Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, April 28, 1905, Image 5

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I L'J. )
Mrs. John Lefler, of Kingston,
Or., is in thirdly "visiting relatives
and friends.
Dr. Georee Ainslee, of Portland,
has been a guest at the residence of
Mr. and Mrs. John Smith in this
city during the past few days.
J. C. Wood, who has been at
Salado, Lincoln county, for some
time came out to Corvallis during
the first of the week to remain.
John A. Dawson has been ap
pointed carrier on R. F. D. rcute
No: 4 on its establishment May 15,
and Frank L Smith, substitute.
J. M. Nolan returned the first of
the week from. a brief trip to Port
land. . . Mr. Nolan is improving
rapidly in health and is quite spry
Prof. Taillandier wishes it an
nouuced that his lecture-recital for
the benefit of the Village Improve
ment Society is to occur May 5th,
a week from tonight.
Prof. S. I. Pratt must be coming
back to Philomath from Newport,
if, indeed, he has not already made
the change, for we have had noti
fication to change the address oi
his paper.
A ''Shirt Waist.' hop is one of
the attractions scheduled for this
city this evening. This is certain
ly unique in name and will most
likely make some people regret
their inability to dance. ,
A good half-tone of B. W. John
son, president of the Benton Coun
ty Citizens League, appeared m
Wednesday's Telegram in connec
tion with half-tones of many other
prominent men of Oregon. .
Manager Stimpson has secured
authority from the faculty com
mittee on athletics at OAC to close
the contract with A. C. Steckle
whereby the latter is to coach the
football team ' of OAC during the
coming season.
1 Alsea Camp, Modern Woodmen
of America, celebrated the sixth
anniversary of its existence on
Wednesday of last , week with
baiquet. .Everything was carried
off to the satisfaction of the large
crowd present.
Prof, and Mrs. J. B Horner gaye
an Eastern dinner in this city last
Sunday which partook of the feat
urea of a family reunion. Mrs
Horner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E
Skinton were present, as were all
of their children andgrand children
some fourteen all together,
merry time for all resulted.
Robinson & Stevenson report to
have negotiated the sale' of the
F. T. Rugg place of 333 acres,
about four miles southwest of
Philomath, to Adam Keast, of
Grass Valley, Eastern Oregon
The price paid was $3,500. Mr
Kugg does not give possession un
tu the nrst oi the year, ihe uea
was consummated last Tuesday,
The regular monthly meeting of
the Village Improvement Society
will be held - this Friday evening at
the county court, roonl at 8 o'clock.
Last Tuesday evening Mrs. John
Smith entertained . a number of
guests and the professional services
of Prof. Goodnough were secured
for the occasion. Mrs. Smith is an
ideal hoEtess.
The morning sermon at the-M.
E. church next Sabbath wiil be
the "Ascension of Our Lord;" the
evening sermon will ; be "After the
Ascension, or the Beginning of
Last Tuesday Miss Emma
Thompson , and mother departed
for Cottage Grove, for a visit of
some weeks. It is thought that
the change will be beneficial for
the health of both.
Belshazzar at the Opera House
' a Success. :
Well Known Here.'
O. A. Dearing, formerly connect
ed with this office, but now in the
employ of . the American Typ
Founders' Co., was in this city on
business during a coupie of day
this week. He is grand master of
Masonry of Oregon and remained
over Wednesday evening to attend
a meeting of the local lodge of "this
order. He departed, yesterday, for
Portland via Albany
A series' , of revival meetings
were commenced a couple of weeks
ago at Mt View school house by
Revs. Lowther and McBride, and
Samuel Dickson, . of Philomath.
Great interest is reported to have
been awakened in religious work
it is said at one meeting thirteen
persons took the first step toward
leading different lives. The meet
ings are to continue a week or two
longer. '
During the past few days the
new grader recently purchased by
the county court for this county
has been given a chance at work in
real eai nest. Those who have seen
it work declare it to be a marvel.
Ground does not have to be plowr
ed for this machine, as, it both
plows and grades at the same time.
From what we are told, it is eate to
say that it will be a long time be
fore another machine will be in
vented that will equal tnisx one, j
much less excell it for any kind of
work. It seems the court acted
wisely in its purchase.
Last Tuesday evening 'the Odd
Fellows celebrated the 86th anni
versary of the birth of their Order
in America. Many inyited guests
were in attendance and were treat
ed to'a fine program of ritualistic
work, followed by musical num
bers.. This in turn was followed
by most tempting refreshments.
