Vol. XLIL Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon Fiday, Marcii 10, 1905. No. 22 SYSTEM GROWING. Benton County has Great Tele phone System Lines Being Extended Rapidly The Corvallis Independent Telephone system was connected with Alsea,' Tuesday evening. This adds 145 telephones to the Independent system . and sub scribers in the new territory now talk to Corvallis direct. , The Alsea telephone company was incorporated two years. ago and constructed a line from A. Malone's store, at the Alsea post office to the Benton County Lum ber Co.'s mill on Greasy, eight miles from Philomath. There the line connected with the private wire of the Lumber Co., running from their mill to the planing mill near Philomath. The Bell Telephone company arranged with both ' the Alsea ber company for the use of these wires and then connected the line with Philomath. - "V VCH1V.Y dl ready well connected with' tele phones. There is a line running from Alsea store west to" J; E. s and on over" to , Doc Taihc' , a aii aiiULUU, line runs Trom the store down the Alsea rivet and ground what is known as -"Missouri Bend" and on to the head of tide. Still another line runs from "the store to Lobster and Five Rivers, and then ; there are two other lines from the same store, one south to Charley Banton's" and the other east to "Ruble Bros.T mill. Heretofore, in order to get Alsea from Corvallis, it has been necessary to first call Philomath and have Philomath to get Alsea. Under the new r arrangement Corvallis calls "Alsea direct, 'and Alsea rings Corvallis direct. . Be fore there were several farmers' teleohones connected with- the main line to Alsea, so that if was necessary to talk through fifteen farmers' telephones when talking to Alsea. Under,; the changed conditions there are no telephones on the line between Corvallis and Alsea.' " Until the first day of April there will be ; no charge for the ; use 01 the wire to Alsea by any subscriber of the Independent system.' Thereafter, " the same rate as heretofore charged by the Bell company, thirty cents, will be charged for messages between Corvallis and Alsea, and fifteen cents to Philomath.' Several have already taken advantage of an offer for unlimited switchin during one year for $2, or 6IO for ten vears. This offer as well as the rates" charged above, apply to switching between any , tele phone on the Alsea system and . any telephone connected with the Corvallis switchboard A a An entirely new wire : was run from Corvallis .; to ., the , Benton county mills. This - gives the subscribers to the Corvallis In dependent Telephone system con section with seven hundred tele phones in Benton,, county, of which number 240 are outside of Corvallis. In addition to this the system reaches seventeen towns outside of Benton county and is being constantly extended Among the towns , are Dallas I Independence,5 Fall City, Tan gent, Brownsville, Lebanon Harrisburg and Junction, Philomath the Scene. There is to be a rousiug time at the Parents' Meeting at Phih math, March 18. " A fine program is almost completed. Those who will participate in the discussions are: Xev. i Laudy, Rev. F. W, Tones, Prof. O. V. White, Prof. L. B. Baldwin, Anna Wright, Earl Brown, Supt. Denman, Prof. A, N. Fulkerson, Mamie Fulker son. . Some of the subjects to be taken up are: "The Bible, Its Place in the Public School," "Profession al Reading," "Taxatioa with out Representation is Tyranny"' "Our Educational Exhibit at the Lewis and Clark Fair Our Duty as Teachers" "Why? How? What Does the Future Hold in Store for our Girls and Boys? 'Citizenship.!'-, . . A committee has been appoint ed trom the Philomath Public School to solicit help in giving a basket dinner at the school house. The meeting will include - every districtadjacent Philomath. There will be a literary program fur nished by the Philomath and other schools, besides the .College of Philomath and Philomath Col- ege. A part of- the work which was prepared by tne scnoois ot the county tor the Educational Exhibit at the St. Louis Expo sition' and exhibited there will be on exhibition at this time. This work ' was recently returned to Supt.' Denman. . This is to be exhibited so that our teachers pre paring work for the Lewis and Clark Fair may obtain sugges tions. The children, are to be entertained by a phonograph program-,. The program will .begin promptly at 10 o'clock. , ; 4 Miller Promoted. " In recognition of his ability and worth as American Consul at Niu Changs t, China, Henry- B. Miller; formerly of this city, has been promoted. - Last