Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, April 07, 1905, Image 1

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Vol. XLH.
CoiavALLis, Benton County, Oregon, Friday, April T, 1905.
NO. 30
Annual Meeting for Election of
Officers Held Last Monday .
Evening. - '
The Benton County Citizens'
League held its .regular meeting
in the county court room last
Monday evening, April 3rd. It
being the regular time for the
election of officers, the following
named business men were duly
elected by a unanimous vote of
the league : B. W. Johnson, pres
ident; J. A. Harper, ist vice-president;
J. H. Simpson, 2nd vice
president; John F. AUen, secre
tary, and Walter Wiles,, treasur
er. A great many important busi
ness matters were freely discussed
by the membeis and many plans
were laid for developing and ad
vertising the undeveloped wealth,
healthfulness and grand climate
of Benton county. The league
has done much in the- past for
Corvallis and Benton county, and
a vigorous effort will be made the
coming "Lewis and Clark" year
to make Benton county the most
prominent county in the State of
Oregon. We have the best coun
tv - already, and the Citizens1
League proposes to advertise it
so to the million people who will
visit our Fair and state this sum
mer. What we want is the, support
of every business man in Corval
lis and Benton county.. In the
past a few have had to do all the
work all are wanted to lend a
hand in future. "In Unity There
is Strength," and if we all get
our shoulder to the wheel we can
bring and locate in Benton, coun
ty within the next year and a-half
at least 10.000 people.
Why some of the business men
should be so dead to their own
interests is a puzzle to many. As
you increase your population you
increase your business as well as
the value of your own property,
and all it takes to put Benton at
the top notch is united effort
There are at present 10,000
people coming to Oregon each
month. These people are home
seekers ;4 the greater part bf these
people are locating in the state
somewhere. Is Benton county
getting her share ? No ! We are
being outdone by our sister coun
ties merely because we are not
making sufficient effort.
With a farming county that
can't be beaten; a perfect soil for
, growing alfalfa, a paradise for
fruit growers, and the best insti
tutions of learning in the state,
a complete system of telephones
all over the county, second to
none; with two railroads and river
transportation connecting us with
the Pacific ocean, the gateway of
the Orient; tour rural mail deliv
eries, a mountain water plant pro
posed; a gentle sea breeze from
the Pacific ocean, which keeps
the air pure and makes this one
of the healthiest towns on the
coast, and a climate e'qual to that
of any state in the Union, why
should we not tell to the world
the truth?
There is a meeting of theleagu
called for next Tuesday evening,
April iith, at 7:30 p.t m., at the
City Hall, and every business
man in Corvallis and Benton
county is earnestly requested to
be present and join with us to
make the league a potent factor
toward the up-building of Ben
ton county and the great State of
utilized for exhibition purposes,
while the second story will be ar
ranged for the reception of visi
tors. Fifteen thousand dollars
will be expended for the build
ing. JNo dimcmtv win oe ex
perienced in having the building
completed and the exhibit install
ed before opening day, as the
work is to begin this week.
One of the most important
features of the Utah display will
be a concentrator in actual oper
ation, located in an annex. The
concentrator will
Each Child Looked After The
County Santa Claus.
County School Superintendent
Denman has just completed the
task of making the apportion
ment of school funds. More than
$15,000 are in tbehands of Treas
urer Buchanan, but only a part
of this sum is apportioned in the
spring- only $7,839 was dis
bursed by Superintendent JJen-
cost $io,oro man in the work completed last
be correct, it might be said . thai
man could . not be . sued for a
note which is not due. This case
will be an - interesting one when
it comes up for trial. W. b..
Yates is Mr. Fischer's attorney
and E. R. Brvson has been re
tained by Mr. Berry. '
and will be cne of the most novel Monday. Each child was allott-
displays of the entire Fair. Four ed $3. This sum was apportion
men will be required to operate ed according to the number of
it. It will show the process of children ot school age in each
refining gold, silver and copper, district, as follows:
trom the time tne crude ore is mist. No.
turned in until it comes out as I
refined metal. The rocks con
taining the minerals will first be I
crushed and then the different
ingredients will be separated, all
within the view of the visitors to
the Centennial.
9 . 2 385
Fine Program Promised.
Miss Mae Pollock, who has
charge of the School of Expres
sion at .Dallas College, will ap
pear in a program at the M. E.
Church this evening in a number
of specialties. Miss Pollock is
an old-time friend of Mrs. G. H.
Feese and her home prior to com
ing to Oregon was in Kansas.
She was also at the head of a de
partment of elocution in Puebla,
Colorado, at one time. The fol-
owing interesting program will
be given:
An Object of Love Mary E Wilkins I
(Character Sketch) '
Good-bye, God Bless You.....Eugene Fields I
Marian's Mor'nin'
'...v....Ruth McEnery Stewart
There Were Hint v and Nine...
