Vou XLII. Corvaljlij, Benton Cou.vn, Oregon, Iwday, March 3lv )5; NO.28 COURT RECORD. Short Term of Ciucuit Court Judge L. T. Harris, Presiding. Circuit court convened last Mon--day at 9 o'clock and adjourned at 9:30 Wednesday. An adjourn ed terra ; ot court will be - called Thursday, July 6th. Judge Har ris will prove popular with onr attorneys. He is quick and alert in all things. He is business like, and his manner of holding eourt is likened to that of Judge Hamilton. There were no criminal case on the docket. Two jury cases were docketed, but - only one went to the jury, that of G E Ireland vs S. N. Lilly. The other jury case was dismissed on account of failure of plaintiff : to prosecute and of course did " not go to the jury. Following is a record of proceedings. Palmer Ay res, plff vs E W Strongj deft; action verdict $50 for plaintiff. , I J 1, Lewis, plff vs-H J Ruiter, def:o"tion dismissed on mo tion of plaintiff. ... . . -William Milton Howell, plff vs Adam Wilhelm & Sons, deft; suit injunction referred to Louise Meeker to take testimony. Mary E Herbert, T M Coon, et al piffs vs A L Coon, deft; suit tor sale of real property contin tied for the term. . Mary J Whitby, plff vs Ro&coe E Edwards, Alice Edwards, Au gusta. Strake, John Strake, P M Totten and Leah J Totten defts; suit foreclosure mgte real proper ty mortgage foreclosed. T W B Smith : and . Nancy J Smith piffs vs John McBee, Maud Grubbs, and Thaddeus Grubbs, defts; suit for sale of real proper ty sale confirmed. L H McMahan plff vs Sing On, deft; suit to dissolve partner ship and for accounting dismiss ed without costs. , Sol King plff vs. Eli King, and Abe King defts; action on prom issory note dismissed on motion of plaintiff. Sol King plff vs Eli King, deft; action dismissed on motion of plaintiff. Jacob Koch plff vs Karl Gros key, deft; action dismissed, at cost ot plaintiff for failure to pros ecute. L E Smith, plff vs - Rowland Fischer, dett; action en promis sory note judgment tor $50 and attorney tees ot $90. Carlo Minotte, tlfl vs C C Chandler, deft;' action contin ued for service W H Malone, plff vs A L Clark, and Madge Clark, defts; action settled, dismissed. George A Houck. plff vs H M Donat, Mary A Donat, his wife, and Robert Black, defts; suit foreclosure of mgte continued tor term. - . r George A Houck', plff vs Geo Schafer, Anuie Schafer, Edward Donat, and Agnes Donat, deft; suit foreclosure of mtge con tinued for term.. Geo T . Vernon, plff vs N P Slate, et al deft; suit for parti tition of real property M P Burnett appointed referee to sell real property. 7" " - - , Geo E Chamberlain, as govern or ot uregon, s L, .Dunbar, as secretary of state, and . Chas S Moore, as state treasurer of the state of Oregon," constituting the state land board, nlff va H M .. '''ir "TWvnat T nViprf XW Tllalr an A flan A Houck, defts; suit foreclosure , of mtge decree of foreclosure granted. ' Geo. E Chamberlain, as gov ernor of Oregon, F L Dunbar, - as secretary of state, and Chas S Moore, as state - treasurer of the state of Oregon, constituting the - state land board, vs Geo Schafer, Annie Schafer, Edward Donat, and Agnes Donat, and Geo A w Houck, deft; suit foreclosure of mtge decree of foreclosure granted. kwuuuciuuu,- gov ernor of Oregon, F L Dunbar, Moore, as slate treasurer ' of Ore gon, constituting the state land board, piffs vs Aowland Fischer, Ethel E Schon, Cora E Ford, Harry Ford, Ida R Morris, David Morris, Margaret Fisher, L E Smith, and E E Wilson,, admin istrators with the will annexed of Jane Fisher, deceased, defts; suit toreclosure of mtge decree of foreclosure granted. Richard Graham, plfl vs Jane Hogue, et al deft; suit to quiet title decree granted. Pacific States Telephone Com- BENTON MAN HURT. George Beamis is Badly Injured Thrown From Hack on . Steel Bridge. . . ,' The following account of an accident which ; befell George Beamis is printed by the Al bany Herald: - . An accident occurred: 'on the steel bridge last evening, which came near terminating in a fatal ity for one of the participants if, indeed it does not result in his costs. Igorottes-and Boiled Dog. pany, a corporation, plff vs early death. George Beamis, an Richard Kiger, deft; action for aged and well know farmer, re damages dismissed at ' cost of siding in Benton county about plaintiff. ' ' ' five miles west of this city, was Henry J Troup, plff vs Earnest on his way home from -a. , short Seehafer, and Anna Seehafer, stay in Albany, accompanied by defts; suit toreclosure of mtge Henry Hector, one of his neigh- judgment for $504.16 attorney bors. While driving across the lee $45. . steel bridge, and on the further C E Ireland,' plff vs S N Lilly, approach, something became dis-, deft; action verdict $459 75 with arranged about the harness and Mr. Hector dismounted and pass ed to the heads of the horses. About this time the rig ran upon the heels of the horses and the team,- turning suddenly over turned the covered hack in which Mr. Beamis sat. throwing- the gentleman violently to the fljor of the bridge with the hack on top of him. In the melee the wagon pole was broken and the hack was otherwise damaged. Mr. Beamis was at once given aid. . He was lifted into a buggy that was passing and as he was in great pain, was