Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, April 28, 1905, Image 7

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fourteen ; Women and Girls Are
i y Earned to Death.
Baltic Heet Joined by Third Squadron
. , of Five. Battleship..
Paris, April 21. If the French au-
i thorities are to be believed, news of
momentous import may be expected
from the- Far East very soon, as, ac
, , cording to Foreign Minister Delcasse,
the Russian fleet under the command
NO HELP WITHIN THEIR KEAIH fVice Admiral Rojensky sailed
early on Thursday from Kamranh bay.
tits destination is unknown, but it is
-Sisters Give Up Their Lives in Effort sieved nere mat it win now sail, to
RkiiHn 9nd Hln. endeavor to locate tne Japanese neet
less Old Women.
Montreal, April 22. The little vil
lage of St. Genevieve is in mourning
tonight over the loss of 14 lives in a
fire which destroyed the convent of St.
Anne there early today. One nun,
nine children, ranging in age from 10
to 19, and four aged women, perished
in the flames. Two nuns were so se
verely burned that it is feared they
will die.
In their grief over the catastrophe,
the villagers find some comfort in relat
ing the heroism displayed by Sister
Marie Adiuteur, who gave up her life,
and Sister Marie Therese and. Marie
Eobertine, who were perhaps latally
burned in their efforts to save the lives
of the children and helpless old women
Bucket brigades were hurriedly form
d by the villagers, but the fire had
sained such headway that it was soon
Apparent that there was no chance
save the building from destruction.
Sister Ragettera, in her efforts to
save the lives of the children in her
charge, succumbed to the smoke and
flames. The pupils who perished were
jn a portion of the building where the
fire had obtained 'too much headway
before the alarm was given , to enable
those who responded to. effect their res
An effort was made to get Point
Claire by telephone so that assistance
could be. had from Montreal, - but for
some reason no response was received
irom Point Claire.
Tne hre started about midnight in
the old ladies' hospital, and the smoke
was so thick that the children on the
floor above were unable to get down.
The convent was called Ste. Anne's.
and was a branch of the convent of the
-Sisters of Ste. Anne's of Lachine. The
building was a gray stone structure
and give battle. .
Naval experts here believe that the
third Pacific squadron of the Russian
navy, which is commanded by Admiral
Nebogatoff, has joined Rojestvensky,
and that the. latter now has eight first
class batlteships, three second-class
battleships, three armored cruisers and
a number of other vessels of not quite
so good a type. He is also believed to
have received large quantities of am
munition which had been shipped to
him some time ago, to have filled the
coal bunkers of his ships, and generally
Her In War with Japan.
to have placed his command in condi-. port.
tion to give a good account of itself.
It is believed here that Admiral Jon-
quieres, woo is in command of tne
French naval force in the waters of
French Cochin China, agreed to get a
message to the Russian commander to
day, and that the departure of the Rus
sians followed. Such action has been
expected, as the French authorities
consider that the protest of Japan
Togo. Will Not Risk His,, Big Vessel
Against the Russians.
BrOken Neutrality May InVOWe the Japanese minister to Great Britain!
expressed the opinion to the Associated
Press today that Admiral Togo wonld
not give battle to Admiral Rojestveri
sky with his entire sauadron." bat
WOULD MEAN AID OF ENGLAND would continue the cautious tactics
which has characterized his attacks on
the Port Arthur squadron, not because
he feared defeat, but owing to his de
sire to inflict the greatest amount of
damage on the Russians with the least
possible loss to himself.
While confident of his ability to ac
complish the total destruction of the'
Russian squadron in a big battle, there
is danger of Togo losing one or two 'of
his big ships. Therefore, Baron Hay-
ashi believes, Togo will employ his
torpedo boats and torpedo boat destroy
ers, which number more than 100 and
are vastly superior to the Russian tor
pedo boat flotilla, in harassing the Rus
sians while gradually picking off the
Russian warships.
