willows; but not alone. Two strangers ladies have ac companied him from Switzerland Mad ame Berne and her daughter. It was at the house of the former that his mother resided during her last illness. She is a rigid, austere fanatic, acting up in all things to the letter of her pro fessions, but denying the existence of j any good beyond them; all virtue and all holiness are confined within the limits of her creed beyond it, all is sin and death. She has acquired a powerful ascendancy over Mr. Morant's mind. weakened as it is by the affliction of his beloved wife's death. He has brought her home to fill the position of house keeper, and in a short time she reigns absolute and undisputed mistress over him and the household. From the moment she is first introduc ed to Edward Morant she conceives a hatred for him. The gay, light, mischiev ous bearing, even subdued as it is now by the sorrow of his mother's deaths is repulsive to her gloomy soul. There is soon open war between them. But Ed ward is no match for hjs powerful ad versary. His father, under the prose lytism of Madame Berne has become as gloomy a fanatic as herself; all gaiety of heart,- all amusements, are sins in his belief. The Willows soon become an unendurable home for the young man, and were it not for one all-powerful at traction, he would have quitted it long ago. That attraction is Frances, Madame Berne's daughter, a beautiful, melan choly girl of sixteen. He loves her pas sionately, possibly because she is so en tirely opposite to himself; and she loves him, possibly for the same reason. In the course of time Edward prevails on Frances to consent to a clandestine mar -age. They are quietly married at a suburban church, and return to The W u lo'w8 the same night. A fortnight afterwards, yielding to the prayers of his young wife, Edward de clares his marriage to his father. The old man is willing to forgive the act but Madame Berne is furious. Her daugh ter shall not be delivered over to the satanic influences of this vicious man.- A terrible scene ensues. Edward's fiery temper is thoroughly aroused, and all the 'bitterness and hatred that have been seething in his heart burst forth. There is not an. Insult an epithet of loathing, that he spares his enemy. The end of all is a father's curse, and his expulsion from the home, the doors of which he will never darken again. He would claim his wife by force of law. but he has no home to take her to he is penniless and an outcast. She is kept a close prisoner' he will never sea ker face again. s Very soon he falls into vagebondage, and, gnawed by the burning sense of the wrong that has been done him savage ly reckless, from vagabondage he sir.ks into crime, becomes implicated, through his associates, in a robbery, and is con demned to three years' penal servitude. In the meantime, a child has been born to him, of whose existence, or prob able existence, he is ignorant. A sad life is that of the mother. Mr. Morant would have been kind and good to her, but Madame Berne cannot pardon her. intne eyes of that fanatic, she is a lost soul she has strayed from the paths of righteousness, and to show mercy to her would be to participate in her guilt. In this daughter she had hoped to cre ate a second self a perpetuation of her own austere bigotry a mirror in whose reflection she could worship her own image.- . , - Frances' only consolation was her in fant son; Madame Berne would have de prived her even of this had not Mr. Mo rant interfered, and for once carried his point At the end of three years the poor girl died of a lingering decline. When, at the end of his term of im prisonment the unfortunate husband. now thoroughly vicious and -hardened, came back to The Willows to claim his wife, a funeral procession stopped the way. An awful scene ensued.; not even the sacred presence of the dead could check the wild tempest of passion that burst from the wretched man's lips. He knelt down and cursed the woman the cause of all his sufferings. From that time he was utterly lost remorse, con' science, every better feeling, were crush ed out of his nature. After the mother's death, the child against whom Madame Berne felt a vir ulent hatred, only exceeded by that which she felt for the father spite of a weak opposition on the part of Mr. Mo rant was banished -to the care of a nurse. Two years afterwards the poor little unfortunate was consigned to the guardianship of the Rev. Mr. Porter. Madame Berne determined that Ed ward Morant should never know of its existence, neither should the child be made acquainted with its parentage. Be fore it left the care of the nurse a friend of the lovers, and who frequently paid a secret visit to the child, sewed up in its frock a locket containing its mother's portrait and a lock of her hair, adding thereto the scrapt of writing which Mont gomery had now so" strangely discov ered. The locket had been given her by poor Frances on her deathbed. It was all she could do dared do. Slight as was the link, it might one day prove use ful to the boy in establishing his iden tity. When, after his death, Mr. Morant') will was opened, Madame Berne was dis covered to have inherited his estate and fortune: but attached was a codicil of a very recent data, making chargeable np on the same an annuity of $2,500 a year to Silas Morant known as Silas Cars- ton. . .'