Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, April 11, 1905, Image 2

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Published Tuesdays and Fridays by'
Gazbtte Publishing Company.
The subscription price of the Gazette
for several years has been, and remain's.
$2 per ariBUtri, or 25 per cent discount il
mast be paid in advance.
by a Mexican doctor. He has
discovered, so he claims, that if
you would cure consumption it is
necessary to have a tapeworm.
How nice ! . How you are to se
cure this tapeworm is not made
i clear, and it might be as hard to
I secure it as it is to get ria 01
tuberculosis. So far as we know
there are none on the market
I there are no quotations, anyway.
We fancy there would be more
satisfaction in the knowledge of
No man in all Christendom is a possible attack of consumption
more honored by the people of ! than in the possession of a full
his country than President Roose- j grown tapeworm. Senor Mexi-
velt, and it is right and satisfac- lCana can have our worm.
castor m Great
ror iniants ana uauoren.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
tory that this should be the case.
He is loyal to his country and his
people; he has proved worthy of
every trust bestowed upon hin;
he mingles with the common peo
ple and is one of them in every
action of heart and mind: he is
simple in all his ways, manners,
even in his expressionsjof speech;
he is open and above-board in
evervthine he does, and as he
hides nothing you know just
where he stands.
On his present tour through the
South the speeches he has made,
while nearly all brief, tingle with
the essence of "good citizen
ship." According to President
Roosevelt's ideas it is a great
thing to be able truthfully to de
clare the glory of your country,
but far more to the everlasting
credit of a nation to acclaim the
honor of her people. In a recent
speech in Indian Territory the
president said:
Nobody can make a good state except
yon yourselves. You need just tho quali
ties in government that you need in pri
vate life, A man whu is a good neigh
bor, a good husband, a good father, is
the type of man who makes a good citi
zen. The person that you want to have
' as a neighbor is the man to whom you
can tie, on whom you can count, the man
who is a game man in time of trouble,
but who does not seek trouble ; the man
who does not brae or brawl, but who
makes good; the man who is decent and
-square in his dealings with others.
That is just the type you have got to
have in public life. You cannot afford
to let any man represent you in public
life if he is crooked; I do not mean
whether he is crooked on your side or
not, If he will do something that is not
exactly straight for your advantage, he
will do it quicker for his own advantage.
"A man who is a good neigh
bor, a good husband, a good fa
ther, is the type of man who
makes a good citizen," True.
President Roosevelt is all of this,
and more. He is a good presi
dent of the United States. As
good, perhaps, as the nation ever
. had at least, such seems to have
been the opinion of many of our
. citizens, about last November, to
judge by election returns.
borne way, it does not require
much imagination to suggest that
he will be demanded to accept
- the presidency in 1908. While
this may be claimed as unusual,
as he may now be considered in
his second term, it must be borne
. in mind that he. has .only been
once elected to the presidency by
the people. It was unusual for
a vice-president to he elected by
the people as their chief execu
five, but President Roosevelt is
an unusual man.
Furthermore, without some man
advances very rapidly between
now and the time for again vot
ing a president, there will .be no
man available who would not
seem like "poor timber" when
placed in Teddy's niche. It costs
nothing to guess, so. we'll guess
that if Teddy wants the job
again he can have it.
It seems to have dawned upon
Kaiser Willie's mind that
France's .ally, Russia, being at
present engaged in an attempt to
teach the children of the Mikado
the error or. tneir ways, it was
an opportune time ior mm to
sneak into Morocco and graft a
little. ine manoeuver was
promptly executed and the first
thing we christians knew Herr
Willie was "kowtowing" for ye
Sultan's pleasure. No doubt both
kaiser and sultan lied to each
other like pirates during the
course of the act, but . what can
be done about it ?
Of course, the kaiser realized
that no applause of his act could
be expected from outside sources,
so in order to give an imprint of
dove-like love and innocence to
his errand he skipped across the
Mediterranean and fell upon the
neck of the King of all Itally,
and kissed said king, in true
Judas style, and was kissed like
wise in return.