immediately driven back to this city and taken to. the home of his son, Arthur Beamis, who resides cn Lyon street, between Seventh and Eighth" streets, -and Drs. Stark and Wallace were call, in, to ad minister to the injured, man, who was in great pain and believed to be dangerously injured. An examination showed that patient's collarbone was body was number of places. His breast was also bad ly injured and it was the opinion 01 the physician that a rib was broken and a splinter of . the bone had penetrated the right lung, utner internal miunes is is reared . mav nave resulted. jemants to te rendered by O l Jeoe QuackenbosF. . . . VITTLES bred and buter 'Sandwitches. twisted donuts, jinger bred, and baked beans, Picles, cookeys an coffy. v It will cost the growd up adults 15 cts. an the little children will be nuthin just wipe there deer little nooses and bring urn along. every body jine in an "sing my country tis of you, one verse only cum 1 cum all. it will cummense at erly candle lite." Agricultural Automobile. Two hundred Igbrotes, Moros, Negritoes and Visayaas will leave the Philippine Islands this week, arriving in Portland the latter part of April, where)they will pro ceed immediately to the grounds of the Lewis and : Clark Exposi tion. These natives will popu late the Philippine village on the Government peninsula at the Ex position. Upon their arrival, the con struction of the Philippine vil lage will be started at once. A feature of this will be a city of houses built on poles over the surface of Guild's Lake. ; This is characteristic of the expedient resorted to by the natives to avoid reptiles and foes of similar kind. The city of poles will, be occu pied by the Moros,- who with the Igorottes stand lowest in the scale tfle tT-VTT m?" . .1. broken and that his Boiled dog will represent the severely bruised in a oltes, who are conceded to be epicureansj regarding this delica cy. The' general supposition is that a heaty meal of boiled, fried or roasted canine adds fervor . to the fighting powers of Igorotte warripn l Accordingly the dog- but tQese fce ascertain ucau ia sciveu uuiy iu uie uiaies, the fairer sex beine denied the rare treat. . 1 Visitors to the Centennial, however, need have no fear of witnessing a bloodcurdling com bat, .unless the Portland police should become obstreperous in the nresenr nf'tbp Tanrnttps which would naturally result in I t- np nf . t nn1H of ed last night by the examining physicians. The patient was relieved so far as it was possible considering the nature of the injuries and at a late hour he was resting easy at his son's home, where .Mrs. Beamis had joined him, having been brought to the city Yesterday General Thorp start- ed for Chicago, and after a brief sojourn there he expects to pro ceed to Pittsburg, : Pa. The General goes East to perfect the patent and oversee- the construc tion of an agricultural automobile which he has invented. - .This machine . is . very unique, in its conception ; it is designed for a variety, of uses. f It' is in tended for supplying motive power for mowers,- for., plowing, lor attachment to pumps lor drawing water, lor sawing wood, for use on the road, in short ; tor thousand and one things, at present unthought of and yet re quiring power:. General Thoip calls it an agri cultural automobile. It is said y him that the machine is of tripod, construction, as it has three legs. But the legs in this case are wheels ana it win De commonly known as a' tricycle machine. It will be worked by easoline eneine and may be brought, up to almost any horse power. It is " to be of all-metal con struction not a bit or wood about it. Wheels will have steel tires, and only the finest oi metal will be utilized in con structing this new machine. General Thorp . expects to be East about 30 days. It is his desire to have his agricultural automobile constructed, thor oughly tested, and in every way , perfected by the opening of the Lewis and Clark Fair, as he wishes to place it on exhibition at the Exposition. : From . what is learned, it takes no stretch of imagination to believe that the General has conceived spme- thing of unusual worth ; and merit. a lively seance. Took To The Fence. i be learned at the farm home the family. The . patient, while seriously injured was thought to to have a good chance for re I covery in spite ot the grievous injury sustained, an , injury that at his age Mr. ..Beamis is over 1 70 years old is a grave one. HAROUN'S TROUBLES. The Professor has Fully as Much Trouble as the Average - Married man. Must Have Steeple. Potev's Kidney Cure make kldnem ftlaMe ? Prof. S. F. Haroun, " well known in this county; is still in trouble. First his wife sued him for divorce on grourds of infideli ty, then his sister,. Mrs. Lottir Stewart caused his arrest, on. the charge of obtaining money undtr false pretences., .The following squibs are from our Eugene ex changes. ..,.. Attorneys L. Bilyeu and C. M Kissinger,, counsels for F. S. Har oun, yesterday purchased the ISu gene Business college from ' their client. . The property was en cumbered to the extent of too. which was paid by the purchas ers. Attorney Kissinger, stated to a Register reporter that commenc ing nextThursday morning classes would be resumed at the college and that all those who had -"paid their tuition would be welcome to resume their studies. New pupils will also be welcomed. The new proprietors are casting about for a corps of teachers and. in structors and it will be the pur pose of the pew administration to place the institution upon a high plane of efficiency. ' If! " . .