.';..-:'. The unlocking and opening of the door aroused the dreamer, calling him back from ghosts of the past to the horrors of the future, in the person of Mr. John Rodwell, who at that moment re-entered the room. - t "Well," was Rodwell's first word; "do yon consent?". . "Needs most" answered Montgomery sullenly; he feared to change his tone too suddenly. "By the bye," he added, "I am forgetting all about the Corin- thian. I am due there at seven, and is is now five." ' "The public will certainly be deprived of your brilliant talents this evening,", sneered Rodwell. "We shall start about ten. You do not suppose that I would trust you to go alone after' what has passed? The night air might affect your delicate conscience if ' you had ' not a friend by your side." "But who will carry ont the second part of your scheme? Who will be your messenger to your uncle?" v "Would not a telegram serve the pur pose?" Montgomery started. Was it a sliay shot? or was he discovered? There was a dark, malicious smile up on Rodwell's face. "Whatever clever plots you may have been revolving in your fertile brain to overmatch me, will only rebound upon yourself. But, in the meantime, dinner is waitiug for us in the next room. Let us eat, and be thankful. Who knows whether we shall ever eat another? Life is so very un certain." Montgomery was not a coward, but there Was something in the callous-hearted levity of this man, who could thus jest upon the eve of an, awful crime, that made his blood run cold. Added to which, he did not feel by any means cer tain that the telegram had not fallen into his hands. If so, what then? He shud dered at the thought Before the dinner was half over, a strange, drowsy sensation' began to steal over him. Ten minutes more, and he had fallen senseless from his chair unto the floor. Case of an overdose," said Mr. Rod- well to the servant who was waiting, coolly continuing his meal. "Lay him gently upon the couch, and then teil John to put the "mare into the dog-cart. '11 drop the gentleman into his home as I go along. I shall drive myself, and shall not require any one with me." About 0 o clock Montgomery, still in sensible, was lifted into the dog-cart. Mr. Rodwell took the reins, and drove away. But not in the direction of Cam den Town; on the contrary, he made towards the open country, taking the same road that Montgomery had travers ed in the opposite direction a few hours before. He stopped at a wooded, soli tary spot about half a mile off the road way, and, about three miles from the Manor House, unharnessed the mare. took ont a saddle and bridle that he had concealed in the boot and, by the light of a bull's eye lantern, put these upon her. Then he dragged out his helpless companion, threw him across the front I of the saddle, leapea into tn sat, ana after casting a look at the vehicle, which was ensconced under a tree and quite hidden by the darkness, he galloped away. CHAPTER XXX. It was a wild night The wind howl ed mournfully through the passages and corridors of the house down in Essex, swaying the shivering poplars, stripping them of their leaves, and soughing among the branches. Heavy masses of cloud drifted rapidly across the sky, and large drops of rain pattered occasionally upon the dry leaves. At times, the moon broke forth in fitful radiance, but only to render the succeeding darkness deeper. There was a terrible spirit abroad tjjat night spirit of destruc tion on land and sea. Before the fire in his somber bedroom sat Silas Carston, watching sadly the flickering flames blown about, by the draught that came roaring down the huge chimney. He was alone; the nurse had been removed, and his door securely locked. Dark and . despairing were his thoughts, and over ail there hovered the spirit of the night boding death. In the chamber above him, watching the tempestuous changes of the sky, with her eyes, but not with her mind, sat Clara, sad, dreary, hopeless, at the mercy uvr cueuiiw. ouc ni.w n aa a prisoner fast secured, and over her brooded the spirit of the night boding death. In the kitchen below sat two female servants cowering over the blazing fire, shuddering at the howling wind, and supping full . of horrors on ghost stones. Tn small room UDon the same corri dor in which Clara's apartment was sit uated, sat the Rev. Mr. Porter, trying to drown dark memories