Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, April 11, 1905, Image 3

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El win Rose reports having caught
seventy-five trout in Soap Creek last
Sundy.; This soundB "fishy." ,
Henry A.mbler, the real estate
dealer of Philomath, was bustling
about in our city last Saturday.
Mr. Ambler reports things flourish
ing with him. -
Mrs. Har ley Hall and daughter
went to Buena Vista last Friday
and was joined there by Harly.
They were down on a visit to Mr.
Hall's parents.
Regent J. D. Daly came up from
Portland Saturday to uHit the
usual grist of monthly O. A. C.
bills. He returned to the metropo
lis the same evening.
Last Saturday Miss Mae .Elston
arrived from Bluffton, Indiana.
Miss Elston is a niece of Mrs. Min
nie Lee, of this city, and will re
main here indefinitely, the guest of
her aunt.
Mr. August Thomas, of Portland,
came un on a wheel last Thursday
and visited at the home of Milton
Morgan until yesterday, when he
returned home. He reports the roads
in good shape for wheeling.
' 'JWho Was the Biggest Fool?"
was the title of a farce given by the
United Artisans last week. From
what we hear and th fun it occa
sioned, we are inclined to think that
the matter is not settled yet. They
bad fun; don't you forget it.
Misses Bessie and Rae Smith,
now of Salem, arrived in this city
Friday evening and remained until
yesterdav morning, the guests of
Mr. " and Mrs. J. R. Smith. Miss
'Bessie is now a teacher in the pub
lic schools of the capital city.
Those who are informed on the
matter state that the prune crop
has not been injured a particle by
the recent equinoctial weather dis
turbances. The prospects down on
the big orchard of the Benton Coun
ty Prune Company, are fine.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Underwood
expect to depart tomorrow for Los
Angeles, where they will likely
spend three or four weeks. They
go as delegates to the convention of,
"W. 0. W. and Women of Wood
craft which convenes in that city
April 18.
It is greatly desired that every
person who has the interest of
heart should attend the meeting of
the Citizens' League that is to
Mrs. Sarah Canthorn left yester- j
day for Athena, Or., to be with her
daughter, Mrs. Frankie Mclntyre,
whi ib quite ill.
Mrs. John Bacon came up from
Portland, Saturday for a visit
with Mr. and Mrs. Wellsber.
Mrs. Bacon is an old friend of Mrs.
Wellsher. . .
County Clerk has ' just received
session laws for .1905 insufficient
numbers to supply 11 county
justices cf the peace on their ap
plication to 'iim.
Rev. Mark Noble returned from
Portland, Saturday, after an attend
ance of several d.-ys at the .great
revival meetiugs which have been
in sessi m at the metropolis.
Ira St John, Ernest Stone and
Jesse M. Nordyke have separat-ly
filed loggers' liens on logs of Ned
Smith, up on the Inland, in the
sum of $124.90. Filed April 6. '
The debate at the college last
Friday evening between represent
atives of the Amicitians and Jeffer
sonians for the Gatch Cup, " drew a
good crowd. The Amicitians were
the victors.
Is Jacobs was in town for a brief
visit last week, while enroute to
Southern Oregon on business. He
expected to again visit his home
town on his return north some time
during the present week.
Rev F. L. Moore came down
from Crittage Grove, Saturday, t
attend some business. He reports
all well with himself and wife.
Rev. Moore was formerly pastor of
the M. E. church, trys city.
A road grader was recently pur
chased by the county court for use
in East and West Willamette road
districts. It was .taken out to the
country a few days ago by Richard
Scott, and is likely at hard labor
ere this.
J. K. Berry has opened a repair
shoo in the quarters occupied by
himself at the time of his recent
attachment. Report has, it that
somebody intends putting a stock
of bicycles and supplies . in the
front part of this building.
Although not many were out
last Friday evening to hear Miss
E. Mae Pollock in impersonations
and recitations at theM. E. church.
those who were in attendance were
delighted. Her work is said to be
worthy of commendation from
every standpoint.
. See the Beautiful.
: As an item of unusual' interest
to the beauty-admiring public we
are going to call attention te the
very fine collection of Mexican
drawn work that will be on dis
play at the Catholic ' ladies' tair
next Thursday. A tood descrip
tion of the perfect in art is be
yond us: while we are a capital
judge of the beiuntul, we are by
no means a cr'tique. You must
must go and' see for yourselves
-do not take our word for it.
