Vol. XLH. Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon, : " Tuesday; April 4, 1905. A PHILIPPINE UTTER. Oriental Conditions Described a Niece of Mrs. S. L. ' Henderson. . ,i by Through the courtesy of Mrs. S. It. Henderson, of this city, we are enabled to print a letter from Mrs. -Florence E. Carson, a niece of Mrs. Henderson, wh is at present with her husband who is attached to the quartermasters' department in the Philippines. Mrs. Carson is a Portland woman and her letter is one of . the .best descriptive letters of that coun try that we ever read. It is dated Tacloba n,1 key te, P. IM Feb. 22, 1905, and is as follows: - . - r ; We had a pleasant trip over; no stormy weather- and all of us well the entire voyage - of 28 days. ' Honolula is a beautitul place and I should like to live there. Arriving at Manila, Mr. Carson came out in a launch and took us off the transports anchor out in the bay. Manila is the most interesting place; there are people of every nationality. It is larger than San Francisco. and there are no street cars yet, 'though tracks, are .being laid. There ' are some fine stores, Chinese and Japanese, . but the most interesting. are, kept ' by merchants from Bombay. These have such beautiful carved ivories and embroideries, silks and laces. There are -also several : fine Spanish stores. r- s It is hot! Oh, so hot! ' All day long. . But at night there is a cool sea breeze, the band plays on the Luneta and you see hun dreds of swell carriages; ladies gorgeously dressed,' - officers in uniforms and civilians in white. The 'ladies g bareheaded and everyone rides, it is so warm you can't take exercise.- .'; '- ; Manna is the most expensive place in the world to live. Every one keeps native '.servants- and small families keep three, for x a native servant only does one kind of work; if he cooks, he won't sweep nor do anything else, -and as they are very dishonest, al ways helping themselves to every thing they can carry away, two or three servants "are a big item. Rents are exceedingly high. A spool of cotton thread costs " ten cents (gold); one " dozen safety pins twenty-five.cents, and every thing else In proportion. I would not care to live" here permanently," hut r am glad to be able to see. the Oriental life We first lived at Calamba, forty miles from Manila, by boat, but are ;. now ' living- in Tacloban, Leyte, P. I." Leyte is one of the soathern islands. It takes four davs and nights through r the China Sea from Manila here Tacloban is a sea port, : and a very beautiful place. There are wild flowers blooming everywhere and there is a fine beach, which we all enjoy. The roads of this place are made of white coral . hard, clean, and the finest I ever saw. While there is much to enjoy here, I am always thinking of dear old Oregon and "mine own people" and I shall . not be sorry when we start home, although I don't know just when it will be. There is nothing at all in the way of vegetables raised here, . and we live on - canned stuff, - which gets very tiresome, especi ally milk and butter. And there are many unpleasant features everywhere ; everything molds and mildews. Your shoes turn green from mold, and hot, moist air makes your clothes feel sticky. The air is hot and moist, just like a hot-bouse feels, and it . rains the hardest you ever saw. : It rains 17 inches in 24 hours sometimes." "V - . ; Then there ants of every color, shape and size, and they get into everything. - There are big, . brown spiders, cockroaches, and lizards. on the walls of, all the houses; centipedes, snakes, mos- qwtos, and great, immense bats. Ore- Nice' Entertainment. Last Friday evening members of Marys Peak Camp, W. O W., and the Ladies' Circle held a joint meeting -and entertained many friends. A fine program was gjy en ; and delicious refreshments served during the evening. - . It has long been ' a custom in this order that whenever the filth ' Friday came in a month that the Woodmen and Ladies' Circle shonld hold a joint meeting, and this was one of ; those : Fridays. But there, is a littlev history back of this "especial : meeting,. ;. j For; more than a year a Woodman has . laid in a Portland hospital under care' of ; . physiciads.1 .Tbecamp that this man belonged to . broke up and the poor fellow had no' local lodge, to fall back upon when his hour ot misfortune over took him. "- In consequence there of," an information relative to the case of this unfortunate was sent, to the various camps throughout this jurisdiction asking that they "drjrwhat they could tor assist this fellow member. - y , "', ' ... During - the , evening an an nouncement of the facts' was made and a good contribution for the relief of this man was receiv ed. .The -following is the pro gram: , j rr:. ' . ;. Song. ......."