Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, April 28, 1905, Image 4

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Published Tuesdays and Fridays by
Gazette Publishing Company.
The suhscriptlou price 6f the Gazkttk
for neveral years has been, and remains,
12 tier annum, or 25 per cent discount if i
paid in advance.
From a dispatch sent out from
Berlin, Germany, it appears that
our present trade relations with
that country are on the eve of an i
eruption on account of Germany's
intention to insist on a more re
ciprocal tariff schedule in her
favor. 1 )
Germany has concluded hew
treaties with a number of Eu
ropean countries which "form a
new basis" and by which she ex
pects to demand of the United
States practical recipriocity. Real
ly, this is more than she can rea
sonably expect of us, fairly dis
posed as we are towards Ger
many and her trade.
. Many of the European coun
tries with which Germany has
just concluded new treaties have
maximum and minimum duties
on the same articles in f aver of,
or against a certain country. We
have a fixed tariff schedule which
assures a ' square deal for all."
Owing to this fact, were a new
treaty negotiated with Germany,
on the lines she dictates, we
would be favoring Germany and
dealing unfairly with other coun
tries having as much claim to
our trade and generosity aS ' has
One thing is pretty certain and
that is that the United States
will never see the day when she
does not do a large import busi
ness no matter how, well in hand
eur own manufacturers have
home trade. J3o long as we send
ship loads of goods abroad some
thing will come back in these
ships they will not ' return en
tirely empty.
If Germany will trade with us
on terms fair and honest in the
eyes of the world her trade will
be v appreciated otherwise we
.must locate another market for
our surplus. Treaty or no treaty,
so long as we have what Germany
is obliged to possess and can pro
vide it cheaper than she can pro
' cure it elsewhere we will get her
patronage, notwithstanding the
fuss she is inclined to make. :
1 1 is' a nfatter of congratulation
that Judge . Bellinger has ; so
promptly rendered a 'decision in
the abatement plea Of Senator
Mitchell. ' Without passing upon
the guilt or innocence of Senator
Mitchell, one is impressed with
the thought that were a man en
tirely free from anything bear
ing the appearance of guilt he
would desire a speedy trial.
It seems that an innocent man
would naturally demand all haste
in his vindication. But this is
not all in the present case; Sena
tor Mitchell is the representative
of the people of Oregon and it is
of vital importance to them that
his innocence be proved, or, if
disproved, be done with
out delay. It is to be hoped for
the good name of the state and
on account of a long period of
efficient public service, that the
senator may be able to free his
skirts from any stigma that at
present attaches to him. But
in seeking pretext to delay his
trial he is not strengthening him
self with the people.
,The new First Presbyterian
Church of Pittsburgh, Pa., was
dedicated on Sunday, the 16th
inst. The building and furnish
ing cost upwards of $400,000.
Two beams, each 84 . feet long
and two feet Erjuaro support a
great number- of stone arches.
These timbers were from Oregon
and are said to be the longest
ever brought into Pittsburg. Or
egon has whole forests of such
trees as supplied those beams. '
Norris and Rowe's Magnificent
Double Manageries as an' ' 1
Aid to the Study.
One of the pleasantest and
most profitable hours that can be
spent anywhere may be found in
the large new double managenes
of the Norris and Rowe Greater
Circus. There is not a great
deal of opportunity offered else
where for a practical study of
animal life. The relations of
the wild beasts of the world to
mankind are but little under-
The marvels of creation
are no where greater than in the
strange and diversified forms or
animate existedce as exemplified
in wild ana untamea, ana un
tamable, beast. '
In order to make knowledge of
wild animals obtainable the
authorities of various cities have
established zoological gardens.
but they are enormously expen-
sive institutions ana only the
wealthiest communities can af
ford them. It is because the
Norris andv Rowe greater circus
make one of the many features
of their exhibitions a managerie
so complete in every particular
that they, are of incalculable
practical benefit to any and
every community they visit.
Years of study of zoology in
books is not so effective as an
hour spent in , this managerie.