Father Springer has an aunt
who is a sistrr in a convent at E
Paso, Mexico, and of her he has
secured the work o be exhibited
Thursday evening. This work
is all of purest linen and is native
wrought under the supervision ol
the Catholic sisters. Various use
ful articles are ,to 'be- -seea. such-
as table cloths, covers, mats, and
the like." All georgeously beauti
ful, of exquisite design and work
manship. . .
: It is a rare opportunity for, one
who has never been south to see
something which is seldom on
exhibition in Oregon, never be
fore in Corvalhs and may never
be again. All told there is per
haps $1,000 dollars worth of
drawn work to be on exhibition
not half of it will be sold, and
what is left after the sale will be
returned to. El Paso. It will cost
you nothing to see this work and
it is well worth while.
V . . .
The Poverty Social.
the; item ' of expense , Attending
clerk hire during the. sessions of
the legislature. Not only has the
expense been great, but the ser
vice has evidently been of poor
quality. 'And why of poor quali
to? There can be but one an
swer to this query: ' Personal
friendships of the various legisla
tors who chose an ill-qualified
clerk. If a young lady were a'
clerk, various' reasons may be
found for her inability to spell,
punctuate, etc., such as the shape
and size of her waist and feet,
the color of her eyes and com
plexion, whether her hair - was
curlly or not, the quality of voice,
whether brunette or blond, are a
few attractions that may have cut
a figure. At any "rate, from the
preface above referred to, it is
piain that mental qualifications
were not the paramount consider
ation in many instances where a
legislator selected his clerk.
Walk Over Shoes
The latest Spring .Models in all
the new shapes and leathess, .
Oxfords and Bals.
Additional Local.
The povertv social given by the
W. R. C. in Odd Fellows' . Hall
last Thursday evening was a
grand success in every way. All
rules and regulations that were to
govern those who attended were
fully set forth in the Gazette
prior to the event and it is only
necessary to .declare that all rules
were rigidly observed in order to
prove how glorious was the time
for those in attendance. W. E.
Yates was the magistrate before
whom all parties were taken for
fines and they got e'm, too.
The affair marked the anniversa
ry of the G. A. R. and in honor
of the occasion Willis Vidito
made a rousing address. The
It is reported that W. H. Currin, feast was one of the best and ap-
formerlv of this citv. but now of oealed to all who oartook. sup--
occurin the City Hall this even- McMinnville, is lying dangerously gesting , "more." There, were
ing. JNow, tor goodness safcel be mi at his home to that city. Mr. several narties there who com-
and Mrs. Currin are experiencing Leted fnr nrizoe fnr bp nstainfH
Prof. Martin E. Robinson, who great trouble ot ;ate and nave tne characters in novertv lines This
.... ...... . .. ' ' jt... -li ;
Will Have the direction Ot the Can- "."..""V lcw.ut " nri was Awarded fWain ttpnrc
1 v that, t.hnv hrnnirht rnmainh C " : r
of their baby to this city for burial
tata soon to be given by the ladies
of the Presbyterian church, arrived
in Corvallis Saturday. He seems a
quiet, unassuming gentleman, and
these are the kind who usually un
derstand their business.
Robinson, but it was a , close de
cision between him and Mrs. D.
S. Adams for first place.
What is Contemplated.
Rev. W. T. Heil, of Harrisburg,
Pa., bishop of the United Evan
gelical church, will proach in Cor
vallis, Thursday, April Id at :dU
W. C. Dav, of Portland, passed p. m. He will preach at Beulah
through Corvallis last Friday, en Friday, April 14 at 11 a. m. and
route to Lincoln county. He re- at 7.30 in the evening ot same aay
turned to this city on Saturday and at Kings Valley. All come and en
remained until yesterday, yisiting joy a gospel feast, ,.
M. aA M.a lV, A 1 un M. T,. I
IU1 CbMU UllDi UUUU XJO, V I fTII- 1 "1 t . V
was io this section in the interest of iu J . "!
the Washington Creamery, with rana oaP 01 V. "l "ir
which he is connected. . uregon, to oe convenea m rorwanu,
next 1 nursuav. April 10. rroi. c
Mrs. Sarah Elgin and daughter, TWeritold. srand master of the together they turned to and trim
Miss bophia, arrived home from Htate. will attend as a matter of med all of the trees and shrnhs
Jiafcer Uty baturday and are now course, and Fred Clark and Jesse that adnm the en-nun d nhrmt- thf
J : m i 3 n; ' ... , , . a v.-
uuuiiuucu iu iuo xraois. uweiiinsr. Snencfirtri era down as aeieffates nA tu:
I I CD O I Util VU UUU LUliJWUOl" k. X 111.
