Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, April 28, 1905, Image 2

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    I sJ I I aJ I XV
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CHAPTER XXVII. (Continued.)
She listened to him without moving a
muscle until he had finished speaking;
then she answered, "Poor, weak fool, I
pity you!. You may one day know that
Tengeance is held by a higher power than
that of puny man."
So solemnly did she speak the words,
that for a moment she awed her. oppo
nent, and he moved aside without a
word, to allow her to pass out of the
"What occasion was there to tell that
woman of my past life?" angrily de
manded Judith, when Madame Berne had
departed. .
"I told her to suit my own purpose,"
he retorted, in the seme tone.
"And whafinjury have I ever done to
you, Mr. Montgomery," I asked, "that
you should Beek to be revenged upon
"You have done me no injury," he
aid, averting his eyes; "but she has!'
"Is it just to puuish me for the faults
of others?" I asked.
"Has that old tigress gone?" cried
Mr. Porter, putting his head in at the
door, and looking round. Ocularly sat
isfied of ber disappearance, he bustled
eagerly up to Judith.
He turned the conversation upon other
subjects. By and by, he said to Mr.
Montgomery, in a careless tone, "I have
something to show you. I want to ask
your opinion of the worth of a bit of
jewelry I have here. I know that you
Are a judge of those things."
He produced a locket, which I instant
ly recognized as the. one he had once
shown to me, and which I believed to
contain a portrait of my mother.
I can now understand his cunning de
sign. It was to try if Mr. Montgomery
would recognize the portrait without be-
c i . it rrv.
locket would not open.
"Give it to me," said Montgomery;
"I'll do it."
But before he had time to examine it
a man, looking like a servant, hastily
entered the room, without knocking.
Looking about him for a moment, he
went up to Montgomery and whispered
something in his ear.
"Where is he?" cried the latter, look
ing very scared.
. The man whispered again.
"Come along, then; do not let na lose
an instant," exclaimed Montgomery, ex
citedly. And before the other occupants
of the room could recover from their
astonishment, the two men had rushed
"What's the meaning of this?" cried
Mr. Porter, somewhat alarmed. "There's
mischief brewing!
"Something- is wrong," said Judith
"But, at all events, we have nothing to
fear; we have had nothing to do with
the abduction. The worst they can do to
us is to turn us out of the house as tres
passers." "Where's the locket ?" suddenly cried
Mr. Porter. "Why, that scoundrel Mont
gomery has walked oft with it!"
And away he went in pursuit.
"So, Silas," said Judith, when we were
alone, "you are a gentleman with an in
dependent income."
I could only wearily shake my head.
"Even money has no charm while your
happiness is clogged by me, she said,
bitterly. "Well, I will' make a bargain
with you. Settle half of the money upon
me for life and I will free you of my
presence forever."
"Take it all if you will," I answered.
."Yon have blighted my whole life. Ail
the money, in the world can never buy
' dm back one happy moment."
' Mr. Porter's entrance interrupted our
'further conversation. -
"He's off!" he said, looking very flur
ried. "They both jumped into a trap
that the man came in, and galloped off at
a pace fast enough to break their necks.
And he has taken my locket with him!"
Little less than an hour's furious driv
ing brought Montgomery and his com
panion into a suburban district. They
pulled up before a handsome villa resi
dence. A gentleman, who had evident
ly been watching for their coming, ap
peared at the door.
."How long you have been!" he said,
. "Come as fast .as horseflesh could go,
sir," answered the man, respectfully.
"Just look at the mare, sir; she's for
all the world as If yon had chucked
buckets o' water over her!"
."This way, Montgomery," said Mr.
John Bod well for it was he.
;He led .the way into a back parlor.
"Read that," he said, handing Mont
gomery a telegram.
"From Jonathan Rodwell,
Hotel, to John Rod well:
"Can I have the use of your house in
Essex for a short time? Police have
got a trace of Clara in that direction.
Telegraph reply."
'Montgomery gave a low whistle as he
read these words. 'That's awkward!"
he ejaculated.
"What a fool's remark!" exclaimed
Rodwell, irritably; "it's ruin, destruc
tion! What can be done? Can yon de
vise any scheme? I have telegraphed
to say that I will be with him this even
i"And then what do you mean to do?"
