Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, April 25, 1905, Image 2

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Published Tuesdays and Fridays by
Gazette Publishing Company.
TUe subscription price of the Gazettb
t.or neveralyeaiB has been, and remains,
$2 per nnmim, or 5 per cent discount if
paid in advam-e.
Some few issues ago the Ga
zette voiced a sentiment favor
able to .President Koosevelt as
his own successor m lyuis. W hen
first mentioned . by this paper
very little attention , had been
jiven by the large papers of the
country to the discussion of this
anatter, although they had been
snaking; various and sundry ef
forts to select timber suitable for
the . presidency when President
"Roosevelt retired.
During the last week or more
we notice that the metropolitan
papers of the East and West are
commenting on the possibility of
Boosevelt accepting another term
as the chief man of the nation.
It is a fact most satisfactory ; to
chronicle that in the discussion
being waged at present there is
tiowhere visable any objection to
President Roosevelt. The mat
ter seems to hinge wholly on
"whether he will or will not ac
cept , '.'
Some of the papers state em
jshatically that Teddy will not
under any circumstances -accept
another term as president ; be
cause he said last November that
he would not. ' They argue that
the president means what he
says. Well and good; true, he
aneans what he says, but he is no
fool and might change his mind,
-as many a wise man before him
"has done.- "' : '. ' '..
We have strong faith in the
loyalty and love of country in
president Roosevelt. ; If condi
tions were such that in his mind
there existed a great need of his
service to his country,Jand the
people demanded it, we believe
he would serve again. The pres
ent administration is certainly
proving one of general . purifica
tion in all ways. Trusts, corpor-
ations, and combines are toeing
the mark more than they were
:and this is mainly due to the in
dividual effort of our : strenuous
president '
But. of all things that Presi--dent
Roosevelt will have to his
credit, the one great thing that
"will mark him in. history, is "his
-connection with : the Panama
canal building. - To carry such a
gigantic task to completion has
been the dream of .many great
aneri and ' many have already
proved their inability to cope with
"4he matter. ; '. : ;'; , ' s. ; '
The president is greatly in ear-
, mest in the matter of canal, . but
cannot hope to see it anywhere
mear completion during his pres-
ieht term. He recently dissolved
a commission of his own ereation
and has chosen another.""" In so
doing he cast no stigma upon any
anember of the commission just
quietly stated that the commis
isionwas not satisfactory. - That
"was enough. If there was blame,
3ie took It. In this he had the
.courage to face "the truth and un
do that which he had previously
-done. '
If he faces the truth and cour
ageously accepts a mistake in an
instance of this character may
we not figure that he would, in
order to complete the canal and
satisfy a large majority of 80,-
"000,000 people, reconsider what
he said about never again ac
cepting the presidency? Of course
he would reconsider; of course
under these conditions lie would
-accent otherwise we do not read
-A11UX CUlgllb. I
The Educations! Exhibit of Ben
ton County School Children
Goes to the Fair.
During last Saturday and yes
terday the large show windows
of the establishments of R. 1 H.
Hssioa -and H. Harris were
ablaze with the educationl ex
hibit of ibe school , children of
Benton county. xThe exh bit is
destined for the Lewis and Clark
Fair and Supt. penman will
ship it to Portland today. J
,. That ... the children -' of our
schools have succeeded far be-
lyond expectations, will not be
fortunate as to see their work on
display. . How mere children
could do some of the things that
have been exhibited is tocj much
for us, and yet it was in evidence
in great quantities from various
parts of the county and all bona
fide. There is exhibited in much
of the work contributed evidences
of rare skill. Many items of the
exhibit are the result of rare
talent, and there are many
parents in this county who have
children for whom they should
make every , effort, in order to
develop the gifts of nature to
their offspring.
Some of the work done denot
ed nothing short of genius. For
instance, there were in the col
lection one or two maps that
looked as though they had come
from the hands of a firs t-class
engraver. If printed they could
not have been more perfect. An
other . map that attracted great
attention was of a patch-work
bedspread, laboriously ; worked
into a map of Oregon. Each
county is plainly showed and
eacn in dinerent color as many
colors ad pieces as "Joseph's
coat." This quilt would rejsice
the heart of a "webfoot" on
frosty night. .?
