LOCAL AND PERSONU William Leadbetter, who was called on business to New London, Canada, couple of months ago, is now at jioaie once again D. C. Rose went to McMinnville f9 during the week to attend a meet ing of the board of directors of the Oregon Fire Relief Association. Mr. Rose is one of the directors. During the absence of Chief Liane, who left a few days ago for Kent. Eastern Oregou, to attend a J. W. Crawford arrived home, yesterday, from Portland and other points. When last heard from, A. W. Rose was seeing the sights in Cin cinnati, Ohio. ; Mr. Ruble, who , operates a saw mill on the western slope of Alsea mountain, was in the city yester day. Prof." Mordaunt Goodnough went to Portland, yesterdav, to meet a class of his pupils. He will return tomorrrw. J. E. Henklewas in fiom Philo math on business yesterday. He brother who is dying of consump tion. Dave Oaburn is in nis capacuy, main on while O. B. Conner constitutes the states tnat men are busyjin his eec- nicht force, tion installing . Independent tele i " Reoort has it that a cow died at PnoneB Cottage Grove recently und-r All negotiations on the part of A npc.nliar furcumstances and on in- . Harlan tor an interest, in ine veBtigation a creature similur to a Central Planing Mill have been de clarea on, and Mr. aneasgreen re "water doe" was iouna in me cow's etoniach. Said : "water doe' ia now declared to be a part of the museum at OAC. mains in sole charge. Mrs. Charley Young and children arrived from Elk City last Tues day for a week's visit with Mrs. Work began a day or so ago on the east school house yard. The Young's sister, Mrs. Marshall Mil old apple trees are to ,be removed, ler. Charley Young is at present root and branch. The yard is to fishing at Elk City. i i i 1 'I plowed ana graaea. jwymmg Tomorrow is the date of the par will be pat in nm-ciass snap , meeting to be held at Bell- Uhis looks like lewis ana iarK fountaiDj and the indications are Fair preparation. that a Bpiendid time will be enjoyed Th Alsea nool of mohair was by the large crowd that will un boueht - last Saturday by S. L. doubtedlv be in attendance. Kline. There are all told between 4,0tXy and 5,UUU pounnp. ine fleeces will number about 1,200 and some of theuTweigh as mucli as four pounds apiece. Ine price paid was 31 cents per pound. Presbvterian Church. Rev. M. S, Bush. Bible Schobl 10 a. m. Wor ship 11 a. m. Triumph." C. E. Meeting subject, Life Abundant." At both of these services the sermon and music will be appropriate to Palm Sunday. At the Congregational church next Sabbath, Rev. Green, pastor o i 1 in .. M . .Uso for young men at 10; worship . . .,; . and sermon at 11; Christian En deavor at 6:30; vesper service and sermon at 7:30. Morning sermon, "The Secret of the Christian's Success:" evening sermon, "Judas, the Maccabee. r tj- .J prohibition oratorical contest. iwi.nA ir. ordpr to snr trat Minnville is the place that the con t test will occur. OAC will be rep . " . u." resented by Miss Alice Wicklund uwuu w v ' onH -if ia amnoraltr hnnorl" oha will TuU L"..T!7;;. lirC "ZVZ carry off the honors . She will be The truth has leaked out re garding Edwin Rose's fishing trip last Sunday. It is now positively stated that instead of catching 75 fish he only got three, and they were of unmentionable emallnefs 0: A. Dearing arrived in this Subiect, "The Visit of yy, ill. lumuiig u.uu . , , , . . -(,. . time ne nas Deen in -am jrma He is feeling very well and will visit with friends for a few days, after which it is understood that he will continue on to Portland. There is to be a debate this even ing between the Utopians and the Feromans. This is one of a series The Utopians will be represented by Lena Tartar, Stella Parsons and Isabel Wright, while Alice Jones, Bessie Yates and Lura Flett will do their best for the FeronianS. This 'evening will cccuf the state Mc- Expert Shots The Multnomah Gun Club is making- preparations for a great rniimannpnr. tn ho nAlri iti Port-1 land the coming- fall in connec- i tb-9 tion with the Lewis and ClarK i Fair. A number of prizes10 be "chumps." aggregating $7,000 m cash will be awarded the crack shots; there will also be a large number of other prizes offered. Last Tuesday and Wednesday. Frank Howe,, traveling in the in terest of the Union Metalic Cart ridge Co., and Al Guiest, repre senting Honeyman Hardware Co , of Portland, were in Corvallis. They are both expert shots, and were here in the interest of the proposed tourney. As a result W. G- Emery will submit to them at a later date a fine photograph ic group of the leading