Monday, March 6, Presidents Roosevelt nominated N him . for Consul- General' at Yokohama, Japan.' Consul-General Miller succeed- d John M. Bloss as president of the" State Agricultural College located ; in this city,' and Presi dent Miller was ' succeeded by' President Gatch. Not long after eaving OAC Mr. Miller accept ed a consulship in, Niu Chang, China, a comparatively nnim portant post. ; Here, what he did was more " or less in accordance with his own desires in- the mat-; ter. . If he chose to. make him self useful the opportunity-was at hand, although he was not com pelled .to great effort. , :'He .chose to Jmake himself , useful, hence his promotion. He is now the head of the second consulate in the Orient and his salary has been increased . from $3,000 to 4ooo per annum. - It is greatly owing to the ear- neat recommendation of Secretary nay that Mr. Miller has been placed in so advanced a position. He came near to being selected Consul to Shanghai, the highest consular post in the Orient. - : Has Been Heard From. During the latter part of Janu ary U. A. Deanng, who lor something more than a year was connected with this' paper, went 'to San Francisco. Weeks passed and he ? was .not heard from.- Under date of March 3rd he wrote the followine to a friend in this city; v ... Am haying a great time in this flea-stricken town. - Shall re main here several weeks longer. if I can hold on to blood' enough to Keep the fleas busy, bo soon as vour blood is gone they turn to and eat the flesh off your bones I haven't got much flesh. Re member me to the "boys. ' ' May be in Corvallis some time in April. 1 suppose 'Gene is still cackling. : Incredible; Brutality, "- It would have been incredible brutality if Cbas F. . Lemberger, of Syracuse, N. Y., had not dime the best, he could for his Buffering eon. "My boy," he Bays, "cut a fearful gash over hie eye, go applied Bucklen's Arnica -Salve, which quickly healed it and saved his eye.' Good for burns and ulcers too, Only 25c at Allen & Woodward's drug store. Cured Hemorhage of the Lungs "Several years since my lungs were so badly affected that I had bo many hem- orhages,"wailes A. M. Ake, of wood Ind, '1 took treatment with several physici ana without any benefit. I then started to take Foley's Poney and Tar, and my lungs are .'now as sound as a bullet. recommend it in advanced stages of lung trouble." Foley's Honey and Tar stops the cough and heals the lungs, anh pre vens serious results from a cold. Refuse substitutes. Sold by Grahm & Wortham CIVIC IMPROVEMENTS. The Matter of Cleaning up and Beautifying the City is Before the Citizens of Corvallis. At the meeting of the Village Improvement Society, held in the court house, Feb. 24, it 'was voted to take active steps toward civic improvements. Great in terest was manifested by those present at the meeting and. while it is admitted that Corvallis is perhaps as cleanly as. the majori ty " of towns of her size, the thought that she might be rendered still more presentable was uppermost in the minds of those in attendance at the meet ing. Corvallis is a-pretty town.' In the spring of the year, one m ly travel a long distance and not find another such a beautiful place. Nature has done much for us in many ways. We must now do a little for ourselves and to assist nature. - There are many reasons why the citizens of our city should materially assist in cleaning up the town a little. One reason is that common deceacy demands without ' an air of cleanliness in your, surroundings you will .-in time cease to be self-respecting. A city : of nonseltrespecting citi zens would soph lose caste among tie Deuer ciass 01 people. Jt ur- thermorer for sanitary reasons,, if j for. nothing else, -it will pay Well to : 'tidy ud" A bit. Bear in mind first and last, that no calamity will t?fall you from being . too. clean. Still another reason for making the city presentable is when she has her "hair curled,' to use the term, she will be good to gaze upon." Nearly all of us delight in a degree in looking up on that which -is beautiful.-- The town can be. made not only clean- but healthful and beautiful; as. well.-. ..- -.- .: But the people as a whole must do the wqrK.- jao it you possess anything ' that . is dirty, clean it up: if it is already clean, make it cleaner, v Let those who have nothing to clean Vup lend moral support to those who have.. This is the sentiment of. mem bers of the Village Improvement Society. Their work is done without hope of monetary re ward. They have drafted the fol- owing resolutions tor signers about town. Rev. Edwin Green and Professors Snell, Lake and Crawford have been circulating the petition for signatures and re port splendid results: -.