He said the coasts of Japan, Cores
and Formosa lend themselves to night
work with torpedo boats, while the
narrow channels will make the maneu
vering of large war ships difficult and
$ Conquest Great
American Desert
Russian Fleet Must Either Leave Kam
ranh Bay or Fight Battle
In the Harbor,
Tokio, April 20. Japan is contem
plating declaring war on France and
calling 6n Great Britain for support,
This action follows the sending of a
formal protest to. France ' against the
use by the Russian Baltic fleet of Kam
ranh bay as a rendezvous and the
coupling therewith of a statement that
if France refrained from acting Japan
will send a. fleet of war vessels to attack
the Russians in the shelter of a neutral
A conference of elders was held last
night at which the entire situtaion was
discussed. Immediately afterward the
mikado was notified that the elders be
lieved that the time had come when
France should be forced to live up to
her declarations of neutrality, and the
note of protest was . drafted and for
warded. ; 1
It is felt here that the situation is
to against Russia's using neutral waters extremely grave, and there is no doubt
to recoal and refill depleted ammuni
tion magazines was well founded, and,
if Russia has been asked to move by
the French commander in the Far East,
a difficult situation has been cleared up.
Igorrotes Cannot See Necessity for
Helping to Support Government
Seattle, Wash. .April 22. If the
Philippine commission attempts to en
force the collection of taxes among the
Igorrotes, trouble will be experienced.
Twice the date for commencing the pav-
ment of taxes has been postponed, and
ach time the natives have concluded
that the American government does not
dare to attempt the enforcement of the
commission's decree.
During the time the islands were un
Will -Make Good Deficit in Indemnity
Due to Fall in Silver.
New York, April 21. After two
years' discussion, the powers and China
will sign an agreement today, accord
ing to a Herald dispatch - from Pekin,
regarding the payment of the deficit in
the indemnity due to the fall in the
price of silver, and providing for the
future payment of the indemnity in
The agreement comprises three para
graphs, and briefly stated sets forth
that China is to pay 15 days after the
signature of the document the sum of
$6,000,000 and interest at 4 per cent
on this amount from January 1, 1905,
which sum is to be accepted in full
payments of all deficits due to the
change from silver to gold.
In the second paragraph China agrees
to sign immediately fractional gold
bonds, expressing the amounts due to
each country in the coinage of that
By the third paragraph China under
takes in the future to pay the amount
due each year in 12 equal monthly in'
stallments, credited every six months
China will be allowed interest at 4 per
that if France does not act quickly the
consequences will be far-reaching.
A dispatch from Sasebo states that a
Japanese squadron is getting in readi
ness there to sail for Kamranh bay and
attack the Russians there, while Ad
miral Togo continues to hold the pass
age toward the Pacific.
It is reported that an American and
a British squadron is in touch with the
Russians, watching for violations of
neutrality or the endangering of British
and American shipping. The belief
is growing here that the stay of the
Russian fleet in Kamranh bay was pre
arranged. ..
der (Spanish control no attempt was
made to collect taxes from the Igor- I cent on the monthly payments made in
rotes and other so-called non-Christian I advance of these biennial periods
tribes. Spanish officials were unable China will pay also in gold bullion,
to penetrate very far into the Igorrote gold drafts or telegraphic transfer of
country, and the wild tribesmen have silver at the average monthly London
never contributed toward the expenses rates, each foreign government select-
of white government
Chief Fomeloey, the leader of the
Igorrote party now in Seattle on the
way to the Portland exposition, whose
selection by his tribe for the journey
indicates his popularity, is strongly
opposed to the collection of taxes. He
is regarded as a rich man among the
Igorrote tribes, owning about 200 head
ing the method it prefers.
Accused Examiners Who Gave Pen
sions to Carpet Soldiers.
Washington, April 20. Nine of the
ten pension examiners constituting the
board of review were separated from
the government .service today. ' Com
missioner of Pensions Warner trans
mitted the nine resignations to Secre
tary Hitchcock, with the recommenda
tion that they be accepted, and Mr
Hitchcock took the desired action with
out delay.
The resigned examiners assert that
representations were made to them,
purportinsg to come trom tne commis
sioner, that should they hand in their
resignations, the matter would be re
lieved and restorations would be made
at some date in the near future. Mr,
Warner, however, made no such repre
sentation to the secretary ot the . inter
ior. The difficulty involving the board
of review was its approval of several
pensions to applicants whose only
claim was enlistment in a Pennsylvania
and a New Jersey regiment of volun
teers for service in the Civil war, but
the services of whom were never
availed of by the government.