and stupefy re morse, the specters still floated upon the surface, ana the worm gnawed ' cease lessly. He shivered and looked around, and then crept closer to the cheerful fire. Over him hovered the spirit of the night boding death. (To be continued.! , Married Unawares. An astonishing story of involuntary marriage is brought to England -by the steamer Anversville, which has just arrived from the "Congo. " The Belgian officials declare the in cessant risings in the Congo- Free State to be due to the. missionaries, and they are alleged to lose no opportunity of making things uncomfortable for these self-sacrificing evangelists. Sites for new mission buildings are refused, natives are forbidden to sell food to the missionaries, an' exorbitant-tax has been put on fuel, and numberless petty measures of irrita tion are devised. Recently one of . the missionaries died on an Upper. River station,' and, in accordance with Free State -law, three of the dead man's colleagues a lady and two gentlemen, who were present at; the deathbed traveled to the nearest state post to report the matter to a Belgian official. This official professed to be unable to speak any language but Flemish, which none of the party understood, He made them repeat after him in Flemish what they believed to be a declaration as to the cause of death, and then swear to it and sign it - A week later, they discovered to their horror that the document they had signed was not a death return, but a marriage certificate, and that the lady, who Is over fifty, had been legally married to the .jonnger of her two companions. London Express. The colossal statue of Prince Bis marck being erected afr Hamburg, will be unveiled In 1908. Its height Is over oO feet; and the sword is 36 feet long, A First-Class Market Apple. Wherever the Baldwin, Northern Spy and similar varieties of apples can be grown successfully, the' Fameuse, shown in the illustration, should have a place, for it is one of the most de sirable varieties for commercial pur poses. In quality it is one of the best, and its attractive skin, highly colored and tender, makes it a sort easy to sell to consumers. The flesh is white, with generally red streaks and of good qual ity. The trees are productive, come into bearing quite early, and, with proper care, bear consecutive seasons. In season it is a late fall or early win ter sort and is a good keeper and a good shipper, if care is used In pack ing, so that the rather delicate and thin skin Is not bruised. All things considered the Fameuse may be class- ed among the very few really desira ble sorts for market use; Indianapolis News. 'Raising the Bacon Hog. Outside of what is known as- the corn belt farmers will make more money in hog raising by putting ani mals on the market of moderate weight than by the heavy weights which have long been so popular. The streak of lean and streak of fat hog Is the most profitable one to-day, but to raise such an animal requires a radical departure from tne old methods of close pens and an almost exclusive corn diet Oats, barley, skim milk and plenty of good pasture- during the summer enter very largely into the makeup of the bacon hog. Some corn is fed, but mainly at the finishing off period, the main de pendence being placed on the other grains with the pasture. In the case of the latter good pasture must be sup plied. It will not do to turn the hogs on any worn-out strip of grass land. The pasture of mixed grasses must be good and the results will be better if a range of rape is used by way of variety, Then let the hogs follow' the harvest in the fall, particularly in the corn field, and they will pick up nearly all the corn they should have during the period of growth. Subduing: Flying; Fowls. When (pwls. are kept confined they get uneasy and long for freedom; this is particularly the case with the small- er breeds, says an exchange. Thi com- j mon method of prevention is to clip ; tne ringg f the birds, not a desirable mng tQ dQ u tney nappen to be hjgh. class fowls. A better plan Is to attach the little arrangement here described. Take a stout cord and tie around the points of the feathers, on the wings mainly used in flying. Tie one wing in this manner, then pass the cord over the back and tie the other wing. - Be careful not to draw the cord too tight but leave it so that the fowl can carry HARNESS FOB FLYING FOWLS.