Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, April 28, 1905, Image 6

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Ouatta PabUthhfO.
h a Condensed Form for Our
Bnsy Readers.
A Resume of the Less Important but
Not Less Interesting Events
of the Past Week.
Russia plans to restore prestige by
gobbling Turkey.
An Italian cruiser set fire to a Guate-
The Russian fleet is coaling 08 Hai
nan island, which is Chinese territory
The Russian government has ordered
Tillages to pay for the damages done by
peasant mobs.
Representative Pinckney and four
others were killed in a prohibition riot
at Hempstead, Texas.
' Nan Patterson broke down on hear
ing the case opened against her and the
trial had to be postponed.
Neboga toff's squadron has been sight
ed and it is believed will join Kojeet
Tensky before there is a naval battle.
Five ' thousand employes of the Na
tional Tube works,"pf McKeesport, Pa.,
have had their wages increased from
to 10 per cent.
Frank G; Bigelow, president of the
First National bank of Milwaukee, has
confessed that he stole $1,450,000 and
lost it in speculation.
The gasoline motor car, intended for
the Southern Pacific for use between
Portland and Forest Grove, is being
tested on the hills at Denver and Chey
' nne.
Joseph Jefferson, the eminent actor,
is dead.
Secretary Hay's health is steadily
Abitration has been rejected in the
Chicago strike.
Russia has increased internal taxes
for war purposes.
Bryan predicts' government - owner
ship of railroads.
The New York building trades have
adopted arbitration.
The battleship Oregon is to be sent
to the Puget sound navy yard to be
overhauled. . '
The transport Sheridan has arrived
at Portland from Manila with the Four
teenth infantry.
The Chicago grand jury has subpoe
naed a number of bank officials to
, testify against the beef trust.
The Southern Pacific and Santa Fe
- systems are fighting to secure control
of the California fruit freight.
De leasee has finally agreed to remain
head of the French foreign office, which
means resistance to Germany in Mo
the Russian fleet has left Kamranh
bay, sailing north ward, where Togo is
awaiting it.
Chicago teamsters threaten a general
' Secretary Hay's health is much
The Rock Island system is trying to
obtain control of the Union Pacific
Hitchcock has dismissed eight offi
cials in the Indian service for corrup
The Italian government is reported
to have ordered a nmber ol warships
to Santo Domingo.
The Chicago beef trust'grand jury
has turned its attention to the investi
gation of the sausage business.
Foreign Minister Delcasse, of France,
threatens to resign because of the pol
icy towards Germany and Japan.
Senator O. H. Piatt, of Connecticut,
is dead. Although sick for some time,
.. his death came rather unexpectedly,
. He was 78 years old.
Japan boils with anger at the French
violation of neutrality, claiming' she
has positive proof that the Russian fleet
uses Kamranh bay as a naval base
Great Britain may be called into the
trouble, and her Hong Kong, fleet is in
-readiess to go to sea.
The Panama canal commission has
purchased a number of big locomotives
and cars for the railroad and will equip
the line with new and modern rolling
stock throughout. ' '
The Japanese army is advancing
northward, preceded by cavalry.
The teamsters' strike , in Cbiciago
may affect air department stores.
A run on a New York trading stamp
store has caused its being closed.
The Union Pacific railway will build
more gasoline motor cars and run them
on all branch lines.
Irrigation committees of congress will
tour the West and visit Portland
Senator O. H. Platfis in a very seri
on s condition, having had a relapse.
: The strike in. the Arkansas Valley
smelter- at Leadviiie, Uoio., Has been
settled and work resumed.;
Five miners were killed in an explo-
' sion in the Cabin Creek mines 30 miles
from Charleston, West Virginia.
The beef trust has-been caught in
the act of sending witnesses away from
- Chicago who might tell too much
Afraid That Italy Is About to Seize
Tripoli and Bengharzi.
