Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, April 21, 1905, Image 5

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"How does my Easter bonnet fit?"
Milton P. ' Morgan -i returned,
Wednesday evening, from a busi
ness trip to Portland. ' .
Otto Headrick passed out from
the bay to Salem, Monday. He
hao pent a day or two at the
coast. " . . , ; .
Last Wednesday afternoon D.
C. Rose turned a force of men
loose at the task of constructing a
harn nn his nlaee a mile or so
west of Corvallis. Norton Adams
will have charee of thj construcr
tion. '
Judge Watters has bad quite a
serious time with his throat during
the week. It swelled so badly that
he was obliged to have it lanced a
time or two. Just what was the
cause of the trouble is hard to
determine, but at any rate be is
much improved at present.
Last Monday, Mrs. Charley
Beach was taken to Portland to be
olaced in a hospital. For the pas
two or three weeks she continued
to grow weaker and her suffering
was gTeat, but the cause of it all
was hard to determine. It was
'feared that the might be afflicted
with cancer of the stomach.
Dr. and Mrs. A. D. Morrison
came up from Carlton during the
first of the week to attend the bed
side of the doctor'B mother, who
resides near Oakville, and who re
cently suffered a paralytic stroke
The doctor returned to Carlton
"Wednesday, but expects to return
to this city today or tomorrow.
A telephone message recently re
ceived in this city , from P. M.
Zierolf. who for the past week or
longer has been in Portland, an
nounces in unmistakable terms
that he is coming back. Mr.
Zierolf notified his folks (that he
will be here today, tomorrow, Sun
day, or at a latter date. Possibly
he will come sooner. He has been j
in the metropolis for treatment for
his rheumatic trouble.
Friends of Thomas Whitehorn
have been wondering of late if he
were sick, as he was never seen on
the streets. Inquiry elicited the
fact that he has been a victim to
the improvement habit. A new
roof has been put on his house and
the domicile has been treated to a
coat of paint. Not satisfied with
this, Mr. Whitehorn continued to
paint eyerything he could lay a
brush to, even the yard fence.
As mentioned in the Gazette a
few days ag, the King Road
Grader was to be given a trial on
the road west of Oak Creek last
Tuesday. The trial took place
alright and members of the coun
ty court and various road super
visors were present to witness the
work of the machine. The work
of the machine was highly com
mended by all who are familiar
with road work. It will do all that
other machines of the country will
do, and more. For certain kinds
of grading it is unequaled and the
county now owns it. It is intend
ed for use in work that the other
machines are not capable ofand
will be used in all sections of the
county. It cost $425.
ine ioiiowing wmcn appeared in
Tuesday's Oregonian, seems to ar
gue that we may expect great
things ere long: Within a week
the new gasoline motor-car now
being tested in Omaha will be
started for its long trip across the
country to Portland, where it will
be put in service over the West
Side track as far as Hillsboro or
Forest Grove. This will be but
the first step, however, it is argued.
and a short ' time will s-e th
motor-cars running over the entire
length of the West Side lines, in
cluding both divisions. This action
will have to be taken by the South
ern Pacific to protect its territory
from the raids of contemplated
electric lines now proposed and
about to be constructed. ,
S. B. Bane has a great time with
his chickens. AmoDg his roosters
are a few that have won distinction.
One came from California and is
. named after the state from whence
he came; another rooster is from
Missouri and you can guess his
name; but the "cock of the walk"
is a home production and came
from the well-known game stock of
W. S. McFadden, of this city.
, California got so mean with the
fowls that Mr. Bane cleared the
deck a few days ago with the in
tention of setting one rooster at a
time on Caliiornia, and in this
manner reducing the bird in ranks.
The plan was first to turn "Mc,"
the game cock, on California, then
give Missouri a trial, finally to en
list the services of any bird who
would fight. "Mc" and California
sparred a faw seconds for an open'
ing. ueiore mr. uane coma in
terfere poor, proud California was
-no more. laiK aoout your game
birds have Judge McFadden giye
you "Me a " pedigree.
J. S. - Buchanan and family de
parted on the Pomona, Wednesday
morning, for Portland.
Frank Sites came out ' from bis
Five River home a day or two ago
and brought with him a wagon
load of wool. , a. L. Kline bongnt
the "clip."