And when during this hour one
mav be amused by the antics of
the ' monkeys, marvel atj the
strange creatures of odd shapes
and savage dispositions and . at
the fame time be entertained by
the music ot the military band.
an hour of diversion and study
is supplied that can be had no
where else. It is really a auty
to get ' to the -shows early
enough to allow ; the i children
ample time to see all of the ani
mals. An hour is not too long
for a hasty inspection of them
all. The doors will be opened a
tuil hour before the big show
begins when C the Norris and
Rowe greater circus appears here
Wednesday, May io, at 2 and 8
p. tn.
What Davenport Said.
We are pleased to note that our
predictions in regard to the suc
cess of Mr. Waeeoner's book.
"Stories of Old Oregon," are be
ing supplemented by the press in
general, and. in tact, by all who
have read it. We are permitted
to make the tallowing, extract
trom a letter, by Homer .Daven
port on reading the book:
"I can't express my pleasure
on owning a book that pleases
me so much, and I want to say
that it is one of the most inter
esting that I have ever read. You
are a capital story writer, and
your Indian stories brought the
tears and made me proud that my
father was a pioneer."
Again, here is another extract
from a letter from the same writer
to a friend who wrote to him
about the book:
"I want, to say I have never
read so interesting a book as
"Stories of Old Oregon." What
a writer Mr. Waggoner is and
how his stories can make' you
shed tears. He has a great fu
ture before, him."
This from such a man as Dav
enport, who is constantly in touch
with the literary men of the age
is a great compliment and can
but add a renewed interest to the
Second grade fir lumber, almost
any dimension, f r only $6. 50 per
thousand ftet, at Corvallis Saw
Mill. 10 tt
, The sale of property at the brick
stable, Wednesday, attracted a
large number of people to Corvallis.
Some twelve or fifteen vehicles,, and
a like number of horses were dis
posed of, as well as many other
things that accumulate . about a
stable. The proprietors, Messrs.
Fruit and Waggoner claim to have
as much remaining unsold as was
disposed of. ' There is nothing
definite about their plans for the
futuie and they were considering a
division of the remaining property
yesterday. They agreed to give
W . P. Lafferty possession of the
property yesterday evening.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Ue Fit Glasses
To all Defects of Sight.
Room 12, Bank Building.
A Daredevil Ride
often ends in a pad accident. To heal
accidental injuries use Bucklen's Arnica
rt . r, m 1 3 r
oaive. ft aeep wouna in my ioo , irom
an accident." writes Theodore Schuele.
of 'Columbus, O., "Caused me great
pain. Physicians were- nelpless., but
Bucklen's Arnica halve quickly healed
it ' .-tnn npri flnii neniH uuniH nice ma inr
25c at Allen & Wood waid, druggists.
""- and, ..
Cornice, Roofing, Guttering,
. and all kinds of Sheet Metal
Work. -
F. A. Hencye
l. , . In connection with J. H.
: Cheated Death.
Kidney trouble often ends fatally, but
by choosing the right medicine, E. H.
Wolfe, of Bear Giove, Iowa, cheated
death. He says: "Two years ago I had
Kidney Trouble, which caused me great
pain, suffering and anxiety, but I took
Electric Bitters, which effected a com
plete cure. I have also found them of
great benefit in general debility and
nerve trouble, and keep them constantly
on hand, sioce, ' as I find they have no
equal." Allen & Woodward diuggist,
guarantee them at 50c.
If you want a first class instrument
at the lowest price for which it can be
sold, consult s. , We never sell our
pianos and organs below cost, but we
do sell a great many for a slight mar
gin above cost. And you pay the
same that your neighbor does. Sam
ples of our goods may be seen by call
ing at the office and residence, Fourth
street, 2nd door north of ceurt house.
Foley & Co., Chicago, originated
Honey and Tar as a throat and lung
remedy; ana on account ot the great
merit ana popularity ot Foley's Honey
and Tar many imitations are offered for
the genuine. Ask for Foleys Honey and
xar ana reiuse any surjstitute ottered as
no other preparation will give the same
satisfaction. It is mildly laxitive. It
contains no opiates and is safest for child
ren and delicate persons. Sold by Graham
& vvortnam.