.Constantinople, April 25. The Sub
lime Porte and the - Turkish council of
ministers is greatly wrought up over
the report that Italy has her eyes on
Tripoli and Bengharzi in Africa, and is
making ready an expedition to make
good her claims of possession. This
information comes from a trustworthy
It is known that the Turkish council
of ministers has been for some time dis
cussing the question, but the Porte's ad
visers are all at sea in the matter until
the atittude of Great Britain can be as
certained. While Turkey has the
troops to place in Tripoli and Ben
gharzi to resist the forces of the Italian
government, if it should try to take
possession, it has not the means of con
voying them to the African coast, the
Italian naval forces standing in the
It is declared that Italy three years
ago turned a covetous eye on Africa,
but that the Turkish government's pro
tests were backed up by ' England and
the protest was received by Italy and
recognized as valid. The fact that
Great Britain has just entered into a
secret treaty with France and Italy is
the alarming feature of the situation
from the Turkish standpoint.
It is 'said that the secret treaty with
France allows her complete freedom in
regard to Morocco and it is feared here
that there is a secret paragraph that
gives Italy the same freedom in regard
to Tripoli. If this condition is fomnd
to exist, Turkey will be unable to op
pose Italy in her action towards Tri
poli. .
Massacres by Wholesale Feared
- at Easter.
Socialism Causes a 'Panic in Poland,
Where Poles are Being Driven
From the Factories.
Preponderance of Male Wildness is
Very Marked.
New York, April 25. Although the
population of the county of New York
has increased 140,870 during the past
three years, there has not been a pro
portionate increase in crime, according
the annual report of District Attor
ney Jerome's chief clerk.
In the detailed reports of felonies
there is no marked advance of figures
as compared with former years. The
average number of prisoners charged
with felony who were confined in the
city prison, during the last three years
was 176.' This is the lowest average
on record. -
The number of indictments and com
plaints disposed of during the year
1904 was 5,039. Forty-nine per cent
resulted in pleas of guilty. A little
over 12 per cent of the prisoners were
convicted by verdict. ' About 17 per
cent were acquitted.
The classified list of convictions dur
ing 1904 shows a startling preponder
ance ol male criminals. Only lb)
women were convicted, as against 2,279
men. Of the 169 females, 126 were
found guilty of larceny - and three of
Of the 2,466 persons convicted dur
ing the year, 1,610 were natives of the
United States. The others were divid
ed as follows: ' Germany 182, Ireland
95, England 166, Italy 176, Russia
171, Austria 62. Roumania 17, Scot
land 12, Sweden 13, Greece 5, France
14, Spain 2, other countries 51. -
St. Petersburg, April '25. The news
from Poland paints a picture of verit
able terror before the expected storm.
A letter received here reads:
You know what happened at War
saw, but you only know part ol what is
occurring throughout the country. All
Poland is in a great conflagration of
Socialism, terror of which is every
where exciting a terrible panic, We
expect at Easter a general massacre of
the Russian government officials and
the wealthy, and the blowing up of the
Vistula bridge to prevent the arrival of
troops from itussla.
The police are doing nothing. They
pretend to be blind and deaf to what is
passing on around them. The existing
regime is the cause of discontent, which
is on the increase among the idle work
men driven from the factories and rail
roads because they are Poles. They
say they will have vengeance."
A letter from Vilna says :
"Work is impossible under the ex
isting conditions. ' The government's
endless commissions have accomplished
nothing, and the landlords, workmen
and peasants are convinced that open
revolt and the bayonet are the only
remedies, taster may witness the in
auguration of another insurrection like
that of 1863, which began, as this may,
with a Russian massacre.''
Commenting on the above, the Rubs
declares the government must act
promptly if awful carnage is to be
avoided. The only thing to be done,
it says, is to summon the moderates to
give guarantees that the promised re-
Congressman Bartholdt Will. Present
Plan to Peace Conference.
Kansas City, Mo., April 24. Con
gressman Richard Bartholdt, president
of the Interparliamentary union, the
international body that seeks to bring
about peace between nations through
arbitration, spent today in . Kansas
City. Mr. Bartholdt left tonight for
the East and will start tomorrow for
Brussels, where a meeting of the execu
tive committee of the union will be
held, May 15, to set the. date for- the
international peace commission.
A new idea will be presented by Mr.
Bartholdt. A resolution will be offered
to have formed an international as-
semDiy which win be given the power
by the respective governments of the
members to pass laws on international
questions. The members of the union
are members of parliaments and con
gresses of the various signator powers
of Europe and America.