Now, all is joy, and peace on
earth as 'tis in heaven, and we've
got an "open door" in North
Fit Glasses
To all Defects of Sight.
MATTHEWS, The Jeweler
Room 12, Bank Building.
Hand - Trimmed Underwear
Is guaranteed to be absolutely perfect in
every minute detail of its making, from
the carefully selected yarns used to the
dainty hand-embroidered trimming. The
fit of every garment is so perfect that it
is a pleasure to wear a suit of the famous
Forest Mills make. There's style in
its accurate cut and finish there's splen
did wear in its fine, strong fabric. It is
to those women who are just as particu
lar about wearing good underwear as
outer apparel that the Forest Mills
for Ladies and Children in all styles,
Cheated Death.
Kidney trouble often ends fatally, but
by cnoosmg tne ngnt medicine, is. i.
Wolfe, of Bear G-ove, Iowa, cheated
death. He says: "Two years ago I had
Kidney Trouble, which caused me great
pain, sunering and anxiety, Dut 1 toon
Electric Bitters, which effected a com
plete cure.
ereat benefit in general debility and
nprvp trnnHli- flnrl Icppt them
ou hand, pince, as I nod they have no I the regular price
The Gazette has made
special arrangement with
J-1 1.1.' 1 -J! " 1 I
tuc yuuiiaiicrs ox a numoer brand appeals. Made
ui. iUmg magazines weightg and grades, in union suits and single garments. Prices
and newspapers of the Unit- 5Qc tQ $1.50 per garment. Look for the blue ticket, Forest
ea states, wnereby we are j yjgjSf
onerea cut rates; on these
pablisations. .
on every garment if you want the best fitting, best wear
ing underwear made.
Now we could charge you the
serve the difference between
and their
equal." .Allen & Woodward druggist,
guarantee them at 50c.
Compliments the Gazette.
Under date of Atril 8, we re
ceived the follwing letter from
Henry S. Westbrook. General
Freight Agent of the O. C. T,
Co. at Portland, Or. The letter
not only shows approval of the
course taken by the management
ot the Gazette, but also makes
it apparent that those who are so
desirous of opening, and keep
ooen, the great waterway of the
Willamette are not doing so with
envy or malace towards our great
railways.. We take treasure in
publishing the letter as follows:
Gentlemen: -In you issues of
March 28th and April 4th we are
pleased to note two breezy articles
upon River Navigation. They
were to the point, and. along the
right lines. . We were pleased to
note your reference to the rail
roads. As you say, at this day
01 wonaenui advancement we
cannot dispense witn tnem, nor
must we disparage them ; they are
a necessity, one which is linked
with the development ot the
country. : At the same time we
should not " permit our zeal for
their advancement to make us
oblivious to the great waterway
nature has given us and' which
should be opened and improved.
A living, burning issue,' should
be the question of Free Locks.
Before we can get them, the peo
ple of the Willamette Valley
must turn their attention to the
Personally I am greatly inter
ested in the full development of
every resource in Oregon, so it is
a pleasure for me to -note the in
terest manifested along these lines
through the columns of the Ga
zette. . - v -Yours
v ry truly,
Henay S. Westbrook.
If you want a first class instrument j
at the lowest price for which it can be
sold, consult us. We never sell our j
pianos and organs below cost, but we
do sell a great many lor a slight mar
gin above cost. And you pay the ,
same that your neighbor does. Sam
ples of our goods may be seen by call
ing at the office and residence, Fourth
street, 2nd door north of ceurt house.
special price to us, as our
commission, but as the Ga
zette is a home paper for
home people, it will be sat
isfied by receiving you as a
new subscriber, or, if you
are now a subscriber, then
by receiving your renewal
for a year in advance. This
special rate may not last
long, so take advantage of it
NOW while Ithe chance lis
Repairing and nMOBS Work
of any kind promptly
and correctly done.
Gias&es Fitted!
at prices that are reasonable and
eyes tested free of all charge.
Steamer Pomona, leaves Cor
vallis, Mondays, Wednesdays
and Eridays, for Portland and all
way points. .for rates, etc.,
call on
Boats leave for Portland and
way stations at 6 a, m.