Steamer Minnesota Crosses Pacific in
- Very Fast Time,
Seattle, April 19. The .steamship
Minnesota, of the Greats Northern
Steamship company's Seattle-Oriental
fleet, and the largest freighter carrier
afloat, reached port last night, on her
return voyage from the Orieni, having
broken all trans-Pacific records on her
trip across. The Minnesota's time from
Yokohama was 13 days, 21 hours and
five minutes.
Among her passengers were a number
of Russian officers and their wives be
ing sent home on parole from shang
hai, whither they were taken at the
time of the capture of Port Arthur.
There were also a number of American
army officers coming from Manila,
either on leave or under orders to re
port at Washington, D. C. Altogether
the Minnesota brought 162 passengers,
47 of whom were first-class, and a
little more than 7,000 tons of general
freight, of which hemp formed the
What Indian Children Can Have Share
in Lands.
Washington, April 19. Indian Com
missioner Leupp today promulgated
the order defining what children of
Indian parentage are entitled to share
in lands and annuities of various
Western tribes. Under his instructions
all children whose parents are both In
dians may share in these benefits, as
may all children whose mothers mar
ried white men, provided the mother
is still a recognized member of the
tribes and affiliates with its members.
Whenever an Indian woman, after
marriage to a white man', has with
drawn and is no longer identified with
her tribe, her children are not entitled
to lands of annuities allowed that tribe
National , Irrigation Congress Wilt Be
Held August 21-24.
Sacramento, Cal., April 21. Gover-
MiTahan and a Mimaivtiitinnlv Ibma I '
amount of land. ' ' ' I"i8ation ?? ha ? n
The carabao of the- Igorrotes are
worm irom s o to s iuu gold and are
raised more for food purposes than as
Deans oi Durden. in the lower pro
vinces the carabao are trained to work,
and are worth twice as much as the
Igorrote animals.
It is impossible to explain the neces
sity of taxation to Fomeloey, who
sturdily, insists his people never paid
taxes and gain nothing by contributing
to the government.
Wants a German Jury.
Chicago, April 22. Johann Hoch,
on trial for the murder of one of his
wives, Marie Walcker Hoch, expressed
a desire today for German jurors to try
him. The confessed bigamist already
had secured a change of venue to get
before a derman judge. With a Ger
man jury, Hoch professes ' to believe
that he will succeed in getting his
liberty. When the hearing was re
sumed counsel for Hoch made a motion
to quash the indictments
was overruled by Judge Kersten.
animation of venire then began.
nouncement that the next session of the
congress will be held in Portland, from
August 21 to 24. The session is to
follow shortly after the Trans-Missis
sippi congress, which - takes place from
August 16 to 19.
Governor Pardee states that he ex
pects this meeting to be one of the
most interesting as , well as the most
important. The United States Re
clamation service will be one of the
subjects of discussion. There is some
hope that President Rooqevelt will at
tend the session for one day, and Presi
dent Diaz, of Mexico, has also been in
vited. An effort will be made to have
both dignitaries present on the same
Not Enough Money to Pay Them
Washington, April 21. -On account
of the shortage of last year's appropri
ation, Commissioner Richards, of the
General land office, has found it neces
sary to dispense temporarily with the
services of 17 of the 80 special agents
The motion of that bureau. They have been merely
Turning Russian Right.
St. Petersburg, April 22. A dis
patch from Gunshu-'pass says the Rus
sians have discovered a turning move
ment 80 miles northeast of- Kuan-
chengtsu, about 30 miles northeast of
Gunshu pass, by two forces, each of
3,000 Chinese bandits, several thous
and Japanese cavalry and 22 guns,
Kuanchengtsu is identical with Chang
chun, the extreme right of General
Linievitch's main front, which extends
thence toward Kirin.
Gives Hints to Homesteaders.
Washington. April 22. Commis
sioner Richards, of the general land supplies to the armies in the field, even
furloughed, and will be restored to the
service when the new appropriation
bill becomes .available on July i next
The suspensions have been made in
locations where there were more than
one agent. It is believed the service
will not be materially crippled.
Japanese Accumulating Stores.
Yinkow, April 19, via Tientsin, April
21. few transports are now arriving
at Niuchwa-ig. This contrast with the
rush of traffic since the opening of the
Liao river indicate that precautions are
being taken against possible interfer
ence by the Russian Pacific squadron,
Vast accumulations of stores have al
ready been made along the Japanese
lines of communication, assuring - full
Chicago -Strike is Spreading and All
Efforts at Conciliation Fail.