In the probate court, Wednes
day, W. H. Rickard, George Gar
rett and Monroe Obuders were ap
pointed appraisers of the estate of
Jas. C. Irwin, deceased.
On account of so many 'Easter
mtices we have be ;n obliged to
leave out (much to our regret)
some unusually good "country
correspondence." It will appear
next issue. .
there will be "Sunrise prayer
meeting held at the Christian
church next Sunday morning at 6
o'clock and it is earnestly desired
that members of all churches will
make it a point to .thus recognize
Easter morn .
The furniture van of O. J Black-
ledge is now completed ana it is
all that could be desired for his
business. He had the wagon weigh
ed and it registered 1350 pounds,
It is nicely painted and in evf ry
way presentable.
At a meeting of Barnum Lodge
I. O O. F., held Tunsday evening,
the following delegates were chosen
to attend the sessions of the Grand
Lodge which convenes in Portland,
June 7: E. L. Strange. O.. a.
Cronise and W. M. Porter.
Mr. Pierce, wife and Bix chil
dren, arrived, Monday from Okla
homa with the intention of making
Benton their home. He visited this
county some time ago and we are
pleased to note tiat he was so well
satisfied that he returned.
S. H. Moore, propiietor of Col
lege View Poultry Farm who has
been carrying a card in the Ga
zette, requests that for goodness
I we take the card out at
Will Be Told in Sons; at the
Opera House April 26-27.
About 607 B. C. Nebuchad
nezzar, Kingot Babylon, oesieg
Additional Local.
W. E. Yates was called to A -bany
on legal butoineee yesterday.
An ice cream social will be giv n
by the YWCAat Marshall Mil
ler hall. Saturday (tomorrow )
ed and conquered Jerusalem and 1 evening from 5 till 9 o'clock. 34
carried away from the temple! ' j tc rl :.i 1
the gold nd silver chalice- used , ed . g . .
by the Jewish priests in their
worship f Jehovah. These
vessels he took to Bbvlon and
placed in the treasure house of
his god, Baal.
At the same time he carried in
to captivity many oung Hebrews
who were trained at the court
and some of these captives were
placed in positions of trust and
responsibility in the household
of the King. Among their num
ber was Daniel, who by reason
of sterling worth and true man
hood, was given a place among
the King's wise men and was
many times called to interpret
the dreams of Nebuchadnezzar.
At the time of the accession
of Belshazzar to the Babylonian
throne it appears that this Daniel
was for a time superceded bv the
magicians and soothsayers of
Babylon and was only remember
ed and called by the suggestion
of the Queen mother, who had
known of his services in former
It was at the time of the great
feast made by Belshazzar to a
thousand of his lords, when the
officers of his army, lured by
the fair women of the court and
the prietessses of the goddess,
Ishtar, poured full goblets of
stroag drink down their, throats
until plunged into the lethargy
which comes from the surfeit of
drink, that the King and assem
bled multitude were suddenly
once, as he has more orders for eggs . 3 ... "
and chickens than he can possibly T 7 " , ,
gU wall of the banquet hall. The
. . , wise men were summoned, but
at, iuo Bueuiai meeting 01 me t v.1 t,
council iaet monaay evening a . , . r
nnmh rf nnmmnninot; frnm orange cnaraciers, ine vueen
various civil engineers from all remembering Daniel, suggested
over the coast were read. Regard
ing ine same no aenmte steps were
taken. Another special meeting is
to be held next Monday evening.
We . have been informed that a
family that recently moved from
near Dusty, this county, to Peoria,
iiinn county, have been having a
to the King that the Jew te
Accordingly, Daniel
brought in and read the
as a message from God foretell
ing the destruction ef Belshazzar
and the overthrow of the king
dom. The climax of the story
most serious time of it. 1 hey have Us reached at the interpretation
all been down With scarlet fever, scene when the' fearless Daniel
and conditions were such that they wiji,, ,1 ,,,, tt,
Decame destitute ana telephoned
their necessities to their friends at
Dusty a few davs ago. The name
of the family we could not learn,
TVis is certainly pretty bad, if
what we heard is half true.