While this was a celebration of
their 86th ' anniversary, the Y?al
date of the anniversary was April
Rep. Marion Hayden came out
from his Alsea home last Tuesday
and returned yesterday. He states
that while everyone in that section
is like unto the "busy bee" there is
nothmg uDUSual transpiring.
A. W. Bowersox was over from
Albany last Tuesday evening to at
tend the social function of the local
lodge I. O. 0. F. Bert used to re-r
side in this city so it would be
pretty hard to lose him in these
George Shafer, who recently ar
rived in Corvallis from Iowa, has
rented the Charlie Everett property
on North Main street and has mov
ed into the residence. He repre
sents himself "well pleased -with
this country.
Miss Mat tie Strong returned
home last week from Portland
to spend a , short Easter ya-
cation, after which she will re
turn to school. She is attending
St. Marys Academy and College,
the most popular school in Port
Next Monday afternoon Mrs.
Lincoln, from the Presidio, San Fran
cisco, will be given a reception by
the ladies of the M. E. church. Id
the evening Mrs. .Lincoln will
lecture in the church; the ladies
are to serve ice cream and cake
from 5 till 8 o'clock. There will
be no charge to the lecture.
Services at the Christian' church
next' Sunday will be as follows:
Sunday school 10 a. in.; preach
ing at 11 a. m subject, "What do
ye more than others." Y P S C E
at 7 p. 'no.; sermon at 8 p. m., sub
ject, "Faith." This will be a con
tinuation or the line of special
Sunday evening sermons. All are
invited to attend. Frank E. Jones.
, On account of many other things
on hand here at present it appears
to have been impossible for any
thing like a decent sized delegation
to go to Portland to attend the con
vention of the Oregon Development
League held in that city Wednes
day and yesterday. The only per
sons we know of who attended from
here were Dr. James Withycombe
and Robert Gellatly.
-At the home of E. W. Strong,
last' Friday, an enjoyable event
occurred. Guests to the number
of about fifty were in attendance.
The League, of the M. E. church,
also many college students, were
among those present. About the
yard Japanese lanterns were hung,
and a 30-foot table sat under the
trees was laden with every con
ceivable delicacy fcr the refresh
ment of the guests. Music was
prominent feature of - entertain
ment. The occasion was a ' mem
orable one. '. '-; ' . ' -
A good-sized audience greeted
! those who took part1 in the pro
duction of "Belshazzar, or the
Fall of Babylon," at the Opera
House Wednesday Eve. The gen
eral verdict is favorable, injsome
instances flattering, to those who
participated. Everything pro
gressed with remarkably few
hitches or interruptions,- consid
ering the fact that it was given
by amateurs. "
Lack of Spate prevents us from
going into detail in the matter,
but special mention should be
made of the solos of Miss L-ulu
Spangler, Mrs. E- R. Lake, and
Otto F. L. Herse, although the
latter was harassed with a bad
cold. It was noticeable that no
person having a solo ' part fell
down in the least; the drills were
good the sash drill especially so,
The' orchestra was quite effective
at times in its assistance. From
a musical standpoint there is noth
mg great about Belshazzar.'
The affair was under the au
spices of the Ladies' Aid Sodiety
of the Presbyterian church and
they have every reason to feel
gratified at their success. They
have worked hard and are deserv
ing of the success that has crown
ed their efforts.
It is a matter of congratulation
thatCorvallis has sufficient talent
to produce a work of this nature
on so brief a time for preparation
only ten or twelve days were
given to rehearsals for this work
Much more could be said in favor
of this entertainment, but ss we
desire to run the character cast,
we are compelled to let the mat
ter drop at this; The following
is the cast of charactars :
The following write-up ac
companied by a half-tone appear
ed in one of the Ashland papers
of George F. Elgin who for
many years was a. citizen ol
this city:
George F. Elgin was born in
Oregon in 1861, but has resided
in. -Ashland only ' a few vearsl
Two years ago he was appointed
on the police force and stationed
in the railroad district. There
he made a name for himself as a
terror to hobos, and not a Wearv
Raggles that ever passed through
Ashland while he was on duty,
cut will remember his. convinc
ing way of asking them to "keep
right on going."
Last September - he was , ap-
rointed chief ; of police. His
record has been A i. Though
slight of build, he is perfectly
fearless and the lawbreaker or
"suspect" that tries to Tesist,
makes the mistake of his life.
