Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, April 25, 1905, Image 3

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    lnril AVnPFDtl - 1 Born. Anril 21. t th. ,ifA nf J TUC CWTrer rra ...-if i fj ? Tj - ..
. - i - i - j v " - . - -I. - - . . - . - . i i rMii. ani rvi v i iaimm uiii - is
Boro, April 21 to the ift of
- Ernest Newton, a daughter. ;
Messrs. Paul '& Kerr, painters,
have just finished cleaning and
painting the fronts of the buildings
occupied by Chas.' E. Hout and
John F. Allen. v
P. M. Zierolf arrived home from
Portland, Saturday evening. Under
treatment he submitted to in Port
land his rheumatism has disappear
ed and he is himself agaio.
Mrs. Ed. Andrews arrived home
last Saturday from Portland, where
she had been for medical treat
ment duriDg the past month. She
is mush improved in health.
J. J. Cady, of the firm of Hol-
lenberg & Cady, returned home
las?t Friday from a trip to ' Lincoln
county, whither he was called on
business. He has a good opinion
of our sister county and her people.
Charley Chipman -:. and Levi
Spencer, and their families, went
out on Greasy, Saturday afternoon,
for " a" few days' recreation, and
incidentals to fish. We hftvo . an
idea that they will pave the street
c) wiin trout wnen tney return. '
A regular good "Old-times" dance
is siatea tor juarsnaii Millers Mall
next Fridav eveninsr It ia tVin in
tention to rejuvenate the legs of (all
wno ' may attend on tnis occasion.
McHenrv and Walton will hnvn
the management of the dance, and
assure an sorts 01 a good time.
Much work on the streets is in
progress at present. ; A street in
Job's Addition has inst been arxii
. ed, as has the one leadinsr west
from Thos, Whitehorn's residence
to the United Evangelical chnrch .
At present work is in : progress
across tne u. & property near
me cepots.
A party of about twenty young
people surprised the inmates of the
residence of E. L. Strange last
i nursaay evening. The party was
:, in honor of Mrs. R. O. Robson, of
ugden, - Utah. Uards and music
were the entertaining ftnrps nt
the evening, after which a delicious
xuncneon was served. . . .
Miss Harriet Moses arrived in
. this city last Friday for an extend
ed visit with relatives. She is from
the East and came west in company
with a lot of excursionists to Los
Angeies, ualir., a snort time ago.
Siha than o.Avr.a nn tin Tiova onA woo
(-v.u cv (,
met in Albany by her cousin, Victor
i Moses, who accompanied her to his
home in thia city. ": This ia the
young jaoys first . vi8it to this
.coast..; .. '
Mrs. Mary Goudie and daughter,
- Miss ;Cairier visited Amy Cam
eron and 4 sister in thia ; city
last : summer; Since then they
have returned, to their home in
Iowa. ..They write their dissatis
faction rwith weather ' conditions
there and long to return to "Web
foot." They also staated that a
large number of people from their
immediate section will visit the
Lewis and Clark Fair this year.
Henry Ambler, the hustling real
estate dealer of Philomath, was in
town Saturday and reports every
thing prospering with himself apd
others of that place. It seems, that
the people of that town are united
on the matter: of improving the
depot grounds, and this,? according
to our recollection, is a much-needed
improvement. Some little time
ago Mr. Ambler , circulated a vpeti
tion among the various citizens of
Philomath and everyone pledged
themselves to do more or less to
ward said improvements. It is re
ported to be a sure go, we are
pleased to note. - - :
We are assured by the local
physician who had charge of the
. case of Mr. Charlie Beach, that
there was no doubt in his mind, or
in the mind of , the physician with
; whom he counseled, regarding the
condition of the patient. They
thought it was a plain case of
ulceration of the stomach not
cancer of Xhe stomach, as we " were
informed. In a case of : ulceration
of the stomach it ia necessary for
the patient to lie quietly in bed
from two to six months, and Nvhen
Mrs. Beac1! was informed of this
necessity she decided to go ; to the
: hospital, for a time at least. V: i
; . J antes Johnson, ' an ; uncle of
, Robert Johnson of this citv, arriv
ed in Corvallis . last , "Friday.
Robert has ; been v expecting , his
uncle for some time, but owing to
the fact that he haa been bedfast
for some time with typhoid fever
he was not able to be about to re
ceive his uncle! t However, "Bob"
is getting along fairly welL and as
his uncle expressed ; a determin
ation to remain here until he is
, again on his" feet the visitor will
Bee - much of our country and
people after all. James Johnson's
home is in Cherokee; Iowa, but he
, has been visiting relatives of late
in Eastern Washington, to which
point he expects to return after; hia
visit here.
Norria & Rowe's big show is
coming to Corvallis. ,
1 E. L. Eeezel was in from Philo
math on business yesterday.
