Published Tuesdays' and Fridays by: mGazbttb'.Pl'blishing Company.v t Tlie. iil-8i:riptloa price of the Uazettb I tor fevtrolyeats has been, and reroaine, $2 per annum, or paH in advance. 5 per cent discount t HER OWN FAULT. ' To those who have made a .study of Russia and her history . the present state of affairs fail to excite surprise to any great extent. In fact, as one disaster after another became a portion ' o t' the czar and , his people, the reading public .; of the world at large: settled down and viewed the matter in a most philosophic manner. . ' . . ,V ' ' . On the outbreak of hostilities a little more than a year ago, - bat few could be. found bold enough to back the sons of the Flowery Kingdom to win. Russia was too powerful; they said. We are a firm believer in the ever lasting fitness of things, and Russia Was unfit; 1 Her form of government ; : was i bad to start with and those ' to whom affairs of '''state'" were-1 entrusted have, during ' a 'loftg term ' .of years, "become more, and more corrupt. .. qryearsit. has been a cse.of "big 'fish eat s little-fish" ? right along the -line from the czar ddwi.'V-"he, Mgh official "made demands upon the one next be neath him, and so on, until the little fish was reached. Every thing ; was for ; God and the .czar " mostly for -the czar, and un 2odlv means were resorted to in order to , accomplish .this end, 'The 'individuality of the peo ple' was smothered; on account of ho educational institutions for the children of the common peo- . pie, illiteracy was on every hand ; . national pride under such condi tions naturally i fell into decad ' ence; individual hope: and nation al, pride have died and with them patriotism.-Having nothing to iive for, what mattered it to the Russian in battle whether he lived or died, i W in or lose ne , was no better off, and he went to war with the' 'same' kind of fire and spirit that inspires an ox. ' r jj On every hand almost was cor7 ruptidri,1 if half we read be true," and ' for inany long years the ac counts of the policy of the1 Rus . sian , Empire have contained much of a sameness. .Those who had the brains and courage to rebel against; an unbearable condition either lost their necks or took up a residence of considerable dura Siberia -; , v : ',- . Little by little have the mills of the gods ' ground hi thiscase, but finer and finer.' And today the "Little Father" of all Rus sia is not only confronted : by ; almost certain - def eat at t the ' hands of a foreign foe, -but his own children are turning against him. - What else could ' be ex- pected ? Whb is to blame ? DO NOT REVISE. ! , Some men seem to be of the opinion that .tariff revision is - largely an agreement - among lo calities. They declare that cer tain corrections are necessary ' and can be executedjwithout any disturbance . of business and with verylittle ado in congress. .' . ; Far from it ! Herein is ; the great difficulty. , The, fact that locality needs or' demands; enter into the question of ' tariff re vis- ion is what really makes it most difficult to handle. If, for - in stance the producer of. a certain article in- the4' East is to be given free trade in the raw material he requires, people in the West are almost certain to demand free trade in the finished product. ' The West also wants a - reduc tion of tariff on certain, manu factures notably in the steel and . iron schedules. -- The latter inter ests would in' turn demand a - re duction in the agricultural sched-ules-So it is readily seen- that ' the matter of tariff revision can-1 not be figured on and settled ac- cording to the demands, require- ments, or. .-needs - of the various localities, i ? The attempt to harmonize these local differences will only: : pro- ,. , 1 i 1 " a cnange wmcn WOU1Q Deruin- OUS. Who IS DOIU eiiuugii LO any satisfactory guarantee that agreement among localities could ever be reached ? If an agreement between these localities is so desirable, and so extremely necessary, there is but one thing ' worthy of trial and that is to let the matter of tariff revision sleep, for awhile. It is of too vital importance to handle lightly- Bear in mind that it is inevitable that lower tariffs are followed by lower wages- ; WHY NOT DJ IT? It seems to be definitely set tied that the grounds of the Lewis and Clark Fair are not to be open to the public on Sundays- With out commenting in the least on the - wisdom of this decision, it mignt be in-order to turn our attention in another ? direction and