He is exceedingly zealous, and
while some have . critictzed him
along that line; the great majority
of the citizens consider that an
abundance of zeal is a very good
fault in this day of easy-going
omcers, ana consequently teel a
sense of security not always en
joyed by residents of. a railroad
Buy Your Outing Clothes Hero.
Additional Local.
Belshazzar, King1 of Babylon,.....,...
, . ,J R Pruett
Nitocris, the Queen. ...... ..Lulu Spangler
Daniel, the Prophet........ .Otto F L Herse
HaDaniah. .................... .....J Fred Yates
Jewish Maiden... ............Eva Myers
Lord of the Court ...-Frank A White
Lady of the Court....... .....Mrs M S Bush
High Priest of Baal .Collie Cathey
Cyprus, King of Persia......... J Fred Yates
Angel..... -. Mrs E R Lake
Jewish Maidens
Gertrude McBee
Floy Johnson
Wise Men s
A M Stratum
CC Cathey
Dr Harper '
Daniel's Companions '
.J Fred Yates
Bushrod "Wilson
O J Blackledge
Jewish Quintet .
Mrs C E Peterson
Mrs Mary Bryson , ,
MS Bush
Percy E Clarke
John Alien
Last Wednesday the sad news
of the death of ex-President J. M.
Bloss, of OAC, reached this city .
His death occurred at his home in
Munciej Indiana, but particulars of
his death are not at .resent ob
tainable. Prof. -Bloss was elected
president of OAC on the death of
President Arnold in 1892 and waB
here for four years. During this
period he made many rnenas in
this city to whom the news of his
death came as a shock. When last
heard from, Prof. Bloss was plan
ning to visit OAC during the com
ing commencement. He was an
able educator and a thorough
gentleman of unassuming dignity.
The flag at OAC floated at half-
mast, Wednesday, in honor of the
distinguished dead .
A. C. Reese arrived in Corvallis
Wednesday from Salt Lake City,
Utah. He came here in the in
terest of an engineer to look into
the matter of the proposed water
system from this aity to Rock
Creek." He was only here ' a short
time, when he departed for a visit
of a few other towns of the valley
He is a very bright fellow and w8
greatly interested in affairs of our
section. Ihis was his first visit to
the Willamette Valley and he in
formed us that in all his travels he
never passed through a hundred
mues oi territory bo Deautirui as
Helen Lewis
Grace Wilson
Gertrude Nolan
Bertha Wilson . '
Belshazzar'e Maidens
- Mary Danneman
Pauline Davis
Mary Oolvig
Gladys Moore
FayeHill ; . -
Gertrude McBee
. . ' JEWISH WOMEN ' -:V-":
Gertrude SIcBee, Mrs Lake, Mrs
Greffoz, Eva Myers, Ethel Kyle, Mrs
Woodcock, Edna Gillette, Mrs "Wicks,
Mrs Siuipson, Mrs Miller, Mrs. Bryson,
Flov Johnson.
soprano .-''.:; ...
Mrs O J Blackledge, Emma Crawford,
Ethel Kyle, Hazel Kyle, Mrs E R Lake,
Helen Lewis, Mrs F L Miller, Gladys
Moore, Gertrude McBee, Lula Newhouse,
Mrs G E Peterson, Gertrude Nolan, Lulu
Spangler, Mrs J H Simpson, Loretto
Sheasgreen, Mary Sutherland, Mrs M
S Woodcock, Mina Yates. .
Mrs M S Bush, Mrs Mary Bryson,
Mary . Colvig, Pauline PaviB, Mary
Danneman,' Mrs J E Farmer, Mrs E P
Greffoz, Edna Gillette, Floy Johnson!
Faye Hill, Mrs E W Liddle, Eva Myers;
Libbie Rice, : Mrs W H Wicks, Agnes
"Wilson, Grace "Wilson, Bertha Wilson.
tenob' .
M S Bush, Otto F L Herse, OA
Tozier, Frank A White, J Fred Yates. '
26th, but the function was held a ,uat ha t.rn.vnrqB,i w,lna,w .,,,.
aay eany on account oi inamiiw ing between Portland and Corvallis
as i nlltr am faKIn mkt A ItAwnthi) 1 1 . C
cuuaijy emuuio mtu. ninKomw tNt.nrp. and hn flhnn IH ha a iiiHira
. iwiDiug tor ne nas traveled extensively.
. . ...
' HmSduffDS - - ."
& Man . - '
We'll, save you money,
and give you a pleasing,
aecoming sort of style.
We are ready for you.
