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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1905)
s tV tomtit. . fcORVA 2 : ; . 4 S--- ClAi HdJL -L i A 4 :vol. xm. CJorvallis, Benton' County, Oregon, Tuesday, May2,. 190S. NO." ST GREAT POULTRY FARM. The Only Exclusive Poultry Farm in Benton County. The poultry business is rapid ly outstripping in importance the wheat raising industry in the United States.: Each year sees more attention paid to it, and al though comparatively new in Or egon the business of raising poul try for market has taken firm . root here and is destined to have; a good future. , Benton county meri are going at this business in earnest and we have, many among us already who are breeding the finest poul try in the world. However, every one, save one exception," who have taken up the chicken busi ness have entered the field to make the business a side issue. The exception to this rule is S. H. Moore, proprietor of the Col lege View Poultry Farm. This farm is situated on the outskirts of Corvallis and com prises 15 acres. Any person who expects to go into chicken cul ture will be well repaid for the time taken to visit Mr. Moore's farm. Oa the place are " good substantial buildings 01 every description, but what is of great est interest is' the variety of con venient arrangements for handling chickens of all kinds and ages. Let us look into the matter closely and follow the methods of Mr. Moore. We will begin with placing eggs in the incubatpr. After this, is done the best results barrel said hen is place, together with an abundance ot louse killer powder, and given a spin for her life. For setting hens there are a number of prisons. The chicken roosts have blocks nailed on those used by the larger and heavier breeds to keep them from crowd ing. These blocks are nailedvon the roosts just far enough apart for a chicken to set between them. The roosts themselves are about 1 y2 or two . inches square, not nailed down, and may be turned for cleansing. In cleaning the roosts Mr. Moore uses louse killer powder and kerosene oil, mixed. This spring Mr. Moore will in cubate about 700 chicks. He raises at present Brown Leghorns and Barred Plymouth Rocks, but after this year he will keep only the latter breed, as he flnus they are fully as good layers as the Brown Legborns and are much better for marketing. Every egg Mr. Moore can hope to have by May 10 is already spoken for. This is certainly a great farm and we are informed as it stands today it could have been attached to the OAC experimental farm a year ago, and there was strong talk of it at that time and much was advanced in favor of doing so, but for some reason the mat "ter was dropped. Had .. the csl- lege accepted Mr. Moore's propo sition to establish an experiment al poultry farm the latter would have put far more money into the business and the place : would have been even greater than it is today. Mr. Moore can boast FRAUD AND IGNORANCE. Steps Taken by the Government to Guard Against Both. : are obtained by not touching the nine years practical experience in eggs for the first four or five days, poultry raising. Mis place .indi After this time they are to be cates his experience to be practic turned once or twice a day. ; al. Everything is up-tc-the-hour A recent incubator test made on the - College View " Poultrv at this farm eives some interest- Farm. ing results. Three incubators of the following kinds were tested under like conditions, under hy grometer test: Hot air incuba tor stood at 20, hot water tank machine stood at ), while hot water pipe incubator stood at 90; Rate Kim High. It seems a trifle early to talk of the next football season, but it seems OAC is to be in it again and some considerable interest outside moist temperature (in 'the attaches to the matter of coaches house) was 120, Hot air incu- Ior ine various institutions ot tne bator hatched 02 chicks from 126 states. " Steckle is our - man and eggs. This was the best- result, much pjide ; centers in the fact with hot water tank second and Concerning him and OAC, and hot water pipe last and the lat- the coaches of other institutions, ter so poor that Mr.x Moore con- tne leiegram says demns it severely. ; corvallis is to ne congratulated The brooding house is newlv npon naving secured tne services built; it is 14x40 feet in size and of Dr. A. C. Steckle