There are all kinds of . "busy
work' ' for little "tots" : in the
collection and nearly all schools
of the county are represented in
this class of educational effort,
Some of the work is really
amusing and the more you gaze
at it the funnier it becomes. In
one's mind you fancy you see
some "little shaver" at the task
set him, working away as though
his very existence depended up
on it, his face wrinkled into
seriousness befitting a statesman.
There is some relief ma p work
of every country of the globe in
evidence and it is fine, very fine.
It will not be equalled at the
Fair, much less excelled, is our
guess. , On these maps are show
ed all the mountains, lakes, rivers
and valleys of the country
pictured. : ; - ' : -l- , :lr .;;
Other maps are drawn shoyf
ing the , products of every sec
tion, the grain - and fruit belts,
the animals and regions they in
habit, mineral districts,' in fact
there seems to be nothing omit
ted, f
One or two schools have sent
in collections : of Benton county
woods. There are various shap
ed little blocks of wood, nicely
ponsnea, ana laDeiea in sucn a
manner as to be4 readily under
stood.1: ;;";' 7 :;r'-;-;V:--.
All fogether it is a really great
exhibit of what our school chil
dren can do. The many, many
anxious . and weary hours the
little fellows have labored to
bring this about for the glory of
Benton should be an object lesson
to many older, people. These
children are to ; be men and
women in a few brief . years and
they , will fall heir to the present
responsib'lities of their fathers
and mothers ; cares and trouble
will T be : their . inheritance in a
large degree and they 'are now
preparing for this time. Will
they be prepared? Yes, in most
cases they will work on to even
better things than - their fathers
and mothers knew, as they are
enjoying better opportunity for
preparation than had their par
ents. Supt Denman, while he had
a lot of patience-trying work to
do in putting the exhibit in pre
sentable shape, is very proud of
it nevertheless. He' thinks it a
winner so say we all.
; For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the '
Signature of
Frightful Sufferlas Relieved.
Suffering frightfully from the virnlen
poisons of undigested food, C. G. Grav-t
son, of Lula, Miss., took Dr. King's New
jKins, ; "mm ine resmi,--. no writes,
that; I was cured." . All stomach and
bowel disorders give way to their ton'c,
laxative- properties. 253at Allm &
Woodward's, drsggists. r, ,
We Fit Glasses
To ail Defects of Sight.
MATTHEWS, The Jeweler
- Room 12, Bank Building.
leady for
P. Moraan
Corner 3rd & Jefferson
Building formerly occupied by
Corvallis Steam Laundry. -
Cheated Death.
Kidney trouble often ends fataUy, but
by choosing the right medicine, E. H.
Wolfe, of Bear Grove, Iowa, reheated
death. He says: "Two yeara ago I had
Kidney Trouble, which caused me great
pain, suffering and anxiety, but I took
Electric Bitters, which effected a com
plete cure. I have also found them of
great benefit in general debility and
nerve trouble, and keep them constantly
on htnd, rince, as I find they have no
equal." Allen & Woodward druggist,
guarantee them at 50c. . . - . v
' If you want a first class instrument
at the lowest price for which it can be
sold, consult es. We never seU our
pianos and organs below cost, but we
do sell a great many for a slight mar
gin' above cost. And you pay the
same that your neighbor does. Sam
ples of our goods may be seen by call
ing at the office and residence, Fourth
street, 2nd door north of ceurt house.
Pneumonia follows La Qrlpp
but navar followa tha usa of
It stops the Congh end heals tha luaga
Frevanta Pneumonia and ConaompUon.
m. Q. Vaorb, at 157 Osgood Bt., CMomc,
wtitmt "Mj wif bad U rripp nd it Ut h
wita vary bad vrncfc bar taaa wkUk
aoxar'a Bona a Tab nrd aompiatalji,'
Stock' and pcultry have few
. troubles which are not. bowel and
liver- irregularities. -Black-
Draught Stock and Poultry Medi
cine is a bowel and liver remedy
for-stock. It puts the organs of
digestion in a perfect condition.