Last Saturday evening mem
bers - of the Episcopal church
met -at the parsonage and had
what may be termed an Arbor
Day program.- Nice refreshments
were served ana all went as
merrily as the proverbial mar
riage bell. While they were all the Catholic church
See Blackledge for furniture, etc
- 26
W. Newton was about town yes
terday soliciting funds for spiink-?
ling the streets. He thought thai
most likely this work would Com
mence today.
A purchaser for a mixed lot of
twenty horses weighing from 1050
pounds Up, will be in Corvallis
by Friday . Jesse Wiley is able
to give particulars. 31
If the party who broke the glass
in our front door . last Sunday
evening will come around with a
new one they may put it in free of
charge. i.
Auction sale of eight head of driv
ing and work horses at the Farmers'
Feed Barn Saturday, April 15, 1905,
at 2 o'clock p.-m.; five months' time
with approved security; P. A Kline,
auctioneer, t Htjben Nobwood.
. 31-32
If you want new flues put in a
boiler call on D. & A.
Jas. H. Simonson, formerly of
Benton county, was drownfd in the
vvmametie river at rortiand a tew
days ago. He worked for TJ. S.
Gleason a couple or three years at
the Beayer Creek sawmill and had
a number of friends in that section.
We have in stock all the stand
ard line of wheels made by the Pope
Manufacturing Co., at prices to suit
all. D. & A.
Repairing of all kinds done neat
ly aud without delay by D. &. A
Ambler & Watters report to have
negotiated the following real estate
transfers during the past faw days:
N. B. Newton to Geo. W. Soule,
160 acres one mile west of Philo
math, $ 1,500; James McLaine to
Harry Moore, 185 acres on
Yaquina, $250; M. A. Chesley to
T. Olson, 40 acres seven miles
southwest of Philomath, S900.
A complete line of Bicycle sun
dries and cutlery on hand " all the
time. D. A.
Next Thursday evening, you must
not forget, is the date of the fair to
be held in Marshall Miller's hall
under the auspices of the ladies of
Some of the
Is one of the most popular
styles, strictly up to date both
in last and pattern. '
Tan, Russia Calf,
Colt, and "Gun-Metal
in stock.
Sold exclusively by
The White House, Corvallis, Ore.
Cham. Blakealae.
Patronize Homo Industry
D. O. HI est and.
Outside Orders Solicited.
All Work Guaranteed.
9 m
return before the
just south of the Christian church. fr0m the local lodge.
Miss bopbi, -who' recently had - to to go down tomorrow and will not
1 ' " 1" - ... ...
unuergo an operawon ior appenai-
citis, is somewhat improved, but is
still in very delicate health.
josepn Mcoee, wno uvea six or
eight miles south of Corvallis, con
templates the erection of a very fine
13-room house during the course of
the coming summer. He has con
tracted with the U. S. Gleason saw
mill for lumber. This is another
evidence of the thrift of our farmers,
among whom Mr. McBee is one cf
the most progressive. v
A bicycle store at Corvallis has
been forced to quit business. It is
presumed that, since the booze stores
They expect CUstomarv with the members of
4-Vi 1 c r Tl f rTi on1 n -m i ra nnctAm i
latter part of the . '
- is, too. , . . . ,
It is the intention of the church
At last Tuesdays' rehearsal of to hold a ''sox social"; on Easter
cantatas at the college chapel near- Monday. The obiect of this is
ly forty singers were in attendance, to raise funds with which to de-
Everythine passed off to the satis
faction of those present and another
rehearsal is called for this evening.
The hour has been changed from
8 o'clock to 7:30 and a good attend
ance is expected. lhe cantata is
for the benefit of the Y. M. C. A.
building fund.
County Court wants all parties
who are competing for prizes on col-
were chased out ot that town, the 1C " ucuwu uuuiy uuuo io
brinef" the same to the courthouRe in
ffnined the use of their leirs and am season for the May term of county to return to Oregon
O 1 1. ' LI. -1 fi 1 .
fray the expenses of painting the
parsonage ere the return ot Kev.
A. E. Coney from England.
1 nis t gentleman formerly was
stationed at Salem, but was call
ed to England by his mother who
was very old and desired that he
remain with her until her death
It is understood '. , that 4he
reverend gentleman's - mother
died recently and that he is soon
tor the pur-
... . ... .i n t nil i i-w n j j. i Trsca rT n Mtirv rna ki ri ennm I t-vti I ni TT
aeram able to walk unnghtlv and wu"" i" uuo wuuu uiu ' muus luv wwp.
in a straight line. Lincoln County contain at least 36 inches of surface, in this city,
Leader. We presume from the above ai,,uuuSu 0,,uer Pcea may oe con-
- . a. i l - .11 m
that the Leader man finds it easier
to ride a wheel when he has a "jag'
on than when in his sober senses.