....Richard Harding Davis I
filler Fights D. A. Ellsworth
A Boy's Conclusion Anon I
Old Glory -James Whiicomb Riley I
How Deacon Tubman and Parson Whit-1
ney Spent the Day...... D H. H. Murray I
' 32...
1 36...
' 42...
' 43..
' 48..
' 49..
' 50..
" 51..
'. 59..
. 39
" "74
" 79- ..
" " 81 ...
' 83-...:......
' 85.......
" "-.93
" " 94
"V 95 .........
' " 96
" ' 97...,
Five (joint).......
Talk Regarding Case
The entire stock of J. K
Summit literary Society held a very
interesting - session Saturday evening.
Mark Caves was re-elected president.
Miss Margaret Owens passed through
this place, Sunday, enroute to her home
at Blodgetr, She baa been impiovuig
her place near Norton
Mr Miller, of Sbedd, has been engaged
to teach oar school. He has purchased
the right to the J. H. Crain homestead
Mrs. Alene Post entertained her sisters
from Blodgett, Sunday.
Wr V a- a S.tnnl.t. 1.1, r.
W mnhiir and talkimr nu the interests Cerry, lasen cnargc ot iasi oai
9 r f - i ' r r rr t- a. .
of the Independent Telephone. uraay evening Dy onenn rsurneu
Mi- whitnnv. of bimwk ncomnan- on complaint ana writ ot attach
ied bv her annt. walked bo tnis nlace one ment On authority of A. W
day last wees, making the round trip of Fischer, has been invoiced and
ten miles. - 1 removed to the court house by
Otis and Bert Hill are again at home, the sheriff. Occurring just
having just completed a large contract oil this season of the year Mr. Berry
cord wood near Corvallis. finds himself riecuhar v Dlaced
Tunnel No. 3 has been giving serious! The matter will come before the
trouble. The O. & E. officials were here November term of circuit court.
to consider what should be done about and the intervening months are
the ones .for doing business in
The telephone line between iioakins
and this place was finished Monday even
ing. . We are informed that about all the
ranchers have put in phones.
Cas Harrisson has gone to Cincinnatti,
to make contracts for the coming sea
sons cascara, thus saving the commia-
Oak Grove.
School closed, Friday in District No. 4.
The late cold rains and frosts seems
not to have hurt the fruit to any great
extent. -
The roads are in much better, condition
than they have been at this time of the
season for many years.
Mrs. Martha Cady is spending a few
days atiher girlhood home in Kings Val
Frank Holman bad the misfortune 4o
lose a $200 mare last Friday.
Miss Alwena Vass spent Sunday with I
her parents, who reside in Albany. ' V
Mrs. S. P. Lawrenson and children
spent Friday and Saturday with relatives
iq Albany, returning home Sunday.
Work on the steel bridge was resumed
Tuesday morning and will be continued
nntil the north approach is completed,
which will take several days.
Mrs. P. R. Williamson, who has been
staying with her daughter, Mrs. N. D.
Petty man, for the last four months, re
turned to her home last Sunday. .
Charles Benson left for Porrland, Thurs
day, whet he goes for medical 'aid. He
returned home from the hospital some
two weeks ago, thinking he was on the
road to recovery, but he began to grow
worse, hence his return. ,
George Beamis, who was badly hurt in
a runaway tmx-up on the Albany steel
bridge last week, and was seriously hurt,
is setting along very well and expects to
be able in a few , days to be moved
borne. He is at present with his son in
Albany, where he is receiving the best of
care. s
Dr. Bailey who resides in Job'B Ad
dition, came down, Thursday, aud has
been visiting with his son,' Robert. ' He
has rented a house here and aims to
move down the fore part of the week to
reside during the summer. The doctor
has been on the sick Hot for the' last six
weeks, and thinks a change to the conn,
try may prove beneficial to his health.
Peter Karstens celebrated his 57tb
birthday last Tuesday evening by invit
ing in a few of his friends to partake of
the good things that he had prepared
for - the occasion. Those 'present were
Mr. and, Mrs. Anthony, Mr. and Mrs.
Hanson, Mr. and Mrs. Abraham, Mr.
andMrs. Lypner. The good time lasted
until 4 o'clock in the mornin.
The wife of W. F. Lawner lias been
very low with pneumonia for several
days. Mrs. Lawner is a very delicate
woman and may not be able to overcome
the dreaded disease which proves fatal
in so many caces.
School will dose heie Frida) , Api il 7th.
Robe Mathews is now teaching school
at Harmony.