;"That is precisely what I want to talk
over with you. You see by that tele
gram that the police have discovered a
clue, and we know that' the clue is in
- the right direction. The hope of gaining
the reward will wonderfully sharpen
their scent. ' Perhaps, while we are sit
ting here, they have spotted the very
He paused, expecting an answer; but
Montgomery, with an unmoved face, re
mained silent.
' "I must -tell you," he went on, ' "that
before this girl was brought home I was
regarded as my uncle's heir. But he
became Infatuated with this silly 'doll,
and left everything to her, except a pal
try annuity. Well, the girl's intellect
was always weak, and as she grew older.
this weakness merged almost into" idiocy.
One night she disappeared, no one knew
whither.' My uncle was almost frantic.
Rewards were offered; the-rural police
put upon the search; - ponds, rivers.
streams dragged far and near; but, as :
you will anticipate, without any suc
cess. As time passed on I did all I
possiBly could to instill into his mind
that she must be dead, to which belief
I really inclined ; bnt he obstinately -clung
to the idea that she still lived, and
that he should find her some day. In
the meantime, I kept on the best of
terms with him. If she never turned'
up, I felt pretty confident that the bulk,
at least, of the old man's fortune would
fall to my share. Years went on, and I
began to feel quite certain that Clara
would never again be heard of; when,
fancy my consternation upon, one day
receiving a letter from the old man,
which informed me that he was in the
city, consequent on having obtained some
trace of his "lost granddaughter. He
lent some tramp money upon a suit of
clothes, and out of one of the pockets
had dropped a miniature of Clara. This
tramp fellow had told him that be was
going to the city, and thither my uncle
had set off at once to endeavor to gain
some tidings of him. He had not been
in town many days before he chanced to
see a picture of nis own cottage in a
print seller's window. He bought it, and
found the name of Clara in the corner.
That I might check any further search
upon his part, I undertook to send round
to every picture dealer to make inquiries.
I called at a number of shops myself,
and I sent you to others; you know
with what result."
But I did discover her, after all," in
terrupted Montgomery, "although in
quite another way; and had I not stay
ed at Bury so late into the Monday, you
would have known of it. However, noth
ing could be neater than the way we
managed it Luckily you had such a
snug place to take her to."
"Yes; I have found the house useful
more than once. An old maiden arnt,
who used to reside there, left it to me
as a legacy. Fortunately, it had only
been recently vacated. , As soon as I
had secured my fair cousin, I began, to
consider what was the best thing to do
with her. , After a mature consideration,
I came to the conclusion that marriage
was the best solution of the difficulty.
By making her my wife I should seal her
lips regarding the past, and secure , my
uncle's fortune in the future. To my
surprise, she received all my advances
with the utmost repugnance. -The cause
of that, I have discovered, is a connec
tion she has formed with some low fel
low, who actually turns out to be Judith
Stokes' husband. By the bye, how came
you to think of introducing those peo
ple at my house? Yqp must have been
made to have entrusted my secret in
the hands of a woman who has a spite
against me?"
"A spite against you?" echoed Mont
gomery. "This is the first I have heard
of it. Now, I was deeply interested
in getting him back Into Judith's hands.
I bethought me of the bouse that I had
taken the young lady to the night before.
There must be plenty of spare rooms
there, I thought; and as Judith and Mr.
Rodwell are old and confidential friends,
I don't see that he can possibly object
to oblige her so far."
"And do yon not think such an act
was a piece of impudence upon your
"Not at all," answered Montgomery,
coolly.,- "I had my own private interests
to serve in the matter vital interests.
I thought of myself first, as you did
of yourself when, years ago, you enticed
away from me the girl who was making
my living. Tit for tat!"
Rodwell glared at him fiercely. "If
that is your mode of dealing with-, me,
he said, "how do I know that you may
not one fine morning call upon Mr. Jona
than Rodwell and blow the whole thing
to him?" .
"No, I shall not do that," answered
the other, quietly; "honor among thieves.
If the plot succeeds, I know that I
shall get more out of you than I possibly
could out of him. Besides, there is
stronger bond even than interest that
binds me to you revenge!"
"Upon whom?"
"Upon Silas Carston."
"In that case, I think we can work to
gether better than I suspected; but as
you have greatly complicated my diffi
culties by introducing Judith into the
same house, it is but lair that you-should
be the more ready to help me in any way
out of them." ' , :.