as coach for hot water pipes run entirely the OAC football eleven this com- through the length of the build- ing season. He is not only a ing and touch each of the six good coach but has the ad van- pens. The pens nearest the fur- tage of knowing the limitations nace have - fout pipes traversing lot nis men ana can better work them; while farther away there against them. Dr. -Steckle has are but two pipes. The vountr- not been idle, as he has spent est, or last hatched chicks are much of his time at Ann Arbor, placed in the pens nearest the where he has talked with Coach furnace and have the heat of four xost. uregon nas made no an- pipes. . . . nouncement as to coach, but it. is As each brood comes from the quite iineiy tnat ;even 11. uicfe incubators they are placed in pen Smith declines to leave his law No. 1 and each preceding brood practice in Astoria, he will and is moved out one pen. Connect- opportunity to give the Eugene ing with the pens inside the build- boys their finishing s touches. ing are outside pens and the - lit- Bishop well be at the Willamette, tie chicks are at liberty to go out- and. the . prospects are 'that all side at any time they like. ' This three of the institutions will have they do and soon learn that so strong teams in tne nem and wii soon as they become chilftd there tnake a bid for the Northwest is warmth awaiting them inside, championship. It is eaily in the The inner pens are littered season to be talking football to with fine sand and this is frequent- any extent, but the news regard- lv sifted and keot clean. EvervH ing steckle js sufficient excuse, thingjis looked after for the health of chickie and his action and general demeanor on this farm sets a hot pace for the proverbial busy bee. The mam hen house on this farm is 125 feet long by 10 feet in width. Running and connect ing With this house are five double I surance companies and will fnrnieh ''yards in which the birds may run I accurate, neat and complete abstracts of at large. These 'yards are 25 feet Benton county property nt reasonable ariric hv orm fppr in lpno-fTi Kn t prices. Uali,' on or write to Yates & rarh mav hn rinsed in the nrrr Yates, Uorvallis. Uregorr. by which arrangement there are ' -r r v.orie i PTTnrt foal - I " jM 0-Y V . : 'Bflth u. W. nnnrniiiihW .' writes, T 4-1 U:1 T, 111 1 I . -ri 01 ii uic tuivjtcu uuuoc .will . uciKalDh Fernandez, ot Tampa. Jfla The following dispatches un der date of April 28 and 30, show the government to be keenly alive to evil results, both from fraud and ignorance: V -'.v.'. - Secretary Hitchcock and other officials of the - Interior, Depart ment have determined to prevent all forms of speculation in land to be irrigated bv the Govern ment. As was to have been ex pected, attempts have been made to take up land nnder Govern ment projects by. means of sol diers' additional homestead rights, by lieu' land filings and other processes contrary to the spirit and intent of the reclamation law. The first of these cases to be brought up for official action was promptly rejected by. the Interior Department, which held that land under Government irrigation pro jects can only be taken up under the homestead law and then only when the settler agrees to pay his proportionate share of building the project; that is, the fixed price per acre for his water. ; - The object of all these specu lators has been " to corral large quantities of land, under irriga tion projects with the view of sell ing out at a large advance. It is recognized that the cost of irriga tion which must be paid by set tlers on Government irrigation land, will not begin to represent the true value of the land when watered. Land that will cost the settler $10 to $30 an acre will, when irrigated, be worth $40 to $100 an acre. ' Mr Hitchcock is determined that speculators shall not get a foothold on land that is being or is to be irrigated by the Government. This land can be controlled more easily than the average public land, and it will be comparatively easy to head off speculators. That is being done in good faith comply with the laws requiring residence, improve ment, cultivation and prcof will bt sure to result in the cancella tion of the entry and the loss of your improvements.. Entrymen should constantly bear in mind that any sale of,or contract or agreement to sell, any of the lands embraced in