H. S. &, M. style is perfection.
Silting Pants, $2.50 to $4.00
Fancy Vests, $1.00 to;$3.50
April 25 New hay Vetch and
Alfalfa; best cow hay in the world
to increase the milk flow. Order
by telephone. .L. L. Brooks. 36
Norton Adams has been busy1 of
late assisting r . Jr. Sheasgreen to
hoisn the wood work for the Ben
ton county exhibit at the Lewis
and Clark Exposition.
An ice-cream social is to be given
at the Good Sammaritan rectory bv
the Ladies Guild, Saturday, May 6,
from 4 to 10 o'clock. Fifteen cents.
Also home-made candy. A quanti
ty of plain and fancy sewing will
be offered for sale. 36-38
At the Congregational church,
Sunday, morning sermon, "Lillieb
of the Field," evening sermon,
'"David, as the Man After God's
Own Heart."
See Blackledge for furniture, etc
Walter Kline has been confined
to his room with sickness for several
days. The trouble began with a
boil and grew more and more
serious until confinement to his
room resulted.
Largest line of matting in coun
ty at Blackledges. 30tf
. Lieut, and Mrs. Quinlan arrived
home yesterday, from Portland.
The lieutenant reports to have been
granted many concessions for his
cadets and also in arrangements
for "Corvallis Day," which is June
Call at the Benton County Lum
ber Yard for prices on three grades
of flooring, rustic, and finishing
lumber. You will find the grade
and prices right. 26.
OAC's athletes will indulge in a
local try-out tomorrow afternoon on
their helo at the college. ihis is
preparatory to the field meet a
week later between OAC and Colum
bia University, on the local field
Physical. Director Trine is of the
opinion . that : "something will be
doing" about a week hence-
BlacKiedge, leading wall paper
dealer. ' 30tf
On a warrant sworn out by Chief
of Police Lane, the latter accom
panied by Night Officer Osburn,
entered the office of E. W. Strong,
Wednesday evening and arrested
Jesse Brown, Mike Kline and E
W. Strong for gambling. They
were given until 7- o'clock last
evening to plead. 'We went to press
too early to learn the outcome.
Oopjilffct m bi But kUta au
.atest Styles in Neckwear and Furnishings.
The White House,
Corvallis, Ore.
D. Dm H last and.
ICAas. Blakoxlctr.
..... ,
Patronizo Home Industry.
Outside Order Solicited.
All Work Guaranteed.
The new double
breasted model for
Spring, represents
talent in tailoring
that Custom Tailors
cannot afford.
i 1 1, n
I Utm A! AND I
. John Allen. K B Adams. S B Bane.
O J Blackledge, C C Cathey, Collie
Cathey, Percy E Clarke. Dr. Harper.
J R Pruett, Ed Pratt, Arthur Rich, M A
btratton, Vance Taylor, isashrod Wilson,
vvm n wictts.
Accompanists, Wm. Fechter, violin;
E D .Wetmore, cornet ; M Gross, bass ;
Mrs Inez Wilson, piano.
Director, Martin E Robinson.
On account of sickness in her
family. Miss Daisy Whitlow was
compelled to leave OAG, yesterday.
for her home in La Grande, Eastern
i Oregon.
Independent phone lea
A. L. Stevenson
pendent Phone ZQ1
Robinson & Stevenson
Real Estate, Loans and Insurance
Corvallis, Ore.
Dilly & Arnold desire to state
that they have sold a dozen or
more wheels so far this season and
that they have bicycles innumer
able, among ' which are Ramblers
and Imperials. The Ramblers are
the smoothest, easiest runners of
all w eels, and the Imperial is the
strongest wheel in the world. 36
A large number of Albany people
came over, Wednesdify evening, to
attend the performance of the can
tata. The indications were favor
able for a good attendance last
evening, the second and last night
of the production of "Belshazzar"
in this city. As we went to press
too early to learn of the matter
nothing authortive can be said.
Tu rner's Cash Store
One door South of Farmers' Hotel, Corvallis.
- ' ' i '. h
n? i t ' ' . m ' . .
oince moving uico our xew-jjocation we nave stocked up
with a Full Line of Fresh Goods. Will keep a full line of fresh
Groceries, Vegetables, Fruits, Etc.
Delivery system regular and reliable. - ' Store open from .6:30
a. m. to 8:30 p. m. every day during the week. Expenses are
lower than those of any other grocery firm in the city and our
prices are fixed accordingly. Call and see or ring up Indepen
dent Phone No. 452.