Stock and poultry have few
troubles which are not bowel and
liver irregularities. Black
Draught Stock and Poultry Medi
cine is a bowel and liver remedy
for stock. It puts the organs of
digestion in a perfect condition. -Prominent
American breeders and
farmers keep their herds and flocks
healthy by giving them an occa
sional dose of Black-Draught Stock
and Poultry Medicine in their
, food. Any stock raiser may buy a
25-cent half-pound air-tight can
of this medicine from his dealer
and keep his stock in vigorous
'health for weeks. Dealers gener
ally keep Black-Draught Stock and
Poultry Medicine. If yours1 does
not, send 25 cents for a sample
can to the manufacturers, The
Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chat
tanooga, Tenn.
Bochbllb, Qa., Jan. 80, 1902.
Blaok-Kranght Stock and Poultry
Mediolne la the beat I ever tried. Oar
took was looking bad when yon aent
me the medicine sad now they ue'
getting so line. They are looking 10
per cent, better. .
Foley's : Kidney Cure
makes kidneys tid Warftfer right
The Gazette has made a
special arrangement with
the publishers of. a number
of the leading magazines
and newspapers of the Unit
ed States, whereby we are
offered cut rates on these
Now we could charge you the
full price for these and re
serve the difference between
the regular price and their
special price to us, as our
commission, but as the JGa
zette is a home paper for
home people, it will be sat
isfied by receiving you as a
new subscriber, or, if you
are now a subscriber, then
by receiving your renewal
for a year in advance. This
special rate may not last
ong, so take advantage of it
NOW while the chance is
yours. V . .
A Great
Woman's Home Companion
Frank Leslie's Monthly
Modern Prlscllla and
"Corvallis Gazette
All five
one year
Interest the
Weekly , Oregonian
San Francisco Examiner
Corvallis Gazette '
All three
one year
Cosmopolitan Magazine
or Leslies,
r or McCall'p,
Corvallis Gazette
Any three O BO
- mrgmeamt m m
Gazette Pub. Co
Corvallis, Ore.'
It Mill pay you to walk a block or two to see and ex-
. amine our exhibit of New Spring and Summer Merchandise
For Men, Women & Children.
All the fashionable fabrics and shades in the latest pat-'
terns are shown in profusion. , They are, as heretofore, up
to the highest standard. A few of our specialties: . .
Royal Worcester Corsets, McGee Petticoats, Peerless Un-; ;
derwear, Derby . Kid Gloves, Utz & Dunn's Ladies' Fine
Shoes, Ruth Shirt Waists, Gilbert's Dress Linings, Broad- '
head Dress Goods, Radium Silks, and Skinner Satins. ". . ,
W. L. Douglas Men's Shoes, Hawes $3.00 Hats, Grouse & .'
Brandegee's Hand-Tailored Suits for Men, Extra Good I
Suits for Boys and Young Men. Dutchess ' Trousers, 10
cents a Button, 1.00 a Rip. "Monarch" White and Col
ored Shirts, Hamilton Brown Shoes for Men, Women and
Children. "Capps" AU-Wool Men's $10 Suits.
Repairing and Job Work
of any kind promptly
and correctly done.
Glasses Fitted
at prices that are reasonable and
eyes tested . free of all charge.
Often Day and Night.
J. C. HAKllilEL, Prop.
One of the Finest Eoulned Hotels. In the Valley.
Both Phones.
When you pay out
good money for
printing, be sure
and get good print
ing for the money I
Good Work costs
you no more than
the bad.
Bring your Job Work to the
Gazette; Office.
Rooms Singlo or EnSuIte.
Bus Meets all Trains.
If you are looking for Borne Teal good
Bargains in Stock, Grain, Fruit and
Poultry Ranches, write for our special
list, or come and see ns. We will take
pleasure in giving you reliaole informa
tion; also showing you over the county
Do not send out printed mat
ter to your customers that is
a'disgrace to your business
a disgrace to your town and
a disgrace to the printer v,ho
puts it out..'
Good printing is correct in
spelling correct in gram
marcorrect in punctuation
on good stock printed
with good ink and some
thing that it is a pleasure to
look at.