"What do you mean?". .. ;
"In the first place, my marriage with
Clara would have to be brought about
immediately; and as she is not likely to
consent, and as the days of enforced
marriages are all gone by, it is more than
probable that the whole plot will have
to be abandoned. , I am convinced that
Judith fully intends to betray me. Her
evil disposition would never let such an
opportunity of revenge escape. Such
revelation would overwhelm me with de
struction. My father, at his death, left
me property to the value of two thou
sand per year. Bit by bit, it has been
sold and mortgaged. I lost a thousand
on the last Derby; that was - the last
straw. My debts amount to some eight
or ten thousand ; my doors are besieged
by duns; my credit all but stopped, and
am all but penniless. If I could once
show proofs that I was my uncle's heir,
my creditors would cease' to press, and
I could raise more money. On the other
hand, if things remain as they are.
should have to fly the country, a beggar.
"But how do you propose . to induce
your uncle to alter his will while he be
lieves that his granddaughter is alive?'
"Suppose it could be proved to him
that she was dead? '.
The two men's eyes met in a long,
searching look; each one was trying to
read the others secret thoughts.
"Supposing," Rodwell. went on,
could hit upon a plan to silence to re
move both Judith and Clara at the same
time? Nothing could then stand in my
"What do you mean?" asked Mont
gomery, with a scared look.
"You seem excessively dull to-day,'
exclaimed Rodwell, irritably; "especial
ly when your own interests and safetv
are as mnch concerned as my own. Could
not the girl prove that it was you who
abducted her? and as you could not
J furnish your judge with nnexcepnabfySt, -:
I references as to your moral", character,!-tf&'iJmm
that would be -enough to give .you two
years on the treadmill, besides the .loss
of all the money I hav; promised you..'
Let us carry my plan to a successful
conclusion, and I will sign a deed to pay
you five hundred a year for life. I should
: not think It would take you long to de
cide between the two pictures." .
"Speak out, and let me know what you
want," said Montgomery, uneasily.
"You to help me to get rid of both
Judith and Clara!" cried Rodwell. bold
ly. "Suppose that the house should catch
on fire houses do catch on fire, you
know, sometimes, without any one dis
covering the cause, and people frequently
are lost in such fires."
"This is abominable !" cried Montgom
ery. -
So I thought, at first. The house Is
heavily insured, too; we could share the
inhnrance money between us." . .
But what purpose could such a fear
ful crime serve? You would not dare
confess to your uncle that the girl was in
your house; and, unless you could prove
to him that she was dead, her death
onld be useless to you.'
"I have thought of all that If this
thing could be arranged, I should drive
oft to Morley's at once, tell him that I
had traced my cousin, taken her nnder
my protection, lodged her safely in the
Manor House, offer to drive him. over
there at once. When we arrive there it
would be a heap of cinders."
Montgomery shuddered as he listened
to the diabolical ingenuity of this horri
ble plot.
"But how would 'you account for- the
girl's disappearance for your meeting
with her?" he asked.
In a hundred ways!" was the reply.
Btfore she ran away from home, she
betrayed symptoms of incipient insan
ity. The actions and adventures of such
people cannot be measured by the stand
ard of every-day life."
What part do you want me to play
in the tragedy?" asked Montgomery.
I should have to go over to my uncle.
You would do the rest!"
Well, give me a little time to think
over it."
"I will give yon half an hour," said
Rodwell, looking at his watch. He was
perfectly calm and self-possessed: Hisf
face was stern and resolved. He left
the room, and Montgomery beard the
key turn in the lock. '
(To be continued.) .
South Sea Islanders Are Expert in Ma
rine Architecture.
In the Marshall group of islands in
the south seas is a little atoll of coral
known as Likieb. atoll. It is hundreds
of miles away from any other island,
and the natives go half naked like the
other dwellers of the south seas. But
they have learned one great civilized
art. Just the same, and that is the art
of building ships.
About forty years ago a Portuguese
sailor was landed there from a whal
ing ship. When his vessel sailed away
he remained behind, for the lazy
charm of the Pacific island life had
tempted him and he had decided to
leave the restless sea and live the rest
of his days on the warm, sleepy
beaches, here no one-worked.
Soon he married the daughter of a
chief and became a trader. After
many years an American captain vis
ited the islands during a trading voy
age in the south seas and when his
vessel shortly afterward became, un
seaworthy he set to work on the beach
to build a hew one.
