Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, April 14, 1905, Image 1

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    Vol. XXII.
Corvaijjis, Benton County, Oregon, Friday. April 14-, 1905.
Good Attendance of the Citizens'
League Meeting and Great
Enthusiasm. 1
The meeting of the Citizens'
League which was held in the
City Hall, Tuesday evening, was
quite well attended. ' President
B. W. Johnson called the meet
ing to order and John F. Allen,
secretary of the league, read the
minutes of the former meeting,
of what could be done for the ad
vancement of Corvallis, said that
one ot the greatest necessities
here .was a number of suitable
houses, little cottages, for the
people who came here to school
their children. He said that last
year both himself and wife made
personal canvases for such places,
for people from abroad, but could
not find anything suitable. For
this reason the school is kept
back, and the town as well. He
said that OAC is growing rapid-
rs-oaf intAtost !n tTn matter of lv and ere lone- there , will be
advancing the interests of the 1,000 students enrolled. But it
people of Corvallis and Benton is very apparent that some pro
county was manifested and on all vision must be made to house,
sides there seemed naught but a uot alone these students, but par
sincere and unselfish desire toac- ents, guardians, and the like, who
complish something that would may come to assist and look after
benefit all classes. The matter the students during the college
of havin? Benton thoroughly ad- year. Here is a splendid field for
vertised at the Lewis and Clark the investment of some money.
T?a?r nrac nnc53Mwl nf vital 4m- There is nothing in this section
portance and was discussed quite
freely and many excellent sug
gestions made. The matter is
in the hands of competent com
mittees and in all likelihood they
will be enabled to report some
thing satisfactory at the snext
that will pay , better interest on
the capital required than the erec
tion of a number of small, neat,
attractive little cottages of from
three to five rooms. x
Many new names were added
fo ' the membership roll of the
L. L. Brooks Gives His Experi
ences and Conclusions
Very Interesting.
league and from a movement on
When it came to the matter of loot it is likely that this organi-
an effort to have the town clean- zation is on the eve of a great
ed up and made presentable, growtn and also will acheive many
various supestions were made, worthy deeds for the advance-
A. J. Johnson, who in the capa- ment and upbuilding of various
itv nf KanV inonprrnr travels community interests. The next
over a greater part of the Pacific meeting is sheduled for the first
Northwest several times each Tuesday evening in May, which
year, took tne floor ana toia 13 .5lu
what he had observed in various
cities, large ana sman, in me Something of a Tangle
way ot cleaning up. in every
place he has been the cry is Sam Warfield arrived from Al
' 'clean up." Every conceivable sea Tuesday evening. He came
means is resorted to in order to out as the representative of the
bring this about. He considered people of that section to inquire
"cleanliness" the greatest ad- into matters relating to Alsea
vertisement for any town or city, cemetery. There is quite- a his
He said, and truly, too; that tory in connection with this
Nature has been lavish in Cor- burial ground.
valhs. But the people must do From what is learned it seems
their part not a lew people, Out that nearly 30 years ago, r in
everybody. Let each -man start U 87 6, J. E. Greer deeded a plot
in to shame his neignoor anaiQf iand, about an acre, to the Al
something will result. sea people for the establishment
Captain George A. Robinson Gf a cemetery. Articles were filed
took the floor and created a little incorporating the association un
diversion with a suggestion on der the title of the Alsea Cem
the proper manner for securing a etery Incorporation. The in
clean town. He went over the corporators were J. H. Mason,
ground and briefly outlined a Mulkey Vernon and J, E. Greer,
plan of action, after which he Both Mason and Vernon are now
advocated that those people who dead and Mr. Greer has moved
would not clean up their property from Alsea to Corvallis.
be given to understand that they For years no incorporation fees
would be sold out and he suggest- have been paid and the matter
ed that property of this class of seemed to have lapsed to goodness
people, it any can be round in knows where. The exact state
Corvallis, be listed with the Qf affairs was not known to the
various real estate firms of this people of Alsea, and as they were
city to be sold out. x he captain desirous of making certain im
is a real estate dealer and we be- provements and putting the cem
lieve he meant all he said. There etery in a presentable condition,
is something about his proposi- Mr. Warfield was sent out to in
tion tnat "takes noia," anyway, omre into matters as much as
A crusade against things un- possible. -? - ; '
cleanly is soon to be waged on This he did Wednesday, with
vigorous lines. Acting on a sug- the assistance of the county offi
gestion of A. J. Johnson to the cials, and was enabled to go home
effect that a woman would come with all information sought. He
nearer making a man clean up found the orginal deed given by
his yard than any other power Mr. Greer to have been duly re-,
could hope to do, Dr. J. A. Har- corded, as were also the articles
per proposed to enlist the assis- of incorporation.
tance of the ladies of the city in Some few years ago, T. R.