The death of Mrs. Wheeler
Cline occurred in this city last
Monday evening. On the preced
ing Ihursday . she was obliged to
Buy Your Outing Clothes Here
boldly denounces the profligate
King and asserts that his reign
is at an end and his kingdom is
given to the Medes and the
Nothing in the story is more
tragic than this scene, and the
musical setting, together with
the costuming and stage effects,
as it will be presented at the
ago and are guests at the home u!
M iv and Mrs. A. J. Johnson. Mr-.
Daniel is a sister of Mr. Johnson.
See Blackledge for furniture, etc.
Miss Meidora Jackson has com
pleted her schooi near Wren and
returned home Saturday.
If you want new flues put in a
boiler call on D. y A. ,
We are in receipt of the first
number of the Philomath College
Chimes, a newly-born publication
The little paper owes it existence t
the students of that college and
they have succeeded quite well
Wanted To contract for 1 to 5
tons vetch seed season 1905 S
L. Kline. 33-34
UaU 8 band is at present receiv
ing new music, instruments, ann
accoutrements for business. ' Mac
has already been received by the
boys and there is more to come. '
We have in stock all the stand
ard line of wheels made by the Pop
Manufacturing Co., at prices to suit
all. D. & A.
The plans of the members of tiu
Episcopal church have been alteied
and they hUye determined t post
pone what they had in mind fr
EaBter Monday. ' At present there
is nothing definite about what will
occur in the future.
Call at the Benton County Lum
ber Yard for prices on three grades
of flooring, rustic, and finishing
lumber. You will find the grade
and prices right. 26.
Will Ernest, wife and baby, of
Five Rivers, have spent several
days of this week in Corvallis
visiting relatives and friends.
Blackledge, leading wall paper
dealer. 30tf
Messrs. Malcolm and Holden
and families arrived on the Pomona
Wednesday morning1 from.. Clats-
kanine. They recently purchased
a large tract of land near Bellfoui
tain and have already moved out to
the place.
Second grade fir lumber, almost
any dimension, fir only $6. 50 per
thousand feet, at Corvallis Saw-
Mill. ,10 tf.
Mrs. H. F. Ball, who purchased
the S. H. Moore ranch on Upper
Soap'Croek about a year ago, is very
low with pneumonia. Her condi
tion is such that she is not expect
ed to live and her children, whore
side in Portland, have been summoned.
(f Man
Ol 11
Ae'll save you money,
ind give you a pleasing,
aecoming sort of style.
AAe are ready for you.
H. S. &. M. style is per-:ection.
)uting Pants, $2.50 to $4.00
rancy Vests, $1.00 to$3.50
CoFjrifM MM k, But Mdw Mm
Latest Styles in Neckwear and Furnishings.
The White House,
Corvallis, Ore.
D. C. H lest and.
Patronize Home Industry
Outside Orders Solicited.
All Work Guaranteed.
undergo a severe surgical operation, Opera House on
after which she gradually grew April 26 and 27.
weaker until death came. She was
laid to rest in Crystal Lake ceme
tery luesday afternoon at 3 0 clock
1 . a
ana the lunerai services were con
ducted by Rev. M. S. Bush. De
ceased was a Polk county girl and
her maiden name was Anna Ford
She is survived by her
and 2 year-old child.
The bond or Kichard Irwin, as
administrator of the estate of Jas.
C. Irwin, deceased was approved
last Monday. The bond was fixed
at $4,500, and James Bruce, Wm
Newman and Jas. K. Irwin are his
bondsmen. The estimated value
of this estate is about $10,000, and
the old law was that bonds should
be given by the administrator in
twice the sum of
the evenings of
all combine to
make this the greatest of all; the
sacred operas. Prof. Otto F. L,.
Herse will act as Daniel, the
interpreter, and in this part is
sure- to make a great success as
his sweet tenor voice is well
husband adapted to the beautiful solos of
Greatest Discovery of Age.
Nearly every man in the bar
ber business carries on a continu
ous series of experiments, and
they are more or less successful.
For more than 29 years Jesse
Spencer, of this city, has-been
engaged in the barber business
the valuation of and has tried many things in the
an estate, ihis would have com- course of these years with the
pelled Richard Irwin to give bonds idea of compelling hair to grow
on bald heads,
in the sum of $20,000. But accord
ing to a later law , the ad
ministrator's bond is fixed at a sum
equal twice the value of personal
property of deceased added to the
annual rental of his real property.