Ib this true, brother?
sidered even though smaller. To
him who exhibits the best collection
a cash prize of $10 will be awarded;
second-best collection, $5.
Could Not Spell.
In the preface of the "Session
Laws of Oregon for 1905" we find
Several years . ago there was a the following statement: 1 "The
license fee collected from all who enrolled acts as filed in the office
rode a wheel in this county, and the of the Secretary of State are full
money thus collected was Bet aside Qf bad SDelling. irxmroDer ounctu-
purpose OI DUliaing anU at;nn anA anna nmcrs nf
maintaining a bicycle path. The Lo-eM Ja nA whiV
Secretary ot State has no other
Henry L. French, who has charge
or tne collection 01 the Benton
County exhibit for the Lewis and,
Clark fair, broncrht, to this nffinn
voHterdfiv a samnle of thft Flnnror- for the
inr Almold fnllv four W. maintaining a bicycle
broken off at the ground, and from i(e was abandoned some time ago,
a t , .1 i.1 j 1 , I anil tnoro Txrac laft in ra tiaaonwai'a
h e of rbranhwasa nds the sum of $20.30, From alternative than tofurn sh true
trr,La r,ooa w time to time this item has been car- copy of the acts as filed, the State
Tiv.h nt.atfla - that., from Twromioi nod forward by the treasurer, but Printer, in order to make . reada-
investigation, he is convinced that at the laBt session of court this sum ble and presentable copy, corrects
Benton will this year have a, heavy was wisely turned oyer to the gen- obvious errdrs . in capitalization,
fruit and grain crop. 'Even the eral road fund. ; punctuation, r spelling,' repeated
woods are scented with wild flowers, , . . . I words and omitted words."
and there will be aa abuudanoa of Blackledge, leading wall paper This is, gifnificant, . Therje has
wad fruit. 4 , .. j laeaier, - 30lbeea considerable -discussiori of
nnesi iviexican arawn worE ever
seen will be on sale4 There will be
many useful articles offered as well
- 31
Robert Johnson was compelled
by. illness to keep his bed last Fri
day. : He was a very sick man, and
for a' time it was feared that he had
typhoid fever; It is not yet clear
that he is on the eve of an attack of
this dreaded fever. .A telegram was
sent to Portland for a trained nurse,
and she arrived by the West Side
passenger Saturday, t At present
Mr. Johnson is resting quite easily.
and hopes, are entertained "that he
will soon recover.
Fresh cigar cuttings just clip--
ped at home factory. D. C. Roae&
Son. . .. 26.
Largest line of malting in coun
ty at Blackledges. . ; 30tf
Second grade fir lumber,' almost
any dimension, f or only $6. 50 per
thousand feet, at Corvallis Saw
Mill. ; , 10 tf.
The entire regiment of cadets
marched through town yesterday
noon. ' Anybody who doubts the
assertion that OAC is growing
should have seen this parade
there seemed 10,000 of the bovs
This is Lieut. Quinlah's idea, and
it is a good one. Every Monday
hereafter they will march down
town rrom tne college ior the pur
pose of giving the cadets 'some of
the real thing in marching. , .
Ice cream, hot tamales, bam sand
wiches, coffee and other good things
can be had Thursday afternoon and
evening at the Catholic ladies' fair.
. . - 31
Call at the Benton County Lum
ber Yard for prices on three grades
of. flooring-, rustic, and finishing
lumber. . You will fial j, the grade
and prices right, : v 26.
1 m
II .?M ....... Rr
The new double
breasted model for
Spring, represents
talent in tailoring
that Custom Tailors
cannot afford.
$ 15 & $16.50
A. Robinson
Independent Phone 201
' RoMmsom & Stevenson
Real Estate, Loans and insurance
! i- ; . :
. ys:.J; Corvallis, Ore.
Turner's Cash Store
One door South of Farmers' Hotel, Corvallis.
Since moving into our New Location we have stocked .up
with a Full Line of Fresh Goods. Will keep a full line of fresh
Groceries, Vegetables, Fruits, Etc. " ' U
Delivery system regular and reliable. Store open from 6:30
a. m . to ;8;30: :P-:m. everyday during the week. Expenses are
lower than, those of any other grocery firm , in the city and our
yres are nxea accoramgiy., - ana see or ring up inaepen-