Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, May 05, 1905, Image 5

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Mrs. Philip Phile visited Al
bany friends last Wednesday .
Miss Lillie McA'dams went to
Independence lasv. Tuesday to visit
with friends for a week or two.
A. F. Harlan is building a house
and barn on the ten-acre tract that
hn recently uurchased in Wells &
McElroy's addition.
MisBes Mary Miller and Sarah
Wilhelm were down from Moi.roe
last Wednesdav. shopping: and
-visiting with friends.
A meeting of citizens interested
in cleaning out Muddy creek is call
ed for May 13 and the Grange Hall
is the place of meetibg.
Eugene Bogert, of Monmouth,
filed on a timber claim in Wil
lamette precinct, this county, last
Wednesday. The claim consists of
160 acres. .
W. I. Price has let the contract
to McHenry Bros, to conetruct tw3
cottages on his property just south
of the Agricultural Hall. The
cottages are for rent.
Wednesday afternoon word was
phoned to this office that the Wood-
Klirn VtonV Vi ti rl Kaoti Viald Tin M n fl
robbed of $3,000. This happened
according to report in the middle
of the afternoon.
There will be preaching in the
.new Adventist church in Jobs
Addition tomorrow evening and
Sunday morning and evening. W.
L. Skeele, of Washington county,
will occupy the pulpit.
Last Wednesday Mrs. Eunice
Dutton appeared before County
. Clerk Moses aud filed on a home
stead of 40 acres. Mrs. Dutton is
of Blodgett and the homestead
filed on is west of that place.
Jas. Flett is going to have a shed
build on to the City stables. The
addition is to be 16x26 feet and
work has already started. Many
x other improvements of minor im
portance are to be made. - Charley
Heckart will do the work.
; C. M. Cady, son of J. J. Cady, of
this city, was recently transferred
from Rosebure to Albany where he
is night operator for the S. P. Com
pany. During the week C. M
uady ana wire visitea relatives in
this city.
uao meets uoiumbia university
in a meet on the local field tomor
row afternoon.' Much interested is
attracted to this event and hope is
high in college circles and down
town as wen mat OAu will carry
cn the nonors. - ..."
The U. S. dredger, the Mathloma
was expected to leave Portland yes
terday for the Upper Willamette to
begin operations at once. It is not
expectea tnat sue will c ime up so
far as this city, but that ah ;i will
begin on the obstruction highest
up, which is between this city and
General Thorp arrived home,
Wednesday noon, from a sojourn of
some weeks jn Chicago aud other
. Eastern cities, whither he had been
called to perfect and oversee cer
tain detail work on the Agricultural
automobile which he . recently
patented. '.'. The general met with
untsual good luck, he reports.
Mrs. Aileen Hartley, who Las
been visiting her mother, Mrs. A.
F. Peterson, of this city, returned
to her home in. Cottage Grove, yes
terday. It is understood that Mrs.
Peterson intended going ' to the
same place yesterday to enter a
sanitarium in that city for treatment-
William C. Bryant, a college
student returned from a brief visit
at his home near Hubbard, Or.,
last' Wednesday. He stated that
where he lives much corn is plant
ed and that it does pretty well.
They were just starting to plant
corn at the time he returned to re
sume his studies.
J. T. Rhillips has just completed
the construction of a gigantic clod
roller for M. S. Woodcock. That
it will mash clods there is no rea
son ror aouot, Dut it iooks as
though -it would require half the
horses in the connty to draw it.
There are-all told, three very large
rollers, two behind and one ahead,
. in the center. The workmanship
is good, so is the idea, and with
corses enough to draw it there can
i certainly be no complaint of the
work it will do.
Richard Zahn came out from
Alsea, Wednesday, in response to a
subpoena to appear before Deputy
District Prosecuting Attorney E.
R. Bryson and explain where he
secured his liquor, if he had any.
At the same time a number of men
from Philomath were here on a
visit to Attorney; Bryson on busi
ness of similar nature. Mr. Zahn
says that everything in the valley
is f going forward at a good clip.
Stock looks well as the result of an
open winter. The roads are in
good condition and every thing- is
promising a good future.
Miss Rose Greffoz is expected to
arrive from Portland next Sunday
for a visit with friends.