Prominent American breeders and
farmers keep their herds and flocks
healthy by giving them an occa
sional dose of Black-Draught Stock
and Poultry Medicine in their
food. ; Any stock raiser may buy a
25-cent half-pound air-tight can
of this medicine from his dealer
and keep his stock in vigorous
health for weeks. : Dealers gener
ally keep Black-Draught Stock and
Poultry Medicine. EE yours does
not, send 25 cents for a sample
can to the manufacturers, The
Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chat
tanooga, Tenn. ;, i?..
- Boomu, Ga., Jan. SO, 1803. '
Btack-Braaght Stock and Poultry
Medicine is the best I ever tried. Oar
took was looking bad-when yon sent
me the medicine and now they are
getting so fine. They are looking; 30
per cent, better.
. amaalBhai
I ub.1.1 u and
The Gazette has made
special arrangement with
the publishers of a number
of the leading magazines
and newspapers of the Unit
ed States, whereby we are
offered cut rates on these
publications. .
Now we could charge you the
full price forj these and re
serve the difference between
the regular price and their
special price to us, as Tour
commission, but as theGA
zette is a home paper for .
(home people, it will be sat
isfied by receiving you as a
new subscriber, or, if you
are now a -subscriber, then
by receiving your renewal
for a year in advance. This
special rate may not last
long, so take advantage of it
NOW while Jthe chance is
A Great
... - ' j-'
Woman's Home Companion
Frank Leslie's Monthly
" Modern Prlscilla and
Corvallis Gazette
AH five
one year
Interest the
Weekly Oregenian
San Francisco Examiner
Carvaiiis Gazette- ;
All three
one year
Cosmopolitan Magazine
or Letlies,
Housekeeper .
or McCall'r,
v Corvallis Gazette
Any three
one year
Gazette Pub. Co
VJnMI M Pay PJJe 9
- It MiS J nay you towalk a block or two to see and ex
amine our exhibit of New Spring and Summer Merchandise
F orifflia, Women & Ghilsiren.
All the fashionable fabrics and shades in the latest pat
terns are shown in profusion. They are, as heretofore, up
to the highest standard- A few of our specialties: . . . . :
Royal Worcester Corsets, McGee Petticoats, Peerless Un
derwear, Derby Kid Gloves, Utz & Dunn's Ladies' Fine
Shoes, Ruth Shirt Waists, Gilbert's Dress Linings, Broad
head Dress Goods, Radium Silks, and Skinner Satins. ...
W. L. Douglas Men's Shoes, Hawes $3.00 Hats, Crouse &
Brandegee's Hand-Tailored Suits for Men, Extra Good
Suits for Boys and Young Men. Dutchess Trousers, 10
cents a Button, $1.00 a Rip. "Monarch" White' and Col
ored Shirts, Hamilton Brown Shoes for Men, Women and
Children. ; "Capps" All-Wool Men's $10 Suits.
of any kind promptly '
and correctly done.
Glasses Fitted
at prices that are reasonable and
eyes tested free of all charge.
Open Day and Night.
J. C. HAMMEL, Prop.
One of the Finest Eaulped Hotels in the Valley.
S . Both Phones.
eaWqW rftyV
Job Printing
When you pay out
good money for
printing, be sure
and get good print
ing for the money I
Good Work costs
you no more than
the had.
Bring your Job Work to the
Gazette Office.
' Rooms Single or EnSuitem
. Bus Meets all Trains
w ..V t ,afcii
If yon are looking for some real good
Bargains in Stock, Grain, Fruit and
Poultry Ranches, write for our special
list, or came and see as. We will take
pleasure in giving yon reliaDle informa
tion: also showing you over the county
Do not send out printed mat
ter to your customers that is
a" disgrace to your business
a disgrace to your town and
a disgrace to the printer yrho
puts it out.' '. s
Good printing is correct in .
. spelling correct . in gram-
mar correct in punctuation
on good stock printed
with good ink and some-
thing that it is a'pleasure to
look at. -