shots and officers of the Corvallis Gun Club to be used in a large phamphlet soon to be issued in Portland for the purpose of awakening inter est in the coming tourney. While here these gentlemen went out one evening for a little blue rock practice; they were ac companied by Sheriff Burnett, W- G. Emery and Grant Elgin and they all tried 50 blue rocks each, except Grant, who shot at 30, with the following results: Howe, 44 out of 50; Guiest, 41; Burnett, 40; Emery, 42; Elgin, 26 out of 30. Bear in mind that the visitors are crack shots and one of them will not be allowed to participate in the tourney They are in constant practice, while our boys are not shooting much, and yet see the result. Sheriff Burnett had not shot any for goodness knows -when- Messrs. Howe and Guiest both state that our grounds are hard to shoot on, and that the blue rocks are thrown unusually swift, and that our boys can shoot any where This is encouraging. friend of nis,' 4,Corey has not ' din covered the art of uaking champ of himself " The above is from ar Eastern paper.; Mri Corey Is "a cousin of Ed Philips, formerly in photograph business in tbip It does not run in the family sciatica. In one thing ne is very fortunate, he can always get relief. How long he will be absent is not known. Mr. Champion, whose farm ad joins that of Joseph Yates, in Linn county, three miles east of , thit city, has planted 22,000 strawberry elips, and they are doing famously: Mr. Champion is said to be a mar ket gardener, and undoubtedly un deretands what he is doing it looks like he had started at the right thing to make money. accompanied to McMinnville to day by the following OAC dele gation: Mibb Mary Sutherland, May Martin, Ray Stout, Clav Shepard and others. Tomorrow Miss Wicklund will go on down to Portland, where she will remain until Tuesday before she returns. The others of the party will come home tomorrow. Rev. C. T. Hurd. was assigned to the pastorate of the United Evan gelical church in this city by the recent conference held in Portland. Rev. Hurd is a vonner man and is We are in receipt of the cast of auite noDnlar anions Endeavorers. characters of "All a Mistake," ft and the Corvallis church is fortn- play given near Vale, Oregon, re- nate in securing him as pastor. cently. Glancing over the chirac- Rev. S. M. Wood remains in charge tere, we find five to have been lm- 0f Beulah and Alsea districts. . H. Compete Tomorrow. Tomorrow OAC will try con clusions with various athletic teams of the state at Portland. Concerning the event the Tele gram says: From present ap pearances Oregon Agricultural College, is to male a determined effort to capture the trophy at' Columbia University's big indoor meet next Saturday afternoon Frank Lonergan, who is man aging the meet, has received a list of 12 entries from Corvallis Many of the men named are well known throughout, the state in connection with their athletic work and they will do their best. "Dad" Trine has been getting his boys into shape, and the team will come to Portland with a good crowd of rooters. Among the collegians from OAC who have entered are Smithson, Williams, Graham, Cathey, Howard. Gren- haw, Walker, Finn, Moores, and others. . The Corvallis team has entries in all the various events. Repairing of all kinds done neat ly aud without delay by D. A In the course f a week or eo E. E. White expects to start East, on . buHiness trip of some duration: Ht will visit Iowa, Minnesota, Illinoj and passibly other sections of,tru country. A complete line i.f Bicycle sun-! dries and cutlery on hand all th time. D. A. Our attention has been called t a Louisiana darkey, ' James Brad ley by name, wt o in the father ol 17 chi.d ren among whom are seven pairs of twins, (it this is the proper way to state the case. Six lots in C rvallis,'$200; seven blocks from public school and thr college; artesian water; good drain age. Surrounded by neat dwellings and a dozen buiidu.gs now under construction. Choice location for house and garden with splendid facilities for keeping cow and poul try. Perfect title. Ambler & Walters, Corvallis. 32 Fresh cigar cuttings just clip ped at home factory. D. C. Roae & Son. 26. W..E. Yates and M. S. Wood cock went to Eugene to attend the sessions of the Masonic Grand Lodge, held in that city on the 12th inst. The business was all trans acted in one day. O. A. Dearing was reeiectea grand master. . Largest line of malting in coun ly at Black ledges. -30if Chester Gates, of Dallas, will ad dress the Y. M. (J. A. at the college ax a ociock next Sunday afternoon In the evening at 7:30 he will speak at ine united jrivangeiical church. Second grade fir lumber, almost any dimension, for only $6. 