The Portuguese whaler's two sons
helped him and learned a great deal
about the operation. The island had
fine, hard wood on it- just the kind of
timber that shipbuilders value because
it will not rot or waterlog readily. The
captain at last succeeded In finishing a
good 40-ton schooner and. sailed away
in her.
Before long the two boys had begun
to teach the natives something of what
they bad picked up and soon. Instead
of the primitive canoes and dugouts
that the Marshall islanders have been
using for . centuries, the folk of the
Likieb atoll began to build canoea
made of carefully, fashioned lumber
and pinned together with rivets.
Now there Is a real shipyard on this
little speck lost in the wide Pacific.
A high roof under the palms on the
beach greets the mariner and when he
lands he sees vessels, modern tools
lying around -and everything looking
just as it does in a shipyard anywhere
on the American coast, only instead of
workmen in overalls he sees dark na
tives with hardly any clothing. .
The wood from which the knees and
timbers are cut comes from an island
on the western side of the lagoon.
is called kauoe and is extremely hand
some, looking much like black walnut
It has the valuable property of grow
ing harder as it grows older and makes
fine vessels. :
Tools all of them of the best kind
wood for spars, etc., are shipped to
Likieb , atoll now from New Zealand
and the boats that are turned out in
the savage island have' been compared
with American and English built ves
sels that have touched at the place and
found to be excellent In every respect
' The savage shipbuilders have
queer scale of prices. If a chief wants
a schooner of, say,- 12 tons, .built for
him, they charge him $1,000 for It but
if a poorer person wants the same
kind of a vessel they will charge many
hundred dollars less. They do this
quite openly and explain it by saying
that the chief being rich can afford to
pay more than a .poor person for the
same thing. Washington Post
Advantage in Kanaaa.
"Sally- father said her beau .should
never step foot in the house again,'
said the Kansas girl.
"Then I suppose she had to givo
him up?" interrogated her chum.
'-" "No, indeed. . She entertains him in
the cyclone cellar." ,
Few persons have courage enough to
appear as good as they really are.
Automatic Poultry Feeder.
An Illinois farmer, evidently a poul
try raiser, has patented the automatic,
poultry feeder which la shown in the
Illustration. As soon as daylight ap
pears, chickens are about and ready
for their morning meal, and to pro
duce good stock their wants must be
attended to." This means that the
poultry raiser must be awake early in
the morning to feed them, and this
automatic feeder is designed to do it
for him. It consists of a hopper hav
ing an outlet, this outlet being -closed
by means of a partition or diaphragm,
which is Independent of the walls of
the hopper and being pivotally mount
ed at its lower end. This partition or
pivoted door can be adjusted to any
intermediate point, so that the capaci
ty of the hopper may be varied and
an unobstructed discharge maintained.
A latch arm is connected to the pivot
ed door, this latch arm being con
trolled by an electro-magnet The lat
ter is operated by a clock, so that the
contents of the hopper can be emptied
at any predetermined .time.
Home-Blade Subsoil Plow.
A very serviceable and practical sub-
oller may be constructed with but lit
tle work. The beam and handles are
the same as any other plow stock. The
two uprights which support the plow
point can be made from pieces of old
wagon tire, "each two feet long. The
point bar should be about the same
length and about two inches square
from one upright attachment to the
other. The front end should be made
with good steel, well tempered and
drawn to a point which is best if made
wide and flat The uprights are at
tached to the beam by stirrups or
clamps made of three-quarter-Inch iron
rod. The front upright should be sharp
ened on its front side, which will as
sist in cutting the old roots and thick
clay. -
This plow will break the bottom of a
furrow made by any two-horse break
ing plow. : If made for one-horse, it
should be constructed lighter, and need
have but a single upright . It is espe
cially adapted to loosening - up sod
which has become very' solid from long
tramping. Farm and Home.
Duck Eggs.
Those who have patched both duck
eggs and hen eggs in an Incubator
claim that they cannot expect as good
hatches from the duck eggs as from
the hen eggs. For some- reason the
ducks, many of them, die in the shell,
THe reason may be ' insufficiency of
moisture, as a duck egg requires much
moisture to hatch well. ; Ducks are
very near to fish in kinship. The
duck in returning to her nest brings.
moisture on her feathers. And yet
enough ducks are usually hatched in
the incubator to pay for the hatching
in that way, though one does not un
derstand all the requirements to get a
good hatch. They are not so liable to
have the life crushed out of them In
an incubator as under a hen, for, like
a gosling, they are very weak for the
first day or two and easily killed.