Three propositions will be presented
by the delegates from the United
States. The first is that an invitation
be extended to South and Central
American governments to send repre
sentatives to the peace congress; sec
ond, that a general arbitration treaty
be drafted for submission to the vari
ous governments that would cover all
specific points so as to obviate the ne
cessity in our own country, for in
stance, of the president going to the
senate for advice and consent in every
instance in which international ques
tions are involved; and, third, to ar
range a basis of representation for each
of the nations taking part.
forms will be realized.
Fleet of Whalebacks Will Take Big
Cargoes from Chicago.
Chicago, April 25. 'The Tribune
says: it is reported that the "ore
fleet" of ten whaleback steamers has
been sold to Eastern capitalists, be
lieved to be John W.' Gates and his
associates in the May wheat deal, the
plan being to ship wheat direct from
Chicago to Europe.
The fleet, which has been operated
by the Pittsburg Steamship company,
one of . the subsidiary corporations of
the United States Steel corporation, is
now in drydock at' Detroit, being re
modeled for ocean voyages. Some of
these vessels have already crossed the
ocean with cargoes of steel rails.
Mr. Gates declined to be inter
T. J. Hyde, secretarry ol the Miners'
Steel company, said he had not heard
of the fleet but did not deem it in?
Big Storm Downs Wires.
Denver, April 25. According to re
ports received late tonight, a heavy
storm of rain and snow has practically
stopped telegraphic ' communication to
the Pacific coast. The storm reaches
from Arizona to Montana. In- Colo
rado, after raining for 24 hours, it be
gan to- snow tonight, and in some sec
tions a blizzard israging. No rexjrts
of the storm's effect on railroad traffic
had been received ' at midnight, but
serious interference with the operations
of trains, it is believed, must have re
Snow Covers Mountains and Ranges
From Texas to Wyoming.
Denver, April 25. The storm which
began early yesterday morning contin
ued until noon today. The downpour
changed from rain to snow about mid
night, and the plains of Eastern Colo
rado were covered with about six inches
of snow this morning. The precipita
tion in Denver was 2.30 inches, and
has been exceeded only four times
1876. Telegraph wires north,
west and south of this city were gener
ally unserviceable this morning.
The storm extended from the pan
handle of Texas to Central Wyoming.
Livestock on the ranges is in good con
dition, and, as the temperature is not
low, there will be little loss. The
benefit to grass on the range is incal
Even if the storm is followed by
frost, as is usual in April in Colorado,
the fruit trees are safe, for the cool
weather of the past two weeks has
kept back the buds from opening.
Little damage is reported so far to
railroads. Trinidad reports a danger
ous rise in the Purgatoris river, which
last falllwent on a rampage and washed
out all the bridges for miles up and
down the stream. Pueblo ie looking
for a rise in the Arkansas..' The storm
abated during the forenoon and the
snow melted rapidly.
Train service on practically all roads
Colorado is delayed by the storm
A slide in the Royal gorge, on the
main line of the Rio Grande, covered
the track and delayed traffic for several
hours. In the Cripple Creek district
the snowfall was extremely heavy and
trains were operated with great diffi
Buffaloes Lose Their Range.
' Missoula, Mont., April. 25. Thirty
five head of buffaloes were shipped this
afternoon from Arlee by M. Miller.
who sends them to a point in Oklaho
ma about 300 miles south of Kansas
City. The animals are from the fam
Forest Going Up In Smoke.
Duluth, Minn., April 25. North
eastern Minnesota and the western end
of JLake Superior are enveloped in
pall of smoke from forest fires. Scores
of fires are burning in the woods and
slashings, and reports are coming con
cerning them from every line of ' rail
communication entering Duluth. Fires
are burning close to several of the min
ing locations on the Messaba. The
country is dry, no rain having fallen
for three weeks. ,
Rain Needed to Save Forests.
Cumberland, Wis., April 25. For
est . fires raging here and spreading
throughout Northern Wisconsin threat
en the loss of property unless rain stops
them soon. . . t.
Washington, April 24. News has
been received at the State department
indicating that the long pending
trouble between Uhile and "eru over
the ownership of the two provinces of
Tacna and Arica, on the border line, is
rapidly reaching an acute stage. It is
onsidered entirely probable that, un
less one side or the other yields some
of its extreme demands, the next few
months may witness the outbreak of
hostilities between these two republics.
