Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, March 14, 1905, Image 3

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John Zeis went to Portland, Sun
day, with the intention of remain
ing a week.
Miss Eva Day went to Browns
ville, Saturday, to v'ibU for a short
time with friends. ,
Attorney M. S. McFadden arrived
home, Friday, from a trip to his
farm near Junction CHy. v
Messrs. James and Johnie Matrin,
of Monroe, were in town, Saurday.
looking after matters of business. .
OAC came out second best, not
only in the etate oratorical contest,
but in the basket ball game as well.
Mrs. J. C. Hammel, daughter and
son, Blanche and Merrill, went over
to the bav. Saturday for a brief
; visit. ;:: f '' ;',.'- .; ;.VV:
Gearee . orown and lamiiy are
domiciled in the house on "' main
street recently vacated by Willard
Ireland.-.'': ,'r. '"''';.'..
Miss Bertha Thrasher went to
Portland, Sunday. She will engage
in dressmaking and has already
received assurance of considerable
work. '
During thelatter part of last week
J. ,K. Beny moved his bicycle
hospital into the - building just va
cated by Webber & Gray. Mr.
Berry now has a splendid stand for
his business.
'Last Friday, J. K. Johnson dis
posed of the Corvallis Laundry.
.The purchasers were Charlie Blakes
lee and Dave Hiestand. The new
proprietors will carry on the busi-:-
ness in a most up-to-date style,
Murphys' cartoon of the basket
ball game Friday night, between
the girls of OAC and Albany, is
fully as enjoyable as the game could
have been, and this is no reflection
on the game. Cartoon was la Satur
day's Oregonian.
Chief Lane is having the "dog
gonedest" time collecting taxes on
the "doegoned" dogs. Uo to Sat
urday noon he had collected $1 per
head on 83 canine who inhabit the
town. He figures on just 17 more
ot tneir dogships.
General . Thorp, who has been
East for the past few weeks, was
last heard from in Washington, D.
C. Ho was present at the inaugura
tion of President Roosevelt. The
general is expected home some time
, during the latter part of this week.
James Osburn has been wort
; mg eight men on the place across
the -river of late. Four men are
working in the. hop yard and the
otner lour are employed at general
farm work. Mr. Osburn says that
fie is baying some land cleared and
thinks when under the plow it will
prove as fertile as any on the place,
A fine half-tone of the OAC girl's
basket ball team appeared in Fn
day's Telegram. The evolution of
this cut was pretty brisk.' G. W,
; Emery finished the photograph
lnursday afternoon and started it
to Portland at six o'clock the same
eyening. The paper of the next
afternoon contained the cut. This is
certainly 20th century style.
A short time ago the printers at
JAO started at the task of getting
out ,5000 , illustrated booklets re
plete with matter relating to, the
college. , mere will be about fifty
pages of matter and fully as many
nail-tones. It win be some time
yet before the booklet is produced
but beyond doubt it will be a work
of art.
vvnen iviarsnai Miller , arrived
home, Friday, from a trip to th
bay he had about his person several
rine specimens of barnacles One of
the shells contained a live, inhabi
tant, but the climate out here proved
too fresh for the creature and it soon
expired. In the first sentence of this
item it has not been our 'desire to
cast any reflection upon Mr. Miller,
: About ten days, ago Ned Smith
turned a very fine mare out to
, pasture on his island farm above
town. He had occasion to look her
: up the following day and found her
- dead. She' had evidently died of
poison. It is thought that she had
' eaten of larkspur .or, wild, parsnip
; J he loss of the animal -occurs - just
, at a season when horses are most
needed, consequently J the demise" of
the mare is keenly lelt. Moreover,
the horse represented a bin of oats
"- that vanished' 'during the past
winter. .
Jens Peterson and family arrived
in Uorvauisv Thursday-from L9Te
land, Colorado. Mr Peterson made
a visit to this county a month or
two ago and negotiated for what is
known as the George Horshfall
place, a couple of miles eouthwest
of Philomath. On Mr. - Peterson1
arrival, Thursday, Ambler & Wat-
ters consummated the deal and the
arrivals went out the following day
to take possession of their newly ac
quired" home. Tney all express
'themselves as delighted with this
country .'' There1 are 500 acrea in the
place they have just purchased
Mrs. Mary Bryson, who baa Bpent
the winter in. Spokane, Wash., rs
expected home in a few days., !
Mrs.- Riley, sister of .Mrs. Ed
Andrews, of this city, came up fr m
Portland last Saturday lor a short
visit. ". :. 'V. Vf v;:"::- V--'f 'H
Has Jle "Struck Oil?
Something like two "weeks ago
Henry M. Stone, f this city,
discovered, ' in a sort of slough,
or old creek bed, that crosses his
farm in Linn county, . what he
depot groaVifcm thC & E.