this matter. Naturally, when Chandler1 deeded a-half acre to
casting about for a body com- the cemetery association, making
posed entirely of women, the it all told, about one and a-halt
Ladies' Coffee Club was mention- or two acres in size. V; It is the
ed and as a result the doctor intention of the people to reor
found himself appointed a com- ganize in the form of an associa-
mittee 01 one to comer with, this tion, and as the old corporation
organization and report at the seems t to have died a natural
next regular meeting ot the death, or through negligence,
league. It the ladies will work they are slightly puzzled as to
in harmony with the league, and how they are to ; have the bid
beyond a doubt they will, it is deeds transferred to the new asso
safe to predict that the town will ciation. -
soon have a polish that you can , However, they will hold a
see your face in. meeting Saturday afternoon and
In the course of the evening adopt some mode of procedure,
President U. W. Johnson read and they may determine to en
quite a lenghthy paper in which list the assistance of some attor
he briefly touched on conditions, ney to straighten out the tangle.
good and evil, and proposed ' - - -
remedies in some instances. The wm Interest Many,
president is thoroughly in earnest Every a snould know good
and if BIS lead IS followed SOme- health is impossible if kidneys are de-
body'S heels will Crack as SUre as lged. Foley's Kidney Cure will cure
F . J . I kidney and bladder disease in every form;
laic. and will build up and strenghten these
Dr. Tames WlthvCOmbe. repre- organs so they will perform their fuctions
senting the college committee,, SSSSSSSL
Which he IS Chairman, Speaking) in time, Sold bj Graham & Wortham.
Ed. Gazette Ever since
coming to Oregon I have , been a
believer that vetch was one ot
the most profitable crops raised in
the state. I now think more of
it than ever, as I have just made
a test by feeding three steers,
three years old, for 30 days, on
vetch, hay and water, without a
bit of grain.
They gained 2,45 pounds, or
81 Yj, each. They were driven
three blocks and weighed on Feb.
28, their weightl then was 2,520.
They were then driven to
my farm and fed until March
29, then driven back six miles to
the scales on which they were
first weighed, and their weight
was found to he 2, 765 pounds.
These cattle were weighed on
Mr. Bodine's scales at the old
carriage factory, and if anyone
doubts these figures they can go
and see Mr. Bodine and see the
weights and dates. If these cattle
had gained pounds more
apiece there would have been a
gain of three pounds each per
day. The stock were not of the
best kind for rapid fattening, be
ing ot mixed breed -part Jersey
and Holsteih.
farmers, the time is coming
when more stock can be raised
here at less cost: when every
farmer has a field of vetch for
hay and a fine alfalfa field for
pasture. - I know vetch can be
raised successfully, and I believe
from what experience I have had
with aualta that t can be suc
cessfully raised in this state,
where there is a good soil six
feet deep I mean where there is
six feet of good soil belore tt
strikes rock. The ; better the
soil and deeper the roots can -go
the better the yield.
it is considerable cost and
trouble to get it started the first
year, but after that, if you get a
good stand, you will be payed
for " your, trouble and expense,
The two acres I 'have, sowed May
26, 1904, the best of it is now 26
inches high and the roots run
down two feet. This was sowed
on a clay side hill, one of the"
poorest spots on the plow land
portion of the farm.
Anyone wishing to try alfalfa
if they buy twenty 20 pounds or
more seed of mer ' I .will
them directions for preparing the
ground, how and when to sow
what to sow with, inoculating
material,! and care of the first
year; -1 am to furnish the best
clean seed that can be purchased
as I am in the seed business
Write for anything you want in
grass, clover, or grain seeds, stock
or poultry. If I do noi have it oh
hand, will get it- During ta
past year I have shipped vet
seed to nearly every state in th
Union and Canada. I - believe
I have sold more vetch seed than !
any farmer in the United States.
Two things more I want to
speak of good roads and eltc-
tric lights. A great many tann
ers now have free rural mail de
livery, and the Independent tele
phones in their- houses, and seem
quite satisfied with both. -Of the
latter, I have not heard of one
being ordered out. ;
The next thing we want is
good roads, so that our crops may
be hauled to market at any time
of the year, when the prices are
best. How canlthis be brought
about? A little higher tax for
awhile. It is yet too early to
talk electric lights in the farm-
home and cut oft Rockeiel
ler's kerosene bill. Has any
farmer figured on this question
Suppose all persons having the
Independent telephones installed
in their homes were to join forces
and. put up an electric light, plant
where it would be convenient lor
power steam or water power,
I believe the time is ripe to
commence figuring on this to as
certain what the cost would be,
The poles are already up to' put
the wires on. I want to hear
from others on these subjects.
Be sure to sign your , name, as
many times jfcople wish to write
and ask questions on various sub
jects. . -;' , .
L. L. Brooks.
Wholesale Cattle Poisoning.
The Power of the People is
cussed More or Less.
people in Alsea are considera
bly interested regarding the pois
oning ot a number 01 cattle in
Alsea about ten days ago. From
what is learned, it appears that
five head were killed by poison.
couple of 2-year-old heifers
and a steer were the property of
Mrs. Martha' Slate. These were
found dead Sunday evening, a
week ago.