A. J. SHIRLEY, Agent.
A Great
Open Day and Night Rooms Single or EnSuitOm
Verily, Puck spoke more wise
ly than he knew when he " said,
"What fools these mortals be. "
The truth of this saying is prov
ed tens of thousands of times
each year and will continue so
long as earth is peopled by . man.
Every day some nonsensical
theory is proclaimed, some crime
. committed that causes the weak
nerved fo hold their breath and
cover up their heads, or- some
man or woman who should know
better is the author of some idiotic
foolishness. r --D :-:'".
Among the late important (?)
discoveries, may be that claimed
Woman's Home Companion
Frank Leslie's Monthly
Modern Priscilla and
'Corvallis Gazette
J. C. HAMMEL, Prop.
One of the Finest Enulped Hotels in the Valley
Bus Meets all Trains
I Both Phones
Cheap Sunday Rates Between
Portland and Willamette
Valley Points.
A Daredevil Ride
often ends in a sad accident. To heal
accidental injuries use Bucklen's Arnica
balve. A deep wound in my foo-, from
an accident, writes lneodore Schuele,
of Columbus, O., "Caused me great
pain.- .rnyaicians were Helpless, but
Bucklen's Arnica Salve quickly healed
it." soothes and heals burns like magic.
25c as Alien wood ward, druggists.
-, . and
Cornice, Roofing, Guttering.
and all kinds of Sheet Metal
Work. '. , .
F. A. Hencye
In connection with J. H,
roley & Co., Chicago, originated
Honey and Tar as a throat and lung'
re medy; and on account of the great
merit and popularity of Poley's Honey
and Tar many imitations are offered for
tne genuine. Ask tor Folevs Honev and
Tar and refuse any substitute offered as I
no other preparation will give the same
satisfaction. It is mildly laxitive. It
contains no opiates and is safest for child
ren and delicate persons.. Sold by Graham
ot vvortnam. . ; .
All five
one year
It yon are looking for some real good
Bargains in Stock. Grain. Fruit and
Poultry Ranches, write for our special
list, or come and see us. We will take
pleasure in giving yon reliaole informa
tion; also showing you over the county
Interest the
Weekly Oregonian
San Francisco Examiner
Corvallis Gazette
Jofe Printing
Low round trip rates have been Diaced
n effect between Portland and Willam
ette Valley points, in either direction.
Tickets will be sold
and limited to return on or before the
following Monday.
Rate to ob From Corvat.tjs. JS.OO.
Call on Southern Pacific Co'a A
mui parucuiars.
All three
one year
When you pay out
good money for
printing, be sure
and get good print
ing for the money!
Do not'send out printed mat
ter to your customers that is
a disgrace to your business
a disgrace to your town and
a disgrace to the printer who
puts it out.'
Will Interest Many.
Every person should know that o-nnfl
health is impossible if kidneys are de
ranged. Foley's Kidney Cure will cure
Jtidney and bladder disease in every form;
and will build up and'strenghten ;these
organs so they will perform their factions
properly. No danger of Bright's disease nor
diabetes if Foley's Kidney Cure is' taken
in time. Sold by Graham & Wortham,
Pneumonia follows La Grlpp
but never follows the use of
Cosmopolitan Magazine
or Leslies,
oMcCall'e, s
Corvallis Gazette
Good Work costs
you no more than
the bad.
Any three
one year
It stops the Cough and heals th lungs.
Prevents Pneumonia and ConsompUon,
Ua.G. Taorm, el 151 Osgood Stn CUoafa,
wtlteii "Kj wife had Ucrlpptand ttUMka
with Trr bad oosh. on ham tuns Wak
Maurfm Boot axb Sab uipd eompWftalj.
Foley's Kidney , Cure
pastes kidneys mad bladder right
Good printing is correct in
spelling correct in gram
marcorrect in punctuation
on good stock printed
with good . ink and . some
thing that it is a'pleasure to
look at. ' ,
GazettePub.Co Bring your Job Work to jthe
corvniiis, om. I Gazette Office.