From what we have Jieard, great
hings are contemplated.- '.' t
' t ;K- .'""-)
V A Birthday Party. ,,
- ' i i . tt . i. 1 A.
T.pi ArAn Iflft. VeatPrdav. for the tmnKS is petroleum, ne Drougui
p,. n,mtfr k)ia wm samples to this city and had
spend a couple of weeks on bis nome
C. J3. Crcsno was in town ; yes
terday seeing old-time friends. He
is quite prominent about his Lincoln
county home. . . vC.V
Roy Irvine, night clerk at Hotel
Corvallis, went to Independence,
Saturday, for a short visit with
relatives and friends.
John Kiger states that h has a
2-year-old pacer that is going to
make a record during the coming
season, and he has a farm to back
her. - T.
; Ed Wiles, a well-knwn farmer
of Soap Creek, was -in town Satur
day. Ed has beenflo busy ot late
that he does not make the trip very
often. .
Mr. and Mrs. (XV. Wright and
aughter. Beulah, are in this city
on business.. They are from Five
Rivers where they own a large
Yesterday Bert Yaes received
i i
his commission as notary puouc
from the secretary of state. Bert
is now prepared to take your
Dick Zahn was out for a couple of
days last week from his Alsea home.
Dick says that everything is mov
ing along in the usual satisfactory
way oyer in his section. - ,
Miss Isabel Whitby, who for the
past few months has been attending
business college m f ortland, ar
rived home, Friday. She will soon
begin teaching school again.
It pays to make your wants
known through the paper, in our
ast issue we advertised for a lost
gold nugget stick-pin for Edwin
Rose. It was located the same day
that the paper came out.
Miss Myrtle Katharine Trevitte,
a very fine lady reader and imper
sonator, of Chicago, is 1 o appear at
the College Chapel rxt Friday
evening. Beyond douVt a treat is
in store for those who may attend.
t is expected that more information
may be given in our next issue.
The business men of the city
made a vigorous attack . Monday
morning on loose dirt that had ac
cumulated on. Main street..; Every
thing was made clean and. some
spots were polished. It was a great
transformation scene and the -"man
with the hoe" playsd a prominent
part. .- ,
chemists at OAC investigate the
matter. , These gentlmen report
the presence of oil, but are said
to be' a trifle uncertain as ; to
whether it comes from an oil
well of not.
" The old creek bed that tra
verses Mr.- . Stone's farm also,
passes over the property' of sever
al other land owners in Linn and
the same signs af oil, or what
ever else it may be, are observ
able at various pc ints, but not so
plainly as on Mr. Stone's . place.
Several gentlemen have accom
panied the discoverer to his farm,
but are not positive - regarding
the presence of : petroleum in any
marked degree, i Not' only Mr.
Stone, but : many of his neigh
bors, are sincere in their desire
to ascertain a true knowledge of
what has been discovered and
will take steps . to that end.' v
borne men are ot the opinion
that some sort of mineral water
had " been discovered. ; At any
rate we will hope that some
thing with money : in it has been
located. v '"
No Annual County Institute.
Last Sunday was the birthdav
of Mrs. Grace E.. Hall and Sat
urday evening many friends gath
ered at the home of herself and
husband, Harley Hall, a mile or
so west of town to spend a mer
ry : evening. . That. : they were
cordially received goes without
saying, and thereafter everything
was jollity and good cheer. Vo
cal and instrumental music, con
versation,, everything imaginable,
made an evening long to be re
membered. At a fitting hour
most delicious refreshments were
Some of those in attendance
walked out in parties and others
drove, and Sunday was close at
hand when those in attendance
took their departure after bid
ding host and hostess "good
night? . and wishing , the latter
many returns of the day. M rs.
Hall is deservedly popular with
a large circle of friends, and on
this occasion received a ,'number
of presents, consisting ; of silver
and china ware and a fine rug.
Those in attendance were: :
Dr. and ; Mrs. B. A. Cathey,
Mr. and Mrs. O. J Blackl dge,
oir. and Mrs. J. li.. Underwood.
rroi. ana Mrs. Larrou uummings,
Mr. Mrs. T. H. WellBher. Mr. and
Mrs. S. B. Bane, Mrs. N. R.
Adams, Miss Eva Starr, Miss Marie
Cathey, George and Collie Cathey,
Misses JiiVeiyn Cathey, Olive Adams
and Vivian Wllsher.
Lenten services will be held in
the Episcopal church on Thursday
evening at 8 o'clock, consisting ot
Litany and Penitential Office, and
address by Rev. H. D. , Chambers,
to which all are invited and will be
made welcome. These services will
oe held eveiy lnursday evening
during Lent if the interest warrants
Last Thursday, B R. Thompson
took a large photograph for E. W.