...;............. J. L. Underwood Recitation. ......Leota Lewis Song...;;.....4.....r..'..Sheasgreen J'Sistera" Recitation......... ....... .......Miss Mahaffa Song.... .......................Helen Lewis Recitation "What Biddy Said -in '. a Police Qourt"..:......:..Mrs. Colgate Solo......:..... ..,.I...,...J..Mrs. Peterson (.Violin Obligato by F. Fewells) '-" Duet.......H. L. Lewis and Thos. Fortson Music........ C. F. Hotchkiss and Son. Song...,............!., ...Inez Johnson Address.."........... ...4........T. T. Vincent By The Lift Of A Finger," "In Boston I noticed a curious little illustration of the power the Trusts wield over the : railroad companies," says Charles E. Rus sell in the April installment'of The Greatest - Trust in--the World, " in Everybody' s" Maga zine. ? The Armour agent in Boston got word of an intended shipment ' ot potatoes to Wo burn, where there happened to be a good market. -- He had a ship ment of potatoes coming in from the .West, and he applied to the Boston & Maine Railroad to trans fer this shipment without .charge from Bostoir to Woburn. -Mr. DonovanJhe freight-traffic man ager of the Boston & Maine, de clined on the'grouud that it was absolulelv against the strictest rules of his company to do it for , -, -1 t-. . ,..;; anyuoay. rinaing mm immov able, -the agent wired- the situa tion to the Armour headquarters in Chicago. That afterhooa Mr, Donovan called the agent on the telephone and humbly announced that it would give ni 11 great pleas ure to transfer thi-sc potatoes to Woburn' and 'without charge. When would the agent like to have it done ? The Trust had merely lifted . a finger and the whole Boston & Maine organ iza tion was in a panic. But what chance has a competitor against such a power as that? And what chance has the public ?' ' ' - ' A . Thousand Dollar's Worth of Good. " " - "I have been afflicted with kidney and bladder trouble for years, passing gravel or stones with excruciating pain," says A. H. Thurns, a well known coal operator of Buffalo. O. "I got no relief from medi cine until I began taking Foley's Kidney Cure, then the result was surprisiuEr.' A few doses started the brick-dust-like sub stance and now I have no pain across mv kidnevs and I feel like a new man.' It has done me $1000 , worth ef good.' Foley's Kidney Cure will cure every form of kidney or bladder disease. " Sold by Graham & Wortham. ; . .- - Frightful Suffering Relieved. . Suffering frightfully from the virulent poisons 01 nnaigestea 100a, kj. u. va-ray-son, of Lola, Miss., took Dr. King's New life Pillsr "with the result," he writes, that I was cored." All stomach and bowel disorders rive way to their tonic, laxative cninartiea. 25cat -Allen A that bathing is dangerous, gon is goed enough for me. INOCULATION FOR LEGUMES. Something for Farmers to Ponder Where the Trouble- is. Failures with clover, alfalfa aud other legumes are perhaps more often due to the absence in the soil in which the seed is sown of the particular micro-organisms which enable such plants to 6b-' tain and "utilize atmospheric nitrogen than to any other cause. ,As a rule clover is sown in im poverished soil, whose rimprove ment is the principal reason for seeding it to a crop which "helps the soil." - When the soil needs clover it is deficient in nitrogen. All legumes require this element in available abundance for their best growth." f : J Sown in soil markedly. 