- . , " Whereas,- -This is the particu ar year in which Oregon expects thousands 01 visitors, and. Whereas, -: It is important that we make the , best . possible 1m pression upon these people, and, " Whereas, All the leading towns ot Western Oregon, in par ticular, are awakening to the ne' cessity of arraying themselves in their best dress, and v -,s f TTTI WW . . wnereas, Many 01 these vis- iting people will come; trom sec tions of the East where tne move ment for civic improvement" has become a factor in both town and country life; therefore, be it " Resolved, By this body, and the following named citizens, that we respectfully urge upon the mayor and city council the urgent need of requesting the chief of police" to take ' immediate active steps to have all public thorough fares fully, cleaned up and kept clean, and. that he be further re quested to urge all property own ers to aid in the work of beauti- lying the city for this particular year, COUNTRY CORRESPONDENCE. BEAVER CREEK. Frank Dicker and wife went to Cor vallis on a trading expedition. V -r- , Beaver Creek school is doing some fine work for the Lewis and Clark : Fair. Mrs. James Ireland an I daughter, Noma, and son, Ora, have been bed-fast this week with 1a grippe. . - Tbe usual barnyard full of bones ia not to oe seen now on Beaver. They aie all in the harness doing farm work. Mrs. George Manning, and sou, E-rl, aa4 baby, took a fine lot of larm produce ta Philomath maketthis morniug. . Six years azo Feb., 28th., Earl Brown and family arrived in Philomath from Huntington, Indiana. They left there . . ill in 20 below-zero weatner ana lanaea here in a heavy down-pour of Oregon mist. How different that trom this weather. . J. H. Daniel, called Dr. Logman, of Pailouiath, to attend his baby, Carl, who is quite sick. Hia son, George, is also sick with la grippe Jack Gates went home from suho 1 with the same notorious personage' as an unwelcome guest. 'V' ; f ' The la grippe is now going the rounds and is slighting none. -. . Sherman Gleason will Boon start his saw mill with a new crew and a new donkey engine. . ' , : ' " . The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniels was quite sick one day last week.. :.,. . Mr. Newman, of Monmouth, came out last wees io stay on his timber claim, but owing to sickness was compelled to re turn last Saturday. , " : ' Lon Henderson has been a Portland .visitor for the past two or three weeks. - Columbus Weed was a Philomath vis itor last Friday and Saturday . . Mr. Baker, of Soap Creek, was up to the valley looking ior sheep a few days ago. ' " ' Mr. Keely has been shearing goats dur ing .the last few. days ot, good weather, ,. ... X ."W-inters and Wm. Parks each sold a tine bunch-of sheep last Thursday, Messrs. Stephens, Wright 'and Butler were Philomath 'visitors last Saturday. ' OAK GROVE CHIPS. Taxes are now due and' muse soon 1 be' paid, and the average farmer 'beginning to plan how to raise the money so as to pay his quota before they: .become delinr quent. . ..-;.,' .. . J y-A " ' '- . Barney Cady has got his bop. yard all cleaned' up and ready to begin cultivat ing as soon as the ground gets in . shape. This .makes "the third year that he has had charge, of the yard and if he does as well this year, as he has the two former years hel will ibe '; able to ret ire and. live hereafter on Easy street. . ,,' .- - ; Rev:; E."-:Jone8j of "Albany," was visit ing at theLawrensbn" "home- Sat'arday,, also was present at. Lyceum," Saturday night . ' ..-..' '.,' '- -. ' Mr.' and VIrs. P. Karstens spent Sun day visiting friends in Albany. ; .; Mrs. Viola Woods, of Corvallis, spent a few days this week visiting friends here . Emmet Williamson and family '; left Monday, for. Portland, where they go to make their kome. ' "- Mrs, S. P. Lawrenson is laid up with la grippe. She has been confined to her bed for several days. ; -u , . ; .v Mrs.' Cady and daughters, - Bertha an-l Effa, were here visiting "at the home ot Mrs. P. E. Williamson, Monday. And save money. " House-cleaning is at. hand . and we everything needed in the Our new Spring Stock of Go-carts is here. They ing and reclining and above all, cheap. tn Wall Paper we have some nice, new patterns, convince you- that our stock is large and complete a 10' cents per double roll You Will Want carpets, too. We can sell you a at 30 cents per yard, sewed and laid without extra cost. CCLLtUE JOTII.NGS. . , . . Items of Interest In and Around the O. A. C.' , The Philarlelnbiano art- nromr. mg to entertain the Pierians Sat urday evening. ' ' Miss Mabel Witbycombe let 1 Saturday for Brooks, where sht will be the guest of Miss Mabel Jones. .. . t. ... An O. A. C. -visitor Saturday was Regent Daly, who came up from Portland on business con nected with the school. - Major Hardin and ' his battal ion are now stationed on an is land about thirty-five miles from Manila where the major is in command of a military prison. The basket ball girls left this morning on the . 