Miss Myrtle McDowell, of Dallas.
is eponding a few days with re
latives and friends in this city.
Miss Lotta Rose came up from
Portland, Tuesday, and will be the
A Display of dood Faith That All
Will Appreciate.
There is now need of comment
on what appears below. Yester-
Aaxi a rtAfltirm woe rtrpnlaipl li trt
guest of relatives in this city for a i ; fv .. l
number of weeks. !and at the time the paper ceach-
.',. . , ea us me ioi lowing gentlemen
lhe G. A. K. memorial sermon j . u:n
win uo (jrBHuueu uu ouuuay, luay
28, by Rev. G. H. Feese. The hour
will be made known later.
Additional Local.
' Charlie Blakeslee has the task
of raising and putting a better
foundation under the" David Irvine
building on South Main street.
Down in Snap Creek school 'dis
trict No. 32 has voted for a ninth
grade school. This speaks eloquent
ly in behalf of the parents of that
Mrs. Julia Paul went to Portland
Tuesday, to join her husband, G.
Lester Paul, whi is teaching elo
cution in an academy of music in
that city.
Charlie Chipman has reconsider
ed matters and has gone back to
his old position in the grocery de
partment of ,F. L. Miller's estab
Robt. Johnson, wno has Buffered
for some we ks with an attack of
typhoid faver, is much better we
are pleased to announce.,, it all
goes well he will soon be about
Last Tuesday at the home of the
bride's mother in Wren, Miss Anna
Jackson and Charles Blodgett were
united in marriage. Both of the
youDg people are weli known end
respected in Blodgett.
The stone foundation for the
dwelling Dr. Pernot is going to
ereet between his present residence
and that of John Smith is just
about completed and carpenters
will soou be at it with hammer and
saw. '
Presbyterian Church, Rev. M. S.
Bush. Bible School 10 a. m. Re
ception of new members and com
munion 11 a. m.; U. consecra
tion meeting 7 p. m., Miss Hanna
will address the Endeavorers
Evening service at 8 p. m.. sub
ject, "Tell John."
Walter Kline, who has had quite
a serious time or it witn an aggra
vated attack of measles, is gradual
ly regaining his health and it is
reported that he will soon be around
again. Lhe measles were bad
enough, but added to this he was
afflicted with a very bad boil on his
neck. Surely Walter had a time
of it.
Marshall Miller has moved into
the S. H. Dalaba hiuse on . Sixth
street. Mr. Miller has rented his
home on River street to J. J., Tryon
and the latter has taken possession.
Mr. Tryon is connected with Moses
Bros, and will hereafter be ia the
store in'this city. The dwelling he
will occupy will be very convenient
to Mr. Tryon's place of business.
S. H. Horton returned from his
farm near Dusty last Tuesday.
During the time he was coming
down he was caught in two very
severe rain storms and found the
road quite maddyin many places.
He was surprised when he reached
Corvallis to find the street sprink
ler in operation. Mr. Horton says
that crops look well in Southern
Those who are well posted de
clare that there is a great increase
apparent in the travel on the West
Side at present, to and from Cor
vallis. It is noticeable that many
strangers are in the city a good
portion of the time. This is per
haps an advance guard of the
Lewis and Clark Fair visitors.
Much of interest is scheduled for this
summer or we mis3 our guess.
W. W. Dixon, of Tangent, Or.,
deshes us to announce that if a
sufficient number of teachers will
signify -.their desire to attend, he
will open a summer school in this
city June 26 and continue it for a
matter of six weeks. Two lines of
work will be carried on: Thorough
review work preparatory to exam
ination ; and method work, or how
to teach various subjects, . Any
teacher, or other party interested
are desired to communicate , with
the gentleman at above address, or
confer with Supt. Denman, Cor-
vallis." ' -
An Oregonian of recent date con
tained an article showing in detail
the amount of money authorized to
be expended this year on railroads
in Oregon. The total is about
$1,500,000, of which sum more
than $800,000 will be expended for
labor alone. - The betterments in
clude ballasting of track, laying of
heavier steel, the replacing of wood-
en ondges by steel structures, and
manv other improvements of simi
lar character. Our local agent-of
the Southern Pacific assures us that
his company, intends bringing its
lines up to the . high standard of
present day requirements as rapid
ly, as possible.
missioners had signed it: P. L
Miller, J. R. Smith, E. Wood
ward, W. S. McFadden, B. F.