'defic ient in nitrogen and devoid of . its specific bacteria none. of. the leguminous crops will make satis factory v progress. :-1 The plants will te yellowish . and sickly -and succumb without much. resistance to winterkilling. ' ; ' ; : ; Inashruch' as many soils do not contain the." proper bacteria , for the particular legume which it is desired to grow, artificial inocul a lion is the only method whereby they may be introduced:" -"p To German scientists agricultural nations are indebted for. this, valu able discovery, though modern American investigators have car ried the work to a more useful and practical goal than their foreign examplars. The latter are the authors of nitrogen cul tures which were designed for the different : common legumes and placed on the market a decade since. These proved ineffective in most cases, but the idea of pre paring cultures was a good one and the investigators! continued to develop it until cultures were prepared Which ' have been sues cessful almost .without . exception in introducing the organisms de- sired. - . It is ? no w ; known ' ' that each egume,- as clover, altaila, cow- pea, the soy bean and vetch has a microscopic organism peculiar to itself which enables the plants to appropriate . atmospheric nitro gen -and thus improve the sou. These organisms' create : and in habit nodules or tubercles, rang ing in size from ajmustard seed to a garden pea, which are at tached to the plant roots. . The tubercles are storehouses of nitro gen which the bacteria translate into nitrates, in which element it is appropriable by the plants. Clover without tubercles is as truly a soil-robber as corn, and except - in soils already rich in nitrogen it will not thrive in the absence of its bacteria. The same is true of cow (peas, alfalfa and soy-beans. - But different kinds of bacteria are necessarv to produce root tubercles upon differ ent kinds of -legumes. For Ihis reason the function of each group of bacena is f mi ten to one van- ety 01 plant. : J.us 1 x; am? wny , ne legume may not thrive where-: another. has grown luxuriantly. There is, however, one exception to the rule that each legume has its special bacteria. - Dr. 'Cyril G. Hopkins of the Illinois ' Ex periment Station, more than a year ago announced - that the sweet clover or melilotus bacteria and that of alfalfa are identical. This is - probably due. to the re marbable similarity between the two plants. It is a sim pie matter to deter mine whether the proper bacteria are present after the leguminous plants have- attained several weeks' growth.- Clover may be used fcr an illustration. Five or six . weeks alter ' the seed !3KS germinated a' " nam ber - of the plants in different se:uo;j;; ! ". if field should be removed w,t r large piece of earth, so as nun . break any ot the royts. Carem 1 crumble or wash all iirt iT i foots. If the proper bact-eria a:c present in the soil, tubercles will be found on the roots.' If the tubercles are not i found the soil shouldbe inoculated. If it is not inoculated the clover will be of no fertilizing value to the soil nor will it grow successfully un- ess toe soil already contains an abundance of available citroeen. The same test should be made o any other leguminous crop. - -J - Inoculation may be e&ected in two wavs, the organisms may be fintfoduced in soil obtained from fields in which the desired legume has been successfully grown or in small cakes which are prepared commercially, as reference to bur advertisi ng columns will show. ' Mn the Yearbook of the United States Department . of Agricul ture for ioo2 reference is made to" this subject thus1: "Inocu lations are usually vbtr necessary fa soil that is already, producing tubercles. While the . -introduc tion of fresh . organisms , will generally considerably, increase the number ' of ? tubercles," ' the effect upon the crop is not appre ciable, and, it is hardly worth the expenditure of time and labor necessarv to. make the. inocula-. tion .Wherever , legumes that fail to produce tubercles are be ing . grown; however, of in those, localities where the, soil . is so poor , that legumes will . not grow and because of the lack , of the proper organisms they cannot make a start, every effort shonld be made to get the bacteria into the soil." .' ; " The best time to nse the inocu lating material is ' in, the spring