You must wait a year for an
other Easter bonnet. Too bad!
Will Fechter, violinist, of Albany
paid Corvallis a visit Saturday.'
.Yesterday, Lee Henkle started a
crew of men at the task of build
ing an attractive residence just
south of Marys river. '
Mrs. Bruce Burnett expects to
leave tomorrow for Portland, to re
side. Bruce has a position in the
baggagedepartmeut at the Union
A street-cleaning panic struck
our business men yesterday morn
ing and everything on Mam street
was polished up. Not a straw was
overlooked, -
Miss Bertha Bohannon, who had
been, visiting Philomath friends
for a week previous, passed through
Corvallis last Friday enroute to
her home in Independence. ' ;
Austin, the blacksmith, is just
finishing a .rack for the gasoline
engine that is to furnish power for
Wm . Hansel's new woodsaw. The
outfit, when , completed : will be
0.K. . . :; '.'v.
While in Portland to meet 'his
Piano oumla last week. Prnf. CinnA
nough was secured to play at the
Kerron-Collineon nuptials in East
rortiand. inis was quite a swell
That "The Lord TTath Plwn"
was voiced in all churches of
Christendom Sunday. The ser
mons and exercises bearinor nn
Easter were all of unusual merit
m thia city. ; . .
Mr. and Mrs. W. T) TioVamarr
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Irvine and E.'
E. Wilson went nvnr tn TClt nitw
Saturday, and remained ' until yes-
3 mi . . -
icruay. inev are reported to have
been after fish.
Bruce McKnieht and familv visit
ed last Sunday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Taylor Porter in this city.
Mr. McKnight is the assessor of
Linn county and Mrs. McKnight is
a sister of Mrs. Porter.
Miss Bessie Michael nam a li n
from Portland last Saturday to
visit relatives and frmnda SK
departed yesterday for the metro
polis, wneresne holds a position as
bookkeeper in the JnrmnpoA otn
of Mr. Kan. .. ,
When out with a nartw in OA A
" - J W VV
Fellows, cemetery last Sunday,
Johnny Wells nicked a nnmbur- nf
ripe wild strawberries. A young
lady of the party gathered a large
handful. How is this for 'Easter
Sunday in Oregon? -
James C. Tavlor and wif
ed home last Fridav. nf tor m
absence of several months spent in
ana a pout ispoKane Falls. They
both arrived home in good health
and report havinsr had a mrtflt. nn
enjoyable time while away.-
The lost nurse of Frank Wwnt
advertised in the Gazette has been
found. Carl Henkle, foster son of
J. E. Henkle, of Philomath, found
it and returned it to Mr. Wyatt.
It pays to advertise and the Ga
zette reaches the spot
A brief walk about town will
convince the most skeptical that
Corvallis is growing ' rapidly.
laouseB are in . course ot construc
tion all over the city, and we
know of manv not vet started that.
are certain of building in the near
'Mrs. Ned Lane arrivprl SntnrrJaw
from Kent, Eastern Oregon, and
will, visit indefinite! v with h
brother-in-law, W. G. Lane, and
the latter's family. Ned Lane
died at Kent recently. He was
the youngest child of the family
and was 31 years of age; W. G.
Lane is the eldest of the children
and ia 57 years of age. . .
Lieut, and Mrs.' Ouinlan wnnt. tn
Portland. Sundav. to remain gevnral
days. The lieutenant went down
to make certain arrangements nhrmt.
the cadet encampment and "f!nr
vallia Day." Regents Daly, KeaJdy
auM. vuiiuu, 01 .vuav, nave . ueen
appointed ; a subcommittee and
when Lieut. . Uuinlan ban anv
matter to consider he may refer it
w vu,j.- oiAuuuuiuiXblico - BOU- 19 UOb
compelled to await a meeting of
the entire board of regents. This is
as it should be. '
Last Fridav. Senator Averv: aa a
member of the , citv council, wpnr.
out over the proposed water route
from this . city to Rock Creek in
company with a visiting engineer.
Last night a meeting was held by
the council for the purpose of select
ing an engineer to makeja prelimin
ary survey and estimate of ; cost of
constructing said water , system
ehould the matter ' earrir whn
brought before - the
ballot. This meeting 1 was to lat e
for us too report.
The Following Portrays the In
genuity of a Fertile Brain.
Perhaps the greatest scheme
yet advanced for advertising Cor
vallis, OAC, and Benton Couuty
as a whole, is the latest idea that
has found lodgement in Lieuten
ant Quinlan's fertile brain. On
numerous occasions his resource
fulness has been demonstrated,
but his latest - scheme caps the
June iath has been set apart
by the Lewis and Clark Fair man.
agement as "Corvallis Day." Ac
cording to arrangements previous
ly made, Lieut. Qninlan'is to go
into camp with the cadets on the
Exposition grounds June 15 and
remain encamped until the 25th..