profit thereby. Why .could not arrangements be made. for a regular Sunday ex cursion to be run out of Port land and up the West Side to Corvallis, thence across toAl- bany and down the East Side to Portland ? Or vice versa, for that matter. If the railroad offi cials took up the matter and went at it with a will there is not the least doubt but they could carry 1,000 excursionists over this route every Sunday, particularly if they made a satisfactory rate. " - . Make a regular excursion sched ule and call the route. the ''Wil lamette Valley Loop," or some other appropriate name. While Portland is entertaining so many thousand - visitors a large train- load could be found every Sabbath who would , not go to church if they i, were , in Portland, so why not make a pull for something like this ? " Portland is far- from a ."dry" town and some of those denied ; an .excursion i might be the. "worsev for wear" if they the metropolis- This would be a great adver tising,; scheme .for the valley Everything would be at its best at this , season ot tne year ana by rthis . arrangement the S. P could make a good sum and mater ially assist in showing our guests what a considerable ' portion1 of the state is like. . Another Veteran Gone.. The death of. Rev. Wm. A. Keinp occurred at his home in St. Johns, Or., March 3. The remains were brought to this city for interrment : and were buried from the West Side train on its arrival on Sunday. - Interrment was made in Cr?stal Lake ceme tery. ' , Wrr A. Kemp was born. in Maryland, Dec. 13, 1835. In September, i86, he enlisted in 9ompany 8, 3rd ' Minnesota Vol unteers, and served until the close of. the , war, receiving his dis charge in July 1865. : Deceased came to Oregon in 1878, , and came to Corvallis a few years later. He was here for three years, and while he made his home here answered calls to fill'; various pulpits in the M."E. churches in this state. He ; was. an invalid for about seven - years prior to nis deatn. He" is, survived by a wife, two sons and one daughter. . Two sisters and three brothers are left behind, two of the latter, Albert and taylor, residing in this city, v CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. ' The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby (riven that the undersigned was notniiwtad in tha last will and testament of Seymour Chipman, as the Executrix thereof, and that she has been appointed s such Executrix by the County Court of Benton county, Oregon, and all persons having claims against the estate of the said -Seymour Chimnan. deceased, will present the same dulv veri fied to-horat the residence of F. L. Miller. Corvallis, Ore. witlun sue months from date. . v v . PttUDEKOE CHIPMAN, Executrix : Estate Seymour Chipman. Deceased. W. E. Yates, Attorney tor Estate, - .,. : . - 12-20 HOWMS THIS? An offer to make you come up stairs and see us. New Mainspring (none better), $i.oo. ... -: . Cleaning (ordinary watch), $i.oo. Cannot be done better at any price. . MATTHEWS, Tho Jeweler. - Room 12, over First National Bafik. v 0. C. & T. STEAMERS Steamer Pomona, . leaves Cor vallis, Mondays, Wednesdays and Eridays, for Portland and all way points. . . For rates,, etc., call on Boats leave for Portland !"and way stations at 6 a. m. . , A. J. SHIRLEY, Agent. Cheap Sunday Rates Between Portland and Willamette Valley Points. , Low round trip rates have been placed n eHect between Portland ana Willam ette Valley points, in either direction. Tickets will be sold. SATURDA.YSJANDJSTJNDAYS, and limited to return on or before the following Monday. Eatb to or Fbom Coeval-lib, $3.00. Call on Southern Pacific Co's Agents for particulars. Plumbing and Heating! Cornice, Roofing, G uttering, and all kinds of Sheet Metal Work. F. A. Hencye In connection with J. H SIMPSON'S "HARDWARE STORE. Oregon's Exposition is described in Su nset Magazine v March Number Has a finely illustrated article on the Great Centenniel just the ' thing to send East. Many news articles, some good short stories, clever verse and interesting mis cellany. Vigorous work by en tertainingjwriters. Sold by all Newsdealers. Notice For Publication. United States Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon, February 11, 1906. Notice is hereby given that the foil owing-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof m support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of .Benton Co., at Corvallis, Oregon, on -March 28, -1905, viz: : JOHN QUINCY RENFRO, H. K No. 12673 for the SW$ of see. 4,T. 11 S. R.7 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Cyrus R. James, of Blodgett, Oregon; Harve Herron, of Blodgett, Oregon; William A. Oel latly, of Wren, Oregon; Alfred R. Duncan, of Sum mit, Oregon. 