when the soil has become warm and its microbic life active, sow ing at the rate of 100 lbs per acre. If infected soil be used it may be sown by hand over a small area, which within a year or two will furnish sufficient bacteria to In fect several large farms. Bacteria multiply with marvelous rapidity and are incessant workers where ever they find the legume to which they are. adapted; ; 'Dean Davenport of the Illinois Col lege of Agriculture lias character ized them in this happy; epigram, "They board . themselves, work for nothing and ' pay ! for the privilege." Breeders Gazette. ; Men Past Sixty in Danger. ' '-. More than half -of mankind over sixty years - of age . suffer from kidney and bladder disorders, usually'enlarge ment of prostate glands. This is both painful and dangerous, and Foley's Kid ney Cure should be taken at the first sign of danger, as it corrects irregularities and has cured . many old men of this disease. Mr. Rodney Burnett. Rock Port, Mo., writes: -"I suffered with enlarged pros tate gland and kidney trouble for years and after taking two bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure I feel better than I have for . twenty years, although I am now 91 years old." Sold by Graham & Wortham.. .v- Foley's Kidney Cure n&ke kidneys n ftadrte- rght HOUSE-CLEA . , time is , Carpets, Matting, and many oil You. know where everything in the He : ing line is kept? At Hollenberg & . course. They : . have the largest In y and their prices are always right. New "EldridgeB" Sewt: ! . now on sale and would be pleased u ; ; , and see 'them. x They are a SU 5 . . . have all the latest improvements, x . A the price - lower than any othci. . : Trunks -.- ; - be sold POVERTY PARTY. To be held in Odd Fellows Hall, Thursdayevening, Ap il 6, by the W. R. C. Supper 15 cents. Everybody invited. B.TJXS, REGULASHUNS AN PROW- :::-t " ' GRAM. 1 Ever Wumon wat kums must were a kaliker dres an apern tue be approprait. ;' Know gent with a bild shnrt and doed koller is alloud " tu cum onles he pais a find of 5 cents a kompertent kommity wil luck after the bacheller fellers. FINDS FOR WIMMIN No apern, 1 sent; ear rings, 1 sent; finger rings 3 sents; speck tickels, 2 sents; silk dres, 5 sents; wul dies, 3 sents; wearing nue dres, 5 sents; brespin, 1 sent; trimed apern, 2 sents; store teath 2 sents for men and wimen. ;. ' V- FINDS FOR MEN Blacked butes, I sent; segars in pockets, 1 sent; watches, 1 sent ; chawing gum, 5 cts. ; stand in up coller, sents; button hoi bokay, 5 sents; creased pantz, 2 cts. ; spoonin, makin sheap eyes, actinupetc, 10 cents " eth. All jegfnants to be rendered by Owl Jege Quackenboss. : . .VITTI.ES - bred and buter Sandwitches. twisted donuts, jinger ired, and baked beans, Picles, cookeys an coffy.- ' . " .. . It will cost the growd up adults 15 cts. an the little children will be nuthin just wipe there deer little" nooses and bring um along. every body jine in an sing mv country tis of y on," one verse only cum 1 cum all. it will cummense at erly candle lite. ' Will Interest Many.' ."-;EYeiy'peiso7hooloV know- that-good health is impossible n kidneys are de ranged. Foley's Kidney Cure will cure kidney and bladder disease in every form; and will build up and strenghten these organs so they will perform their fuctions properly. No danger of Bright' s disease nor diabetes if Foley's Kidney Cure is taken in time. Sold by Graham & Wortham. Last Hope Vanished. When leading physicians said that. W. M. Smithart,'of Pekin, la., hod incurable consumption, ' his last hope . vanished; but Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds, kept him ou of bis grave- --He snys: This great specific completely cuied me, and saved my life. Since then, I have used it for over 10 years, ar.d considered it a marvel ous thioat ; and lung cure.". S'rictly scientific cure for coughs, So-e Th.oats or Cold; cuie preventive of Pneumonia. Guaranteed. 50c-ard $1.00 bo ilea at Allen & Woodward's dmg etore. Trial bo. tie free. m "here, and you will need WcSS and Suit Cases now on at' astonishingly low price 1 The CorVai: GazetV Semi- Week: cui.tau Sp: Se: P ;s In the sea tnexe .. axe snarks, r r : w VYooanard'ib ragguts. - '