Irvine, P. Avery, . S. L. Kline,
and there was no reason to doubt
but all members would sign. The
following is the paper signed and
it speaks for itself:
Whereas, By act of the legis
lature of 1905 the City of Cor
vallis was authorized and em
powered to construct or purchase,
keep, conduct, maintain, and op
erate water works within and
without said city, of a kind in
said act described, etc., vand
Whereas, Said act amongother
things provided for a committee
of 10 tax-payers and residents of
said city and provided for a com
mission to carry said act into ef
fect and providing for the perpet
uation or said committee and
commission, and
Whereas, There exists a strong
desire among the residents of said
city to have said committee and
commission chosen by the" qual
ified voters thereof and we the
undersigned members of said com
mittee desiring to labor in har
mony with the residents of Cor
vallis for a better water system
and the upbuilding of tne-city,
and believing that the people
should have a voice in the selec
tion of said committee and com
mission, therefore be it
Resolved, That we will favor
and ioin in a request to ur
representatives in the legislature
of the state of Oregon at the
ensuing session thereof following
this date, to amend the act of
said legislature of the year 1905
to make the water committee of
said city to consist of four or six
members instead of ten: that
four or six of the ten committee-'
men now created by said act shall
be elected by lot iirom among
and by present committee to con
stitute the "water commission"
in the amended act, who shall
act as such commissioners re-
See Blackledge for furniture, etc.
.. " 26
Messrs. Joseph Yates and Abnpr
Limbocker went to Dock Jackson's
farm fishing receo ly. Mr. Lim
bocker caught two trout about as
long as your little finger, but our
friend J oseph caught noue. ,.
Call at the Benton County Lum
ber Yard for prices on three grades
of flooring, rustic, and finishing
umber. You will find the grade
and prices right. 26.
Court convened as usual last
Wednesday in regular monthly
session. Wednesdtiy was devoted
partly to auditing bills, while yes
terday was given over to a consider
ation of special matters. . Court
was expected to adjourn yesterday
afternoon. ,
An ice-cream social is to be givei
at the Good Sammaritan rectory by
the Ladies Guild, Saturday, May 6
from 4 to 10 o'clock. Fifteen cents.
Also home-made candy . A quan"-
ty of plain and fancy sewing will
be onered tor sale. Sb-d
Mrs. Lizzie- Estes and childrei
arrived in this city, yesterday, from
San Francisco. Mrs. Estes is a
sister of Mrs. tiene taimpson, 01
this citv. and the latter went to
Albany to accompany her sister to
Blackledge, leading wall paper
dealer. 30m
J. C. Dawson,, representing the
Oregon Booster, is in this city in
the interest of his journal. It is
the gentleman's intention to give
m a boost by boosting us in me
Booster. In fact, he is going to
give Corvallis and Benton county a
good write-up and as he represents
a splendid journal we predict him
Largest line of matting in coun
ty at Blackledges. 30tf
At the request of Commandant
Quinlan, Bandmaster Lucas, of In
dependence and Monmouth band,
came up yeBterdav and arrange
ments were made whereby his
valuable services are to be secured
for OAC's cadet band until July
1st. This will carry the hand
through their encampment in Port
Buy Your Outing Clothes Hero.
1 1 1
I HutSduffoo
I (t Mm
I HadTaOorea SSS
II imm hi Vva infill
1 11' p
11 1 mi
II Coprrlll190bj Hart SeklBaw Mux
We'll save you money,
and give you a pleasing,
becoming- sort of style.
We are ready, for you.
H. S. & M. style is perfection.
Outing Pants, $2.50 to $4.00
Fancy Vests, $1.00 to;$3.50
Latest Styles in Neckwear and Furnishings.
spectively for i, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6
years or until the ensuing general
election of said city following.
and that the qualified voters of
the City of Corvallis shall elect
by ballot at each ensuing city
election from and ' after the
amended act a water commis
sioner to serve foi the term of 4
or 6 years from the date of his
election and qualification as such
commissioner; and in case of the
death or resignation of any mem
ber of said water commission,
the mayor of said city shall ap
point a water commissioner to
serve until the next annual
election following such death or
resignation, at which election
the qualified voters shall elect
water commissioner to serve for
the same term as the commission
er whoe term he is elected to
fill. Be it further
Resolved, That the bonds to
be issued bv said citv under the
present act shall contain a pro
vision to the effect "That this
bond is issued subject to such
change as to the number and
personnel of the water commission
of said city as may in the future
be enacted bv the legislature of
the State of Oregon." ,
Second grade fir lumber, almost
any dimension, fir only $6.50 per
thousand feet, at Corvallis Saw
Mill. 10 tf.