Strong, of the crew engaged at his
mill. All of. the employes were
grouped ' out-o'-doors and photo
graphed with the lumber yard as
a background. Mr. Strong desires
the ; picture for exhibition at the
Lewis and Clark' Fair, and accom
panying it he will have an an
nouncement .of the capacity of his
mill, .. number ; of men employed,
and much other t information rela
tive to 'lumbering '.business in this
section. This is a splendid idea and
if others will follow the example set
by Mr. Strong, Benton will "do her
self proud ; at the Exposition.,
For a number of years in the
past it was the custom oi the var
ious colleges of , the . .yalley having
athletic teams to hold an annual
field meet. This meet was invaria
bly held in Salem; Then, for several
reasons, : dissatisfaction arose and
the annual tournament'was disco n
tinuedi Last Saturday the various
managers of athletic teams of OA
C, Uof O, Forest Grove, and Wil
lamette .met in Newberg and ar
ranged to hold an inter-collegiate
field meet this year: It understood
that the events will occur, .at Salem,
on the State Fair grounds some
time in June. Manager F. C; Stimp
son, accompanied by, Vtof. Oharles
Johnson, was present at the New-
berg meeting and represented OAC
This inter-collegiate meet will in
ho wise conflict nor interfere in any
way with - the arrangement of dua
meet between the various colleges
Beyond doubt Physical r Director
Trine will have a team in the field
this year that , will reflect 'credit
not alone on Prof. Trine, but OAC
as well. "
At the meeting of the Depart
ment of County School Superin
tendents in Salem, last Thursday,
it was agreed to dispense with
the annual county institute in al
most every county in Oregon for
the ensuing year. .
" More than $2,000 was pledged
by the county superintendents to
ward the educational ; congress at
the Lewis and Clark Fair; " The
congress will be held during the
latter part ot Ausrust and con
tinue in session one week. There'
fore, there will be no annual
county institute in Benton this
year, -i . '-:'-'. ;
Snpt. Denman returned from
Salem, Friday, and says that it
is his intention to strengthen his
ocal institutes next year. The
ast. legislature passed a rbill giv
ing the county, superintendent
discretionary . authority, ton use.
portion .of: - his county: institute
fund for local meetings. Our
teachers should take note ot ' the
date of the educational i congress
and make calculations to attend.
For Sale.
i Thoroughbred Barred Plymouth Kock
cockerels at $1.00 each. Call on F. R
uarnes at uranger, south ot station or
address Corvallis R. F. D. Uo. 1, r
They are Baking.
Last Saturday morning the first
batch of bread came ' from,' the
Small Bakery. ' This is from
brand new oven and everything
connected with this establishment
is new and up-to-date in all - par
ticulars. Three or four bakings
have occured and the results are
very satisfactory. ' "
It is the intention to have bread
out of the oven every morning in
time for 6 o'clock trade. Sun
days will not be excepted; seven
days in the week is a rule that
will be lived up to in baking at
the' ;new' establishments ? Here
will be found every kind of bread
rye, ' whole wheat, 'steam and
French. ? Cookies and gingersnaps
that beat 4 4ye grandmother's' ' can
be had' at alls times. ; " Pies cakes,
and doughnuts of all : description
will be kept in stock and can be
had fresh at any tame. ;; Go and
see what the new ' hakery -carl do
for you. Their motto 'Will be,
4 'Prices as low as the lowest.!'
Ned Smith has just finished
the task of setting out a peach
orchard of 700 trees on his place
on the island several miles above
town. He set out more Early
Crawfords than any other kind.
He has been worried ot late for
fear he would lose a good portion
of them on account of the dry
pell. However, he declared he
would not give the country, a bad
name by watering the trees dur
ing March. Next year he vin
tends to set out 150 or 200 more
If you want to be entertained,
coax Ned to relate some of his
adventures with coons. He has
undertaken to educate a doe in
the proper mode to kill these
varmints and some ot his expe
riences are of more than ordinary
interest, uoons are numerous
up on the island and' Mr. 1 Smith
has reason to believe that they
are fond of chicken.
Ned states ; that he- has" about
150,000 . feet oi hardwood logs
ymg on the bank up on his place,
He was disappointed in not hav
ing a raise in the river sufficient
to raft the logs out and in all like
lihood will have to hold them un
til next winter.
.A Pleasing Affair.'
The .entertainment '.at the col
lege chapel last , Friday evening,
under the direction of, Miss Helen
Crawford, of the .elocutionary de
partment, and 1 Mrs. Florence
Green, of the'department of voca'
music, was a aeciaea success in
every way. " -
All who took , part were wel
received and everything progress
ed smoothly. ; The entertainment
was for the benefit of the Village
improvement society and as
result this society will have about
$35 above expenses when every
thing is settled up. It is the in
tention to give a series of enter
taidments for the benefit bf; those
who have undertaken to beautify
certain portions of our city.