There are Incubators made nowadays
to hatch every kind of an egg from
that of a humming bird to the ostrich,
Hints About Driving;.
Don't trot "the horse down hill. It
Jars the . shoulders, weakens the ten
dons and springs the knees. If you
need to drive fast, send him along on
the level and when you come to an up
grade, let him. break into a run, then
take his time down hill. The change
from a trot to a run brings into play
a different set of muscles and does not
fatigue the horse so much as If he
keeps up a trot all the while.
Keep the Young Stock Growing.
The calves, the colts, the pigs, All
from the time they were put, in winter
quarters until spring, should suffer no
cessation in their growth. The calves
T-:' :
or yearlings and colts should be kept
steadily vigorous and growing; not
merely holding their own, but increas
ing in size and proportion; not neces
sarily the laying on of fat, but the en
largement of frame and muscle, with a
healthy vigor. .
Expensive Farming;.
When one sees a farmer buying ex
pensive grain and feeding it to stock
that are housed in bleak yards or in
closures through which cold drafts
blow and snow drifts around the ani
mals, one concludes this husbandman
is indulging in expensive farming.
Any management of live stock or
farms that does not return a handsome
profit is expensive agriculture. Too
many infer that expensive manage
ment of farms and live stock implies
luxurious buildings and high-priced
help. Unquestionably too much cap
ital can be invested in' appointments
for remunerative operation of farms,
but all rural buildings should be sub
stantial and constructed for warmth
as well as ventilation.
It is a wrong idea that young cattle
should be unreasonably exposed in or
der to give them a rugged constitution.
The hardening process stunts the ani
mals and prevents the development of
their greatest commercial possibilities.
Cattle raised in ' open yards, or cold
inclosures, never display the thrift nor
make the rapid growth which charac
terizes stock raised under more gener
ous conditions. An animal that nom
inally should realize $60 at 3 years
old, under generous treatment, will be
a slow seller at $30 under the exposure
regime. Drover's Journal. ,
Water for Farm Animals.
It is admitted that water is essential
to- the well-being of humans, and if
this is so, why should anyone presume
to think that animals can get along
with little or no water? Yet that is
the plan on which many farmers work.
The cows and horses are, perhaps,
properly watered, but' the other -farm
animals are given little water. In a
series of experiments carried on by the
writer a number of years ago it was
found that sheep, swine and poultry
gave us nearly 20 per cent better re
turns when regularly and carefully wa
tered than when the water was given
but occasionally.
That is, the egg supply was larger
from the hens, and the sheep and hogs
kept to the desired weight More than
this, we found there was less trouble
with diseases, particularly those that
had the -stomach for their base of at
tack. It is now a regular practice to
give all the animals on the farm reg
ular supplies of clean water. In water
ing the sheep and swine, troughs are
provided and kept for the purpose.
After the animals ' have drunk, the
troughs are removed, so that there is
no chance of them being defiled. It
will pay every time to water all farm
animals regularly and with clean wa
ter. Indianapolis News. i
Clean, Quick Sap Boiling;. .
In handling sap every precaution
should be taken to keep out dirt, and
the sooner the. sap is boiled after It
runs from the tree the better for the
quality of the sugar. A dark-colored
product Is far from desiranle, and
quick, clean work is necessary to se
cure a clear, light shade. Maple sugar
is marketed at a time of year when
there la little else to sell from the
farm, and when other work is not es
pecially rushing. Modern sugar mak
ing with modern utensils and business
like methods Is a profitable enterprise,
and a source of extra income which
should not "be neglected. .'.'
' . A Suinoua Method.
To depend upon the use of purchased
fertilizers, to- the neglect of such as
can be produced on the. farm for the
production of each year s crop, is
ruinous method, which, while It may
not prove Immediately disastrous.
sure to impoverislAsucceeding genera
tions. : American Cultivator.
Sorting Pay. ,-
I had a remarkable crop, of 7,000
bushels of apples this year, says A. D.
Appletree Barnes of Wisconsin, and
by careful assorting and .handling was
able to sell them for $1,215. I tell
you there is nothing like systematic
sorting and careful handling to make
apples pay. ' -
The Colt's Feet.'