The prospect of trouble will probably
hasten the action of the president in
filling the post of United States minis
ter to Chile, which has been vacant
since last October, when Minister Hen
ry Wilson was transferred to Greece.
At present the interests of the United
States at Santiago are being looked
after by Charge d' Affaires Ames.
Recent dispatches from Peru declare
that Peru is buying warships and arms
and ammunition in preparation for the
coming struggle. " At the same time
Chile and Peru are endeavoring to form
alliances. If they are successful in this,
and trouble actually develops into war,
as now seems likely, both Brazil and
Argentine may be drawn into it.
of tl
Territory of Tacna and Arica is Bqne
of Contention.
Government Will Not Repeat Good
Offer to Canal Company.
Washington Sooner or later the Kla
math Canal company, operating near
Klamath Falls, must step aside aiid
make way for a -big government irriga
tion project. It is for this private en
terprise to say whether it will go vol
untarily or whether it will be forced
out. The fact remains that the gov
ernment is going to absorb private irri
gation worrks in Klamath basin, and is
going ahead with the construction of
its own project on a grand scale.
There are several private enterpuses
in Klamath basin, but all except the
Klamath canal company have made
terms with the government and ' are
ready and willing to vacate. This con
cern, owned by California interests, is
unwilling to move unless it can name
its own price, and sell out on its own
terms. The government does not do
business that way. That is why the
Klamath Canal company will probably
be forced to vacate.
Last December, when the government
first entered into negotiations with this
company, the officials of the reclama
tion service made a liberal offer. They
were willing to pay $250,000 for the
works and property of the company,
and to grant them navigation rights on
the government canals. But the com
pany held out for $500,000. Negotia
tions tailed. The reclamation service
was satisfied that the Klamath canal
property was not worth $250,000;
rough estimates placed the actual value
at nearer $50,000 ; but being anxious
to build the larger project and recog
nizing the equities of the .case, they
fixed what they termed a very liberal
oner. JNo such price will ever again
be offered. It is more than the facts
New Oregon Pure Food Law Will Be:
Strictly Enforced.
Pendleton The pure food law en
acted at the last session of the legisla -
ture is in effect and .from now on it
shall be a misdemeanor to sell, offer to-
sell or to be in possession of any article
of food or drink that shall contain any-
adulteration unless there is plainly
marked on the label its ingredients
and the quantities thereof.
The law especially covers the sale
and manufacture of butter and the sale -of
milk. It specifies that butter must
contain at least 88 per cent of butter
fat, no more than 16 per cent of water.
Milk must contain 3.2 per cent butter
fat, 9 per cent solids and have a specific
gravity of at least 1.038 per cent.
The laws details the manufacture
and sale of spices and condiments,
cider, vinegar, preserved and jellied
fruit and a host of articles of food and
drink. For the violation - of this law
there is a fine of not less than $25 or-
more than $100, with imprisonment
of not less than 30 days nor more than
six months attached. The grocers and
provision dealers of the city are not in
the least alarmed, and many were not
aware of the existence of the law. The
commissioner or his deputy is expected,
to visit the city in the near future and
enforce the law to the letter.
Opposition by Late Senaor Piatt was
Only Obstacle.
Washington, April 24. The- death
of Senator Piatt, of Connecticut, prob
ably means that next winter a bill will
be passed giving Alaska a delegate in
Cushman's delegate bill would have
passed the last session had it not been
for Piatt. When the senate committee
was ready to report, Piatt served notice
that it would be useless, for he would
defeat the bill. Inasmuch as - he had
it in his power to carry out his threat,
no action was taken, though the bill
had twice passed the house. As Piatt
was the only senator seriously opposed
to an A'aska delegate, it is believed
such a measure can pass next winter
Piatt's 'death will elevate' to the chair
manship of the judiciary committee
Senator Clark, of Wyoming. This- is
the first time a Western man has held
such an important chairmanship. The
judiciary is the most important com
mittee in the senate.
Chinook Salmon in Fraser River.