Chicago, April 20.-Although influ
ences axe still at work in the hope that
an amicable adjustment of the difficulty
existing between the teamsters and
Montgomery; Ward & Co., can be
reached, the - indications tonight are
that the strike of the teamsters will
spread to other concerns. . Todav 150
drivers employed by the E. M. Forbes
Teaming company were - ordered ' on
strike because the firm insisted on mak
ing deliveries to Montgomery, Ward
& Co. President Spear, of the Inter
national Brotherhood of Teamsters, de
clared tonight that he would order out
air drivers engaged by firms that insist
on delivering supplies to the big store.
Barrett Has Resigned.
Washington, April 20. John Bar
rett, of Portland, Or., United States
minister to Panama, has saved the
State department the embarrassment of
ordering his recall. He has asked that
he be relieved of his post, so that he
may retire from" the diplomatic corps.
The government has ' been dissatisfied
with some of Mr. Barrett's acts.sand it
was decided month ago that he should
be succeeded at Panama by Judge
Charles Magoon, of the Insular bureau,
but it was the intention to assign him
to another post. '''
Admiral Train is Haying All Waters
Well Patrolled.
Manila, April 19. Admiral Train,
determined to maintain the neutrality
of the Philippine waters, will immed
iately dispatch additional vessels to
patrol the Basilan straits, as a result
of the reports that both Russian and
Japanese vessels have been sighted
there. Saturday the United States
gunboat Qulros was sent to inspect six
Russian colliers . which are reported to
be lying in the gulf J of Lingayen . A
gunboat is also scouting for Japanese
A report lias reached here that 16
Japanese cruisers have been sighted off
Sampalok point. The cruisers are said
to be scouting in force for stray scouts,
ships and colliers of the Russian fleet.
Great Snowstorm in Wyoming.
Denver, April 20. At midnight it
was announced that all telegraph and
telephone wires leading into Cheyenne
were down as. result of a heavy fall of
wet snow. Previous to this, however,
the Postal Telegraph company had one newsboys in the stairway of the Ma:
Judge Upholds the Law.
Denver. April 19. Judge N. Walter
Dixon, , in the District court toaay, up
held the constitutionality of the law
of 1897 relating to building and loan
associations, under which President E
M. Johnson and ' other officers of the
defunct . Fidelity Savings association
have been indicted on charges of mak
ing false reports. The law was at
tacked by Johnson's attorneys on the
ground that the. legislative records con
cerning its passage were incomplete, a
leaf apparently having been torn from
the journal of the house.
Fifty Boys Were-Injured.---' I
Indianapolis, April 19.. No deaths
have been added to the list of four boys
that lost their lives in the crush . of
" Great Irrigation Project.
Surveys have been completed for
thirteen great Irrigation projects In as
many different States, contemplating
the reclamation of 1.131,000,000 acres
of desert land, at a cost of $31,395,000,
or afi average of $27.26 per acre. The
land thus Improved will be sold to the
public at that price In ten annual in
stallments, and thus the entire amount
of-money expended will be refunded to
the government. The President Is
greatly gratified at the rapid progress
that is being made by the irrigation
bureau. Contracts have been let and
thousands of laborers are already em
ployed In Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Ne
braska, Nevada and New Mexlo.
The law allows enough land to each
settler to support a family. . No cash
payments are required; no commuta
tions, but the settler must actually
five on it and cultivate it for five
years and pay $2.60, an acre each year
for ten years, when he will receive i
title to the land and own the water
rights without additional payments.
Private land which receives the ben
efit of the water must pay at the same
rate -$2.60 per acre for ten years.
After ten payments the owner of the
land will have the water rights free
of cost for all eternity. The land is
good for alfalfa, sugar beets, potatoes
and all the root crops and fruits of
the temperate zone. It is only twelve
hours from San Francisco by rail, fifty
miles from the capital of Nevada, and
is surrounded by mining settlements in
every direction.
Part of the land reclaimed will be
the old Forty-Mile Desert, or Carson's
Sink, which was a horror" of early em
igrants the worst' spot on the over
land trail; and was lined the entire
distance with the bones of men .and
animals. Thousands of poor creatures
died there from thirst and exhaustion.