Bert La Martin is visiting with M.
and Mrs. Gurlinghonse. :
The recent i ise of water was too high
to furnish power for the lixlit plant
The boys living near here have been
playing ball the past few Sundays.-
. H. Belknap and family and Mr. and
Mrs. Kyle attended church here Sunday .
Mrs. Keed is now living in town .tak
ing care of Lawrence William's children.
Mrs. Dolph Emerick, of Corvallis, is
visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrt,
Mrs. Garlingbouse was in town Men
day for the first time since her recovery
from paralysis.
ft. Brabram'g wife is getting along
nicely after a serious illness, but is not
nearly recovered.!
Misses Edith and Eva Martin returned
home Sunday from Portland where they
have spent the winter.
The Hinton hill has had a number of
acres slashed this winter and is begin
ning to look bare from town. x
E. Brimner iB getting well along with
his contract work, and he has now tn
other house to build -for Mr. Maocabet
but will not commence it before June 1st.
A' twice-a-week newspaps
containing 72 column each
week of the current news of
: Beaver Creek.
Mr. Geo. Williamson is at present em
ployed at the Wilkinson farm.
Sherman Gleason was in Albany last
Friday on business.
Mr. Weed, of Philomath, returned to
hi 8 timber claim one day last week.
Miss Grace Starr was visting friends on
Beaver creek last week.
Last Saturday the fishing season open
ed ano fishermen weieout in full force.
Peter Rickard lost a very fine colt oi,e
night last week ; caused by the halter
rope being too long.
Andrew Ireland returned to Polk coun
ty last Monday after a short visit with his
Ira Hines, of Monroe, was visiting bis
cousins, the Gates Brothers, last week.
School Clerk Thos. Heeley was" around
taking school census last week.
Mrs. G. A. Peterson, who has been ill
of late, is now steadily improving.
Luther Woodruff, of Philomath,- was
visiting friends on Bearver creek one day
last week.
Benton County.
All the local news all of the
time, with a large amount of
miscellaneous matter.
A Thousand Dollar's Worth
. of Good.
"I have been afflicted with kidney and
bladder trouble for years, passing gravel
or stones with excruciating pain," says
A. H. Thurns, a well known coal operator
of Buffalo, O. "I got no renet trom medi
cine until I began taking Foley's Kidney
Cure, then the result was surprisiue. A
few doses started the brick-dust-like sub
stance and now I have no pain across my
kidneys and I feel like a new man. It
has done me Jiooo worth f good."
Foley s Kidney Cure will cure every
I form of kidney or bladder disease. Sold
by Graham & Wortham.
An interesting serial etory
running every week in the
Utah Will Participate.
Utah has decided to erect
state building at the, Lewis and
Clark Exposition. Such was the
conclusion of the commission
after an inspection of the Ex
position grounds and the selection
of a site. The structure will be
ideally located, " just north of the
New York building and on the
slope of Lakeview Terrace. '
It is planned to erect a build-
ins: zoo feet long and 85 feet
wide. The .lower floor will be
the bicycle line; so this makes it
pretty hard on Mr, Berry. Just
what he shall do in the future he
is not determiped. . " '
From what we can learn, it
seems that something "more than
if. t Vf.
sion men's profit. He expects to employ 5
quite a force of bark peelers jn the r i"?1 Julucu 10V F .
Washington woods. Jed an automoDue, tne price 01
which was in the ne:ghuerhood
of $ 600. Mr. Berry did not at
that time possess the means to
pay for his half of, the wheel, so
Mr. Fischer advanced" Mr. BeTry
$300 and took a .pote for tiic
same. Later, Mr. s Fischer, so'. J
his interest in the wheel to B-"rr
and received another note fo
something like $300. The firM
note came due and was paid by
a-renewal, or auother njte. '
It is claimed" by those pdsu.
in the matter, that neither of the
last notes are yet due. It is a
old saying that you can't put s.
man in jail for debt, and on th.
line, should our information be
The Coming: Gollapse.
The collapse of the capitalist
system within a few years is
inevitable. -Those who desire to
adjust themselves to the coming'
changes should read the New
Dispensation literature. The first
number of the New Dispensation
series, "The Free-Commune,"
is now ready. Price 10 cents.
Address J. L. Jones, Corvallis,
Oregon. -
time is here,, and you will need Wall Paper,
Carpets, Matting, and many other things.
You know where everything in the House Furnish
' ing line is kept? At Hollenberg & Cady's, of
course. They Have the largest line in town
and their prices are always right. We have the
New "Eldridge B" Sewing Machine
now on sale and would be pleased to have you call
and see them. They are a Standard Machine,
have all the latest improvements, and we guarantee
- ' the price lower than any other. New line of
' Trunks and Suit Cases, now on display and will
bo sold at astonishingly low prices. Call and see
... (