When the colt is growing, the hoofs
should be looked to occasionally to see
if they do not require trimming.
-Poultry Yard Pickings.
Cheap. food is always at the expense
of quality.
Quality in food for poultry is what
gives It value. -.-,''
No food is cheap that does not bring
paying results. .
Damaged food invites indigestion
and various bowel troubles.
Lack of. grit when snow covers the
ground endangers the flock's health.
Provide plenty of nests where there
are many bens or pullets.
. ' Grit, either oyster shells or -crushed
granite, should be kept under cover
accessible to the poultry in all the
houses during the winter.
'Keep the cockerels and pullets sep
arate until a couple of weeks before
you commence saving eggs for hatch-
lng. 1 Both will be the better for the-
plan. '
One Hundred Years Ago.
The amusement of oull bating was
abolished in France. -
Aaron Burr started on his trip west
to Louisiana and Blennerhassett's Isl
and. ' ' -.
Nine American seamen were released
from a British! brig in New York har
The British House of Parliament
went into committee on the subject of
commercial treaty with the United
States. ' - i
Two hundred and fifty letters of
marque were issued for privateers
against the English at various Spanish
Congress ordered the clearance of aM
armed merchant vessels.
Seventy-five Years Ago. .
There were but seven navy yards
in the United States.
American indemnity claims were set
tled with Denmark.
One of the combatants in a prize
fight which took place in Manchester,
England, was- killed before be could
leave the ring.
Turkey paid its second installment
of $800,000 stipulated by the treaty of
Adrianople for indemnity of the Rus
sian subjects.
Navigation by steam was introduced
on the Mediterranean, vessels making
weekly trips from Venice to Genoa.
Peace was concluded at Buenos
Ayres between Buenos Ayres, Santa
Fe Entre Rios, and Corrientes.
Fifty Years Ago.
The State prison at Nashville, lenn..
was burned.
The closing sale of the estate of
Daniel Webster took place at Maish-
field, Mass.
An unsuccessful attempt at revolu
tion was made inHaytl, with the Intent
to recall ex-President Paez.
Twenty -three persons lost their live
in the fire which destroyed the steam
er Bulletin on the Mississippi River,
near Vlcksburg.
Castle Garden, New York, was made
an emigrant depot
Twelve men were arrested In Phila
delphia who had enlisted tor. foreign
service. ..
Forty Years Ago.
Residents of Wisconsin, fn the vi
cinity of Edgarton and StroughtOD,
were excited over the reported discov
ery of petroleum.
Reports sent from Mobile. Bay via
Cairo, 111., reached the North telling of
the attack by Union monitors on the -
city of Mobile.
Three men robbed a bank in Louis
ville, Ky., in the early afternoon, get
ting away with $45,000. "
Fort Stedman was taken by the Con
federates and retaken by the Union
troops, who captured 2,700 prisoners.
A member of the North Carolina Leg-.
lslature declared that body was ready
to take the oath of allegiance and to
ratify the slavery abolition amendment
tn th foriKtifiition.
Thirty Years Ago.-
The announcement was made that
Gen. Spinner was to be sueceded as
INaxionai ireiiBurer uy uvuu new u
Indianapolis. (
. . . i m i X. .
Kossuth was defeated in a contest
for a seat in the Hungarian diet
The Cook County (HI.) Commission
ers engaged the architects for the
courthouse, now crumbling to pieces. :
The Ohio Senate passed a bill for
bidding railroad officials or employes
from being connected with so-called
fast freight" or transportation compa
nies. -r
Twenty Years Ago.
The Reichstag adopted a measure
providing for the subsidizing of steam
ship' companies.
Chicago real estate men declared
that flats were becoming unpopular
and that rents would be cut " "
The people of France were thrown
into a panic by reports of Chinese vic
tories over the French soldiers. .
The report of the first bloodshed of
the rebellion led by Louis Riel in the
British Northwest Territories reached
Ottawa. ,
A system of fast freight trains be
tween Chicago and New England
points was inaugurated.
Ten Years Ago.
. In Chicago the mercury stood at 7
degrees above zero and ranged from
that up to SO degrees in various parts
of Illinois. '
LI Hung Change Chinese peace en
voy to Japan, was shot In the face and
painfully Injured by Japanese - at