Farmers who plow there now turn up
in almost every furrow gun barrels
which were driven into the earth to
mark graves and have since been
burled deep in the drifting sands. As
an illustration of the perversity of na
ture, the engineers who have been lay
ing out the proposed irrigation, system
have found an abundance of cold, pure
water a few feet below the surface
wherever they have made borings. All
of this desert will be redeemed, and
when the present proposition Is fin
ished the works will be extended to
the Humboldt and Walker rivers,
which will bring several hundred thou
sand acres more under irrigation and
make a paradise of what Is now' the
most desolate spot In Nevada.
How One County Was Redeemed.
Thirty-two years ago there was only
one house in the town of Fresno, in the
central desert of California, says a
writer In the World's Work. A hole
was dug under It, forty feet deep, into
which the inmates lowered themselves
by a bucket-and a windlass, to escape
the heat of the day. Around It, as
far as the eye could see, stretched the
glaring desert, unbroken by any culti
vated spot of green. The whole coun
try seemed a hopeless waste dead and
To-day this spot is the center of a
cheerful community of 8,000 homes, in
a land made fertile by Irrigation. Ten
thousand children attend its public
schools. The -Industries there yield
$14,000,000 annually. The ralsm crop
of 1902 put Into the fanners bank
accounts $2,800,000.
All the raisins imported Into the
United States in 1902 amounted in
value to only $400,000. In 1902 the oil
wells of Fresno County yielded 070,-
000 barrels of crude petroleum, worth
$200,000 before refining. . Eighty-nine
thousand head of cattle graze on its
rich alfalfa.
When the few straggling fortune-
hunters came to the county late in the
60' s they were welcomed by this sign
hung over Fresno's one building
Bring your horses. Water, one bit;
water and feed, three bits." Fresno
was a "watering station" only. In
1872, however, M. J. Church conceived
the idea of bringing water in ditches
from Kings river, twenty miles away.
to irrigate the land. His proposal was
laughed at as a dreamer's scheme. But
persistence won; in 1876 he" had water
on land within three miles of the town
of ' Fresno, and the first year's crop
proved the soil to be fertile.. The area
or watereu grouna was rapidly ex
tended. To-day there are 360,000. acres
under Irrigation. -
through fib long-winded debate whlcfij
South ; American , politicians nevei'
offering a word of his own, and at the
end of each session be put on those
tight boots again and went back ' to
his cheap hotel. " Of course he had
never worn boots before. Nobody does
wear them In Los Andes.
It goes without saying that the sav
age from the back of beyond was the
butt of his colleagues in Congress.
Most of them are now dead, slain on
the battlefield, or rotting in the fright-'
ful dungeons beneath the old fort at
Maracaibo, or in exile in Curacoa,
Paris, Bogota or New York.
Ciprlano Castro came back to Cara
cas at the head of an army made up
of his muleteer and smuggling friends.
He started his revolution with precise
ly 23 men at his back. It was local
at first, but he won small victories and
then big ones, until in the course of
three months he had drawn enough
men to his standard to be able to ad
vance on Caracas, and fight for the
presidency. ,
When he was In sight of the city
an accident happened that would have
ruined the chances of any other revo
lutionist He was thrown from his
horse and broke both his legs. The
government army was facing hia
forces. From a horse litter he direct
ed the battle, won a great victory, and
subsequently bought over the govern
ment general. Then he marched into
office, has prepared a circular to be sent
to entrymen under the homestead law
giving them minute instructions as to
how to proceed under the law to perfect
their claims. This never before has
been done and the ignorance of the
homesteaders and their attorneys has
-'caused much confusion. . .
if the transport service is interrupted.
Stock Transfer Tax Law.