At the Congregational church
next Sabbath , ,Rev. Green, paster.
The, White House, Jkm Gorvatiis, Ore.
D. C. Meat and.
Chaa. Blakaslef.
Patronize Home Industry.
Outside Orders Solicited.
All Work Guaranteed.
Sunday school at 0 a
jr young men at 1U: worship
and sermon at 11: Christian &t-
deavor at 7; vesper service and
sermon at b. (Morning sermon,
"Are All Men God's Children? Are
All Men God's Sons." Evening
sermon "Emah or One With God
as a Majority. ,
New Partnership.
Bert Yates and W. E. Yates have
formed a partnership under the firm
name of Yates & Yates. They expect to
do a general insurance and abstract busi
ness. They represent good reliable in-1
surance companies and will furnish
accurate, neat and complete abstracts of
Benton connty property at reasonable
prices. Uaii on or write to Yates &
Yates. Corvallis, Oregon. .
A Creeping Death.
Blood poison creeps up towards the
heart, causing death. J. E. Stearns,
Belle Plaine, Minn., writes that a friend
dreadfully injured his band, which
swelled up like blood poisoning. Buck-
len's Arnica salve drew out the poison,
healed the wound, and saved . his life.
Best in the world for burns and sores.
25c at Allen & Woodward's drug store.
Cheap Sunday Rates Between
Portland and Willamette
' Valley Points.
Not long ago W. C. Young and
lamily arrived in th:s city from
Indian Territory and took uo their
abode among ue. While enroute
here -an infant child contracted
sev.Te cold which resulted in death
last Sunday morning. The funeral
occurred from the iamily residence
last Monday morning and inter
ment was made in Odd - Fellows
cemetery. ,. Being Strangers here
this is an unusually sad afiair. . ,
... -l . h -
Rev. E. J. Thompson, of 1 Inde
pendence, and Rev.' W. S. Holt, of
Portland, Sy nodical Missionary of
the Presbyterian church, was in the
city last evening . to assist in the
installation of Rev. M. S. Bush as
pastor of the Presbyterian church.
Low round trip rates have been placed
n esect between .Portland and Willam
ette Valley points, in either direction.
Tickets will be sold
and limited to return on or before the
following Monday.
Rate to or From Corvallis, $3.00.
Call on Southern Pacific Co's Agents
for particulars. i
Wool Pool.
, Those wishing to pool their wool with
me can do so by reporting the number of
fleeces to me. I will handle your wool
and soli to the highest 'bidder and give
you what there His in ft. " Sacks, fleece
and twine for sale by ' me at Kings
Valley. - . F.J. Chambers.
Steamer Aregona, leaves Cor
vallis, Mondays, Wednesdays
and Fridays, for Portland and all
way points. - For . rates, etc,
call on ' V;
coats leave- lor Jfortiana ,ana
way stations at 6 a. m. ,. .
A. J. SHIRLEY, Agent.
The new double
breasted model for
Spring, represents
talent in tailoring
that Custom Tailors
cannot afford.
$ 15 & $16.50
Robinson & Stevenson
Real Estate, Loans and Insurance
mitrr OFFICE PHON'e-'
Corvallis, Ore.
For Infants and Children.
7 Have Always Bought
Turner's Cash Store
One door South of Farmers' Hotel, Corvallis. i
Since moving into our New Location Iwe have stocked up
w.ith a Full Line of Fresh. Goods. Will keep a full line of fresh
Gr"oceries Vegetables, Fruits, Etc. .
Delivery system regular and reliable. Store open from 6:30
a. in. to 8:30 p. in." every day during the .week. . Expenses are
lower than those of any other grocery firm, in the city and our
prices are fixed accordingly. ; Call and see or ringup Indepen
dent Phone No. 452. 1 - ,