their entries, or. any part thereof, or any interest' therein prior to mak ing final proof, will cause the en try to be canceled, and may even result in the cancellation of the patent, should such patent be in advertantly issued. It should also be constantly re membered that any false! state ment made in either the affidavits or the final proof, made in sup port of any entry, wi'l not only cause its cancellation, but may result in criminal indictment and prosecution. . i , In times past the Land Office has assumed that every home steader knew the law; now, how ever it is assumed ... that every homesteader may not be fully in formed, and the Government is taking this step to save him from falling into error. It is thej first time the Government ..has gone so tar in Helping public . land entrymen. . ; . Do Not be Imposed Upon. Folev & Co , Chicago,- originated Honey and Tar as a throat and lung remedy, and on account ef the great merit and popularity of, Foley's Honey and Tar many imitations are offered for the genuiae. Ask for Foley's Honey and Tar and refuse any substitute offered as no other preparation will give the same satis faction. It is mildly laxative. It con tains no opiates and is safest for children and delicate persons. For sale by Gra hstm & Wortham. .'": - WEDNESDAY, MAY 10. TWO PERFORMANCES DAILY. 288P. Our Clubbing Us. Suoscribars to the CORVALLIS GAZETTE can obtain the following papers in combination sub- jjlUSQ ROYAL ROMAN HIPPODROME HV Ecripticms with the GAZETTE, at the very How I prices stated below; cash in adance always to ac- eoa.pany the order. Those wishing two or mure j puoticatr.s named witu tne UA.rr, wiu please f correspond with this office and we will quote yoa t the combination price. We can aare yoa money on nearly all publications you desire, ' j Hoard's Dairyman. Fort Atkinson. Wis.. !Tbe best most up-to-date dairy journal in the world.; W l.w; z-ou. TMf B1i&VlPerR!irF MAMS Pint 0 ftf&agrg$ f&SAMfZ&B A Multitude of New Features Never Before Presented in America fSdees if there were no other. - New Partnership. Bert Yates and W. E. Yates have formed a partnership under - the firm name of Yates & Yates They expect to do a general insurance and abstract busi ness. They represent ' good reliable in- Terrific Race With Death. " found everything in the way of describing his fearful race with death, rnnvotiiptirp to faf?litat rintirllincy 'aa a result of liver trouble and heart. convenience to lacunate nancuing dl8easei which had robbed me of 8,eep the chickens and; cleansing the and of all interest in life. .1 had tried : pens, roosts, etc.,' and even the many difTeent doctors and several med- t. .si Vr o' -' 1 i; icines, but got no benefit, until I began CniCKen llSClI. OUac I laewn- tn nun Electric Bittera. Rn wnnrl?fnl ' trivances are bevond descriDtion. -was their effect that in three days I felt T?nr a Inriw hen there is a bar-l like a new man' and 1 am cnred o , , J -a 7 1 . a H my troubles." Guaranteed at Allen . re, nxcu vu a Haiia. jauu 111 uiuj& woodwards drug store; price 50c Hundreds, if not' thousands, of homestead entries are cancel ed each year because ot the fail ure of the entrvmen to comply with the - requirements of the homestead law. In some instan ces the law is violated through ig norance; many times there have been bold attempts ot obtain land by ' willlulv violation of the law to protect tne nouest but unin formed settlers, and to warn the land grabber, the General Land Office has prepared a circular let ter which gives full instructions as to making homesteads and per fecting them, once they are ini tiated. It is the intention to send a cepy of this letter to every man who hereafter Tiles a homestead claim, so that he mav, at the very outset, know what is expected of him and wtiat he must do - before be can obtain tiileto the land, Through ignorance of the law many . bonafide eutrymen vhave lost their land altogether, or have been ten years instead of five in obtaining title. Many instances are known where speculators have purposely misinformed T home steaders in order to defeat their homestead claims. ? But the; vast majority of homesteads that are rejected are those where ' there have been intentional evasions of the law, usually as a residence upon the land and improvement of the homestead. Nearly 70.000 homesteads were filed last year. It is