50 per thousand feet, at Corvallis Saw Mill. 10 tf. At a meeting of the executive committee of the local Christian Endeavor Union held Tuesday evening, a union meeting was ar ranged to be held at the Presbv terian church Easter Sunday at 6:30 p. m. Call at the Benton County Lum ber Yard for prices on three grades of flooring, rustic, and finishing lumber. You will find the srrade and prices right. , , 26. ' T." T. Barnhart ' arrived home Wednesday night from Portland, where he has been "paintiog for A. F. Peterson. Mr. Peterson is nt present engaged on a large concrete re3eryoir at Wallula Junction. Buy You r Outing Clothes Hero. HmSdufacH fir- Man HudTiiloKd Hart fakdtut JUs We'll save you money, and give you a pleasing, becoming sort of style. We are ready for you. H. S. & M. style is per fection. " Outing Pants, $2.50 to $4.00 Fancy Vests, $1.00 to $3.50 Latest Styles in Neckwear and Furnishings. La CSBJPJEn The White House, Corvallis, Ore, 0. C. H lest and. Oham. Blakaslqc CORVALLIS STEAM LAUNDRY. Patronize Home Industry Outside Orders Solicited. All Work Guaranteed. CORVALLIS, OREGON. personated by OAC gradautes, as fallows: Hidwin Johnson, Mmer Wicklund, Lucv Dilley-Johnson, Lillian Johnson-LeMoine and Viola I Johnson. A. Deck will have charge of the Salem church on his return from the East. In the meantime that church will be in charge of Rev. Guy H. P'helps, who was elected conference evangelist. Rev. Hurd will move from Salem to this city the first of next week, and enter Additional Local. Blackledge, , leading dealer. . wall After seventeen years passed in charge of the Western Union Tele srranh and Wells. B'arsn & Co's Express office in this city, Logan uPon hie work- Hays nas resigned from bis duties here to accept the position of as sistant cashier in the Oregon Sav ings Bank at Portland. , Logan has many friends here who will regret that he intends leaving. - He will leave tomorrow for his new field. -Ernest Miller will bs in charge of the telegraph ffioce. There are funds in the county treasurer's hands' for the payment of warrants that were called in five or six years ago. During the past few months there have been calls for warrants in the sum of about $13,000. So far. of this sum only $4,000 or $5.0G0 in warrants carrying on this have been cashed. The countv is present time until When the postoffice at Bell fountain was discontinued it eeem- ; d to have worked several changes in mail matters. For instance, B. L. Rickard had the contract of carrying the mail over this ! route via Inavale until the close af June, 1906. Tomorrow night his ' con tract will be terminated and he will discontinue. As the mail is no longer taken to Bellfountain by this route, a new -contract was awarded to C. C. Huff for carrvine the mail so far as Inavale. Mr. Huff will begin Monday morning, April 17, and has the contract for route from the June 30, 1906, something months. more than fourteen now on a cash basis, and from the fact that bo few warrants have been a aVk as4 St- la enfA tsv 4.1.- everybody has cash. I wprewnHwjve ot ine nrm " i rv onnTanrnrinrr rna k rvn r u inn n frrader for use in road work is to h tween 10 and 11 a. m., some con- here for the nurnose of srivinir ttiin - i a a. o ry - temptible cur sneaked into the machine a trial next Tuesdav place where if. L,. Miller haa his moraine1. One. of these trrarlnra incubators and turned the lamps of have been on hand at J. R. Smiths each so high that there is no esti- & Co.'s for some weeks, and it is mating the damage done. Mr. now to be given a trial. The plaoe Miller fears that all the eggs in selected for such a trial is on the one incubator, all told 216, are rood near Oak Creek and in the cooked beyond the hatching point, presence of members of the county Of the 1 216 eggs thought to. be court and s manv marl nunervinorn eponea only a small portion were as it is possible to eet together 'on eggs from Mr. Miller's Buff Or- this occasion. This grader is manu- pingtonsthe majority were eggs factured by the Indianapolis Bridge that had been bought abroad and and Iron Works. This is a mat J were of fancy breeds. The eggs in ter of vital importance, tho working the one, incubator, thought to be of roads, and it is hoped that there VOBW.UVCU, uuBb w,iu9ay wjimuz wiu De a irooi. nnrnhnr nf snnar, c iu. tjp -. i i ' . .. : . x" " viiugtuu eggu . i yiHors present on this occcsion. See Blackledge for furniture, etc. 26 . The Utopian and Zetegstthean societies at OAO will have a j tint meeting tomorrow evpning. Dr. Dayton, the eye specialist, -will have his office at Hotel Corvallis until Saturday evening. If you are having any trouble with your eyes or need glasses it will pay vou to see bim. EyeBexaminedfree. 