-'-'- "" .'... Professor Haroun is still in the county jail, not yet having given bonds. Saturday evening ten men j it is said, offered to give a cash bond for the professor's re lease, but it is said that his attor- neys advised them not to do so yet. Just whv is not explained. Attorney Kissinger this morning informed a Guard reporter that they do not want their client to secure bonds for a little time yet. i. It is probable that they fig ure upon a settlement of the case soon, but it is strange that they should want to keep the man in jail when it is apparent that bonds cou'd easily be procured. There has been a general ru- mor that Mrs. lvouie oiewan, wbo caused the arrest of her brother, is preparing to return to her home at Seymour, Wis , and that the prosecntion will be dropped. The Guard is reliably informed that she will not re turn to her home until the case conies to trial. The fact that she is shipping her household goods to her husband at Seymour prob ably gave rise to the rumor. Last Saturday a -500-pound brll for the Catholic church in trrs.city arrived from Philadel phia. The bell is supposed to be of the finest quality of: bell-;, metal and cost laid dow n in this city in the neighborhood of $150. For manv years memWrs of this church have desired a bell, as have the various Fathers located here, but they felt that as the church was not large in member' ship they could scarcely afford it." During the past winter Father Springer resorted to every means within his pwer to secure money with which to purchase the bell.' The money was . raised, the bell' is here and paid for. Now, another problem con-, fronts Father Springer the mat-; ter of hanging the bell. . There! is no tower to the church and" means of building a steeple must, be forthcGnvng. It is thought some time during - next month the.ladies of the Catholic church will , hold what is known as a ' 'lair" and see what can be raisi; ed for the erection of a steeple. The Corvallis Gazette Semi-Weekly A twiee-a-week newspapg containing 72 column each week of the current news of Benton Connty. All the losal news all of the. time, with a large amount of miscellaneous matter- - Some party has kindly sent us the following account of a "fenc ing" match between two men and a bull : . . Last Tuesday, while leading a cow from G. G. Newton's to S. A Coopes's Arthur Allen was at tacked bv a shorthorn bull : Allen was accompanied by Ben Cooper. To be held in Odd : Fellows When thev reached the pasture Hall, ihursday eyening, April where Newton's cattle were, they 6, by the W. R. C. Supper were met by the bull, and the cents animal refused to let them pass, POVERTY PARTY. 15 Allen was within 30 yards of the fence and Cooper 50 yards further on a horse. - When the bull eot within " 20 feet of Allen he took to the fence, the enraged bull after him and Cooper after the bull. When Cooper reached the bull he was within .three . feet of Allen. Af ter the second attempt to fence the- boys, the bull was finally driven off and they proceeded on their journey. . Everybody invited. RTJLS, REGULASHUNS AN PROW - " " - GRAM. Ever Wumon wat kums must were a kaliker dres an apern tue be approprait.- Know gent with a bilasnurt and doed koller is alloud tu cum onles he pais a find of 5 cents a kompertfent kommity wil luck after the bacheller fellers. ' - .FINDS FOR WIMMIN- Noaperr, 1 sent; ear ringsr 1 sent: finger rings, 3 sents; speck- tickels, 2 sents; silk dres,- 5 sent-; wul dres, 3 sents; wearing nue dres, ; sents : brespin. 1 sent ; trimed aoern. 2 sents: store team 2 sents for men and wimen. FINDS FOR MEN Blacked butes, 1 sent; segars m pocfeets, 1 senr,; waicu, . 1 Incredible Brutality, It would have beengncredibleibrutality if Chas. F. Lemberger, of Syracuse, N. T., had not done the best he could for ma Bartering son. -mj Doy," ne sayp, "cut a fearful gash over his eye, so I applied Bucklen's Arnica Salve, which quickly healed it and saved his eye.'' Good for burns and; ulcers too, Only 25c serit ; chawing gum, 5 Cts. ; stand a All . TTT 3 ..!..' .m... .1. ' - . . - ufjuim a. noouwara surug store. n nn roller. : sents: button tJOi ' . . I wy t mum r 1 HlTKYSli n.nwfcsTAT? cts.; spoonin, makin sheap eves HOUSE -CLEANING time is here, and you will need Wall Paper, Carpets, Matting, and many other things. You know where everything in the House" Furnish- line is kept? At Hollenberg & Uady's, ot They have the, largest line m town and their prices are always right. We have the mg course. New "Eldridge B" Sewing Machine now on sale and would be pleased to have you call and see them. They are a Standard -Machine, ; V have all the latest improvements, "and we guarantee the pries lower than any other. New line of ' Trunks and Suit Cases now on display . and will " be sold at astonishingly low prices. Call and see - - - ' as secretary of state, and Chas S - ' - Jactin up etc 10 cents eth. All