His proposition is to change "Cor
vallis Day" from June 1 2th to
the 15th.
Then give one great excursion
to Portland, taking all citizens
who could go, together with the
cadets. Fully 2,000 people could
be scared up for a proposition of
this kind. Instead of paying the
railroad company so much- per
neaa it . is proposed to charter
trains lor tne purpose and make
rates to suit ourselves.
- On arrival in Portland th
whole Benton county contingent
wouia iorm in oraer and march
about the city, headed by the
cadet band of 30 pieces. A ban
ner 600 feet long, , advertising
the, county, could be fixed on
poles and carried along on the
marcn. ; : , , .
Arriving at OAC's auarters on
the grounds, the. home contingent
win nno tne large canvass cover
of the athletic fields spread, with
seats for hundreds inside, where
tney could rest, while they listen
ed to appropriate addresses h
some of the best orators of the
day. n, ;. ; ...v.-:,
OAC cadets -would provide
sustenance for our people at rea-
sonaDie rates. In tact, everylhiag
for convenience and comfort is
already mapped out. Talk about
your great propositions! This is
immense !
Every promiaent man in rhic
city, with whom Lieut. Quinlan
has consulted gives unqualified en,
dorsement. Senator Avery thinks
nothinsr better was ever proposed
and will support the project most
neartuy, as will 5. W. Johnson
and John F. Allen,' president and
secretary of the Benton Cpunty
citizen s league; m lact, the en
tire league, as will the Village
Imprdvement Society and all bus
iness men of the city. Every
body will boom the affair. Will
it be a go? Weil you just wait
and see. The idea appeals to
one: it takes hold and hantn? on;
it will draw like a soap poultice
jwe Know nothing stronger). I
Arrangements are on foot al
ready. Now let everyone write
to rortiand inends, "Meet me at
the depot June 15,' ' Talk it
over among yourselves, and plan
for it. , r . J. ' :
Commencement at OAC will
just be over and various mem
bers 01 the alumni , will be on
hand from all parts ; of , the . state
to swell .the procssion when it
reaches Portland. The OAC so
ciety r of Portland will be asked
to assist and they will, too, we
warrant, and heartilv. . Now. let
old and young begin to shout.
Additional Local. , -V" :
Mrs. Fred Herzi? will
afternoon" next Wednesrl
ladies' Guild of the Episcopal church.
See Blackledge for furniture, etc.
The OAC cadetV
Oorvallia yesterday noon to strains
of band music. It made us feel
like going to war.
If vou want new flnmi nn ;n
. v - " AM k
boiler call on D. fe A. .
Georae A. Wairtrnnnr on
"Stones of Old Oregon," arrived
home a few days ago from Eugene
where he had been
sale of his book. He had rrftt.
We hATA in ofnnlr oil -1 J
ard line of wheels made by the Pope
Manufacturing Co.. at nrifs tn mit
all. D.&A. - .
Delegates from t.nia" ;t.
. - - WVJ ULiU
Plymouth have been elected to
attend Ihe Ninth Annnal Meeting
of the ast - Willamette Associa-
and will depart :t today . for Hub-
Dara, woere the meeting is to be
held. The folio winr . go from Cor
vallis: . Rev. - and Mrs. . Groan
Mesdamea Lucy Francisco, Martha' 1
J - www. .vA WlbUHMIU, iUUL
Rail n1 T TW..1.1 Tr:il in
Plymouth, Misses Cara Newton and
TJ ri r .. .j-, -
auo. cooper, ixiessrs. ureorge U 00 per,
Millard Long and Milton Wyatt. ;
Call at the Benton County Lum
ber Yard for prices on three grades
of flooring, - rustic, and finishing
lumber. Yon will find the grade
and prices right. : 26.
The indications are that quite a
large delegation will go to Portland
today to attend the Oregon Devel
opment League convention, which
opens tomorrow. Let all who at
tend "whoop things up." .
Blackledge, leading wall paper
dealer. ' ' " ; . SOtf
Postmaster Johnson has received
notice to, the effect that hereafter
carrieiB on R. F. D. rnntpn wnH. 1
2 and 3 will depart from Corvallia
nb ixs:ou mBiead ot y.W a. m. ae
haa been the case during the winter
months.- The latest orders go into
effect today. ,v . -
; Second grade fir lumber, almost
Buy uiujBiiHion, ior oniy du per
thousand feet, at Corvallia Saw
Mill- . 10tf.
A runaway milk-wagon team
smashed into Sunt. G W.
man's yard a few days ago and
sprinted about at a high clip. Mrs.
Denman is reported to have locked
ine ooor to Keep the horses from go
ing upsiairs. mom the way
George tella the story, somebody
had best gather up the spilled milk
w bney ii near rrom him.