believed that there-will be at least 50,000 every year tor,, some time to come, which ; means , the issuance of 50,000 letters a year. On the back of each letter are printed tne nomesteaa laws ana Interior Department regulations for carrying the same into effect. This gives a full : and complete statement of what a homestead er must do, and what he cannot do between the times he files his entry and obtains his patent. Tb letter itself makes further ex planation. Among other things it is said: . Any failure on your part to cure an existing defect in the en try, and any failure to fully, and Journal, Salem, Or.t li., 50 Oreiron Poultrv cents; 1.80. The Designer. New!York, IStandard Fashions. II.. $1.00; 2.35. , ' Pocket Atlas of tbe World, 381 paees, containing colored maps of all the states and territories in the United States, tbe province of the dominion of Canada, and of every country and civil division on tbe face of 1he srlobb. Also valuable statistical In formation about each state and county, givingr tbe population of every large city in the wor esides other valuable information. A handy reference work for every person; with Corvallis Q kite one year. .00. , - .. Tbe abbreviations below are explained as follows; W. foi weekly; S W for Bemi-weekly; T W, for tri weekly; M, for monthly; S M, for semi-u-ontbiy. The first price represents the subscription rate ot the publication alone, and the second the rate for the publication offered in conjunction with the semi-weekly GAZETTE. Oregon Agriculturist and Rural Northwest, Port land, Or., S.W., 60 cents; 81. 80. . . . , Oreiroaian, Portland, Or., W., tl.6; 2.55,. Kural Spirit, Portland, Or,, Contains a live-atock market report, W., $2.00; 2.66. : . , ,. Pacific Christian Advocate For auji, Or.. A . 12.00. 3.06. ' " : i - Women's Home Companion, Springnel-i, Ohio, 8LtfO;2.1fi. "., .- . . r : Lippincotfs Magazine, . Philadelphia, Pa., al.v S2.M); S.26. -: . v ' Ev'rv Month (Music, Song and IKncel Sew York M., J.00; 2.15. . . ; The Century Ma 2iin e, New 'V'ork,M.,f4.60; P.Os " Young People's Weekly, Chicsto, 111..V ., EOoen 1.0. ' C ncinnati Inquirer, Cincinnati, Vr., &.00; 2.05. ' The Fruit Growers' Journal, Cobden , 111., M., 60 cents; SI 75. Homestead, Dee Moines, Iowa. A thorough stock and farm journal, W.. tl.00; 2.30. ' ; The Bepublic, St. Louis, Mo S. W., U1.0; 2.05. The American Furmer, Indianaixlis, Ind., Iiivu stock, farm and poultry journal. M., 60 cents; 1 6. . Boston Cooking School Magazine. Bi-M., 50 oents; 1.90. . ...... Rose Dockrill Dolly Miller Estelle Settler M'lleJulien George Holland Frank Miller Austin King . Jos. Lyons Herbert Rumley Win. Dutton AofohaSs, Gymnasts Seven Mervelous BeSfords Melnotte, LaNoIe& Melnotte Flying VictoreUas Troupe Daring Aerial Weavers Five Flying Banvards , Famous Gardner Family Graceful flcOonald Trio Seven Kisnimona Japanese Six Suzimoto Japanese LadySwordswomen & Pencers ' Trained AnSnaaB i Acts Herd ot Elephants Congress of Seals, , Camels, Llamass -Dromedaries Broken to Harness. Fierce Siberian Bears Cake-Walking Stallions One Hundred Shetland Pony Ballet & Drill Trained Pelicans & Pigs 1 0O Circus Champions & Oetebrites 1 QQ HUGE ROMAN HI PPODRQME All Kinds of Exciting, Thrilling, Real Races and Tests of Skill 20 JOLLY JESTING CL-OWNS Headed by Cheerfnl Jim" West, "Happy Billy" La Rue, The Grotesque Olipans Tote Dnckrow ''Funny Bill" Scott 20 MILLION DOLLAR MENAGERIE An imperial Collection of Rare Wild Beasts Biggest and Best of Ml Fcaferes ef Eves? Kind GRAND GOLD GLITTERING STREET PARADE Will Leave the Show Grounds Every Morning at 10:30 Adults, 50c. Children, 25.' One TIpket Admits You to Everything Open Day and Night. Rooms Single or EnSuitam m u J J. C. HimmiEL, Prop. One of the Finest Eoutped Hotels in the Volley. Both Phones. Bus Meets all Trains f In looking around for Genuine Bargains in Furniture or House Furnishings take our advice step into our Store and investigate bur Goods and Prices. We believe we have jastly earned a reputation for Honorable and Square Dealing. - Our customers are satisfied with our way of doing business. ? They know if goods are not as represented wo', will make it right or refund the money. We " shall con tinue ,this liberal policy long as we are in business, and hope to receive a contin uance of your generous, lijeralpatpnage. - ' Yours for business, " - ? 1 M7