Vancouver, B. C, April 24. Spring
salmon ol a variety never before seen
in the Fraser river are now running
in .large numDers. They are pro
nounced to be Columbia river chinook.
They are supposed to have missed the
Columbia river in their northward
journey and to have come on north to
the" Fraser. They feed in the vicinity
of Monterey Cal., every winter. Their
appearance in the Fraser river this
year is being watched with much in
terest by canners and others in salmon
fisheries on this coast. ' .
Poisoned Bullets for Police.
Pueblo? Colo., -April 25. Fire to
night almost totally destroyed the en
tire stock of Bergerman Bros.' store,
one of the largest furnishing establish
ments in the state, and greatly damag
ed the building. The stock was valued
at $125,000, fully insured. The fire is
supposed to have originated from a gas
oline power engine blowing up. There
were several narrow escapes from tie
flames, several women being carried
from the building.
Move for Municipal Gas. .
Chicago, April 25. Agitation to es
tablish, municipal ownership of gas
works as well as street railways in Chi
cago was inaugurated in earnest today
by a public meeting in the city council
chamber which took steps to hasten
the passage of the Chicago gas bills. .
i-etersDnrg, April Z4. in all re-
t attacks on the police and adminis-
lve officers in Poland, their assail-
P have used poisoned bullets and
Igers. At the popular theaters and
bic nans periormers are arousing
lit demonstrations by singing revo-
onary verses." These are intro
duced as encores, which must be passed
by the theatrical' censor. Recently,
the performers did not hesitate to lam
poon the royal family.. ;
Signal Men for Alaska.
Washington, April 24. On May 15
60 signal corps men, under Captain
Carl W. Hartmana, will be sent to
Alaska to relieve the men who have
been on - duty 1 there - for two years,
Their principal work will be in connec
tion with government telegraph lines.
Good Loads on Schooners.
Willemstedt, Curacoa, April 24.
Gold estimated to amount to $1,400.-
000 and sent by President Castro, of
Venezuela, arrived here a few days ago
in schooners and an' Italian steamer
for shipment to and deposit in New
Logs for Paper Mill.
Albany Seven thousand cords of
wood are being floated down the South
Santiam river for the Lebanon paper
mills. Most of the wood was put into
the river at the mouth of McDowell
creek, and must float 12 miles to just
above the Lebanon dam, where a boom
catches it and turns it into the canal
to the paper mills. Part of the wood
is balm, for use in making white
paper, but most ot it is red hr ,tor use
as fuel. The Lebanon paper mills
consume 7,500 cords of red and white
fir wood as fuel every year.
Iron Works Incorporated.
Pendleton Articles of incorpora
tion will be filed thid week with the
county clerk incorporating the Pendle
ton Iron works, with Marion Jacks, C
W. Zigler and Fremont Arnold as the
incorporators, with a capitalization of
$20,000, Messrs. Jacks and Arnold
opened a foundry at Athena, but later
purchased the Mays interest of the firm
of Zigler & Mays and moved their en
tire plant to this place and consolidat
ed. The firm intends to do general
casting and repair work.
Water System for Echo.
tcho The city council of Echo has
granted C. R. Robinson a franchise to
build and operate a water works system
for 25 years. Mr. Robinson recently
established a similar system in lone,
Ore., and promises to have the ;water
turned on within 60 days. Mr. Robin
son has purchased the grounds and
well owned by the people who previ
ously planned to build a system, but
who failed in the time stated and will
uMlize the scheme outlined by that
Cottage Grove Wants Fame.
Cottage Grove The Commercial
club is discussing the best methods of
advertising the industries and re
sources of Cottage Grove and Bohemia
mining district, and surrounding terri
tory. It ib probable that a large num
ber of pamphlets and circulars will be
printed for distribution at the Lewis
and Clark fair. A committee consist
ing of George B. Lloyd, C. J. Howard,
C. E. Jones, A. B. Wood, and William
B. Root was appointed to prepare liter
L-nk May Be Built.
Eugene A crew of Southern Pacific
surveyors is at work in the Eugene
yards measuring the grounds and all
the buildings, prpearatory to rearrang
ing the building and sidetracks, which
has been so long in contemplation by
the company. Surveyors have also
been surveying the grounds at Hender
son station, and it is believed that the
long-heralded and much-talked-of con
necting link between Henderson and
Springfield will be built this spring.