32 June 12 has been set aside as Corvallis day at the Lewis and Clark Fair. Auction sale of eight head of driv ing and work horses at the Farmers' Feed Barn Saturday, April 15, 1905, at 2 o'clock p.-m.; five months' time with approved security; P. A. Kline, auctioneer. Ruben Jnobwood, 31-32 Mrs. W. H. McBee spent the last week in this city with her daughters, Misses Maud and Ger trude, who are attending OAC. If you want new flues put in a boiler call on D. & A. Miss Lettie Wicks, who has been teaching school for the past year or two near Los Angeles, Calif., is ex pected to arrive home tomorrow, She was in poor health when sht went to that section ana it was hoped that her condition might be improved by a change of climate, but we are informed that she is no better, sad to relate. V We have in stock all the stand ard line of wheels made by the Pope Manufacturing Co., at prices to suit all. D. & A. William E. Corey, president' of the steel trust, has been hying in JSew York for a year, but is still stranger there. No one sees him at the theater, he has never knock ed down a pedestrain with his auto, and the most strenuous reporter finds it impossible to get an inter view, "la point of fact," sayaa paper 30tf "Belshazzar, or the Fall of Babylon," is the name of the can tata now in course of rehearsal tor presentation in the Opera House on the 26th and 27th of this month. Miss Lulu Spangler will be queen, and John F. Allen, king. From 50 to 75 voices will be heard. Mrs. Inez Wilson h to be pianist. i he Corvallis Flouring Mills have just received the Tunning gears or a wagoa to oe used in handling nnur ana otner mines m connec tion with the mill. The wheels are the Sarven pattern and ! he of wagon ia guaranteea to cwrv six tons. Ine bed. or rack, of the wagon will be made in this city. Discussion of the matter of ex cursions on the Willamette river during the Lewis and Clark Fair, up so far as Corvallis, is already started "in certain circles in the neighborhood of Portland. A boa- oad of pleasure-seekers and brass bands coming to anchor at Cor vallis each day of the fair would prove a potent factor in dispelling the usual Bumme ennui. At the time of going: to press ves m. j . - ueruay evening ine iair conducted by the ladies of the Catholic church was opened to the public and every thing was moving nicely. The ladies have labored earnestly in oeoaii oi ine iair in oraer to raise funds with which to erect a bell tower for their church and are de serving of assistance. It is hoped that while they are undoubtedly weary this morning, that they feel rewaraea ior their labors. A few days ago L. L Brooks, one oi our hustling farmers in Northern Benton, shipped 200t pounds of vetch seed clear back to Missouri He states' that he ia negotiating a deal whereby he will be awarded a contract to furnish a carload of vetch seed to parties in Georgia during the course of the 'coming fall . Mr. Brooks - reports various experiments that he . is making in the way", not only ; in raising seed, . x" -r. ... . . out in pianwng. it will De in teresting to our farmers to, note his experiments when he arrives at his final conclusions. KUPPE 1 1 U1M WIU II : Btm& II COPYRIGHT 1905 BY'SSa II mum PO RTLANDI The new double breasted model for Spring, represents talent in tailoring that Custom Tailors cannot afford. $15 & $16.50 SOLD BY F. L. MILLER CORVALLIS. COPYRIGHT 1905 BY THE HOUSE OF KUPPENHEIMER ' , G. A. Robinson Independent phone 1s A. L. STEVENSON Independent Phone 201 Robinmon & Stevenson Real Estate, Loans and Insurance A FULL LIST OF " FARMS AND CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE mi f,kAS OFFICE PHONE, '"DEPEND-T 375 Corvallis flro CALL AND LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US. Turner's Cash Store One door South of Farmers' Hotel, Corvallis. - Since moving" into our New Location we have stocked up with a Full Line of Fresh Goods. Will keep a full line of fresh Groceries, Vegetables, Fruits, Etc. ; FULL LINE OF BEE SUPPLIES. - Delivery system regular and reliable. Store open from 6:30 a. m. to 8:30, p. m. every day during' the week. Expenses are lower than those of any. other grocery firm in the city and our prices are fixed accordingly. Call and see or ring up Indepen dent Phone No. . 452. ' . ' . "