At present the village improve
ment Society have in hand the
J task. of making .'beautiful;- Jhe
Up on the Island
1Ee Gordon
" Advanced
Styles oi
Hats are on
Price the . Saoio--
Styles in
Additional Local.
Street Hats ealore at Mrs. J.
Mason's. . t 23
standard A cedar shingles for
$1.50 per thousand at the Corval
is Saw .Mill.. 10 tf
The Ladies Guild of the" Episco
pal church is to meet at the home
of Mrs. R. Graham. Wednesdav
afternoon. All are requested to be
present. v 4
The mare of C. H. Barnell that
strayed from home here in town
something more than a week ago:
was returned to him last Saturday,
J . B Mason, who resides a -few
miles west of Philomath brought
her back to her owner. Mason states
that on Saturday morning, a week
ago, he went' out to his stable and
found her j among his horses.- She
was quite ; warm and. . appeared to
have traveled pretty lively shortly
before. Mr. Barnell was very much
pleased to get her back, as he had
brought her with him from Eastern
Oregon; A black pup accompanied
the mare when she took flight and
has not been heard from since, but
this does not concern the owner
in the least.
Mrs. Minnie Groen was arrested
in Portland last Thursday and
jailed on the- charge of having
murdered J. G. iSharratt, at LiUt-
jens, Liincoln county on . the 521st
of last January. ..- Under., the i pro
visions of the will left by the de
ceaBed Mrs.' Geeen received the bulk
of the estate and this is supposed to
have been the motive for the mur
der. Mr. Sharratt occupied a room
in the house of Mr. and Mrs. Green
and the latter is accused of killing
him while he slept, and : with the
knowledge of her husband, too.: He
was shot in the ; neck, . j ust under
the chin and Mrs. Green claims that
the wound was sell-inflicted.-, A re
volver : was" found- near Sharratt's
right hand.' Mrs.' Green Is quite
well known in Corvallis, as she had
acquaintances here whom she visited
occasionally. '---.
The White House
Petaluma Incubators!
We have the exclusive agency lor the
t'i&S I ; Petaluma Incubators. Brooders
T?f '" 5 I carried in stock and sold ac factory
2gn?mS33i 1 ' price8: ' 1
tij I 54-eggsize .$10.00 1 126-egg size.....;......, $20.00
Vvf- , , M 216-egg size $27 MO
' H We also have the famoas -
... ifW Cyphers Model Incubators and
&LkkY . jUK Colony Brooders.
A r L I J r 1 : i i T f-IV. : ' - , ; .. " -I Jf mm '
ii pcnwb iuuu lur libuo vuiu&e... per iuu pouu ih, 9
Dry Granulated Bone..: .-. ..per 100 pounds, $2mOO -
Ground Eastern Oyster Shell...... per 100 pounds, $1.50
Crystal ' Grit..........'...'....,-.... per 100 pounds, $t.50
Cracked Corn.... ......per 100 pounds, $tm40
Lee's Liquid Lice Killer and a full line of Poultry Supplies
SPECIAL: Union Meat Go.'s Hams 12 cents per pound.
- te tt Bacon 14 " "
Patent Shipping Boxes, 15-egg size, 2 cents 'each; 30-egg
size, 16 cents each.
Fa ILa EUJfflIlI(3lIp OorvaUSs
Independent Phone 148-
: A. L. Stevenson
, Independent Phone 201
Robinson & Stev&nson
Real Estate, Loans and Insurance
Corvallis, Ore.
sT Pneumonia follows La Srippe' '
- but never follow the use ef p
Crtl pV'Q Honey
rULkl O ail Tar
' It stops the Cough and heali the luagt.
Prevent! Pneumonia and Consttmptkra. .
It. 8. TAOom, l 1ST Oscood 8," Olon
wdtaei "Mj wife ked U crippe end It left hm
with ty bed eeofh on be liwo. vhiet
tmm Boat Jtp ab tmi enptotely ;
r If yoa waDt new fiae's" put. iri a
boiler call on D. & A. . ' ,
Trade Marks
. Designs .
Copyrights Ac'
qmcKiy ascertain our opinion rree woetner ao
Invention Is probaUy patentable. Commanlca-
nnnantrtotiToontifiAntiAi. hani Hfnm onrat4
sent free. Olden aframnr lor Beennnff uatent
Patents taken throoph Mrmn & Co reoetrft .
vpecuunoiiet witoont cnanfe, mine
Scientific Jlciericati;
U A handsomely illsMnted weeHy..: Imrirertert.
cnlatton oi atijr ecientiHc Journal. Terms, (3 a
year : fonr months, f 1. Sold bysJJ newsdealers.
KUKN & Co B Kew Tcrk
. BraochOiSce.eaSS'SU'WaililiigtoD.D.U.
if n-