Albany, April 21. Gov. Higgins to-
night signed the stock transfer bill im
posing a stamp tax of 2 cents on each
$100 of par value, of all corporation
stock securities sold or transferred,
wire wonting ana information came
that trains were running behind the
schedule. It is impossible to learn
any- details, but it is known that the
storm was unusually heavy over South
ern Wyoming. -
British Engineer Named,
Washington, April 20. Sir Morti
mer Durand, the untisn amnassaaor,
today informed Secretary Taft that the
British government had, at the secre
tary's invitation, selected Chief Engin
eer Hunter, the builder of the Man
chester ship canal, to act as one of the
consulting engineers of the Panama ca
nal board. ! -. ., 't .. : . i .
sonic building last night, eager to ob
tain free theater tickets for a perform
ance at the theater. The revised list
of the injured shows that no fewer
than 50 were more or less injured. Of
this number, fully 25 were seriously
crushed and the death list may be in
, Fifty Hurt In Strike Riot.
Wheeling, W. Va., April 19. Fifty
men were hurt in a fight between 60
nonunion men from Pittsburg ud 150
strikers from the Whitaker mill,
Clubs, stones, knives and pistols were
used, . but. the, nonunion men finally
scored 1A getting into the mill. ; ... ,
Began Bevolntion with 23 Hen and
Fought II ib War to Presidency.
For a little South American dictator
CIpriano Castro, President of Venezue
la, is making a lot of trouble In the
world of International politics. In
many ways, writes-William Thorp in
the New York Tlmes,he Is a remark
able man. He first appeared in Cara
cas, the capital, several years ago as
a legislator. He was sent to Congress
as a deputy from the State of Los An
des, his native place. His fellow mule
teers and cattle smugglers elected
him, and at that time he knew prac
tically nothing of life outside of the
mountain village in which he was
born. Only one memory of his brief
career as a legislator is preserved. Day
by day he went to the hall of Congress
In a tight-fitting- pair of very . shiny
patent leather shoes. As soon as he
was "comfortably seated he bent down
and" removed, them from his cramped
feet and placed them on the desk in
front of - him. He , sat , patiently
Caracas, made himself President, and
suppressed a revolution almost before
he could manage to bobble around.
All the ministers slavishly Imitate
Castro in everything. He is not only
President, but Lord High Everything
Ellse in Venezuela. The heads of all
departments, the members 'of the Leg
islature, and even the judges are mere
ly his puppets.
Castro is supremely ignorant of the
affairs of other nations. He has never
seen but one battleship in his life up .
to the time of the International episode
of 1902 and he speaks with contempt
of the power of Germany, Great Brit
ain and other foreign nations.
Castro is very democratic. He never
surrounds himself with guards or se
cret service men, though he has ae
many deadly enemies as a Russian
grand dnke. But he always carries a
revolver In the top left-hand pocket of
his frock coat So far as is known,
only one attempt has been made to as
sassinate him. It was when he was
riding through the streets of Caracas,
soon after he became President The
mart's shot missed him', but he put a
bullet ..through the man's leg before
any of his suit realized what was hap
pening. Then he not only magnani
mously pardoned the -fellow, but actu
ally sent his own doctor to attend t
Castro is undoubtedly the strongest
man in Venezuela to-day and there is
no one as yet in sight who is power
ful enough to oust him from the presi
dential chair.- ... ,
- Discovery of Peat Bathe.
The discovery of the value of peat
baths was made -accidentally many
years ago. On the coast of France
there lived at one time a poor family.
The father of the family eked out a
scanty living by killing aged rattle
and divesting them of their skins. The
ghastly remains he sold-to tanners and
refiners. ' " : v ' .
: Of the. three children which belong
ed to this couple one was a poor crea
ture, delicate and wretchod and appar
ently half-witted. The mother was so
ashamed of this boy that she- couldf
not bear to have the child in her sight
Consequently he spent most' of lila
time half clothed and badly fed, roll
ing about in the peat bogs which were
behind the cottage. Little by little it
was noticed that the child was Im
proving In health, that his skin wa
becoming as fair and soft as a peach,
his eyes bright and his spirits and ac
tions those of a strong, healthy boy
Instead of a half-witted little animal.
r The old country physician on one-of-
his rounds noticed the Improved
condition of the boy and mentioned
the fact and the 'cause at a medical
conference in Paris. The result was
the use of the peat bath, which leaves
far behind any other kind of hydro
therapies cure known to this day and
its success Is becoming greater each
We don't know much, but we know
too much to play a slot machine, and.
every man ought to have as muebs
sense as we have. The cards are
stacked against you when you play
slot machine.
i Take care of your . pennies jwhlle
young and give some chap a chance
to bunko you out of your- dollars when,
you get old.