- the wings in a natural position, and it will do no harm, yet the bird will not be able to fly any distance. Choosing a Iras Saw, ; in choosing a saw, hold It up clear of everything with one hand, and ring the blade with tne other. It will hum where your knuckles hit it, according to the temper ana. quality of carbon in the blade. The longer it hums or vibrates the better the quality of the steeL Then look down the teeth from end to .end and see that the blade is straight, and look'along oh the flat "of both sides to see that It is not "bumpy1 that is, hollow in some places and full in others. This is a great draw back to a saw, as it pulls bard through the full spots or bumps, knocking against the cut ends as it runs through the log. It is a fault very hard to de tect In a new saw, in an old one very easy, as the bumps show bright and polished from knocking, and the hoi Iowa dull from escaping the friction, See that the saw la not too thick, or It wastes too much strength to saw with It A - .- VAn Kmc Producer, Green cut bones are not need as ex tensively as they should be, because grain can be obtained with less dlffl- j culty and at a minimum cost - but as jtKg producing material the bone is far superior to grain and does not cost THE FAMEUSE APPLE. mora than grain In some sections. The cutting of the bone Into available sizes Is now rendered an easy matter, as the bone cutter Is within reach of all. Bones fresh from the butcher contain more or less meat and the more of such meat the better, as It will cost no more per pound than the bone, while the combination of both meat and boqe Is an excellent food from which to produce eggs. How Ehould a Cow Be Milked? Opinions differ very much as to the manner in which the operator should proceed in milking a cow. Some con tend that the proper plan is to draw the near fore and the oft hind teats simultaneously, and then the off forp and the near hind teats; while others argue that both the hind teats should be first drawn; and still others contend that the whole of one side of the ndder should be drawn ere the other side is touched. We are not aware that there is really very much in it either way, but it is ftiig-fppatlv trt tenrn that in an investigation conducted some time , ago by Prof.' Babcock,' the well-known dairy expert. It was found, that the order in which the teats were milked . exercised considerable influence on the quality of the milk obtained. It was found that the teat, that was drawn second in order almost invariably yield ed the richest milk; then came the teat ; that was first milked, and next in order , the third and fourth, the last one ! drawn. Invariably giving the poorest milk. From these results Prof. Bab- cock argues that milk is pretty largely1 j formed during the act of milking, and that it does not accumulate to any ex tent in the ready-made condition of the udder. American Cultivator. Two Spraying; in One. Recent tests at the Gfeneva (N. Y.I experiment station suggest that the trees with a sulphur wash may take i the place of the first one of the com- bined treatment with bordeaux mixture ! and paris green for scale and scab. It is found that the sulphur washes kill many other insects besides the scale and result in considerable benefit to the tree. On the other hand, it was no-, Madison, on the Ohio, was begun, ticed that in spraying old orchards The parish prison at New Orleans some of the buds were killed on the;'was erected at a cost Of $200,000. lower branches by the large quantity East Tennessee was swept by a ey- of the spray which they received. The effect was to thin the fruit and de-l crease its number, while improving the slze and quality. The lime and sul - phur washes proved efficient scale de? stroyers on all treated trees. Massa chusetts Ploughman. Cutting: Potatoes for Seed. In cutting seed potatoes. Farm and Home says, take the potato in the left hand with the stem end toward you. i If it Is large cut off a good sized piece with two or three eyes. Re volve the potato to the right and keep cutting off about the same size pieces, finish- CUTTING POTATOES. ing the potato by splitting the seed end. Cut potatoes as you want to use them and after they are cut never expose to the sun or air to dry out If you cannot use th-m immediately pour out on damp ground in the shade of trees or building and cover .with a blanket Seed the least bit dry comes up Slower, Diignis easily, ana yieias lighter, Just In proportion as it is dried out ' Lettuce. . Lettuce is a salad plant a salable greens,- extensively forced in green houses during the winter, and in hot beds and cold frames in early spring It can be sown from spring till fall! and is remarkable for being able to stand quite severe frosts. Lettuce thrives best in T:lay loam soil well treated with well-rotted barnyard ma nure. In early spring the seed is sown In rows a foot apart and thinned to stand about six inches apart in the row. For the very early and very late crops, the loose-growing varieties are best for the reason that they mature the quickest For early summer and fall crops, the larger head lettaces are the finest In order to have crisp, ten der lettuce, the crops must be sown rapidly. . To secure a quick growth, the soil must be very rich. Nitrate of soda scattered broadcast along the rows and well raked