1626 ,': ' .-' .; . V. ALGERNON S. DRESSER, . : - Register Assesstnetit for Sewer. , Notice is hereby given that the assessment made bv Ordinance No. 168 for the construction of a sewer through Block 14, Old . Town of Marysville, tnow City of Corvallis), Oregon, In the manner provided by Ordinance No. 177 in which the following lots was entered in the City Liens of Corvallis on the 14 day of February 1906, and is due and payable at the office -of the city Treasurer of Corvallis in United States gold or silver coin, and it not paid on or before the IT day of March, 1985, the Common Council will order warrants to be issued to the Chief of Police for the oollection thereof together with interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent, per annum, from date and costs of collection: . : Block 14, Old Town of Marysville (now City of Corvallis), - - :'... Block 14, Lot 1, Wm. Sechler, is assessed at... $33.34 Block 14, Lot 2, Wm. Sechler, is assessed at. . . 83.34 Block 14, Lot 7, Wm. Groves, est. is assessed at 33.34 Block 14, Lot 10, J. E. Halliday, is assessed at. 33.34 Block 14, Lot 11, J. K. Halliday, Is assessed at. 33.34 Bleck 14, Lot 12. J. E. Halliday, is assessed at. 33.34 City, 30 feet of Street, is assessed at. ......... . 41.00 By order of the Common Council of the City of Corvallis.- & P. GREFFOZ, - . " Foiice Judge of the City of Corvallis. Dated this 7th day of March, 1905. jYou are safe when yon patronize Dr, Lowe, eye safe and price safe. - liatws tatiBisx aod Bladder BigU A Clubbing Price! uazette has made a special arrangement , with the publishers of a number of the m leading magazines and newspapers of the Unit ed States, whereby we are offered cut rates v on these publications. , Now we could pharge you the full price for these and re serve the difference between the regular price and their special price to us, as our commission, but as the Ga zette is a home paper for. home people, it will be sat isfied by receiving you as a new subscriber, or, if you are now a subscriber, then by receiving your renewal for a year in advance. ; This special rate may not last long, so take advantage of it NOW while the, chance is yours. - - - - A Great Woman's Offer: Woman's Home Companion , Frank Leslie's Monthly Modern Prlscilla and Corvallis Gazette ' All five one year $3. G5 Will Interest the Men: Weekly Oregonian San Francisco Examiner Corvallis Gazette All threeM . one year $3. 55 Yet Another Offer: Cosmopolitan Magazine or Leslies . Housekeeper ' orMcCall'B, 1 Corvallis Gazette Any three H one -year 2. oo Address Gazette tubGo Corvallis, Ore , Plain and fancy silks for Shirt Waist Suits - - New Wool Dress Goods ' . New Wash Fabrics New White Goods '' ' ' . ' ! - ' Dress Trimmings. Laces and Embroideries New Muslin Underwear ' New Table Linens and Napkins ; New Percales and Ginghams New Waistings; new Dress Linings ' New Neck-wear; new Separate Skirts. . - New Goods Arriving Weekly Repairing and Job Work of any kind promptly and correctly done. Glasses Fitted at prices that are reasonable and eyes tested free of all charge. PRATT, the JLVJELER e?ew'w0Gwei0fJeiweBW0wieei I Open Day and Night 9- ' ?: "5. y . Vf-W.-.L: HOTEL CORVALLIS.. mm J. C. HAMMEL, Prop. One of the finest Etnilned Hotels in the Valley. Both Phones. . BusrMeets all Trains. HOWE SEEKERS . AMBLER & WATTERS, REAL ESTATE, LOANS, INSURANCE VIRGIL C. -WAITERS, CORVALLIS.- . ' Job Printing. When you pay; out good money for printing, be sure and get good print ing for the money I Good Work, costs you no more than the had. B ri n g y o u r J o Gazette Office: V Rooms Single op EnSuite. If you are looking for some Teal good Bargains in Stocky Grain, Fruit and Poultry Ranches, write for our special list, or come and see us. We will take pleasure in giving you reliaDle informa tion: also showing yon over the county HENRY AMBLER, PHILOMATH. - Do not send out printed mat ' ter to your customers that is a disgrace to your business a disgrace to your town and a disgrace to the printer who - puts it out. i Good . printing is correct in li-spelling-rcorrect ..' in . gram marTTCorrect in punctuation ' on good . , stock printed with good, ink and :- some thing that it is a'pleasure ; to , look at. ' ' r ' r i . ; v K Wor It to t h e V1