6 o'clock train for Portland, where they are to play the Albany girls this even ing. The game will take place on the Y. M. C. A.' floor. Mr. and -Mrs. Trine accompanied them. - ' '' Herbert Root returned to school yesterday, after an illness of some weeks. ; The students were so pleased to see Mxi Root in chapel that they all arose and : tendered him "the nine 4rahs." ' Q uite a number j of ' students lett this morning oh the Pomona for Newberg to attend the State Oratorical Contest. These who went as delegates from the vari ous classes were Lucille Roberts, Mr, Shepherd, Seniors; Alice Ed wards, Fred Ewing, "Juniors; Kate Adams,.Mr. Brownell,Sophomore1 and Mary Golvig and Mr. Hard ing from the Freshman class. The students: together with'; their yells and songs will maket quite a showing for O. A. C. t Letter list. Letters uncalled fpr week ending Mar. 4, 1905 : . Mark Adams, H Biuhl Ben: net, Mrs. MA Baldwin, .Frauk Dickson, Harry F Davis, Dee Davis, Mies C E Fuller, J P Goach, D Groushead, W A Jones (2),- Wiliiaffl Owens, Mrs F M Plummer, Frank ": Reed, Clyde Starr, W A Wr.ght. ;;- ' '' ; ": : t -r ; B. W. JoHNsok, Postmaster. Patent size, 12 16 cents shipping boxes, 15-egg cent 8 each ; SO-egg size, each at F. L. Miller'B 20tf oey's Kidney Cure makes kntnevs and Madder right home, at prices that defy honorable competition A fair V&izeGs, Was he re, SECOND-HAND . QOODS ' 1 Women's KIdncvs. ! .Women aie more ften affected iwhh kidney di8order8 than men but m I the eymptonis to . dUfaacs pettuliar to ! lI"if! sex. while in reality the kid- hey. are deranged. Nervcneness. head ache puffy or dark circles under the eyes, pain in the back, are signs ol kidney tioubleihat must not be ignored.or a mal ady will result. Foley's KidDey cure has restored tbe health of thousands of weak nervous, broken down womer. It stops irregularities and strengthens the urinary organs, it purifies the biood and benefits the whole fystem. Sold by Graham and Wortham, For Sale. Thoroughbred Barred Plymouth Rix k cockemls at $1.00 each. Call onF. E. Barnes at Granger, South of Station or addrees Coivallis R. F. D. No. 1. Strikes Hidden Rock when your ship of health strikes ihe hidden rocks of consumption, pnenmonr ia, etc., yon are lost, if you don't get help from Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. J. W. Mcbineon, of Tal ladega Springs, Ala, writes: "I had been very ill with pneumonia, nnder the care of two doctors, but was getting no better when I began to take Dr. King's New Dis covery, the nrst dose gave relief, and one bottle cured me.''Surecure far soar throat bronebkis, coughs , and colds. . Guar-. anteed at Allen & Woodwad'B drug store, price 50c end $1.00. Trial bottle free. SIGNSCF FAILING VISION. When your eyes tire in reading, "when you frown or partly close the- eyes when looking at an ; object ; when ' things "swim" or become dim . after being looked at for some time; when the eyes ache, smart, or water; or when you have pain- in the eyeball, orbit, temples or forehead,-. - , AH the conditions are curable bv oro ti er classes, such as we will furnish von. after a scientific examination. MATTHEWS, The Optician, R com 12, over First National Bank The Colonel's Waterloo. Colonel John M. Fuller, of Poney Grove, Texas, nearly met his .Waterloo, from letter, he says : "I was nearly dead, of these complaints, and," although I tried -my family doctor, be .did tne no :goo.d; so I got a 50o bottle of your great Electric Bitters, which cured me. I eoneider them the best medicine' on ' earth f1 and thank God who gave yon Ihe-. -kn'owledge to make them:" Sold and guaranteed to cure, dyspepsia, Biliousness and Kidney Disease, by Allen & Woodward, druggists, at 50c a bottle. - - , ':; - A complete line of Bicyc'e -sundries and Cutlery on hard :.li the time. . D. & A.' ' . . . ?:to j are prepared to furnish are the latest style fold- glance at our racks will quality for 5 cents and good quality (not the best) . Come and see. Wringers and