This accounts for what might be
considered a light bond in this
instance. .
During the last three years he
has been keen on the scent of a
matter that gave promise of do
ing all that he desired. The
preparation is now perfected and
on the market under the name of
"Spencer's Hair Invigorator."
: A company has been formed
Tuesday evening from Kansas it.loe manuiacture 01 me ionic,
City, Missouri, where he had been sald company to be known as
called on matters of business, tae vegetable uompouna wm-
During, his absence the electrical pany," of Corvallis, Or. There
apparatus for attachment to the are plenty ot people m this city
fire bell arrived. Immediately on who, during the past year or two,
the arrival of Mr. DeVarney he have been trying this new, discov
started at the task of installing Bra anl im a tlmrnnaWw mn.
; Largest line of matting in
ly at Blackledges.
J. H. Price, who has held a posi
tion with R. M: Wade & Co. for a
year or more, has tendered his resig
nation, to go into effect May 1st,
The situation has been accepted by
Harley L. Hall, who will enter up
on his duties tomorrow. Mr. Price
does not care at present to divulge
his plans for the future, but it is
unaeretooa tnat uorvains will con
tinue to be his heme.
A complete line ot Bicycle sun
dries and cutlery on hand all the
time. D. A.
S. H. Moore is building.. a brood
jng house- at the Uoliege View
Poultry Farm, of which he is pro
prietor, ine size ot the house is
14x40 feet, and it will be fitted up
with hot and cold water. It wii
be well lighted with skylights and
in everv way will be up-to-date
Mr. Mcore at present has about 4U0
spring chickens on hand and there
are more in the incubators.
Repairing of all kinds done neat
ly a ud without delay by D. &. A
A quiet wedding is reported to
have taken place last Tuesdav
evening in Philomath, at the home
ofE. B. Follett. Toe contract
ing parties were Chas. D. Follett
and Miss Lenora Roland, both of
Alsea Valley. The ceremony, we
are informed, was performed., by
Justice A. J. Williams. After the
ceremony the newly-married couple
were serenaded by the rmlomath
Cornet' Band.
the eiectncai nxtures ana it was
expected that eyerything would be
m working order last evening.
This will prove a great thing for our
people, when a hre is discovered
in any part of the city the central
office of the Independent system
can be notified by phone and the
vinced that it is all and more than
is claimed for it.
New Partnership.
Bert Yates and W. E. Yates have
formed a partnership under the firm
name of Yates & Yates. They expect to
operator can sound the alarm from do a general insurance and abstract busi-
the office. In other words by an nees. Thev represent good reliable in-
electrical appliance the fire bell
can be sounded from the central
office. This will cost the city $200,
but beyond a doubt ia well worth
the price.
surance companies ' and will ' turmsn
accurate, neat and complete abstracts of
Benton county property at reasonable
prices. Call on or write to Yates &
Yates, Corvallis, Oregon.
Mrs. Jones-Do you eyer quar
rel with your husband? x
Mrs. Smith No, but he often
juarrels with me, the hateful
thing! Chicago Journal. ;
m m
I lcopmHTri9os BY'l .
I a g. A. Robinson
I H )
1 : 1
The new double
breasted model for
Spring, represents
talent in tailoring
that Custom Tailors
cannot afford.
$ 15 & $16.50
Independent Phone 201.
Robinson & Stevenson
Real Estate, Loans and Insurance
Corvallis, Ore.
Gazette Bell phone No 341.
, for cAllrfrcsi car urm JtQ plate'.
Turner's Cash Store
One door South pf Farmers' Hotel, Corvallis.
Since moving into our New Location we have stocked up
with a Full Line of Fresh Goods. Will keep a full line of fresh
Groceries, Vegetables, Fruits, Etc.
Delivery system regular and reliable. Store open from 6:30
a. m. to 8:30 p. m. every day during the week. Expenses are
lower than those of any other grocery firm in the city and bur
prices are fixed accordingly. . Call and see or ring up Indepen
dent ?honq To.,. 452. A , . ,