in, will generally give a quick growth. It can be used at the rate of 200 to 300 pounds to the acre. General Farm Notes. It is well to mark the eggs' on which the hen Is placed for hatching pur poses. A dog that worries the fowls should be broken of the habit without delay, for a hen will not do her best while such nuisances exist , If you find that the young chicks are disappearing, keep an eye on the fam ily cat It may develop that this ani mal is doing the damage. Dampness will cause , more troubles in the brood than any other condition in the poultry house. Dry floors are as .necessary as, proper food. Agricultural implements to the value of $2,835380 were exported from this country during the month of January, 1905, the exports for the same month of 1904 being valued at $1,987,985. ' For the tree lice, the . New Hamp shire Station successfully' dips the in fested twlg of young trees In a weak solution of tree soap. - Probably kero sene emulsion would answer the same purpose. -'' ": - A . Chilean government expert asserts tht at the end of twenty years, when thirty-five million tons of . nitrate of soda have been extracted from , the great mines on the coast of Chill, the exhaustion of the nitrate deposits will have been accomplished, , THEV7EEKLY HI One Hundred Years Ago. The Jewish oath' bill, several 'times passed by the Commons, was ihown out by the House of Lords. ' About 500 Indians held a council of war at the mouth of the Wabash. Emanuel Lisa founded the first trad ing post in Nebraska, at Bellevue. New Hampshire passed a law'dlvid- ing Its towns Into school districts, The United States government was negotiating for 2,000,000 acres of In- dlan land west of the Wabash, onno- site Vincennes. The Spanish consul at Philadelphia informed the merchants of the United States that the port of St Augustine, Fla'was opened for importation of provisions. Russian troops were- assembling at Corfu and adjacent islands- Seventy-five Years Ago. Uprisings in Belgium were dally -. currences, the country being on the verge of a revolution. The Legislature of Georgia annulled aU laws made by Cherokee Indians. The State road from Lake Michigan , clone. , Work was begun by the surveyors Ior the laying out of the city of Cht- ,0?0 - France addressed its ultimatum to the Dey of Algiers, demanding a pub lic reparation and $16,000,000 indemni ty for the expenses of the "war. Fifty Years Ago. Butler University at Irvington, Ind., was opened. Charlotte Bronte, the English novel ist, died. ; England signed a treaty ef peace with Mohammed of Cabul, India. Sir George Gore left St Louis with forty men to explore the head waters of the Powder River in Montana. The bronze equestrian statue of Gen eral Jackson was unveiled in the Place d'Armes, New Orleans. Four sons of John Brown, abolition ist, settled on the Pottawatomie River, eight miles from Osawatomie, Ark. Was election day in Kansas and the polls were invaded by "emigrants" from Missouri, who carried the State. Forty Years Ago Sheridan overtook Lee's army at Sailor's Creek and defeated it after a day's fighting. A new stringent tariff law went into operation. Richmond and Petersburg were evacuated by the Confederates and oc cupied by Union forces. Peace rumors based on - President Lincoln's visit to the army at City Point - were telegraphed over the North. The Wisconsin Legislature memoral ized the Postoffice Department to es tablish railway distributing stations in that State. Municipal elections held in many cities throughout the North showed great strength of the Union party. - Dispatches from President Lincoln at City Point announced that the Union army, after three days' fighting, succeeded in breaking the Confederate center at- Petersburg and flanking Lee on the left Thirty Years Ago. The Illinois Legislature passed the . municipal Incorporation act. Charles p.. Ingersoll, Democrat was elected Governor of Connecticut The monument to the late Emperor Maximilian at Trteet Austria, was un veiled. - . Through a telegraph operator's blun der two trains came together at Bur lington, Iowa, killing several and In juring many persons.- Archbishop Manning was created a cardinal, the ceremony taking place before, many English and American pilgrims at Rome. ; The Pope Issued an encyclical re newing the excommunication of the old Catholics of Switzerland. Henry Ward Beecher began his tes timony in his own defense in the Brooklyn court which was hearing the TUton-Beecher case. Twenty Years Ago. The British forces under General Graham captured and burned the Arab village TamaL General Grant's condition was such that the end appeared to be near. .A Cabinet meeting decided that while this nation was not concerned with the internal affairs of Colombia, then In a state of revolution. It was j responsible for free and uninterrupted transit across me isuiuiua.