Largest line of matting in : coun
ty at olackledges. 3Qtf
: Harry Holgate arrived in this
ouy last bunday eyening from
Klamath Falls . Yesterday he
passed on to Portland nuimrnn-
ment business of the Department
oi ine interior, with which Harry
is connected in the matter of land
reclamation and irrigation.
-'A complete line of Bicycle sun
dries and cutlery on hand air the
time. D. A. : ' ' ;
- Fnr t. ho lnnfriimiiTilal
nanimont. nf Rnlohiiii. tn k.
L - - " vj w VCU
in the Opera House, Wednesday
and Thursday eyenings, the Al
bany Orchestra has been engaged
and will holn rrvnn f 1 W nm-A 1
..... fxvavij bunaiug luaik-
ing this the best production by home
talent ever given in Corvallis.
Tickets on sale for "Balsoazzar" at
" 1 ITT .1 -
umuam k wortnam s drug storei
Reserved seats 50 cents. " R
ber . the , date, Wednesday ; and
Thursday evenings, April 26-27.
Repairing of all kinds don nnat..
Iy aud without delay by D. &. A
vThe seventh annual conventinn of
the Womans' Home Mishion Rnmatv
of the Columbia Conference, M. E.
onurcn bouth, will convene in their
church in this, city April 28th and
30th, next week".' They will meet
in session Friday morning : 9:30 a.
m.. iviucn Dusiness ot interest will
be before this body for deliberation
and action.1 The public eenerallv
is invited to attend these meetings.
udiss jisie bubkhatt, rres..
Drv season at h
better inflnrA TKo nnovtu
w. mjis vna uojl ' jf x '
port of- Oregon Fire Relief Asso
ciation for quarter ending March
31, shows insurance in force to be
$19,165,292; written during ' quar-
l 1111 A TO Cl" -t 1 rri? .
ii,,i,iivia..- oee v;ai lnrasher,
local agent. ' ,; , 35-36
A f' tVA - OnnrrranrotirtTiol T.
Sunday it was Easter in name
and in fact. In the morning , the
church was well filled while in the
evening chairs had to b 3 carried in"
to seat the throng. 'A choir of 20
voices rendered ."mnnn. 'in nlna
duets and anthems. The male
quartet of students held its prom
inent Place. A nleanant.
J. . J- w . AUWtf MA J J
the evening was the part taken by
me cmioren under -. the leadership
of R. H. Kennedv: fill nftn T t.fn ont
of the Sabbath school. : Thanks
are due the children, to those who
trained them, to the choir for its
appreciated services and to those
Who 80 beautifnllv dproiraterl tno
Church. I .; -V:-
Dr. M. MJ t)avin nam a m,t. firm
the bay, Thursday ,L to wait the ar-
1 i ......
rivai oi nis canoad oi little East
ern OVSters. The fur wan mini naaA
to i have passed through this city
yesterday afternoon and "doc.'? in
tended to go with it to its destina
tion and oversee the sowing of the
bivalves." H Whfln T)r T)owia on ma
out, Saturday, he brought with him
an eastern oyster as large and fine
aS was" ever: seen anywhere, and
said oyster was Yaquina grown, too.
They were planted there a number
of years ago, and while they will
grow and get large and fat, they
Will not OronftPfttn in thoRH wn.t.ora
It is considered a good paying bus-
luoBB in transplant them right along
as "doc'Ms now doing. v;
Foley's Kidney Cure
Buy Your Outing Clothes Here.
f Man
TrrrTi'titiittT nmiiiniTiii iim
Latest Styles in Neckwear and Furnishings,
The White House,
O. Cm H leaf and.
Outside Orders Solicited.
AH Work Guaranteed.
Rofain&OBi &
f ICO P P E M H Ei
1 1 wr,iwt
Real Estate, Loans and Insurance
Turner's Gash Store
: , One door South of. Farmers Hotel, Corvallis.
Since moving into our New Location we have stocked up
with a Full Line of Fresh Goods.. Will keep a full line of fresh
Groceries, Vegetables, Fruits, Etc. r ' - . ,
Delivery system regular and reliable. Store open from 6:30
a. m. to 8:30 p. m. every day during the week. Expenses are
lower than those of any .pthef grocery firm in the city and our
prices are fixed accordingly. Call and see or ring up Indepen
dent Phone No. 452. o .'-- .' .' - -
We'll save you money,
and give you a pleasing,
becoming sort of style.
We are ready for you.
H. S. & M. style is perfection.
Outing Pants, $2.50 to $4.00
Fancy Vests, $1.00 to;$3.5Q
Corvallis, Ore.
Ohaa. BU
laftsclaa. I
r. ?
Patronize Home Industry. X
The new double
breasted model for
Spring, represents
talent in tailoring
that Custom Tailors
cannot afford.
$ 15 & $16.50
Corvallis, Ore.
. CM