May Leave Eugene.
Union Messrs. Will Wright, of the
First National bank of Union, and J.
P. Wilkins, superintendent of the
Union Woolen mills, owners of a wool
en mill plant at Eugene, Or., have been
in Hood River this week for the pur
pose of consulting with the business
men of that city relative to locating the
plant there. It is understood that if
satisfactory arrangements can be made
the Eugene plant will go to Hood
River. , ' .. -
Removal Is Very Probable.
Oregon City Judging from a letter-
that has been received by the officers of
the Oregon City land office, from Secre
tary of the Interior Hitchcock, it is
evident that intervention on the part
of President Roosevelt alone will pre
vent the removal of the Oregon City
land office to Portland as ordered. In
his letter Secretary Hitchcock states
that a time, July 1, next, has been set,
a place named tor the removal of the
office, and that in ordering the propos
ed change the authorities at Washing
ton considered every question and ob
jection that has been raised in the pro
tests that have been forwarded by the-
people of this city.
For Big Beet Ranch.
Union- The sale of Hall Bros ranch-
of 960 acres, about four miles north
west of Union, to the Amalgamated
Sugar company, for $50,000, has been
announced. This is the second large
tract in the same section bought by
this company within a year, and com
pletes a body of over 2,000' acres now
held by the Amalgamated company in
this part of the valley. It is exnected
that eventually the bulk of this land
will be put into sugar beets. The
Amalgamated company last fall bought
the Nichols & Weaver tract of -1,100
acres for $54,000, so that their holdings
now stand them about $104,000 for the
2,000 acres.
Convicts ion the Roads.
Salem In order to make a further
test of the problem of using convict
labor on the public highways, Govern
or Chamberlain has arranged to work
40 convicts in three separate gangs on
the Marion county roads for a few
weeks. Marion county will bear th&
expense of employing six guards to .take
charge of the men while at work. The
county will also pay the cost of trans
porting the prisoners to their work and
will pay the state five cents a day for
each man to pay the increased cost of
food for the men on account of their
doing heavier work. The convicts
will be worked, within four miles of
the prison.
Churns 1,500 Pounds of Butter.
Pendleton The Blue Mountain
creamery, recently completed in thi
city, is churning on an average of
three churnings a week of 500 pounds
of butter each. The entire amount of"
cream used in the churnings is brought
over from La Grande and Elgin, as the
farmers of the vicinity of Pendleton
have not yet been able to supply a par
ticle of cream. Many are preparing to
fit up complete dairy farms on a large
scale, but as it takes considerable time
for this, the creamery will depend uport
the supply from over the mountains.
Sawmill for Albany.
Albany A large sawmill will prob
ably be constructed in Albany the com
ing summer. The mill will be estab
lished by outside capital and the prep
arations for securing ground for the lo
cation and establishing the plant are?
being carried on through the officers of
the Albany Commercial club, who are
not yet ready to give out a statement
about the matter, but who say con
struction of the mill in this city is;
practically assured."
Snow Off Cascade Summit.
Albany The road from the valley to
the summit of the Cascade mountains,
via the Lebanon wagon road route, is
now open. 8. G. Dorris, proprietor of
the Fish lake summer resort near the
summit of the mountains, states that
the snow is all out of the mountains
and the road cleared for traffic, some
thing almost unprecedented for this
time of the year. . Usually this road is
not open until late in the spring.
' Wheat Club, 8384c per bushel f
bluestem, 8990c valley, 88c.
Oats No. 1 white, $2829 per ton?
gray, $2728.
Hay Timothy,- $1416 per ton?
clover, $1112; cheat, $1112; grain,.
$1112. N
Eggs Oregon ranch, 1818Kc per
Butter Fancy creamery, 1720c
per pound.
Potatoes. Oregon fancy, $ 1 1 .60 p
common, 8085.
Apples Fancy, $1.752.50 per boxp
choice, $11.25.
Hops Choice, 1904, 23K25c per
pound, v '
Wool Valley, 2024c, according td
fineness; Eastern Oregon, best, 17&
18c; mohair, choice, 3132c.