Two cows were poisoned at the
same time for A. B. Bowen. The ;
poison of all the cows came from
the same place and was only a
short distance from the places of
Mrs. Slate and Mr. Bowen and
the stock had fed together during
the dayl Mrs. Slate's cattle died
Sunday evening, but Mr. , Bowen
n ol iced that something was amiss
with his cows when they arived
home in the evening and " set to
work to relieve them. Despite
everything possible to do the
cows died Mondav morning.
At one time it was thought
that tne stock had eaten larkspu
or water hemlock. The college
authorities were communicated
with and they inclined to the be
ief from information, sent them
that it was a case ot poisouing
either by larkspur or water hem
lock . Mrs. Slate had agreed to
stand the expense of haying
chemical analysis made of the
stomachs of the poisoned animals,
but on hearing from the college
the matter was dropped.
However, since looking into
the matter calmly and recalling
the results of either of the above
mentioned poisons on cattle, the
people over there are quite post
tive that the death of the stock
was due to poison of some other
kind. - Not one of the cattle
bloated in the least, no did they
froth at the mouth, as is said to
be ,-the case in either larkspur or
water hemlock poisoning. It
seems that they have pretty gen
erally concluded - that poisoning
was caused by paris green, but
all the reasons for such conclu
sions are not forthcoming and
the public in all probability will
have to whistle for the facts.
A great deal depends upon the
interpretation of a bill which
may be passed at the legislature,
later to find a place on the statutes
of Oregon. Sometimes the ex
act meaning is somewhat obscure
and more evils result from misin
terpretations of the law than if
it did not exist. ; .
Recently there has been much
discussion of the referendum and
its powers, and, for reasons that
will be explained later, we will
print that part of the the "amend
ment of the constitution, of the
State of Oregon" adopted by the
vote of the people in June, 1902,
as follows:
"The second power is the ref
erendum, and it may be ordered
(except as to the laws necessary
for the immediate preservation of
the public peace, health or safety)
either by the petition signed by
five per cent of the legal voters,
or by the legislative assembly,
as other bills are enacted. Ref
erendum petitions' shall be filed
with the secretary of state not
more than ninety days after the
final adjournment of the legisla
tive assembly which passed the
bill on which , the referendum is
demanded. The veto power of
the governor shall not extend to
measures referred to the people
All elections on measures referred
to the people of the state shall be
at the biennial regular elections,
except when the legislative as
sembly shall order a special elec
tion '. Any measure referred to
the people shall take effect and
become a law w,hen it is approved
by a majority of the votes cast
thereon', and not otherwise. The
style of all bills shall be: 'Be it
enacted by the people of the State
of Oregon.' This section shall
"not be construed to deprive any
member of the legislative assem
bly of the right to introduce any
measure. The whole number oi
votes cast for justice of the su
preme court at the regular elec
tion last preceding the (filing of
any petition tor the initiative, or
tor the referendum shall , be the
basis on which the number of
legal voters .necessary to sign
such petition shall be counted.
Petitions and orders lor the ini-
titive and for the referendum
shall be filed with the secretary
of state, and in submitting the
same to the people he, and all
other officers shall be guided by
the. general laws and the acts
submitting this amendment, un
til legislation shall be e-pecially
From the above, it will be seen
that itf no place is it'stated that
the acts to be effective must be
taken by the siate as a whole.
The question is, can Salem, Al
bany, Eugene or Corvallis, in-;,
voke the referendum on . matters
of legislation, based on the nec
essary five or eight per cent of
the votes cast. at the above-stated
election? In ether words. can
the referendum be invoked on
petitions signed by. five per cent
of the voters of said incorporated.
It may be claimed that we .
make our own laws. Yes, but
above and beyond us is the legis- ' .
lative body of the State of Ore
gon, who delegates certain author
ity to incorporated cities and are
in so doing making the matter of
city affairs in a measure a state -.
act. Could five per cent of the
legal voters of Corvallis, on petU '
tion , filed with the secretary of
state hold up any measure in
prosecution within this city?'
That is the question. According
to above printed amendment it is
not stated that such a movement
would be legal under the refer
endum; on the other hand, it is 1
argued, it is'not stated that such
a thing may not be done. This
is a matter that is attracting' con-
siderable attention in certain .
circles. ' , 1
A twice-a-week newspaper
containing 72 colomu each
week of the current news ef '
Benton County 4
time is here, and ' you will need Wall Paper,
Carpets, Matting, and many other things.
You know where eveiything in the House Furnish
, ' ing line is kept? At Hollenberg & Cady's, of.
course. They have the largest line in town
and their prices are always right. We have the
,,.. - . .. .v . s. . ........
New "Eldridge B" Sewing Machine
now on sale and would be pleased to have you call
and see them.- They are a Standard Machine,
have all the latest improvements, and we guarantee
the price lower than any other. New line of
Trunks ' and Suit Cases now on display and will
be sold -t astonishingly low prices. Call and see